A Hero's Reward Part XI: Heaven's Eleven

Story by Cat inDaHat on SoFurry

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Part eleven of this severely warn-out series of mine. Picking up here at how all of the characters are doing... * * * As of late, Nikki had endured some of the most peculiar hormonal changes. She had been trying her best not to let her parents notice them, but some were just inevitable. Even the mention of any time of poultry or eggs made her vomit, she was terrified of the word 'stapler', and she had the most bizarre cravings for lentil soups. The Neko was beginning to fear for her own health by this time, though she knew that counseling was out of the question. Nikki was not thinking of that as of now, though. She was 'busy'. The Neko had the music pounding on unholy volume while she passed over her amazing dance moves to its rhythm. She mouthed the words to the song 'Dare' while spinning about on her toes, and gyrating her hips. She stopped on one foot, turning around and pulling her shoulders in, letting her tail say the rest as she flipped onto a curved leg and flung her head back. Once there was a pause in the beat, Nikki clapped her hands in a stylized cymbal, flinging her hips at ninety degrees prior to her head and pointing to her door. The Neko blushed immediately, switching off the booming music as her father stood in the doorway. "Oh... er... Daddy! I was... um-" she stuttered, turning her flushed little face away. "You're a great dancer Nikki!" the man said aloud, standing up straight. "You could go to state with moves like that." Nikki her erect ears around, then her head. She was honestly surprised that her father wasn't angry. "I'm too short..." the Neko muttered shamefully, falling back on her rear on the floor. "Bah! You'll grow." Curt Wagner retorted, waving his hand out to the side, then stretching, "You should be getting ready for your... date Saturday." "Erm... yeah. We need to attend a funeral." Nikki muttered mournfully, rubbing her hands over the soft comforters of her bed. "Oh... that's right. That boy's brother..." "Kyle." The Neko corrected smugly. "That really is too bad. We will go." Curt said finally, seeing Nikki's saddening expression. Nikki mood turned suddenly, and an evil smile spread up her little face. "Nikki?" the man asked his daughter, seeing her peculiar new complexion. "Jungle cat..." the Neko replied, sticking her behind in the air and waving her tail about. Curt winced. "No... Nikki. No jungle cat!" he yelped, but it was too late, and his daughter pounced onto him in a flurry of hugs and licks. Nikki's father's back threw out as his daughter's feeble weight encumbered, and he collapsed with her in his arms. "I love you too Nikki... but I think you're getting too old for jungle cat..." he muttered. The cat-girl smiled brightly, licking her father on the cheek with her rough tongue. Curt stood up, setting his daughter in her bed, and waved his goodbye as he left the room. Nikki rolled around in her covers for a few minutes, purring and playing. She stopped suddenly, curling up on her side, and a wave of darkening fatigue splashed over her. She felt a brief pain in the bottom of her ribcage, but she opened her tightly closed eyes slowly at it passed. The Neko tilted her head over, spontaneously stretching out and arching her back. She stared down at her bare, perfect little feet and wriggled her toes. Nikki reached under her mattress and pulled out her laptop, flipping it open and booting it up. A small square in the corner of the screen indicated that Riku had messaged her. She opened up the window, and law the fox's screen-name flash up in red: 4u4life:Hey Nikki. I'm up and ready if you Wanna go somewhere. Nikki smiled, typing in her message: Notquitepsychic: Nah... it's a little late for me. 4u4life: Eh... fine. I'm inviting someone in. Hold on. Another name blipped up onto the message box, Yourtourguide. Yourtourguide: Hey Nikki, it's Allison. Remember? What are you wearing? Nikki rolled her eyes, her little fingers working on the keypad in her crisscrossed lap. Notquitepsychic: *Sigh* I'm wearing clothes. For God's sake Allison, I have a boyfriend. 4u4life: Hey, Woah, did I miss something? Notquitepsychic: I'm outta here... Nikki logged out, not wanting to have Riku asking her for nude pictures, or to be arrested for child porn. At that moment, she wondered where Kyle was. She stopped for a second, not wanting to meddle in that. She comfortably yawned off her T-shirt, and plopped into bed, sliding her laptop back under the mattress. * * * Riku backed away from her computer, not bothering to shut it down, but only logging out of the chat session. She rolled into bed with her eyes slightly widened. She conversed in her obnoxious way to hide her true emotions of fear, and antalgia. Climbing into bed, she surrendered and let herself recall the awful memories that made her this way (fade into a flashback...) Riku was six years old, all decked up in her cute little dress on stage with a few other performers. Several other young fur cubs, kittens, and puppies were lined up with their bows poised on strings. The young vixen nervously plucked at her viola, waiting for someone to say something to her. She had just moved into town from her home in Maine. Her father had dropped her off in the community center for her concert. "Hello. I've never saw you before...?" a voice came from Riku's left. Her attention span had been drifting off until now. She looked over, eyeing the little Neko that sat beside her. "Umm... my... my name's Riku." The fox stuttered, eyeing the cat-human alienly. "That's a neat name. I'm Nikki." The tiny Neko, wielding a violin, said sweetly. "Well... I... erm... I just moved here. I play the vi... viola." Riku stuttered in reply, though she wasn't really very good. Nikki smiled, bowing the sweet melody of "Curtain Sunrise" on her fiddle with utmost precision and a hint of vibrato. Riku blushed, sawing out a sloppy attempt at "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" on her own instrument. "Nice to meet you Niku... the concert's about to start." Nikki said finally, climbing up onto her chair. "Um... it's Riku." "Sorry... Shhh... you ready?" the Neko replied, poising herself. Riku didn't exactly nod. She scanned about the audience, seeing that her father didn't bother to even come. A tear came to the little puppy's eye every time she moved them, an innocent sadness visible on her cute little face. This was her first concert ever, and she had been waiting for her father to hear her play for so long. He didn't even come. Once the recitals were over, the various furs and cubs ran about to hug their parents, but Riku just stayed put. Slowly, the community center emptied, and only the janitor remained. Her daddy hadn't come to pick her up evidently, so she slowly dragged her feet for the door. It was damn heavy downpour outside, and the streets of the small town were eerily empty. Riku hugged her viola case tight, trotting sadly toward her new home, letting the rain drench her hopeless form. The walk home was frightening, though she was lucky enough only to hear light patters of approaching thunder. Once the little fox pup was under the dry sanctuary of her front porch, she shook off, and pushed the front door open. The house was dark, the silhouettes of stacked boxes like skyscrapers to young Riku. "Daddy?" she half whispered, proceeding down the hall and into her room. Riku's father was a good-hearted man, always nice to Riku, however sometimes inconsiderate. "Daddy?" She repeated, looking around the halls. She merely shrugged, then proceeded to her room, which consisted of only a bed, and yet more stacked boxes. Riku jumped slightly, seeing that her father's large form was already in her bed, apparently almost asleep. "Hi Daddy... daddy?" she whispered intently. "Hi honey... hi..." Riku's father, Russell Nushuida sighed, turning to face his daughter. "How was your-" he stopped, seeing his daughter soaking wet. "Oh... Baby... I'm so sorry..." "You didn't come, Daddy..." Riku sobbed, her little feet together. "Oh Riku... I'm so sorry. But hey, I'm here now, right? C'mon girl." Russ said cheerfully, trying to cheer up his weeping daughter. He beat his hand on the mattress of the bed a few times, signaling for Riku to come in. The vixen looked up at him, her eyes still tearing with youthful innocence. She pulled her dress off, searching an already-pillaged open box for her nightgown. She climbed into bed, hugging close to her father, shaking from the cold wet water that drenched her, as well as the booming thunder. Riku opened her eyes, seeing that it was now morning, and her father had left her room. The thunder was gone, and she was relatively dry now. She stood up and stretched, wagging her bushy little tail at the feeling of the warm post-storm sunrays. The puppy walked out of her room, down the lit hall, though noticing that there was no activity in the rest of the house. "Riku," Russ beckoned from his own room, calling his daughter to him. "Yes Daddy?" Riku replied loyally, a sweet smile painting over her little maw. Russ felt very guilty about himself, buy his common sense was shrouded. He had a pedophilic lust raging within him that easily broke it. "Come up here." He said solidly. It was not an order, merely a statement. Riku complied, hopping up onto the bed and facing her father on all fours. Her father's lower half was covered by thick covers, but his top was bare, and his face was blushing boldly. "What is it, Daddy?" the little fox girl asked curiously, tilting her head. "Daddy... daddy loves you very much. I just want you to know that." Russ muttered, almost reconsidering. "I know... you always say that," Riku replied, sitting up on her knees. "Do you love Daddy?" the large male fox asked hi daughter, embarrassed that he was more nervous than she was. He reminded himself that she didn't know... "Of course I love you, silly!" she replied, flashing an even brighter smile. "You want to make you daddy real happy, right?" Russ continued, leaning back. Riku nodded, unsure what her father meant by this. "Come here, baby..." he said in his deep, morning voice, signaling for his daughter to come closer. "What do you want me to do, Daddy?" the young vixen asked, crawling across the large four-poster. "Take off your clothes," he requested firmly, being careful not to sound too forceful as to gain his daughter's oblivious approval. "But-" Riku stammered, her body shaking now. She blushed, her knees tapping together. "Why?" "You want to make Daddy happy, right?" Russ asked her, purposefully trying to lightly pressure her into doing what he wanted. Riku nodded again. "Then take your clothes off." He finished. The girl obeyed, slowly reaching down to the hem of her gown. She pulled the milky-white garment up over her head, revealing her slender young body, and her tight pink panties. "Like this, Daddy?" "You're my beautiful little girl..." Russ replied, an erection building up at his crotch. He was already naked under the blankets. "...and your undies," he reminded. Riku was a little scared now. Something wasn't quite right. All she wanted to do though, was make her father happy. She pulled her panties out from under her, now sitting on her rear and facing her father. Russ started to breath heavily, almost panting. He started to run his own paw along his shaft, which was already eagerly running its pre. "Ok baby... now listen here..." he said, opening up the blankets to reveal his fully erect member, which was now at it's complete eight inches. "Daddy, what is that? What do I do?" Riku asked, letting her father direct her from the on. Russ pulled his daughter up between his spread legs, curling his toes in anticipation. "See the pink thing?" he panted, pointing to his bobbing cock. Anthros had evolved beyond their colorblindness. Riku blushed even more heavily, feeling her father's strong arms pull her closer to his crotch. She nodded. "It makes Daddy really happy if you suck on it. Makes Daddy feel very good," Russ couldn't believe that he was doing this to his own daughter, but he absolutely needed her lips. "I... what do I do?" the girl tried to clarify, pulling her head a little bit away from her father's maleness. Russ exhaled impatiently. "Just lick it... like a Popsicle. Please, for Daddy?" Riku nodded hesitantly, now on her knees with her little round ass in the air and her fluffy tail waving slowly back and forth. She carefully wrapped the tips of her warm lips around the pointed tip of her father's rod, suckling on it a little with her front teeth. She felt her father's right leg spasm, and her pulled her closer to his area. "Yes... baby... Riku... you're the best daughter in the world..." Russ moaned, as Riku lifted her lips off of him and started licking up the bottom of his rounded terrace. The male fox was careful in the groaning, as he did not want to teach his little girl any words that he would regret her saying. Riku felt a new feeling, a good one, as her father started to gently rub her furry behind, his abdominal area now touching her forehead while he leaned forth. He hesitated in he reach, pulling aside his daughters tail, and slowly sliding his pre-cummy finger into her asshole. Riku stopped and yelped, "Ahh! Daddy... that hurts..." she wrapped her arms around his waist and arced her back a little. "Stop Daddy... please!" "Shh... sorry baby... Shh. Not so loud. It's ok. Just keep doing-" he stopped to take a hissing breath through his teeth, feeling Riku's warm tongue on him again. He felt another load of pre rinse his already-slick shaft, almost ready for the real thing. Riku lapped up the clear liquid, letting it run down her throat, then lowering her head to extract more from him with her smooth, warm tongue. The little fox pup felt her father's breath and pulse quicken, pants of warm air puffing over her lower back. Russ's panting sounded labored, and his voice paused and stuttered uncontrollably, "Oh... yes... jeez. Oh God... Daddy loves you... erg!" he ranted, all of his muscles tightening. He tightened his grip to a superfluous level on the bed, almost tearing holes through it. "Ahhh!" Riku back away a little, and several ropes of a white goo squirted onto her neck, chest, and face. "Bleh! Daddy... Did I-" "Shh... don't worry baby... it's supposed to... do that..." Russ panted, leaning his head back over the headboard, and curling his furry toes very tightly. Riku played around with the stuff, letting his run from one hand to another. Russ panted more, his breaths turning to growls and grunts. He grunted loudly and winced as another spontaneous squirt of jism left him. He went limp. "Come... come up here... Riku..." he whispered, feeling his daughter crawl up on his lap. "You made me so happy... I'm so proud of you..." With that, he grasped her cummy face and pulled her into a passionate kiss. Riku pulled away. "Eww! You kissed me!" the vixen said, licking her lips nervously. "That's nothing..." Riku's father finished, yanking her up into a fiery lipping and kissing fit. He caressed her back and neck, mussing her fur and grasping her ass and tail. "Mmm... mmmm! Stop!" the girl yelled finally, stopping to breathe as though she had been underwater for several minutes. Her gasps slowed down as she felt her father begin to softly caress her little feet. "You have some pretty cute foot-paws..." he muttered, licking his daughter's ear. Riku blushed, never having heard about her feet before. "What do you...?" "Your whole body is pretty Riku. I like your feet the most." He replied, easily hoisting up his daughter and turning her with her back touching his chest. He would not even attempt to make intercourse with her, as he knew that would be wrong. Russ merely let his sticky member smear over his daughter's tight, round behind. The girl's jaw was chattering, and she let her arms fall. She was confused, bewildered at how what she did please her father so much. That was what she wanted most. Riku attempted to stand, but was shocked that her father actually had a tight grip on her arms. "Shh... don't worry... it's gonna feel real good..." the male fox whispered, again licking his daughter's ear and making her shiver. Riku finally let her arms fall, feeling her father's hands slide just under her armpits. Russ began to softly and sensually massage her undeveloped chest and nipples, causing them to harden and warm up even more. The vixen jumped suddenly at the intrusion, then let her body fall back into her daddy's chest. The tickling, teasing sensation left Riku in every second's suspense, making her coo and arch her back. The way Riku touched her knees together and let her feet dir out to the sides made Russ almost faint. "You like that, girl?" he hissed affectionately, the tip on his muzzle inside her little ear. Riku shivered, placing her hands between her lap. "Uh-huh..." the pup whispered back, her fluffy tail flitting on her father's lap. "Good..." the man replied, "We should do this again real soon. Daddy's proud of you..." he finished, nibbling on the girl's neck. Riku sat up on the side of the bed, scratching lightly at her tickled nipples, and pulling on her nightgown again. As she walked out of her father's room, she heard nothing. Her face was expressionless and empty, as she knew that what she saw in there, she was not supposed to. Riku just kept reminding herself that she had made her father happy. * * * Riku sat in her bed in current time, curled up and shivering. She tried not to recall those times. If she had known what she was doing back when she was six, she would not have done it. She jumped as the lights of her room flicked on. "Honey, are you crying?" Riku's father asked, honestly worried, as he thought he heard her crying every night before bed. "No." Riku rolled over in the bed with her tail between her legs. "Baby what's wrong?" Russ asked, softly sitting down on the edge of her bed. "Nothing. I was just... thinking," she replied, pulling the covers over her well-developed body. "Do you need a drink?" the male fox asked hesitantly. He sometimes gave Riku alcohol to cheer her up. "No! Go away," Riku ordered finally, curling up even more so that only the her black-furred toe tips poked out. "Having trouble with a boy?" Russ asked quickly. "NO!" the vixen shouted back with her eyes closed. "I'm just worried to see you crying every night-" "Go away!" She finished, growling ferociously at her father. "Sorry..." he said at last, turning and leaving the room before his angry daughter decided to attack. He closed the door to the room, stopping to hear his daughter sob even more behind it. * * * Kyle stopped abruptly at a large circular formation of furs around what was apparently a controversial sighting. He managed to push his way to somewhere in the middle. Two furs were brawling in what looked like and interspecies blood feud. "What did you say MUTT?" the tiger yelled digging a deep, bloody claw marks in his pinned adversary's face. "I said meow won't make it!" Roger shouted, twisted his body up into a judo hold meant to remove an arm. He sat up on the tiger's back, picking up his meter-stick with his toes and jumping off. He saw the tiger-boy approaching, so he let himself aside and struck him in the back with his long, dangerously katana-like ruler. Roger fell his body downward, the thin wooden plank making a scratching noise as he groped around the tiger's feet and beating at his hamstrings with the metal straight edge. "Get the place fuck away from the dogs!" the tiger, Aemer, shouted kicking Roger in the face and sending him sliding. Roger spit out a fang, and stood up with his toes pointing inward. He struck a taunting, feeble pose and said "Mew-mew power!" "Go fuck yourself, dog!" Aemer wailed back, practically throwing Roger into the lockers at the left. Roger lifted the yardstick, sliding on his padded foot-paws along the tiles and striking the tiger in the stomach in a reverse grip, spinning his weapon perfectly upward to split his face. The thick wooden piece just left a bruise that was visible through the tiger's fur. At that, quite a few students attempted to pull the two racial enemies apart, but to no avail. That is... until Riku stepped in. The vixen bravely strutted right into the middle of two blows, causing both of them to stop fighting and stare at her. "Quit pissin' boys... we're all furs here, remember?" she purred, seductively tickling their bloodied chins. "Get the hell outta my way you mongrel bitch!" Aemer yelled, pushing Riku aside more gently than he intended. "I'm not gonna let this whole fuckin' place go to the dogs!" "This school's enough of a litterbox without the cats here!" Roger snarled back. At that, the whole crowd separated instantly into their separate, respective species. "Down with meow!" Many canines in the crowd started chanting and cheering this. Cats and dogs who were once the best of friends were now growling at each other, some even fighting. "This place isn't gonna go to the mother-fucking mutts!" Aemer preached, holding up his huge paw and beckoning cheers and shouts from felines. Kyle looked back and forth, seeing that everyone was looking at him now. Even the avian, mixed-breeds, and other neutral species were gaping at him. He was standing smack in the middle of the row between the separated cats and dogs. He hugged his notebook tight. Where was Nikki in all of this? What side would he hail to? He ran. "Where 'you think you're going, pussycat?" came a familiarly evil voice from in front of Kyle while he was looking around the corner behind the row of lockers. "Oh God no!" Kyle yelped, just before he was whapped in the face by Alex Ferdinand. "I hate you! I hate all you pussyfoot cats!" Alex, however small he was, summoned his only strength which was pure hate for Kyle and species. He beat the blue panther in the face repeatedly with whatever he could get his hands on, whether it be a book, of the tip of a pencil. Kyle didn't want to fight back, he didn't even want to get involved in this feud. It wasn't about the feud now... It was about the patched hole in his right foot. Kyle stood up and swung at the wolf, sending him back on his ass, his head almost cracking open on the drinking fountain. This was the panther's one chance at payback for his permanent limp. He poised his furry blue arm back... Extending a not-so-friendly arm of assistance to the downed wolf. Kyle helped his worst enemy to his feet, not bothering to consider his confused expression. "Now isn't the right time to settle this. This schools going to hell if someone doesn't do something about the cats and dogs..." "You asking for my help, pussyfoot?" Alex growled, the upper lip of his maw twitching insanely. Kyle held back his strike with most effort, "Y-yes... If someone won't do something... I'm afraid there's gonna be a cat and a dog school..." "Doesn't sound so bad. I hate you... all of you hairball heap-necked mother-fuckers!" Alex lost his self control and stuck Kyle in the face again. Both of them jumped at the familiar sound of a gunshot down the hall. "Fuck 'em all!" someone shouted, then there was a scream. Kyle pushed Alex aside, running out into the hall. The gun-fur was gone, but what he saw was much, much worse. Emily Mulkalf, a panthress only a little older than Kyle was on the floor clutching her stomach. Blood poured out of her bullet wound, and she groaned with pain. Finally, the pain stopped, and Kyle lay her down. "Emily!" he shouted, lightly shaking her shoulders. "Who...?" she grunted, then her breath stopped abruptly, and the panthress died. Kyle's face drained of color under his fur, and his ears flattened tightly. He had never seen anyone die before. Kyle almost stopped breathing himself. This isn't happening... he thought to himself. An urgent call in his mind opened his eyes. He heard sirens outside, and SWAT furs scouting the halls. Alex Ferdinand was out of jail, but he was no threat anymore. The school had gone to hell and half-a-bitch in fifteen minutes. Finally, Kyle's eyes opened to their widest. Nikki was in the building somewhere. He stood up. "Hey, Kyle!" a voice from behind him bellowed. "Roger, for once I'm glad to see you!" Kyle replied, though there came no immediate reply. "I don't see a reason for that..." Roger replied, smiting Kyle in the neck with his yardstick, causing the panther to stiffen. The wolf grabbed the furry skin on Kyle's back, hoisting it up and pinching a nerve under it, much like Kyle had done to Nikki, but in a different place. Kyle's paws clenched, and he tightened up, falling over and holding his