Blinded by the Light

Story by reihanfeoru on SoFurry

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#2 of Transformation One-Offs

Story by TeraDyne Demaicorre, licensed under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND

TeraDyne/Lightwing is TeraDyne Demaicorre ( )

Achiga is Achiga Kajisoba ( )

Flashwing and Skylanders belong to Activision

TeraDyne let hir body flop down into a flower bed in the 'daytime' side hir crystal gardens. The prism dragon's white skin seemed more like a a mirror at the time, reflecting the rainbow of colour around hir. Shi hadn't had time to recover from hir transformation into a mech dragon-rather, a modified Drobot-at the hands of D1G1-P0T, and was being forced into a non-anthro state. Hir elongated body was supported by four strong legs, each with three clawed toes, and hir strong wings were like sails... or in this case, solar panels to soak in warmth and light. Shi curled hir long neck and tail up against hir side as hir collar's tag jingled like a bell, and propped a wing against hir gazelle-like horns like an awning to keep the sun out of hir tired, yet still glowing eyes. Glowing just as they had when they were turned into the orb-like focusing crystals of Drobot.

However, before shi could close them, footsteps began to fill the air. They were soft but very quick, like those of a hatchling running through the grass. This caused hir to snap to attention and look up. In the distance, running towards hir on all fours, was a cream-coloured wolf with rather abstract red markings. He was sprinting towards hir quickly, and this made hir rather nervous as soon as shi realized it was hir owner and master, Achiga.

"Hmm? What's wrong, Master?" Shi asked with a yawn, hir feminine voice rather weak. "Did you blow up the milk dispenser again?"

Achiga slowed down as he approached Tera, tail wagging behind him. In his mouth, shi could see one of hir Skylanders figures dangling from a pair of fangs. With a quick flick of his neck, he let go of the toy and let it arc through the air. It landed in front of the dragon, causing hir to blink a few times to focus hir eyes.

Tera reached out a paw and snatched up the small white-and-purple 'gem dragon' figure known as Flashwing. "Why'd you bring this to-"

Hir words were cut short as the figure suddenly started glowing bright white, and in a matter of seconds, it disappeared.

"What?" Shi asked with meek voice, both surprised and worried. It was a brand new figure, and shi didn't want to lose it. "Master, what did... you..."

As the dragoness looked down, shi couldn't help but let hir voice trail off into nothingness. Achiga was grinning madly, like a fellow dragon that had just encountered the Mother Hoard. Something wasn't right, and that something was already starting to creep it's way up hir body.

Tera's forepaws started to feel heavier and bulkier, and it was no wonder. They were widening into what looked to be muscular paws, each with three purple claws... except they weren't bone. They were made of amethyst, polished and sharpened to deadly points. Then, the smooth skin of hir feet started to shift and crack as the rough surface of a uncut amethyst crystal culture replaced it up to hir elbows. It was like someone had suddenly put cartoony paw gloves over them, though they flexed and moved like hir natural body.

"Not again..." Tera groaned, causing Achiga to give a bark of happiness.

The crystals started to spread after that. First, hir hindpaws took on a similar appearance to the forefeet, though the crystal only stretched up to hir ankles, at least at first. After hir paws finished their changes, it went further again, this time so quickly that gasped out and fell to the ground. All at once, the inner side of each leg shifted to the same crystal, while the outer portions had their soft skin covered in smooth marble-like stone scales. From there, they moved like a wave over hir body, covering most of hir body and tail like a hardened shell, yet still somehow flexible enough to let hir move without problem. However, it stopped just short of hir tail tip.

Tera started panting heavily from the weight as hir body adjusted. Stone wasn't exactly light, and despite having hir enough power to tear a starship in half, shi was designed for bursts of strength, not sustained lifting.

The respite from the transformation turned out to be brief, as the moment shi found hirself able to stand up under hir own power, shi let out a yelp that sounded more appropriate from a younger teen dragon than from hir. The scales along the end of hir tail split open, and in seconds, shi was left with a pointed amethyst for a tail tip. Unlike the crystals on hir paws, this one was completely rigid, and shi knew why. It was a weapon, allowing hir to fire lasers it's shimmering depths.

Achiga simply looked on, tail wagging behind him as he watched his pet transform before his eyes. Tera, however, gave another pain-filled groan as hir wings shifted hard and fast. The struts and bones became coated in sapphires while the tips caved in, forcing the wings to suddenly stop with a flat edge. Just at the edge of each wing, though, a single amethyst poked through the sapphires like a spike.

When the next change hit, Tera was thankful that the previous shifting had made hir body almost numb. Hir membranes receded and disappeared, and in their place, massive amethyst spears fanned out like a broken wall and dropped with heavy thuds. They shimmered in the light like none of the other gemstones did, painting the ground beneath them with rainbows, like prisms in their purest forms.

With hir wings taking up much of hir attention, shi hadn't even noticed the stiffness along hir chest and abdomen as deep sapphire scutes formed along the length of hir body. They were just as heavy as the wings, and as thick as tank armor. The largest scute-which covered hir breast area-formed the three-peak Japanese symbol san, taking the place of the mountain-shaped emblem of earth-element Skylanders that Flashwing normally wore. It glowed softly, like a light embedded deep within a stone lantern.

Achiga, smiling and giggling, walked up to Tera just as the scutes and white marble scales started to line hir throat and neck, giving hir a reassuring lick on the cheek. This caused the exhausted dragoness to smile and softly nuzzle against his snout while he could still lift his head.

Once hir head was all that remained, shi gave a weak whimper of agony. Hir long bony horns shattered into a million pieces as short amethyst crystal spikes took their place, only to be surrounded by more in the pattern of a small mane, if you could call it one. Only a bony head plate showed separation between the gemstones and hir head, forming covers for bases of the outer-most layer of gems, like hir skin once did for hir horns. Hir snout shifted as well, becoming more angular like a serpent, and yet conical like a shark. Hir nostrils were two dots long the bridge of the snout tip, and hir maw became tooth-less but slightly rigid.

Shi lifted hirself off of the ground with a weak and awkward roar as a diamond-shaped amethyst appeared on hir forehead, and hir eyes shifted from their normal brown to purple. Shi-or rather she-was no longer just hirself. TeraDyne had become Flashwing, a true gemstone dragon. Even the name on her collar's tag had changed, now reading "Lightwing"

Achiga smiled and suddenly leapt up to his pet's neck, hooking a leash to her collar in the process. Lightwing said nothing, still in shock from the transformation, at least that's what she thought was the reason. In actuality, Achiga had hidden a special effect in the spell that transformed her. She was no longer able to speak, only make feral growls and roars.

His need of chaos satisfied, Achiga took the loop of the leash in his teeth and tugged, leading Lightwing away to the home that stood in the night-themed side of the crystal gardens. In his mind, it would only be appropriate for the 'gem' of the garden to sleep in it's center with him.


"Why can't I card you?" sighed TeraDyne as shi looked at the tiny toy figure in hir hand. Tera was a prism dragon--a white, smooth--skinned, anthro western dragoness with a distinctive trio of scales along hir snout. That was only hir normal form,...

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A Wish Granted

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