The Lycanthrope Tails. Chapter Eleven.

Story by Roofles on SoFurry

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The Lycanthrope Tails

Chapter Eleven

By Roofles

"So." Jared was the first one to speak up after the absence of his sister. He had taken a seat on the couch planning on thinking everything over when Frostbite joined him, dropping his rather large head into his lap and promptly falling asleep. Or seemingly so. Dakota was trying to fix the chair he had broken, with little success. And with each failure he only ended up breaking the thing further. And Raith, like a cat, laid on the back of the shorter couch looking at his nails with nothing else to say on the matter.

"What now?" Jared just finished with ending up, awkwardly, scratching Frostbite's head and behind his ears. The wolf grimaced a bit at the touch but soaked into his fingers soon after. His fur was thick, waxy and wasn't anything like the domesticated dog's Jared had grown up with. Even the musky smell coming off it was wild, untamed.

Nobody answered Jared as if each of them had taken a vow of silence.

"Should we like...board up the windows?" Jared asked trying to think of how one prepares for a siege. He doubted digging a moat around the house was needed.

"Nope." Dakota muttered picking up two pieces of the wooden chair and looking at them in a way that Jared knew he hadn't a clue what they were, where they went or how to use them. That was mostly because he was holding the notched wooden pegs upside down.

"Oh-k then." Jared just bowed his head a bit looking at the large wolf's head in his lap. The silver fur was white on the top with splashes of black underneath and everything else was gray. Black markings around Frostbite's eyes highlighted his features and the white mask that dropped down around his muzzle and under his chin gave him an almost peaceful look as those amber eyes stayed close. "You alright?" Jared whispered down to him trying not too but ending up looking at his scarred back.

Dakota cursed, throwing the whole circular chair against the wall and breaking it. His face fell after realizing what he did and went over to try and put the broken pieces back together. Jared ignored him, for the most part, figuring this was going to be an average routine with his new found roommates. The destruction of everything he owned, what little things he did own however.

Frostbite didn't say anything but his ear twitched at his voice.

"You worry too much, pup." Frostbite finally murmurred looking up at him, knowing Jared was still watching him with that concern look. It was aggravating.

"Is it wrong too?" Jared asked giving him a smile. Frostbite eyes slowly drifted back down towards the wall in front of him.

"You have no need too." Frostbite replied, turning over heavily onto his uninjured side. Jared lifted his hands at the wolf's movements before placing them down once more, this time onto the side of his thick neck and scratching at the fur. It was soothing to do so. And helped put the man at ease.

"Well I just mean..." Jared muttered a bit now, looking away and trying not to flush.

"They won't come until tonight." Raith just rolled his eyes, finally pointing out the obvious that Jared seemed to be missing. Jared did look over at the pale fur wolf who was still looking his nails over as if he had just gotten a bad manicure. "Gives us plenty of time."

"To do what?" Jared finished his sentence as Raith had abruptly stopped.

"Whatever you fancy, boy." Raith said in such a way that Jared did flush, looking away from the grinning wolf. And he thought his sister teased him too much.

A good hour passed in silence. All Jared could do was pet the side of the wolf who showed no sign of moving from his lap. Jared could only assume Frostbite had claimed the couch as his own, and it was his own courtesy that allowed the man to be here on it now. The silver fur wolf took up the whole thing without even trying too, his injured back leg up and off the side of the couch even.

Jared finally excused himself to wash up, splash his face several times with water in the bathroom sink and took several slow, steady breaths. He gave himself the once over. Put on fresh cloths and even packed a bag in case he needed to leave. Only then did he return to the kitchen to prepare the rabbit stew that had been cooking this whole time.

Instead of the average bowl one would use for cereal or the like, Jared got out the storage containers and chose to use them for the three guests he would be having. Taking only a normal one for himself, he ladled out even portions for the group. All eyes were on him, or rather the stew, as he made up some french bread and broiled just the top of them with butter and a pinch of garlic. Figuring the wolves wouldn't care for any veggies, he left it at that serving up the three before taking a seat at the central counter in the kitchen and eating.

