Angel Falls

Story by Shotgun FIshing on SoFurry

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As always, thanks for reading.

Angel Falls Summit - 2.1 mi, 1450 ft elev. increase

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"Should be easy, right? I bet the view is gorgeous." I said, clutching Elizabeth's hand in both of mine. "I'm so excited to be hiking with you!"

Elizabeth looked away from the sign and toward me, her eyes creasing in a smile. "Me too!" She enveloped a webbed paw around my two, forming a ball of hands for a moment. "Let's go!"

She led our hike up the verdant trail at first. The August afternoon was rather warm, although tempered by the shade offered by the Douglas firs and western hemlocks. Despite the abundant shade, the spacing in the foliage provided glimpses of the surrounding landscape in the direction of the trailhead. As our elevation increased, our view of the river gorge improved. Although the view of the river was incomplete, the forest that surrounded us only seemed to heighten the beauty of the vista.

At one point Elizabeth stopped, turning to face away from me and look through a break in the trees. Off the trail I noticed a smattering of ground seeps that trickled down the hillside toward the gorge. Elizabeth, however, was looking up, her broad tail swaying gently above her olive shorts as she pointed off in the distance. "Look, a hawk, or something!" She pointed and turned back toward me briefly, that beautiful smile having never left her otter muzzle. I approached her, wrapping my arms around her shoulder. She kept pointing and my gaze followed her finger, albeit with some difficulty, and sure enough, a bird was silhouetted off in the distance, between us and the river gorge. We watched him circle lazily for a few moments, riding the air currents that coursed through and around the canyon.

Still draped over her shoulders, I let my hands wander lower until I gathered a playful handful of her breasts with each hand. She giggled and coquettishly swatted them away, with just enough delay to make me wonder if she really wanted me to move my hands. "Stop that, you" she said, turning around so I could see the blush that had appeared. She swept in to steal a quick kiss before she turned back up the trail. "Come on, we still have a long way to go!" As she turned away I couldn't help but feel that her blush was contagious.

As we climbed higher my calves began to get a bit tired, but despite being out of shape I couldn't have been happier. With my girlfriend a pace or two ahead of me, her cute rump was right at my eye level - and for some reason, I couldn't keep my eyes off of it. The view of Elizabeth aside, the surrounding scenery continued to become more impressive. Seeps became more common and the distant rumble of Angel Falls became a more proximate crush of rushing water.

My girlfriend, true to her river otter stereotype, was a powerful swimmer and lover of water in all forms, and I noticed a bounce in her step as we drew nearer to the falls. Finally, as we rounded a switchback in the trail, she could see it in the distance, her tail beginning to twitch. "Oh my gosh," she squeaked. "It's so pretty. We have to get closer!" At this point, the fatigue in my legs seemed to melt away as I heard her bubbly excitement. Especially convenient was a leveling off of the trail to bring us near to the falls. I took advantage of the opportunity to rush ahead of Elizabeth. With a start, she called after me. "Hey, wait!"

I didn't look back, but I could hear her shoes scuffing across the dirt trail, so I could only assume she was trying to catch up to me. Despite her comparative athletic ability, she couldn't catch up to me - she was a creature built more for endurance than bursts of speed, a fact I knew only too well and seldom hesitated to take advantage of.

I came nearly skidding to a halt as I arrived at a hairpin bend in the trail. Elizabeth wasn't far behind, and thumped her feet on the ground to get herself to stop behind me. This was as close as he trail appeared to get to the base of the falls. The trail curved up and around, eventually leading to the top in a series of switchbacks, but our current position offered an excellent vantage point of the base of the falls and the stream leading down the hillside, eventually emptying into the river. The two of us were both almost out of breath, and between pants I said to my adorable otter companion "You know, this hill doesn't look to steep. Perhaps we could climb down to the bottom."

After a pause for breath, she replied "Wait, are you sure? Are we allowed to go off the trail? Isn't this like a state park or something?" Even if what she had said had been true, however, I wasn't going to let this opportunity pass me by. "Hey, follow me," I said, ignoring her and stepping off the trail to make my way down the hillside.

The dirt held solid as I made my way down the slope to the narrow gulley through which the stream flowed. Directly below us, a huge slab of rock jutted defiantly over the river, close enough to where we could see it was damp from the falls' spray. It was a perfect place to sit and cool off, which I quickly realized as I sidled down the hill and nearly sprawled out across the boulder.

Elizabeth made it down shortly afterward, although she elected to stand. Her hands on her hips, she leered at me disapprovingly. "You know, sometimes you have a tendency to act without thinking."

I gazed lazily back at her. "Can you blame me? Come on, sit with me." She smiled and indulged me, sitting ladylike close to my less-refined snow-angel pose. I sat up in a sort of compromise.

We spent a moment looking at the force of nature that surrounded us. I could feel the sweat being replaced by cool water, slowly dampening my fur and clothes. Looking at my girlfriend, whose eyes had drifted closed, I moved my hand on top of hers. "Lie against me, love."

She blinked her eyes open and got up for a moment, moving to sit in my lap and rest her head against mine. "Isn't this just so romantic?" Nothing could have removed the smile that played across my lips.

She responded with a throaty "Mm-hmm," and I knew she felt the same. I took a mental photograph of the scene around me. Surrounded by quiet seclusion and roaring falls, with shading confers above and my love in my lap. I took the opportunity to gently tilt Elizabeth's head toward me, then moved in for a kiss. Although her eyes were closed, I could tell she anticipated it, perhaps wanted it even, as she didn't hesitate to kiss me back. Emboldened, I did not stop with one, but continued to plant small kisses across her broad muzzle before pushing my tongue against her lips. She welcomed it eagerly, letting it slip past her teeth to play against her palate. Her tongue joined mine, flicking against it, teasing it gingerly, as she opened her mouth more to allow me easier access. I withdrew my tongue, allowing her to reciprocate the gesture, as she eased her tongue gingerly into my maw.

