Willow's begining part 2

Story by happygirl7 on SoFurry

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The part 2 is now out! I really enjoyed this story because this story is more happy! I also got some questions about the thumbnail. And it is Willow when she is 16 or 18 not as a child. So enjoy and look for part 3! ;)

Willow had never been on an expidetion. But she had read books on people who had. So she knew she would need to pack a bag of things. Willow fashioned a knapsack out of old cloth. She the grabbed a compas,the bread,the water,and a blanket. Willow then layered the rubber on the bottom of her falling apart shoes. Finally she brushed through her hair and set out of the barn. The warm morning sun hit Willow's face. "Ahhhhh" She sighed. She shouldered her bag and read her compass. "She told me to go East" Willow mumbled. She went East and continued to walk. Willow had never been outside the barn before. But she liked it so far! A nice warm breeze blew across her fur as she walked along the dirt road. She stretched in the evening sun and smiled to herself. Willow felt as if she'd been walking for two seconds when the sun began to set.

Willow spread out her wollen blanket under a tree and relaxed as the sun bathed her body. She sighed. That night she fell sleep dreaming of what her mother would look like. A small wren rested on a tree next to her. "Hello little birdy" she said smiling,and putting her paws behind her head. "Do you know what my mother is going to look like?" She said to the wren. The wren cocked it's head,as if it could hear her."She's going to have white hair with purple in it, like me." The wren listened intently. "And she'll be very kind. I'm sure she bakes cookies every Saturday. And she probally have so many books for me to read" Willow yawned and fell asleep in the warm summer breeze

Willow's eyes fluttered open as the birds chirped in the forest. She stretched and got up. She gathered her things and looked down and gasped. The grass around the area she had slept was covered in thick ice. "what in the....." Willow muttered

Willow's begining part 3

Willow had no logical explination for the ice. She had read pleanty of books on weather and cold. Perhaps it was very cold? No. It was summer. Mabey it had gotten very cool so the ground covered in frost and the rest melted? No. It was still around...

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Willow's begining part 1

Jayla was not used to being nervous. She waited in the hospital bed aniouxsly. Her husband held her hand. They were purebread grey wolves. Allways looked up to,beautiful,not to mention powerfull. So they wanted their child to be the same. The doctor...

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