The three wolves were practically drooling over the food. Each stopping however to look amongst them as if waiting for one of the others to eat first. Jared caught the que and looked at them.

"What?" He dared to ask.

"Well normally the Alpha would eat first." Frostbite replied slowly looking at the other two and glaring now as if daring them to take the first bite and claim the position of top dog.

"Oh-k then." Jared ended up saying once more. He knew they had to be starving, even he hadn't gotten a proper meal during the day and his stomach had to be a third of theirs in size. Jared just shook his head, said grace, and took the first bite. He already had a pack of werewolves coming for his head, doubting things could possibly get any worse if he ate first.

"There isn't no Alpha here." He said after, seeing the others not eating. "Just us. Friends. Nothing more." And he waved it off without any more thought on the matter.

"Well normally," Dakota began standing up and walking over. He placed his meal on the other side of Jared and took a seat in the stool provided. "I'd be eating alone." And he dug into his food without even using his fork for the most part. As Jared had ladled the portions into the bowl, Dakota was doing the same into his mouth. The sight, wasn't pleasing to watch.

Jared looked away and to Frostbite who was still sniffing his food wearily as if Jared had poisoned it or something.

"And what's your excuse?" Jared asked, looking over at Raith. Dakota ate alone so in company it would be uncomfortable for him. Frostbite was used to waiting for the Alpha so starting without him would be something he'd have to adjust too. Raith on the other hand...

"I was saying grace." Raith smiled toothily looking at him, and ignoring the bowl placed before him.

"Feel free to join us, if you like." Jared rolled his eyes. "Better to eat something before your guts are ripped out after all." He grumbled after toying with his own food and losing his appetite at the idea. "How will they know to come here?" Jared asked thinking it over in the silence that had followed.

"They'll follow your scent, of course." Raith had moved like a shadow over the floor without so much as making a sound before appearing in the large chair facing the couch. He was curled up on his back, the meal in his lap looking more like an otter than a wolf as he used two fingers to pick up a piece of rabbit and eat it. "I left a trail for them, so no... innocents will get involved." And he smiled at that, as if truly wishing the best for all.

"I'm glad." Jared just smiled at that. Raith frowned looking at him now. "I'd hate for anyone else to get involved in this. If my sister ever..." And he shook his head trying to stop the tears already in his eyes. "I don't know what I'd do if I lost her."

"Loss is the biggest burden the living has to carry." Raith spoke, looking away and in no more than a whisper, his muzzle tilting upwards.

Jared cleaned everything up, using a rather large damp rag to wipe Frostbite's muzzle off (much to the wolf's protest) and got Dakota to clean up the mess he had made. It was like eating with children that chose to use their hands over utensils. Frostbite at least had to use his muzzle to eat and thus got it all over the sides of it. Dakota on the other hand just refused the courtesy of a fork not even half way into the meal.

With full stomachs, there was little else to do but wait. And that was the worst part.

Jared cleaned everything up, deciding it was best to change his cloths once more. Just needing to do something! Rather than sit and wait. Heading into the garage he stripped down and put on the bikesuit that he used when riding the mini he had built from near scratch. He slipped his pants on over that and a nice jacket, hoping the layers would offer some sort of protection. And if need be, he placed the key into the bike, he had a means of escape. Jared placed the to-go bag next to it. He walked back into the living room, helmet under one arm.

The man nearly dropped it as he walked into the room and two rather large werewolves stood there.

Dakota towered over the other two, somehow managing to stay in his pants (the ends of which he had ripped off, turning them into shorts). The sweater had been tossed aside, showing off the thick russet red fur underneath. His hands had nearly tripled in size as they dangled down at his sides. Dakota didn't have a tail unlike the other two.

