Gas & Gluttony

Story by bigkoda on SoFurry

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#2 of Gainer Stories

Wrote a while ago for a friend. One of those "never gonna finish" stories. Like all of mine! :D

For those of you still interested, there will be the following in this story: flatulence, slobbiness, extreme weight gain, drooling, and sweatiness

I entered my apartment and looked at the sty I lived in. I shrugged past the dirty clothes, empty delivery containers, pizza boxes, and empty bottles to enter the kitchen with my groceries. A friend was on his way over and I knew tonight was going to be... good. I returned to my car, which was easily an extension of my filthy apartment and returned with several bags of greasy fast food and bags of soda. I closed my door and set out the "feast", by the end my counter was jammed with food. Platters of hot dogs covered in condiments, cookies, cakes, and pizza surrounded several gallons of a rich, white substance. It was like I had painted the last supper, quite literally on my counter - the most important piece: gallons of thick, super powered weight gain shake had an aura of gluttony surrounding them.

I lost track of time enjoying my spread and was jolted out of my dream world by my doorbell. I had a brief fleeting thought of 'what have I gotten myself into' as I padded to the door, my thick socks sinking into my filthy carpet due to the weight of the body they were propelling forward. Before I reached the door I tugged off my shirt, leaving on my slightly stained, white (well, once white), 3XL a-shirt. I then pulled off my tight jean shorts, which allowed me to breathe normally once again and left me in dirty green and blue, plaid boxers. I leaned over to retrieve these clothes and snorted; I instantly rethought this and merely scooted them into a pile of other clothes. I took the time to enjoy the strain my boxers audibly (and no doubt, obviously) showed, my tail swayed slowly and I was once again reminded of my guest via doorbell.

"Alright, alright! I'm coming!" I shouted to the door and tugged it open.

"Jeeze, took you long enough. I thought you were standing me up." A large hyena said as he squeezed into my apartment, his sides rubbing against the door jam.

"I wouldn't want the wrath of fatzilla on my paws, would I?" I grinned and watched him turn to close the door, then I pounced on him; I sank into the bulk that was Dominic and gently moaned into his strained shirt. "I haven't seen you in a couple weeks... clearly you've been... uh..."

"...working out?" Dom grinned, then eyed me. "You're looking pretty gaunt... are you dieting on me?"

"What?" I am not. "I passed up 330 a week or so ago." I took this time to walk into the kitchen, returning with a can of cheesecake frosting. "So what are you waiting for?" I opened up the can and dipped by pudgy paw in, then slurped it off. "Make with the undressing. Or do you need help?" I grinned as I walked back over to him and poked the bit of midsection that was escaping the bottom of his shirt.

"Oof.." The hyena rubbed at his midsection then dropped his bag. "I was just taking in your apartment... You know, I always thought skunks and pigs didn't get along." He reached under his middle looking for the clasp of his shorts.

"What do you mean, tubby?" I smiled and set down the can to help, my paws still slightly sticky as I undid his button and watched his body relax (and expand) slightly.

Dom wiggled a bit and let his tight shorts fall to the ground. "Clearly you've gotta have some pig in ya', you live in a pen..." He grinned, looked over the mess that was my place, and wrinkled his nose after sniffing in; Dom then stepped out of his shorts and looked at me to nod back, letting him know that he accomplished his task since he couldn't exactly see past his expansive midsection. "Nothin' wrong with it thought, I don't mind slobs that much." He grinned and let out a belch, then padded over to my couch. Before sitting his pulled off his shirt and tossed it on the ground, then sat down - which produced a creak.

In my mind, I was watching a circus tent fall and I grinned from ear to ear. I retrieved my can of frosting and stuck a plump digit back in, then carefully lapped it off looking at Dom. "I wish I was as big as you were... how didja get that big anyway?" I asked as I swished my long tail under my arm and lapped at my paw again.

"Years of practice, grasshopper." Dominic smiled and put his paws together, then bowed his head.

We both laughed and I fell into the couch next to him. My tail was still swishing around my frontside so I dabbed a bit of frosting into my musky fur. "Mmmhm..." I licked at my paw again and looked down. "Oops."

"What are you trying to do? Get me to vore you?" The hyena smiled and leaned over, taking my tail into his muzzle and slobbering on it slightly as he lapped the rich frosting off.

I pretended to be offended and pulled away from him. "I can't help that I'm a messy eater!" I leaned back into him and murred as his drool matted down my tailfur.

Dominic grinned and slowly got up off the couch, something that's easier said than done for a nearly 900 pound hyena. After a bit of a struggle, namely against momentum and gravity, Dom walked over to the counter. He stacked the boxes of pizza up and places the various platters of hot dogs, cookies, and cakes on top then walked them back to the living room. The tubby 'yena placed them on the coffee table and padded back, only to return with the multiple gallons of gainer-shake. He placed them down and grabbed a pizza box, then flopped onto the couch and flipped it open. "So who's all this for?" Dom asked as he bit into a large slice of meat lover's pizza, some grease and sauce dripping onto his soft chest.

I grinned and leaned into the blubbery fur sitting next to me. "Well, I would say it's all for me, but with you around I don't think that'd be possible..." As I sunk into the hyena's soft body, I let out a quiet moan and closed my eyes. A loud belch was release and Dom's middle (and I) wobbled slightly as I sniffed in. "Was that supposed to be a threat?"

Dom wrapped one of his thick arms around me and pulled me into his jello like belly. "Nope, this is though." He leaned away from me slightly and farted, making the couch beneath us creak slightly.

"Oh God.. I'm going, I'm going!" I shouted as I attempted to get up, struggling against the quicksand-like state of Dom's belly as his 'musk' began to spread throughout my living room. I finally got onto my footpaws and snatched up a couple pizzas, a platter of hot dogs, and a gallon of milkshake. "Is this enough?" I asked as I sat myself back onto the couch, popping the cap to the milkshake and stuffing a hot dog into my maw.

Dom rolled his eyes and leaned forward, grabbing another gallon and a couple boxes of pizza. "How about adding this to your docket?" He asked as he sniffed, wrinkling his snout. "Wow... now I know why you were in a hurry..." He grinned and prodded my side.

I pulled one of the gallons from my muzzle, spilling some onto my off-white chest fur and filthy shirt. "Oof... ouch!" I wiggled and leaned into Dom, letting out a fart and grinning.

"Sheesh... slob." Dom rubbed at my chest, matting my fur down with crumbs. "You know... it's easier to be... smellier... if you were my size."


I came to several hours later, to see nothing but darkness and a slight reflective glint before me. I tried to retrace where I was or how I got here and was stopped by a throbbing pain at the back of my head. I attempted to lift an arm to check my...

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