Dearest Daughter, Dearest Love

Story by MythRat on SoFurry

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Ok, it's been a long while since I posted anything, I know. My muse bit me, so I wrote this little bit out. It's not much, it pretty much cuts straight to the good stuff (my bloodsugar took a nose-dive while I was in the middle of writing, cut me a break). This is actually a story I've had it my head for a long while, just never been brave enough to write it and post it. Anyway, here it is. I might be writing more with these characters if this story does alright.

Thanks PT for pre-reading it for me!


This story is of an adult nature and is thus is intended for people of legal age and not for the minors who are pretending to be legal age.


Legal Stuff

This story and characters are copyright to MythRat. If you want to use the characters in a story of your own ASK ME. Email: [email protected] AIM: MythosSorex. I don't mind you using my characters AS LONG AS YOU ASK PERMISSION.

All that said, Enjoy ^_^


Dearest Daughter, Dearest Love



Isha's deep crimson scales hid her well in the shadow of one of the huge marble pillars in one of the many grand halls of the palace she called home. Her smoky blue eyes watched the only other figure in the hall very closely, gliding over the lean and well muscled body covered in fine scales like polished rubies, down the long graceful tail, and over the great bat-like wings, finally moving to the strong and handsome face. The stunning yellow eyes under a noble brow, a cunning smile hiding deviously sharp teeth, all nicely framed with long black hair and crowned with two great ridged horns curving away from the face in a subtle spiral.

Isha sighed wistfully, leaning her head against the side of the pillar, her delicate wings falling slightly as she daydreamed. Here was the perfect man, noble and strong and, from the way his black leather pants fit him, very well endowed. She shivered slightly at the thought, lightly biting her bottom lip to hold back the sigh that she knew would have turned to a low moan. He glanced over his shoulder in her direction and she ducked a little farther behind the pillar so he wouldn't see her. He stared intently at every shadow, the searching gaze of a practiced hunter, but finding nothing he shrugged it off, adjusted his long coat and continued down the hall to his private rooms, unaware of the lithe young woman that followed at a distance.

Isha was careful to step as quietly as she could, treading softly enough over the cool marble to put a cat to shame; she even had mind enough to keep the ebony claws on her feet from clicking on the floor. She knew she was following one of the best hunters in all the Demon Realms and she was not going to be caught. She hid behind another tall pillar as he stopped at the door to his rooms and waited for him to go through before creeping up to the door and peering through the keyhole. He'd gone straight through the room to the enormous closet on the other side of the room, apparently to change. Isha tried to calm her racing heartbeat as she opened the door soundlessly and slipped into the room, ducking into the huge bedroom and hiding herself in a dark corner, crouching beside the ornate oak dresser. She waited quietly, every nerve in her delicate frame alive and tingling with the rush of adrenaline, knowing she could be killed for what she was about to do. She wished her heart would stop beating so loudly, sure it would give her away.

The young demon scrunched herself closer to the wall and held her breath as her quarry walked into the room. He'd changed into a pair of loose black pants and taken off the long coat he'd been wearing before, leaving his torso completely bare. He stretched his arms out behind him and let his great wings flare out a little before he grabbed a book from the bedside table and lay down on top of the night-blue silk and satin sheets.

Isha waited another few minutes, barely daring to breathe, waiting for him to get completely engrossed in his book before she slipped out from beside the dresser and moved over to the end of the bed, keeping in a low crouch so as not to be seen over the edge of the bed. She stayed there, motionless, for long moments, knowing that this was the point of no return; if she went any further, there would be no undoing it. Finally she screwed up her courage and stood, very slowly. He couldn't see her over the top edge of his book, so he didn't notice her until she spoke.

"Father..." she said in a voice barely above a whisper that she could hardly keep from wavering.

Startled by the sudden sound, he sat up in an instant, tossing his book aside, ready to fight whoever had intruded on his few minutes of peace. His anger melted away when he saw it was only his youngest daughter. Not bothering to wonder how she'd gotten into his rooms without him seeing or hearing her before now, he sighed with a bit of a smile at her. "What is it, lovely?" he asked softly, shifting to sit cross-legged on the bed.

She blushed, her fine scales turning a deeper crimson, "I... I need to tell you something."

He smiled a little and patted the bed in front of him, "Well, come and tell me then."

She climbed onto the bed, trying not to quiver so much, and sat on her knees in front of him. She gave a little noise of surprise when he pulled her into his lap with a bit of a laugh and held her close to him with that gentle and protective way fathers have.

He felt her supple body tense for a moment and grew suddenly concerned, "Isha, what's wrong?" He wrapped his wings around her, making a private little world for them to talk.

"Daddy, I..." the words caught in her throat and she gave a shuddering sigh, fear and doubt threatening to consume her.

"It's alright, lovely, you can tell me," he purred, lightly running one strong hand along her cheek and jaw.

