Phade and Natalie - Have Faith

Story by Project_Demise on SoFurry

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A warning to you religious types (and if you are one you shouldn't be here): this story has a strong religious bit in the middle. If you're easily offended, then it'd be best if you read a different story.

It was damn close to Christmas. Christmas, my favorite holiday. When all the kids and kits go to bed early so that Santa Claus will visit them in the night and leave presents under the Christmas tree. Did you know that, in Furry lore, Santa is actually an elderly white wolf? Yeah, and his sleigh is pulled by feral white wolves. If you go anywhere in the city during the month of December, you can see window art depicting old Saint Nick in his red sleigh, his wolves panting and pulling it across the sky. According to a certain religious group that I feel is full of crap, Kris Kringle is actually an incarnation of the devil, and his team of wolves are actually bad furs that he transformed and forced to serve him. People who say things like that take all the fun out of the holidays.


Natalie and I had been married for over a month, and we did what every fur everywhere did every day. We had sex. Lots of sex. There wasn't much else to do so soon after my trial. Reporters from all over the country had flooded into the Predator, Prey, and Open Quarters with the intent to find and question the famous fox named Phade Aarons and his mate Natalie Aarons. They spread like the fucking plague, infesting every place it was rumored I might be, so I had no peace while I was outside. Why couldn't I have peace, you might ask? Because they were questioning every damn fox in the city, red or otherwise. I apologize if that came off angry, but for the most part it pissed me off. The oceans of reporters helped prove me wrong on one count however. I'd thought some of my friends were disloyal bastards, since most of them refused to attend my trial. But though all of them knew where I lived, they never outted me to ‘the enemy', and for that I'm forever grateful. There were upsides to the flood of reporters, however. Female reporters in the Pred Zone, for one. The ones I had my way with got an exclusive interview with me, and got to interview Natalie if she assisted.


I learned early on that Natalie loves being watched while we're having sex. After we got through a few pages in the Kama Sutra, Natalie started requesting we turn on my computer's webcam and letting my friends on my instant messenger watch as we had sex. After a few times with it on, I realized she must've liked to have watchers, and watching others have sex. So, to test that thought, I started whispering in her ear while we made love, talking about the people who were watching and what they must be doing while they watched. She came harder than she'd ever come before that, so I knew. And I used that information when I decided to have my way with the reporters. However, one reporter still sticks in my mind. She was a bear, and this is a story about mine and Natalie's first encounter with her.


I met her when I was out grocery shopping one evening. At the time, there were still tons of reporters everywhere, so Natalie and I couldn't go out together, unless it was at night. I never sent her out alone in the Pred Zone, since she could be recognized and cornered by reporters quite easily. I mean, I seriously doubt there were any other lab mice in the Predator Quarter at the time. And even if I had sent Natalie out grocery shopping, she wouldn't have been able to carry everything home, so we'd decided early on that I would do the grocery shopping. I hadn't allowed her to come with, since it was bloody cold out, and she got sick rather easily, having fallen ill twice so early in our marriage. And so there I was, walking down the street at that particular moment, when she came out of the grocery store with her own bags. I'll say this before I go on, I love Natalie, both emotionally and physically, but I will always love big women for casual, but repeatable, sex. And she was a BIG woman, nearly half again my height, which was small by her species' standards, but huge by mine. And boy was she a beauty. Not just big but beautiful.


She wore a tight sweater (it was December 23rd, the day before Christmas Eve, so it was damn cold out, even with fur) that would've smothered me had I been wearing it, and a pair of faded blue jeans that would've fallen off me even if I wore a belt. Like I said, she was a BIG girl. Her fur was a shade of brown that reminded me of milk chocolate. And her paws could cover my chest easily. She was by no means fat. Rather, she was walking muscle, but then, all bears are. Of all the big femmes, bears are my favorite, which may not surprise people, since bears are among the biggest of all land-bound furs native to the US. I mean, if I went to Africa, I would definitely try my hand at giraffes. I hear they're great at giving head.


The instant I saw her, my penis stood at attention. I looked at the shopping list in my hand, then up at the bear, then stuffed the list into my pocket and pulled out my cellphone. I hit the memory button and speed-dialed home.