aching back. "No fucking fair!" "If I didn't know you, I'd kill you right now. You're welcome." And Roger bound away, smiting several furs down the hall before being tear-gassed by some SWAT members. "Help!" Kyle yerfed, as he couldn't feel his arms or legs. "HELP!" A masked furson in a vest came to him, wielding a dart gun. "Get up. Are there more kids around here?" the man asked, sounding almost humorously like a storm-trooper from Star Wars. "Help, just go!" Kyle wailed absently, his arms and legs spasming. "My girlfriend is in the building, save her! Neko... Nikki... help... miss..." his voice trailed off as the SWAT shot him in the neck with a sedative dart. Then everything, of course, went black. * * * Kyle woke up in a cot. He was in the town community center, along with a few hundred other young furs and their parents. He noticed something unsettling. Every single furson in the entire place was feline. Even the SWAT. He sat up quickly, but he was pushed down by the large paw of his father. The panther's still-slightly-pink face gazed down at him. "Kyle... settle down..." he said soothingly, patting his son's chest. "Where am I?" Kyle asked absently, the anesthesia still wearing off. "It's ok... shhh... you're safe. We're at the great hall, next to the church." Fiona Eighly whispered into his ear, feeling his tense shoulders. Kyle shot up, his eyes darting around. "Where's Nikki?" "Shhh... settle down... it's ok, she's over there, you want to go see her?" Kyle's mother replied, still trying to calm her shaking son. Kyle nodded immediately, turning to stand up, then stumbling after realizing that he legs weren't coordinated. He crawled over to the cot a few feet away, holding himself up by his arms on the side of the fold-up bed. Nikki lay there on the canvas, still fast asleep form the tranquilizer. Curt Wagner was the only one in the room who wasn't a furry feline, but he didn't care, all he wanted was for his little daughter to be safe. "Nikki..." Kyle whispered desperately, his body constantly trying to slip off of the cot. "Please wake up..." he said very quietly into her little yellow cat-ear. "Kyle, let her sleep..." Samantha Wagner said concernedly, patting Kyle on the back softly. "It's... ok Mama... I'm awake..." Nikki sighed, turning on her side to face Kyle, who looked just as awkward as she. "Kyle...?" "Yeah... it's me Nikki," Kyle replied, looking into her glazed eyes. The tender romance of the moment called for something, and both Nikki's and Kyle's parents were waiting for it. "Kiss me..." The Neko whispered, and Kyle started to lean forward, then merely yerfed and fell backward onto his jelly legs. "I can't... my legs won't work..." Kyle replied, forcing a nonchalant smile. Zach Eighly couldn't suppress his laugh, and burst it out on front of everyone. "He's definitely your son, Zach..." Fiona said, rolling her eyes and drawing light giggles from Nikki's parents. "So... we're on lockdown?" Curt asked to anyone who would answer. "Yeah... they're still bagging some rogue kids out there... it'll be a good many hours..." Zach replied, looking at his watch. "Yeah... now... why are you...?" Samantha started to ask. "Pink?" She nodded. "Lost a bet..." Zach replied furtively, pulling down his sleeves. "Hey! There he is! Kyle, we've been lookin'..." Aaron yelled, strutting over to the small group with his arms out wide. "Didn't you get sedated?" Kyle asked hesitantly, seeing the black panther's confident gait. "Nope." "Good... then help me up!" the panther on the ground hissed, reaching out for Aaron, who hoisted him up on his shoulder. Keller wasn't hard to find, as he towered over everyone else in the room. The nearly seven-foot jaguar merely strode his willowy form to where he saw his friends. Kyle saw him, resting now contently in a standing position. He shook the blood into his legs and regained coordination somewhat. He felt like his legs were asleep, but at least he could move them. "Hey Kyle," Keller said geekily, kneeling down to sit. "It's very sad... Emily died..." the jaguar's breathing sped up and he started to cry. "Aeiea got shot, she's in the hospi-" "What...?" Kyle bellowed, though he already knew of the death of Emily. Nikki started to cry silently as well. "Emily? Oh... she was my study buddy..." "Someone died?" Fiona shouted in surprise, "How did this whole thing start?" "It was a fight over species domination," Aaron put in smartly as usual, pulling at the front of his jacket. "That's awful!" Samantha gasped, hugging her husband close. * * * After the lockdown, Nikki and Kyle sat together on the couch in the panther's living room while their parents made calls to friends about the tragedy. The Neko sat in his arms, completely silent save her very soft purring. "Kyle..." she arched her back comfortably, "I really needed to tell you something the other day..." "Can it wait?" Kyle asked playfully, simply trying to enjoy the moment. He rubbed his cheek on hers, his chest rumbling as he purred. "No, sorry Kyle... it's really important..." Nikki insisted, "Can we go up to your room?" Kyle nodded absently, standing up with Nikki in his arms and looking to see that their parents were occupied. He strode up the stairs with the usual effort on his bum foot. Lying the catgirl on the bed, he asked "Ok Nikki, what's up?" "It's really big... please don't freak out..." she warned, sitting up and looking at Kyle seriously. "I'm ready, go ahead." Kyle continued confidently. "Are you sure?" Nikki asked, her lips pursed. "Yup." "Really?" "Yes, really. I'm ready for big news." Kyle said finally, wringing his fingers. "Ok..." Nikki sighed, preparing herself. "Uh..." "Yes?" Kyle was growing impatient with the suspense. "Well..." Nikki sighed, finally rendering her composure. "Ok... here we go..." "I'm listening Nikki..." the panther said through his teeth, bracing himself. "I'm pregnant." Nikki said at last, loosing a deep breath. Kyle didn't reply, just stood there. He fell back into the chair by his desk with his hands on his forehead. His heart raced, and he couldn't think of anything to say. "Kyle, are you alright?" the Neko whispered, putting her little hand on the panther's limp shoulder. "Kyle?" she repeated. "Do your parents know?" he asked her, looking down at his shaking paws. "Yes. They do." Nikki muttered, her eyes wandering to Kyle's waist. "Are they... m-mad at me?" Kyle asked, his whole body shaking, causing his lungs to stunt his voice. Nikki smiled, pushing her warm body as close to Kyle as she could, arching her back and purring very softly. "They said that I couldn't ask for a better father to my kitten," she whispered affectionately into the panther's ear. Kyle didn't exactly believe her, but then again, Nikki would never lie to him. He embraced her warm figure, weeping into her neck-length yellow hair. The panther realized that one hug wasn't nearly enough, so he pulled her onto him and hoisted her into an affectionate and passionate kiss. Nikki complied, her arms around Kyle, rubbing the back of his neck. Kyle's paws drifted down the catgirl's soft back and into a naughty area, making her gyrate her petite hips. "Ehem..." Fiona Eighly said from the doorway of the panther's room. Kyle and Nikki both blushed, thinking that their lives had been ruined then and there. "H-hi Mom. How long have you been standing there?" Kyle asked, his ears flattening. "You two look like Siamese twins joined at the tongue..." the panthress replied slyly, "...not long." The two of them desperately prayed that she had not heard anything. "Well, um... Nikki and I were about to go to Riku's place and-" "No! I mean... no. Your father and I," she nodded to Nikki as well, "And Mr. And Mrs. Wagner have agreed not to let you see her anymore." "What?!" Kyle bellowed, and Nikki sighed. "After what happened at school, it is not safe for you to be hanging around canines," the woman said sternly, "but, Kyle, your father and I have decided to lift your grounding." Kyle didn't smile. This was awful... now parents weren't letting their own children interact with the opposing species. * * * Riku and Aaron were arm-wrestling across her kitchen table. Riku was winning, but only because Aaron was holding back severely. They hadn't done anything nasty while her father was still at work, and they didn't pan on it, despite their pulsing temptations. The door to the house finally swung open, and Riku's father stepped in. "Hey honey you-" he stopped. Aaron looked up and the large male, his eyes smug. "Riku... what the hell is this... this cat doing in the house?" Russ asked, his upper lip twitching with nerve. "Daddy, it's Aaron. He comes over all the time, remember?" Riku replied, forcing a smile. "I will not have my daughter near any of these... these ally whore cats!" the huge fox hoisted struggling Aaron by the collar. "Daddy, it's ok! I love him, he's my-" Riku started, then stopped as her father's expression flashed a slight worried concern. "If I ever see you talking to a puss-bag furball like this... 'thing' again, who will be in serious trouble!" Russ threw Aaron out the front door, watching him run away, looking back occasionally. "Daddy!" the deep red vixen yelped, her black paws clenched at the sides of the table. "Felines are bad fursona! You will never talk to any of those bastards again, you hear?" Russ screamed angrily, his eyes dripping with tears as he said this. "I'm worried about you. After what happened yesterday... I don't want to lose you!" Riku turned away, her tail pointing straight downward. "That's not fair, Daddy!" "I care about your safety! Cats, all of them, are bad people! They are out to kill you!" the man yelled, right up in his daughter's face now. "You've never been a good father to me!" Riku retorted. That plucked a nerve. Russ's bottom lip quivered, and he closed his eyes. "Baby, I try-" "No you don't! you've never cared about me! You didn't come to a single one of my viola recitals, you pressured me to drink and I failed elementary school... and you make me do... that thing..." the vixen ranted, tears now drenching her own face. "You wonder why I cry at night? It because of you, Daddy!" "You're just a bratty little whore! You're to stay away from those goddamned cats, or else!" Russ yelled back, grabbing Riku's arm and pulling her away from the table. The fox ripped her arm away from him, throwing on her backpack. She stormed away from him, and out the front door. "Where are you going...?" he yelled after her. "Anywhere is batter than with you!" she replied, slamming the door hard. * * * Riku stormed down a long, fenced alley, seeing that it was getting late. She sat down in the dry corner, sobbing softly. She reached into her backpack, retrieving a lighter, and a small roll of paper. She lit the joint, and brought it shakily to her lips. Inhaling the drug, she felt the foul tasting smoke cleanse away her worries, and she sunk into a euphoria. Once her stick was almost depleted, she dropped in on the ground and let her arms and legs fall limp on the pavement. She couldn't hear or fell anything other than contentment, and she saw little sparks fly through the air. The pretty pink sparks fluttered and grew into vibrant, orange roses before her eyes, making her coo in amusement. "It's a fancy seeing you here. This was always your favorite spot..." the voice of a grayish-brown wolf growled. Alex knelt down in front of Riku, smelling the smoke from the marijuana. "What's your name?" the vixen asked absently, her eyes comfortably closed halfway. "Don't you remember me, baby?" Alex asked convincingly, "I'm Alex. You love me, remember?" he finished, taking advantage of the girl's highness. "I love you, Alex..." Riku mimicked, not even aware of what she was saying. "That's right Riku... you love your Alex..." the wolf muttered, touching the fox's furry face. "How... h-how do you know my name?" she asked, placing her paws on his loins. "We have been lovers for years and years, silly!" Alex lied, kissing Riku fully, his mouth completely wrapped around hers. The weed smoke from her breath was making him slightly queasy. Riku opened her eyes from the kiss, her spectrum now dazzling sparkles of colors from the depth of the kiss. "Don't kiss me you... you larper...!" she said obliviously, pulling the wolf forward for more. Alex smiled, spreading his legs over Riku's waist, and sitting on her lap to face her. The vixen cooed, pressing her breasts against her mate. "You must be... be real horny... cause I can feel your thing-gee..." she whispered, rubbing his back and pressing her tummy against his clothed erection. "Ready to get to the real stuff?" Alex asked into her ear, suckling on it with his dry lips. "You're... you're nasty. Wanna fuck me?" Riku asked, her arms shaking as she rested her head on the young wolf's shoulder. "Yes, yeah... er..." he lifted up the vixen's top, caressing the sides of her ribs, then finding her plump breasts. "Ooh... Aaron... you're so good to me..." Riku moaned, helping Alex's nervous hands along her chest. "Who the hell's Aaron?" Alex asked, his expression turning serious. "My boyfriend silly!" Riku retorted, spontaneously bursting into demented euphoric laughter. Alex angrily, if not arrogantly stuffed his paw down the front on the vixen's pants, finding her wet slit, and shoving three of his furry fingers in. "Oh yeah... uh-huh..." Riku panted, tightening her grip on the brown wolf's back and making him grunt loudly. Alex slowly pulled down at the girl's tight, low-riding jeans, sliding them down past her knees. "Oh shit... Riku I missed you so much..." he moaned, unfastening his own slacks and lowering his loose boxers. He roughly pushed her up against the cold, painted wood of the house behind her in the ally, thrusting his manhood into her so quickly that it made her scream into his mouth, which he was currently using to suck on her lips. As of late, Riku had become accustomed to Aaron's cock, which was considerably larger than Alex's, but she wasn't complaining. She was pleasure by how rough the wolf was being with her, and savored the salty sting of her juices as they left her splitting walls. The vixen's vision went blurry, so she closed her eyes. Her body was limp, no muscles in her body moving other than her tongue, and the twitching of her excited hips. Alex wasn't one to moan as Aaron was, so he merely gritted his teeth and hissed through the pleasuring pain that came to him with every rhythmic ram of his pelvis into his intoxicated mate. He felt that teasing tingle in the hilt of his member as his knot swelled up, locking him in place for his orgasm to complete. The wolf worked at his hips to try and dislodge himself from the girl's crevasse, but stopped to spasm, sending his seed far into her. Riku shouted and struggled while the pressure around her sensitive clitoris built up with pumping semen. The sticky fluid had nowhere to go now that Alex's knot was blocking the way, so it just built farther up. She grunted and yelped, sending hot bile to the tip of her throat and making her head throb. Finally, something in the action area broke, releasing squirting, sticky overflow onto both of their plains. Alex was gasping for breath, his furry toes clenched to a point of circulation loss. His knees were bleeding for contact with the concrete under him. He had Riku completely suspended, her back rubbing gruelingly against the chipping paint of the house outer wall behind her. Alex waited for several minutes, though it seemed like an eternity, stuck inside of Riku with his swollen red knot paining him. Now all he had to do was wait. Right now, Riku didn't even know that he, Alex Ferdinand, was out of 'Juvy'. * * * Nikki moaned and growled with pain, curling up and kicking at the mattress of her bed. She was angry that no matter what she did, the pain of her heat pushed on. She had had her period once before, but last time wasn't so damn bad. Puberty came a might late for this little Neko, leaving her slightly unprepared for its mysterious depths. Her eyes rolled back into her head, and she grasped at the damp front of her panties in an attempt to dull the pain, but it only doubled over. "Honey... it's about time that you go talk to Nikki about... that." Curt groaned, unable to sleep through his daughter's moaning upstairs. "Yeah... yeah ok..." Samantha replied, putting all her effort into getting up. She remembered when Nikki was a bawling kitten, keeping her up at such late hours, but this time was different. Nikki arched her back, rolling around and hissing in an attempt to sleep. "Honey, honey... shhh. Settle, it's ok." Samantha said soothingly, stepping into the low-ceilinged room. Nikki blushed, "I... just have a... headache Mama..." Mrs. Wagner smiled at her daughter's poor excuse. "Don't be embarrassed Nikki... it's a natural thing." "I... ahh!" the Neko started, curling up tightly again. "Ohhh deuce Mama it hurts!" "Don't worry Honey. Shhh... sleep. It'll be over in a few days..." The panthress assured. Nikki gazed up at her, her little eyes bloodshot with irritation. "Damn it woman! I can't wait that long!" Samantha tried not to laugh, as that would be mean. She sat down on the bed, picking up her shaking daughter in her arms, beginning to softly hum Bach's 'Minuet' to lull the cowering Neko. Nikki just shook her head, "Mama, why does this happen? It stings more than last time!" she ranted, fingering in her panties again. Samantha pulled her daughter's persistent arm out of that area. "Don't pick at it Honey... just let it go..." she whispered, rocking the petite catgirl's body in her long arms. The panthress resorted to Nikki's favorite spot when it came to fits like this. She kept reminding herself, 'I'm not spoiling her... it's confusing to her... it was to me...' She reached down to the dimple of muscle around Nikki's slim abdominal tummy, caressing the sensitive area up to her ribs. The Neko finally settled down, starting to purr lightly at her mother's knowing touch. "Shhh... there you go honey. Now go to sleep so Mama can sleep..." the panthress finished impatiently, setting the purring and suffering kitty into the warm covers and tucking her in. Only and hour or two passed before the persistent stinging awoke Nikki again. 'I'm dripping...!' she thought to herself, seeing a slightly bloody spot on her bed. The Neko ran her finger along her swollen cunt, puling aside her panties. The searing burn of touching it was almost unbearable, like brushing an open scar with lemon juice. Eventually, she just gave in to the inflammation, lying awake and moaning softly. * * * Nikki's eyes were heavy with sleep the next morning. She was suffering from PMS, and she had seemingly learned how to growl very well. "Are you ok, honey? You didn't get any sleep last night..." Samantha whispered to her daughter, patting her on the back. Nikki growled, "Just get me to school, and home again. I don't want to talk." "Honey, it's not healthy-" Curt put in, setting has coffee aside. "Stop yelling at me!" the Neko's squealed, even though her father had hardly muttered the last comment. "It's almost time to-" the Neko's mother began, but Nikki cut in, plugging her cat-ears. "Do you all have to talk so flipping LOUD? Leave me alone!" Nikki turned, away, running for the couch on her knees, audibly grinding her teeth. "If Nikki doesn't learn to cope with her menstrual period... the gates of oblivion are gonna close on our humble home..." Curt said casually, seeing his daughter wave her tailed hindquarters from the couch. "She'll live." Samantha finished, handing Nikki her backpack, and sending her out the door to school. "Mama! The school's on lock-" The panthress shut the door on her daughter. * * * Riku opened her eyes slowly. It didn't take her long to realize that she was mouth-in-mouth with someone. "Hey... woah man, what the fu-" she stopped, looking into Alex's eyes. "Alex...?" "Good morning Riku..." the wolf murred slyly, returning her gaze. "I thought you were-" "Yeah... juvenile detention... it's hell in there. 'Had to do some sick shit to get up in there." Alex said quietly, kissing her again. "I'm listening..." Riku continued, smiling. "Never mind. You got high last night." The wolf said loudly, loosing attention. "Erm... uh-huh..." Riku said, her mind drifting off as she eyed Nikki walking past the ally with her backpack weighing her down. "Hey Neek!" the vixen yelled after the Neko. "I have to go... just... don't try and... Is there fucking school today?" Nikki's eyes widened, "Alex!" "Woah... settle down kitty!" Riku said, standing up, nude, and pushing her hands out in front of her. "What the hell is up with you?" "I..." Nikki hesitated. Riku was her best friend after all. "...I'm having a... period... it hurts like burning hell and-" "Yeah, I know what you mean..." the vixen said, not bothering to put any clothes on and she sallied forth. "Look, I have to go..." the Neko said, stepping away in fear of Alex. What were her parents thinking, sending an underdeveloped hybrid cat-human like her out on the streets during these times of feud? "Heading over to Kyle's place I see?" the fox asked, smiling evilly, calling Alex up to her bare flank. Nikki blushed. She had nowhere else to go. "Good bye Riku!" and she ran away. Riku looked over her shoulder, rolling her eyes. "Premenstrual Syndrome..." "I'm sooo glad I'm not a chick..." the wolf muttered. "You just lost your ass buffet for tonight," Riku said slyly, "Am I joking?" * * * Nikki knocked on Kyle's front door, her body shaking with untimely stinging and numbing pains. The friendly-looking blue panther opened the door in almost an instant. "Hi Nikki!" his signature call since the two of them had met. He let her in to the sound of loud drumming. Keller was over today. Over, and very, very loud. "No school today, eh? Like a mini-vacation..." the panther sighed, his voice trailing away as he noticed Nikki's squat, drab expression. "You want to-" Kyle began to offer. "I just want to lay down... please... I need quiet." The Neko said flaccidly, carefully laying herself on the couch, as one might if you had a sunburn over your whole body. Keller stopped drumming. "Are you sure? My parents aren't going to be home for like eight hours..." Kyle offered, stretching. Nikki just lay on the couch, breathing heavily and hugging a pillow in her arms and legs. The panther and jaguar stared inquisitively. "Nikki, are you ok?" Kyle asked her. The catgirl didn't answer, just hissed through her teeth. It didn't take Kyle long to notice that she was in pain. "Are you hurt? Did someone hurt you?" he shouted, drawing his claws and only making the Neko moan and whimper more loudly. He looked at her, her eyes glazed over and pressured, her little hands almost tearing holes in the couch. Keller sniffed. "Is she ok?" "She's in heat... weird..." Kyle replied, touching her on the shoulder. Nikki yipped, then calmed. "K-Kyle?" she whimpered, reaching up to him with shaking hands. "Yeah?" "Does ...being drunk really make the...erg... pain go away?" she asked, tears running down her cheeks. "Well... yeah. But drinking is wrong-" "I don't care! Just take the pain away!" Nikki squeaked, arching her back and closing her big eyes tight. Kyle frowned, coming back from his room with the bottle of tequila that he had managed to hide from his parents when Riku gave it to him. He poured her out half a glass, which would e more than enough to null her for several hours. "Nikki... I don't want you to feel the pain... but I really wish you wouldn't do this..." Nikki wasn't listening, so she took the cup anyway. Kyle didn't want to mention how terrible a thing it was to drink while pregnant, but he didn't want to embarrass Nikki in front of Keller. As a father, Kyle worried for the wellbeing of his unborn baby. A few minutes past, Nikki was singing songs to which she did not know the words. She stumbled across the room, falling across things and hiccuping. "Ahahahah! I'm a little happiness!" The Neko wailed, yawning and falling onto Kyle. "You want my body don't you?" Kyle blushed, and erection building up in the front of him. Keller blushed as well, standing up and wheezing nervously. "Uh... Kyle? You're not going to...?" the terribly tall jaguar asked absently, turning away as best he could. "I'm gonna... ahh... stay awhile..." Kyle sighed, guzzling down a good cup-portion of the hard liquor. "Kyle... I have to make sure you don't do anything crazy..." Keller chided, walking back into the room. Nikki whispered something into Kyle's ear. The blue panther nodded his approval. "H-hey... Keller... sit down... stay awhile..." Nikki giggled, pushing