This Life I Call My Own, Chapter Two: Defeat

Story by Link Day on SoFurry

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#2 of Haven: This Life I Call My Own

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Chapter Two: Defeat

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Slowly from the dust a figure came into focus, a strange, yet somehow familiar one. Dressed in the garb akin to some form of ancient soldier, he stood, unmoving as his eyes pierced into the horizon. His legs, his left arm and shoulder as well as his chest, all plated in a worn out red armor, a pair of blades hung sheathed at his sides, his shield strapped upon his battle scarred body. His body, that of a cheetah, bore the scars of untold conflicts, his eyes spoke deeply the tales of his past wars. In the distance, painted as a dark cloud hung high and looming before a handful of souls, a shape was shifting, moving, crawling closer to them. They, but a hundred men, all armed for war, stood steadfast as it approached, that menacing shadow, an army of uncountable numbers, yet they never backed an inch. Placing an equally battered barbute upon his head, he withdrew his blade, readying his shield as he took a single step from the ranks of his men. Behind this figure, they all repeated his action, knowing what drew nearer with every waking second. His mouth opened, speaking words that could not be heard over the roar of the colossal force that drew nigh, yet despite this, they seemed to feel his pure determination, empowering them to face even such impossible odds. He pulled his shield to his front, a single white bird painted crudely upon it's surface, tensing every muscle in unison as the last moment came. Beneath darkened skies they met, a thunderous clash of strength, willpower and instincts, a desperate struggle had begun.

"You're awake, I was beginning to wonder if you were even alive!" chuckled a voice, one belonging to some unknown figure. Chris began to shake the sleep from his head, attempting to regain his composure as he came to. "Kase! Come quick!" he called out again, his voice was not in the least bit intimidating, sounding as if he were young.

Chris began to get his bearings, straining to move to his feet in spite of his aching limbs, trying his best to rise to face whomever lie over him. Before he could take much action, however, a powerful, lightening fast blow took him immediately off his feet. He'd not been given time to react, taken entirely by surprise, not that he could have done much to prevent it in his state, and found himself lying on his back once more, his pain renewed in full.

"What did we say about using names?" asked a second voice, deep and powerful, assumedly belonging to the one whom delivered the blow. He immediately wrapping his arms around the small feline's own, effortlessly restraining what little energy he had left.

"Oh, right. . . sorry." replied the first apologetically, taking hold of Chris' legs.

"Looks like someone did the dirty work for us already." came a third voice from the shadows, one that seemed well mannered and noble, yet as though it belonged to a child. With his blurry vision, Chris could not really make out much in the way of features, but they appeared to be canine, an odd feeling resonating from the third figure.

"Is it him?" asked the first, his voice filled with anticipation and excitement.

"Let me see. . ." spoke the third, kneeling down at Chris' side. He brought his hand to softly meet the cheetah's spotted cheek, caressing it gently in small repeating strokes. This action brought out more confusion than fear in the feline, uncertain as to what was about to happen, but knowing very well that he'd not be able to resist much. The petting moved lower, causing the cheetah's fur covered flesh to warm slightly, descending onto his chin, brushing across the metal collar affixed around his throat, pausing briefly to lift the tags dangling from it.

"Raku Ihra Ezura. . . interesting. . ." he spoke in a calm and dark voice, a voice that didn't do much to calm the spotted cat's nerves. Releasing the tags from his grip, he continued to stroke down Chris' chest, stopping directly above his heart. As that hand lingered in the air above his heart, a cold, numb feeling crept through Chris' body, an ill omen that something bad would follow. Suddenly, it was replaced by a burst of heat throughout his body, snaking it's way throughout his veins. It was unlike anything he'd ever felt before, both painful and relaxing, and as quickly as it arrived, it faded out.

"Well?" asked Kase, still restraining the heavily panting feline.

