Shifting Consequences--Chapter 35: Really Good Reads

Story by zmeydros on SoFurry

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#36 of Shifting Consequences

Mallory really knows how to spend her alone time.

A view into Mallory's very private life. It's about to get a lot more private and less boring.

Shifting Consequences--Chapter 35: Really Good Reads By Zmeydros (Lucien Quinn) zmeydros (Twitter) Malfedrosti (Mal Twitter)

Mallory looks at her simple tan house with white window frames as she drives up. She got a great price on it, but she's looking forward to when she reaches her savings goal for remodeling it. At least she has the inside looking the way she wants it. Mallory parks her car in the garage and hops out. She locks the car and heads in through the door that goes from the garage into the house.

Her red carpet and Amish furniture is laid out before her looking as pristine and elegant as ever. She's going to have to tip the cleaners that come to her house again. They do exactly what she asks of them and her place always looks fabulous. She'll have to invite her bosses over for a dinner party again. Maybe she'll get a combo platter from the Gyro joint down the street again. It's been a while since she's treated them to that and there's always some left over so she can have tasty lunches.

She slips her shoes off and pushes them with her foot to the corner by the door. This rectangle of brown textured linoleum might not look good, but it saves her carpet from a lot of damage. When she's made her way into the kitchen, she turns the little toaster oven on the counter up to 375 and opens the refrigerator. She takes out the half of her protein shake that she couldn't finish this morning and shakes it to stir it up again. She chugs it as fast as she can and then tosses it in the sink. Chocolate malt is only flavor she can drink consistently and even then, she's resigned to chugging it until she has to stop.

She'd buy another brand, but her personal trainer said this one was the best deal. She takes her mostly finished bowl of cereal and cup of PG Tips tea off of the table and puts them in the sink. She then rinses everything in the sink and fills the small ugly late-eighties dishwasher. Just before she's done loading the dishwasher, the toaster oven beeps about being pre-heated.

She shoves the utensils at the bottom of the sink into the utensil rack on the bottom as fast as she can and then pours soap into the soap compartment. After she shuts the dishwasher door, she turns the knob to "normal wash" and the dishwasher starts. Next, she walks out of the kitchen and turns left to go down the stairs to the basement. On her way down, she frowns again at the fact that the only pictures she has in the stairwell are framed random impressionist painting prints her mom gave her as a housewarming gift.

A couple of them could easily be switched out for some original dragon fantasy art. The only people that love dragons as much as she does are some of the artists she's met at sci-fi and fantasy conventions and they totally deserve more of her cash. She smiles as she thinks about the commission she purchased a couple months ago. It should be done any time now.

She bumps into one of the rods on her new foosball table. "OW!" Is she ever going to remember it's here? That's the second time this week that she's gotten poked by it. This basement is always going to be a men's playground. The minibar, wood paneling on the walls, brown carpet, and tan leather couch are too perfect. The previous owners of this house didn't want to move that heavy couch, so they sold it to her for three hundred dollars. It's worth way more than that. This basement is where she entertains her bosses when dinner's over.

She opens the door to the unfinished laundry/storage room and walks over to the deep freezer. She grabs a cordon bleu stuffed breaded chicken breast out of the top rack and turns around to leave. Her brow furrows the moment she sees the basket at the bottom of the laundry chute. Why the hell is there a whole other set of bedding on top of the dirty sheets she sent down the chute two days ago?

Maybe she's just remembering wrong? In any case, she has to deal with that tonight or she'll have to schedule half a day just to do all her laundry. She makes her way upstairs and puts the pre-made pocket of chicken breast in a small pan before opening the toaster oven and sliding it in. Then she sets the timer for thirty-five minutes and heads back downstairs. When she starts loading the sheets into the washer, she grimaces at the fact that there's wet spots on one of them. She smells her hand to see what godawful substance leaked onto it.

The smell is a bit musky, sweet, and... she sniffs closer as warmth rushes to her cheeks. When her tongue runs across her hand, her eyes widen. What the hell is she doing? It smells good, but does it really smell that good? Heat rushes to her crotch as she realizes that the taste reminds her of her own taste. This is from a pussy that's not hers? The thought is disgusting and exciting at the same time. She's never tasted another woman.