the huge jaguar onto one of the couches. "Nikki's says she's gonna... I love it... always..." Kyle moaned, though his friend could not understand what he meant. The jaguar caught on immediately when Nikki started to rub her little blushing cheek over his hardening crotch. "No... Nikki... this is wrong, you can't..." Keller blushed, breathing loudly through his nose. His braces gave him a geeky lisp when he spoke. "Oh... c'mon Keller... don't be a wuss... it feels great..." Kyle moaned, his voice almost a whisper, and he dropped the plastic cup containing the drink. "No... I can't. Nikki..." the jaguar nervously stuttered, though Nikki's cheek on his virgin-shaft felt undeniably good. Keller had never felt pleasure, never having looked at pornography or masturbated as most boys his age did. "Ooh... wow... K-Keller... you've got a big-" Nikki snickered, stopped to hiccup. She pulled his loose cargo pants the remainder of the way down, letting them rest on his furry feet. He pushed the little catgirl away gently. "Nikki stop. You're drunk. I appreciate your offer... but I'm still a virgin, and I plan on being-" "Yeah... you're real new at this..." she moaned, continuing to rub her cheek up and down his eight-inch length. The vibration of her purring was so warm and soothing, Keller started to purr in spite of himself. "Ok... that's en... enough... ooh jeez..." he murred, unable to summon the will to push the warm catgirl away again. Keller slipped off his jacket, leaving his black T-shirt over his tall, thin form. He closed his dull eyes halfway, leaning his head back and murring under his breath at this new feeling. Nikki finally opened her mouth, letting a ream of spit fall onto his cock, spreading the slippery saliva around it with her tongue. "Nikki... ok... please stop... I can't do this..." Keller pushed her away letting his body go limp over the couch. "This is definitely your first time... I... I never pic-sired you as a... a real yiffer." Nikki wailed falling backward. "No... no. Keller, it's about time you get laid or blown or something... let Nikki show you how it's done..." Kyle said, attempting to stand but only collapsing. "It'll feel so good..." Keller looked down as Nikki removed her panties, swatting at them and watching them dangle to amuse herself. He saw that her red, swollen slit was almost pouring with juices. He sat back, thinking to himself. He let his metal-filled mouth hang open with his eyes closed, wondering whether or not to do this. The jaguar jumped and yerfed as he felt Nikki's lips wrap around his own. Her breath tasted like wine, and her tongue was constantly trying to dance with his. Finally giving in to the hypnotizing sensation, he rubbed the Neko's back affectionately, causing her to purr openly. Nikki pulled away a little, "Are you ready?" she asked, nodding over to Kyle. Keller nodded, his eyes closed and envisioning the heavenly sensation of a passionate kiss. Nikki lowered off of him, back between his long, spread legs. The Neko let all the spit in her mouth wash over Keller's hot dick, personally cooling it down. She slid her lips all the way around it, spreading the moisture and expelling some of the jaguar's eager pre. She opened her mouth as wide as she could, pulling her head up and licking over his dick-head again with her little rough tongue. "Why does this feel so good...?" Keller moaned, giving in to her. Kyle grinned. "It's because you've... never tried it before..." Nikki's tongue worked in calm, gentle slitherings along Keller's virgin shaft, leaving it sleek and clean with the Neko's loving gloss. Kyle knelt down behind the catgirl at work, running his paws up her little shirt-skirt, eventually finding her chest, which he massaged intently. He lowered his head down past her ass, taking in the aroma of her heat, and pricking the parting lips with his tongue. This excited Nikki, causing to moan onto Keller's sensitive maleness, leaving her sandpaper-like tongue to wrap it up with wet warmth. Kyle slid his own rough tongue into Nikki's entrance, surprised to feel that it was actually very warm, actually hot inside of her. He swashed his mouth around there, almost making her scream in pain and pleasure, but it was muffled by the penis that was currently occupying her mouth. "Nikki... stop! Ow... I'm gonna cum!" Keller wailed, digging his sharp claws into Kyle's couch. The Neko appreciated the warning, pulling her head back and opening her mouth. Two big squirts of warm jism streamed out of Keller, the second slightly more aroused than the first. Before the tall, thin boy noticed, his had thrust his hips upward, taking Nikki with them. And of course, if Nikki went up, so did Kyle. The panther continued to sensually gnaw out her inner senses until she came on his furry face, drenching him with cozy juices and a little bit of blood. Keller's eyes crossed, and his brain gave way to hyperoxia. After what seemed like hours of sleep, the jaguar woke up to realized that he had passed out for but three seconds. He looked down with a satisfied sense of voyeurism creeping up his spine and tail. Nikki was on her back now, her face still dripping with the sticky white substance. Kyle was on top of her, holding down her arms and taking anxious aim with his erection. Nikki held her legs up around Kyle, her toes wriggling around his tail. "I'm gonna be r-rough..." Kyle warned, closing his eyes tightly. The Neko smiled brightly in reply, "I'm waiting..." Kyle lustfully hoisted her up close, wrapping his warm, flimsy body tightly around the wriggling catgirl. The panther on his on all fours with his arms holding down Nikki's. He placed his eager member in the midst of her tight, swollen lips. He pushed into her with out direct warning, loosing all control of his minds to pleasure. "Oh g-gawd... your so... so fuckin' tight..." the panther then moaned, pulling the Neko's head onto his shoulder and licking and sopping his wet tongue anywhere he could reach on her. Keller watched with his eyes wide as Kyle pulled out for a second entry. He turned his head away in courtesy to give the couple privacy, but realized that his slowly softening erection was building again. Nikki's pleasured moans and squeaks were too cute for anyone to bear, so Kyle's tongue found her mouth to silence her at the moment he pulled out his fifth assault on her little pussy. The jaguar on the couch purred as he watched the two of them, strangely afraid an trying not to look. Finally, he stood up. "I-I'll be... I'll b-be upstairs..." he stuttered, running up to Kyle's room and away from the naughty sight. Nikki arched her back in a way so as her warm flat chest and belly were as close to Kyle's as possible while he ravished her. The panther suddenly closed his eyes tight with animal lust, speeding up his pace in her to about the speed of his racing heart. The Neko came almost immediately, letting her juices pour uncontrollably over the cylinder of her most-beloved mate. "K-k-Kyle... I... I c-came..." the Neko squealed innocently. This time, the pains of her heat her a might more pleasurfull. "Shhh... yeah... I know... just-" Kyle stopped, clenching his eyes and jaw. "Oh God..." The normal teasing pain of being split in half by Kyle's cock had disappeared after about the third time that they had yiffed, but the stretching warmth of his seed rushing into ever crevasse ver her entry never changed from the first time they had. Both of their drunken forms went limp as their orgasms ceased. "You... you should be meaner with me..." Nikki sighed, teasing him his her limber form by undulating it to his favor area. Finally, their lips both met each other, and they kissed in mass of caressing arms. Nikki's legs kicked slightly as he pulled his sticky fun-gun out of her, resting it softening on her inviting stomach. At last, the kissing and passion ceased, and they fell into easy, purring slumber. * * * Nikki opened up her eyes, and stretched. Tried to. Kyle's comforting body was lying on top of her still, pinning down her feeble form. "Kyle... ahh!" the catgirl's head started to pound, and her body ached of muscle. Her heat pains doubled over in her intoxication. She wriggled and struggled out from under Kyle's form, setting back on the couch. Her moaning woke Kyle, and her saw her sitting on the couch with tears welling in her big green eyes. He felt the familiar felling of a hangover, and his arms shook. "Oh my God... did I hurt you?" Kyle took time to smell is own breath, which was strong with burning liquor. He smelled Nikki's crying breath which was akin. "Oh shit... Nikki I'm sorry! I shouldn't have given it to you," Kyle sobbed into the nude catgirl's warm belly. "It isn't goo to drink while you're pregnant. I'm so sorry!" Keller was standing at the bottom of the stairs, his always-nervous eyes wide now. He didn't say anything though. "Kyle it hurts... even more." Nikki moaned, shaking and shifting her body. "What? Your head?" Kyle asked back, rubbing her forehead. "No! No you dumbass!" Nikki growled, angered and annoyed by her unyielding menstrual pains. Kyle backed away a little. He didn't know that Nikki knew that word. "Do you need help with something?" "No... just let me lay down!" she wailed in reply, beginning to stubbornly finger herself. Kyle didn't even know about Premenstrual Syndrome. It seemed alien that Nikki would snap at him like that. "Is there anything I can do to help you?" "Just... just go-" she stopped, sprawling out her arms. A look of contentment washed over her as Kyle wrapped his comforting lips around her swelling slit. The pain dulled considerably as he did this, leaving the Neko relieved under the constant stress. "Just... keep doing that..." she moaned, pulling the panther's big blue head hard toward her and lifting her legs onto his bare, furry back. "Umm... Kyle? You had better put some clothes on anyway," Keller said from behind, shrugging. The panther looked up, standing away from Nikki for a second to pull on his pants and boxers, leaving his shirt over the back of the couch. "Hey Keller...?" "Yeah?" "Were you drunk last night?" "Um... no." the jaguar replied to Kyle, hugging himself around the arms. "What happened? What time is it?" the panther asked, looking at his wrist, which had no watch on it anyway. "It's only half-past-ten..." the tall jaguar-morph couldn't decide whether or not to tell his friend what Nikki had done to him. "It was a little hectic-" The door burst open, and a familiar, obnoxious call filled the acoustics of the house. "Hey-hey! Halla back! What up people? I am here!" Riku stormed in the door followed by Alex Ferdinand. Kyle sighed. "Riku, do you ever knock?" "Nope!" she quipped, "I'm hungry-" she looked at Nikki on the couch. "Ooh... can I take over for a while?" Keller was crouching in the corner, ducking like a World War II soldier under the hail fire on Normandy Beach. He was afraid of canines now, deadly fearful after what happened. He had seen someone shot, and he didn't want to join them in the hospital. "Hey, c'mon big guy. It's ok. Little old Riku's not gonna hurt you..." the vixen said, patting the jaguar on the back and causing him to whimper. "Kyle..." Alex said melodramatically, taking advantage of the moment to squint grudgingly at his enemy. "Alex..." Kyle said back, cracking his knuckles. "So... who's this cheese-wad? Get up spotty, you look like a ho!" the dirt-brown wolf bellowed to Keller, making him cry quietly. Nikki listened to the ridiculous bickering, shifting her body nervously on the couch, both from inflammation of her feminine plain, and of embarrassment by her nudity. "Had any luck finding a drummer, Pussyfoot?" Alex asked Kyle, seeing the room set in the corner. "Actually, the tall young man in the corner is." The panther replied, pointing to Keller, who hissed out of nervousness. "C'mon, Keller. Strut your stuff." The abnormally tall boy stood up, avoiding numerous stares, and sat down on his tiny stool. He took a deep breath, summoning all of his percussion veneration. "All abooooooard!" he yelled, his long arms flailing unearthly to the rhythm of 'Crazy Train', the cymbals constantly rattling until her pinched them with this thumb and index finger. The snare hissed and the melotomes rumbled the floor, and the flattening beat built up its power until he ended with a descending drum roll. He smashed don the huge cymbal, ending the song. "Eh... he's ok..." Alex said, picking loose wax from his wolf-ear. "Oh shut it! You couldn't hold a flippin' candle to him!" Kyle said loudly, making Keller blush. The wolf rolled his eyes, walking over to the couch. "'This your girlfriend, Pussyfoot?" he huffed, "What is she, eight?" "She's a half-year younger than you, asshole..." the panther replied smugly. "Lame... 'least my girl's got a rack..." the wolf jeered slapping Nikki's flat chest hard, making her whimper. Riku slapped him. "You leave Nikki alone!" "What's this? Sympathy for the devil?" Alex said loudly, throwing his arms out like he was Al Capone. Keller ducked back in the corner, muttering prayers. "Now I remember why I dumped you!" the vixen shrieked, her piercing anger not making the wolf flinch. "Yeah, so do I! You're a fuckin' tramp!" he said back to the fox, growling. Riku scowled, pulling back her arm, and socking the wolf in the face. Alex fell back, holding his swollen nose. "That felt pretty good," the crimson vixen laughed. "You bitch!" Alex grabbed Riku's leg, pulling her dawn and jumping on top of her, biting er neck ferociously, and causing her to yelp. "Woah! Hey! Girl-fight!" Kyle yanked the rather short wolf up, securely holding his arms to the side and ignoring his kicking feet. The panther grinned, taking a needle from the sewing machine by the piano and heating it with his breath a little. He pushed Alex down on the keys, making a loud chord. He counted down the proper about of spinal segments, lifting up his loose, furred skin and pricking the needle in. "What the fu- Oh God!" Alex moaned as he instantly had an erected orgasm in his pants. "What the hell? Ahh... is this fuckin' cum?" Riku and Kyle laughed while Alex tumbled down onto the floor, spasming lightly. The wolf stood up, his knees buckling. "How did you do that, Kyle?" Riku asked excitedly, pushing up to him. "Trade secret." The panther tossed the needle over his shoulder. He returned to Nikki on the couch, blushing a little at the sight of her dazed face and shaking body. "What is she in heat?" Riku asked, kneeling down and rubbing her head on the Neko's belly. "Yeah... she's fine. She doesn't take pain very easily." The panther replied, leaning down to kiss Nikki's lips (not the ones on her face by the way) and sliding his tongue in to lull her again. "It took this little kitty a while to reach puberty..." the vixen said with what sounded like honest empathy. "I don't blame her for hurting." Keller looked at Alex, who was on the floor with his paws down the front of his pants and sighed. "Uh... Kyle... I'm gonna go. I'll pick up the drums tomorrow if that's ok." "Ok Keller, see you later." Alex stood up finally, looking at his sticky paws, shooting a hateful stare at Kyle and Riku, eventually leaving as well. Riku arrogantly started licking over Nikki's pricking nipples, making her ark her back quickly and hiss through her little teeth. Kyle looked at the vixen oddly, then his natural testosterone kicked in. Girl licking another girl... sexy. He blushed a lot, and continued his attention to his little kitty-girl's area. Nikki lifted up her little hand, overwhelmed by all this 'attention', then pulling Riku's head farther over her chest. "Heh... heh. Riku, that t-tickles..." "Of course it does..." the fox foxed, running her fuzzy paw along the Neko's spine. Nikki cooed in reply, her legs vibrating with pleasured spasms. Kyle finally dig deep enough into her to actually wrap his lips around her spongy little clit, suckling on it and agitating it with his rough tongue. Nikki yipped, thrusting her petite hips into the air, cumming onto Kyle again. Riku pushed her back down gently, biting her left nipple with her front teeth. The vixen began to nip quickly and repeatedly on the area, making the Neko's chest muscles twitch. Nikki loosened up, every muscle in her body, including the ones in her tight pussy, softened up. She sighed, and some drippings of milk rolled down the side of her. This was about the last time that she would be eaten out by Kyle, as the child would soon be developing in her. She shrugged, not physically, but in her mind. She didn't think it would stop him. Nikki took this time of pleasured, rebooting euphoria to rest her mind and aching head, and just relax for once. * * * Casey and Aeiea, luckily, were both healing in the same hospital. They had only seen each other a few times in the building, but it was better than nothing. After being painfully, painfully cooked then scraped with a wire brush, Casey's hand was ready for a Tendonitus implant operation. His pinky and ring finger were constantly hanging limp, having been tied out for their broken sinew. His bones didn't mend so well, so he now had a lot of metal in his paw. Casey was grateful for the discovery of morphine, or else he would be loosing a deafening scream. The wolf had read in the newspaper about what happened as his school. As it turns out, similar incidents around the nation were occurring in public places. Casey shivered at the thought of it. It was becoming harder and harder to establish interspecies relationships. "Well Mister Steele, it's time for an IV check!" said Nurse Rosemary, a very friendly husky lady, about twenty-five. She turned over his good arm, making sure that the pump and needle were in place. She scratched something on her clipboard. "Is Aeiea still ok?" Casey had asked that single question every five minutes since the incident at the school. "She's just fine. She's has a blood disorder, but she heals very well," said Rosemary, her brilliant sky blue eyes brightening considerably, "She wasn't happy about having to where white, though." Casey forced a smile, picturing the raven girl laying in a hospital bed shrouded by her black cloak. "Is there any pain?" the husky asked, leaning over him to inspect the bandages over his right paw. "No, I'm good," Casey said intently, turning his head. "Ok, but you need some antibiotic..." the nurse said, holding up a syringe. Casey screamed, "No!" he pulled away from the needle. He had a fear of those dreaded things ever since he was just a puppy. Rosemary pureed her lips, sighing. "It wont hurt as long as you don't squirm," she promised. "Get that thing away from me!" he curled up with his shirt, spiky-furred tail between his legs. The nurse lifted a small tank of No2, placing the mask in a very small dose over the wolf's muzzle. "Ha! All I have to do is stay awake... and... you can't put me to sleep with... chemicals... you..." Casey's eyes closed, and she quickly pricked him in the arm with the sterilized needle. "Night-night," she whispered, kissing him on the cheek and walking out of the small, curtained room. * * * Aeiea was lying on her back now, unable to move without pain of the hole in her stomach lurching. The only reason she was still alive was because of the immediate medical attention that she had received. He raven greatly feared hospitals, though she had been in them before since she used to slice herself when she was younger. No one told her that masochism was bad for her health. She hated wearing white, as it made her look stupid. Her wings weren't as big and beautiful as every other bird in school's, because her father would always clip them. She didn't know how to fly anyway. Aeiea just lay there, headphones around her head booming loud, obnoxious screaming death-metal. Her foot was tapping to the music, and her black eyes were closed. A light, persistent humming disturbed the loud wailing in her ears, but she ignored it. The crow girl's eyes popped open when her headphones were pulled off. "Honey, I need to check your IV," Nurse Rosemary, who had been very busy lately, scurrying form room to room, said lightly. Once the needle was verified in place, the nurse leaned over Aeiea. "Ok... this will hurt, so please try to hold still," Rosemary whispered, running her paws up and down the raven's stomach to check for muscle stability. The about half of one of her abdominal muscles had died, and needed to be removed, leaving a soft spot in her feathered belly. Aeiea was contented, no pain, until the nurse felt around her mending wound. The bullet hole had been stitched and disinfected, but was still blistered, and very sensitive. She had to have a small, constricting metal brace around her diaphragm area to slightly cut off blood flow to her injury, as she was severely hemophilic. All of Aeiea's bones were completely hollow, leaving her weighing only about sixty pounds, despite hr actual body size. This took a load off the doctors who had to hold her down during the removal of the missile. They had to do the whole thing without the use of anesthesia, gently pricking inside of her with red-hot forceps, and a dull scalpel. "Are you ok, Dear?" Rosemary asked when she was finished prodding. Aeiea nodded. "Doctor... when will my wings grow back?" the raven felt suddenly invigorated, lusting to fulfil her natural desire to fly. The nurse thought for a moment. "I think... you'll have your full span in about five years." The crow frowned. "Oh..." Rosemary leaned forward, tilting her furry gray and white head. "What happened to them?" "My daddy cut them off." "Well now... that's not very nice!" the husky replied, looking honestly appalled. "I'm in a foster home now." Rosemary frowned, "I have to see another patient. Please call if you need anything," the nurse pointed to a silver button next to the bed. Aeiea looked over at the map on the hospital on a clipboard next to her IV stand. In red Sharpie, the map had been drawn over: West wing, Canines. East Wing, Felines. A blank spot in the middle marked where everyone else stayed. She sighed. * * * Nikki, Kyle, and Riku were all dressed now, and the three of them were lounging in the living room. "Hey Kyle, got any more of the drinks?" Riku asked, seeing as she was now the only one who wasn't drunk. "Nah... *hic* we're all out..." Kyle jumped a few feet off of the couch as he heard an urgent knock on the door. He scrambled up as quick as he could, tossing the liquor bottle in the trash, then taking a deep breath. He sighed, his paws shaking. Walking forth, the panther opened the door. It was Mr. and Mrs. Wagner there. Kyle tried to keep his big blue eyes from crossing. "We need Nikki. We made a terrible mistake, is she here?" Samantha asked, rubbing her paws together. "I... I don't know who you are... but come in." Kyle beckoned, stumbling over to the couch. "Kyle...? Are you ok?" Curt asked, patting the drunken panther on the shoulder. "Yup... yeah. Here's Nikki n' Riku over here... and over there... and there too..." the blue panther hiccuped again. Kyle and Nikki had been sober for a few minutes just before Keller left, but they had somehow managed to take a few more swigs. "I... Kyle... I don't you are feeling well...?" Samantha insisted, grabbing the boy's shoulder to keep him on his feet. "It's ok Mama... he's... he's fine. He's sexy." Nikki cooed, stretching out her body, then stumbling over to hug her parents. "Erm... hi Mr. and Mrs. Wagner-" Riku stuttered, unsure if the couple still trusted her or not. "Hi Riku... what happened here... are they...?" Curt asked the fox, looking at his daughter and her boyfriend. Despite the recent events, he and his wife could trust Riku, as the fox was a long-time family friend. "They're fine. Just a little tired is all. Er... stress... from the... been watching the news," Riku grumbled, avoiding eye contact and pulling a daft explanation out of her ass. "I love you Mama..." Nikki mewed, hugging her mother again and purring, disoriented. Samantha was quick to realize that her daughter's loving hug was actually help for her to stand straight. "Nikki, I'm very worried, are you feeling ok?" the panthress asked, again looking to Kyle with a skeptical expression. The catgirl nodded, slipping backward and falling down an her rump. This is getting a little out of hand...Riku thought, standing up and taking initiative finally. "It's ok Samantha. I think Nikki just needs some bed rest. Take her on home, we were just... watching the television." Riku thought, standing up and taking initiative finally. "It's ok Samantha. I think Nikki just needs some bed rest. Take her on home, we were just... watching the television."