Frostbite was easily taller than Jared was. His shoulders weren't so broad as Dakota's but his chest filled out heavily. His arms were far thicker than Dakota's and were far more human. Jared didn't ask where he got the shorts he was wearing from, figuring they were his own and was thankful the wolf had the decency to put something on.

Raith was still his four legged self and showed no sign of changing it. He was sleak, with sharp features like a fox. His tail flowed behind him, zig zaging half way down and moved like a serpent wth a mind of it's own.

"A-Almost time?" Jared asked, his voice shaking a bit not at the idea of company but of the three dangerous werewolves in his living room.

Dakota grunted, rolling his shoulder and moved over. Placing a hand up on the wall next to Jared, the russet red fur wolf leaned down to give him a sniff. The most unnerving part, for Jared weren't just the fact his teeth were too large to fit into his muzzle, but those eyes. Golden bronze inhuman eyes that looked at him with almost a blank, empty stare as if he were truly a soulless monster.

Frostbite grunted as Dakota moved aside, pacing back and forth and flexing his hands as if itching for what was to come. The red wolf eager for a fight. Jared walked over to him, keeping a good birth from the silver wolf anyways. Frostbite turned towards him.

"Are you ok?" Jared asked, wearily trying not to look at him and at the same time not daring to look away. "How's your...uh... hip doing?"

"I told you before." Frostbite grumbled. "There is no need to worry."

"And still I do." Jared countered with a frown looking at him now. Frostbite barely opened his mouth as he spoke, keeping his lips low over his fangs. They still jutted up from his lower jaw and down from the top. They were curved at the end, pointing away from the silver muzzle.

"Then you're an idiot." Frostbite just said, one of his ears twitching. "So bothersome." Was all he muttered as Jared gave him a quick once over. Jared didn't point out that he was favoring one leg over the other.

"And your back?" Jared asked about to move around when Frostbite stopped him.

"It's fine." He growled now, glaring at the man. So Jared took a step back. "Just leave it be. You have other concerns." Frostbite just told him, keeping his back facing away. Jared couldn't see the three wounds, bleeding from the forced change.

"It'd be best to meet them on the charge. Don't give them the chance to surround the building." Raith spoke up, circling around and over towards the kitchen. He placed his front paws on the counter and was sniffing at the crock pot to see if there was any food left.

"Agreed." Dakota just grinned at the very thought.

"Yeah. Let's split up our forces and let them just outnumber us. Great idea." Frostbite looked at the other two, unaware he had even placed a hand up onto Jared shoulder. Jared tried not to pay it much mind as the clawed fingers gripped his shoulder.

"Frostbite can stay behind then." Jared offered trying to shrug off the silver fur werewolf's hand. Jared was thinking of Frostbite's injuries above all else and didn't want to have him on the field in the first place. At least on the side lines, he may not even get into this cruel life or death game.

"I'll meet them head on." Dakota just nodded, always glad to go the straight route on things. "Rip apart their numbers even before they get a chance to leave the forest." And he was already heading out.

"Make sure not to be seen." Frostbite glared after him, more concern with him being seen than anything else. "Try to keep a cool head, for a change." Dakota just waved him off not even hearing the other wolf.

"I'll be back." Dakota just said as he passed Jared; giving a good slap with the back of his hand and knocking Frostbite's hand from Jared's shoulder. "Watch him." Dakota warned now. "Don't touch." And with that headed out the door.

Jared could see twilight had set, blanketing the small city in a soft purple light as the sun set over the mountains.

"And you." Frostbite took a step towards Raith who danced back out of reach.

"Now, now. Not in front of the pup." Raith snickered, spinning around and vanishing into the hall. "I got other things to do, anyways." And with that disappeared into the garage. Jared didn't even hear the garage open but knew the wolf had vanished.

"Fucker." Frostbite spat the word.

"He did warn us." Jared offered trying to be devil's advocate on the matter. "He could have just left us unaware until it was too late."

"Right." Frostbite turned towards the smaller man who was staring at the front door. Worry written all over his face. "Don't trust him, is all." Frostbite shook his head. "Raith isn't a friend."