It's really not that bad... How the hell did someone else's juices get on her bedsheets? The cleaners? No, they haven't been in the house. Someone else? The house was locked with no sign of forced entry. Wait! She never checked the front door. She shoves the sheet the rest of the way into the washer and then runs upstairs to look at the front door. She unlocks it, opens it, looks at the brass handle and the keyhole. Nothing. Then she looks at the door frame and where it latches. Nothing.

She checks all the windows in the house to make sure they're locked. Nothing. She checks the door that leads out of the garage and into her back yard. No signs of tampering. The only possibilities she has left are that someone with a key to her house, or a secret agent, brought a prostitute here or masturbated in her home. That is if she isn't the culprit. What does she taste like? Has she even bothered to taste herself in the last year?

When she moves her hands down to her waist, she looks down and sees that her nipples are noticeably hard even through her bra. Man she's hot right now--in more ways than one. She reaches into her panties and runs a finger across her sex. Wow! She arches her back and moans. Has she ever been this wet? Is the thought of a sexual exhibitionist using her bed for their own pleasure really that enticing?

She tastes her finger and tries to compare it to what she tasted before. A slight hint of lime, a sweet grassy flavor... How on earth is anyone supposed to compare the tastes of sexual fluids? These tastes remind her vaguely of things--definitely not enough to be any more sure than she is when she's wine tasting. She's still convinced the best wine tasters are just good at telling consistent lies.

Running downstairs, she blushes harder. The only way her sub-par taste buds are going to tell a difference is if she compares one right after another. She grabs the sheet and licks the wet spot, then she runs her finger over her wet and sensitive snatch and tastes it. They're different tastes, but the age of the stuff on the sheet and the slight sheet taste makes comparison impossible. If it's someone else, will she get some sort of disease? No, oral is a lot safer than other stuff. It's probably hers anyway. She did have a bit too much chardonnay last night.

It would be great if she could remember being horny enough to make such a sizable wet spot. Her legs shiver as her forehead heats up. Speaking of horny. She should go upstairs and take advantage of her current state. Reading a bit more of the Secret Red Lineage trilogy could get her even more ready then--she moans at the thought that comes next--maybe she'll be wet enough to try the new toy she bought.

She dashes up the stairs and into the kitchen to see that the timer has already run out. She turns off the toaster and pulls the pan out with an oven mitt. After she sets the pan on the stovetop, she runs up to the bedroom level. Dinner will have to wait. Her lower legs start to tingle so much that she rubs as them with her feet before walking into the dragon room and grabbing the romance novel.

As she walks into the bedroom she tosses it on the bed. Her pants feel really tight around her thighs and her quads are aching. She takes them off and she smiles. Finally, she's off of her muscle building plateau. How could she not have noticed this progress sooner? She pulls off her pants and smiles even wider when she sees her calves. They look awesome! She tenses them and sees the fine ripple of muscle under her skin. Her heart starts to beat faster as she feels her abs ache as if today's workout was much harder than she realized and her muscles just happen to be noticing it now.

She pulls up her suit jacket and shirt and looks at the toned abs she never even dreamed she'd have. Has she been so bored and stuck in a routine that she missed one of her greatest achievements? She feels her abs and they feel a bit more taut even when she has them relaxed. When she tenses them up, she giggles in joy. They're probably hard enough that someone would hurt their hand if they tried to punch her in the gut. It would be like one of those old kung-fu movies... She pulls off her bra. Her chest is tingling deep under her breasts. Her pecs are so buff that her breasts are being pushed out by them. She might need bigger bras from now on. How she managed to get so toned without losing some of her bust is beyond her.

Her ass, arms, back and neck start to burn as if she somehow did a full body workout in the last ten seconds, and she sits on the bed. She pulls off her panties and socks as she looks at her new buffer body. When her personal trainer told her that she'd probably be off of her training plateau soon and that she'd keep looking better and better, she had no idea how sudden the changes would be. She must have just been wandering through life recently. She dashes into her walk-in closet to use the full length mirror. Everything looks well toned and muscled. Her ass is round, her back has muscles showing that she didn't even know she had, and when she tenses something, it looks beefy.