Curt nodded to his wife, waving his goodbye, eyeing Kyle one last time, then leaving. Kyle spent about the next half-hour upstairs vomiting. Riku didn't try to approach him as usual, just waited downstairs on the couch, patiently with her paws folded on her lap. When the panther had finally returned to the living room downstairs, it seemed that he didn't even notice the vixen that was sitting there. "You feel better now? Kyle?" Riku whispered, trying to sound as soothing as possible. The panther nodded, his lack of alertness not permitting him to jump at the startling. "You wanna go to bed?" she asked, talking to him as if he was a scared little kid. The panther shook his head. He stumbled onto the couch, sobbing. "Do you want to talk to me Kyle? What... what's the matter?" Riku stood up and walked over to the weeping cat, rubbing his shoulders to comfort him. "I'm totally screwed..." Kyle groaned, gasping for breath as if drowning from his running tears. "Don't say that... it's ok. It's not so bad... what happened?" she leaned over him, regretfully beginning to caress his loin. "It's... Nikki. I... I did that... that bad thing and..." he sobbed, letting his arms hang over the edge of the couch. "What did you do?" "She's... she's pregnant. You know... with a kitten..." Kyle let his lags over Riku's lap while she ran her fingers over his back. The vixen jumped, the first thought coming to her mind How did Nikki get pregnant before me? Then it hit her, Nikki was with child! "Oh my God..." she paused, "It's gonna be ok, just don't worry..." "Not for me... not... I'm worried about... Nikki," Kyle paused between every couple of words to sob repeatedly. "Shhh... Kyle it's ok. You just need to go to bed. Nikki is ok. Please don't worry..." she whispered the last part right into his twitching ear. Even drunk as he was, Kyle didn't know that Riku could even do sympathy. The vixen was dead honest, trying to comfort him rather than yiff him for once. She quickly tucked him into bed, kissing him on the cheek and patting his belly. Lastly, she knelt down to his ear again, "Don't drink anymore." She whispered at length, the intensity of her warning and order undeniable. * * * Keller was sitting at the computer in his room, looking over his shoulder every few seconds. Ever since Nikki had done that... thing to him, he had a sudden interest in all that was to come to him throughout his puberty. He nervously scanned over the dirty images on the screen wishing and fantasizing that he was there with them. "Hey! Hey Keller, you've been up here for like three hours," his older brother Stephen pushed open the door. The jaguar at the computer quickly minimized the web-site and pulled his paw out of the front of his pants. "Hi Steph... I was looking up something..." "Uh-huh... and I suppose 'Yiffstar' is...?" Steph teased, smiling knowingly as he looked at the bar on his brother's computer screen. "Erm... it's a newspaper. Yeah, and I needed it-" Keller's lip always twitched up toward his left eyes when he lied. "C'mon Keller, I'm not an idiot. You were pawing off, you're not fooling anyone..." Steph chuckled, patting his younger brother, who was taller than he was, on the shoulder. Keller jumped slightly, "Please don't tell... I-" "Eh, don't worry about it. About every male at your age does it," he grinned even wider, "You have a mate... at school, don't you?" "What? No! No... I don't," Keller stuttered honestly, looking down at his feet. "Aww man... that's too bad. You're such a good kid. I'm surprised the girls aren't falling over you..." Steph turned around to leave. Are you kidding? I'm a nerd and everyone knows it... Keller thought, and he almost said it. Keller thought, and he almost said it.