"So long as he isn't an enemy." Jared just replied looking back at him. "You sure you're ok?"

"Enough already." Frostbite growled deeper, his ears folding back. "You should be concerned about your own life! Stop worrying about others and just..." Frostbite bit back his words.

"And, what? Worry about myself?" Jared chuckled now. "It's just not in my nature." And he shrugged a shoulder. "Besides," and he winked as he moved by, taking a seat on the couch after grabbing the bat behind it. "If something happened to you, don't know what I'd do." And shrugged both shoulders.

"You'd end up being ripped to shreds." Frostbite just stated. Jared laughed a bit at that, a nervous sound that made his inside twist into knots.

"Well good thing I got you then." Jared just offered back. "Even though you don't have to do this." Jared said now looking at the werewolf. Frostbite looked at him hearing the undertone to his words. "You don't have to..." Jared bowed his head and folded his hands in his lap. "If you left, I wouldn't hold it against you."

"A wolf doesn't tuck tail and run." Frostbite just replied. It wasn't as if the thought hadn't crossed his mind. Unlike Dakota, he wasn't a one track wolf. Still, he knew he had no where else to go. No where else really to go, rather. His old pack was gone now and the new one he'd become a part of was nothing more than a lie. And now this? "The Alpha has a lot to answer for..." Was all Frostbite said to explain why he was still around.

Outside Dakota was on all fours running towards where he knew they'd come from. He didn't even need to hear the piercing howl that broke through the night sky to know this. It only made his blood boil with excitement as he tore through the grass and broke through the tree line and deep into the forest.

The pack had been broken in half, losing so many members had left them no choice to recruit and turn new ones. And the new, the young ones, might as well be feral beasts for all the good they would do to a Fang. Their mindless drive left them little awareness to what hit them and no experience on what to do when it did.

Like a semi-truck Dakota broke into the first group, smashing his much larger body into the smaller one up front. Running over him without even stopping as their bones broke underneath his heavy paws. A single football player against a whole team, and Dakota was grinning the whole way.

Close lining the next wolf, Dakota swung his body around with them, using the very momentum of their run to slam them into a tree snout first.

Claws lashed out, flaring in the moonlight as they sunk and ripped fur like wet tissue paper, splattering the ground and foliage with thick blood. Dakota just laughed as that warmth ran over his fingers and covered his fur.

His counter attack left them confused and broken, only at first. The pack soon gathered, circling around him, flanking him from all angles. Dark shadows lurking in the trees.

"Normally," Dakota spoke aloud to those that circled around him trying to hide from view, only their golden eyes able to be seen in the thick night that began to fall. "You'd hound your prey. Tire them out, attacking from all angles until you get a chance to rip their throat out." And Dakota opened his muzzle at this, his hot breath able to been in front of his muzzle. "Such cheap tricks won't work on me." And he ran his claws against the side of a tree, stripping of its bark. "And I've never needed such tactics to bring down my prey."

There was a stir around him as if his words had made some sort of physical contact. The group just kept it's distance. Dakota bent his muzzle down to sniff at his own arm, under it and at his chest. "I see." And he smirked. "I stink of him. Of the pup. So strong that you can't ignore the orders from the Alpha. Perfect." Dakota finished with as he charged forward. "I'd hate for any of you to leave!"

Most of the pack had gone in a straight line, running directly into Dakota. However two parts broke off and circled around planning on hitting their target from all sides. Wolves hunted in packs, flanking their enemies and bringing them down from all sides. They could hear their brethren howls of pain as they were torn limb from limb, the Red Fang holding true to his name. And they ignored it, focusing on the single task they had been given. And order they couldn't disobey.

"Find those that carry this scent. And kill them." The Alpha words were law and none of them dared to question it.

Several scent trails hit them and accordingly, they split up once more. Spreading out to hunt every target. Bringing them to where Jared worked, his school and even to his friends' houses...