There was no response, the third figure simply remained still, staring deeply into the eyes of the downed cat, his gaze piecing into his soul. Even in the thick darkness, he could tell that those eyes were on him, and his own locked onto them. He remained there for what could have been an eternity, alas breaking the standoff to drop down next to Chris, bringing his face directly in front of the cheetah's. He inhaled a deep breath, taking in the feline's scent, obviously enjoying what graced his nostrils as his tongue licked out teasingly across the cat's snout. Chris inhaled as well, his mind taking in the scent that resonated from the character that lie over him. It was a dark scent, it was the scent of death itself.

"This one must be remembered." he spoke, his breath dancing warmly upon Chris' throat as he placed a gentle kiss on his neck. Chris felt a warmth upon his neck, a gentle tickle that he realized to be this figure's tongue as it trailed it's way upwards and across his cheek, leaving a moist path as it did.

"Your heart remains steady, even when faced with death, that intrigues me." he spoke, as a whisper into Chris‘ ear. "You are truly unique among this dying god, you are special." He moved to place a soft kiss upon his nose, one barely even felt by the recipient, yet it caused a powerful stirring throughout his nervous system.

"Well? Ben?" asked the first of the three, noting the odd behavior on part of his boss.

Without a word, he rose to his feet, walking into the darkness from whence he appeared.

"Hey, what about him?" asked the first.

"It matters not, but leave it alive." he spoke, vanishing into the night.

"What did I say about names, idiot?" reinforced Kase, without looking, Chris could sense the tension in the air between the two.

"Oh, so-"

"Shut up, it doesn't matter now I suppose. What should we do with him?" asked Kase, his grip relieving slightly. "Boss said not to kill him."

"I‘m not gonna kill it, just relieve a little stress!" suggested the first one, lifting Chris to his feet before spinning him around to face Kase, whom was much taller than the feline, a good foot at least, and his build was rather impressive as well.

"This is just taking up time, David." spoke Kase, seemingly a bit hesitant at what his partner was suggesting.

"Come on, Kase, I need to!" barked David, his excitement obvious in his voice.

"Alright! Stop yelling!" barked back the larger of the two. Chris hadn't yet realized exactly what it was that they had planned to do with him, that is until he felt hands tug down his loose pants, exposing his rear end to the cold night air. He tried his hardest to resist, but the combination of his depleted energy and the presence of Kase's massive form made any attempts a futile effort.

A hand arrived beneath him, exploring his abs in soft strokes, gently teasing every place they could reach, at the same time, Chris felt something poking at his virgin rear. He knew what it was and bit his lip, ears drawing back against his head as he braced himself for what was inevitably to occur.

There wasn't much in the way of mercy on behalf of the rear assailant as Chris felt his hole penetrated in one forceful thrust, painfully waking him to his surrounding. Try as he might, he could do nothing to fight back the scream he expelled, his lungs burning as he spent all of his oxygen in a single burst, his spirit broken as well as his pride. The one thing he was thankful for, however, was the copious amounts of pre that were present else he'd likely been torn apart inside.

"Damn, so tight!" moaned the canine, hands gripping firmly at Chris' hips. "Hope you're ready for this!" the rapist said, beginning to withdraw, each inch drawing out a wince of pain from the cat. He stopped, the pointed head of his canine cock just barely held within the virgin hole, and began the punishment. Just as before he plunged in to the base in one thrust, his knot smashing painfully into Chris's rear. It repeated, hammering in and out, stabbing into his innards and shaking his body. Each of Chris' anguished cries became less and less audible, his grip on consciousness slowly wilting away.

With every thrust the pain began to shift to a numb feeling, his nerves seemingly shutting down as he shut his eyes tight, attempting to block out what was happening to him. He prayed it was merely a dream, that he'd wake up back at home, that terrible place that he missed so much right now.

"Come. . . on, K-Kase! You gotta get s-some!" moaned out David as he ravaged the feline in front of him.

"I'm not really into males, thank you." he responded.

"That's not. . . what your. . . d-dick says!" laughed David, pointing out the massive erection that belonged to Kase, his hand stroking rapidly along it‘s length.

"Shut up." said Kase, letting his heavy cock rest upon the spotted feline's face. "Besides, I think I'd kill him with mine." he laughed.

"Just do it!" yelled David as his thrusting became more and more erratic, his knot growing larger as it fought for entry into the virgin ass he was plowing.

