Aimera: Fun in the Sun

Story by reihanfeoru on SoFurry

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#1 of Breakwater Delta

A quick story that came to mind, showing off Aimera and Auva after the events of "Falling Apart: The New Dawn." Rated adult for language.

?The Delta Worlds: Breakwater Delta

~Aimera: Fun In The Sun~

Story by Teradyne "Guren" Ezeri

Story licensed under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND license

Characters, Setting, and the Delta Worlds multiverse belong to Teradyne "Guren" Ezeri

"Come on, you lazy derp! You've been in here three months! Let's go have fun already!"

Auva was already in her swimsuit, standing at the door of my cave-like bedroom. Not that she needed a swimsuit, being a living inflatable fox, but it helped with the modesty. I gave a glance up at her silky white vinyl skin and blue bikini, but shook my head.

"I am having fun..." I said, forgetting how growly and bestial my voice had become after turning into a shargon-a shark/dragon hybrid-during my transfer to Gramman III. I was trying to lie back and read a book from my old home I hadn't exactly had the chance to finish back then.

That's when I heard her squeaky foot hit the dirt floor rather hard. "Teradyne Aimera Ezeri, get your scaleless ass off that bed and get a bathing suit on! As your older sister, I'm taking you out for at least one ocean swim this summer!"

She didn't really scare me. I rolled my eyes and made a circular gesture with one of my webbed hands, the fin on my arm flopping around as I did. "I am fine, sister. I go swimming down in the pools every other day, and I do not like being on a crowded beach. I expressed that to you before."

"You need sunlight, missy!" I could see her turning huffy-not that it was hard for a living pooltoy, but whatever. "You gotta relax. Stop acting like you've got a dictionary jammed up your ass."

"It would be thicker than your usual companions." I couldn't help but grin as I said that. I always spoke in a proper tone, but if she got into my mind, I think she'd have to change her mind about that quip.

Of course, my own retort got her angry, as usual. Then I noticed her reach behind her back, and from there, I saw a short flash of light, followed by what looked like an inflatable...leaf blower appearing in her mitten-like hands? It was red, which usually meant danger in my book.

"I will bite. Are you going to give me a blow job with that object? I would think you find your own snout inadequite if you are going to use something such as that."

" That's it!" She stormed towards me with every *hard* step sounding like a cartoon gone horribly right, with the way she squeaked. Once she reached my bed, she jammed the barrel of the damned thing into my gut. "Either you go with me, or I'll give you a reason to go!"

I simply shook my head, pushing the toy blower away with my hand. "I seriously doubt you could, Auva. Not unless you plan on giving me a library of books to read under an umbrella."

Her threats were typically empty, but I guess I managed to push her over her breaking point this time. She jammed the thing into my thin gut again and turned it on...That was no normal leaf blower.

"What are you doing, sister?" I asked, rather worried. She didn't answer, either because she couldn't hear over the noisy thing, or because she didn't want to. I couldn't tell from how evil her grin had become.

Something was spreading out from where she put the stupid thing, turning my own smooth blue hide into a darker blue, semi-transparent vinyl skin similar to her own. It poured over me like the wave of energy I normally felt from my Omnivice when transforming, and as it continued to spread, I felt my insides cooling, like I was filled with air.

I felt two hard plastic handles appear on my hips, then another pair on my shoudlers as the skin took over my chest, my breasts turning into simple chambered mounds, and my doral fin turning into another chambered piece of vinyl. My arms led to mitten-like hands, and my legs disappeared into my tail, turning me into more of a mer-shark than a shargon. My tail also lengthened a bit, and a pair of smaller fins popped out of the sides where my legs and groin once were.

Then came my head...The sound of air filling it was rather strange, but at it did, I had to remove my glasses, all four of my eyes no longer needing their help after they had turned into nothing more than painted rubber. My mouth was still able to open like my sister's, and I felt like I had a full throat and maw, complete with tongue. I just couldn't see it through my new childishly sparkling body, but as she removed the leaf blower, I could see a small plastic valve where a naval would be.

" There!" Well, she was definitely angry. She put the thing up by placing it behind her back, causing it to disappear in another flash of light. "Now, you're!" She quickly tossed my book to the side and picked me up over her shoulder, holding me by the handles on my lower body.

"Sister, let me go!" I cried out, fruitlessly pounding against her back with a squeaky mitten and doing nothing to her. "This is not fair! You are not my elder!"

She huffed softly as she carried me out of my bedroom and into the tunnel outside, obviously dragging me towards Breakwater Delta's egress to the south. "I am your elder by several years, and I know what's best for you! Shut up and enjoy the trip."

I saw the south beach just a little while later, and she threw me into the water like a common fish. I only made a small bit of water splash up from my impact, though when she jumped out towards me, she barely made a ripple on the surface.

I managed to roll over onto my back and looked at her, not sure if my glare was actually showing up like hers did. "Sister, forgive my questioning you, but why the fuck did you bring me out here after I said no?"

"Because being cooped up inside isn't good for you! That's why!" She grappled with my body, then rolled me over, slinging herself onto and straddling my back. "You're a fucking shark dragon! You need to be out here in the ocean every so often. Just look at this view!"

Admittedly, it was a nice view. The bondi blue waters were glistening from the sun overhead, and there was plenty of silence beyond my sister's yelling. Only the waves made any sort of sound.

"Very well...I will relax while I am out here."

"Good. Just enjoy yourself and zone out for a while." And there was the usual Auva emotion snap, turning from angry to gleeful in a bloody femtosecond. She gave a rather relieved sigh and leaned against my back, using my head as a pillow. Admittedly, my sister was rather adorable when she was like that.

I put my head against the water and let myself drift off as well. It was going to be a long day, it seemed. Might as well enjoy what I could.

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