Me, That's Who, With A Few Caribou

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#23 of A Real Animal Lover

I normally write these in one sitting but a few distractions occurred during the penning of this one, so I don't know if it's up to par or not, and therefore, before I think too much on it, I'm posting it. Hopefully the editing is acceptable.

            Ah, the season of giving.

Bah Humbug.

 I wasn't a Scrooge, but I never did get into

the holiday spirit; except for one particular year. I guess it was just a

matter of being too busy. I liked my work, but it left little time for human

contact. Besides, from what I saw of people, I decided to stick with the


As you can imagine, I hardly ever

had much of a Christmas celebration. I do have family, and I did tend to take a

couple of days off to go visit them, which was a pleasant enough time, but

overall the holiday for me was more a zoo-wide celebration than anything

else.  Nowadays there seems to be a

competition among them to outdo each other with thousands of lights festooning

the trees and bushes, but back in my day it was much simpler. You had some

decorations made in Taiwan, some wreathes and ribbons, and in our case, a Santa,

some cheesy elves, and reindeer.

Yes, I'm talking real reindeer.

That was my little twist on the

holiday spirit. I figured most kids didn't even know what a reindeer, or a

caribou if you will, even looked like. The managers wouldn't spring the money

to have them as a permanent exhibit, which was fine, because I didn't

necessarily want to have them year round. But since they were hardy in the

cold, I figured they would do fine in the petting zoo area until after

Christmas was over.

I found a farm that raised them,

and we signed a "rental" deal for six weeks. The guy trucked in six of them,

and once he was satisfied that we had everything they needed, he left again,

set to return in a month and a half.

Now here is your sixty four

thousand dollar question. Guess when reindeer go into heat. Go on, guess.

October and November. It was at the tail end of the rut season, but I have an

affinity for tail ends.

There was one male and five

females.  I like those odds. The breeder

questioned that I even bothered with a male this time of year, but I told him

that I wanted the kids to see the difference between the sexes. For one thing,

reindeer are the only cervine species where the females have antlers. The males

lose theirs over the winter, but the females retain their set until spring.

They were a beautiful little herd

of the northernmost of all the deer species. It was the first I had ever been

up close and personal with them. It wasn't a species they discussed in vet

school to any degree, for why would they? This gentle herbivore was found

primarily around the Arctic Circle. None of us had ever shown any inclination

to move that far north. That's what Canadians and Alaskans went to vet school


The plan was to have at least one

reindeer out with our Santa character, so that kids could ask for their loot

and then pet the deer. Each one had a halter/harness assembly with the

prerequisite sleigh bells on it. The reins were tied to a post and we went

through all the animals in order to avoid getting any of them too irritated by

all of the commotion. It worked out very well over the whole course of the yuletide


I got up close and personal right

off the bat. While I wasn't in any way blue-balled, I was curious about them,

and in particular I knew that I only had limited time before they would go back

to their farm. That meant that I had to get in my fun before Christmas. I made

sure that wouldn't be a problem.

When that first weekend came, after

we got the little beauties that is, I was plenty prepared to tackle the task

before me. I had to wait until closing of course, but I wasted no time. It was

chilly outside, but not really cold. Like I said, we never got a ton of winter

weather where we were, and I was alright with that. A little snow on the ground

was fine, but blizzards like we had back in seventy-eight could stay farther up

north for all I cared.

I got into the pen after dark,

because after all, it was heading towards winter. It got dark quicker now. The

pen had stalls, normally used by the regular deer and goats during the warmer

months. As the stalls had heat lamps, there was more than enough light for me

to see by. In fact, one might almost call it romantic. On the other hand, it

tended to bring to mind the whole concept of the red-light district. Take it as

you want to take it.

The animals were all friendly,

having been raised with humans their entire lives. The purpose of the place,

much to the chagrin of some of you readers, was to sell them off for meat. Even

back in this day and age, some people were health food nuts and tended to shy

away from commercially raised meat. I'm sure you've heard of people like Euell

Gibbons, and...

What? You've never heard of him?


No? Oh, go look it up. I don't have

time to give you a history lesson.