"Just curious... what are you looking at?" the shorter panther walked over to his blushing younger brother. "That's... er... personal," Keller turned away. "Whatever..." Stephen left the room. Keller cleared his computer screen, walking over to flop onto his twin-sized bed, which was only about three-fourths of his actual body length, leaving his greaves hanging over the edge. Heh... if school ever opens up again, there's a dance next Friday... Keller pondered the possibilities, then merely decided ...Dream on Keller.

Keller pondered the possibilities, then merely decided ...

* * * It was finally that terrible time. Saturday, the day of dread this week. Kyle was thankful that he had woken up in time for his parents not to catch him hammered again, but the rest of that last night was hell by itself. A large group of people, mainly feline, stood around a memorial for Raj. Kyle was weeping openly, something he didn't do often, and hanging his head. Everyone around, including Kyle, was wearing all black, adding only misery to the already dark moment. A stout pastor, an old mole by the looks of it, stood at the podium and straightened his tiny specs. "We are all here to commemorate the loss of a wonderful man," he paused and looked about the audience, "We shall all remember Raj as the Giver, the one who would stop by monthly to paint the church, to tighten that loose bolt on Mrs. Grain's chair, to clear the brush on the way for the environmentalists from Harrisburg. Raj was always there." Kyle's stunted, mournful sniffing broke the silence of the priest's pause. "Loved ones, family and friends alike, have paid their sorrow for the loss of one of Glen Rock's most caring citizens," Reverend Kevin cleared his throat, his aged voice now deep with angst, "I understand that just recently, a catastrophe had occurred at the local school over a species dispute. Those, victims, witnesses. Please remember, it is the brave, noble people like Raj Eighly who will leave his or her home, and die for the end of this meaningless fighting. Please, cats, dogs, all of you alike, remember for Raj." The audience all drooped with guilt and grief. "Kyle Eighly..." the Priest said aloud, looking down to Kyle, who's ears pricked up in shock at the sound of is own name. "As Raj's closest relative, aside from his parents, you have the right to first words." The panther choked up, not knowing what to say. He searched his heart for the right words: "Raj..." he sniffed, "Raj was my mentor. He was the one who I... who I could always count on to lead me down the right path," Kyle took a deep breath, seeing that his parents, and Nikki, were looking at him. "...I know... I know that there are some brothers on this earth... that are not the kind, loving sanctuary that Raj has been to me all these years..." he started to cry, and his words were distorted, "To be the one-in-one-million little brother... to have a guiding spirit like Raj... I thank the Lord." Kyle stepped back, leaning over to his parents and weeping. His parents then stepped up, his mother wearing a black silken over her face. "Mr. and Mrs. Eighly?" Father Kevin prompted, stepping back from the stand to hear their words. Fiona, hugging her now only son close with one arm, said "To have such a helpful hand around the house, in my times of need, when I was overcoming Breast Cancer, when I was pregnant with Kyle, all of those times, I am thankful. I will miss Raj more than anything... anything that I have ever lost..." Zach stepped up now completely unafraid to show the tears welling in his own eyes. "I am so proud... honored, to have a son that... that had the courage, and the heart... to do what I would not have. He died for the more than the country... Raj died in his belief that all living things, regardless of differences, be they nationality, species, sex, race, or age... they all walk this green earth... and they all will live in peace someday." That short speech drew applause from the audience, mostly from those grieving at the injuries or losses from the school shooting. * * * After the eulogy, Kyle and Nikki were standing together in the middle of an empathetic crowd. People would occasionally walk up to hug Kyle, tell him that things would all be ok. The panther was standing, looking emotionlessly into a circle of furs over by the table that was set up along the sides of the memorial. He was listening intently to their conversation. "It all happened so fast..." one of them said, a tall feline woman, speaking to a wolf of the same height. "I never really knew the guy..." the wolf started in reply, "...I say 'good riddance' though... one less cat to have to deal wi-" Kyle growled, his claws sliding out of his fingertips. The panther bound over, standing in front of the wolf for a few seconds, before cutting his across the face and leaving his right cheek in strips. "Jesus Christ! What the hell is wrong with you?" the man bellowed, holding his face and dropping his cup of sour punch. Kyle went at him again, but the feline woman grabbed him, holding him back. Mr. and Mrs. Eighly, along with just about everyone else there heard the wolf's cry. "Kyle! Kyle stop now!" Fiona yanked her growling son away from the other woman while Mr. and Mrs. Wagner went to the fallen wolf's aid. "Get away from me! What the fuck is wrong with all of you cats?" the man stood up, clenching his bloodied face and stepping off, eventually turning to run. "Kyle, what's gotten into you? You hurt that man!" Zach shook his son by the shoulders, snarling in his face now. "Let me go!" Kyle dug his claws into his father's chest and pushed him away, scrambling toward the wolf Anthro with the already-cut face. Mr. Eighly jumped on top of his son and sacked him quickly before he could cause anymore damage. "Kyle listen to me!" "...what he said about Raj!" Kyle struggled for a few seconds, then surrendered under his father's weight. "Would Raj want you cutting people's faces? Would he?" Zach yelled into Kyle's sensitive ear. "Raj is gone!" the blue panther growled back, as his father rolled his son's hands inward to push his claws back into their sheaths. Kyle closed his eyes, shaking his head around maniacally. Slap! Zach bitched some sense into his son, "Pull yourself together!"

Zach bitched some sense into his son, "Pull yourself together!"