Lucca had been carrying out the trash, dumping it at the side of the horse when a shadow descended abound him and the bag came crashing to the ground.

Tess had gone to a friends place before getting a ride up to the Animal Clinic on top of the hill overlooking the town, planning on staying the night there. She could pick a few supplies up as well for the morning, that way she could tend to Jared's Boyfriend's pet. She laughed at that, shaking her head. Unable to believe her own brother had found someone before she did. Unaware a shadow was lurking behind, following after her on all fours.

"Morris!" She called only after waving her ride off and unlocking, locking the door behind her. "I was going to go over some of the paperwork, do inventory and..." She walked into the the back looking around. "Morris?" She called once more. With a shrug, she figured he wasn't in. It was Sunday night after all.

Tess dropped her bag at the corner as she turned the kitchen light on, not hearing the scratching at the door.

And at Jared's house, there was a loud thunk at the door. And on the roof. And the bedroom window broke open.

"The bedroom." Jared breathed heavily as he jumped to his feet. He moved so he had his back against Frostbite's.

"A diversion." Frostbite just replied, looking around. "There isn't a window in the bathroom is there?"

"No, we use a ceiling fan to get the steam out." Jared replied looking back at him.

"Perfect." And with that Frostbite picked the man up and carried him over towards it. He knocked the door open and tossed the man inside. "Fortify it the best you can, don't open it until I say so." And with that slammed the door shut and began piling whatever he could in front of it. The side table worked, so did the couch. And the smaller couch. And one of the chairs.

"Finally." He grunted, rolling his neck side to side and limping back into the living room. His foot bumped into the sweater Dakota had discarded, the one belonging to Jared. Figuring it'd be the best way to get their attention, Frostbite put it on. It stunk of Jared and would draw their attention.

Frostbite just kept his arms up a bit as he waited, listening to the scratching sounds at the front door and against the side of the house. There was movement up on the roof. Something tapped against the front window. Then silence fell.

The window broke with a loud crash, a rock being thrown through it. A body moved soon after and Frostbite watched as the inexperienced wolf ended up cutting himself badly on the broken shards of glass still in the window frame. The curtains gave Frostbite more than enough time to lunge forward, grab the wolf by the throat and in the same motion crush it's wind pipe.

The body thrashed around in his grip, kicking out wildly. Frostbite used it as a good shield to block the next body that jumped in. Frostbite brought his other hand up, claws ripping into the dirty brown fur of the second wolf. Thick blood stained his long dark gray nails. It wasn't fatal. So Frostbite just ripped the nails up and out of it's shoulder, leading it a bleeding mess on the floor.

Both bodies thrashed around, the second one howling in pain where the first one couldn't. Only a gurgling sound came from its throat.

The front door broke open, the top caving in from the brute force hit against it. The door held for the most part and it took several more blows for it to break in. The wolf trying to force its large body inside.

With two fingers, Frostbite plunged his nails into the side of the wolf's neck. And like opening an envelope, slit its throat.

Three was already pushing Frostbite's limits. Only the last one had a chance of being a fatal wound, the others already beginning to recover and heal from the damage he had inflicted.

Frostbite was already beginning to pant as there was a sound from the garage and he whipped his head around in time to see another joining them.

Back at the Animal Clinic, Tess was busy making dinner wishing she had the right mind to drop by to grab a bowl of Jared's rabbit stew. He was an excellent cook and didn't need to do the chore herself with her brother around.

There was a knock at the door. Figuring it was Morris coming back, she headed over.

"Morris?" She called, looking through the peep hole. She didn't see anyone. When she turned to walk away, there was another knock. Then nails scrapping against the paint. "Morris?" She asked again, just in time for someone on the other side to knock. Loudly, with a full fist. The whole door shook from the force. "Got to be kidding me." Tess managed to curse as she spun around and ran for the kitchen, the door breaking in behind her.

She already had the phone in hand, calling 911 as there was a snarling growl coming from the side door.

