Twas' the Night before Christmas

Story by Lupus Vette on SoFurry

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Hey I haven't posted much these last few months but now I'm starting to get my life organised again I will start to post new things. This is a Christmas present Indria/Luna. I hope you enjoy it ^,..,^

It was a stormy snowy night before Christmas and Lupus had been driving for hours, and digging for a few as well. Snow had fallen 20 inches deep in some places. He stopped outside a small house covered in snow and stepped out of his car onto the side walk. His broad white chest was immediately assaulted by sharp ice cold wind making him immediately close his long black trench coat. Lupe then quickly reached back into the car and pulled out a brown paper wrapped package before quickly turning on his heel and heading to the door.

Almost instantly after the first knock a cream and pink blur bursts out jumping up wrapping round him. "Luuuupppeee!" It cried as it kissed him, not even letting him reply.

"Hey Indria." He chuckled as he released his lips. his strong arms and wings wrapping round her, kissing her warm and safe outside seeing as she was only wearing tight pink shorts and T shirt.

"I've missed you so much." she smiles nuzzling his neck as she took in his scent again, loving being surrounded by it.

"I've missed you too." He smiles back carrying her inside, not wanting her to get cold. "Have you been okay down here, we haven't spoken in a week."

"Mhm, look, don't you love my Christmas decorations!" She screamed jumping up and down acting like a cub again at Christmas.

Lupe chuckled finding it adorable as he looks around at the tinsel covered banister on the stiar case the the glittery banners on the hallways.

Indria giggled and blushed, her bushy cream tail wagging happily. "Come Onnn! you gotta see the tree!" She cried almost bouncing off the gitter dusted walls as she ran down the hallway.

"Don't you want to open your present first?" Lupe asked holding the up brown paper wrapped box in his strong paw.

Indria froze, her cute smile almost breaking into another giggle at the naughty thought of opening a Christmas present early. But the thought of making Lupe play along with her in her Christmas wonderland was even nicer. " goes under the tree silly." she giggled bounding into her living room.

Lupe chuckled and followed her, immediately being hit with the scent of cinnamon and cookies. Indrias' living room was small and packed with various Christmas decorations, the most sparkly of which were the silver platter on which the cookies for Santa would go and the towering real christmas tree that hit Lupe like a neon sign with all its lights and shiny gold and silver tinsel. The rest of the room was equally decorated with tinsle and mistletoe that most would have found magical being a sort of grinch only found it cute how it made In all excited and how it made her act like a cub again.

He place Indiras present under the Christmas tree a she nibbled on the red tip of his ear. "I got you a stocking too Lupe." She giggled turning his head to look at the fireplace where two red and white stockings hung. One saying Indria and the other saying Lazy Lupe which made him chuckle.

"You've really paid attention to detail haven't you." Lupe said sitting on the floor still taking it all in.

"No Santa has." In smirked, flicking her tail devilishly.

"Oh really, and I suppose Santa put out the plate ready for his cookies too did he?" Lupus asked with a smirk.

"Mhm, he really loves cookies." In giggles leaning down and kissing him.

Lupe kissed her back gently. "You know, since Santa put all this effort in." He began, pulling Indria over to sit on his lap. "Then maybe I should cook dinner for her while I'm here?" He purred starting to nuzzle his mate.

Indria giggled and nuzzled him back, arching her back a little so her head was higher than his. "I'm sure she would love that." She smiled kissing Lupe

Lupus gently, their tails intertwining as their bodies pressed together by the fire.

Indria's paws left Lupus chest, her nimble fingers quickly unbuttoning his coat to reveal his broad white fluffy chest. The blood red ring on his torso inviting her in. He wrapped the coat round her, covering her in his scent and warmth. Indria giggled and nibbled on his neck, her lips tracing over the marks her fangs left last time he stayed.

Lupe growled lowly, her gentle hot lips sending sensations through his body. His claws ran up her back, pulling her chest close as he bit her ear gently, making her moan into his neck.

She pushed him onto his back, her powerful legs straddling him, pinning his waist to the ground. She ran her paws up his stomach to his neck, her claws leaving thin cuts up his torso making Lupe arch his back, his claws extending into the carpet.

Indria growled softly as she leaned down and kissed him, her tongue dancing with his as she pulled his pants and boxers down. She gave a small yelp at his shaft flicked up as it was released, it slapping against her slit covering it in pre.

Lupe kicked his boots off along with his pants and boxers before flipping In over onto her back, his wings pinning her down as his paws slipped her shorts off and his lips explored her neck. With a deep growl, Lupe's fang gently reopened the bite marks on her neck and as he wet head nestle gently against the warmth of her opening. Indria moaned under his attention, the warmth of his body and the weight of it pinning her driving her crazy as he pleasured as caressed her. Then with a growl he kissed her passionately, biting and suckling on her bottom lip as his tail warped round hers, holding it tight.

In couldn't take it any longer and wrapped her legs round him, pulling his hips down hard and his shaft deep into her making her cry out and claw his back. She arched her back and flexed her wings as he tried to pull out, her only letting him so she could pull him back inside.

Lupus moaned and submitted, starting to thrust into her as his mouth wrapped round her hard nipple and suckled on it, pulling it out before letting go so it bounced gently, pulling louder moans of pleasure from In. He raked his claws down her as he thrusted harder, his tip hitting her cervix as his knot started to form.

In cried out in pleasure as he stretched her slit wider, her channel tightening as a powerful earth shattering orgasm suddenly hit her. She roared and held him tight, shivering as she pressed herself against him.

Lupe pushed her back to the ground with a growl and kept going, only stopping when he roared as well as his powerful body pumped hers full of warm seed. He then pulled his limp mate to his chest and dragged her closer to the fire before curling up round her, his black wings round her keeping her warm. This weekend was going to be fun.