The Divided Land

Story by TheLionWriter on SoFurry

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Howdy, guys and girls!

I hadn't had time to make another Thumbnail with an additional tag: Feral on Feral But I must warn you, there is a scene with lions making love with lions. :)

I started this story right after my last one (~10 day ago) but I wasn't able to finish within one or two days... so I kept writing day-after-day when I had a few free minutes and a PC nearby me. Every triple-star sign will tell you where I had to stop the writing. There are twenty signs... it was a hard task I admit.

But I finally managed to finish it. I have tried my best but again... this 3rd person narration is not my world. Please be indulgent with the errors. Thank you!

I hope you will enjoy this little story! :)

The Divided-Land

There was a young lioness called Shadow-on-the-sand. She earned that name with the black splotch near at the base of her tail, despite this beauty plaster, her fur was tawny as usual. She was the daughter of a strong male called Bristle-paws and the daughter of the ragged female Broken-tail. She was the smallest cub in the litter but the most welcomed for her mother, because she was the only female. As the seasons had passed she became stronger and stronger; until she reached the adult-hood she trained herself hard to achieve the weight of her Tribe-mates. She became a good Hunter and a perfect tracker.

She wasn't different much than others except one thing: curiosity. She chased the knowledge, ran for the new, unknown things, and extended the world for the tribe and herself. Her desire to climb the highest trees, swim in the deepest lakes, led her to the mountain range they called: The Dividers. Only rumors told them, there is another land behind that huge chain of mountains. No one knows the truth because no one dares to climb them. She spent days with watching the clouds among the teeth like pikes wondering on the miracles behind them. But she was too afraid to make the last step; she always went back to her Tribe.

"Do not even think about it!" Her brother, Bent-ear, interrupted her thoughts. His left ear had been damaged in an accident when he was only a cub and gave it a strange curve forward.

"Why not?" She told him a few minutes before: she was wondering what could be on the others side. Maybe another Tribe like us, maybe something more exciting. She thought.

"Our mother would chew off my good ear if I would let you take that risk: climb that monster." He poked her sister on her jowl with his nose.

" Yarrr! It's just a big-big hill, nothing more." She argued but she wasn't really angry. Shadow licked her paws to calm them down a little; they started to tremble just like her tail. One voice inside her head told her; she must give it a try. The other voice, which was almost sounded like her mother, told her; it is too dangerous.

"I don't know." He gave her a lick on her nape. "It makes me shivering in fear like a little cub, every time I look at it." She took a step back, tilted her head and made the tail gesture of the surprise. Bent-ear was the bravest male she knew, he was bravest than her father or the leader of the Tribe. He hung his head down and sighed. But that gesture told her more than any words. He feared for her.

"All right. I promise I won't take this trail." She rubbed her jowls to him and purred a little, made his mood happy again. But I will... after the gathering. She added it in her mind.

When they had finished the little conversation, Shadow went to the river and met her mother. Broken-tail was with the rest of the Tribe, hunting for fishes. The weather and the season were perfect for fishing. All the males and females took their part of the hunting for the gifts of the river. The females leaned above the water, motionless, while the males holding them back from falling in. If there was a catch, the older cubs ran to it and took from the mouth or claws, dragged the animal to the land. Of course Broken-tail was not involved because of her injured tail. It made her balance uncertain. She coordinated the work, gave advices to the young ones, held under control of the mischief cubs. After the gentle jowls-rub, nose-touch Shadow helped her with the cubs.


On the other side of the world a few days earlier a young man was walking on a mountain road up to the last known point where he could have a short rest. He was the third man known who climbed that far on the Fingers of the Giants as they called. His name was Cedric. He was still in his early twenties but his heart took him far away from his village, from his family, from his people. He was who discovered the ruins of the Life Giver's city under the Evergreen Forest. He was who discovered the ancient statue of Hondung the Great Horn. Cedric's name was well-known for anyone in the region of archeology and beyond.

"This place is colder than I thought." He mumbled to himself. "If you lied to me, I will cut off your dumb head, Jerald." Jerald was who mentioned the possibility of an ancient fortress on the other side of the Fingers of the Giants, the huge chain of the mountains, where he was about to freeze to death_. I can't believe I'm doing this. I should have lost my mind... or that vine, last night, was stronger than I thought.... or both. Cedric, you should turn back and leave this insanity for others!_ He thought while he raised and lowered his legs monotonously. But he knew he won't miss the opportunity to discover something big thought the top of the mountain was far aloft.

While he has had a short rest, he gazed the land under the mountain. In front of him, he could see the temples on the other end, barely but noticeably. On the left side, there was some shiny, moving mass; it was the Crimson Sea. On the right side, he could only see the Infinite Forest as they called. He couldn't see its end, because there were trees even where the sky touched the land.

"What a sight!" He let out a miracle-drunk breath. "There aren't much people who can imagine this. And I'm here... at the top of the world." He told to himself and looked up to the monument. "Almost at the top." He admitted with a sigh. Jerald, I will choke you to the death if you fooled me! He stood up, dusted off his clothes and continued his route.


Shadow was hungry because there were not much fish left and that little pile in front of her was only made from bones and disgusting parts. There was almost twice as much cub in that season then before so the food was always a problem. The Hunters were working harder and harder till the drop.

"I hate this! I'm a Hunter! Why I have to starve to death?" She complained to her father who stood on the elevated place they called Gathering Stone. Every year before the mating season the nearby tribes came to this place, had had a short conversation about the migration of the herds, the new drinking points, the lost mates and born cubs...etc. And just before the mating season everyone went back to their territory.

"The cubs are the future of the Tribe. We must not let them starve."

" Yarrr! But I'm the one who brought that food! And I'm hungry!" She interjected.

"My little cub." He lowered his voice kindly. "This is hard for everyone but you will understand why it is necessary when you will have your own cubs." He jumped next to Shadow raised her head with a paw and rubbed his head to her nose.

"The cubs may have feed on my bare bones when I died because of the starving." She was stubborn but only got a lick on her forehead.

"Come with me." He flicked his tail with the move 'follow'. Everyone knows the basic signs they invented, and what comes naturally.

He led her to the other end of the meadow where the nursery was. The mothers and the cubs were there till the little ones grow big enough to train them, become a Protector, a Hunter or a Worker. Shadow was a Hunter just like her brother Bent-ear. Her father was a Protector and her mother was a Worker. Just as the titles says the Hunters brought food to the Tribe, the Protectors defended them from the smaller predators, scavengers and rival Tribes, the Workers brought water for the injured members, healed them, gathered herbs for the potions, made bags from lathers...etc. They were just as important as the other two. After a cub reached the age, the Elders made the decision what One will become; what the Tribe had needed.

"Sea-eyes! Come here!" Bristle-paws called for a young female with not amber eyes but silver-blue. It was odd and when she was a cub the others mocked her, but she became the best healer. As the female reached him, they welcomed each other with a face rub.

"Is she injured?" She sniffed to the air for blood scent.

"There is something wrong with her belly." He pushed his daughter closer with one paw.

"Is it aching, bubbling?" She poked Shadow's flank gently with her nose and sniffed it.

"It is empty." Bristle-paws lolled his tongue to a cat-laugh. Sea-eyes picked up her head and looked puzzled. "She is hungry." He explained. "Could you spare some food for her? If we will lose her in a dead faint, we will starve to death. Hunters must stay strong."

"I think there is a good piece of haunch somewhere there." She smiled as Shadow picked up her ears, bent forward her whiskers and raised her tail, flicked once or twice with its end.