Kyle settled down immediately. His scrawny body emptied of all muscle movement, and he let his father climb off of him. Many people had gathered around, staring down in confusion at him. "Excuse me, move over please. One side!" Dr. Auburn knelt down over Kyle, quickly examining the panther's breath rate. "Kyle, can you tell me what happened?" "I... um... I..." Kyle didn't exactly remember anything that happened, as it did so too quickly. The badger-man frowned, standing up and looking over to Kyle's parents, "Seemingly, this was an issue of self-control..." "I don't understand... He's never had problems like this before...?" Fiona wept, avoiding looking at her son. "School is open again starting Monday. I suggest that you take off work... stay home with him. Stress or grief can cause outbursts like these in anyone. Not to worry Mrs. Eighly. It is very common," Dr. Auburn assured the couple confidently. "But what about that man... his face...?" Zach looked over the path of where the injured wolf had run. "Please, don't worry. This was no case of domestic violence, probably won't be heard in court. Please have Kyle see me regularly. No charge." The doctor's voice reduced to a whisper, "Kyle has his right of personal privacy. By law, I am sworn not to tell anyone what he reveals to me, I am sorry. I will have this resolved though, I promise." "Thank you doctor..." * * * Keller groaned as he walked into one side of the school. The east and west wing were now separated by rows of armed guards, ensuring that no fights broke out, and that the felines and canines remained on their respective turf. Kyle wasn't at school today, and Aaron didn't honestly enjoy being seen talking to him. He was all alone now. Well... there was Nikki, but the jaguar couldn't think of a more uncomfortable situation than to be talking to her after what she had done to him in her recent state of intoxication. The small corridors were packed tight with felines, and only felines. Neutral species had been designated to a facility across town, which Keller heard was much nicer anyway. The jaguar had recently found himself gawking at girls. The strangest feeling in the world was to finally realize when hormones hit you. Every year, this cat was left without a date for the dance. He didn't mind every other year, but now was different. This morning he had even bothered to put on some smelly cologne and slick his orange-ish hair. In his eyes, girls hated him and would have nothing to do with a freakishly lofty metal-mouthed geek. As he was trotting through the hall to his locker, Keller noticed that the wide corridor had already almost cleared. The jaguar hastily dialed in the combination for his locker, clicking it open and dropping his books in. Someone tapped him gently on the back, causing him to turn around quickly and bash his head on the locker door, which was currently ajar. "Ow! Ah... ah, er... h-hello..." Keller blushed, as the one who beckoned him was Janelle Biarde, a reasonably tall female snow leopard. Janelle giggled, "Hi Keller. Hey... uh... yeah. I came to er..." The jaguar choked up, "Uh... I've gOt to... ERm... gO to my next clASS..." Keller turned away and started breathing heavily. Not good, his voice was cracking more than usual. He always blocked up around girls, but never like this. "No, wait. Look... I was wondering... well... did you want to come with me to... the dance?" Janelle looked down at their feet, her face flushed. Keller was shaking, I think I forgot to take my pills yesterday. He rubbed his eyes. No... he took them. This wasn't a daydream. "Yeah... yes. Yes! I... well... yeah!" the jaguar would have gone on repeating that for fifteen minutes if Janelle hadn't stopped him. "Oh yay! I was afraid that you would... say no..." the white, black spotted leopard blushed, "I've had a crush on you for ever..." The jaguar almost wet himself. Someone had a crush on him? "Well... yeah. I'll go..." Keller paused, "This is a dare, isn't it? A joke?" "What do you mean?" Janelle asked honestly, stepping up uncomfortably close to the tall jaguar at his locker. Keller's jaw chattered, and he placed his paws behind his back to avoid hers. "Well... most of the time... people dare someone else to-" "No. I'll be there. Just come, ok?" the female leopard smiled sweetly, and walked away, her tail flicking up in the universal furry sign for a farewell. When he was sure that Janelle was gone, Keller melted down, sitting at the pedestal of his locker segment. His breathing was unsteady, and his ears flattened to his head. * * * The next three days for Keller were composed of quiet anxiety. He had avoided Janelle as much as possible, nervous for the dance, and at the same time trying not to offend her. This was the slowest week that he had ever born, and Kyle was absent therefore unable to cheer him up as usual. There he was, one day till the spring dance, and he had a date. Toward the end of that day, he was disappointed that it had gone be so damn fast, and now he was at home, sitting, waiting, wishing. Keller was worried now, sitting on his bed in a fetal position with his paws on his chin. Will there be dancing at the school dance? He asked himself, a new concern of the fact that he could not dance worth a half a bitch. He shivered, Will there be kissing? His pondering was abruptly interrupted as his younger sister, also named Steph (Stephanie), barged into the room. "Keller, did you take the toothpaste again?" he asked annoyingly, seeing her big, tall brother sitting up in bed. "No. Go away Steph!" he snapped, suddenly angry at his sister. The short little jaguar girl stuck out her tongue, and turned around to leave. Keller sighed. He wasn't going to be a mean big brother, "Sorry Steph. I didn't mean to yell at you..." Stephanie frowned, looking back for a second, then flitting her tail. "I'm going to bed." Keller lay himself down, his bed more than the reason for his too-often back pains. A mushy blend of nervousness and excitement boiled inside of him, making him restless and eager. It's just a dance. It's not a... date. He shivered again at the thought. * * * Keller was thankful that he didn't see Janelle that day. He was wearing his best. A long, very long, sleeved white button-up, and black slacks. The jaguar even put on a tie. The dance wasn't until after school, but that just made the wait even more tedious. Positive attitude toward it slowed the day down, and negative sped it up. The strange phenomenon of psychology came into mind when he noticed this. On his leave that day from school, Keller almost forgot about the dance and headed home. There was a fifteen minute wait, during which the tall boy sat at the front benches of the gym. Felines were given the gym for their dance, while canines had it in the community center down the street. No sign Janelle yet. Not sign of his mate. No! She's not my mate! Keller screamed in his mind, closing his eyes and bashing his head back against the wall nervously. When the doors finally opened, he slipped in, and onto the waxed dance floor. The large room was adorned with pink, sky-blue, and yellow balloons as to symbolize springtime. Furs, felines of all sizes filed into the gymnasium. No sign still of Janelle. Keller sat and waited anxiously, his legs twitching. His whole body was always fidgety, but this time it was serious. He looked like he was having a seizure. At last, the snow leopard whom he sought stepped into the wide room. The girl was wearing a pink blouse, and a short, floral skirt. He wasn't sure whether to wait for her, or approach himself, but he soon realized that neither his body or mind could wait any longer. The jaguar stood up, and walked over to his date, tapping her nervously on the shoulder. "Oh! There you are Keller. You look... nice," Janelle blushed, touching the toes of both of her feet together, "Are we gonna... dance?" "I guess... er... once the music-" as if on queue, the soft note of the first song hummed to life. Oh God... a slow dance? Keller thought, lifting his twitching arms up to meet Janelle's. The girl placed his hands over her back, doing likewise with hers. She looked up at him, her blue eyes twinkling like sapphires to the calming music. Keller thought, lifting his twitching arms up to meet Janelle's. The girl placed his hands over her back, doing likewise with hers. She looked up at him, her blue eyes twinkling like sapphires to the calming music.

Keller let her lead the way, stepping as she stepped, and at the same time trying to keep his arms from shaking the color out of themselves. He looked around at the other dancing couples, seeing what he had to do. Many of them had their heads resting affectionately on their dates' shoulder. The jaguar was definitely too nervous, not to mention too tall, to do this. His legs turned to jelly as he felt Janelle's breasts press against his stomach when she pulled him closer. Keller's teeth clicked loudly, and he exhaled. "Are you nervous?" she whispered, closing her eyes comfortably. "N-n-n-no..." Keller let a breath out through his nose, closing his eyes softly and letting his head rest on his own shoulder. Janelle pressed her head against Keller's chest, starting to purr softly as they danced in circular motions. Oh jeez... she's purring! What do I do? He panicked, dumbly allowing his paw to stroke her head. Damn I am so stupid! Stop...! he urged his paw to stop comforting her so closely, but it would not respond to his brain's command. He panicked, dumbly allowing his paw to stroke her head. he urged his paw to stop comforting her so closely, but it would not respond to his brain's command.

She urged her date for more of his affections, nuzzling him slightly. Keller went utterly flaccid in everywhere except his legs, whimpering as if his life was at an end. The music slowed to a stop, as did the couples. The tall jaguar boy let go of his date quickly, panting and moving to the sidelines to cool off. Ok... ok... settle down. Pull it together. He paused and stopped breathing, I think she loves me. "Keller, are you ok?" the snow leopard asked, placing one of her paws of his back. "Yeah... yeah. I'm fine. I just..." Keller stuttered, sitting down in the chair and trying not to scan over his date's figure. Janelle smiled, charmed by her date's clueless bafflement. "Have you ever danced with a girl before?" she asked, and Keller shook his head. She smiled even wider, seeing him blush. "Have you ever..." she pulled him up by the arm, grasping all of his senses into a passionate kiss on the lips, causing him to bend down slightly. Keller went completely stiff. Everywhere... I mean everywhere. He let his head fall away from her and his eyes open wide. His spectrum was all sparkly now, and he acknowledged his first kiss. Keller fell backward into the chair again, nearly hyperventilating. He looked up, his eyes crossed and his mouth hanging ajar in amazement. "Uh..." Janelle giggled, standing the jaguar up for the next dance. A waltz, this one. Slightly faster, and left the couple on their toes, right and left. Right and left. "You're too nervous..." she whispered into her boy's standing ear, "...take it easy." "I can't help it. I'm always nervous..." Keller replied, breaking apart from her and returning to sit down. His toes wriggled, and his arms and legs shook like shadows behind a lit candle. His tail was thumping tactfully and repeatedly on the empty chairs beside him. "What is it Keller? Why are you such a twitch?" Janelle asked finally, looking down at him as he sat. "I don't know. I..." the jaguar pulled at his jacket, he shook his head and panted a little. "Come here..." the snow leopard beckoned, looking around for anyone, then pulling him up by the wrist and out into the hall. Keller just followed her, running to keep up as she would not let go. Janelle stopped at a shaded door marked 'dress rehearsal' and knocked on it. No reply came, so she pushed it open and pulled the jaguar in. "What are you doing?" Keller stuttered, pulling his paw away finally and watching it tremble. "I'm going to show you why you shouldn't be nervous..." the girl's voice was a warm beacon in the pitch darkness of the room. Warehouse shelves lined the walls, many staked with towering boxes, but only faint silhouettes of them were visible. She pushed the boy over gently, letting him fall onto the gold floor on him rump. Seeing his tail and foot-paws in the air as they were swept from under him. "Close your eyes." ' "But-" Keller whimpered, looking around before his natural night-vision could take effect. "Do it." Janelle ordered, and he did. "A-aren't you n-nervous?" he asked, hearing her very quietly slip off her blouse. "I was... but then I was how cute you are..." she grinned, though the boy couldn't see it in the darkness, "...when you're shaking like that..." Janelle stripped to her nude, letting her panties slip out from under her foot. "Ever since I first saw you Keller, back in first grade... I wanted to do this..." The jaguar gulped. "Please don't..." he croaked, putting his legs together. "If you didn't want to... you'd run..." Janelle teased, kneeling down so that her body was on top of his, placing her soft, white legs around his waist, then grasping it with her paws. "Ok..." he sniffed, "I do want to..." "Then do it." "No! Now isn't the right time... just..." Keller turned on his side, standing up. "I'm not ready for this. I... I have to go!" the jaguar nervously backed away, strafing out the door and running down the hall. Janelle frowned, as she was left there now, rejected. She knew that she would try again later though. * * * As of late, Kyle's depression and anxiety were at their peak. When he wasn't a complete sad-sack crying in his bed, he was a worried maniac tearing at his own fur. The panther kept telling himself, over and over, This is life. It isn't perfect. Deal with it. Repetitions of that ultimate truth seemed to take away his hope, but grant him the next best thing: Logic. He tried looking on the bright side. What is my child going to look like? He stepped off as he envisioned Nikki in pain, which was the last thing he wanted. Pacing back and forth in his room constantly had also given him vertigo, which was like torture itself. The panther was a complete mess. He was born a discolored mess with his freakish non-hereditary mutation. Azursia caused an over-cooled stimulosis in his fur follicles. This made him blue. His eyes were as deep in said as his fur, and the inner fibers of his claws even held the eerie tint. caused an over-cooled stimulosis in his fur follicles. This made him blue. His eyes were as deep in said as his fur, and the inner fibers of his claws even held the eerie tint.

To top off all this stress and sopping worry, just this morning, a brick was thrown in the window, and the words cats go to hell were painted on their front door in blood. He no longer felt safe among friends. The society was falling apart as natural enemies met their ferocity. Kyle contradicted himself... compared to his fucked up existence now, his early childhood was perfect. The panther wished that he could just take Nikki, and run away. Far away. Look at me... he mopped up tears in his furry hands, I'm already some kind of pussy Emo... why can't I just feel good? he mopped up tears in his furry hands,

He was thankful that his parents finally decided to let him be, to let him wallow about his own darkening outlook. Kyle wanted to kill himself. The constant battle between morality, and his own selfish desires were like the roaring cannons at Ghettysburg. Ok... stop. LOOK OUT! Live in the present, and go with the flow of things... Peachy. Kyle bit his lip, standing up off of his bed. He pulled on his slacks, shirt, and a leather aviator's jacket, and trotted downstairs in an attempt to forget everything. "Mom, I'm going out." He stated, turning the doorknob. "No you're not!" Fiona pulled him up by the ear, and brought him over to the couch. "You are going to relax," the panthress pulled him down on his belly, so that he was now spread out over her lap. "And it's time for a flea check." "Aww Mom!" Kyle resigned as his mother pull off his shirt and jacket, setting them aside. She pulled out a brush, and started to run it along her son's back. The azure panther tensed up, then eventually went limp, purring quietly. "There... you have always hated these haven't you?" Fiona giggled, scanning over her son's back for pesky parasitic fleas. This was the part that made Kyle hate flea-checks: The panthress ran the fine brush backwards, against the grain of the panther's fur, and up his back. Kyle growled for a few seconds, then returned to his contented purr. "See? All finished. Nice and easy. You're all clean Champ!" Fiona smiled and hugged her son, whom to her surprise returned the embrace. She felt one of her son's tears softly pelt her back. "Please don't cry... what's wrong?" Kyle took some quick sobbing breaths, then calmed down to sit next to his mother on the couch. "Mom... why? Why do cats and dogs have to fight?" "I don't know...it is a normal thing. Natural enemies fight. I'm sorry honey..." she replied, touched by the innocence of the question. "Is Nikki safe?" Kyle snapped, gang wars and shootings coming to mind. "Don't worry, please-" "Is she safe?" Fiona's son barked, closing his eyes with self dismay as the barrage of terrible images flooded his young mind. "What happened to the school?" the worried mother inquired her sniffing son, looking outward to the door in anticipation for her husband to arrive home from work. "They split it." Kyle answered drably. "Oh... well at least you can still see Aaron and Keller, right?" "Yeah... whatever..." the blue panther stood up and kissed his mother on the cheek, treading back upstairs to his lonely old room. Kyle would be talking to Nikki online if his damned computer hadn't crapped out oh him. He didn't care for talking on the phone, not for long periods anyway. * * * Nikki had hardly ever before felt this state of contentment. Her period was a flipping waste, as it came to no painful climax, just stopped. Finally settled now that her heat was at an end, she could finally feel the cool air touching her again. No more hot flashes... no more throwing up... it back down from two hundred freaking degrees, and I feel fine, she licked her lips, crossing her legs with the style. She wondered exactly what time she had been impregnated, and when it would start showing. It was pointless now to start taking anti-estral pills, as least while she had Kyle to keep her happy like this. she licked her lips, crossing her legs with the style. She wondered exactly what time she had been impregnated, and when it would start showing. It was pointless now to start taking anti-estral pills, as least while she had Kyle to keep her happy like this. No...! He's not some kind of tool! She thought to herself, standing up off of her bed. He's... well... she tried to convince herself to say it, even if it wasn't so true just yet... She thought to herself, standing up off of her bed. she tried to convince herself to say it, even if it wasn't so true just yet... I'm going to have his baby... we are going to have a family! I should be happy... but why not? "Nikki? Are you coming down for dinner or not?" Curt yelled up the stairs impatiently. "Yes Daddy!" the Neko was very hungry. "You like omelets, right?" Samantha, Nikki's mother, asked her. She dished out a plate to her daughter. A slip of bile touched the little Neko's tongue, and she turned around. "No... I'm not hungry. Ack-" Nikki gagged, running back upstairs. "More for us then..." Curt sighed, standing up and walking over to the table and taking a plate of fried egg. He had noticed, and wondered why, his daughter had not been eating lately. Eh... I guess every pregnancy is different for everyone... Nikki ran upstairs and hopped onto her bed, the little bell on her tail ringing behind her. She reached down for her laptop, flipping open to see what was going on with the rest. Allison was, of course, online. Yourtourguide: Nikki! Hey girl, what's going on? Notquitepsychic: *Sigh* Would you leave me alone already? Yourtourguide: Come on! Can't you jus send me one pic? Notquitepsychic: No! Yourtourguide: Aww man! Just one! I'll never ask you for anything again! Notquitepsychic: What is with you? Why do you want to see me naked so bad? Yourtourguide: You're hot! I haven't seen you in a while... do you have a webcam? Notquitepsychic: Absolutely not! That's just sick! Yourtourguide: Well ok. But you know if you wanted to get together for some fun sometime... Notquitepsychic: Are you hitting on me? Yourtourguide: Please Nikki? You're so cuddly... Notquitepsychic: ...But I'm not a lesbian! Yourtourguide: Then why don't you send me some pictures of you and Kyle doing it? Notquitepsychic: Eww! That's sick! Just stop it Allison! Yourtourguide: Can I come over to your house? Notquitepsychic: NO! Yourtourguide: But... I really like you... Notquitepsychic: Sorry, I'm taken. I have some stuff to do. Nikki quickly punched in the 'ignore user' button and sighed. What a bitch... she said quietly in her mind. That's not always on her mind. Actually, rarely. The only people that Nikki called 'bitches' were actual genuine bitches. Boredom overshadowed the young Neko, and she proceeded to fumbling with anything that she could get her hands on just to keep them occupied. She wished she had something to do... a crossword, or a Rubik's Cube maybe. She could dance, but that was reserved for her brighter mood. Cibo Matto didn't sound too awfully good after Nikki had just lost her appetite. She experimented with a series of foolish and outwardly meaningless tasks, such as holding her breath for an unhealthy amount of time. Nope... nothing. Without her trusted fiddle at her chin, time stood still. Oh for God's sake... I'm going to bed... Finally, the little catgirl spread along her sheets, arching her back, stretching, and mewing softly. Finally, the little catgirl spread along her sheets, arching her back, stretching, and mewing softly.