"Oh, fine, you're taking too long anyways." Kase said, forcing open Chris' mouth. He was to tired to resist, parting his jaws without a fight as he began to taste the first drops of pre from his rapist's cannon. The scent was making him nauseous, an overpowering beastly aroma that burned his nostrils.

Kase's thick length invaded his maw, gliding over his tongue as it left a sticky trail towards the back of his throat. Chris tried his best to block out the musky taste in his mouth, the feeling of his jaws being parted by force, the thick aroma in his nose. It was considerably thicker than the other's, his teeth scraping gently over it's length as it hit the back of his throat.

"Damn, barely even in." complained Kase, taking his remaining length into his hand, his free hand holding firmly onto the scruff of Chris' neck. In sync with David, Kase began to pump in and out of Chris' parted lips, his free hand taking care of the unattended half of his cock, his knot forming a grapefruit sized sphere at the base of his shaft. The constant hammering at both ends of his body was beginning to drag on, his throat growing sore, his body aching and his mind nearly blank as the iron flavor told him he was bleeding.

"God!" yelled David, thrusting into Chris' body one final time, his knot forcing entry, locking the two in place as he came. Chris could feel the heat surge through his innards, hot liquid rushing to fill every space available. It was evident that the small cat could barely hold the load as small trails began to exit from the tightly space surrounding the canine's cock. It leaked down the cheetah's thighs, his legs trembling from the complete and utter feeling of helplessness.

It was evident that Kase too was drawing near his own climax as his hand worked his meat faster and harder, his cock slowly pulling free of Chris' mouth, granting him a gasp of air he desperately needed.

Chris was taken by complete surprise as a powerful stream of cum shot out across his muzzle, Kase grabbing his opened mouth to force his pointed head beyond parted lips. Chris' mouth began to fill with the liquid, a salty, iron flavor he found to be disgusting, nearly causing him to vomit. It continued, almost seeming as though it would not end, pouring out over his lips in thick streams, trailing down over his chin and neck.

Kase pulled off again, allowing several more strands to fire out across Chris' spotted face, staining it in a creamy white as it slowed to a stop.

"Damn, sure needed that!" exclaimed Kase, as he released the feline from his grip, letting his chest fall to the ground. He stepped behind David, pulling his knot free of Chris' ass, not even getting so much as a twitch in response from the cat. His rear fell to the ground, joining the rest of him as he lie there motionlessly panting in the darkness, hearing the footsteps of the two canine's vanish into the unknown.

Chris lie there alone in that foreign place, unsure as to what he felt. He couldn't move, he couldn't speak, he just lie there, slowly curling up into a ball as he let loose his torrent of tears, washing down his face, across his cheeks and onto the dirt he lie in. his eyes sealed shut as he blocked out his surrounding. His mind began to drift off, silently wishing that he didn't exist, praying that he could simply vanish, disappear from life and never feel pain again. They'd broken him, both physically and mentally.

Emerald eyes closed once more, this time from a heavy exhaustion. An overwhelming need arose within him to enter into that realm, that house of dreams and sleep. He longed for it to overtake him, to welcome him into its halls, to take away his anguish. He felt a deep hatred begin to form in his body, a deep feeling of resentment and anguish as he lie there, cold and scared for the first time in his life. He wept, shaking in the chilled night air, coughing up a mixture of cum and blood as he waited for death to claim him.

His eyes drifted apart, seemingly on their own, bringing into view a pair of beautiful eyes, bluer than a spring sky. Into focus came a face, it's features warm and calming. Long, flowing gold hair painted on a head of the purest white fur, flawlessly placed over a petite, slender frame. She smiled, her innocence felt throughout his body, her lips parting to speak words that went unheard to him, still yet, he felt their meaning, a sense of relief washing over him. Then there was nothing, his body failing to hold it's grip on consciousness any longer as he drifted off into the sweet serenity of silence. He felt safe now, a moment of peace lingering in spite of all that had transpired, an angel had come to keep him safe, and he slipped into the tranquility of sleep.

(Comments and criticism welcome! Much love!)