Three rings later, Natalie answered the phone. "Hey, baby," she said, and I could hear the lecherous smile in her voice. She knows the rule. If I'm out on the town and I spot someone I wanna have my way with, I'll call home and tell her what I plan. She understands. God I love that about her. "What and where?"


I chuckled into the receiver, not taking my eyes off the bear. "She's a bear," I replied. "And as for where, I found her at the grocery store."


"Can I come along?" she asked.


"I dunno, honey. I'm gonna try the ‘beer and bed'. But just lookin' at her, I can tell she's needing some love, and I doubt she cares where she gets it. If I can talk her into a threesome, I'll call you, OK?"


She sighed. "Alright...But you'd better try your hardest to convince her, or you're gonna get it." The tone of her voice told me I would absolutely regret not trying. There is a reason she bought the bondage equipment. It ain't cuz we're big into it, let me tell ya'.


"Fair enough," I replied. "I'll do my best. Oops, there she goes. Gotta go, love ya."


"Love you, too." She hung up without saying good-bye. I closed my phone and stuffed it into my pocket.


I was leaning against the wall of a building that was across the street from the grocery store and the bear. She had set her bags on the ground and was talking into a cellphone, too. Curious, I went slowly across the street; I wanted to hear what she was talking about. I slowly passed her, and I caught part of the conversation.


"Yes, sir. N-no sir. That won't be necessary, sir. P-please don't..." I was very surprised at the way this bear was acting. Bears are supposed to be brash and thick headed. Even the femmes aren't easily frightened creatures. Yet this bear was shaking in her winter boots, and her voice reflected this. "Y-yes sir, I'll get right on it...Yes sir. G-good-bye, sir." She clicked off her cell, stuffed it into a pocket, and growled. "Asshole," she spat, suddenly sounding as though she had a firm spine, rather than the pudding one she had displayed moments before. "How am I supposed to find a particular red fox among all the red foxes in the Predator Quarter?!"

"Excuse me?" I asked. The bear jumped in surprise, then looked at me. I could see the anger infuse her face, as if she thought I was mocking her with my very presence. After all, I am a red fox. I faked a surprised look, as if I didn't understand why she was angry. I could see the anger leak away at my shocked look. What can I say? I'm a master of facial expressions. I can make a face that looks completely different from what I'm feeling, and have it seem sincere.


"What's up?" asked the bear sincerely.


"I was just wondering if you were waiting for someone," I lied easily, a friendly smile on my face.


"Umm...No," she replied, scratching her chest. I could see it in her eyes, she was going to ask. "Actually, I'm looking for someone. Umm...Do you think you could help me?"

"Who is it?" I asked, sounding genuinely interested.


"His name is...Phade Aarons..." The way she said my name made me think she'd asked many people already, and had gotten a negative reaction every time.


"Sure, I know him," I replied. Her face instantly lit up and relief flooded her features.


"Please, please tell me where I can find him!" she cried, her paws coming up and gripping my shoulders. She shook me hard, begging me to tell her where Phade Aarons was. I doubt she realized she was shaking me with all her might.


"S-stop or you'll k-kill me!" I yelled in a shaky voice as she violently flung me around. Fear appeared again as she quickly let me go. I dropped to my knees, shaking my head. Of all the things I enjoy in life, being shaken isn't one of them.


"S-sorry! Please don't leave!" Again with the begging, her brown eyes tearing up. I looked up at her in surprise, totally confused by what I was seeing.


‘Could it be?' I asked myself. ‘A submissive bear?!' And that is on a list of impossibilities. Bears are born dominant, even the femmes. They don't take shit from anyone, and most of all they don't beg. Yet this one did just that. The only time I'd ever seen a bear cry before that was when my brother and I beat the shit out of that bear in school, and that bear's tears had been tears of rage. To see a bear genuinely crying in sadness was unnerving.


"It's fine, really," I reassured her. "Just, don't shake me again. I don't like being shaken." I stood up shakily, barely able to stand after the sensory shakeup I'd just received. "Now," I continued, "why are you trying to find Phade Aarons?"


She bit her lip insecurely, as if she was afraid to ask, for fear I would refuse to help her find him. However, honest people are always honest, even when they lie, and I could see in her eyes a hint of determination. She cleared her throat, scratched her head, scuffled her feet, then finally mumbled something that even my sharp ears couldn't make out.


