Unnatural Selection

Story by Bastion on SoFurry

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This story contains vast amounts of homosexual sex. Do not read if you are under the legal age (Yeah right, like anyone is going to listen). The author asks that the story is not reposted on ANY other website. Saving it to a personal computer is -okay- =}

Calamin looked at his watch for what seemed like the tenth time. It had already occurred to him, maybe his watch was broken. Couldn't be, the artificial sun was still bright as ever and off to the north. He could feel his hide baking under the midday light in possibly one of the worst places to be stuck at, the bus stop.

The first few times he looked at the time, he thought it might've been the usual possibilities; a hitch in the bus schedule, accident along the hideous route 69, the bus driver simply forgetting about his stop. Any number of hiccups in his little plan to visit the town for a day of fun. At least until his car was fixed and he could make the trip without resorting to the plagued public transport system to seemed to be eternally broken.

With a sigh, he took wing and left station 32 without second though. Staying any later would begin to eat away at his self questioned sanity. Ideas for passing the time passed through his head as he weaved and glided through the rickety buildings snaking between each other in the industrial sector. With university out for at least a week due to the recent labor union strikes, it seemed like his car broke at the worst possible time.

It was the most beautiful vehicle his eyes had laid upon, at least in his short years of life. A classic '287 Integra Type-R, painted championship white. That was back in the day when motor sports were less common and the sports compact scene was just catching on. Not to mention it seemed like the only car a seat comfy enough for his tail.

A distinct odor invaded his nostrils the second he crossed sector 22 of the urban complex. Chemicals, the worse he'd smelled in some time. While his sub-species of dragon hated any kind of toxins, industrial waste was among the most offensive. With a scoff, he landed near the edge of the shore, the grains of sand stained an abnormal fuchsia and rose unlike the normal dull grey variety. He brought a paw down to sift through the mucky substance, a disgusting mixture of sand, oil, and gods themselves only knew how many chemicals.

Machinery, possibly one of the worst inventions that came along in the 33rd century. Not that he or anyone was against innovation, but at what expense? The environment which nearly ceased to exist due to the pollution that no one controlled. It was a simple concept, you couldn't breathe without air, and air couldn't exist in a sub-arctic environment lacking enough vegetation that survived in the harsh wastelands. A year round winter called for enormous machines that artificially produced oxygen. At least he could somewhat enjoy the synthetic suns suspended high in the atmosphere.

Calamin could merely sigh at the situation. He wanted to survive, but always dreamed of a time when the planet would be in less of a wrecked state. If anything, the goop seeping between his talons was proof of this. Creatures would live their lives, even if it was in somewhat of a state of stasis. Without the orbit of a nearby star, their planet would not normally be able to support life, he recalled from his recently delayed history course.

All this negative thought was making him sick to the stomach, even more so than the fumes hanging midair. It was the middle of the day, class was out, and he was in the middle of nowhere. With the heat of the machinery heating the waters, what better way to spend time than what every normal male his age would do? He took a seat at the edge of the water, the line occasionally drawing back in forth with the tiny waves that crept up the surface.

Unbuckling his belt, the green dragon was quick to kick off his knee high pants, taking little time in discarding each article of the clothing. Even if he was seen, it wasn't likely anyone would care about a bit of public nudity on the beach. Not to mention anyone would normally be seen around this sector despite the relative comfort the sand provided. The thought of someone coming by and watching kept crossing his mind, but he merely shrugged it off, along with his pair of boxers.

His body was something he was quite proud of, not unusual for a dragon at least. Standing near twelve feet at the shoulders not including tail, he wasn't particularly large by western dragon standards. Not was his feature set, merely being the usual pair of tapered horns, an equally normal set of earfins backward facing, and wings thrice the size of his body that neatly folded into a w-shape when not in use. More of interest to him at the moment was his package, a tool he was quite fond of.