"Thank you Sea-eyes!" She gave her a full-body rub then they all went to the food.


Cedric had passed through the forks of the mountain and reached the other side. First he stopped and stood still. He couldn't have imagined that there could be another land, almost as big as the one where he came from. There were rivers, lakes, forests everywhere. He just stood with jaw dropped and drunk the view. He saw animals running in herds, birds flying above them, but there were no sing of civilization.

"Untouched land of the beasts." He said unintentionally. As his curiosity rose he forgot everything else. The fortress was no more important. If I can discover this piece of Eden I will be famous. He thought and slowly descended from the cliff.


The Gathering was the most anticipated event for everyone. The second one was the mating season for the adults. Shadow was not among them.

"This will be your first heat. It's normal to be a little uptight." Broken-tail told her when she was walking with her in the forest.

"I don't want to be in heat. Not now." She complained.

"This is not your decision." Her mother gave her a flank-rub with her head. "It will come."

"But... there are no males for my taste." She was desperate. There were only two males in her heart; Her father and her brother. Ok, maybe Bird-catcher was a little close to her, but just because his body was perfect and he was not a conceited like the others. Or maybe Claw-broken-on-a-stone...but he was younger than her, and he was a friend only.

"When the heat comes every male become quite handsome. The musky scents, the lights in their eyes, the touches..." She was wondering. "... I can't wait for it." She gave her daughter another rub.

"Mother! Stop it!" She was embarrassed.

The next day she was sure, she must shun the heat somehow. But there were no one who was listening to her; everybody was preparing something for the Gathering. Her duty was to Hunt in pack. Her pack-mates were her friends. Cloud-jumper a six years old female, and Claw-broken-on-a-stone who was a young male, barely out of the cub-hood. That was a deadly trio for the beasts of the forest and savanna. As they caught two deer in a row they had had a short rest.

"This will be my first Gathering as a Hunter." Claw told them in an unexpected moment. Last year he was only a student.

"It will be the same. You won't notice any change." Cloud-jumper answered and she stretched her back muscles on the ground, four paws up.

"I know, but I have changed, I'm an adult now. So it will be a little different... for me, at least." He admitted, sharpened his claws on a tree. He had only three claws on his left paw because he lost one on a stone... that was the origin of his name.

"I will leave the Tribe after the Gathering." Shadow said and there was a moment of silence.

"But, why? You can't escape from the mating season!" Cloud-jumper stood up quickly. She had had a litter two years ago with three cubs. "This is the best time of the year." She added.

"Because, I do not want to be pregnant, birth cubs and become a lazy, milk-bag. And there are no males for me." She argued, and punched the deer with force. The poor animal just rolled its head from one side to another but remained dead.

"Come on! There must be someone who would be the sire of your cubs." Claw protested.

"There isn't. I will leave the Tribe before the heat comes." She said with certainty.

"All right she-cub. But you will miss Claw's miserable first courting, I can tell." Cloud lolled her tongue to a cat-laugh and gave Claw a mocking-slap.

" Yarrr! I don't think so! I will be good... not even you could resist." He evaded the slap then straightened himself. The two females had admitted that he looked huge, strong and handsome. Maybe the harbinger of the heat plays with my eyes. Shadow thought and shook her head.

"Come on cubs. Get these face-horns to the Tribe." Cloud-jumper grabbed a foreleg of a beast.

The days had passed in the ticket of the preparations for the Gathering. To Shadow it was the time for the preparations of the leaving. She took the word from her friends: they will keep their mouth shut, about her plan. Not even her father, mother or brother had had a clue. It was the best decision no one would understand. She thought.

Just a little after the Tribes had came from the distant lands or just from the neighbor the Chiefs sat together at the Gathering Stone. The others sat around so lions filled the meadow.

"I can't breathe, mother." Someone meowed nearby her. She was near at the forest, far from the center; the Chiefs of the Tribes looked like new-born cubs for her eyes.

"Shut up and listen cub!" Came from another row. Fortunately nobody cared about her so she just sat under a thicket and hid her whiskers from the unwanted eyes.

The first part of the Gathering was boring, the Chiefs had had a day long conversations about the year after them. Everyone was laying in the grass and watched with bowed heads, limp tails and shivering whiskers. Shadow was inpatient so she slowly disappeared in the ticket. When she was sure nobody had noticed, she stalked out on the other end and went into the forest.

"I'm crazy, but better then be bored to death." She mumbled to herself and took the trail to the Dividers. It will be a long trip.


The daylight caught Cedric on the mountain. The rocky terrain made the progression hard; he didn't want to break his legs or his arms. Unfortunately his supplies were almost depleted; he had only a little water and no food. A day or two and he will be in big trouble if he won't find a safety way down to the river at the foot of the mountain.

"Look the bright side Cedric." He told himself. "You will break your neck, before you die from thirst." He said while he descended from a high cliff and fall off because of a mischief rock. Fortunately it wasn't a big fall. He was massaging his ankle when he heard a cry. It was a female, maybe a young girl. She was in trouble obviously.

"Where are you?" He stood up and looked for the source of the voice. It was far beneath his current position, so he grabbed his bag and fastened his limping.

Ten minutes elapsed when he reached the source. It was a cliff also and the cry came from underfoot the ledge. He was hesitating; he didn't want to risk his life with a stupid move, the edge of the ledge could break off under his weight.

"I'm here. Can you climb up?" He cried down, but there was only a weak sigh. She must be tired, grabbing the rocks, alone here on the chilly mountain. He thought. The bag poked his back and he got an idea. He had had a small rope, maybe it will be enough. "I will lower a rope. Grab it and I will pull you up." He commented the act.

"Help!" The lady in danger cried, her accent was strange.

"Here is the rope" He said after he made a loop around a stabile rock. Plan was simple, the lady on the other end will grab it and he will pull her up using the stone as a pulley. But he was not prepared when he felt a huge hitch. "You can't be that heavy!" He cried on low voice and was able only to hold tight. "Can you climb up? I can't pull you up by myself!" He cried and couldn't catch a breath.

"Climbing! Paws tired! Climbing!" She told him and he had no idea what she said. Paws maybe? What a strange word for the hands. Only animals have paws: cats, dogs, but not humans. He thought. She must be an autochthon. So there is a civilization somewhere... or at least a village with people. He was wondering.

Then from the ledge a paw emerged and four claws sank into the rock. Cedric almost released the rope in the first surprise but his hands got a cramp. That huge paw pulled a huge creature onto the ledge, with the rope in its muzzle. Another paw showed up, claws scratching the stone, the cat-like beast came up and as the rope got loose he fell back to his rump.

"Spirits! What the hell are you?" He pulled himself together and started to backing to the cliff on all fours. There was no escape, if that thing would like to eat him, then he will be eaten.

"This one glad." The beast said and the known female voice came from her throat. She was the one who asked for help.

"What did you say?" He asked as he slowly stood up. He tried to interpret her words.

"This one glad." She said again. "This one speak the Elder tongue."

"What is Elder tongue?" Cedric was on his feet. He cursed himself because he left his weapons on the other side. He thought he would not need them on an icy mountain. What an idiot I'm.

"That one speak. No this one." She said and put a paw on her chest. She punctuated the words in a strange way Cedric was barely able to separate them and combine them to understandable forms.

"What are you?" He asked again. She was obviously some kind of cat. She is a big, sentient cat.

"This one, no know. Elder tongue hard." Her facial expressions had changed. She tilted her head, rose her ears and her tail started to flutter. "That one... what?" She said and pointed with a claw to him.