"Come again?"


She cleared her throat, then replied, in such a soft voice that it barely counted as a whisper, "I need to interview him..."


I smirked. "So, you're a reporter, eh?" I asked. I looked her up and down, not in the way that shows a man is thinking about sex, but a calculating way, as if I were judging whether or not she was worthy of the information I held. "You don't look like one."


She bit her and shook her head. "I haven't been one for very long. This is my first big story. My boss told me..." Here she sobbed softly and started crying into her paws, unable to continue.


I laughed through my nose. "Lemme guess. Your boss says you're fired if you can't get the interview, right?" She pulled her paws away from her face to look down at me, surprised.


"H-how did you know?" she asked in a shaky voice, as if the slightest thing would make her cry again.


"I've had bosses that did the same thing." That was true. Shithead bosses were part of the reason I went independent and built (and by extension maintained) computers for people. "I know what they're like. I'll take you to meet Phade and his wife, if you want."


Her face lit up like a kit on Christmas morning, as if all the joy in all the world were forced into her expression. If my motives been purely out of the goodness of my heart, I would've moved mountains, boiled seas, and betrayed everything I held dear to see that look again. Which is why I'm fine with saying my intentions were nowhere near as pure as she seemed to think.


"Follow me, Ms.--?"


"Umm...Nix. Faith Nix."


"Ms. Nix."


"Umm...Just Faith, please."


"Alright, Faith. Right this way." I turned tail and walked away, leading her towards my apartment complex. It was a rather long walk, over a mile, but since I didn't own a car, and I doubted Faith had one anywhere nearby. We walked mostly in silence, with the snow falling silently around us and crunching underfoot as we walked. I stopped walking a block or two away from my building and pulled out my cell.


"What're you doing?" asked Faith nervously. It was starting to get really dark, and the streetlights were few and far between.


"I need to call my wife. I know where Phade lives, but his number's at home. My wife can call him and ask if it's alright for you to interview him. Just wait two shakes." I speed dialed home and waited.


It took five rings for Natalie to pick up, and when she did she was panting. Not like she was out of breath from running or something, but out of breath like I'd called while she was jilling off. I smiled; knowing Natalie the way I did, I figured that's exactly what I'd done.


"Hi, sweetie," said Natalie, panting. I could almost hear her sweating. She's one of those furs who likes to hold off their orgasm as long as possible before giving in. No doubt the phone ringing had destroyed her concentration.


"Hey, hun. I need you to call Phade and ask him if I can send a reporter his way." As soon as I said the word ‘reporter', Natalie knew exactly what I was planning. I could hear her giggle excitedly on the other end.


"Sure, baby. I suppose we'll be playing Boris and Doris, right?"


I grinned. "Yeah hun. Thanks. Call back soon. Love ya." She replied in kind and hung up. I looked back at the bear with a smile. "My wife's calling Phade right now. We just need to wait a few minutes."


She stood and fidgeted for a minute, looking at me with a question in her eyes.


"Yes?" I asked.


"Umm...What's Phade like? I mean, he isn't a pervert, is he?"


I flinched in surprise. "A pervert? Lady, you are in the wrong quarter if you're looking for someone who isn't a pervert. He's no more perverted than the rest of us. Don't worry, he's not a bad guy."


She looked seriously relieved. She jumped for the second time that night when my cell rang again. With a small burst of laughter, I flipped open my phone and answered it.


"Hey, baby. What's shakin'?" She loves it when I talk like that, like I'm propositioning some random woman for sex using crappy pickup lines. She told me once that it made her so wet. She giggled.


"Stop it. Everything's set up. I have a surprise for you. Is that ok?" She often asks me for my approval, even though I tell her all the time that she doesn't need to.


"That's great, hun. We'll be there soon. Love ya." I clicked the phone shut. I smiled up at Faith. "Lucky you. Phade's agreed to meet with you later."


"Define ‘later'," requested the bear, trying to be as polite as possible.


"I mean he won't be there when we get there, but he'll show up later on. He doesn't want you to come over to his place. It's nothing personal, but he likes his privacy."