Usual for himself, he found his clothes neatly stacked atop his backpack before he knew it. From the warmth of a nearby generator, he luxuriously sprawled out on the sand. He felt more comfortable when free of his clothes which, admittedly, were out of style and too small for him. Maybe it was something he acquired from his more playful friends, but he never felt too odd about being seen naked.

The sand couldn't feel any better against his sore hide, left with uncomfortable marks from the old wooden bench back at the bus stop. His joints ached from sitting too much, and be began to question if he frankly would've been able to tolerate the bus ride. No matter to him, nothing more to think about than the feel of the breeze caressing his cock, only taking notice of it after he realized he was quite hard. Enough that most of his length was slipped free of his slit.

Again, he knew he shouldn't, but with this kind of weather and most of his college friends off to town to have their fun, not much was stopping him. He took a paw to his erect length, lowering his other to cup the sizeable sack that hung beneath it. With a soft mrrowl, he began to stoke himself sprawled comfortable on the bed of sand. Hind legs splayed and tail neatly unrolled dipping into the warm beach water, he slid his paw up and down in steady gliding strokes.

Each pump of his paw brought a bit of the prefluids that beaded along the narrow opening at the top of his penis down the length. Slickened with a copious release of fluids, a constant wet sounding splash came from his paw each time he slid it down to near his rump. He tipped his head back and moaned softly, each wet stroke of his paw rubbing along the fine crevices and veins that laced his shaft. Precum steadily oozed from his tip which kept the stroking as smooch as he could wish for, squelched between his talons and palm.

His full penis became exposed under the constant pleasuring grasp of his paw, growing to its girthy length of two and a half feet. Smooth to the touch, the light pink skin was smooth to the touch save for the dark crimson veins that could be seen beneath the thin layer of prefluids that surrounded his member. A pump of his paw brought more of the heavy liquid from his tip that settled in a wet bead before another stroke caused it to soak his cock.

Altogether he could feel himself losing control, the steady jerk of his paw was too much along his sensitive shaft. With a shattering roar that vibrated deep in his chest, his paw squeezed all the harder along his cock as his orgasm overtook the dragon. Wild spurts of seed erupted from his tip, quickly overtaking his chest and spattering against his chin. He panted softly throughout his climax, a few of the heavy pulses flying far enough to land in his jaws. Without leaning inwards, he lapped up his own semen, the slimy liquid seeping through his teeth and dripping from his fangs.

Moments became seconds, and soon even the well endowed dragon ran out of cum to unload. Eyes partially lidded, he brought the paw previously around his shaft to his chest to sift through the small puddle of cum. Quite a bit of the mess was gathered along his front side, a feat he was proud of for his messy endeavors with friends of his kind. The prodigious mess shouldn't go to waste though he imagined, bringing the paw up to his muzzle to lick clean.

Supporting his weight with either elbow of his forearms, he raised himself upwards a bit while settling his back against a small sand dune. Bending forward in a display of his dragon flexibility, he leaned down and inwards to bring his muzzle downwards. With his neck slowly curling downwards, he opening his lips and slowly engulfed his own penis. In a few moments, the broad glans of his shaft lay tucked behind the secure hold of his lips.

The green dragon rumbled low with content. Delicious he thought, the seed from a male dragon that still leaked its residual spurts. Even he surprised himself sometimes, not minding whether it was a female he nailed or a male that mounted his rump, but he always found pleasure in the body. Guiding his muzzle further down his own length, his eyes came to a close to enjoy the sticky ooze that inundated his jaws.

After having gathered a substantial load of dragon sperm in his jaws, he tipped his head back and swallowed the fluid. A shiver ran down his spine at the feel of the slimy weight that ran into his tummy. It never ceased to please him how much a load of seed felt in his stomach, even if most of it was on the outside. Eyes still closed, he suckled softly upon his own cock, nursing a bit more of the seed that was still welled up within his sack.

