Pokemon: Further Evolutions CH 5 (Part 2)

Story by That Box in the Basement on SoFurry

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#10 of Pokemon: Further Evolutions

And we're back for part 2! Gonna make a request here though. I still need to figure out what other tags to put in, so if anyone can be so kind, just let me know what I'm missing so I can fix my tags up? Thanks. ^^ That being said, this is a pretty yiff heavy segment. From how things have been going for me, all of the yiff in each chapter seems to have gone to the second segment, so just thought I'd let you guys know.

Once the tour was over, Kyo and the Grovyle-morph were given directions to their huts after being given a general place to start. Because of the tour itself, they at least had a good idea of where they needed to be going. With all of the other morphs having gone off to their own huts, the two of them were on their own, walking in a long, awkward silence. For some reason, Kyo just couldn't find anything to say to her, and apparently, neither could she. Occasionally, they caught occasional glances, and sometimes, one of them would speak up, but it was simply to check if the other knew which way to go from where they were. By the time Kyo figured out something to say that didn't involve directions, the two of them were already there.

"'Well, here we are,'" the Grovyle-morph said, looking to the two small huts, then back to the water type, "'Do you remember which one Zeke said was yours?'"

"Yeah..." Kyo replied, "at least I think so... Wait..." He put a finger to his snout, tapping it rhythmically. "Zeke...did say that mine was on the left, right?"


"Wait, right?"

"'No, left.'"

"So the left then."


"S-so not right?"

"'R...right...'" The two of them began to chuckle before outright laughing. The female morph settled herself down, turning away and covering her muzzle with a hand. "'Well, I should get going. I need to visit the medical center.'" She gently placed a hand near her entrance, making Kyo blush at the sight. "'I need to...get this back to normal...'" Her cheeks began to flush red, matching Kyo's own. "'I'll...see ya around, okay?'"

"See ya..." he replied, making a small wave to her, "um...t...take care, alright?"

She smiled, and covered her muzzle again, glancing off to the side once more. "'Thanks, I will.'"

"A-and uh..." the Grovyle's eyes darted back to his direction, "I...I hope that everything goes well for you... N-NOT that I'm expecting anything bad to happen, b-but I just wanna...I-I'm trying to..." The grass type let out a small giggle, moving closer to him and placing a hand on his shoulder as he stammered.

"'I understand,'" she said to him, causing Kyo to settle down, "'and thanks. That's really sweet of you.'" Kyo blushed and looked off to the side, scratching the back of his head. The Grovyle-morph let out another giggle, before backing away from him and making for the medical center. "'I'll see ya later Kyo.'" She waved as she walked away, and Kyo waved back dumbly, watching her go. Once she was gone from sight, he let his hand drop to his side. He let out a long sigh, closing his eyes and rubbing his temples with his fingers.

Real smooth Kyo, he thought to himself. With a shake of his head, he made his way to the front of his hut, opening the door and quickly moving inside. The first thing he noticed was the lack of a lock on the door. He figured that after being held in captivity for so long, the morphs on the island probably wanted to be out for as long as possible. The huts were probably meant primarily for sleeping or safety from bad weather. Shrugging the thought aside, he looked around his sparsely decorated area.

At first glance, there wasn't really much to look at. Off to the side was a sizable mat which, according to Zeke, was padded with wool from the Mareep on the island. There were a few glass windows on the sides, though this didn't really surprise him. What did surprise him though was the presence of a bathroom behind one of the doors of the hut. There was even a tub and sink. Granted mostly everything was operated through a pump, the place seemed to have its own sort of plumbing system, though with Kyo's lack of knowledge of plumbing, he had no hopes of understanding how it could work.

Other than that, there was nothing else noteworthy about the place. He made his way over to the bed, dropping his bag nearby before flopping on the wool mattress. He let out a sigh, and stared up at the ceiling. Shrugging to himself, he turned over and reached into his bag, pulling out his poke-gear. He clicked it on and checked the signal strength.

