Merry Christmas To The King

Story by WraththeAlpha on SoFurry

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I'm baaaaaaaaaccck!

How's it hanging everybody? Its good to be back and I just wanted to say I'm sorry for not updating my stories after all that time.

I ain't goin lie a little of it was that I was being lazy while another was school and the workload, but I'm good now and you can expect more upcoming work from me.

So for now, Peace:).

King Stephen smiled as he watched his servants and their families enjoy themselves as they either danced to the music provided by the band, talked to friends, or simply just enjoyed a drink while listening to the ear pleasuring tune.

Lights and other Christmas things decorated his castle as the people of New Vantavia partied in the streets and among the balconies of surrounding homes.

He watched as little kids of different colors threw balls of snow at each other while using anything they could as cover...even adults. King Stephen laughed as he dodged a ball of snow from one of the kids, who looked surprised that he was able to see it coming, before the little one ran.

Stephen chased after the little green La'Ta with an grin while the kid laughed as she tried to lose the King.

"Your not gonna catch Nessy Monsieur King!" She screamed back at him.

"That's what you think! But I don't have to catch you because that's what I have him for. Deacon!" Stephen called with a smirk.

"Whoah!" Nessy gasped as a red and black blur just barely flew over her, she having dropped onto her belly to avoid it, in a missed tackle to land in the snow next to her. She laughed as the figure reappeared, this time successfully catching, and pinning her and beginning to cover her face in dog saliva.

And through the whole time she laughed.

"Hold on Deacon." Stephen ordered as he approached the pinned youth. "Do you surrender petit(little one)?" He asked with a smirk.

"Never!" She replied defiantly, grabbing a handful of snow in her eight hand that went unseen by the King and his tiger sized dog.

The king gave a mock dramatic exaggerated sigh.

"I see. Very well then. Deacon continue to discipline her for her sins."

That's when Nessy struck.

"You'll have to catch me first!" And threw the snow in the dog's face, momentarily stunning it before releasing herself from under it and running off again.

"Get'em Deacon and bring her to me!" The king ordered with his best evil face as the dog ran after the sprinting youth.

Once he lost sight of them he smiled. That was one of the reasons why Christmas was his favorite holiday day. It had people in good spirits and happy, and that's how he liked seeing his people.

"How shameful of you, my king. Abusing your authority like that." A voice purred from behind him just as a pair of black and red marked arms wrapped around his chest from behind.

"Hello my mate." He greeted, leaning back to kiss the pouty full lips of his lover who returned his affection with all her being.

She pulled away first, mouth agape and panting as she stared into his brown eyes with her green and orange ones. The twinkling in her orbs seeming to heat up his body against the cold winds of the night.

He didn't even need to ask to know what she wanted as the thick musk of her list for him spoke volumes.

"Its time for you to get your Christmas present my love." She purred lustfully as she took His hand and led him back to the castle.


Stephen watched memorized as his love and mate stood in the rays of their planet's moon. The light making her flaming threads of hair burn a beautiful cyan color while the markings that adorned her body gleamed with bioluminescence. The rest of her fit, toned curvy body being covered with a bright color of red.

Her body was long and lithe with having feline attributes. For instance, her K-9's were elongated and incredibly sharp; her hands were black claws and her feet were clawed paws like a cat's. A slender, but strong looking whip-like tail, that was spaced, making it look like a tail of downward pointing arrows, was longer than her whole body fell from beneath her very long and flowling hair.

Red glowing markings, that illuminated under the moonlight, reached from around her eyes to the tips of her cat like ears that were swept back.

On her forehead sat a headgear-like piece of bone, protecting that area.

Her appearance only made him harder for her. His already tight pants now becoming to the point of unbearable as his cock pushed against the fabric.

It also further proved his mental question.

She was in heat.

And she wanted to be bred, to have him push her to the bed and pump his child right into her womb.

The very thought of him doing that to her provoking the next action he took. Which was to currently shred himself of his remaining clothing, his mate having torn the others right away off his body in her haste for him, and claim her lips. His strong hands roamed her body, ruthlessly teasing her as he skipped her aroused spots like her pussy and hard nipples.

He praised--no--worshipped her body as he took his time. Playing her body like a well rehearsed verse to his tune. Molding her body like an artist as he worked, finally offering some relief as he got to her hard nipples.

"Ahhh." She moaned into his ear as his worked her over.

Stephen rubbed his hard length in between her thighs and right against her aching pussy, the lips puffy and full of blood.

'She's so wet...'

She growled then, the sound being deep and rumbling, in warning.


He ignored her warning, instead focusing in his work in driving her, his mate, his love, to lustful insanity. Just for right then. Just for that moment.

'Let us fall into the abyss of our lusts. Let us wake the gods themselves with our love making. To not worry about anything other than ourselves...'

She humped her hips onto his hand which was exploring her depths with his fingers, rubbing against her g-spot with his thumb grazing her clit, and yet, that only aggravated her inner heat.

Then the inevitable happened, and just like he wanted...she snapped.

She pushed him on the bed, her tail snapping out to wrap around his limbs and immobilize him and yet his wide grin didn't leave him.