She stands up straight and stops posing. Has the mirror slid down? The top of her head comes closer to the top of the mirror than the last time she checked herself out. Her nipples get harder and her skin gets hot as she watches herself. It's like her whole body is starting to blush. This rush of heat and arousal has only happened to her a few times when she was reading some of her dragon erotica. She can check herself out later, she needs her toys.

She turns around and pulls an opaque green tote off the top shelf. She sets it next to the bed and pulls the covers back before kneeling down next to it. After taking the top off of the tote, she grabs the dildo on the bottom; it goes from light red at the tip, to deeper red at the base and is so big around that her fingers don't even touch while she's holding it. It's over nine inches long and it has a cone-shaped head with ridges on the sides and a gets a bit wider before coming in a bit near the base. A nice pair of detailed scaly dragon balls and a slit make it look like it's coming right out of a big red dragon.

She grabs the bottle of lube and puts it next to her pillow and when she lies down on the bed, she puts the dildo on her tummy. Ever since an online friend told her about a website that had dragon dildos, she's been having a lot more fun with her personal time. The monster on her tummy is her third purchase.

The strap-on she bought a couple years ago has also seen some use. Having a man moaning as you pound his ass with a big silicone dong gives a sense of power few things can match. But, that sort of fun can only be had when she's got company and company has been hard to come by the last few months. She estranged most of them by stepping on them on her way to the top.

As she opens her book and starts reading it, her skin starts to itch, but she ignores it thinking her hot arousal is causing that sensation. She starts to pant as the male love interest tells Gwen, his warrior queen, that he's actually descended from dragons. At first she doesn't believe him, but then he starts taking off his clothes. Gwen looks away out of embarrassment only to have him grab her chin and say, "Just watch."

His transformation is described in luscious detail and Mallory can't help but slide her other hand past the dildo to her clit. Gwen watches in awe as he turns into a deep red dragon that's over twenty-five feet long from the tip of his tail to the tip of his nose. Mallory's favorite part is when his tail pushes out of his back as his haunches widen and his strong scaly legs get bigger. Mallory laughs at herself when she swears she feels a tingling in her tail bone and some aching in her ankles. She must be getting way too into this book. If she takes her imagination too seriously, the next thing she'll feel is wings sprouting from her back.

After he transforms the characters agree that their romantic bond can't fully be embraced when he's in this form because he's simply too big and might hurt her. Instead of the sex that only very few authors see fit to include, Mallory reads the part where the female heroine climbs onto his back and rides him into the sunset. Mallory rolls onto her side and lets the dildo fall to the bed as a very odd feeling on her back distracts her a bit from her reading. She shakes her head as her imagination tells her that the sensation is wings forming. The slow dull ache in her bones and muscles starts causing her to grit her teeth. It feels like her skin is being stretched a bit in some places.

Instead of looking at herself to prove that nothing's happening to her silly mind, she thinks about her slight disappointment with this book so far. Many of Mallory's friends online that like dragon romance novels seem happy with the thought of some strong powerful man who is also a dragon wooing some lucky woman. It's the fact that he can be a dragon and that he is important that gets them turned on. After many years of reading these, Mallory likes it when the dragons get some action too, or even if it is implied.

She scowls at the book at the end of their romantic evening flight. They can't be intimate? He's only twenty feet long and a lot of that is taken up by his slender neck and tail. His prick couldn't be much bigger than some of the dildos that she's seen women shove into themselves on some of the more edgy pornographic tumblr accounts. Heck, he might be the same size as the dildo she just bought. Gwen is a warrior, adventure is her bread and butter. What says adventure better than fucking a dragon?

If the author left it up to her imagination as to what they did after she found out his secret, she would be fine. She has more fun imagining what the characters are doing anyway. But to cap it off and have the characters say, "oh, we can't fuck when you're a dragon," is stupid! Gwen loves him and should be willing to at least experiment with his draconic body. Doesn't she know how to give a hand job? Doesn't she want to see what a long agile dragon tongue would feel like inside her?