Nothin,_he thought to himself, _sounds about right. Zeke did say there were things that disrupted signals here. What was it again? Something about...magnetic rocks I think? He shrugged the thought aside before tossing the device back into his bag. He was thankful he had taken care of calling his parents and Nurse Joy during the trip over to the S.S. Gyrados. Fortunately, they had all been very supportive of his decision to come over here, and they were happy that he was amongst his own kind, so to speak.

Now if only I can act like them... He poked at his shorts lightly, staring down at them from where he lay. He began to reach for them, before quickly withdrawing his hand. Nnnnnnope... Still can't do it... His eyes drifted back up to the ceiling. _ Even though we're...friends I guess,_ he shrugged at the thought, and even though I've forgiven her, I still can't get over what that Grovyle-morph did to me... His eyes drifted closed, and images of the grass type began to fill his head. His eye ridges furrowed. Why...can't I get her...out of my head? He tried to think of someone else for a moment, trying hard to picture anyone other than the attractive female. However, he found that the harder he tried, the more images of her flooded into his mind.

He clicked his tongue, rolling over in his bed. I don't even know her name. Why is this happening? This time, he pictured the Umbreon-morph he had met on the upper deck of the S.S. Gyrados. He pictured her slim, curvy body. He remembered the puffiness of her swollen nipples. He could almost feel how she had run her paws up and down his body that day, sending shivers down his spine. Satisfied with the progress this made, Kyo allowed his mind to wander further, imagining what would have happened if he had taken her offer. He imagined himself running his hands down her back, before reaching down to caress her rump. He felt his cock begin to harden from beneath his shorts as he continued. The fantasy took another step forward, as the two morphs locked their muzzles together. His cock began to throb as their tongues met, before they began to explore each others' mouths.

They parted the kiss, and the Umbreon-morph slowly reached down, pulling at the band of his shorts. Kyo, unable to help himself, reached down his shorts and took hold of his now throbbing member. The grass type-no...dark type slid his shorts down his legs, before grabbing hold of it and giving it several good pumps. Kyo let out a small yelp as he began to stroke his cock in time with the fantasy. The female morph lowered her head, stuffing her muzzle into the base of his cock, and breathed in deeply, taking in his scent. Kyo shivered as she gently lapped at his balls, slowly working up to the underside of his cock, then up along his length, until finally reaching the tip.

Her tongue swirled around his head, causing a bit of pre to leak out. She eagerly lapped at his fluids, before tenderly taking the tip into her warm, moist mouth. Kyo's hips jerked, thrusting into his hand reflexively. He swallowed a bit of saliva that had begun to gather in his mouth as he continued pleasing himself. The Grovyle-wait no, Umbreon-morph began to bob her head up and down his length, working her way down to the base and swallowing his cock whole. Kyo gasped as his cock slipped down her throat, before sliding out. The Umbreon's eyes locked with his as she sucked at him, continuing to swirl her tongue around his length.

Suddenly, the dark type withdrew, sliding his cock out with a lewd, wet smack. Kyo staggered as he was left cold, just at the edge of finishing. The female smiled at him, licking her lips and gently groping his rear. Kyo panted heavily as he began to cool down from his high, his cock still very hard and erect. The female trailed a finger up his thigh, and up his length, stopping to tap at his tip. She lay down before him, motioning with a finger for him to join her. She spread her legs invitingly, revealing to him her wet, slick entrance, which was practically leaking her feminine juices. She reached down and spread her nether-lips apart, allowing more juices to spill out from her. She took hold of a breast with her other paw, squeezing the plush lump of fur and playing with her nipple. Silently, and breathily, she mouthed the words "Fuck me" with her muzzle, before licking her lips.

Kyo's cock throbbed at the sight. Unable to decline the invitation, he positioned himself over the needy female, pressing his tip against her spread lips. Tenderly locking their muzzles together, he thrust his hips forward, sliding into her tight entrance. The dark type let out a small mewl as she felt him enter her with ease, having little difficulty due to her juices lubricating her walls. Kyo grunted slightly as she clamped tightly around his member. It pulsed lightly; he could already feel how close he was to cumming inside of her. He wrestled his tongue against hers as he waited himself out, not wanting to finish so soon, but not wanting to pull out of her either.

