Family PT.2

Story by YSoSerious on SoFurry

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After leaving the bathroom Conner walked back into the bedroom and laid down next to Vivian. He slolwy drifted off to sleep next to his mate, listening to her breathes. His dreams were filled with things he'd never conceived as normal until now. He dreamed of running with Vivian in theyre fur through crowds of people. Just enjoying theyrselves as all the people just looked and smiled, but thats all it was...A dream. In his mind he chased vivian down and only wanted her attention, noone elses. He finally cought up to her until he felt something nudge him in the ribs. He was now awake and the dream...Dead. He lifted his head up to see Alexis poking him.

He picked his head up still groggy from his sleep. "Uhhh, Hey Alexis...Whats Good?" He Asked.

"You getting outta my fucking bed. You Got STAINS! Everywhere!" She said making quotation marks with her fingers at the word stains. Her eyes were in total wolf mode as she stared Conner down. Glowing Yellow.

"Alexis, my bad. Ill wash them for you if thats what you want." He said as he sat up and looked at the intire room. He and Vivian had, had a hell of a night. The entire room was messed up, he was quick to add. "Plus me and Viv will clean up your room. Im sorry Lexi, straight up."

"You fucking better, it better be clean by the time i get back from the mall!" She yelled as she exited the room slamming the door.

Conner noticed Vivian wasnt there so he grabbed the blankets and the sheets and headed towards the bathroom. He saw the washer and drier up there earlier while he pleasured himself. He opened the bathroom door and noticed someone in the shower. He used his new Senses And started sniffing the air. The scent was of Vivians. He walked over and peeked his head through the front of the shower curtain. He looked at her sculpted body, he felt his member getting harder just looking at her. Conner realized something else about her, she was fairly bigger them him. She was taller and her body was alot of muscule, her abs and her legs. Escpecially her arms, she had biceps that were large too. She pulled it off though because her breast were big and her ass was fat. These attributes only Changed for the better when she shifted.

She turned around and saw him staring. "Put your tongue back in your mouth, pup. Or put it somewhere useful." She said smiling at Conner.

She didnt have to ask twice, he threw the sheets and blankets down and started undressing. When fully naked he jumped into the shower with her and grabbed her by the wrist and lifted them about her head, pinning her to the wall. he started kissing her and slowly feeling the beast inside him creep up. He let go of her wrist and she wrapped her arms around his wide shoulders and threw her left leg around his legs. His head shot up as the Transformation took hold. He gritted his teeth as he felt his muscules expanding, His neck thickening first. He felt his shoulders widening to match his necks size. He heard and felt the crack of his ankles as the bone shifted and stretched as they elongated into thick, long wolven feet.

Conners Feet Stretched out and widened as the claws and pads formed on them too. His Biceps and forearms bulged as well as his hands grew bigger and the pads and claws formed on them too. His theighs grew thicker then hiss biceps, and his member grew to new heights as well. His cock almost looked swollen. His chest began to gain more definition along with his abs and pelvic region. He felt his spine push outwards and his rib cage started to re-shape. His tail pushed out quickly and the first sign of fur began to grow from the tip of it. His teeth grew at the same time and his ears begun to shift to the top of his head. He kissed her more Ferociously, nipping her and at the same time holding her waist waiting to start. As The Fur Reached His Head His Face Slowly Pushed Out Into A Muzzle And Ending In A Howl as the water from the shower soaked them both.

While Conners change toke place so did Vivians. Her Legs Widened with muscule first, thicker then Conners. As her ankles cracked and re-shifted and widened she became taller then her mate too. Her tan skin becoming only tanner as the changed progressed. Her arms grew bigger then Conners too, as her breast started to grow and round out at the same time. Her ass Became thicker along with her long lovely tail sprouting out right abouve it. Her mid-section swelled up as her abs and pelvic Mucsules were now much, much larger. Her hands became large as the claws and pads grew, but also a fair amount of muscule on them too. Her feet did the same as conners only a tad bit larger.

Vivian felt here Teeth grow as her ears shifted slowly to the top of her head. Her Beuatiful Black hair on the top of her head grew longer as the transformation neered its end. Her neck widened showing large veins that seemed to dissappear under her bulging collar bones. Her shoulders widened just as the fur reached her moist under-lips. She moaned out of the sheer pleasure of the change, she loved the feeling of the fur sprouting all over her full and thick body. As the fur reached her neck her Faced pushed out into a muzzle and met with Conners WHo was a little shorter then her. Her howl started mid-way through Conners howl. Both of theyre bodies bulging with muscule, making them look like body builders. you know exept with a lycanthrope sex twist :)

Conner picked Vivian up by the hips and pinned her back to the wall. he slid one hand to her ass to hold her up as his other hand went for his cock. He Lined it up with her swelled Vagina And pushed it in. Vivian wrapped her legs around him and moved her arms under his to hook him closer. His cock slowly made its way back and forth at first, teasing her. She needed a little more so she clawed him where her hands were and let a low growl out. He began to ram her walls quicker and quicker. Her breathing sped up and moans started escaping her lips, she began kissing his chest and shoulders, while moaning. Occasionally nipping her lover drawing blood.