Mallory moans as she rewrites the story in her head. They never say anything about whether they'll try sex when he's a dragon and they spend some romantic evenings together seeing how they feel when he's in his big scaly state. Then, one night, they start kissing and she feels his long amazing tongue against hers. She gets turned on, but feels embarrassed, so she turns away and says they should just go to bed.

The dragon worries to himself all night unable to sleep wondering if he did something wrong. The sexual tension Mallory's come up with causes her to get even wetter. Having that big powerful man worrying about the love of his life all night is so perfect. Gwen's the one in control, she was using a spear to defend herself when she was twelve.

Mallory runs her fingers down across her clit and over her pussy lips and then back up over and over. She can feel something pushing out of her back and her skin feels tingly--almost numb. She should just play with the toy now while she's having these crazy sensations. No! She has to finish fixing the story.

What happens next? Hmm... the next morning, Gwen apologizes for not telling him what was wrong and explains that she started getting horny when she thought about his tongue last night. He sighs in relief and hugs her tenderly not saying a word. They kiss again and she lets it linger as her body heats up from the wild thoughts she's having. When they break the kiss, she kisses him again and again until they're both panting and he's fondling her with his claws.

She pulls off her armor and commands him to show her what he can do with his tongue. Wanting to please her because she means absolutely everything to him, he slowly penetrates her with his wondrous forked appendage. Mallory starts stroking herself faster as her face starts to burn and she hears cracks in her bones. She would see what's going on, but the rewriting of the book has filled her mind with such erotic bliss.

Eventually, Gwen orgasms with his tongue inside her and they lie together for over an hour cuddling. A couple days later, when they have time to themselves again, she is cuddling with him nude near his slit. She feels something stir beneath her and looks down to see his draconic member. She rubs herself against it as he moans and moans, unable to act like a powerful dragon because he's under so much pleasure. She slides his cock between her legs and along her clit until they both orgasm and he sprays a big dragon load between them.

Mallory moans and thrusts her hips. Then--then after a few more sexual encounters, Gwen's thirst for adventure has her straddling him determined to get his whole length buried inside her. She's a big, powerful and determined woman. Soon she's riding his cock and he's completely at her mercy begging for his release because her inner muscles are so strong that he can't cum.

Only when she's ready does she let him cum and they yell so loud it echoes off of all the cliffs that surround his cave. Mallory cums with her characters, getting her fingers soaked in her own juices. The orgasm leaves her tingly and wanting more. She has to be like Gwen, she has to take the big dragon inside her and make him beg for his release!

She runs a hand down her side as her skin suddenly starts turning into scales. She feels her feet hang off the end of the bed as a growth spurt hits her so hard she feels dizzy. She looks at the scales as they spread across her belly, arms, and legs. Has she finally read too many romance novels? Is this some form of erotically driven hallucination?

Her hands crack growing bigger as her fingernails turn into claws. Her arm muscles get bigger to make up for their new larger size. Her tail is already four inches long now. That was why her tailbone hurt? Her eyes widen as she watches foot after foot of thick red-scaled dragon tail push out. Her teeth ache as something starts blocking her vision. A snout! She's turning into a fucking dragon!

Her ears burn as they stretch and fan out a bit. Her hair goes away as long black horns push out of her scalp. The scales spread to her head relieving the tension in her skin. A long black mane starts to form between the horns and runs down her neck. She feels it and realizes she's turning into an anthro version of the dragon she had commissioned at her last con--a female version of him.

She looks down at her legs and her wide feet with claw-tipped toes. The muscles under her skin twitch as they get even more beefy. She tries to think about her situation, to understand even a small portion of what is happening, but her sex aches to be filled so strongly that her thoughts all turn to sex. She grabs the dildo with one hand and the lube with the other. She desperately spreads the lube onto the dildo and then closes the lube bottle and drops it off the side of the bed.

