Clone Me Harder! - TEASER!

Story by KateTheMarten on SoFurry

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This story is still in progress, but I couldn't resist putting our part one.

Hope you enjoy!

Rhiyan closed her eyes, leaned back in her chair and groaned. She rubbed her eye sockets with both fists, trying futilely to ease the ache that hours of staring into the microscope had lodged there. The swivel wheels of the chair squeaked in protest as the petite mouse pushed away from the lab table before getting to her feet. The normally common sound seemed to echo around the empty laboratory, the darkness of the windows artificially turning the room into an acoustic chamber. Why she was here so late, if you were to ask the perky lab assistant, would depend on who was doing the asking. Officially, Rhiyan was on campus to check the progress of her bacterial culture slides. As the newest master's student here at the university she had big boots to fill, and a large research grant to justify by the end of the semester. But if you were to ask why she was REALLY in the lab so late at night, in just the right tone of voice, you might get the truth.


It all started last week, when her supervisor sent her to the next lab over to return a folder of papers. The black and white mouse had leapt at the opportunity to explore the building, and had been so quick to leave on her task that she had forgotten the slip of paper with the door code on her desk. Rhiyan decided to give the occupants of the lab a few minutes to answer to her knock before facing potential ridicule from her lab-mates. As she leaned against the door jam, the young woman glanced through the titles in the folder; "In Vitro Embryonics", "Umbilical Structure and Function", "Acceleration of Cell Division through Radiative Methods". What exactly was this lab working on anyways?

Before the mousette could delve deeper into the abstracts of the papers, the door was flung open by a harried looking crane lab assistant. As the only warning Rhiyan had was the click of the door handle before it opened inward, she was unable to center her balance and toppled tree-like into the arms of the frantic undergrad. Down they went, in a flurry of paperwork, lab coats and feathers. When it was all said and done, the mouse girl was not sure she had ever been in more of a compromising position.

Therefore it was with great surprise that, while gathering up the sheets which covered the entrance and trying to put them in some semblance of order, Rhiyan caught the crane's eyes lingering on her breasts instead of questioning her presence. She knew her female-ness was an oddity here at the most traditionalist university in the country, but she had thought her status would remove her from being treated like a sex object. The mousette took in a sharp breath, ready to berate the young avian for having his eyes on places they shouldn't be, when a lightning bolt of inspiration hit her so hard she wouldn't have been surprised if a bulb appeared between her ears. Her previous curiosity could be satisfied if she played her cards right!

Putting on her best "overwhelmed female" expression, Rhiyan lowered her eyes and whispered, "I'm _so_sorry about this! Oh, it's _so_embarrassing..."

She then brought her big blue eyes into the ring and delivered the last line with the precision and effect of a knock-out punch, "Can you_ever_ forgive me?"

Afterward, the young mouse thought the little quaver on the end may have been too much, but the inexperienced undergrad bought the whole show hook, line and sinker. His rushed assurances of pardon and stuttered apologies on his own behalf were almost comical, and his offer of a seat and a glass of water was earnest if not original. As Rhiyan allowed herself to be led further into the lab she cast her eyes about for any sign of the current experiments. At first nothing seemed out of the ordinary: the benches were strewn with papers, microscopes and micropipettes. The shelves were stocked with the usual beakers and flasks, all with hand-written or printed labels. The whirring of a centrifuge provided a background hum that was joined ever few moments by a beep or two from the DNA sequences in the back corner. Only the smell was different from her own lab, the scent of nutrient agar replaced by the astringent tang of an antiseptic solution.

Finally, like the elephant in the room, the five huge tanks lined up on the far wall came to Rhyan's attention. They emitted a faint, liquid sloshing sound, and had more tubes going in and out of them than the mouse girl could count. They were taller that she was, but not quite up to the ceiling, and at least a meter in diameter. The fronts were spotted with gauges and dials and each sported a viewing port. Rhiyan could see vague shadows within, but her angle and distance were such that nothing was very clear.

At this point the smitten crane had returned with her unasked-for water. With a few well-placed smiles and much batting of eyelashes, the young mouse drew information from her companion and, piece by piece, the project became clear. In order to combat recent labor shortages, the government had funded research into the touchy subject of cloning. If it was possible to accelerate the growth of those clones to reach adulthood in mere weeks instead of decades, there would be no lack of fit workers to do all the jobs no one wanted anymore. Not that, the crane hastily assured her, they would be slaves. The would simply be required to do paid work at an assigned position for five years or so before being given a choice of career and the freedom to marry: almost a normal life.

The corners of Rhiyan's mouth turned up wryly at that last comment: born fully grown from a "test-tube", bonded to labor for five years and then expected to walk out of the whole thing as a normal, well-adjusted being? "Yeah, right, and I'm the Queen of Sheba." she thought.

Her avian admirer continued his explanation, pride clearly showing in his face. "We are, so far, the only lab in the country to get to the accelerated growth stage of development. In fact," and here she could see him visibly puff up his chest feathers, "our first five test subjects should be ready for decanting next week thanks to the hard work of yours truly!"

Rhiyan slowly got to her feet and turned towards the tanks. "Then those are..." she whispered.

"Yes: my pride and joy, my ticket to fame and glory. Go on, take a look." He answered patronizingly.

The mousette was glad she was facing away from the insufferable bird as a grimace of distaste twisted her plump lips. What a girl has to do to get up in the world!