Conner felt like instict ruled him at the moment. No need for words only actions, and by what sounds his mate was making Actions must be working. He pulled her closer with every dive, getting deeper and deeper. His moans were more or less loud breathes, occasionally you'd hear his voice break through. He looked at his mate and could only let out a smile while they were attached. His cock seemed to grow bigger as he continued to fuck, or was he getting deeper. If they were visible from under his fur he felt veins bulging out of his arm as he pulled her towards himself. His Life Now greater then it had ever been.

Repitition was key as the two's speed only got faster. Conners moans were deep long growls, Vivians were loud shriek like howls. Theyre heavy breathing made the mirriors in the room fog up too. Conners feet were held up in the corners of the tub, so they couldnt slide around. Vivian was at his will at the current moment, she could only think about her thrall being a human the day before. Scarred to have sex, now he had her pinned up between a wall and his hard place. Her breast bounced with every pump, her screams grew louder as well. Every inch she took felt like pure pleasure, Her tight walls were entertaining Conner as well.

After A While Of The Sex Vivian felt her walls quivering and about to give in. Conner on the other hand still ready for more, what do you expect? He's a growing boy. Vivian came getting juices all over Conners dick. He wasnt satisfied yet and Vivian sensed it, she jumped out of the shower while holding him by the hand leading him to the sink. She bent over and grabbed the edges of the marble counter top. her fur still wet from the shower she shook herself off with her ass sticking out and as she shook, it jiggled. She let out a toothy smile giving Conner the okay. He grabbed her around the base of her tail, he took his dick in his other hand and slowly pushed it into her ass and hearing her moan a bit as he did it. She pushed her ass a little harder on his swollen friend all at the same time he was holding her hip and tail pulling it all towards his for deeper plunged. She felt the marble Counter top around the sink began to crack alittle as her grip tightened.

Conner could feel himself rising to his own climax after awile. He kept on plunging his cock deeper and deeper inside of Vivian, Her moans were good enough for him to know he was doing a good job. He took his hand off of her tail and slid it onto her other hip and proceeded to pull her tighter to him, Getting even deeper. Small moans were escaping his lips as well by this point, a low deep moan. He could feel the build up in his sack, any moment he was going to bust. Only minutes later he couldnt hold it any longer, he felt his toes/paws curl as he fired of inside of Vivian. He grabbed his still swollen member around the bass and removed it from her backside. She stood up and almost fell, She was still using the sinks marble countertop for support.

"Come down stairs after you put the sheets and shit inside of the washer. Education starts today, But we're not finished with fun yet either." She said as she limped out of the bathroom.

Conner threw Alexis stuff into the washer and then added soap. He waited for it to start filling up with water when he closed the door on the washer and headed downstairs to the kitchen. He saw Vivians tail and fat backside as soon as he walked in. She was in the fridge and the doors were blocking the rest of her. He sat down at the island in the middle of the kitchen and stared. Vivian was going through things, moving shit around but didnt seem to pull anything out. She turned around and cought him staring, she let out a playful sigh. Her tail started wagging after her she turned around. She loved it, Conner knew it too.

"Your a pervert, Pup. If you werent my thrall i think id be offended." She ended with a laugh.

"What did you mean education? You said it upstairs." Conner asked her.

By this time Vivian had taken out of the friedge a package of raw hamburger meat and a roast that was left in the fridge, not the freezer to Make it softer to eat. Conner eyed the hamburger meat up, he was still in his wolf form and hadnt eaten for awile. The meat looked appealing to him when any other day he may have vomitted from the thought of eating it. Vivian noticed him staring not at her now but at the meat. He looked up at her and she nodded her head, He grabbed the packaging and ripped the plastic off that was wrapped around it. Conner threw it on the counter and just put his muzzle in it and began to eat like a real wolf, His instinct.

"Slow down pup, it isnt running from you or anything." She started to giggle. "But this my pup is the first lesson i want to teach you. Do you notice your instinct right now? How you cant controll them? Thats what you need to work on sexy. Your urges and instincts will be on a new level."

"How do i do that? Fight them that is?" Conner asked with a mouthful of raw meat.

"By fighting them, using your free will and not caving in to the urges you have. Beleive me you'll want to have sex with any female you see thats even slightly attractive. Luckly for you im a bit of a nempho and your my thrall so whenever you want to..." She said as she toke a chunk out of the roast. "And thats all for class today pup."

The two sat in the kitchen in theyre fur eating the uncooked meat. indulging if you will but it seemed normal to Conner now. Being a werewolf and eating raw meat in the kitchen like its lunch. He watched her bite the meat and how beautiful it was, he loved her for making him like this. They ate for a while sitting together, when they were finished they threw theyre trash away. Vivian grabbed Conner by his hand and started leading him up the steps.