She shivered at his touch, so much love in such a small gesture, and all at once she knew she was safe, he would never hurt her. She took a deep breath and started again, "Daddy, I love you so much," she whispered, looking up into his gorgeous yellow eyes, "More than a girl ought to love her father. I can't help it, I just... I look at you and I know there will never be another man for me," she reached up and slipped a delicate hand around the back of his neck, "No one could ever make me as happy as you." All at once she shifted so she stood on her knees in front of him, threw her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply.

He was caught entirely off guard, by the kiss as much as her words. Although he couldn't deny that he'd noticed, and appreciated, the beautiful young woman his daughter was becoming, there were Laws that bound them both. He grabbed her gently by her shoulders and held her away from him, staring in shock at his youngest daughter. "Isha, please..." he said softly, the barest note of longing slipping into his voice, "you know as well as I do that we can't do this," he ran a hand through her soft hair in an effort to comfort her.

"Daddy, please..." she urged, over her fear and shyness now, letting her voice drop to that silky whisper she knew drove men wild, "No one else will ever know. No one comes in here except you and with the silence ward cast on the room no one will hear if they pass by the door." She pulled out of his grasp and kissed him again, slipping her arms around his neck once again and letting her fingertips trail over the base of his wings.

He shivered at the touch to his wings, eyes sliding closed as he gave a little pleased growl and snaked his arms around her small waist, pulling her supple body close to him. He came to his senses for a moment, breaking the passionate kiss and leaning away from her slightly, "Isha-"

She put a finger to his lips, "No one will know." She smiled softly and pulled him into another kiss, slowly moving one leg and then the other so she was straddling his lap.

He let himself get lost in the kiss, savoring his daughter's passion and the feeling of her eager young body pressed close to his. He let his hands slide down her back to the base of her tail, pulling her loose pants down around her hips, lightly raking his black claws over her scales as he went. She let out a little cry of surprise and pleasure, her body arching gracefully against him. One hand slipped a little further down, going between her legs to tease her already wet entrance, while the other hand moved up her back to unfasten the skimpy top she wore, tossing the flimsy thing into a forgotten corner of the room. He smiled a little, the playfully wicked grin of a predator that's found a better use for his prey than simple sustenance. He let his long, almost reptilian, tongue snake out between his pointed teeth and run across her belly, slowly moving up between her small but perfect breasts. She gasped and shivered, pulling him into yet another fiery kiss, slipping her tongue into his mouth to twine with his, both caught up in that perfect kind of passion that doesn't need words. She freed one hand from around his neck to finish what he'd started and get what little clothing she had left out of the way.

Isha could feel her father's interest growing hard against her and knew she couldn't wait for it any longer. She smiled at him with breathless mischief and put gentle pressure on his shoulders. He returned her smile, taking the cue and laying back on the bed, hands still resting lightly on her bare hips. That impish smile still playing on her soft lips, she leaned down and kissed his well muscled chest, smiling a little more when she heard him give that pleased growl as she laid a trail of kisses over his stomach, slowly moving downward, letting her fingertips catch the edge of his pants, sliding them down as she went. She couldn't help licking her lips as she revealed her father's cock, she knew as soon as she wrapped one delicate hand around his gently throbbing shaft that he'd fulfill every fantasy she'd ever had and then some.

He let out a soft moan as she moved her hand over his length giving him a gentle squeeze every time she came over the head. She smiled to herself, loving the look of sheer pleasure on her father's face, head back, eyes closed. She slipped her other hand down and gave his balls a nice little squeeze, coaxing a glistening drop of pre from his tip and dipping her head down to lick it up, using just the tip of her tongue. He groaned and arched up slightly, letting out a sound almost like a whimper when he settled again, "Oh gods, lovely, don't tease me, please."

She grinned a touch wickedly, her voice soft and teasing, "I like how hard it makes you, daddy, but if you really insist..." She stopped her stroking, letting his rigid length simply rest against her hand as she leaned in and ran her tongue up his entire length before coming straight down and wrapping her mouth around his member. He cried out in pleasure and relief, reveling in the feeling of his sweet little girl sucking on his cock. He sat up slightly, supporting himself with one hand behind him and laid his other hand on the back of her head. He let a little bit of a growl creep out with his words, "That's my girl... you're going to take all of daddy's dick before you even think about stopping, aren't you, lovely?" he saw a touch of fear flicker in his daughter's eyes, but it was quickly replaced by determination.