Once he felt he was ready, he began to slowly pull back, sliding his cock out until only his tip remained. Their tongues wrestled more, and the Umbreon-morph squirmed around, eager for him to continue. Not wanting to keep her waiting, Kyo thrust his hips forward, sliding back into her warm depths and slapping his thighs loudly against the female's soft rump. She moaned into his mouth as more of her juices spilled out from her around Kyo's cock. She grinded her now swollen clit against his lower abdomen, earning herself a few extra thrills of pleasure up her spine as Kyo took the time to recollect himself.

After gathering his wits, the water type repeated his actions, before repeating again...and again...and again...slowly but surely picking up the pace as he went on. They separated themselves from their muzzle lock, allowing each other to let out erotic moans with every motion of Kyo's hips. The Umbreon-morph began to thrust her hips into his, meeting him in time to his thrusts. Her eyes rolled back as she felt him invade her insides again and again. She moaned out loudly as he re-positioned himself, fucking her in an angle that made him reach her g-spot.

He went even faster now, grabbing onto her shoulders as he thrust into her with gusto. He savored the sight of the female's breasts bounce around every time their hips met. He took a hand off of her shoulder to grab onto one of the jiggling mounds of flesh, squeezing it and groping it with passion. The Umbreon greatly approved of this, reaching up with her own hand to take hold of his. Her other hand went to the back of his neck, hanging on to him from there. She looked up at him, locking their eyes together.

Kyo couldn't help but be held by her gaze, even with his desire to look back down and watch their groins join together again and again, or down at her free tit that bounced around with every thrust. No, her eyes held him fast, and refused to let him go. Her walls clenched down on his length as she thrust herself back into him, her legs still hooked around his hips. She gave him a look that commanded him to go faster, which he all too willingly did. Loud smacks sounded out as he pounded the dark type with everything he had, driving the both of them closer and closer to their climax. Their breathing soon turned into desperate gasping, as their stamina begins to peter out.

Kyo's breaths became shallower as he felt an all too familiar tension begin to rise in his balls. In one final burst of energy, Kyo made several hard thrusts before he came hard into the Grovyle-morph.

Grovyle?!_Kyo's eyes snapped open as he thrust into his hand, splurting stream after stream of his cum over the bed and onto the wooden flooring. Out of desperation, he tried to imagine the Umbreon-morph in her place, but by the time he was able to, his climax had already subsided, leaving his cum-smeared cock limp and lifeless. He panted heavily as he cooled down from his sudden "session." With a bit of effort, he sat up, looking towards the puddles of cum he had left upon the sheets and the floor. There was definitely _much more than he would have shot if he were still human. He shook his head.

It's official, he thought to himself, I just can't get her out of my head... Deciding not to think too much about what this would mean for him, the Feraligatr-morph reached into his bag, pulling out a towel before moving on to try and clean his only recently acquired home.

After getting everything back to being nice and dry...ish, Kyo took the time to sleep in for a bit, as the long day had taken much out of him. Once he was all rested up, he decided to come out of his hut to begin his first official day on the island. He closed the door behind him, having difficulty with getting used to the lack of a lock, before making his way through the jungle, intending to explore the island a bit more. The tour Zeke had given the group didn't really show much of the island, as it was more or less meant to get everyone familiar with key spots, and the old trainer in Kyo wanted to see more of what this island had in store.

Making sure to keep track of where it was he was going, the water type pushed through the thick foliage as he turned away from the cleared out path and towards the center of the island. It took a while, but eventually Kyo came across an area where the plants weren't so densely packed. Looking around where he was now, the place looked more like a forest than anything, as the trees were vastly different from the many palm trees that surrounded much of the island. Walking up to one, he noticed that some of the branches bore a strange looking fruit.

So_this _is the poke-fruit that Zeke was talking about, Kyo thought to himself, recalling a small factoid the feline had shared during the tour. He remembered hearing him say that they were free for them to take, (within reason of course). Shrugging, he reached out and plucked a single fruit from the tree, taking the time to inspect it.