"My name is Cedric. I'm a human. I came from the other side of this mountain." He introduced himself but was totally bewildered. I'm chatting with a huge cat. Cedric, if you would have known....

"Cedric-human." The cat said. "This one, name, Shadow." She came closer to him so he crashed his back into the wall. Shadow stopped.

"No bite! No claw! No hurt!" She said quickly. Maybe she doesn't want to hurt me. He was wondering. She made nothing threatening at least. Despite the fact she is a big predator. He swallowed hard.

"Ok, but please keep the distance." He took a step closer but Shadow just sat back and curled her tail to her feet.

"That one.... Cedric-human... fear?" She tilted her head again.

"Yes. You are a big predator with claws and teeth."

"This one, no hurt. This one, lost. Help, go down? Big-hill deadly." She looked miserable and Cedric felt he must help her, if he understood the words correctly.

"All right! If you will not eat me, I will help you climb down. Do you understand me?" He looked for her answer what came in an instant.

"Cedric-human help this one go down. This one, no eat Cedric-human." She lolled her tongue so he saw the teeth and fangs and the big throat of that beast. I have bad feelings about this. He thought, but then said: "Come with me."


"What do you mean: you don't know?" Bristle-paws bared his teeth, flattened his ears and clawed the ground under his paws while Bent-ear stood in front of him with shivering whiskers.

"I have no idea where she is." He sighed. "She had gone. I told you that she acted strangely."

"You are her brother. You have to keep your eyes on your sister, especially when the heat comes. I told you she might act strangely... and with her curiosity... it could be a bad combination." He sighed. "This was your only task. You have failed!" He took a step closer to his son who bared his throat to him.

"Forgive me father." Bent-ear's whole body was trembling in fear, expecting the incoming teeth, the deadly bite but nothing happened.

"What do you think you are doing?" Bristle-paws were puzzled. "Lower your chin, cub of mine. I'm angry, but I was who sired you, I won't spill ours blood." Bent-ear was still motionless so his father poked his throat gently with his nose. He felt Bristle-paw's ruff pressed to his whiskers as he withdrew his muzzle. It was an encouraging rub.

"Thank you, father. I will find her and chew her ears off!" He stomped down a tussock to highlight his words.

"Just find her and bring her back in one piece. I don't want to lose any of you after your brother. Ask Cloud-jumper or Claw-broken-on-a-stone, maybe they will know something about her." He rubbed his jowls to his son then went back to the Gathering.

"Sure they will know. The mischievous duo." Bent-ear sighed and took the trail to them.


Cedric and Shadow had reached the bottom of the mountain. The road was hard especially for Cedric; he had only two legs but often got himself on all four, when he slipped on a stone or something. Shadow was curious about her new friend, her savior. She never had seen before a creature like him: soft skin, two legs, two clever-paws, carrying items in a bag and had spoken language. Not just a language; the Elder's language was what he used and he was good in it. She was thinking where he came from? Why he came here?

"Cedric-human! This one thirsty." She said when they reached the cold-watered river at the feet of the mountain.

"Me too. I would like to fill my flask also." He said. The Elder's language was hard, her mother was better in it. Why I was not listening when she tried to teach me? She scolded herself.

The water was cold, after two licks she felt her tongue became numb and aching had grown in her throat. Cedric had drunk from the flask, not directly from the river. It was a smart decision because the water was almost frozen.

"This must come from the mountain above, which is the reason why it is cold." He explained to the unspoken question.

"This one thirsty. Water cold, pain for tongue." She agreed.

"I... not 'this one'. You should use 'I'." He suggested.

"I tongue pain?" She was uncertain.

"My tongue is in pain." He tried to help her.

"Why my? No I?" She was confused. Cedric shook his head.

"You know Shadow, it will be a long-long day if I have to teach you to my language."

"This one... I... learn Elder language. Cedric-human help?" She was enthusiastic.

"Just Cedric, not Cedric-human." He sighed. It will be a very long day indeed. He thought.


"I don't know where she is, I swear!" Claw-broken-on-a-stone was on the ground, four paws up, while Bent-ear had put a paw to his neck with bared claws.

"Why I have doubts?" He aligned his claws and Claw-broken-on-a-stone could feel the pointy ends sliding under his mane, near to his carotid artery. Bent-ear was only a year older than he but he was the best fighter the Tribe had ever seen. He was strong, fast and accurate. According to the gossip he could be the next Chief after Black-mane.

" Yarrr! Chewed-ears! Put away your filthy paw from his neck or I will chew your tail off!" Cloud-jumper showed up from the nearest thicket.

"Best timing as always! Where is Shadow-on-the-sand, answer me! Where is my sister?" He demanded.

"Your sister is a stubborn son of a face-horn-mare sometimes! But if she had vanished, she did it with good reason. She will come back after the mating-season, I can tell."

"But.... why?" Bent-ear took a step away from Claw so he could roll onto his belly.

"She went crazy, just like you! She doesn't want to be pregnant. She doesn't want cubs." Claw said after he flattened his mane with a few licks.

"I knew she had trouble with choosing a mate... but..." He sighed, closed his eyes, pawed his snout, then suddenly his eyes popped open. "The mountain!"

"Indeed! She had rambled a lot about that mountain." Cloud-jumper flattened her ears and her tail was swinging like a whip. "Idiot she-cub!" She added angrily.

"All right! You two, come with me." Bent-ear made his decision but the mentioned couple just looked confused.

"No! The Gathering... the mating season..." Claw protested but he crouched to the ground meekly as soon as Bent-ear bared his teeth. "This will by my first mating season. Don't do this with me!" He said from below, on a voice like a little cub.

"He is right." Cloud-jumper was braver. She stood still without the slightest sign of fear. "She will be in heat when we find her... you are her brother she can't mate with you. I'm a female so it's obvious also. The only alternative would be Claw... but she rejected him as well. Don't force her mate with him. Honestly, I don't want to mate with you two, as well... and I will be in heat too." She bowed her head and waved the 'please' sign with her tail.

"This will be the problem of another day. First we have to find her. You will come or I swear I chew off your tails." He growled and bared his teeth, wagged his tail resentfully.

"Very well." The two had agreed.


Shadow was about to have a short rest. That terrifying, near-death moment on the Dividers had made her weary. Fortunately her foolishness had paid off because she found Cedric. She knew this was the only good thing what happened with her after she left the Tribe. The first day she stabbed herself on a paw with a grumpy thistle. She had to limp on the rest of the day. The second day she fell off from a tree when she was about to check the landscape. She hit her left hind paw badly. The third day wasn't better, the accidents and bad luck followed her every movement. Until that strange creature had saved her.

"Cedric! This one... I... need sleep." She collapsed on the way back into the depths of her land.

"Ok. We will spend the night right here." He dropped his bag to the roots of a tree and sat down. "Yep! This will do. I'll bring wood for the diner... wait... I have no food." He was sad and let out a sigh. "I was an idiot indeed." He mumbled.

"Cedric no idiot. Cedric hungry? This... I hunt. Cedric eat meat?"

"Yes I'm a meat-eater though I eat fruits and vegetables also. But you look like a worn fur-carpet. You need a sleep. I will check this ambit for something consumable." He stood up, stretched his back muscles and went into the forest.

The sun hid its face behind the crowns of the trees and Shadow woke up for voices of fumbling. Her first thought was; some scavenging animal found her camp. She stiffened her muscles to not make a single move. The noises came from in front of her... from just a half jump away. Cedric was hungry. If I can catch that animal he can eat it. She thought. The prey was in downwind. She made herself ready then lunged forward. Mid-air she realized that the suspected booty was actually Cedric himself. She had had only a heart-beat time to withdraw her claws before she hit him off from his feet. She was on top of him looking worried and confused.