* * * Keller was up bright and early as usual. Ten o' clock AM type early. He recalled the night before, and the way that he had chickened out completely. The tall child shuddered. He needed some sort of guidance from his older brother, but at the same time he was embarrassed to tell him what had happened. "Keller!" "Nyaa! What?" he turned around to see his little sister Steph, holding a cake up to him. "Happy birthday!" the little jaguar kitten smiled brightly. Oh... whoops. Why the hell did I have to go to that dance? He had completely forgotten months in advance that he was turning fifteen the day after it. He had completely forgotten months in advance that he was turning fifteen the day after it.

"Yeah, happy birthday Keller!" Mrs. Iedle bellowed, hugging her son to the point of suffocation. "You're fifteen now! Know what that means?" Keller thought hard... I'm screwed if Janelle knows what today is. "I don't know, what?" "You get your Learners, stupid!" Stephen put in finally, tossing his little brother the keys to his car. "Oh... heh, really? Uh-" "So, Keller... how'd that dance go? Did you get a date?" Bob 'the builder' Iedle, Keller's father, asked curiously. He smiled in anticipation for the answer. "Well..." the tallest member of the family by far, Keller was able to see everyone's gaze, piercingly anxious. He just turned around absently and walked upstairs. There, the boy sat in a fetal position, smelling only his knees and seeing only his wall. "Hey, Keller... lemme in..." Steph whispered, leaving everyone else behind and proceeding into his little brother's room. "C'mon Stephen... not now..." "I just want to hear about the dance!" "Fine..." "Hey, Keller! It's your freakin' birthday, cheer up will you?" "It didn't go so well..." "What happened?" The taller jaguar frowned, a ballot of himself playing in his head. "Well... she... um..." "Yeah, what?" "Well... we kissed-" "Ha...! 'And you said it didn't go well!" "Well... I sort of... see. We were dancing slow... and she started purring..." "Ooh... that's..." Steph's whiskered face went smug, and he leaned back on Keller's bed comfortably. "Go on." "She told me to follow her... into one of the storage rooms, eh? It was dark in there, and-" "Ha! My brother! Put 'er there!" the older feline held out his hand to shake. "Well... see..." Keller told the truth, as he knew that he couldn't lie without twitching, "I... er... ran away..." "Damn it Keller! If a girl wants to do it, you've got to do it!" "I can't! I'm... not ready..." "Oh suck apples... never mind. What's she like then?" "She's... her name is Janelle... Janelle Biarde-" "Damn! That's Nick's little sister!" "Who...?" "Friend from school. Damn good bassoonist too... go on then." "She's a leopard..." "Of course, so is Nick." "Yeah... she's very..." Keller blushed, breathing through his throat like he did when he was embarrassed or nervous, "She's good-looking. I didn't see her... er... naked, it was too dark." "I'd say that you owe her a fuck. Don't freak out, it'll feel good." "Yeah... but what if I get caught?" "You're my little brother. You won't get caught unless you squeal." "I can't lie, eh?" Keller had Owitzer's Syndrome, which didn't allow him to lie without physically showing it. "Sure thing Washington. How do your friends do it?" "Well... Kyle... he just waits 'till his parents are gone..." "Woah, woah... Kyle? Your friend Kyle?" "Yeah." "He's got a girl?" "Uh-huh." "I'd say... just go over to her house and talk to her for a while, eh?" "Fine. Just... if you see her at all... don't tell her that it's my birthday..." Keller frowned, hugging himself around the arms. "Why not...? She might give you a... present, eh?" "Mom's not going to let me out of the house..." he hissed through his teeth, "There were some shootings, and some kind of petition. This 'cats and dogs' thing is getting too bad." "Just get out there...!" Steph pushed his younger, though taller brother for the door, his will turning to a smile, "Best of luck for you, eh?" * * * Keller slipped out of the back door of his house and into the yard. The cold dew on his fluffy lawn was uncannily refreshing as it intertwined with the short hairs on his feet. He let his body shake naturally to warm him up. Luckily, maybe so or not, Janelle had told this jaguar where her house was. She would always say 'turn off the paved road'. At least something made him laugh. Truthfully, the snowy leopard's house was located on the edge of the woods along Simmons Road. Easy enough... living in a small hick neighborhood had its advantages, as everyone knew each other and lived nearby. As he was walking down the street, past Kyle's house, past Riku's house, he noticed posters and fliers depicting gruesome pictures now adorned the fences. The pictures were of bloody murder, all around how terrible the opposing species was. What disturbed Keller most though, were the children's drawings. In crayon, pen, and pencil, puppies and kittens from all over had scribbled down pictures of killing, massacre, and war between canine and feline races. He was sickened at the fact that children that young would know about lifeblood, and such effect that sharp objects had on flesh. He wanted to vomit. Vulpine and Lupine species had just recently signed a peace treaty, and now this. Finally, the terribly tall jaguar-morph stood at his 'girlfriend's threshold, quivering and whimpering softly. He reached out to knock on the oaken frond doors, his great spotted paw an inch away from the wood before it opened. "Ah! Oh... hi. Is Jan-" "Hello! You must be Keller. Janelle mentioned that you were pretty... tall." Mrs. Biarde looked up to see his face under the doorframe. "Come on in." Keller was very surprised at what he saw in there. Everything, every last candlestick was completely aligned. Every angle of the house was perfectly symmetrical, as if a protraction of utter compulsion had hit. Not a thing was out of line. His eyes quickly wandered from the various pictures on the wall, and down to Janelle who was now standing in front of him. "Oh, hey Keller. What are you doing over here?" she asked, looking down at her toes. The tall jaguar boy didn't answer immediately. His eyes were scanning in awe over her body. The pretty snow leopard girl was clothed only in a short skirt and a tube top: just enough to break the necks of turning heads. "Oh... I just came by to say hello..." Keller's voice was cracking again, and his eyes were helplessly affixed on Janelle's chest. "I guess you'll want to meet the family then...?" Janelle's father, mother, brother and sister walked up to shake his hand in a orderly fashion. "This is my mother, Helen. My father, Ken. My older brother Nick, and my little sister Trudy." Trudy stepped up to Keller, walking in circled around him. Her big eyes inspected every inch of his figure, making sure that his clothes were on just right. "Er... what is she... doing?" Keller looked down at the pint-sized white spotted leopard, his expression a bit awkward. "She has to... inspect everyone. It's hard to explain..." Helen Biarde waited until her youngest daughter was finished, then pulled her back. "She straightens up the entire house every day. She'll cry if we don't let her make it completely spotless..." the portly woman's voice trailed away, then she said "We all love her just as much, though!" Mr. Biarde eyed the jaguar suspiciously as just about every father did when his daughter found a boy. "'Ello." Was all he said. Nick only smiled and waved, returning to a nearby chair in the den to practice with his bassoon. Everyone except for Janelle did the same, returning to their business. She signaled for him to follow her down the hall and into her room. Finally, once they were in, she shut the door tight and locked it. "Keller..." The jaguar backed toward the door, his form soaked with sweat. Don't freak out... don't freak out... he warned himself, standing still in a defensive position. "Y-y-yeah?" "I'm sorry. Sorry about what happened at the dance." Janelle said at length. He yerfed in uncomfortable surprise. "It was shallow and immature of me. It won't happen again. I promise," she stopped to look up at the quivering boy again, "I understand how shy some people are..." "Sorry... I... I'm not very... I should leave." Keller fumbled the deadbolt of the door behind him with his clawed fingers. "No! Please don't go. I didn't mean anything bad by that. I really like you Keller." She placed her soft feminine hands on his waist, pressing the silky smooth fur that mad up her shape up against him. "Huh... eh..." Just hold still damn it! He let him arms fall to his sides. That's a start... His legs were still shaking like Elvis Presley. He leaned his head forward, letting his neck-length hair dangle in an attempt to distract himself. "Is this ok?" Janelle whispered, standing on her tiptoes so that the amber innocence of her eyes met Keller's. Keller jerked, startled by the pleasant violation from the feline grace who was facing him. He felt her soft fingers running up and down his left thigh, teasing every hair, every nerve. His tail started to flit and twitch embarrassingly, the mere movement of it felt like sheer weight of gravity boring down on him. "Keller... are you ok?" the leopard asked her mate softly, her paws now finding his ass. He nodded finally, and he let his legs give way. His back slid down along the door, and he landed on his rump. Oh shit... I can't do this! What if her parents...? "Janelle... I can't do this! I'm sorry... again. I'm not ready to mate. Please don't be mad..." For some odd reason or another, Keller wasn't as effected by sexual desire as most males were. He really, really wanted to, but he was strangely able to steer himself toward sexual abstinence. "Why would I be mad...?" the snowy leopard croaked, her eyes welling with sobering tears, "I'm just a horny little girl..." "No! No... that's not what... I didn't mean..." he finally gave up on it, "Please don't cry. Please. I don't want to hurt your feelings..." "It's me... I'm acting like a child. I shouldn't pressure you..." Janelle stood up slowly, wiping her eyes, mostly to avoid a gaze from Keller. "If you want to leave... I understand... just-" The jaguar stood up finally, his nervousness diminishing at the sight of someone's feeling that he might have hurt. He looked into her elusive eyes, Ok... here goes nothing to her. If I have anything to live for... this is it, and he kissed her. Closing his eyes, Keller imagined the look on her face. He started out with lips, eventually progressing as both of them opened their mouths gradually, savoring every second. He pushed his sandpaper tongue against hers, his jaw twitching feebly at the feeling of a ream of spit drooling down his chin. Keller softly grasped Janelle's cheeks, running his fingers through her soft carpet of warm fur, teasing at the nerve above her jaw with his fine claws. His hands remained tame, resting softly on his lover's cheeks, while hers did the same. Finally, the jaguar pulled away slowly with a smacking sound from his lips. He was breathing quickly, tensing his body as if expecting to be slapped across the face. Janelle didn't know what to say. There was nothing that she could say at that moment, so she just licked him on the cheek and purred. "Did that feel good?" "Y-y-yeah... but... it d-doesn't mean that we h-have to..." Keller loosed his gentle grip on her, watching her fall back onto her bed. "I know..." "J-Janelle... did you really have a... a crush on me?" "Have you ever been with... you know... anyone else?" The white-spotted leopard shook her head in all honesty, "I prepared myself to ask you out for all those years... but I was too afraid until I actually did it... yesterday..." "Erm... well... since we're talking about... well..." "Yeah?" "Today's my birthday... and I'm turning fifteen..." "Oh really? Is that the only reason you went to the dance...?" "No, honest!" Keller stuttered, "I forgot all about it..." "Well..." Janelle stood up, two twin fangs poking out from under her smiling lips, "Happy birthday..." she approached lazily, allowing her body to melt over his. The leopard reached up under her own arms, sliding her skimpy top slowly down to her waist. She pressed her exposed breasts against his belly, massing them with her own paws. Oh shit... hot. Hot... a nervous erection tented the front of his pants. Just don't look... it'll be over soon...

a nervous erection tented the front of his pants.