She could spare a moment. She thought, her green orbs with an inner orange fire looking down at her trapped mate. Yes, she could hold off. If not, just enough to show the cocky man his place.

"I'll show you who you dared to tease Stephen." She said, her body moving to place her face before the standing beast that was his erection. "May you repent for your actions." Her voice was thick with her La'Ta accent.

Stephen laughed at her.

"Do your worst, Katira." It was a wordless challenge. Yet, nonetheless she accepted.

She leaned down atop his cock, her full lips parting to let her elongated tongue out to take a long, slow lick from his sack to his flared crown.

He groaned out his pleasure to the otherwise empty bedroom in not counting her and him.

It was music to her ears.

She worked him over with a vengeance. Repaying him for his teasing of her need for him. Her attempt to make him regret his feeding of her internal inferno.

Although she also took pleasure from this. His moans and groans the sweetest of tunes to her ears. His muscled form an image of perfection to her eyes and a feel of strength to crush his enemies, yet still have the speed to not rely totally upon it where many fell short.The taste of his thick pre on her tongue the finest, and only, taste she had ever had the liberty of tasting. Better than even the greatest of wines here in their castle.

She was proud to have him as a mate. As a lover. So she, just like he did her, worshipped his body as she sucked him, her hand finding his large heavy cum-packed balls and giving them a soft squeeze. She rejoiced in his groans of ecstasy.

She would've loved to have him finish in her mouth. To flood her upper wet cavern with his spunk, and spoil her taste buds with his taste as she coated her throat with it while swallowing.

Regrettably she couldn't. For she had another purpose for his potent seed. So she climbed his body, making sure to rub against him every moment she could to rub her scent on him before she was soon hovering over him.

She released his limbs from her tail's grip, before wrapping the appendage around their waists and going taunt to pull them closer together. Her right hand moving behind her to grab his thick veiny cock and press the head against her pussy lips before with a pleasure filled sigh, sank it into her steaming depths.



Katira gave a hard hump with her hips. The cock inside her rubbing the forward wall of her pussy with ecstasy inducing friction.

"Oh god baby yes!" She howled when Stephen took her hips in his hands and began to bounce her up and down his rod. Katira howled and moaned as her body was impaled again and again atop the raging cock of her lover.

"Katira." He said, calling to her as she looked down at him with half-lidded eyes." I love you my mate."

She smiled lovingly down at him, before quickly leaning and smashing her lips down on his. Her hips didn't stop their humping as they kissed, lips parting to let their tongues meet while Stephen began to groan loudly and Katira felt something big and round smash repeatedly against her lower lips.

'Oh god, Yes!...' She thought as she realized what it was.

Her humps increased in strength while decreasing in speed as Katira focused all her strength into impaling herself upon her dear mate's huge knot.

'Yes! Yes! Yes! Knot me my mate! Breed me!...' She screamed mentally as she pushed her hips even harder to for fill her goal; a loud 'smack' sound filling the room.

Then her mate took charge as he turned them over with him over her. Stephen flipped Katira onto her stomach before he started to pound downward into her, his hips coming to smack against her firm ass.

"Oh god I'm almost there." He grunted.

"Yes! Knot my mate! Jam your huge knot into my tight little pussy and flood it! Whitewash your little kitty's pussy and put your baby in it please!" She screamed. She pushed her hips hard against his, driven even more by her feeling her mate's knot slip into her depths a tiny bit more with each thrust of his hips.

No...She wasn't gonna let him go till he pumped her so full of spunk she would have twins...even if she had to squeeze his balls for it!

She didn't need to though as Stephen himself wanted to plug his knot inside her as his had dropped his arms, instead wrapping them around Katira and bringing her back against his chest as he pummeled her pussy ruthlessly.

"Beg for it." He ordered suddenly in her ear, as he held back the power in his thrusts to knot her. Cruelly denying her what she wanted. What she needed.

"What?" She asked in surprise.

"Beg for it." He said again, but this time with more force as he gave her a particularly hard thrust that knocked the wind from her. The effect of having 10 inches of hard dick ravaging her womb and smashed against the walls with brain fizzing force.

"Beg for it! Beg for me to cum in your womb and seed you!" He said again.

Katira couldn't take it any longer. She needed that knot! Needed it to flood her hot depths with the contents it carried!

"Please my mate! My love! My alpha! I need you! I need you to knot me! To quell the heat within my empty womb with not only your seed but your child! I want to grow fat with your young! To give you a little one or ones to come home to!" She confessed.

"That's my mate I know and love. And here's. Your. Re- Ward!" He said just before he thrusted hard into her.

And to Katira's delight and everlasting joy, felt the Stephen's knot pop into her with a loud 'pop' sound.

"Yesssss!" She howled in mind numbing pleasure and ecstasy as she came at the feeling of her womb being flooded with the potent seed of her Alpha. There was no doubt about it now. She would be pregnant and have the younglings of her mate and Alpha. And she couldn't be happier as her belly extended to better hold the amount of semen that she held.

The pair collapsed in a heap, sweaty and tired, but happy nonetheless.

"Merry Christmas my black prince." She said as she laid now next to her mate.

"And Merry Christmas my black queen." He said back as he and his mate closed their eyes to rest after their pleasurable activities.