The point being, these animals would

eventually end up on the chopping block. That saddened me, but I wasn't one to

dwell on things I had no control over. They would see a little action before

that day came, and right up to the point when I did. I figured I had time to go

through all of them, even the male. I was sure his ass could handle me, even if

it took a little stretching beforehand.

I started with the one we

designated as Donner. Why not a girl name? Well, think about what I already

told you. You see, all of Santa's reindeer have antlers, and only the females

keep them over the winter; therefore all of Santa's reindeer are female. On top

of that, there was a good chance they were all pregnant at the time too.


Biology lesson done for the day.

Time to move on.

Donner was in stall number three. I

brought along the harness and hooked her up, not out of some perverse need to

ruin your visualization of Christmas, but because it was a handy way of keeping

her under control. It was a good thing that no one was around, because one I

got going, those bells were going to be ringing off the hook.

I got the stupid contraption on and

hooked up without too much trouble, though I would never be a professional

horse rider for as long as it took me. The worst part was that these guys

weren't near the size of a horse so it should have been easy. The jingling was

almost enough to get me in the Christmas mood, but the foreknowledge that I was

going to be nailing a reindeer had already done it. It was definitely going to

be "ho ho ho" and "to and fro"; there just wasn't going to be any reindeer paws

on the roof. We were staying right here on the ground.

Getting inside her wasn't a

problem, though like anything this size, she was plenty tight. We had Whitetail

Deer in the children's zoo section, so I knew I was going to fit. Oh, hadn't I

mentioned that before? Well, that'll have to wait for another time. It's not

like deer weren't fairly common in the world. I'm sure sex with them was fairly

common in the suburbs and the wild, wooded places where men and animals could

have fun without irking the neighbors. But that was there and this was here.

Donner was blissfully warm, and she

didn't seem to mind the intrusion into her personal space.  I tied her off to a post and grabbed the

leather straps that encircled her abdomen. I was definitely getting coal in my

stocking this year but it was a small price to pay, trust me!

I poked into her slippery hole

until I was pressed up close and personal. 

Her white tail was flipped up and lying against my belly as my front

made contact with her rear. She was a solid two hundred pounds, so she was

plenty steady on her four hooves. I gave a few exploratory lunges, finding her

damp and well lubed, just as I expected.

Despite the slickness of her

insides, she was still tight and that made for some wonderful friction. She had

a solid backside, and while my intrusion sparked a flow of additional slipperiness,

in the minutes leading up to it, I literally had to take only slow measured

thrusts so as to not hurt her. Once her body kicked figured out what was up, it

was all fun and games.

While I wasn't constructed like a

deer, I think I had sufficient size to get her attention. The way she arched

her head back on her neck and the characteristic lowing sound she made spoke

volumes. Heck, I was even getting the attention of the male, who was residing

in his own pen to avoid him causing a ruckus and scandalizing the kids. He was

pawing the ground and grunting.

All I could do was think "too bad"

and keep on with what I was doing. As it was, there was a faint jingling carrying

through the chill air as the sleigh bells were gently jostled into action. This

was going to be one yuletide season I was going to remember!

I pounded her venison hindquarters

until she had a well tenderized rump. Even as I was plowing in her, I was

thinking of her sisters, and even to the sole male. I had broadened my horizons

by this time, and I knew his ass was likely as good a candidate for a good

reaming as were the girl's holes. I figured I save him for last. There

certainly was no rush on this holiday package.

Lord knows how long I was out there

with Donner. I got goose flesh; not so much from the cool air but from the

sweat that eventually beaded up on my brow and ran down my back. I was working

away on her with the force of a steam engine, an analogy that was apt

considering I was blowing little puffs of condensation into the air with each

breath. The fact was she was wonderfully compliant and as it seemed to me, more

than a little into it. That boded well for my working with all the others.

Let's just say that I pounded that warm furry backside until the jangling

of the bells nearly drove me crazy. As it was, I think I may have stretched the

leather straps in my gusto. I plunged in and out of her for far longer than her

male counterpart would ever have done and when I did cum, it was such a relief

that I nearly had my knees buckle under me. I held onto the straps and waited

until my legs went from being rubber to being something more akin to normal.