"Cedric here? Shadow think, food here. Shadow catch, Cedric eat." She said haltingly.

"Thanks to the Spirits you didn't claw me to death." He was relieved Maybe, he thought I will eat him? He has no trust in me. Why? She thought.

"Cedric no trust Shadow?" She asked still not releasing the puzzled human.

"I trust you... you show me no sign of threat." He said but his words were still uncertain. He wanted to trust in her but it was hard... she was a predator a deadly creature after all.

"Cedric trust, Cedric show." The command came from above him.

"How?" He was suspicious. How I suppose to show her trust? He was wondering.

"Cedric put paw Shadow mouth." She answered.

"I won't..." He started but Shadow interrupted.

"Show trust. Put paw, mouth. No put paw, no trust."

"No! I mean, your mouth is full with gooey saliva and I don't have water to wash it off after I did what you asked. I would like to eat after this... interlude... with my hands... do you understand?" Cedric told her.

"Put leg.... no... head? Shadow no know. Cedric idea?" She looked ashamed and miserable.

"Let me first eat something. I will starve to death till you figure it out." He suggested and Shadow accepted. Cedric had found a huge pile of blackberry. It wasn't the best diner but it was more than nothing. After he was satiated he laid next to Shadow.

The next morning when he woke up he noticed that something was not entirely good. There was a strange root under his neck. It was furry, warm and boney at the same time. How could that be? He asked half asleep.

"Shadow hungry." Someone whispered into his ear and he jumped up with a heart attack.

"Holy Spirits! Don't do this again! You scared me to death!" He grabbed his chest and breathed heavily.

"Shadow sorry. Cedric angry?" She stepped closer to him. After Cedric had sworn, he was not angry, Shadow ran into the depths of the forest for some food. She told she will bring something to him also.


Bent-ear and his companions found Shadow's trail leading straight to the Dividers. She was careful, masked her paw-prints and used stinky-leaf to veil her scent. She was a good Hunter so she knew how to approach a beast... now she was running from that beast. But her brother and friends were also good hunters.

"What if she made it?" Claw-broken-on-a-stone came up with the topic.

"I hope she didn't. This stubborn Chewed-ears would drive us through it also." Cloud-jumper said.

"And what if we find her dead? Or seriously injured? We are Hunters not healers." He said again.

"I hope she is ok. I would rather worry about our pelts if she catch us first."

"It's true... but I'm already worried about my pelt because of Bent-ear." He swung his whiskers into the direction of the mentioned male.

"And because of me." Could-jumper added what made Claw's expression bewildered. "Because if the heat find me nearby you I will mate with you... then I would regret it and hate you; tear a pattern in your pelt."

"It means.... You hate me already." Claw was disappointed. Cloud-jumper licked his ear placatory.

"I like you Fluffy-tail." She said. "But not as a sire of my cubs."

They followed the trail to the feet of the Dividers and lose it only for two times. First time she made a detour and swum up in a river. Fortunately Claw found the place where she came out from the water. Next time she disguised her scent with tornback-horse's dung.

"She is persistent." Bent-ear marked for the record when they found out what happened. So they were at the Dividers but the rocky ground was not designed for the tracking. She washed the dung out from her fur and her scent had disappeared forever.

"She must be on the other side by now." Claw said. "We have to follow her."

"No... if she made it, she is in a better position. We need a little rest before we climb after her." He stared at the monument and the pikes covered with snow and hidden behind the clouds. Shadow, please be alive. I miss you! He thought. "Claw, get some food, we need to stay strong. Cloud, look for her traces, but be careful. I will check alongside the river. Meet here after sunset." He gave the orders with a tail wave. Could-jumper not disproved her name, with a huge jump she was on a cliff aloft.

Bent-ear's whiskers were bent down sadly as he walked the path next by the river. His thoughts were full with worry about Shadow. If he will not find her... alive, his father will be disappointed and he was sure Bristle-paw would give him that deadly throat-bite. He would deserve it. No matter what he said before. I am the male, I am the brother and I should protect my sister. He lost his brother when he was one year old in an accident what made his ear wounded_. I must find her_, he thought. Bent-ear felt himself a little ashamed because he forced the two comes with him, but he was also glad: they took their part from the rescue-mission.

"What is that odor?" He raised his nose and sniffed a few into the air. It was her sister's scent but with something else. According to the strength it was at least three days ago when she crossed the path. He almost yowled up when he was sure that she went back into the forest and not up to the Dividers. He galloped back to the meeting point and he couldn't hide his relief from the others.

Claw brought a fat mouth-horn, and Cloud came back with the news she found that Shadow was nearby but she climbed off from the mountain with another creature. It wasn't her food, what confused the trio.

"An unknown creature, how could that be?" Claw asked while he was chewing on the haunch. Bent-ear ate the liver and the forequarters, left the rest for the others.

"I don't know. She found it on the mountain. That territory is not known by the Tribe." The mentioned one commented and swung his tail.

"Hold your whiskers Chewed-ears or they will fall off from your muzzle." Cloud-jumper mocked him because his whiskers were trembling continuously. He would have run after shadow in an instant, despite he knew it would be meaningless. She had three days avail...

"You are right." He stomped and forced his whiskers to stop. "We need a rest after this feast. I'll take the first watch."

"Watch for what?" Claw was grooming his paws and pushed the rest of the meat to Cloud. She waved with her tail the 'thank you' sign and continued the diner.

"She found an unknown creature. There could be more and I don't know what they are capable of." Bent-ear said and he brooded over why Shadow let that thing alive and took with her.


Shadow had had a simple plan: She will lead her companion to the Water-falls. The area used to be empty, abandoned and has enough room for them. Nobody can find me there. After the mating season I will go home and let my father and mother chew off my ears. She thought. Maybe I will bring my new friend with me.

"You know Shadow... I was wondering. Why is your name Shadow?" He interrupted her thoughts.

"I all name: Shadow-on-the-sand." She answered.

"But why?"

"I back, black spot thereon. I fur like sand. Black spot on sand." She explained with her poor language abilities.

"Oh... it's reasonable." He nodded.

At the end of the day Cedric brought branches, twigs, dead leafs and piled them up. Then he made a circle from stone around the pile. Shadow didn't understand the purpose of that strange behavior. She sniffed that pile but it wasn't helping, it was too small for a nest, and she had no other ideas. He grabbed his bag and pulled out a small shiny, small tooth-shaped object. The bewildered Shadow tilted her head and waved her tail in curiosity_. A wood-pile and a shiny-tooth-stone? It makes no sense!_ She thought but then Cedric fished out another stone. It looked like there were stars on its surface.

"I almost forgot that you are an anim... different. Do you know what fire is?" He froze in motion and waited for her answer.

"Fire? I see fire, in past. Shadow only little cub, lighting bite in tree, fire jump from tree." She explained. That was a terrifying night. The fire spread through the meadow and the Tribe had to ran to the river, swum across to the other side. There were casualties, her brother Streaked-pelt, died among the others. But why Cedric brought up the topic? What is he up to?

"I will light a bonfire, ok?" He asked and the fear bit into Shadow's chest.

"No! Fire bad! Kill Shadow and Cedric!" She jumped up, bent her ears and whiskers back, bared her teeth.

"Calm down! It won't kill us. See? The stones will hold it back." Cedric explained.