Her hands shake is she pants so hard she feels light-headed. The tip of the dildo spreads her to the point that she has to stop. She's not going to let this dragon get the best of her! She takes a deep breath and shoves more in. She cries out in ecstasy. "YES!"

Her six-foot-long tail smacks the bed so hard that she bounces. She pushes more in as the area under her breasts starts to tingle. Two new nipples pop up only to have swelling breast flesh fill in under them. She shoves more dildo in feeling the textured bulge on the bottom third spread her even wider. Two more breasts swell into being and she squirms in pleasure. The fresh new nipples feel so amazing exposed to the cool air of the room.

One of her online friends linked to a beefy six-busted anthro dragon. She claimed it wasn't her thing, but she saved the picture and can't help looking at it sometimes. Since she saw that, she's wondered what six breasts would feel like. She loves it when people play with her breasts. To have six of them? That's awesome! Like powerful femininity turned up to eleven.

She uses one hand to shove the dildo in the rest of the way as her other hand roves over her new scaled flesh. The scales are so smooth and silky. Almost sticky too. Her belly scales are the best. They have a bit of softness just under them, but she can feel the powerful muscle under that softness too--like a python snake she held once at a Zoo demonstration.

When she starts fondling her breasts, she starts at the top pair--the largest pair--and grabs them with her massive clawed hands. Her teeth sharpen in her maw as her nose melds more with her snout. Her breasts are way more than a handful. Anyone would be jealous! They'd be heavy on anyone less powerful than her. She feels the middle pair which are a bit closer to her starting size. The nipples brush her scaled palms, causing her to buck her hips. It's easier to press on them on this smaller pair of breasts.

The scales on her pussy are the last to form and with them the almost crippling tightness in her pussy subsides a bit. Her tongue lengthens and forks at the end. She runs it along her teeth and scrunches her brow at how strange it feels to have two independently-mobile tips.

She sticks out her tongue and starts playing with a nipple on her upper pair of breasts as she moves her hands down to feel her smallest pair of breasts. They feel great too! It's like every size of breast she could want all at the same time. The small ones are easier to press on and rub. The middle ones have a combination of grabability and fondling factor while being nice and firm, and her top breasts are intimidating amazing jealousy-inducing orbs that she could give people amazing boob hugs with.

She growls as she brings a hand down to grab the dildo. After pulling it almost all the way out, she shoves it back in. "FUCK!" She grinds against it feeling all the exotic details. The ridges, the bulge, the conical head, and the little bumps that run up the front and back. Now that the dildo's been sitting inside her, it's warmed up and it's easy to imagine it's attached to a nice big dragon.

She feels more tension in her back as the wing bones that were forming earlier push out. She gasps at the feeling of these new appendages. They get bigger and bigger, stretching the membrane that's between the bones. The scales covering the muscles and bones of her wings are black like her hair and horns, but the membrane that makes the flying surface is red like the rest of her body. She looks at a wing as it fully forms, gaping in awe. She spreads the top one out when it's done forming and gets a strange satisfied sensation.

Stretching her wings feels really good! It's good she's lying on her side. Having these form under her couldn't be that comfortable. Her neck aches and her point of view changes slightly. She's getting a more slender dragon-like neck. WOW! A sickening grinding of vertebrae causes her to grit her teeth as her neck adjusts. When it's over, she finds she can reach any pair of breasts she wants with her tongue or lips. Three horn-like spikes form on her jaw line under her ears on each side as her transformation finishes.

With her transformation complete, there aren't nearly as many sensations distracting her. She starts moving the dildo in and out faster. She licks at her nipples, suckles, bucks her hips, and fondles her breasts with her hand. The way her claws poke at her scales causes her to squeak in delight. She digs her claws into one of her middle breasts just short of breaking the skin and growls savagely.

She's so turned on right now! Her cheeks flush even more as she starts sucking harder on one of her upper nipples. She pretends that the dragon that she wishes was attached to her dildo is about to cum and clamps her pussy down. She feels so powerful! She lets up after grinding a bit and starts sliding the dildo in and out so fast that her hand starts to ache.