It was a fun experience, and I was

really in the mood to do it again. I had been burning the candle at both ends

and I really needed to get some sleep, so I called it quits. I gave her a

carrot, dressed, and went back to the clinic.

The next morning I made a few

checks on some of the animals under treatment for various ailments and then

went out and about in the zoo. Donner was in the area being used for Santa

photos, and the moment she saw me, she went into a little happy dance. She

tugged on her reins until they came loose and she trotted over to me. One of

the girls working at the zoo had the indignity of having to dress up as an elf.

She left her post the chase down the errant reindeer. She stopped when she saw

her come right up to me and nuzzled my crotch. There was a bulge there. The

girl noticed with wide eyes.

That's when I pulled out a thick,

fat carrot and gave it to her. "Here you go you silly thing."

My coworker, who probably had many

dirty ideas on her mind, reversed all the way back to her station, where she

waited for the day's Santa to show up. She couldn't even look at me. I walked

Donner back, tying her off and patting her sides. "Some other time girl! At

this rate, I'll be calling you Vixen!"

I laughed to myself at whatever was

going through that poor girl's mind. The funny thing was, it was probably akin

to the truth, but there was no need to let on to my activities. I wasn't doing

any harm, and my partners were generally as eager as I was. At the worst, they

were either indifferent or unconscious during the act. Maybe that doesn't sound

ideal to you, but life isn't always nice and pretty.

I didn't go back that night, though

I wanted to. I was dead tired and instead I just went to bed. The next day I

felt more rested, and since the day's work wasn't too bad, I made plans to

visit the others.

The next one was called Blitzen, and

I was damned well going to be doing a blitz on her tail end. She was friendly,

and a handful of oats meant that I had her undivided attention. Like with

Donner, things went well right from the start. I think between the hormones and

the close proximity yet inaccessibility of a male of her species had her anxious

for a good time. He was off in a pen by himself because no one wanted the

kiddies to be scandalized by mating reindeer.

Just think how scandalized they

would have been to know a human was doing it instead!

Donner saw me and nearly pranced

over to the fence, but I gave her a scratch and moved on to her sister. Sure, I

could have just done the same one over the course of their stay, but what fun

would that be to look back upon? They say you regret the things you didn't do

more than you do the things you did, so I was doing my best to have no regrets.

Blitzen was a little less amorous,

and in the end, I'm almost afraid to admit, I forced matters. Oh, it wasn't

like that really, but I think she might have already been impregnated; her body

shifting her hormones from one aspect to another. She may have been indifferent

to my attentions but she did like my offerings of food, and tolerated the

harness without too much fuss.

Whereas my first time went

smoothly, this time was thus a little less ideal. In the end, I had to work up

a bit of spit to lube things up. Having had the first one go so well, I hadn't

thought that I would need any additional lubricant this time around. I was

wrong. On the other hand, her present condition made her a really, really tight

little deer. She jumped just a little as I penetrated her and she let out a

grunt. But after that, she settled down and tolerated my actions until I was

finished. As a peace offering I went back and got a bundle of carrots, giving

her the biggest portion, but doling them out to all of them. Donner was right

there looking for a little more of, well; everything. I patted her butt and

went back to the clinic and hit the mattress.

It went pretty much the same with

the rest, until I got to the male. His nose was not red, but you can be sure

that he got named Rudolph. Someone even tried to give him a clown nose once, but

he shook it off with obvious distaste for having the smelly thing so close to

his olfactory senses. Who could blame him? He had to breathe and having that

bit of odiferous plastic covering it had to be annoying.

He was missing his antlers of

course, as I believe I mentioned earlier. It made him look more female compared

to the others, and I rather saw it that way. After all, when you're used to

stags having antlers and does being without, the stereotype sticks in your


I had the lube with me this time

because I knew for certain that I was going to need it. I set to securing the

harness and tying him off to a post. He seemed perplexed by all of the fuss,

but he turned his attentions to the bucket of feed I set in front on him and

quickly ignored me. From there, it was a matter of dropping my pants, lubing my

cock until it glistened, and then ramming it into his rear.

He did acknowledge me again right

up to the point I thrust inside. His head came up out of the bucket in a flash.

I had a grip on the harness, so his ability to move was limited. As it was, his

jerk nearly separated us, but I slammed it back in at once.