Doesn't seem all that different from the fruit back home, he commented, but I suppose the flavor's gonna be what sets this thing apart. He took a small nibble first, testing the flavor to make sure he wasn't just going to waste it if he didn't end up liking it. He let the petite bite sit on his tongue for a bit. Its flavor quickly spread across his tongue, and he let out a low murr. Content with the small sampling, Kyo opened his jaws wider and took a larger bite out of the fruit.

He let out a long murr of satisfaction as he tasted the rich flavor of the fruit. It was unlike anything he had ever tasted before; he couldn't even put it to words. It had a soft, yet firm texture to it as he chewed, and its sweet tanginess gave it that extra bit of flare. He chewed it for a moment, relishing the flavor, before finally swallowing, licking a bit of the juice off of his muzzle. He eagerly took another bite, wanting to try more of the unique fruit. Suddenly, he heard giggling nearby. Swallowing the wad of fruit in his mouth, the Feraligatr-morph looked around.

"'I see you've taken quite a liking to the fruit here,'" a sweet, feminine voice sounded from behind the tree. A figure stepped around it, and revealed herself to be an attractive Leafeon-morph. Kyo blushed as he caught himself staring down at her C-cup breasts, and quickly looked away. The grass type began to giggle again. "'What's wrong? Can't even keep eye contact with me?'" She walked up to him and offered him a paw. "'Nice to finally meet you Kyo. I'm Jenna, one of the leaders of this island.'" Kyo blinked, before turning back to her and hesitantly shook her hand.

"Nice to...meet you...too..." he replied, "but...how did-"

"'I was told about you before you arrived,'" Jenna answered him, "'and I must say; it really is a pleasure to be meeting you in person.'" She let go of his hand and smiled. "'So, how is the life of a pokemorph treating you so far?'"

"It's been...fair I suppose," he replied, taking a moment to think about his response first, "In truth, I can't really say much since I haven't done a lot here yet, but...I suppose you can say I'm getting..." he blushed again, "...adjusted." Again, the female morph giggled.

"'That's good to hear at least,'" she said to him, leaning against the tree, "'If anything, I'd say you're looking pretty good for someone who used to be human. Oh!'" Her long, leafy ears suddenly straightened. "'That reminds me; if you run into any of the other leaders, don't automatically assume that they know you're an ex-human. Most of us do, but some of the newer ones don't. And even though we're supposed to be more accepting as Island Leaders, there are some that...still have a grudge against humanity.'"

Kyo nodded in understanding. "Alright, I got it. I'll be sure to be careful."

Jenna nodded back in satisfaction. "'Good. And by the way, just in case you were curious, I'm actually one of the newer ones.'" She smiled at him, tilting her head slightly. "'Joined a couple of months ago, so we're both still getting used to this place.'" She straightened up, and flicked her leaf-like tail lightly. "'So, what've you been up to lately?'"

"Well, right now I'm exploring the island a bit more," he told her, swaying his own tail softly behind him, "The tour Zeke gave us really only showed us around the border of our side of the island, but he didn't really take us in that far, so I just thought I'd look around for a bit."

"'Ooooo, sounds cool,'" she replied, "'but you ought 'a be careful; I'm not sure if Zeke told you guys or not, but there are a lot of females running around that are in heat already. And even though there are more males around here now, they're still pretty outnumbered, and still very sought after.'"

"Yeah..." Kyo began, looking off to the side and covering his face with his tail fin, "I...learned that...rather recently actually..." Jenna tilted her head at his response, before shrugging it off.

"'Either way,'" she continued, "'going into the forest was actually a pretty smart decision. There aren't very many morphs that go this deep into the island.'" Their conversation was briefly put on hold as they heard the sounds of passionate moans off in the distance. Kyo's blush deepened as he fixed a tent in his shorts. Jenna chuckled, flicking her ears. "'Most of the time anyway.'"

"Right..." Kyo replied, his blush slowly fading as he did his best to ignore the sounds of intense arousal. Something suddenly clicked in his mind, and he turned to face the Leafeon-morph once again. "Wait a sec, you're...not in heat are you?"

