The GreenMount Chronicles Chapter 10: Caught

Story by DwayneTimberland on SoFurry

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#14 of The Greenmount Chronicles

Remember, I wrote these in my teens! I was so young, I had no idea I was using archetypes.

The GreenMount Chronicles, Chapter 10 "Caught"

Mike's house was huge. It was three stories high, with a four car garage, a huge front lawn, and an inground pool in the back yard. It was in the rich neighborhood near the biggest mall in the state. Both of his parents were doctors, so they could afford it.

The living room, where they entered, greeted them with plush gray carpet, stucco walls, and a massive entertainment center, with a wide-screen television. Their couch was black, genuine leather, and all the rest of the furniture was done in a modern style with lots of neutrals.

Mike had to remind Victor to take his shoes off before they walked on the carpet. Though Victor suspected this was more likely because Mike had some kind of paw play in mind.

"You've only been here once, right?" Mike asked his bunny friend, Victor, as he dropped his shoes by the door.

Vic nodded, brushing his lop ear away from his face.

"Yeah, and only for a minute," he said. "I keep forgetting how huge this place is." He walked over to the sound system, looking over the speakers, the thick carpet sticking up like grass between his long toes.

Mike grinned. "Yeah, mom and dad make tons of money and it all goes into this house. You wanna see something else?"

"Sure," Vic said, glancing around.

Mike said, "Follow me!" and he jogged out of the room, down a hallway to the left, which was lined with shelves of collectibles, from toy cars to porcelin cats.

Victor followed him into the largest bathroom he had ever seen. To call it a bathroom seemed an understatement. It was larger than his own bedroom. The floor was done in beautiful blue-gray marble tile. There were two sinks with a long counter, a walk-in shower large enough for four people, the usual commode, an actual potted plant in one corner, and a painting on one wall.

In the center was a big jacuzzi tub, with two steps leading up to it, and this is where Mike stood, on the rim of the tub..

"Holy shit!" Vic said. He almost never swore, but he considered this a special occasion. "I've never seen a bathroom this big before!"

Mike grinned. "Ain't it cool? Dad puts lots of money into it. Dunno why."

Victor walked across the floor and climbed the steps to look into the tub. "Awesome," he said.

Mike pulled off his shirt. "Wanna try it out?"


"The tub! It feels great, dude," he said, slipping his shorts down around his ankles. "I mean it."

Vic grinned lopsidedly at Mike, who was pulling off his socks, his only other article of clothing a pair of boxer shorts.

"You just look for any excuse to take off your clothes," he asked. "Don't you?"

Mike flexed his big arms, the black and brown fur on the rottweiler rippling with muscle. He grinned. "I like showin' off what I got," he said proudly.

* * *

Roger was bored that day. In their group-- Leon, Scott, Roger, Mike and Vic-- he was the only one who didn't play a directly competitive sport. Scott and Leon played football. Victor played basketball. And Mike... well, there weren't many sports he didn't play. Roger, however was a swimmer. Sure, it could be competitive, but not in the same way. That made him unique, just like the orange and black ribbons which hugged his sinewy body.

Before the paw play experience, he and Mike had been best friends. Mike's parents liked Roger, and they had an open door policy with him. This was really something, considering how protective they were of their house.

Once in a while, when things were tough at home, Roger used his key and slept on their couch, waking to a friendly greeting from Mike's mother and a handshake from his father. That's what allowed him to get into Mike's house that day -- he had a key.

Roger and Mike originally had plans to hang out that night, but by mid-afternoon, Roger was bored. So he decided to see what Mike was up to. He took the bus over and used his key to get in.

He had seen Mike's car in the driveway, and thought he was in luck. Mike woud be home, and they could go swimming, or play some video games.

"Mike?" he called out into the living room when he got in. He meant to call out again, but he didn't see the point. If Mike was wearing his headphones, or sleeping, he'd never hear.

He pulled his sandals off, then walked across the foyer, admiring, as always, all the expensive stuff. At his home, nothing was expensive. They got by on cheap furniture, worn carpet, and faded wallpaper.