Isha let her eyes slide shut as she concentrated on doing as her father asked. She pulled back a little and them moved down as far as she could, the soft head touching the back of her throat. She almost gagged. She pulled back again, took a deep breath and tried again, just letting it touch the back of her throat and managing holding back her gag reflex. She heard her father purr in pleasure and tried again, getting his length down her throat this time. He moaned, his hand on her head grabbing hold of her hair and holding her quite firmly in place. She was suddenly glad she'd taken as deep a breath as she had, she couldn't breathe with him as far down her throat as he was. She kept her eyes closed, forcing herself to be calm and patient, suckling softly on him and running her tongue along the underside of his length. She heard his breathing turn ragged, felt him slowly tensing, felt his barbs begin to flare. He tightened his grip on her hair, making her whimper slightly. He knew he was close to the edge and he didn't want to spill himself in her mouth. He let her go, crying out in mixed relief and despair as she let him slip out of her mouth.

She took a moment to catch her breath before inching closer to him on her knees, kissing him lightly, letting one hand drop between his legs to stroke him gently. He caught her delicate wrist in one strong hand, stopping her gentle ministrations.

"Enough for now, lovely," he said softly, "It's your turn for a little pleasure." He kissed her tenderly, taking her invitation to slip his tongue into her mouth to play with her own. He made her lay back, kissing her again, running a hand through her soft hair and along her side a little ways before gently cupping one of her young and perfect breasts. She sighed into the kiss a little and arched into his touch, crying out softly when he pinched her nipple lightly. He moved his mouth from hers to her other breast, suckling gently and teasing her nipple with the tip of his tongue. She let a soft, wordless cry escape her lips as he slipped both hands around her back, lifting her off the bed towards him. She let her tail curl around them both and smiled slightly when he responded in kind, twining his tail around hers and wrapping his wings around her. One of her hands slipped into his hair, the other found its way around his broad shoulders, holding him to her. She couldn't take much more and she knew it. She kissed his neck, whispering in his ear, "Please, daddy... please, I need to feel you inside me."

He let out a feral growl, let her fall back on the bed and pinned her hands down above her head. He kissed her deeply, taking in her very breath, as his free hand snaked down and moved her legs apart. He paused for a moment then, looking down at his daughter, seeing the love and desire in her eyes, he said softly, "Are you ready, lovely?" She nodded and let out a long low moan as she felt his claws tease her entrance just before his fingertips pressed lightly against her tender flesh, opening her a little for him. He let just the head of his cock slide into her, he knew she was a virgin, he knew he needed to be gentle with her at first. He stayed that way for a moment while he shifted so he was pinning her hands with both of his before he slowly slid his length into her willing young body. Tears fell from her eyes and she bit her lip to keep from crying out as her father took her virginity. He let out a little sigh, knowing the hard part was over now, and kissed her tears away.

"I know it hurts, lovely," he whispered, "Just relax, it'll stop in a few moments." He let out a shuddering sigh of sheer bliss as he slowly hilted himself in her, staying like that for a few moments, letting them both enjoy how tight she was.

"Oh gods, daddy... you feel so good. More... oh please, more." She begged, curling her tail tightly around her father's and trying to raise her hips to send him deeper.

He moaned softly as he pulled slowly out of her and thrust back in, repeating the action, slowly speeding up his rhythm as he went, hilting in her every time. It still hurt her a little but the pain was pushed to the back of her mind every time he filled her and after a while it was forgotten completely. She picked up his rhythm, raising her hips to meet his, making his thrusts that much more powerful and sending him deeper into her. He moaned her name, she begged for more, each growing more and more passionate until words meant nothing and both were slaves to pure instinct.

He growled as he neared his peak, lifting himself up on his arms and pounding relentlessly into the soft young body beneath him. Her wings stretched out beneath her, extending further and further as if they could reach out and touch the bliss she could almost taste. She felt him tensing above her, again she felt his barbs flare, raking her insides and driving her mad. She gripped the sheets beneath her, her ebony claws tearing through the fabric, tears in her eyes... so close... almost there. And all at once she felt herself thrown into that infinite emptiness of sheer heavenly bliss, not seeing, hearing, or feeling anything but that one soul-numbing sensation and she let out a wordless scream of pleasure.

Her father roared above her, slamming into her even as he climaxed, great wings outstretched as he filled her with his hot essence. Not thinking or seeing, only feeling her sweet flesh pulse around his length, milking him of all he would give. Both calmed after moments that seemed like a blessed eternity. She gave a little sigh of pleasure as her father settled himself inside her, his barbs hardening in her and tying them together. He rolled carefully onto his back, pulling his daughter with him, both still panting for breath. She lay her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat and feeling the gentle rise and fall of his breathing, letting the steady rhythm calm her.

He kissed the top of her head and ran his hand through her hair, whispering to her as she drifted off into a pleasantly exhausted sleep, "I love you... my sweet little girl... my daughter."


Well, I hope you liked it. If you think I'm a sick pervert, you're probably right, but I dun care :P

Comments! Lots of comments! I like these characters but I need some decent feedback before I use them in another story. Email: [email protected] or I'm on AIM: MythosSorex

There is, of course, the comment box here. Please don't flame me... please.