"I Havent showed you my room yet, have I pup?" She asked with a bit of a naughty tone.

"Why no you havent my love." He quickly answered.

She led him to the top of the steps and all the way to the other end of the hallway into a dark room. Her windows were covered by heavy dark curtains blocking the sun. She threw him on to the bed in the middle of the room and walked in and slammed the door. Conners eyes adjusted quickly to the dark room as he saw his mate coming over to the bed. Before he knew it she had gotten on top of him and pinned his wrist down to the bed with her own paws. She put her under lips right over his sheath all at the same time leaning down and nibbling on his wolven ears. His memeber emerged from his sheathe and pierced her moist lips.

She began to bounce herself up and down on Conner. Her beautiful form on top, her breast jumping up and down. His hands gripping her ass tightly. His grip tightened with every plunge, he kind of liked this on the bottom thing. Her pussy juices were leaving his fur soaked, the smell was intoxicating. Vivian had her feet on both sides of his hips, lunging up and down onto his cock. Driving herself on conners cock over, and over. Her head was facing straight up as she screamed in pleasure. She liked making a thrall, it was kind of like a personal sex-slave. Her mate on the bottom was letting out moans too, his Dick head bobbing in and out of her pussy.

"Awww Thats it, Keep Going Viv! Keep Fucking Me!" Conners deep werewolf voice urged.

"Oh My God!Ahooooooooooooooo! Connerrrrrrrrrr! Stay Hard! Please, Baby!" She screamed.

Her bouncing continued, more angrily. Her hair bouncing with every leap. Not to mention Conners death grip on her ass puling her down harder every time. Theyre bodies could be heard hittiing each other from every room in the house. Theyre words they were screaming just turned into howls as the sex furthered. 20 more minutes of hardcore sex until the two beast both came. Vivian layed down next to her mate and began to kiss him on his thick furry neck. 10 minutes hhad gone by and both of them were ready again.

"Just stay down Pup, Ill show you how we females handle things!" She yelled As she stood up on the bed and stood over Conner. Her ass facing him, she lowered her perfect body down again and put her ass on Conners dick. But his dick wasnt in her yet. She stretched her arms back so they were on near his head, so she could hold herself up. Conner grabbed the base of his dick and stuck it in her back-door. She moved her fat ass up and down as Conner held onto he breast and moaned. She brought one claw up and began to finger fuck herself with three clawed fingers. in and out, just like Conners current motion. They both moaned Conners 15 inch cock was unsheathed and jamming Vivians Ass, and her 6 inch long thick musculer fingers fucked herself. Conner leaned his head forward and starting nibbling on his lovers neck, adding to her extasy. Conners full legnth was plunging her, Vivians hair in his face. His hands holding onto her breast, yet again pulling her tighter onto his fat dick.

"Fuck! Vivian, faster!" Conner screamed.

Her pace quickened and it was amazing Conner. Werewolf athletacism was a glorious thing, human girls wouldnt be able to move this quick. He felt his seed rising and tried to hold back the shot. theyre sleek black fur hammering each other with every pump from the obvious Alpha-Female in this situation. Vivians Gasps for air were growing louder and louder. 10 more minutes of this until Conner came inside of her. Vivian Stood up and but her pussy over conners face.

"Now Its your turn to return the favor, pup. Lick it For Me, Because I Havent Came yet." She demanded.

"Fuck it." he said still tring to catch his breathe.

Without warning she leaned down sticking her still wet pussy on the tip of his muzzle. He began to lick and nibble a bit, hearing her moan and yelp a little. he began to lick in diffrent motions, getting diffrent effects from his mate. He found just the fast rapid deep licks worked the best. He kept up his pace and felt his mates legs quivering and was getting juices all over his face. He felt his Cock growing again, damn this new found werewolf virtility! He thought to himself. Vivian must of seen it as she flipped herself over, still making Conner eat her pussy as she started to suck his huge member. The oral sex lasted for a good half hour until She came on his face, and Conner busted in her mouth.

Conner was holding onto her thick theighs while he feasted on bodily fluids and pussy. He let go now that they were done, she sled back next to him as he nestled his head on her huge tits, nibbling on her nipples. they sat in the silent dark room, cuddling eachother in theyre wolven forms. Human for just didnt feel right anymore. She began to hum a nice soft tune that put Conner to sleep, her considerly larger arms cradling the new Lycan. He was her new mate, but she had a strange bond with him. He was hers and she wouldnt let him go. Like they were family, She had plans for him in the next few weeks. His life diffrent now then it ever was. She was trapped in her thoughts until the doorbell shook her out of it. Who the fuck is it?!


This is my first real story so please help me out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dew was still on the grass as Conner ran outside to catch His School Bus. The big yellow vehicle pulled back on to the highway as Conner neared it, he bent over to catch his...

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