She smiled. "'As a matter of fact, I actually am. I've just learned to control myself over the years of being a sex slave.'" She put a finger on her chin. "'Honestly, at this point, I've actually gotten rather tired of sex. After that_many years as a slave, and after _that_many times being bent over a table, it's just sort of...dried out ya know?'" She looked upwards as she went on. "'When I was a slave, it was all I did. I never even got the chance to see what real pokemon were like. I was always so curious about the world behind the trees, to see the life of wild pokemon. I never even got to go outside.'" Her head tilted to the side. "'Well, there was this one time I had to get filmed in the woods for a three-way session. Yeah sure I got to see a little bit, but the guy I was taking was going really rough on me, and he kept bending me in positions that ended up blocking my view. And even when I_did get a good angle to try and look, I'd be too busy eating out the chick that stuffed her pussy in my muzzle. She had a nice taste though, I mean, ice types have this interesting chill to their juices. I just wish the guy rutting me into the ground hadn't been a fire type. Cum from one of those kinds of guys just feels like my insides are on fire. But his cock did feel rather nice inside me. Ribbed cocks were always my favorite kind. And he always fucked me at just the right angles. My g-spot was never left unattended in that video. Even when I was taking it in the ass, that Glaceon's icy tongue made for a quick substitute. I nearly fainted in the middle of it though, cuz she wouldn't stop rubbing my clit and-OH! Are you alright Kyo?'"

"Y-yeah I'm fine," the water type replied, coughing a bit in between words. Kyo was clenching his fingers around his snout in an attempt to stop a nosebleed. "I-I think the humidity's getting to me."

"'Oh okay,'" said Jenna, "'I think there's a pond somewhere in that direction.'" She pointed off into the distance where the supposed pond will be. "'You should probably go there and cool off just in case.'"

"Th-thanks," he replied, speaking quickly as he started for the pond, "I-I think I'll do that now. I'll talk to you another time Jenna. Thank you for the help."

"'No problem,'" she called out to him, waving to him, "'Don't bleed out on the way there!'" Kyo waved with his tail before maneuvering through some of the thick foliage and disappearing from sight.


He let out a sigh of relief as he finally found the alleged area. Without a second thought, the Feraligatr-morph slipped out of his shorts and sat himself at the shallow end of the somewhat small pond. He let out another satisfied sigh as he felt the cool waters envelop his form. His nosebleed had thankfully stopped on the way here, but he definitely appreciated this opportunity to cool off from the humidity. He closed his eyes and settled down so that only his neck and head remained above water.

Gosh...damn,_he thought to himself, _she just...wow. He shivered slightly at the thought of her, his mind already imagining the three-some she had described to him not too long ago. Well, at least I have something to distract myself from... Images of the Grovyle morph began to fill his head as well.


His tail swished in irritation; he truly couldn't find a way to put either of the two girls out of his head.

Why am I even trying to push these thoughts away? I mean for crying out loud; I'm living on an island FILLED with naked female pokemorphs. Of course I'm gonna get turned on around here... Shaking his head, he once again allowed his mind to wander further, imagining the two grass types committing lewd and sensuous acts. The fantasy quickly progressed, and soon enough, Kyo began to imagine himself in a three-way session with them. He imagined taking each of them at different angles and positions, sometimes on top, sometimes on the bottom, and sometimes somewhere in between. He imagined them bouncing on his lap, riding his cock like there was no tomorrow.

His fantasy grew more livid, and he pictured Grovyle's head between his legs. She took hold of his member, gently stroking it and sending shivers down his spine. He gasped out in surprise as she ran her tongue up his length, his fantasy having gotten strong enough to a point where he could almost feel what was going on. Her tongue swirled around his head, stopping only to allow her to lightly suck on it, before continuing. Kyo slapped his hand over his muzzle, afraid of accidentally moaning out loudly and attracting the attention of anyone that could be nearby.

He felt his cock throb slightly as Grovyle began to bob her head, one of her free hands fondling his balls while the other rubbed at his thigh, making him feel the slight sting of his scales as she rubbed upwards. He winced as she rubbed him at a particularly bad angle, and he shifted a little in his seat. This caught him off guard, as he hadn't realized just how real this fantasy of his was beginning to feel. He didn't put much thought into it however, as she began to bob her head faster. He stifled a moan as he felt his cock head slide down her throat, thrusting into her mouth instinctively. His breathing soon became heavy panting as he could already feel his climax approaching. His thrusts became more frantic and sporadic, and the female morph did her best to keep up with him.