He heard something echo through the hall, where the bathroom was. He figured Mike might be in the jacuzzi-- the big dog always loved it in there, after all, even on hot days. Smiling, the tiger walked down the hall, petting one of the porcelin cats as he walked by, like he always did.

Just as he stood in the doorway, however, he heard another noise. A voice. One he recognized. He meant to walk right in and greet them, but he stopped in the doorway when he saw what was going on.

* * *

"You were right," the rabbit said. "This tub is great."

The tub itself was white, and polished. He was chest deep in the water, which sprayed out in jets from nozels under the water. It felt great, being in the warm, clean water. It was a lot like a swimming pool, only warmer, without all the chlorine. And of course, with no bathing suit.

He leaned against the side of the tub, stretching his arms out. Mike was on the opposite side, and he stretched out, too. He let his big footpaws press against the rabbit's under the water. There was less friction there, so they slid over each other a little. Mike flexed his toes, and they tickled a little along the bunny's soles.

The rabbit giggled a little, and withdrew his feet.

"Hey Vic, gimmie your paws, buddy," Mike said. He held out one hand. "Put 'em up here on my chest."

Victor stopped smiling, and he looked a little nervous. "Umm... why?" he asked, though he knew the answer. They'd discussed this before, when they'd been playing around the last time.

"Come on, dude," Mike said. "You'll like it." He wasn't used to taking the passive role, so rather than wait for his friend to respond, he reached under the water and picked up the rabbit paws by the heels, lifting them out of the water and resting them on his chest. He slid down into the water so they'd reach.

They were clean and wet now, the white fur on the tops sleek and wet, and the smooth pink pads glistening in the light, water running down in rivulets. Mike gazed at them for a moment, and then he leaned forward and slid his tongue out, licking the water from left paw, just under the sole, along the arch.

"Oh wow," Victor sighed, shivering a little.

The rottweiler wasn't just licking a little, either, he was getting the water off of the bunny's feet, taking long, full swipes of his tongue along the arch, then up along the sole, and under the toes. Victor splayed his toes out, giving no further objections, while Mike seemed perfectly content to oblige.

* * *

Roger's mouth hung open. He'd never seen anything like it before. This was more than when they'd been on the couch, toying with each other's dicks. This was purposeful.

He watched, spellbound, unable to leave, unable to confront them.

* * *

Mike sat there for some time, eyes half-closed, dutifully grooming along Victor's paws, his tongue making a soft little rasping sound which Roger could hear, even over the sound of the rushing water in the tub.

For Victor this was an intense feeling, which ran through his whole body, delightful feeling that at first felt ticklish, but then made him shiver with pleasure. The intimate sensation of the licking along his foot seemed almost connected to his cock directly, and as Mike was licking, his maleness grew and thickened to full arousal in response.

Victor tentatively ran his hand along the top of one of Mike's feet, which rested on his shoulder. They were big and strong, and good-looking in their own way. He lifted one foot, gently resting the heel on his chest. The length of it spanned his entire face, the toes reaching above his head, pink pads in contrast to the rottweiler's dark fur. Victor looked at it with curiosity and desire, tilting his head, running a finger along the arch, then sliding it between the toes, letting the water drip off onto him.

Then, experimentally, he leaned forward and gently licked it. It was smooth, just as it looked, and it tasted fresh and clean, like water. It was powerfully arousing for him, to be doing this to Mike as he felt the same thing along his own paws. And he did it again, this time more confidently, licking the smooth pad.

Mike made a happy little sound, and he stopped licking. "That does feel good," he said.

And the two of them continued.

Victor began to play with himself in the water, tugging on his cock, stroking it, eliciting a moan. He looked over to see Mike doing the same thing, and he slid his other foot into Mike's lap, grabbing the cock with his toes.

Mike grunted softly in response.

* * *

Roger slipped out of the room quietly. He didn't think they noticed, considering Victor was in a swoon of pleasure, and Mike probably couldn't see around the big bunny paw in his face.

The trip home was strange for him. He would never have expected to see what he'd seen there. And he would never have thought it would turn him on so much. The whole bus ride home, he had to hide the bulge in his shorts.

When he finally reached his house, he closed the door to his bedroom and laid on the bed for a while, his erection pressing into the mattress, while he refused to touch it.