"Stones weak, fire strong! Fire kill Tribe!" She almost went berserk.

"Calm down! All right! I won't ignite it! You won!" He was disappointed. "I will freeze to death tonight but ok! It is better then be eaten alive because I made you crazy." He added and sat back. Shadow let out a sigh. He didn't know! Can he tame the fire? No! It's not possible! Fire is wilder than any animal; it eats flash and bone as well as tree and grass. It runs faster than me and I can't defeat it with claws and teeth. Fire won't spare my life, won't give me a second chance. It took my brother and singed my fur, almost ate me alive. She stepped closer to Cedric and started to purr.

"I no eat Cedric. I body warm, make Cedric warm. I sorry! Fire bad!" She rubbed her jowl to his head and licked him behind his ear.

"All right." He whispered.

"Cedric no trust Shadow. Cedric say I eat. I no eat! Cedric no trust!" She said, brought up her favorite topic. Cedric just snorted.

"I trust you I told you before. You are the one who have no trust in me!" He replied and stood up.

"Shadow confuse." She sat back and curved her tail to her paws.

"I can handle the fire. I have done it million times before. But you told me I must not use it because you think it will kill us. I'm saying it won't... but you don't believe it. So I can put my head into your mouth I can let you chew on my arms and legs but if I ask one thing, you refuse it because you have no trust in me." He waited for a few moments. "I should go back home." He said and grabbed his bag. Shadow looked miserable and forlornly. She just sat there and felt the solitude bit into her heart. Cedric has right! I'm the one who has no belief. It will be hard but I must let him prove that he can tame the unbridled monster. She stood up and put a paw on the bag.

"Wait!" She stopped... the words came slowly, but she tried her best. "I let you... make fire... you... protect I? I fear... I see fire kill... I brother." She said and Cedric regretted his words in an instant.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know." He hugged Shadow and squeezed her tight. "I won't ignite the fire I promise and I won't leave you alone." She gave him a weak purr of gratitude.

"You ignite fire. I trust you." She whispered.

Her claws sung deep into the soil and her muscles tensed as she tried to hold herself back from runaway. The fire made her a shaking, whimpering cub. Cedric had promised her; he will not let the fire jump out from the nest and attack her. It was a cub-fire anyway, not that she had seen before. The smoke made her nose blind and her eyes watering.

"Are you all right?" Cedric asked her after an hour. She tried not to snarl but it was hard. Her ears were flattened; her ruff and back-fur bristled.

"Cub-fire little but strong." She said. "I heart feel fear. I mind think no fear. I body confuse. Shadow flee? Shadow fight? Shadow stay? I body no know." She explained her feelings.

"If you want I can stifle it." He offered.

"No! I want learn tame cub-fire. I must no fear!" She closed her eyes tight. "I Hunter! I strong!" She mumbled to herself. If I can tame the fire I won't fear it. I want to be strong! She whispered in her mind.


"Don't do this! You Shaggy-mane!" Cloud cried when Claw gave his food to her.

"Do what?" His uncomprehending face made Bent-ear swallow a laugh.

"You are giving me food after every hunt, you groom my fur instead of yours, you let me sleep on the driest place." She listed the facts.

"As I always do." He shook his head. "Remember! Since we know each other I did it every time. I gave my food to you, I groomed your fur and I let you sleep on the best spots." Cloud looked puzzled and looked into Claw's eyes.

"But... I didn't notice... just now. Why?" She asked and put her head onto her paws as she laid down to her belly.

"Because I'm and adult now... and the mating session is near." He said on a low voice, Cloud put a paw onto her snout, she looked ashamed. "Don't worry. I know I'm not good for you. I won't mate with you." He stood up and went a few tail-lengths away. Bent-ear just watched the scene and felt growing respect to Claw-broken-on-stone. He went through a matting session as an adult last year and mated with a female but the mating hadn't been taken, he had no cubs. So he knew how hard could be refuse the urge to mate, especially for a male. It was harder than bringing down a nose-horn all alone. The scent of Cloud-jumper was already stronger and tempting but she wasn't in heat yet. A few days maybe and she will. I can resist but I know it's like a torture for a female. I should send her back to the Tribe. She will be there when the heat hit her. He thought.

"Bent-ear..." She whispered to him so he stepped closer. "I'm afraid that I can't hold back my desire."

"I know. If you leave now, you can reach the Tribe when you will be in heat." He put his paw onto hers.

"But Shadow... she needs me! I will stay."

"You don't have to."

"I must! Claw... he... I will stay." She turned her head away from both of them. Bent-ear took a deep breath. He was so worried about his sister that he drove Shadow's friends into this trouble. He was blind and selfish. He messed up Claw's first mating season, he messed up Cloud's mating season too by forcing her to deny her desires or forcing her to mate with Claw, what they will regret for the rest of their life. And all this because of him!

"Take a short nap." He said loudly to his companions. He made his decision. "Then go back to the Tribe. I will find Shadow by myself." Then he turned back and took the trail.

After a half day or so, he realized he was not alone. He was followed by the duo, they were lagged behind him. They were in upwind so he smelled the musky scent of Claw and the little stirring scent of Cloud. You two disobeying sons of a face-horn-mare! He thought but deep in his heart he was glad. Shadow was their best friend; they will not let her in trouble. Bent-ear dodged a fern and hid behind a rock. He was in downwind so he can surprise them. When he heard the sound of the coming paw-pads he got his hindquarters under him and prepared himself for a quick jump.

"It was a good pounce but you missed the catch." Quavered Cloud when Bent-ear missed Claw who whirled, crouched down, and pushed him away with his paws. Bent-ear arrived on four paws and lolled his tongue for a cat-laugh.

"Nice move Claw! Where did you learn it?" He asked.

"From Shadow." He was reticent.

"I see. Why aren't you on the trail back as I ordered?" He bent his ears back meaningful.

"Ordered? Yarrr! Chewed-ears, you are just a cub compared to me. You can't give orders!" Cloud said in her mock-scolding voice.

"You are a Hunter like us. All Hunters are equal." Said Claw the Tribe Law.

"Is this a riot or something? Yarrr! All right then!" He nodded and smiled, showing his teeth.

"We..." Cloud started and flanked Claw. "... had a little conversation. Shadow is important to us, so you can chew off our tails and ears, but we will go after her." She took a deep breath. "I will be in heat soon, maybe tomorrow, I can feel it. I...." She sighed. " Claw will mate with me. I was blind to his kindness till today. But I can see clear now. He will be a perfect sire, a gentle mate and a good father. Now I know. So I made my decision. He is my mate." She finished and looked firm. Bent-ear just lolled his tongue and waved his tail to the 'Everything is ok' sign. "So what is your answer? Can we go with you again?" She asked him.

"I'm saying, we should not waste our time. Let's catch that insolent sister of mine and chew her ears off together!" He said.


The Water-fall was a beautiful sight for Cedric. He saw a few in his life but nothing like that one. The water came from aloft from six rivers and four creeks, at the bottom they bended into one river. The width and the height of the water-curtain were enormous. He was standing on the riverside and felt himself little and meaningless next by that. The sound pounded in his ears and he sensed the incredible power of the falling water.

"Loud! Come back Cedric!" Shadow yowled at him and they went back to a cave what she found not too long ago. There was only a little noticeable noise, it was peaceful.

"This is a beautiful place. Is this your home?" He asked after he sat next to Shadow. He saw a few painted paw-marks on the walls; worn stones skived by claws and pads.

"No. I hide here." She said.