"Yeah, so he wants you to hang out at my place for a little while, ‘til he gets there." She suddenly looked nervous again. She looked about ready to bail, so I decided to get sneaky. "He said the deal's off if you aren't there when he gets there, so if you're gonna meet with him, we need to go now." A cheap shot, I know. But it was the first thing that popped into my mind and I decided to roll with it. Anyway, my words seemed to have the desired effect on her. I could smell the fear coming off of her, but I could see determination in her demeanor. She was determined to see this through to the end. She had to meet Phade Aarons, so she was going to follow any lead that might bring her to him.


"Alright. Lead on...Whatever your name is..."


"The name's Boris," I lied easily.


"You don't sound Russian."


"My mother was. She came to America when she was very young, and the only tradition she kept was giving her kits Russian names. I'm Boris."


"Alright. Lead on, Boris." I smiled and led the way the rest of the distance to my apartment.




It took us all of ten minutes to get from where we were to my apartment. We went inside and removed our winter gear. Beneath her sweater was a simple brown T-shirt, which I must admit looked quite nice on her. Her large breasts were nicely pressed against the shirt, and I could easily tell she was cold, if you get my meaning.


We walked down the short hallway, and into my living room. Natalie was sitting on the love seat (what we did on it made it a true ‘love seat'), dressed nicely for the evening. She wore a long, tight black dress that reached to her ankles. The neck of the dress scooped down far enough to reveal the tops of her breasts. Every time she breathed in, the dress made her breasts look larger than they really were. It was a new dress, and it drove me WILD. The darkness of the dress made her fur and eyes seem to glow in the dim candlelight that she had conspired to set. The candles had no scent, unlike the ones she keeps in the bedroom, which smell heavily of vanilla.


"Faith, this is my wife Doris. Doris, this is Faith Nix. She's the one who wants to interview Phade."


Natalie stood up from the couch, her legs seeming to unfold beneath her. She swayed her hips while she walked, a seductive smile on her face as she came to stand in front of Faith. She had to look almost straight up to meet the bear's eyes. I could see the shock that played across the bear's face.  Natalie offered a hand to Faith, who, after hesitating for a few moments, reached down one of her massive paws and took Natalie's own. She shook it lightly, as if she were afraid to shake any harder. They broke after just a moment, and Natalie moved on to me. She leapt into my arms, a difficult feat in high-heels. I caught her and hugged her close to me, kissing around her face gently. She giggled and squeaked, which was her way to ask me to let her down. I set her down on her own two feet and she wobbled dangerously. She'd only started wearing heels like that since we'd been together, so she was still a little unsteady with them, but she was getting better all the time.


"Dinner's ready, Boris." There was no hesitation in her voice when she called me Boris, as if she had practiced it. She had. This wasn't the first time we'd used the names Boris and Doris. One day, she decided we needed to use fake names when we were out in public, so reporters wouldn't find out who we were and harass us (that happened only once, and we were lucky to get away without being followed home). That night, we watched the movie "True Lies" (1994, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jamie Lee Curtis; it's one of my favorite movies of all time, especially the tango scenes), and that's where she got our names.


"Thanks, honey," I said, smiling widely. "My wife is a brilliant cook. C'mon." I took Faith's hand and led her to the table without argument. I made her sit down and took my own place. Natalie served the meal and we all dug in.




"That was fantastic, Doris!" cried Faith.


Natalie blushed. "Thank you, Faith. Please, if you're still hungry, you can have as much as you want."


"Oh no, if I eat any more, I'll burst. I've eaten so much that, if I was a feral, I'd wind up hibernating."


"Told ya' she's a brilliant cook." I gave an open-mouthed smile before popping an olive into my mouth. I munched on it softly before swallowing. I slid my shirt sleeve up my arm and checked my watch. "I wonder where Phade is...Stupid bastard's always late..." That's not true, but I am late quite a lot. In my defense, I have been late a lot less since Natalie made me start wearing the watch. I'd had it for over a year (got it for Christmas the year before), but I'd never used it before Natalie discovered it hidden in my sock drawer.


"I hope he's alright," said Faith. "I'd hate to be responsible if something bad happened to him."


Natalie smiled. "He's alright. He got pistol-whipped by a cop AND shot by a crazy squirrel, and he still came out fine. He nearly died both times, but he's a survivor. I doubt he has it in him to just keel over and die." She's told me that many times after our wedding. She likes to say I'm too stubborn to die. Damn I hope she's right. And damn I hope my stubbornness rubs off on her, because if she died, I don't know what I'd do...