A light nudge came to the back of his shoulder. Without saying anything, he mentally sighed and prepared himself for the possibilities. Was it another dragon out to pester him about his choice of alternate sexuality? Or perhaps a sector patrol that came across him and his antics. Not likely out in this place in the absolute middle of nowhere. Calamin turned to face the new arrival finding himself in utter shock the moment he got his cum coated muzzle around.

It was exactly like in the movies, although with a bit less drama than he'd expected. In front of him, or rather behind due to the positioning was one of the strangest things he had seen. And it was a thing, clearly not being just a sea creature. Tentacles that seemed to have a mind of their own constantly shifted and wavered in the air, stemmed from a beast that seemed to be part octopus, part monster. Weird to say the least, despite the oddities the dragon came across in his travels.

He went rather wide eyed finding himself dragged by the hind legs to the each of the beach. Drat. Should've pawed somewhere safer than the industrial sector, he mused. Perhaps he was drunk from his own semen, or maybe it was the fumes, but he didn't have much fear of the creature. Calamin was merely worried when he was drug bottom first towards the water.

The dragon was dunked into the salty water head first. Apparently tentacle monsters preferred their prey clean before they would ultimately soil them from the inside out. Without gagging, he merely waited as the barrage of purple appendages carried him underwater at a dizzying pace. Seconds later he found himself suspended above the surface with each limb held in an opposing direction. Might as well die clean he thought.

Shagging his head back and forth to rid himself of some of the musky water, he stared with disbelief at the creatures next move. Of course no one believe there to actually be tentacle monsters, but the green dragon soon learned they were a reality, and this one had no intention of letting him go. With a bit of discomfort, Calamin wriggled as his hind legs were pulled apart and forearms kept to the side, conveniently held such that his talons were of little use in slashing the tentacles.

Its next motion was one he expected and was prepared for at least in mind. Without anything stuffing his muzzle for the time being, he winced with a mix of a gasp and groan as the first of many tentacles begin to worm its way beneath his tail. Below his wobbling sack was the dragon's narrow and relatively unused anal slit. Unfortunately for him, he apparently did not have enough experience in that end as he could feel the fat head of the tentacle wiggle and squirm against his opening.

With the most obscene pops he could imagine, the thick appendage finally broke his tail's lips and started its slow voyage inside the constricted dragon. Before he could get comfortable with even one tentacle, another lined up with his straining hole and began to wiggle against it. The discomfort steadily grew as he could merely watch with a bit of worry as his anus stretched even wider to accommodate the second intruder. His ring of tail grew a bright shade of red from the amount of flesh stuffed inside it, thankfully lubricated by some kind of slime the tentacles leaked.

Having climaxed a few short minutes ago, Calamin was too exhausted to do anything in resisting the creature. Even if he wanted to, he couldn't deny the pleasurable ache in his loins from the tentacles wriggling deep inside his guts. And they could only push further inside him, the feel of a pair of firm heads steadily worming throughout his innards causing him to moan weakly held above the water. His own cock was quite firm from the pleasurable if somewhat odd and uncomfortable rape of sorts. Might as well go willingly he thought through in his state of euphoria.

The dragon's tiny hole couldn't seem to grow any larger, at least to him. Thoroughly stretched, the tentacle monster slowly withdrew the pair, immediately replacing them with half a dozen smaller tentacles. Each one of the roots was capped with a penis like head, firm and wet. And to the dragon's pleasure, each appendage carried a sizeable volume of liquids that provided a consistent flow into his well stretched innards. Even with his limbs held in the air as they were, he could draw one of his paws to his front side, feeling it slightly bulged from the mass of living tentacles writhing inside.

Maybe the creature was tired of hearing Calamin's soft cries, it brought a single large appendage up to the dragon's muzzle. Without having to wonder, the immense size of the shaft was enough to convince him he'd be very well force fed after the smooth monster had him stuffed through his mouth. He gagged slightly as his jaws were further stretched to accommodate the thickness of the tentacle, soft spongy flesh suddenly welled up within his cheeks with the cock like head nearly down the curve of his throat.

