Silverback Episode 15

Story by Jazcal on SoFurry

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#15 of Silverback

Here it is finally! Edited and finalized. A big thanks to those who helped with getting a fresh pair of eyes on it. I hope you all enjoy it and I can't wait to get back to writing again. Comments, suggestions and critiques are always welcome!

I wrote the letter to Dilis's family and sent home the letters he had and the picture. I hadn't cried that hard since Snow and I last talked. A week passed by with the enemy finally stopping us cold all along the front. We were stopped, our ally was stopped and the enemy was stopped. Both sides feared the power of the artillery barrages and dug in. Every soldier had at least six hours of digging per day until the engineers said we were done. After the digging stopped and we had an enormous labyrinth of trenches stretching all along our line, we waited. Well the Royal Fang Garde waited, the Nr. 92nd charged a couple of times and got slaughtered, even with artillery cover.

It was a truly horrible feeling knowing that the new unit that moved into the trench with us was never coming back. Everyone that went up and over died, leaving only those who were spared the carnage by command and the rare few who actually survived the experience to tell about it. We would watch them get gunned down by the vast number of machine guns the enemy had. The worst part was watching our lads getting hit with artillery while getting gunned down. I finally got to the point that I couldn't watch anymore.

The Feldjägers finally arrived to the front and they brought us more machineguns of our own. We put them to use it seemed every other day. Every day, there was an army in the field. One day it was us, the next it was them. One day we switched back and forth a couple of times. The attacks weren't bad. You stand on the firing step and shoot the enemy, easy. The part that I hated was the enemy artillery barrages before they would attack. When they would begin, we would hide in shelters and hope that a shell didn't impact the shelter directly. We would all be huddled in the small shelter shaking, both from fear and the ground actually shaking. We would have to listen to the cries from the wounded outside as they cried for help, only to be left alone, to die alone. That was my worst fear.

I was scared to be alone like that; no one there to comfort me while I am dying like I did Dilis. But worst of all, I was worried that Snow would feel that. I assumed he was drafted because no one had heard from him since Felix last saw him. I continued to send him letters, but I received no response. I looked for him everywhere, but he was not to be found.

On the 20th day after C Section took the enemy ditch, the battered Royal Fang Garde received replacements. We were finally replenished with soldiers. Granted they were not good soldiers, but that could be worked on. All of us veterans of C Section agreed to teach them, train them, and advise them. But don't give your life for one until he proves he is willing to fight with courage.

B Section had a ton of replacements and they were a very mixed canine section now with all sorts of breeds represented. But they weren't the only ones. Everyone was mixed like that. The old order was thrown out because reinforcements were needed and as long as they were a canine, they were put somewhere.

I kept my eye out to see if Snow was in the mix, but all of my replacements were new faces. We got them up to speed in a matter of days and waited for orders. We were currently just watching the line and repelling attacks. Life was... boring. Granted not getting shot at was better than getting shot at, but there was nothing to do but wait. The trenches were dug, the ammo distributed, recruits trained and the enemy found.

Many of the guys liked to play cards to pass the time or pass letters around. I read everyone's letters whether I wanted to or not. Anything that would help satisfy the boredom. At night, sleep was hard to come by because of the constant artillery in the distance.

Finally, after a week of sitting around, there was a platoon meeting. Lieutenant Dike and the NCO's met up in the HQ. A Section had a new NCO and the B Section NCO looked the way I felt, run down from boredom.

Lieutenant Dike spoke, "Alright, so command wants the Royal Fang Garde to break the stalemate up here and push through the enemy. The entire battalion has been taken off the line and placed here. 1st Company will be the first ones over the top, followed by 2nd, 3rd and 4th. Any questions?" No one responded and he continued, "Good. We are moving into position tonight onto the line while our artillery softens them up. We attack at dawn. Dismissed."

We filed out of the HQ quickly and chatted a little while we walked back to our sections. The old NCO of A Section was apparently killed during the attack on the town, and the NCO of B Section confirmed that he had only a couple of veterans, the rest were replacements.

I returned to my Section and got everyone up and moving. For the veterans in the section, we all knew what was coming and didn't need an explanation. For the replacements, it was a new and exciting adventure and we were going to the front to hold back the Roarsi. If only they knew. We moved through the communication trench to the front during the night with our artillery creating a thunderous roar and light show on the enemy position. We came to our staging area with B Section to our right like always and 2nd Platoon to our left.

"Alright everyone, settle here and get some sleep, we got a big day tomorrow," I announced. I didn't want to tell them fully yet. I would wait until tomorrow to do that, for now, the new guys needed plenty of rest for the day ahead.

I got up early after getting hardly any sleep. I did my normal routine of personal care. Why am I doing this? I am just going to die anyways, I thought to myself.

"Don't get your hopes up," whispered a familiar voice behind me.

I turned around and there stood Wolf in an officer's uniform. "You startled me," I whispered back. "And what are you saying? Have you seen the last attempts by both sides to break this stalemate? It is a slaughter."

