Willow's begining part 1

Story by happygirl7 on SoFurry

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So some people know of my rp charcter Willow! But you don't know her very sad begining. I am currently working on part 2. so look out for that!

Jayla was not used to being nervous. She waited in the hospital bed aniouxsly. Her husband held her hand. They were purebread grey wolves. Allways looked up to,beautiful,not to mention powerfull. So they wanted their child to be the same. The doctor had taken their newborn baby away a few moments ago. The doctor returned after a while with a small bundle in his arms. "T-This is.....strange.." He said

"What is this!!??" Jayla's husband boomed. "We are the most respected couple in town! And...and..and you..you HAVE THIS!" The baby girl rested in her mother's arms. She had light blue fur and bright purple eyes. "I...I've got it! W-We'll..We'll..we'll burn it!" Her husband said with a wicked grin. "We could just throw it in! No one would know!" "A child!?" Jayla shreiked. "Listen you! You begged for a child! I hate this thing too! But we will not kill it" That shut him up. "Well what do we do!?" He bellowed. "I'm not bringing this wretched animal to my parents!W-We'll adopt!" "No that won't work.They test for DNA" Jayla agreed. The baby began to cry and squirm. Jayla comforted it,she hated the thing,but in a different way didn't want to kill it. "Look" Jayla began. "A friend of mine has an old barn he never goes into. Mabey if we leave it there and come back everyday to feed it." Her husband nodded and began to pace. "Yes,yes that could work. As long as it kept quiet nobody would know.

2 months later

"My little Willow" Jayla muttered as her husband strarted the car outside the barn. "Remember. I love you,so very much. Be strong" "Jayla! Let's go!" Jayla laid the small bundle in the soft hay.

12 years later

As days turned to months and months turned to years Willow soon found she was very different. The frozen brook in summer? The snow inside of the barn? Yes she was different,she could tell. Willow was not just different but also very smart. She had fashioned her own clothes,taught herself to cook,even taught herself to read. Everyday either a woman or a man came and gave her some food. The man usually brought bread,water,and a rice cake. The woman,however was more kind. She brought some chicken,rice,and sometimes a peice of chocolate. Willow favored this woman for no aparent reason...just something about her made Willow very happy. This day it was the woman. "Willow? Willow?" She called. "I'm here!" Willow called coming out from the stack of hay she read books on. As Willow sat and ate the woman watched."Miss,can I ask a question?" I ask. She nodded. "I've read many books and every person has a mother. Either biologicaly or legaly. So where is mine?" The woman sighed and picked Willow up. "My dear I have waited for so long for you to ask that. Sadly I am sworn never to tell." Willow frowned. At the sight of this the woman got an idea. "However I can give you the adress of where she lives. As she scribbled on a peice of old paper she told Willow. "It is very far from here. So to get there just keep going east from here untill you get to the city,then ask for Fauna street." She handed Willow the paper. "Also you may have to walk for a number of days" She dug in her bag and handed Willow four peices of bread and a large container of water. She then rushed out of the barn and Willow heard a car start and drive off. "I-I'm going to meet my mother" Willow gasped..

Willow's begining part 2

Willow had never been on an expidetion. But she had read books on people who had. So she knew she would need to pack a bag of things. Willow fashioned a knapsack out of old cloth. She the grabbed a compas,the bread,the water,and a blanket. Willow then...

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