"Hide? Why? Are you in trouble or what?" He didn't know why she should hiding from the others.

"Heat come, I must keep distance from others." She was a little better with the Elder's language by then, because they kept practicing all day and night. She was familiar with the fire on the second night, she understood that if she not touch the flames it won't harm her.

"Heat?" Cedric was an archeologist, an adventurer, he had had only a little knowledge about animals and nature; just enough to survive the roads between the villages.

"Mating season." She explained and Cedric made an O-face as he understood.

"So you will be in heat. But I still don't get it: why do you want to stay away from the males? Mating is a pleasant thing, isn't it?" He looked at Shadow carefully who bowed her head and carried her tail under her belly.

"I not know. First time for Shadow." She admitted.

"Oh... I see. Can I help you ride out this somehow?" He offered though he had no idea what could he do.

"You male, but different." She tilted her head and got a strange idea.

"I'm a male yes, but what do you mean: different?" Cedric couldn't follow.

"Cedric not make cubs with I. When Cedric mate with Shadow. I not become pregnant, milk-bag." Then she confused herself. "Can Cedric mate with Shadow? Cedric different." She waited for his answer.

"Slow down a bit!" He stood up and took a few steps away. "Are you suggesting that I should mate with you?"

"Yes." "I don't want to be rude but, why?" He sighed.

"You different. You kind, you nice, you save I." She said. "I..." She frowned as she looked for the words. " you. I choose you for mating." The silence was so solid after her words that they could have climb on it. Cedric felt different emotions. She is an animal... of course a sentient and smart animal, a person like me. But she is a beast... I must admit, she is a beautiful beast. I should not cross the borders which my people had made... but I cross the borders every once in a while, this is part of my job, part of what I am: an adventurer an explorer. Should I explore this novelty? If she needs it... I will if I can. He fought with the thoughts but the winner was the explorer, the new-seeker and the male who found a potential mate.

"All right. If you want to... mate with me I will give it a try. I don't know if we are compatible... there... or not." He said and blushed. Shadow bent her ears and whiskers forward; with fluttering tail she rubbed her jowls to Cedric.

"Thank you!" She said when he hugged her.

After a few minutes of hugging Cedric had volunteered for collect wood to the bonfire. The night had come fast and the air was already chilly. While he was out in the forest Shadow made a circle from stones, she was proud to herself because she could tame the Cub-fire very well, though her whiskers were still trembling furiously every time she was near at the fire's nest. She saw how Cedric ignited with the shiny-fang-stone and with the Stone-with-stars as she called them. Her paws were not clever enough to rub the two things together and make the little stars jump out from the stone and feed on the wood. She often caught herself on wondering what she could do with paws as clever as his. Thinking about Cedric, she know him only for a few days but she had feelings... as she smelled his strangely-sweet scent, as she rubbed her body to his, as she licked his behind the ears... as he hugged her, as he protected and taught her... he was a kind hearted creature and extremely smart also. I made the right decision. He could be the best mate for me. She made herself firm.

"Nice." He praised the stone-circle when he had come back with a bundle of woods.

"I make fire?" She asked from him.

"You can try, but you can't grab things like I can." He fished out the knife and the fire-stone from his pocket and showed them to Shadow.

"I use fang-stone, you hold Stone-with-stars. I and you make Cub-fire." She explained her plan. Cedric gave her the knife and she took it from him with her teeth. She was braver than Cedric would have thought. She was terrified by the fire a few days ago, but now she was about to light one. As she moved her head to rub the knife to the fire-stone she bent her whiskers back and closed her eyes. She was good in it so the fire had been ignited without any problem. Shadow gave back the tool and curled up near the bonfire; her eyes were on the flicking flames as they were eating the dried twigs. It was an idyllic moment; Cedric couldn't hold back a smile.


Claw-broken-on-a-stone was walking alone on the trail right behind Bent-ear. His nose turned automatically to the direction of Cloud, once in a while. She was almost in heat and her luring scent floated around the path. He was surprised, how Bent-ear could resist such a temptation. Claw's body was shaking, his tail was shivering and he almost yowled up in every second... she made him mad, but Bent-ear was calm and firm like a stone.

"Cloud-jumper, could you please keep your pelt sealed and walk in the downwind? Your scent is too much." He cried when he had had enough. She snorted.

"No I can't... what do you think why I'm walking in upwind? I don't want to smell your musky odor... it makes me itchy back there. You are just walking nearby me but you make me feel ticks marching on my body." She said and sighed. "I'm wondering why Bent-ear is so rigid."

"Because, your scent is strong." He said briefly, then waved his tail to the 'silence' sign.

"All right! Claw, come with me I want to do something." Cloud sighed again and led the uncomprehending Claw into a nearby thicket. There she couched to her belly and purred loudly. When she stretched her forequarters and her hindquarters went up a little, it was obvious to the poor, young male what she was up to.

"Come on, suppress our hunger." She almost yowled the sentence.

"But you are not in heat." He was hesitating, but his instincts made the first step toward her.

"Shut up and mate me! I'm in heat already, you Blind-nose!" She commanded, bared her claws and sunk into the soil.

Claw stepped above her and pushed his hip to her rump. He felt, she bent her tail away so he could push himself a little closer. His penis came out from the sheath and looked for the long awaited hole at the base of Cloud's tail. The male's heart almost jumped out form his chest... that was the moment... his first mating. The throbbing rod found the opening and with a strong motion he felt the warm and moist environment, it was engulfing the offered meat. He almost fainted; the pleasure was so sudden, so intense. It was like he would have jumped into a river and the waves would have clashed above him. Cloud let out a sigh as she felt the same rapture. The surrounding odor of her mate intoxicated her and she bent her head to lick Claw's chin.

"Don't hold it back." She whispered as she sensed his struggling.

"I want to make it good to you." He forced the words through his teeth while he held back his hip not to move. Cloud licked his chin again.

"It's good for me." She purred as she felt her approaching orgasm. She started to move her vagina muscles and the rippling movement had finished the coupling as she and he reached the end in an instant. Claw roared up and for the first time in his life he spurted his semen inside a body. Not just a body, it was Cloud's body, his lover's body. But he was not prepared for the four-clawed slap when he pulled himself out. It was sudden and inevitable.

" Yarrr! Why did you do this?" He shook his bleeding muzzle. There were four red lines from his nose to the corner of his mouth.

"Because of the pain." She answered while turned from side to side on the ground and purred. Claw just stood rooted to the spot, he felt himself dizzy and confused.

"Did I hurt you somehow?" He asked silently. He seemed forlorn.

"Not intentionally but yes. Your male-rod has claws and if you pull it out it hurts me." She explained.

"I didn't know..." He was helpless and almost whimpering.

"Hush! You are a first-timer, of course you didn't know." She stood up and went to her mate. He looked soo offended and lonely she felt sorry for him. She regretted the scratch in an instant. Cloud licked the wounds on his face and purred. "I love you Fluffy-tail." She whispered between to licks. Claw purred too.


Cedric and Shadow was eating two rabbits and a hog beneath the beech trees in front of the fire that he lit. It was just a small one. The meat was fresh and tasty, but without the spices it was new to him. Shadow didn't mind and didn't waste any time with cooking, she ate the animal with a few, strong bites and then she looked at the second rabbit with wishful eyes what Cedric cooked.

"I will give you a slice but I'm hungry too." He commented the meaningful glances.

"I know I eat before, but I hungry still." She said and licked her jowls.

"Here, chew my hand off." He pushed his left arm under Shadow's nose. He knew she won't hurt him but he just mocked the lioness.

