New friend?

Story by Allana(Kitty)De-Luca on SoFurry

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Allana may have found someone she can trust

A few days went by and Richard eventually convinced Allana to let him stay, saying that his group might pass by again and being here would make him easy to find. Allana, despite being unsettled by the fact he heard of her past master she agreed to let him stay, partially because he was wounded but also because she was secretly happy to have close contact with a living thing. one morning a few weeks later, after agreeing to let him stay she wakes with the sun rise and begins to go about her normal routine. Breakfast was fine, after words tho he began to badger her into letting him take care of the chores, saying "such a fair n beautiful woman should be taken care of and you've been so kind all ready". She raises n eyebrow in disbelief as he talks." But its my home and you the guest."Shaking his head hard he puts his paws on her shoulders, pulls her to the chair n sits her down." I mean it, its no big deal, I want to do them and you need to relax" Before she can protest further, Richard crosses him arms across his chest and givers her a stern look."sit,stay,relax. I've got it taken care of". Looking at him, confused to hear the dominance in his voice she thinks to herself is he wounded in the noggin as well? He's leg is not completely healed and from how well off he looks I reckon he's never even scrubbed a plate. "But...."

" I mean it, one day to relax and you can even breath down my neck with everything I do okay?" He says, the strong demanding tone subsiding a tad while he looks at her, not ready to take no for an answer. " All right, all right if you insist" " I do". " Fine" she says looking up at him with a smile. Allana was surprised how little dominance it took from someone to get her to listen and give in. Shrugging to her self she sits back n watches him.

Okay now I know what your thinking. People show me a little dominance and I eventually comply like a good kitty. You're probably thinking "the hell is wrong with you, After everything that happened with De-Luca??" But look at it this way being a pet/slave was all I knew it was my entire life. And not all if it was bad,most? Yes but not all at least when I was being controlled and told what to do I knew that I would have a place to live/food to eat/ and protection. Everything I needed was provided by my master. He was an ass and I'm glad the fucker is dead but there were times where he would give gifts/coin/shit like that. It was very rare that that happened but it did once in a blue moon. "Leans back thinking" So yes I am still a pet and easily give in when people show me dominance. I'm a pet I always will be. But as of right now its by choice, I'm not forced to do anything thing. Like my Mistress now (who I will talk more about much later), she gives me so much freedom its insane. I can be cocky,bratty, a smart ass, a tease, excreta excreta, all to a certain point mind you but I do get away with a lot. Way more than any dom has ever allowed me to. Anyway back to the story.

For a bit she sat watching him but it eventually became to much, and out of habit she had to go inspect everything he did when done. This amused him greatly to the point of him purposely messing up here and there just so he could watch her fix it or feel her paws on his as she attempted to show him the 'right way' to mop and sweep. His stew turned out well tho.

The two sit out side enjoying the last of the simi nice weather, eating their dinner and making small talk. "So Richard you never told me how you hurt your leg. And how is it feeling by the way?" she asks motioning to his bandaged leg. " Great actually I've always had a quick healing factor, breaks heal in weeks, cuts in hours not days.This should be good as new by weeks end. Now I have no clue why I heal so fast but I'm grateful for it. As for how I got it? Well me and my group were ambushed in the woods not far from Paris, by a group of Prussian solders. In the mist of it I wondered off to find our general and ended up getting shot from behind. Ce salaud got me right in the leg. His joy was short lived tho. I charged him and riped his heart out with my bare paws" Richard says with a grin, clearly proud of what he did to the guy in return.With wide eyes Allana says, " I didn't think that was possible but all right then."

This kind of talk lasted most of their meal and was fine for a while but one question, that seamed harmless harmless question manged to turn the night sour.

"So I want to ask, if I may Allana. What exactly are you doing this far out from the villages?"

"Its a long story, one thats still to fresh to share with people."

"You sure? It can't be that bad can it? I mean its not like your that master killer that escaped from Italy two years ago, hahahaha" he laughs loudly at the statement, almost knocking over his bowl

Allana's eyes go wide at what he says. Quickly becoming scared and deffenceful she responds. "NO!.....I no nothing like that....I'm well I'm just" All she can manage to do is stumble over her words. A few seconds past before Richard speaks up.

"Merde, vous etse yous n'etes pas? I was right when I thought something was familiar about your fur. I remember seeing wanted posters on holiday in Italy, Pourquoi?"He asks not sure what to expect next.

" wasnt me I swear" Tears begin to slowly drip down from her eyes, she stands backing up in fear and repeating over and over it wasn't me, it wasn't me, it wasn't me.

Shocked by her reaction he watches as the she stands and begins to back away. Realizing he can use this knowledge to his advantage he stands and moves close to her, by this time she has sunk to her knees assuming the pet pose she once did many times before. His arms crossed, Richard stands over her, his head tilted. Theres a moment of silence before he speaks up kneeling next to her. " Maby I can help" he says softly. "Whaa....what?" Allana lifts her head looking at him, tears still falling. "how?"she asks softly "and why would you?" "Well"he says" You've been so nice and caring twords me I find it hard to believe you killed him. I mean he was a nasty man right?"she nods"There you go, if he was as nasty as I heard he was anyone could have done the deed. But you? Thats far fetched if anything ever was. What I propose my dear" he pauses holding his paw out to her" Is you come home with me. Forget waiting for my group, the Queen won't miss one guy, right? Come home with me and I'll keep you safe. Because out here any one can come by and if I was able to recognize you, that means other people can to" Realizing he is right she nods, slowly the crying stops" but why help me?" Because I said you've been kind and as snarky as you can be and well je t'aime bien." Richard says with a grin. Letting out a breath she wasn't aware she was holding Allana grabs and hugs him tight, burring her muzzle into his fur. Richard sits there holding her for a good while, realizing that he might just get the companion his maker has been bugging him to find.Lost in his thoughts he nuzzles her ears glad she has finally stopped crying and is breathing normally again. Putting her arms around his neck, Richard slips one arm around her back the other under her knees. In one swift movement he stands and carries the now still leopard to her bed.

"Bonne nuit" he says blowing out the bed side candle. With a smile he leaves her room and lets her sleep.

Out with the old in with the new

"Ok easy Allana, easy you don't wanna spook it" She thinks to her self as she draws her crudely made bow. Back straight, shoulders back she holds her breath as she takes aim. If she hits its chest she might miss the heart. The head would be better if...

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Life and Death

Allana stands with her paws on her hips looking over the table. Despite being happy with what she see's she steps close to make a few minor adjustments. Only looking up and stopping when a bunny she doesn't recognize walks up to her and offers a cup....

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As the favorite

On my 15th birthday mama became very ill. She could no longer take care of her chores and most spent most days and nights asleep in our quarters. I tended to her when I could often giving up my meal portions to her believing it would make her well....

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