Even with the girth in his muzzle, he could look down to see watch the others as they moved through his tail's slit and steadily deflower his rump. Muffled around the tentacle, he moaned softly as the half dozen living cocks suddenly pushed far deeper into him through his tail end. The bulge along his belly grew in size as more and more flesh was stuffed into him, straining his anus beyond what he thought he could take. He was beginning to worry at this point, not for his safety, but how sore he'd be going home after the creature was done with him. He hoped it would be done, sometime.

Experimentally, he rocked his head back in forth to work on the tentacle in his muzzle. It didn't taste unpleasant at all, its secretions even having a sweet tinge to it like his own semen. And the flow never seemed to stop, the full feeling only growing in his loins as well as the cum like substance that dripped into his muzzle. The dragon did wonder what all the fuss with the tentacles was about though if the monster didn't want to simply violate both ends and unload.

His answer came quickly and more worrisome than he first imagined. As the creature slowly withdrew its tentacles from the dragon's well stretched rump, its underside shift upwards to expose itself to him. Calamin could clearly see the creature was even more well equipped than himself, a massive penis jutting from its base. Its shaft was quite large, the dragon guessing it to be at least three feet in length if not more. If to convince him of its intent, a steady flux of precum looking slime gathered at the tip, beading into heavy droplets before splashing into the water below.

The dragon struggled a bit as he was drawn downwards and against the head of the shaft, the creature seeming to be unable to thrust upwards. Resorting to the next best thing, it drew Calamin downwards to ride its engorged length. Despite the work of the tentacles before, he couldn't help but whimper and groan around the tentacle still lodged in his jaws as the massive length began its slow penetration.

His gaping anal lips still provided resistance as the wide head nudged and pushed at them. The creature bobbed him slightly up and downwards with surprising care to break him onto the shaft. With a bit less effort than the first two tentacles that sunk in, his tail's slit further stretched around the length. Even louder than the dragon's moans was a sucking sound as prefluids leaked free of his rump as the cock pushed upwards. Far bigger than anything he took before, he could merely hold a low groan of mixed discomfort and pleasure at the penetration.

The tentacle monster's shaft soon felt much larger than the three feet that it appeared to be, Calamin suddenly feeling rather bloated as the girth sunk into his tail end. The further he slid down, the deeper he could feel the broad head of its penis probing his innards. With one paw held to his belly, he could feel his stomach steadily distend as he was literally speared on the monster's cock. The growth along his belly continued to push upwards, kept reasonably smooth by the slimy deposits left by the tentacles previously buried in his rump.

With the unusual sensations flooding his mind, he could pay little attention to the tentacle firmly planted in his muzzle. Most of the liquid rolled from his jaws mixed in with the dragon's own saliva. Calamin winced and groaned in slight disbelief at the depth which he was penetrated. He felt a bit nervous, utterly taken and stuck on a sea monster's penis which felt like it could rip him in half if it wanted.

Calamin softly whined, peering downwards as he felt the back of his hips finally come in contact with the base of the monster. It's entire length finally lay inside the dragon's widely stretched rump. Buried deep into his intestinal tract, the stretch made him feel uncomfortably bloated and full, his belly bulged by the massive amount of flesh in his guts. This was without the cum too, which the dragon knew was inevitable with this kind of monster.

Without returning to sucking on the length in his jaws, he tipped his head back as the girth began to move inside him. The tentacles holding him by the limbs began to draw him upwards and off the monster's cock, pulling downwards with the aid of gravity. Lubricated by the large deposits of precum from the tentacles and shaft buried in his tail end, he felt little resistance as he was simply plowed by the cock. Under the tug of the muscular tentacles, the dragon could do little but lay back and enjoy the monster's cock that was penetrating him beyond his imagination.

