- Chapter 1 part 1 (Writing Sample)

Story by Frieza on SoFurry

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This is my first try at writing anything, its very loosely inspired by an old Hungarian story that only i seem to remember, its just a quick sample, part 1 of chapter 1, constructive criticism is appreciated, if you notice, most of the names are taken from other stories, shows, movies and ect, I'm very bad with names lol, free cookies to who can recognize them all



The unstoppable winds of winter blew and howled through the northern wood,

through the mighty trees and across the snow blanketed ground. In this the

frigid winter, nothing stirred but the wind and snow. Insects had frozen solid

and anything that flew had moved on. All creatures still living was deep in

hibernation beneath the ground or in there warm cozy holes. One den in

particular stood against deaths icy grip.


into the base of a hill dominated by an ancient weeping willow, the hole held

its own through the long months of ice and wind and death. Within the warm

darkness of this den, a recently born litter of foxes pressed and snuggled

tightly against their mother and father. All shared the life saving warmth, and

they all were tightly cozied together, dreaming deep of Elysium. Winter raged

but the vulpine family endured.Chapter 1 (part 1)

         In the Beginning

            After many months, the cold subsided and spring took hold

once more.  All across the northern

territory, a plethora of creatures awoke to warmth and beauty. Many a creature

had been born during the harsh winter and for the first time; they viewed the

beautiful wilderness beyond the small den that had been their world for many

icy months. The avians returned from the south, the insects thawed from their

icy prisons and everywhere one looked, everything was splashed with the bright

greens, yellows and reds of new life. Life had returned to the north and every

creature large and small, from the mighty grizzly to the smallest of mice

rejoiced. Even the fox family was filled with wonder and excitement, the kitts

in awe at the new world.

            Within the fox den, the litter of six played and

explored, their mother watched proudly over her new family, while father Soren

poked his head out of the den entrance, taking account of the surrounding land,

his nose sniffing the fresh spring. 

            "Honey...."; Soren announced with proud excitement, his

ears perked up

            " ...I do think its about time, what do you think?"

Mother Cassia, having a hard

time taking her eyes off of her new kitts, replied back in Soren's direction;    


Whatever you think is best love, but..uh.. Please do be careful, everything and

everyone is waking now."

            "Oh, well be fine" The male said, with almost a streak of

arrogance in his tone,

            "We made it this far, don't worry yourself."

Soren gathered up all six

his offspring in a half circle around himself and explained, looking at each of


            "Alright little ones, were going outside, now you need to

be care-..." ,

            "What's that daddy?" one of the male kitts, Xenon

interrupted, curious and impatient as a puppy would be.

            "What is the

outside?" Rain, the smaller female piped up. This led to the other four kitts

piping up as well.

Soren rolled his eyes,

hushed the pups, and went on;

            "This little hole is not the entire world...little ones...outside,

out there, the world, it is amazing, and its bigger and more beautiful then you

could ever imagine..."

He had meant to continue on

about the beauty, the danger, life and so on, but found himself at a lack of

words that that kitts would understand, they would have to learn just as he

did. Instead the middle aged fox moved over to the caves entrance, and gestured

for his offspring to follow. With their little ears perked up, all six pups

followed suit, curious and unsure, their mother watching closely. Soren poked

his nose out, and then with a big fox big stride, stepped out into the warm spring

air. The pup's eyes adjusted to the bright light, each poking their heads out,

some retreating back in to the safely of the little earthen world, others

stared in pure awe.

            One kitt, the dark furred Ramiel, was very eager, more so

then the others and was already out in about, romping through the fallen leaves

and flowers. Following his example, the others followed out, one by one, each

eventually summing up their courage to step out into the spring for the first

time. In no time each of the little fox pups were exploring, romping and

playing around the den, with their father watching proudly.