He snorted and pulled on the reins,

but I had tied them tightly. I held still, outside of keeping my position until

he settled down. His anus was clamping down at the intrusion, and while this

might not have been fun for him, I have to admit it was great for me. I'm not

normally so unfeeling, but I had made it my plan to have them all before they

went back, and this was his turn.

He wasn't initially into it, and I

guess I can't blame him for that. But the fact was that I was, so for me,

that's all that mattered. Once he calmed down, I started off slowly and kept

myself at a steady pace until his body relaxed a little. I'm sure that if I had

forced this without the lube, he would have come completely unglued. So would

have I under similar circumstances

After about ten, wonderfully tight

minutes, he seemed resigned to my intrusion. He stuck his head into the bucket

and did his best to ignore me. All the while I set the bells to jingling away,

just like Santa's sleigh was said to do in all of the old Christmas stories.

I loved the way his ass felt, and

in retrospect, I wondered why I hadn't tested this out on any of the girls. The

fact was there was still time, and having dipped into each one of them already,

it seemed like a good idea for later visits. There would be other days and more

importantly, other nights.

Rudolph got quite the ass pounding.

Every once in a while I forced it in a little too hard and he grunted loudly, but

overall this lone male held up against the onslaught of my lust. The jangling

filled the air as I rode his butt for what seemed like an hour. As much as I

wanted to blow, I knew this was going to be the only time I put him through

this and I intended to make it endure. So in the end, I didn't know which was

going to come sooner, me or Christmas.

Doing something like this wasn't

without its risks. Oh, we got a little messy, you see. You can't dive into an exit

without coming into contact with the reason the hole is there to begin with. It

didn't really bother me mind you. I've had my hands in some pretty disgusting

things and this wasn't any worse than most. The fact was I simply acted like I

hadn't noticed, and ignored it until I was finished. There would be time to

clean up after the fact.

So I screwed him until I couldn't

hold it back anymore. I went into a flurry of furious pounding the likes of

which even a rhino might have voiced its opposition to. Rudolph extended his

neck out, letting off a deep lowing sound as his legs stiffened up. I didn't

know what it meant, but I hoped it was a good thing for I wasn't about to stop

now to find out.

My fingers dug into the straps, and

the straps in turn cut into my skin as I unloaded my balls into this fine furry

beast. His hind quarters were trembling as I reamed his hole until I firmly

believe his passage was capable of handling more waste product than it was

originally designed for. My long strokes finally broke the will of his anus as

it ultimately relaxed under the pounding it was receiving. It was probably just

in time, since I was ramming it home right down to the base of my cock.

What I hadn't realized at the time

was that despite the discomfort I initially caused him, the constant rubbing

stimulated his nerves to the point that his own cock had dropped out into the

chilly air, and in the final throes of my furious battering of his backside, he

shot a load onto the ground. A little steam rose from it where it lay

congealing on the dirt.

I didn't notice it until I had

pulled out, my attention initially centered on the bit of a mess I had become

in the process of making him one of my bitches. When I did, I patted his sides.

"So Rudolph, you did like what we

were doing, didn't you!"

He snorted a small blast of steam

into the air. His legs were a little shaky after all of that abuse and mine weren't

much better. Despite the chill, I finished stripping to avoid getting my

clothing any messier than it was. I had to look a sight, and not a good one. It

was fixable however, and a hot shower later, I returned to the pen with a warm,

wet towel and washed him up, drying his fur as best I could. These guys were

pretty tough, so I knew the chill wouldn't bother him, but I hardly wanted

there to be questions in the morning over the cause of his messy rump.

I gave him a treat and rubbed the

fur on his hard head. "Well boy, you did good. Not everyone handles anal as

well as you did."

I walked back, ready to head to

bed. I did have visions in my head; not of sugarplums, but of firm caribou

backsides and warm little holes. They girls had been great of course, but he

was something special. And then I laughed. After all, in the end, no one can

say I didn't let Rudolph play in any of the reindeer games. I'm equal

opportunity lover.

Oh, and before I forget; Merry


It 's the season for giving after

all. I had a few days left before it got there, and I still had more to give.

Santa can't have all the fun, now can he?