"Ahh.....hahhh......hhHHHAAAHHH!" He made one final thrust in, reaching his hands out to grip Grovyle's head. He took hold of her frill as his cock throbbed, sending jets of his cum down her throat. Kyo caved in slightly, shaking slightly with every stream of cum he shot. His tail curled around her body, running down it and feeling the ridges along her backside. Only when his cum finally came to a stop did he finally relax, slumping over the grass type's body. He remained still as he evened out his breathing, trying to recollect himself as he settled comfortably over the female. He closed his eyes, slowly dozing off. A bit of water splashed on his face, and he remembered that he was still in the water. He quickly realized that he should probably allow Grovyle back up to the surface so that she could...


Why could he feel an actual body? Opening his eyes, he raised his head up and looked down, only to be caught by surprise as something splashed out from the water around his lap, and a short muzzle was stuffed into his, locking him into a hungry kiss. His eyes snapped closed as his tongue was lathered in his own cum by the mystery mouth. Trying his best to get over the watery, (and somewhat sweet), taste of his cum, he opened his eyes and was met with the sight of a Vaporeon-morph. The fellow water type pressed her body against his, causing her breasts to squish into his chest. Her hands roamed around his own body, exploring his back and neck.

She separated their muzzles, leaving a trail of saliva that connected to her tongue. She lapped it up, and smiled at him.

"'Hi there,'" she greeted him, "'just thought I'd have myself a little drink. It is rather hot you know, so I'm glad I found myself a sweet little surprise.'" She winked kinkily, running her hand up and down his back. Her hand trailed down to his cock, and she began to stroke it once more. "'Say, do you think you can help cool me down somewhere...deeper?'" She whispered the last part into his ear, making him shiver and springing his cock back to life.

She...must be in heat, he thought to himself, so if I we keep going like this, she'll end up... He shook the thought away and quickly tried to get up. "I-I'm sorry," he began hastily, disentangling his arms from the Vaporeon-morph, "r-right now I have somewhere to be!"

"'I know you do,'" she replied, catching his arm and pulling him back into the water. She pressed their bodies together again, a lustful look in her eyes as she felt him up. "'And that somewhere to be is right here,'" she grabbed his rump, pulling his hips towards her, "'in me...'"

Shiiiiitt,_he thought to himself, sucking in a breath as she began to hump at him, _come on...gotta come up with something quick... How do I turn off an incredibly horny morph? He tried to think, but it was rather hard considering how he was being handled at the moment. He growled, and decided to go with the very first thing that came to his mind.

"H-hey look! A-a disterrktion!" he blurted out, abruptly pointing off into the distance.

"'A...a what?'" the Vaporeon-morph said, looking to where he pointed in confusion. Taking this opportunity, Kyo quickly splashed a bunch of water in her face, which caused her grip on him to loosen. He frantically disentangled himself from the fellow water type, and scrambled back onto shore. He grabbed up his shorts and made a break for the other direction.

"I said a distraction!" he shouted as he fled back into the forest.


Kyo caught his breath as he leaned against a tree, more or less hiding behind it. Trying his best to keep quiet, he peeked around the tree to scan the area. Once he felt like it was safe enough, he stepped out and into the open.

Hooooooough that was close, he thought to himself, letting out a sigh of relief, had we gotten any further I would've become a father... With his shorts still in hand, he turned around and started for the other direction,

only to run into a furred body.

He toppled over the stranger, causing them to fall to the ground, and causing him to land on top. After recovering, he opened his eyes and was met with the sight of a female Mightyena-morph.

"'Well hello there handsome,'" she cooed, cupping his muzzle with a paw, "'Oh my, it seems that we've already fallen for each other.'" He yelped slightly as her other paw groped at his rear. "'So what do ya say reptile rump? Wanna take me?'" She began to grind against his cock, prompting sudden gasps from the water type.

"HhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII," he sighed, clenching his eyes closed as the circular motion of her hips set his sensitive cock ablaze with pleasure, "IIIIIII'mmmmm...GUunna have to pass." Moving away before the female could try and restrain him, Kyo crawled off of her and struggled to his feet. A hungry smile spread across her muzzle, and she quickly rolled over and pounced on him, bringing him back down to the ground.

"'Legends a_bove_ you have no idea how much of a turn on it is for my men to play hard to get,'" she gasped, running her tongue up his lower back and sending unexpected shivers up his spine. Kyo let out a heated breath as her hand managed to sneak around his length and vigorously jerk him off. He trembled with every motion of her soft paw, and he found it difficult to even so much as try to move away. She let go of him briefly, but only so that she could reposition her arm to continue stroking him as she lay on top of him. With her tail wagging in satisfaction of this new position, she rolled the both of them onto their sides and picked up where she left off with him.

"'Is my paw nice and warm for you hmmm?'" she cooed in his ear, lowering her muzzle to run her tongue along his neck, "'does it wanna make you blow your load all over my body? Hmmm? Does it?'" She began kissing his neck, sneaking in a few licks as she picked up the pace. Kyo's eyes scrunched closed as he was once again sent into absolute bliss, thrusting into her paw occasionally. He let out the entire day's worth of suppressed moans as he was brought over the edge for a third time. Her hand did not cease in her vigorous jerking as his cock shot out stream after stream of his cum, though to a lesser quantity compared to his first two times.

His body went limp as soon as his cum ceased, panting heavily as he tried to catch his breath. His mind was practically numb at this point; his body not quite used to cumming such a large amount this many times in a row. With his mind in such a state, he hadn't even noticed the furred morph crawl over him, until she began to lick at his cock and making him jerk suddenly.

"'Mmmmm,'" she murred huskily, "'such a nice flavor. Now...how about we get you up and active again so you can share some more of that spunk with me huh?'" Without warning, she began to jerk him off again, making him sigh out as his cock was once again brought back to life.

What do I...do? Kyo thought to himself, it's so hard to...think straight... He desperately tried to think of a plan of escape. Unfortunately, he had no water to splash at the eager morph, and he doubted his fake distraction would pull her attention away from his length. She jerked him off faster, and his breathing returned to desperate gasps. He found it getting harder to breathe, his tongue hung out from his muzzle,

and then a new idea formed in his head.

He truly didn't want to resort to it, but at this point, he felt there to be no other option. Pushing all hesitation aside, he reached out with his hand to cup the underside of the Mightyena's muzzle, angling it towards him. Before she had time to question, Kyo moved in and locked their muzzles together in a passionate kiss. The corners of the canine's lips curled up into a smile as she returned the kiss, pushing his head back as she shoved her tongue into his mouth. However, Kyo pushed back, wrestling his tongue with her own and rolling so that he remained on top of her. She growled playfully, a heavy wave of arousal washing over her as they fought for dominance over each other.

She wrapped her free hand around Kyo's head, rapidly sliding her tongue back and forth through his mouth as she pushed herself into him. But Kyo pushed back even harder, letting out a low growl as he pinned her head to the ground with nothing but his muzzle. Reluctantly, the Mightyena-morph submitted to him, allowing him to do whatever he wanted with her. A soft blush rose to his cheeks as he wrestled his tongue past hers, and slunk it down her throat. He gently bobbed his head, dipping his tongue down her throat over and over again while keeping her tongue pinned to the bottom of her mouth to ensure that she did not do the same to him. He wrapped his arms tightly around her body, his blush deepening as he felt her plush breasts squish up against his nude form.

He grunted as her strokes slowed in speed, but thankfully, this was a good sign. Not giving himself a chance to hesitate further, Kyo deepened their kiss _even_more, sliding his tongue even deeper into the canine's throat. He felt her meep into his mouth, and she began to squirm around a bit. Keeping his grip tight around her, he opened his mouth wider and slid his tongue in further. She began to struggle a bit more, the paw upon his head now trying to pull him back, and the paw around his cock now pushing at his midsection. He let out another dominant growl, pinning her head down harder and deepening their kiss even further, his muzzle already pressing against the ground.