She didn't have a clue where Morris kept his gun, and wasn't familiar with how to use it anyways. Instead she snagged a tire iron from the garage and with it in hand ran towards the stairs on the other side of the kitchen. Just in time as a body jumped out, grabbing at her legs as it sprawled out on the floor, swiping a hand at her and nearly catching the end of the boot she wore.

With a scream, Tess stumbled falling into the stairwell. She looked back, kicking out as the thing crawled after her on all fours. With fingers too long to be human, it grabbed her ankle. Muzzle parting as teeth bared, the werewolf snarling viciously at her in a mindless hunger.

A tire iron met the side of it's face. Tess didn't stop with one blow. She kept it up, working from the face down to the hand still holding her ankle. Instead of aiming at it, she hit the arm several times until she was rewarded with the sickening sound of bone snapping.

It howled in pain, pulling back in time to avoid another swing. Tess ended up dropping the weapon, with the force she had used to swing at empty air made her lose her grip on it. She didn't bother to retrieved it as she hurried up the flight of stairs and made her way into the single bedroom.

Slamming the door shut, she began piling whatever she could in front of it. Just glad the door opened inward. The mattress was the last thing she managed to get in front of the door, moving back against the far wall.

"Hello, yes?" Tess nearly shouted into the cellphone she had used to dial 911. Something slammed against the bedroom door. "Yes! Please help! There's something here, in my house! It's trying to kill me." She stammered out quickly.

"What is trying to kill you ma'am?" The female on the other line replied in a droll voice, somehow uninterested in her blight.

"How the fuck am I suppose to know?" Tess shouted back at her as there was another loud thunk against the door.

"If you don't tell me what it is, how am I suppose to help you?" The woman replied in the same tone.

"It's a fucking werewolf? Or something. A monster! Please!" Tess said shaking now as there was another sound, able to hear the wood being ripped apart on the other side. Her makeshift wall beginning to be torn down. "Please!" She was nearly crying now as she watched in horror.

A car screeched outside, headlights flaring.

"Morris, thank god." Tess said running over to the window. She waved at the car, unable to see with the headlights shining.

The monster on the other side of the door stopped, hearing the same thing she did and began to lurk it's way back downstairs.

"Watch out!" Tess called out, trying to warn Morris of the danger.

There was a cry, a roar from downstairs and something hit the wall hard. There was another cry before an inhuman screech tore through the air and all fell silent.

Tess waited a few moments before daring to move past the barrier and down the steps. Slowly, carefully and any second prepared to run back up the stairs.

Smoke was coming from the kitchen and when she walked into the room she could see why. Whatever it was, or had been, was smoldering with charred flesh on the ground.

"Morris." Tess began but stopped as she saw the man in front of her. She didn't recognize him but the man behind him she did. The very one who had intruded a couple of days ago, Benjamin she thought his name was.

"Ah, milday." The first man said giving a half bow. He was stunning and seemed to have come straight off a movie set. His short golden hair didn't even reach his shoulders. His nose was slightly long, beaked even but it only accentuated his features.

He took a step over the body, sheathing the rapier he had been holding and took her hand in the same motion. Placing a single kiss on top. "They call me Prince Charming," he gave her an award winning smile. "Please call me Charming."

"Uh..." Tess said tactfully looking past him and at the smoldering remains of whatever had been hunting her.

"Be at ease," and he spun around tossing his hair to the side with the same motion. "I have taken care of the beast. It can cause no more harm to you." And he took a few steps forward, covering his nose now with a handkerchief. "Disgusting."

"Where is your brother." Benjamin asked speaking up finally. One side of his face was slightly burned but he had survived the fire for the most part.

"Still...still at home." Tess muttered still just staring at the thing on the ground. "Is he in danger?" She asked quickly looking up at him. "I need to get back there!"

"Relax, mademoiselle." Charming said offering his hand for her to take. "We are heading there now."

Tess didn't argue, her only concern was for that of her brother.