The feelings that shifted through his loins were unusually arousing. As the creature withdrew, his innards felt empty and light, suddenly being stretched deeply by the cock that he rode. Each spearing plunge of the penis brought the slightly uncomfortable bloated feel back to his stomach, which he was actually beginning to enjoy. It felt alien to Calamin but undoubtedly arousing to have a living appendage stuffed where it shouldn't be in his rump.

Almost as a surprise to the dragon, he felt his sore jaws suddenly strained further as the tentacle inside his muzzle stirred. The creature must've been quite content with its prey, as it was actively fucking it from both ends with cock and tentacle. Each little lap of tongue against the tentacle, inadvertent brush from the dragon's fangs, grind of teeth stimulated the fat appendage in Calamin's muzzle.

As unexpectedly as the first tentacle that penetrated him, his groans were suddenly stifled as a flood of tentacle semen erupted in his jaws. As stretched as they were, most of the fluid leaked past his lips and quickly rolled of his chin. With the immense pressure behind spurts, the green dragon had a difficult time swallowing all of the cum. In addition to the full feeling in his lower body, his stomach began to feel a bit sick from the sheer amount of semen that was being fired into his muzzle with the force of a geyser.

Without stopping its thrusting, Calamin could clearly feel the creature reaching its peak with its cock a short moment after his muzzle was filled beyond the brim with the white slime. Only this time the full feeling in his gut didn't recede at the creature pulled out. Plugged by the size of the monster's cock alone, the dragon felt his rump flooded with burning hot cum. With every downward plunge of his body, he could feel himself becoming more and more injected with the sea creature's slime.

His moans were becoming gags as he had a hard time keeping up with the flow, feeling more than bloated by the semen that was getting backed up inside his stomach and intestinal tract. Whether it was from an octopus or other creature, he didn't care, but he was too pleasure stricken to process the thoughts that came by the second.

The flow seemed to have no end, coming in steady pulses and spurts with enough force that could be felt splattering against his guts. Inside his muzzle, his entire maw was coated, his jaws, teeth, fangs, and tongue bathed in the rich fluids. Most of the cum at this point simply leaked past his lips and rolled down his chin and throat from the weight. The small portion he could swallow ended up with the rest of the load that was beginning to stretch his body.

Calamin watched the creature continually guide him along its engorged length, his vision blurred from the intense heat inside and out of his body. The paw he held to his belly steadily rose as more sea monster sperm was pumped into him. At this point the dragon looked like he could take no more, his whole entire belly swollen to the point where he could be mistaken as a pregnant dragon were it not for the cock swinging between his hind legs.

He whimpered with a bit of relief as the flow came to a gradual stop at last. Breathing in quick, shallow gasps through his cum soaked jaws, he groaned softly as the tentacle in his jaws slid free giving him a chance to recover. Not oddly though was the creature's penis that lay firmly buried in his very deflowered rump. Calamin had little worry he'd ever have any trouble taking a male dragon the next time he decided he needed a stiff cock under his aching tail.

The green dragon merely could watch as he was drawn over to the beach. Set down on the sand in an awkward position, he waited patiently for the creature to pull free of him. Coughing up a bit of cum from his overfilled muzzle, he groaned and hissed sharply as the massive length slid from his rump. The fat head of the monster's cock seemed to be stuck on the insistent tug of his anal lips, its eventual withdrawal accompanied with an appropriately wet splash of cum that splattered against his hind legs.

Before Calamin could say anything, the sea monster dove back into the calm blue waters unceremoniously. He merely thought about how useless it would've been to say anything to a monster, but nothing seemed to make any sense at this point. All the dragon could think about was the somewhat sickly bloated feel of his belly. As full as he was, his anal lips refused to open and release much of the fluid. Openly groaning, he figured an effect of the cum was to make sure the monster's victim stayed well fed for a while after being inseminated.

Not like anyone would believe him, but at least Calamin knew when he explained to his friends why he was so full, he wasn't lying when he said a tentacle monster raped him. "Right out of good old anime... what can't TV teach us these days?"