Janelle hugged closer to her boy, pressing her disrobed bosom toward his pleasure. She slowly began to unbutton the jaguar's tall shirt, her scabrous tongue following up all the way to his furry chest. She knew it this time. He had to give in to that. Keller placed his great, spotted paws around the back of his mate's head, helping her tickling tongue along his fuzzy torso. He sighed, letting out a very faint whimper. His knees started to chatter, almost giving up on him completely. He shrugged of his green gingham button-up shirt, exposing his modestly muscled frame. He was a skinny boy, but he worked out. "Janelle? Coming out for lunch... where are you?" Ken Biarde was heard storming down the hall, opening and shutting doors in search of his allegedly hiding daughter. "Oh shit..." she pulled her top back up, just over her tits. Keller did the same, sloppily fastening his shirt over him. The one time I actually want to... Ken finally swung the door to her room ajar, surprised that all the lights were turned off. He scowled at Keller, pulling his daughter out of them room for a moment. "Listen to me! I don't want you alone with that boy, you hear me?" the concerned father hissed at Janelle, pushing her out toward the kitchen for lunch. "Keller, you gonna join us for lunch?" Helen called out from the kitchen, dishing out a plate. The jaguar filed out, now standing in the middle of the hallway. He blushed noticeably as Trudy walked up to him, touching him without permission. The little tiny leopard girl pulled up a chair to stand on, and reached up to unbutton his shirt. She then buttoned it up again, perfectly straight and even, turning the collar neatly downward. "Erm... thanks..." Keller was beginning to think that the little girl was insane. Trudy only nodded silently in reply, placing the chair back at exactly ninety degrees to the table. Before sitting down to eat, the little girl washed her hands four times. The jaguar at the table remained polite by not blurting 'what the hell?' He looked down at his plate: chicken stir-fry with a lemon sauce dressing and brown rice. It was delicious, from what Keller could deduct from the first three bites, but then he realized that he had no appetite. "Hungry, Keller? We've got plenty." Janelle offered, passing over a bowl of food. "No... no thank you. I h-had a big... breakfast..." Keller's head twitched rightward in consciousness of his bluff. "Ok..." Nick was back on the chair in the den after he was finished eating. He really seemed to like that bassoon of his. Damn good player too. He started playing the jazzy song Tom's Diner. It sounded a bit like a low, buzzing clarinet. "H-hey... I have a friend that sings that song really well-" Keller started to say. "'Very well'," Trudy corrected, her eyes down on her plate, on which she has separated rice, sauce, and chicken. Nick ignored his sister, replying to Keller, "Really? Who's that?" "Do y-you know R-Riku Nushuida?" Keller asked, having before heard the vixen sing. She was awesome, as she had a boyish voice and a very, very long wind. "Uh... Rico was it?" "Riku." "Nope. Never head of her." "Oh..." the jaguar just listened to the music, while Trudy to his plate to separate, then clean. She also took good care to check that everyone's tail was through the middle bars of the chairs, and not to the right or left. Her practices were tedious, even mind-numbing at some times, but she couldn't help herself. "So... Keller, do you have a job?" Ken asked him, his features just waiting for him to screw up. Keller recalled what his brother had told him about in-laws. Don't tell them the truth, make yourself sound a lot worse... "No. I don't have a job. I... I love in the tool shack in the park with a couple of drug-addicts... er... I have drugs on me right now..." Janelle almost started to cry as she heard him say this, her paws trembling in disbelief. "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" Ken yelled, but his wife stopped him. "Honey look at his face... he's lying." She pointed out that his ears were acting like dozens of flies were landing on them, and his lips seemed to be unable to decide between glum and ecstatic in their mad state of fidgeting. "Oh... oh it's true..." Keller insisted, his head leaning over and his right eyelid flitting upward. His fingers started to drum on the table. It got much worse when he was lying seriously to his parents, sometimes he would just spontaneously start spouting the truth. "Just drop it Keller... you're a terrible liar..." Janelle reached over and hugged his across the shoulder to woo him. He blushed, Why am I such and idiot around other people? He asked himself that every day. The jaguar was still twitching, and it seemed to be annoying Trudy to the point of fleeing the table. "Keller... you can have my daughter to keep... if you continue to never lie..." for the first time, Ken smile at him. "Dad! Don't say that..." Janelle turned red in the face and pulled away from the boy. "Well! Hey, it's one o clock already, what's everyone gonna do?" Helen asked loudly, changing the subject. "Me and Keller are going out!" Janelle said, grabbing her soon-to-be mate's wrist. "'Keller and I'!" Trudy yelled from down the hall. "Well... ok. But take your cell phone with you..." "I've got it dad." The leopard girl waved, dragging the jaguar behind her as she went out the door. "At this rate, we'll have a litter of grandchildren in two weeks..." Ken muttered, sighing. "Ken!" Helen scolded, slapping him up 'long side the head. * * * "Where are we going, eh?" Keller yelled after Janelle, who was running him by one long arm. "You'll see... we're gonna have some fun." The leopard replied eagerly. Keller pulled away grievously. "No! Look... what we did in your room... just... it's hard for me to..." "Maybe... but your birthday only comes once-a-year..." she proceeded in purring right up in his face, her body squeezed up against his again. "Janelle... I'm no cheetah, but I can run." He backed away a little, trying to avoid her face. We kissed before! Why am I still afraid of her? Frustrated with himself, e tried to make a decision. Stay with her and have the time of my life... or run for it. "Please don't... please don't be mad at me. I want to be with you... but I just... can't have sex..." "Yet?" "Maybe..." "Ok... go home then..." "You're not mad?" "No! Keller, why would I be mad at you for wanting privacy..." there, she said what she had taken for granted about Keller. "Ok... maybe later.. I dunno..." the jaguars voice lowered to a whisper. "But... when we were back there in your room..." "You kissed me." Janelle smiled and blushed, putting her fingers on her lips smugly. "Uh... yeah. I m-meant it. It felt..." he took a deep breath, "...it felt good." "But you don't want to...?" "I'm not... yeah. I'm not ready to mate... we're too young anyway..." Janelle frowned and sighed through her nose as if all hope was lost. "Yeah... ok. See you later..." "Bye." * * * "So... Kyle. You didn't some last week. Why is that?" Dr. Wes Auburn asked his patient, sitting back and crossing his legs. "I don't know." Kyle replied glumly. Wes was a good friend of his now, and he felt that he could tell him anything without his parents knowing. "Is anything new going on?" "Yeah. I tried to strangle someone at a funeral." Dr. Auburn sighed, "I know... that s why you are here. I mean anything other than that." "A lot of people are being killed." the panther stated, bowing his head. "How is that affecting you, now?" "I'm scared for Nikki." "How about for yourself?" Kyle shook his head, "No, for Nikki." "I see..." Wes flipped a page on his clipboard. "How is Nikki?" "Well... she. Erm... she was having her... uh..." "Yes, I understand... go on." The azure panther couldn't decide whether to tell him about his mate being with child. It's not like he'll hate me... or tell everyone... "Ok... well. We... I... did some things... actually, we... we m-" he pursed his lips, "We had... well... she has a child coming." "And you are the father?" "Yes, sir." "I see what you mean... in such a case, one does not know whether to be glad or worried." "Exactly! I'm proud to be a father... but I don't have the money to start a family..." "I know this is blunt... but may I make a suggestion?" Dr. Auburn asked, scratching a pen on his clipboard again. "Please." "Well... this is a complicated case... I would recommend that you and Nikki both attend college. You can rely on those whom you trust to watch over the baby for that time. Just don't make the mistake of worrying away a quality education..." "Will my parents be mad if they have to take care of the child?" "I can't say. Your best bet would be to talk to them about it," the badger smiled, "As long as you are able to keep your grades up through this, you should have a great career with your degree, and be able to have a house for your lovely wife and child." "Well... thanks Dr. Auburn..." "It's what I do. That goes to show you how important school is." "Yeah, yeah..." "Anything else happened?" Kyle instantly recalled Emily's dead body in the school hallway. "A lot of people were... hurt at the... incident at my school..." "I heard. Do you share such opinions for canine acquaintances?" Wes inquired, straightening his cliché specs. "No! No... I have... a lot of friends that are dogs... but..." "Yes?" "Well... I saw someone..." Kyle continued, looking down at his feet. "Go on..." "I saw someone... someone who was in jail for a while..." "Oh my... what for?" Kyle reached down and pulled up his pants-leg a little, revealing the bare and blistered spot in the middle of his right foot. "He shot me in the foot." "Oh dear...! He is still at your school?" "Well... he's in the canine half. I don't see him..." Kyle frowned, trying not to recall the mental image, "I saw someone though... I didn't see the... well... Someone died." Wes didn't say anything, but his expression was letting on more than he wanted. "A friend on Nikki's I guess... I saw her laying on the floor... and there was blood... she asked me 'who' and then..." the panther robbed his eyes, "I've never seen anyone die before... It made me think of Raj being shot..." he sniffed the tears and snot back into his nose and turned around in the small bed to hide it. "It is a terrible thing, I know. The innocent, or even the guilty should not be punished for the wrong reasons. One is born into their species with not a shred of consent. No one has the right to end a life for that." The psychiatrist's paw was clenched furiously at the end of his chair, and his eyes were squinted. He had seen terrible things back in Vietnam, but racism and speciesism were two different things. "Yes... I'm sorry... what were you saying?" Kyle raised an eyebrow, "Er... well. I don't think we should be kept apart..." "I agree with all of my heart. But, I am curious, where do they keep species like... reptiles, birds, squirrels... badgers?" The panther chuckled very quietly, "I'm jealous of them. They get to go to the community college campus for school." "Why are you jealous of that?" "They don't need a police escort to go to the bathroom..." he replied sarcastically. "Ah well, what're you gonna do, eh?" "Yeah, I guess so." "So, Kyle, what do you plan to do today?" "I think I'm gonna go back to bed, late night last night," Kyle grunted comfortably, yawning and stretching with a lengthy 'meow'. The badger laughed, "Yes, and I with I could do that same, but sadly, no more lazy weekends." Kyle stood up as he saw the clock, "I'll see you next week Doctor Auburn." "G'bye Kyle!" * * * "I hate this place! Can't I leave yet?" Aeiea whined, wringing her feathered hands. "No, no. You have a mending lung. You shouldn't be walking yet." The nurse said, taking the raven's temperature. "Damn it..." she cursed under her breath. "Ok, Aeiea. Tell me when it hurts..." the nurse prodded her hands along her belly. "OW! There. Right there. Now can you leave me alone?" "Ok... left abdomen..." Nurse Rosemary wrote something down on a record. "All right then, are you ready for dinner?" "No." "Aeiea... please stop being so stubborn! I'd like to make this easy so you can be out of here sooner." Rosemary strode out of the room quickly. Bitch. There has to be some way out of this prison... she sighed, resigning. I can't even walk... I'm never getting out of here. The crow just closed her eyes, blushing at the images that came to her mind. she sighed, resigning. The crow just closed her eyes, blushing at the images that came to her mind.

"Aeiea, honey?" a familiar, warm voice sounded from her right. She jumped, startled. Her foster family, a trio of lions, were standing intently at her side. "Hi Mrs. Beering..." the bed-ridden raven said, forcing a smile. "How are you feeling?" "I'm fine." "I'm glad to hear that. We brought you some lunch." Zen, the little cub handed her a plate of something strange, smiling. "I'm not hungry. Thank you..." "Is there anything we can do?" Mr. Beering, the father, asked his new adopted daughter. "I'd like you to take me home." "Well... I don't think we can. Besides, you still need treatment..." This place is a freaking rave! Hell... Aeiea thought. She decided that if she couldn't talk them into it, she would have to show them that she was feeling better.

Aeiea thought. She decided that if she couldn't talk them into it, she would have to show them that she was feeling better.

Aeiea turned to sit up on the side of her bed. The wound in her midriff throbbed at the feeling of scabbed skin running against scabbed skin. She stood up, letting her legs bend, but still support her. "Look. I can...ahh! I can walk..." she clutched her gut, grunting in pain as it opened up again, blood soaking up her hospital gown. "Aeiea! Lay down, please!" her foster mother wailed, helping her daughter back onto the bed. "Let go..." the raven hissed, constantly undulating her stomach to comfort the hernia. "I'm fine. Take me home... please." "No... shhh. Just lay still, I'll call the nurse..." * * * Riku had finally returned home. Sort of... The deep red vixen was sprawled out on the couch, her paw softly set on a bottle of red wine. The tranquility of alcoholic intoxication taking a strong hold on her. She laid back again, letting herself go limp, her mouth hanging open. Riku's mind was completely numb, not a single thought able to breach her overindulgence. "Riku? Riku where are you...?" Russ, her father, walked into the room in search of her. "Damn it! You've had enough of that stuff!" he reached down to take the bottle away from her. The vixen growled, holding it closer to her, taking another sip. Finally though, Russ was able to snatch it from her. Man... I really hope hell doesn't exist... he thought as he gazed down at his thirteen-year-old daughter, drunk. He sighed, "Are you ok, Riku?" "Shut up." She replied, turning on her side. "What? What's wrong with you...?" the large vulpine male looked around her and noticed that her paw was down the front of her panties. "For God's sake..." "Ha-ha! W- *hyuk* will you do it, Daddy?" "Riku... what the hell are you talking about...?" "I'm... I want you to lick me..." the vixen arched her back, looking at her wet fingers as she removed them from her femininity. "Riku, no. You're drunk..." "Please?" Riku slid her panties off under her feet and spread her legs. She was now laying there, her tongue hanging freely from her maw, wearing only a loose T-shirt. Russ remembered the nasty things that he had done when he had an attraction to Riku. It was so wrong, what he did, but it felt so good, that he couldn't help himself. She won't remember any of it... "Yeah... ok..." he walked over to the couch, and around so that he faced his daughter. Kneeling down, he leaned his chest of the armrest. Russ placed his nose over her vaginal lips, taking in her sweet scent through her tight panties. It smelled a little like peaches. When he was finished 'examining', he pulled her undergarments aside and revealed her swollen gorge. The fox blew over his daughter's most sensitive area, causing her to stick out her chest and pull her fuzzy legs toward her. Riku bathed in the numbing feeling of her father's silky tongue, spreading her legs apart and cooing affectionately. "Oh... ah... Daddy..." the vixen's eyes popped open, "DADDY! Gross! Get away from me!" Riku pushed him away, covering up her pussy and rolling on her side. Russ was a little confused, "But... but you asked me-" "Shut up! Go away you creep!" the girl covered her head, crying loudly and reaching down for the absent bottle of whiskey. The man's eye twitched, then he calmed down. She's my own daughter... Bad thing... his eyes seemed to be glued on her red and white ass, which was barely showing from under the drooping folds of the Hard Rock Café T-shirt. "I need more wine...!" Riku mewled, huffing stubbornly and teasing herself more. "No You don't. Just... just go upstairs incase someone comes over..." Russ shook his head, kneading at the skin of his aching forehead. "I hate you." The vixen girl wept, dragging her feet up to her room. The father growled in reply, "'Love you too." * * * "Just drop me off here, ok?" Kyle insisted, signaling for his mother to stop the car. They were in Harrisburg, a small town about a two miles out where most people did there shopping. "Sure? Ok..." Fiona slowed the station wagon to a halt, waving to her son as he stepped out of the running automobile and down the strip-mall row. The cerulean panther pushed open the door to Fidello's Music, his padded footsteps overshadowed by the calm ring of the bell at the rampart. The small place was quiet, save the sound of a violoncello being tuned in the back room. A drab looking dingo man drummed his fingers on the class countertop, not offering Kyle any help. He walked up to the counter, looking the glum fox in the eyes. The man still didn't offer any sort of reply. "Hello?" Kyle offered, nodding his head quickly in greeting. "What...?" "Er... well... I need a violin," the feline boy prompted, looking around the room uncomfortably. "Uh-huh..." "Do you have any violins?" "...Look kid, you want to elaborate a little? Be my guest..." Jackass, Kyle thought, his peripheral mind's eye then forming an image of Nikki's old fiddle. "Erm... lemme see..." Kyle thought, his peripheral mind's eye then forming an image of Nikki's old fiddle. "Erm... lemme see..."

"If you're gonna sit here and babble for a half-an-hour, you can leave, ok?" the big-eared fox man behind the counter suggested rudely, pushing Kyle aside to help the man behind him. "Can I help you?" he asked politely to the wolf who stepped up. Oh... I see... he's petitioning against cats now, is he? The panther shook it off, scowling. He looked around the shop at the various The panther shook it off, scowling. He looked around the shop at the various

stringed instruments hanging. Ebony fingerboard, chestnut harmonic chamber, smooth-wrapped strings, and mother-of-pearl frogue... Kyle finally came across a match, smiling at his ability to see himself in the beautiful gloss. That's it. The price-tag read '$85'. Kyle frowned, looking into his wallet. He had only saved up seventy-eight. It's only seven bucks... The boy carefully cradled the viol in his arms, holding it up to the man behind the counter again. "Back again?" the fox asked impatiently, purposefully tugging at Kyle's nerves. Kyle ignored that and said, "Erm... is it... possible if I could buy this for seventy eight dollars...?" He laughed in reply, "No. It's a steal as it is. Get out of here you dumbass!" "Could you at least reserve it for me?" "I said leave." Kyle turned on his spur, sniffing in tears of frustration. Damn it! It's not fair! He'd sell it to anyone else! "You alright, honey?" Fiona Eighly asked, concerned at the reaming sneer on her son's feline face as he stepped into the car and slammed the door behind him. "Let's go home." Kyle crossed his burly arms over his chest and gazed forward through the light blue tint in the car window. "You didn't get a violin?" "No." "Why not?" "Some... that guy..." the young panther growled, "Never mind. I'm eight bucks short." "I can just lend you-" "No. I'll get it myself." The remainder of the ride home was completely silent, broken impossibly by the uncomfortable tension. When they arrived home, they were greeted, as usual, by Zach. The panther was no longer pink, having finally faded back to his reddish-brown hue. Kyle headed upstairs, leaving vibes of self-frustration behind. A door was heard slamming, and the soft rumble of a bass guitar soon shook all of the plates in the kitchen. "What's the matter with him? Didn't he get that violin?" Mister Eighly asked, flipping a page in the paper. "Oh I don't know... he wouldn't say..." Fiona took a seat next to her husband on the couch, comfortably resting her furry head on his shoulder. Kyle's fingers paused suddenly from his playing, letting the ringing octaves hang as the string shook itself still. Shit... he looked at the calendar, on which the date was June third. Today's Keller's birthday... the panther shrugged in spite of himself, as he found it a bootless gesture to buy him a gift when he was still struggling to buy Nikki's. For once, he actually needed money. It would, yet again, have to be a late presentation. Kyle relaxed, and continued to play a hollow tune on his long-necked instrument. Two weeks... two weeks and it's summer vacation. He briefly pondered his grades, recalling that they were indeed satisfactory. The azure panther looked up to the ceiling, stopping to play a ballad that Raj had taught him years and years before. His grievous attitude for his the loss of his older brother had diminished. He did miss him, more than anything, but he no longer longed for him to be alive. He took great comfort in the fact that Rajmir, The King, was happy were he was. Kyle would be seeing him again in only a lifetime. {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} Well hello everyone. I hope that you enjoyed ol' number eleven. I apologize that it took me so damned long to finish it, eh? The reason is that I can only work on it on the weekends, so it goes by pretty slow. Section twelve is on its way. You'll be hearing a lot more about Aeiea and Casey too, so hang in there for me, eh? Farewell ye whom I have never seen... Eh... not quite yet actually. One more thing, eh? I pray that the Italics in this one show up, 'cause they are crucial. Ok, now farewell...