Continuing in our romantic tongue-dance, I let my hands wander to again cup her breasts, and the normally shy otter-girl did nothing to deter my advance. In fact, still pressing her lips against mine, she pulled down her salmon-colored tank top to expose her simple white bra. I took advantage of the opportunity to move my hands under the fabric and feel her furred mounds underneath. Palming them gently, I could hear her sigh through our kiss. Our muzzles were both thoroughly damp through a mixture of saliva and the occasional spray of the falls, and I was keenly aware that the setting was doing more than a little to contribute to my girlfriend's emboldened state.

I continued to knead Elizabeth's petite chest. Her B-cup breasts were the perfect size for me, just a little more than my hands could contain comfortably. The restricting confines of my love's bra didn't preclude my ability to tease her as I tenderly flicked my index fingers across her erect nipples. She shuddered softly and continued to sigh, breaking the kiss to look down at her own chest. She was still supporting herself, but her arms were growing shaky. As I alternated between kneading her breasts, circling a finger around her areola, and tweaking her perky nipples, I could tell that she was enjoying the teasing.

I wanted to press my luck. I removed my hands from the warmth of her dense chestfur, tickling her tummy gently over her shirt, and resting my hands against the fork in her olive-colored shorts. Ensuring that Elizabeth was watching me, I made a gentle scooping motion with my middle and ring fingers, pressing them against her shorts. Elizabeth's response was immediate. With a throaty sigh, she leaned back against me, unbuttoning and unzipping her shorts, even going so far as to slightly slide them down her legs to allow my hands easier access.

I couldn't say I wasn't taken aback by her brazen display. The normally shy otter-girl had wordlessly implored me to touch her, and I could tell from the wetness in her panties that this was a touch she craved. I was happy to oblige her. I continued the slow, tender rubs across her lips, the cotton fabric of her panties failing in their ability to resist moisture. Elizabeth was growing impatient, however. She wrapped a finger around my wrist, pushing it away as she sat up briefly to push her panties down toward her shorts. Although her leg movement was restricted, it was enough to where she could spread her legs to give me access to her most delicate of areas. She looked up at me, wordlessly begging me to continue in my ministrations.

I stroked two fingers along her slit, the swollen region blushing red through her fur. The little nub of her clit was proudly on display, erect for any attention I could provide for it. I couldn't resist. I gently inserted a finger inside of my love, hearing her sigh and feeling her shudder deeply, her chest rumbling not unlike the falls at our backs. Her depths were warm and wet, constricting tightly against my finger, desperate for any stimulation. I pushed against the fleshy roof of her tunnel, feeling the walls give and push back simultaneously. Elizabeth moaned and looked away as I began removing my fuzzy finger from her embrace. From the sound of her soft gasp, I understood the urgency of her need, so I wasted no more time teasing. I inserted another finger gingerly, and as it joined the first inside my girlfriend's wet cavity, I realized that she had been holding her breath. "Don't stop," she pleaded, chewing on her knuckle. She pushed against my hand, and that was all the encouragement I needed.

I began pumping my fingers in and out of her, my thumb free to rub and bump against her clit when my fingers bottomed out. My love was content for me to do most of the work, and judging by her quickened breathing, I wasn't doing too poorly. As I finger-fucked my otter girl, I contemplated the situation. Here sat Elizabeth, on my lap. Her furry butt and tail rubbing across my thigh did little to help my growing erection and pooling fluids, not that I cared. With one hand she palmed her right breast, the other she braced herself against my chin, encouraging me to continue.

I felt my thoughts growing hazy with arousal. I remained keenly intent on pleasing my Elizabeth, my love, my otter-girl. My thumb stroked her nub as my fingers squelched against the firm ring of her cervix. I became aware of the deep panting that rose above the roar of the falls. Although my back was wet from the spray of water, it was not nearly as wet as the pool of my love's fluids that was accumulating on my lap. I could feel her muscles clenching around my fingers whenever I pulled them out, as if pleading them to remain inside. She was generating more and more fluid with each circling of my thumb against her clit, and I knew that she was quickly reaching her peak, if the irregular twitching of her flower was any indication.

Certainly enough, within moment she abruptly and aggressively turned my head against her mouth as she half-panted, half-whispered into my ear "I'm close... no... I'm... I'm cumming!" Elizabeth squeezed her breast with one hand and grabbed my cheek with the other. She looked toward the source of the action, rocking her hips for the first time as I ground my fingers in as deep as I could, not refraining from flicking her button a couple times in the process. Her tunnel spasmed around my fingers, milking the surrogate cock that had pleased her just as well as a real one could. A clear liquid gushed around them, spilling out to coat my fuzzy hand. The spasming continued as she ground against my hand, moaning into my neckfur. I reveled in the throes of her orgasm, as her flower tried desperately to detain the departure of my hands departure and bathed me in its nectar. Her chest heaved, her hand still clutching her breast over her bra, a content glow washing over her face. The rocking of her hips slowed and she stilled, my fingers still inside of her.

There were no more words exchanged, and none needed. We were content to let the sounds of the falls speak for us. As the sun glinted through the canopy of fir needles and the rushing water reflected those glints, we both knew that this moment, which seemed to last forever, would be more memorable than the remainder of the hike...

We weren't wrong.


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Stranger than Fiction

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