"I not eat Cedric. You meat smell like dung." She wrinkled her nose and spat.

"Dung? I'm not stinky!" He protested and smelled his hand too. "So that means you are not hungry anymore. I can eat the rabbit all by myself." He smiled.

"Rabbit meat smell good. I eat if you give." She snaked her tail and lolled her tongue to a cat-laugh.

"Of course... but your flank will become round like you would have eaten a huge stone." He rolled the poor rabbit to its other side and poked it with a branch. It was almost ready for eat.

" Yarrr! I flank slim! You flank fat!" She argued and snarled.

"My belly is almost empty." He sighed. "I think this little fella is well-cooked." He mumbled and picked up a flat stone, stabbed the animal with the branch and put it onto the stone. Shadow lunged but Cedric blocked her way.

"I not eat, just sniff." She said.

"Be careful it's very hot." Cedric let her sniff around the food.

Later on that day they had a nap with filled bellies and relief in their heart. They were together in a beautiful place, surrounded by only the nature, without noisy streets, without yelling people without tasks and duty. For Cedric it was the perfect place to stay. When the thought had embedded in his mind he sat up suddenly. The thought confused him. He was not a homebody but he couldn't imagine any other place he would rather have been. That cave near the waterfalls with Shadow, was his home, he liked that living. Shadow will teach me hunting and stuffs, just as I did with the fire. He thought and reached the mentioned lioness with his arm, caressed her nape and back. He noticed that she was a little warmer then she used to.

"Are you ok?" He asked because he suspected some illness had taken her.

"Yes. I heat here. I feel... ticklish." She answered and raised her head. Shadow's eyes were full with logging and unspoken questions what Cedric didn't understand. She was close to him but miles and miles away, she was similar but alien at the same time. In that moment, he realized he won't be able to understand her fully, although they were speaking the same language.

"Can I... what should I do?" Cedric were not ready for her response though his heart started to beat faster and faster. He felt his sweat dripping from his forehead and lips. If there was such a thing: male-heat, he was absolutely in.

"You mating with me... now." She said but a deep purr washed her words away. Cedric's bones echoed the purr, made him hard between his legs and ignited the thirst in his mind. He was waiting for the sign which tells him she is ready. That sign came when she rolled onto her belly and raised her rump, bent her tail aside.

Cedric pulled off his cloths and bared his body, he wanted to feel her fur, the heat of her and as he knelt behind Shadow he smelled her tang. She was in heat obviously and the odor took an effect on him though he was a male from a different species. But in that moment it had no point. He was a male and she was a female, which was the only thing what mattered.

"Are you ready?" Cedric asked but the answer was only a yowl of lust. He pressed his penis onto her opening and started to trust in. The lips were sealed tight but he managed to separate them with a gentle push. He knew she was a virgin but she made only a higher purr when his glans popped inside. It was rather an appreciative voice than a painful one, so he spent only a second for a short stop.

"It's fantastic." He sighed as his rod slowly disappeared in Shadow's vagina and the heat and tightness attacked his senses. He was with women many times before, because he was handsome, young and famous, but he couldn't have imagined the intense feeling what Shadow had gave him. Rings of muscles started to dance around him, coils of tightness and slurping sounds drove him to the edge of faint. He barely realized; his partner just went through an orgasm, probably that was her first orgasm she ever had. She picked her head up snarled and flattened her ears, whiskers then growled up before her body began to shake. At the end of the pleasure she yowled up loudly and jumped forward, left Cedric behind with his throbbing member and bewildered face.

"What...." He panted and froze in motion as Shadow rolled from side to side on the ground and purred in enjoy.

"Good, good, good!" She cried with closed eyes but when she saw that Cedric was still where she had left she sat up. "It good to Cedric? Shadow do good to you in past?"

"It was good..." He found his voice. "...but I couldn't finish it." He confessed and she saw the disappointing glance in his eyes.

"I make good to you. How?" She was sad that she couldn't make it as good as he made it to her.

"Come back and let me finish inside you." He suggested. Shadow offered her hindquarters again but as he pushed the tip inside she jumped away, whining.

"Too good, too good! I feel too much good. I not can stay." She sighed. "Shadow-bad."

"Not your fault. Don't worry. Maybe next time I can finish it." Cedric stood up with shaking knees and hugged her. Of course his maleness was still erected.

"I have idea." She frowned and reached his penis with her mouth. Licked it slowly then put it inside her muzzle.

"Spirits! It's too dangerous!" He cried up but she mumbled from down: "You trust I. I not hurt. I make feel good. Finish you mating."

First she held his rod like a dog would do with a bone and used her tongue to caress the part inside. Then she switched the position and took it from front, to the hilt. Cedric hissed up for a few times when Shadow forgot to not use her tongue-spikes or accidentally hit him with a tooth. But otherwise it was good indeed. She sucked him like a nursling and massaged him like a professional. Soon her efforts paid off and Cedric cried up in pleasure, spurting the liquids what only a man can. She swallowed it down and didn't release him until she emptied his supplies.

"I love you!" He confessed his feelings though he knew this partnership could only last till the end of the mating season. But I hope not.


Bent-ear was angry and stressed because of his companions. They disappeared from his eyes in every ten minutes what slowed them down considerably. Moreover he smelled Cloud's odor what made his mane bristling every time. He knew the side-effects of the mating season, he went through once but he thought he will be able to tolerate. But it was a mistake. He was only able to hold himself back from chase Claw away and jump onto Cloud for the quick relief. He caught himself often on snarling or even growling at the thickets where the two were doing their business.

" Yarrr! For the mane of the Chief! If you can't hold it back for a little longer, we will reach Shadow just after the next season!" He grumbled and sharpened his claws on a tree.

"Stop yowling like a cub, Chewed-ears, and lead the way! I can suppress it but only a little longer not forever." Cloud-jumper protested.

"Do not call me that... ever!" He bared his teeth and claws, took a threatening step closer to Cloud. Claw-broken-on-a-stone jumped between them, protecting his lover.

"Calm down both of you! Shadow needs us! Don't waste her time with fighting!" He said but his mane and back was bristled and his claws were sunk into the soil.

"All right Bent-ear. Let's go." Cloud commented and bypassed Claw.

At night they were close to the Water-falls where Shadow was hiding from the mating session but Bent-ear thought maybe it was a bad idea to find her now. He was already overwhelmed with the tending scent from Cloud; he didn't need another female in heat. Even if that female is my sister. He was thinking about another solution but there weren't any. He will seize her by the scruff and yank her back to the Tribe if he must.

"What is this smell?" Claw interrupted his thoughts. He was sniffing in every direction.

"This is the creature what I told you before." Cloud confirmed. "And I can smell Shadow too. She is near." She rounded up her ears, she was happy; the tournament was over and they reached their goal. They exchanged a cat-laugh then jumped up in alarm: something had appeared just before them. A strange two-legged creature stepped out from the thicket and it held a stick, fire on its end.


Cedric had the task to collect wood in the forest. He neglected his duty because Shadow was in heat and he had to satisfy her needs. It almost killed him because she became cuddly in every hour. He had to explain the human anatomy and the limits of tolerance. She was understanding and promised, she will be a little less pushy. So Cedric made a torch and went for wood.

There was a good spot in the forest where a tree had fallen. It offered thighs and branches in rich sizes and forms. But when he stepped out from a thicket three beasts had appeared in front of him. They were from the same species as Shadow so he took the liberty to welcome them.