A weak whimper escaped the Mightyena-morph as she struggled for air, pushing harder against his midsection and squirming around more. Kyo kept his tight grip around her body and his tongue deep in her throat as he waited her out. Soon enough, her struggles ceased, and her body went limp. Kyo quickly loosened his grip, and pulled his tongue out of her throat, allowing her to breathe in once again. This left the dark type in a dazed state from having nearly gone unconscious. Kyo took a moment to recuperate himself, catching his own breath and relaxing his muscles after having gone so tense for that long. He raised his head up to look at the half-conscious female.

"I...I'm sorry," he said to her, panting in between words, "but...you didn't...leave me with...much of a choice..." From the way her stunning red eyes stared back at him blankly, he wasn't quite sure if she had understood him. Never-the-less, he got the job done. He leaned over a bit and kissed her on the lips as a sort of apology, before getting back up to his feet and hurrying through the forest and away from the Mightyena-morph.

Once he was at a fair distance away from her, Kyo stopped to rest. He leaned against a tree as he caught his breath. He looked around the area, wanting to make sure that he was actually alone.

Ah, the trees are too clustered to tell this time, he thought to himself, squinting his eyes and trying to make out the shapes of any possible nearby bodies. He shook his head, letting out a sigh. He furrowed a single eye ridge, and turned to look at the tree he was leaning on. Maybe...maybe I can climb up this and try to spot any morphs from afar. Deciding to give it a shot, Kyo grabbed onto a branch and hoisted himself up. He made it about half way before stopping to rest again. He looked down, seeing that he was a few meters up high. He looked outwards, seeing the tops of many of the forest's trees.

But I can't see anything below, he thought to himself, Should I keep going higher? Or will that just be a waste of my time? He sat up slightly, trying to look past the trees.

"'Enjoying the view?'" a young, feminine voice spoke up behind him. Kyo froze in his spot.

You've...GOT...to be kidding me...

Reluctantly, he turned to look, and saw that a Talonflame-morph was seated on a branch next to him.

"'This is quite surprising actually,'" she said to him, tilting her head with a smile on her beak, "'Normally I don't get visitors in my nest. I usually am the guest.'" She fanned out a wing, and gently brushed it under his chin. "'But of course, I'm not complaining.'" She chuckled. "'However, there's going to be...an admission fee...'"

Kyo looked down, then back to the fire type. "L-listen," he stammered, "I-I didn't mean to intrude on your nest. I-I'll just get going and be on my way." He looked around for an easy way down. The Talonflame-morph scooted closer.

"'Aw, but you just got here,'" she pouted, "'are you really gonna just leave me here all alone?'" She advanced on him, running her wing down his shoulder. "'Wouldn't you like to have a bit of fun with me?'" She advanced on him further, and Kyo withdrew...only to fall back and tumble down the tree.

He hit the ground with a hard thud, landing on his shoulder. He groaned a bit as he staggered to his feet, clutching it as he felt a dull pain spread through it. Thankfully, it didn't feel broken or even dislocated, so he took this chance to make a break for it, and run off deeper into the woods.

Once he felt he was safe, Kyo slowed his run to a stop, and caught his breath once again. He leaned against a nearby palm tree, scanning the area around him.

Can't I..._he panted, instinctively wiping non-existent sweat from his brow, _can't I just...catch a break? He stood straight, hearing footsteps off in the distance. He frantically looked around, panicking as he searched for a place to hide. His eyes eventually came across a thick collection of palm trees, and hurried towards it. Without a second thought, he maneuvered through them, and hid behind them. He tried to remain quiet as he watched the area through the trunks of the trees. The footsteps became closer, and closer, and closer, and then...they were gone.

Kyo's eyes darted from right to left. He couldn't hear any footsteps anymore. He let out a long sigh of relief, and stood straight. He turned around and leaned against the trees. Finally, safe at la--

He froze.

Staring right at him and seated before him was a large group of female morphs, each with a hungry and lustful look in their eyes. They slowly shifted themselves to fully face him, and began to advance towards him.