Then, when she starts rubbing her lower breasts hard with her hand and feels her own scaly flesh with great clarity, she looks down at her body on the bed. She's huge! She's a fucking beast! Other dragons better watch out or she'll fuck them up! She shows her teeth as her pussy and clit throb, just about to cum. She roars and gets a surge of satisfaction. Then she roars again and one more time louder than the other two. Giving in to her more feral side gives her a giddy feeling.

The moment her lips close around one of her middle nipples and she starts running her tongue across it, she roars into her breast and cums. Her muscles work the dildo so hard that she can't even move it. Her tail hits the bed with a solid smack that causes the frame to creak. Her hips buck so hard that she smashes the headboard into the wall. As the wave of orgasm reaches its peak, she throws her head back and gashes the headboard with her horns as she roars loud enough for a forgotten dried out cup of tea to vibrate right off of the nightstand.

She pants after her roar trying to catch her breath. She feels completely unable to move and a bit like she's on Vicodin. All her senses are dull and her body feels weightless. She feels like the entire bed is on a calm sea. She just lies there until she starts sniffing the air. There's a smell that isn't hers in this room... She gets out of bed and heads toward the doorway.

She hits her horns on the door frame on her first try. She ducks a little bit and heads downstairs. When she gets into the basement, she bumps into the foosball table again. This time she growls and grabs it on either end before moving it against the wall. She looks at her hands, looks down at her legs. Did she just pick up the foosball table and move it without any help? It felt light... She was told that this was one of the heavier models because it had better build quality.

Probably over two hundred and fifty pounds and she just picked it up with no help. This is the best day of her life! She ducks under the doorframe to the laundry room and walks over to the laundry basket. She takes a sniff of the sheet. It smells a bit grassy, but with a sharp, but nice, muskiness. If she meets whoever owns this smell, she'll know it. Wait! How is she going to meet anyone if she goes out like this?

She looks down at her scaly body and blushes when she sees all the wetness between her thighs. She needs a shower--and to be able to take human form again, but a shower is the only variable she has control over. She walks out of the laundry room and carefully makes her way upstairs.

Her wings tingle first as she feels them get shoved back into her back starting with the base. Her hands crack, her tail aches and a grinding sensations happens between the bones. She keeps walking up the second set of stairs as her ankles pop. Her lowest set of breasts is the first to disappear then her middle ones get smaller. She goes to her bed and lies on her side. So, her hallucination, supernatural experience, or bout of very vivid wishful thinking is coming to an end.

If she wants to figure out what's going on, she needs to remember that smell and find its owner. That is, if any of this is real. For now, she's going to believe it is because it would break her heart if it wasn't. She pulls the big dragon dildo out as she feels tightness return to her inner passage. The middle set of breasts goes away as her belly scales give way to skin. The feeling of her horns going back in has her incessantly itching the point where they come out of her skull. The continued disappearance of her tail and wings makes her squirm. She can't even concentrate on what about the sensations is uncomfortable. Transforming was so much better than changing back.

Her breasts get smaller; the scales on her legs go away starting at the tips of her toes when her claws retract and form toenails. The burning of the claws reverting causes her to groan a bit. The popping in her feet and legs is not too terrible. The pinching in her jaws as her teeth get scrunched together sucks. She sighs in relief when her mouth is back to normal. Her tongue changing feels a bit sore, but is okay. The feeling of the claws on her fingers going in makes her shake her hands in hopes it will feel better.

Her ears and mane revert as her neck shortens. She takes deep breaths and tries to think about something else. She's been in sports a long time. Dealing with pain and discomfort is one of the keys to being successful. She manages to focus by thinking about how she's going to find the person who broke into her house. It could be completely unrelated to what happened to her, but it's the only variable that is different from the last few months of her life. Due to the fact there were no signs of break in, she either forgot to lock the door or it was someone she knows.

The scales on her neck and back are the last vestiges of her time as a dragon that disappear. Feeling mostly normal again, she goes to look at her full length mirror and frowns the moment she sees herself. All that muscle tone was from the transformation... She hangs her head as she gets into the shower.