"Yes, but this morning there might be a few snowflakes to cheer things up," he replied.

"Snowflakes? In the middle of summer? Sometimes, I think you guys are a little too crazy for me to even begin to understand," I replied confusedly.

He chuckled a little bit, "You will get used to it, but for now, keep your head down and follow your instincts. I know you can make it out of this." He patted me on the shoulder and walked off. Sure I wanted to talk to him and ask him questions, but I knew that if He wanted to talk longer, He would have.

I got the Section up and the troops started checking their gear and the veterans were advising the replacements on what equipment to take with them and what could be left here for the day. They were all working efficiently as our artillery lobbed shells over us and at the enemy. A runner came and told me that the attack would be delayed by an hour since it rained lightly last night. I thanked him and he ran off. I turned and told my section, "Alright, eat real quick, command has given us an hour's break."

We all sat down together and started eating our bland rations. I sat down next to the Labrador who I fought with in the battle for Ocelcott and the little Collie.

"Hey there Sarg," greeted the Lab.

"Hey Sarg," the Collie looked up from his food wagging his tail.

"How is everyone this morning?" I asked, opening a small can of mystery meat.

"Everyone seems well enough, although I have to ask," said the Lab leaning in, the Collie doing the same, "we're going over today, right?"

"Yes," I whispered back. The Collie's tail stopped wagging and he immediately looked back at his food.

The Lab leaned back and sighed, "Figures. No one can break the deadlock so why not send over the Royal Fang Garde?"

"I know, I don't like it either," I finally got my can open but I was rapidly losing my appetite.

"When do we go?" asked the Collie quietly, not looking up.

"We are in the second wave. Command has us attacking by Company. 1st will go over in about half an hour, 2nd will go half an hour later and so on," I told him.

"Alright," he said. He didn't seem very reassured.

"Poor Dogs. They are going to get slaughtered out there," said the Lab sadly, his ears drooping low.

"Hopefully they won't and our artillery will have done its job," I offered.

The Collie spoke up a bit, "They will be fine, we will just walk over and all will be well."

"I hope you are right Hendrick. But..." his voice trailed off as he decided against what he was going to say.

"Lafayette, why do you gotta put a try to put a nationalistic twist on thing like this?" asked Hendrick.

"I didn't say it this time," Lafayette defended himself.

"But you were going to."

"I was, but only because I am from here. My family and I escaped the horrible discrimination and started over. The second I heard that war was on the horizon, I didn't resist being enlisted to defend my new home and get revenge for all of those who could not escape Roarsi," Lafayette finished patriotically.

I was stunned. I had been leading these guys through hell and back for a while and that was the first time I had heard any of their names, let alone their story. I tucked my tail in close to my body in shame. "They trust me with their lives and I don't care enough to even know their names." I thought to myself. While I was looking at my lap, I glanced at my watch. We had 5 minutes to be ready.

"Alright everyone! Get up and let's move out!" I ordered.

Everyone got up and gathered their equipment and stood in column, ready to move out. It was a beautiful sight with all eyes facing forwards. The helmets all parallel and rifle barrels one after another. It made me proud to see them so willing and professional. These were the troops I was going lead. These brilliant young canines were going to follow me to whatever end. I hope that end was a good one.

I spoke up, "Alright, moving out!" I turned and headed deeper into the trench network. We slowly picked our way through the labyrinth of turns and signs as the guns fell silent. A whistle followed immediately after with barks and howls as 1st Company charged over the top. We could see them through firing ports as they got up and disappeared into the smoke and dust, bayonets fixed and without hesitation. We reached our staging area when the gunfire roared to life. While we could hear the machine guns, we could only catch a few faint hints of muzzle flashes from our position.

B Section filed in on our right while 2nd Platoon was supposedly on our left in another trench branch. Lieutenant Dike appeared and we all stood at attention.

"Today, we will sweep the enemy from the field gents. Now, take your positions!" he ordered. Everyone stepped up to the front of the trench. "Remember, NCO's lead from the front and follow me, officer staff follows up in the rear. There will be no retreating! Cowards will be shot! Fix bayonets!" The veterans fixed theirs without hesitation. I looked down the line and many of the paws that were still fixing bayonets were trembling.

"It will be alright guys, 1stCompany did their job. All we have to do is run over there and plant the flag," I said, trying to sound reassuring despite knowing that 1st Company most likely got decimated. I glanced down at my watch, five minutes to go. "Check your gear, I want weapons ready to fire, grenades secured but accessible, and helmets on," I shouted out.

There was some quick rummaging as the troops checked their equipment. Once that was done, all was quiet in the trench. We all stood ready to go over, packed together tightly so that we would all fit. "Remember to get up there as fast as you can and keep moving, do not stop," called out the Sergeant of B Section.

Hendrick looked up at me and said, "It would only take one artillery shell with us packed in here so tight."

"Be careful of what yo..." I was cut off by the sound of enemy mortars impacting the ground on the battlefield.

Hendrick began to shake, "Sorry Sarg."

I let out a laugh, "I will see you on the other side Hendrick."