The previous murky shadows in the viewing ports began to solidify as Rhiyan walked toward the closest tank. She longed to run forward and press her nose against the glass and gaze her fill of the amazing scientific progress being made just one room over from where she sat every day, but she forced her feet to slow their tempo. The sounds of moving fluids increased in volume as the approached and the gauges, which had previously been senseless, clarified into things like pressure and salinity. Now the rodent was a foot away, yet still the forms in the tank eluded her vision. The liquid inside was thick and translucent, with a tint that painted every inner surface with an alien blue glow. She finally brought her delicate face right up to the glass of the window, her shallow breaths making fog fleet across its surface.

The figure inside was tall and broad-shouldered, definitely male. His eyes were closed in a peaceful slumber, the only part of his face that was not obscured by wires and tubes. Brain activity, blood pressure and oxygen intake would have to be carefully monitored, the mousette supposed. The round, black and white ears that peeked through the wires and the fur color, blurred by the bluish liquid, were no clear indicators of species. Finally, she could make out stripes on the arms as they faded into the fluid: they had cloned tigers.



The members of the big cat families had long ago fought themselves to near extinction in Asia and the surrounding islands, leaving only hybrid descendants to carry fractions of their DNA to present day. Now and then someone would get a surprise when their offspring showed up with faint stripes, but even that hadn't happened in decades. What were these scientists thinking in bringing back a species so powerful and potentially violent?


Rhiyan had first seen a tiger, like many girls her age, on the silver screen. It was amazing what make-up and special effects could do these days. Her teenage years were then catalogued by the procession of tiger posters on her bedroom walls, her imagination and adolescence glossing away their violent history and focusing instead on their studly physiques and predator's glares. But a girl can only fantasize so much, and by this point in her life, Rhiyan had moved on to more realistic day-dreams... or so she had thought.


She leaned back against her headboard, recalling how she had spent the remainder of the workday in a shock-induced haze. It was after her third (failed) attempt to pour an electrophoresis gel that the petite mouse had decided to throw in the towel and head home early. Even then, it was a good thing that the route between her apartment complex and the campus was so ingrained in her routine because Rhiyan was pulling out her keys when she had realized she had no memory of the drive! "Whoa, girl," she had mentally reprimanded herself, "It's a good thing mid-day traffic is slow around here. Gotta get my head out of my... well, crotch!"

Now, lying in bed with her sheets tangled around her ankles, the young mouse could finally be alone with the fact that had been trying to get her attention all afternoon: those tigers had made her horny as hell. Her tiny pink shorts were hot and tight around her groin, and the matching tank top was constricting her breasts as if it had shrunk two sizes since she took it off that morning. The girl ran her slender white hands over the borders of her black and white patches, teasing herself when they intersected sensitive areas. A pleasing tickle surged through her body when Rhiyan's finger tips grazed her ribs, and she repeated the motion. Low moans and murmurs began to escape her mouth, though she bit her lips in a futile attempt at silence. Finally, the heat of her lust-swollen body proved too much for the pajamas and the mousette frantically peeled them from her damp fur.

Her hands now smoothed and roughened her short fur in decreasing spirals along her belly and thighs, the slender mouse reveling in the sensual tingles that followed her fingers' light touch. She now moved up to her breasts, teasing the erect nipples between her thumb and forefinger. "That's right, stud." she whispered, closing her eyes to the darkness of her room, "Make me hot and... mmph... wet for you!"

Rhiyan could feel the familiar ache of desire twisting in her belly like a beast, and she reached down with one hand; this was a creature she knew how to tame. She tangled her fingers in her pubic fur and gently pulled, sensitizing the skin all around her mound to the lightest touch. She then slowly walked her slender fingers down her slit with the lightest touch before dragging them up her outer lips. This type of touching not only felt amazing, but amped up her desire as if someone had cranked the knob on her inner stereo. Over and over again she stroked her pussy, resisting the pull to dip her fingers into her hot channel. Her hips bounced off the bed in fruitless supplication as her tail writhed beneath her.

Finally, when she could take no more of her own sweet torture, Rhiyan's fingers struck like a viper, diving into her warm tunnel with barely any resistance. Her wet lips parted around her small fingers, first one, then two, then three! She stroked her inner walls with her finger tips then curled them down against the spongy target of her g-spot. The young mouse's breath was now coming in gasps and pants, her muscles taut with expectation. Rhiyan's motions began to degenerate into jerks and twists, she was so close! She groaned with frustration and delved deeper into her clenching passage, the slick walls pulling her fingers in and rippling around them in waves of pleasure. The mouse could feel her climax approaching and threw herself towards it with renewed vigor. She reached her thumb up and pressed it to her clit, pressing against the tiny sensitive organ like a pleasure button. Every touch was like sending an electric jolt to her desire-addled brain, and a few seconds of this new treatment sent Rhiyan in a flying leap over the edge.

A cry was forced from her throat and her hips bucked toward the ceiling as her orgasm crashed down upon her. Her pussy clenched around her fingers, forcing her wetness to run down her hand and drip off her wrist to the sheets below. She whimpered as tremors still rolled through her body like the aftershocks that follow an earthquake. Rhiyan hadn't come that hard in a long time, and it was like a wire somewhere in her brain short-circuited because she passed so quickly in to sleep that she didn't even have time to take her drenched fingers out of her well-tended pussy.