"Hello! My name is Cedric and I came with peace. I don't want to hurt you." He said in calm and comforting voice. In the light of the torch he could see little but enough. One of the creatures had a wounded ear because it bent forward unnaturally. There were a lean female without any marks and another muscular male... it had only four claws in its front-left paw. Cedric got only growls and bared teeth.

"Where is Shadow?" The female cried but the accent made her voice barely understandable.

"She is fine; back in the camp. I can show you where." He offered and waved the direction but the trio wasn't move. They didn't even see him just the torch in his hand.


The shadow of the burning pain hit Bent-ear's ear and the terrible memory, like a predator from the tall grass, lunged onto him, sunk its claw into his soul. The flickering light petrified him and he wouldn't have been able move even for his life. What kind of creature are you? Tamer of the fire; Bearer of the burning death. Did you kill my sister with that power in your paw? Did you force her to do whatever you say? You! Speaker of the Elder's langue; carrier of the fearful flames. Will your beast spare our lives or eat us alive as it did with my brother? Then someone poked his hindquarters and he shook himself.

"It knows where Shadow is. It will guide us to her." Cloud whispered into his ear.

"What?" He mumbled.

"You are trembling like a cub on the first night." She noticed his weakness.

"My brother died because of that flickering beast." He waved a claw to the torch. "I saw his death and I won't forget it." He admitted.

"I will go first then you can follow me." She offered on a voice Bent-ear had never heard from her. She was... kind and understanding. _She lost her mother that night. She won't mock me because of this._He realized.

"Thank you." He whispered and touched her jowls with his nose, waved the 'thank you' sign with his tail. She smiled and lifted her tail to the 'follow me' sign as a reply.

Walking behind Cloud was not a problem. The acrid tang clogged his nose so he was not able to smell her heat anymore. She followed the creature without any sign of fear or suspicion. He wasn't that trusting though he didn't know what he could do if the two-legged would attack them. The power in its paw was more than he or his companions together. He picked up his head when he saw another flickering light straight ahead but in the distance. He hoped Shadow is all right. If it had hurt you I will fight to death with this two-legged creature. He thought.

"There is she. As I see she lit up a bonfire by herself. She is smart and beautiful." The creature told him with fluent Elder's language. Bent-ear was wondering: He speaks the language of our ancestors; he tamed the burning beast... could that be... could it be one of the creatures what we call: Builders? Who had built the sky, land, water and all the animals of the land... including my people? But he saw no point to chew on this bone, he won't ask it and he won't figure out himself.


Shadow was sitting nearby her Cub-fire with pride bulging chest. She had made it all by herself without clever paws of Cedric or any help. It wasn't easy she had to admit. She had to hold the Stone-with-stars down with her paws, grab the Shiny-stone-fang with her teeth and put these two together to make the little Stars jump out from the stone. After more tries than whiskers she had, the fire had been made. She singed her tail when she curved around her paws but despite that she was unharmed.

"Cedric?" She saw his coming but there were other moving forms around him. When she could make out the outlines she dropped her jaw.

"Sister!" Bent-ear lunged forward and touched his nose to hers. She was happy because she liked her brother. Although she left him behind he came for her.

"I'm glad you are here." She admitted.

"Are you ok? Did this creature hurt you? Should I kill it?" He overwhelmed her with questions and sniffed her around. While he did this Cloud and Claw exchanged a nose-touch and muzzle rub with her.

"I'm fine. More than fine and he is Cedric. He saved my life on the Dividers and fed my hunger for males." She said and got three pairs of bewildered eyes.

"He did what?" Bent-ear asked and bared his teeth to the two-legged creature.

"He is my mate. Accept it." Shadow stood between her brother and Cedric. She knew that wasn't the best way to tell her brother the truth.

" Yarrr! You and your rebellious nature!" He mock-growled then rubbed his head to hers. "You are alive and in one piece. This is enough for me."

"So!" Cloud interrupted the family-moment. "We found her... what is the next step?"

"We have to go home. I hope we reach the end of the mating season." Bent-ear took a step from the bone fire.

"I will stay with Cedric. I can't go home... Bristle-paw and Broken-tail will chew my ears off." She bowed her head; her tail fell to the ground. She kneaded the mud under her left paw.

"They will be happy to see you again. Our father was worried that you had lost or killed by your foolishness."

"I'm not foolish. Look what I found." She protested and whirled to her Cub-fire. "We don't have to fear this thing anymore. I can tame it. I can kill it. I can light it." She took a little pause. "He taught me how to do it. He is a Builder I'm sure."

"Cub-talk!" Claw spitted. "He can be smart and can teach you things... even can mate with you but he is not a Builder!" He bared his claws and sunk into the soil.

"Then what is he? What else he can be?" She stepped closer and nudged Claw's flank.

"I don't know, but not a Builder." He was reluctant to accept the truth. But Shadow was sure, she saw what he did, she heard what he said and it was obvious. Cedric was a Builder... or he was a cub of a Builder at least. He knew much.


Cedric was confused because he was not able to interpret the langue what his new companions used. Even Shadow could speak fluently that strange way of this language filled with yowls, growls, clicking sounds. He named it Cat-talk. After a few minutes of listening he became sure that he was the topic. It was obvious; Shadow was about to defend him but the two males were offending. They used their claws on the ground and bare teeth at him and Shadow. He knew he would die after a bite or scratch but he thought he would defend Shadow no matter the cost. She was important to him

"I don't know what are you talking about... but I don't like the way you do it. Leave Shadow alone or I swear I will drive you away." He reached the end of his patience. Cedric slowly lowered the torch and made himself ready to avoid the first attack. They feared the fire so it could be the first line of the defense.

"No Cedric. Bent-ear I brother. Cloud-jumper and Claw-broken-on-a-stone I friend. Will no hurt I." She broke the circle of the lions and went to him, rubbed her jowls to him like she did before.

"All right. Then why are you so upset?" The knot in his stomach had dissolved. There won't be any fight.

"Brother tell I have go home. I not want. Brother want very much. Brother not understand I no go. Brother angry." She explained.

"This is the mating season; I understand why he wants to go home." Cedric marked for the record. "Shadow... you have to go home."

"No! I stay with Cedric!" He yowled up in angry.

"They are your family. I'm an outlander."

"I love you Cedric! You, I mate. You, I family!" She cried but only achieved a low growling from Bent-ear.

"Don't leave us alone Shadow." Said Cloud-jumper. She was good in that language Cedric raised his imaginary hat.

"She is right." He said.

"You come with I?" She whimpered because she knew they were right. She was a Tribe-cat she was a Hunter.

"I can't. I'm just a prey among the predators..."

"Cedric can come with us. He can live with us." Cloud-jumper said and made Claw and Bent-ear bewildered. "I will protect him if I have to and Claw will do the same. I know it's not much Shadow but I see that you are happy with that... Builder." Shadow lunged to her and almost overturned her with his vehemence as she rubbed her whole body to Cloud.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She repeated.

"All right! But I want him..." Cedric pointed to Bent-ear. "... to promise he won't kill me, hurt me or eat me alive." Then he waited. The moments had passed but the only noise was the crackle of the fire and the music of the cicadas. Bent-ear eyed him like he would like to read his mind.

"I promise." He said finally. "I not hurt...." He stopped for a second and looked at his sister. "...Shadow."

"Thank you. I will love your sister with all my love." Cedric confessed and was kicked off from his feet as the mentioned lioness jumped on him and licked him furiously, rubbed her jowls to his face. She repeated only two words: Love you!

And they lived happily ever after!