"I'd heard that about him," replied Faith, smiling. "So, what're we gonna do while we wait for him?"


"Funny you should mention that," said Natalie with a grin. It was a grin I knew quite well, and I had to bite my lip to keep me from chuckling evilly. "When Boris called me, I planned an after-dinner game we can all play. What do you say?"


"Uhh...Eh, why not?" To this day, I still wonder whether or not Faith heard the evidence of planning in Natalie's words. To me, it sounded as though we had planned to bring Faith here all along. When I called, I'd planned for her being here, but to me it sounded like Natalie had planned on having the bear over even before I did.


"Yay! Hold on a minute, I'll go get the game." Natalie ran out of the room (as best she could in heels).


"Do you have any idea what she had planned?"


"Hell no," I replied. "I barely understand what she does when she's acting normally. With you here, she's super excited and I don't understand her at all." It was a good thing I didn't continue what I was going to say, since Natalie came running back in, a game spinner in her hand and a wine bottle under her arm.


"C'mon, into the living room," she cried with a broad smile.


Faith looked at me, as if expecting an answer. I shrugged and followed my wife. Faith brought up the rear. On the way into the living room, I nearly tripped over Natalie's shed high heels. Lucky for me, Faith caught me by the scruff of my neck.


"Thanks," I said, slightly muffled by the reduced amount of air I was receiving.


"No problem. Just watch your step." She dissolved into giggles as she helped me stand again.


I became absolutely certain at that moment. I wanted to get that bear into bed with me. And I was damn sure Natalie would agree with me. I still had no idea what Natalie planned on doing, but whatever it was would make it easier, of that I was sure.


"So, what're we doin', Doris?" I asked.


"Twisted Truth or Dare!" She bit her hand to keep from giggling again.


"Umm...How do you play?" asked Faith nervously.


"I'm glad you asked," remarked my wife, who I could tell was thinking dirty thoughts just by the look in her eyes. "In Twisted Truth or Dare, we each take turns spinning the spinner. If you spin Truth, the person to your right gets to ask you any question they want, and you hafta answer. If you hit Dare, you hafta take a swig from this bottle of wine. What do you say, Faith? Wanna play?"


The bear hesitated, looking about ready to bolt. She smelled so uncomfortable that I was beginning to feel uncomfortable as well. Then the scent of determination swelled again and she sat down to the left of Natalie.


"Sure," she replied, taking a steadying breath.


I sat down to the bear's left with a smile. "Who goes first, then?" I asked.


"I suppose guests get to decide first," replied Natalie, looking up at Faith expectantly.


The bear chewed her lower lip again for a moment. "Umm...I guess I'll go first," she answered.


"Alright," replied Natalie, "then we'll continue going clockwise until one of us passes out."


"P-passes out?"


"Just spin the thing!" cried Natalie. She's more of a doer than a thinker, and she becomes easily annoyed at over-thinkers, like Faith.


"A-alright..." The bear reached out a massive paw and lightly flicked the spinner. The little arrow spun around several times, before stopping on Truth.


"Okay," began Natalie. We'd played this game before, with people who were new to the quarter, so Natalie had learned not to go straight into the sexual questions, since it made strangers run away. "Okay, here's your question, Faith: Where do you live?"


Faith looked a little thrown by the question, since she'd probably expected a lecher like my wife to ask something seriously personal. "I'm uh...I live in Belcamp, Maryland." She seemed to relax a little, leaning against the couch, breathing deeply.


"My turn now," I said, reaching out and flicking the spinner. "Truth." I'm a master at ‘flick the arrow' games. I used to play them with my family a lot, until I'd learned how to calculate where the arrow was gonna land when I flicked it. That way, I could flick it harder or softer and come out on top. My siblings don't play spinner board games with me anymore, since apparently I cheat. Good thing Faith didn't know that.


Suddenly, the bear looked nervous again. "Uhh...umm...well..." She started chewing her lip again, breathing hard.


I reached out a hand and laid it on her arm. "Faith," I said softly. "Faith! It's fine. You can ask me anything and I won't get upset. Anything at all."


"A-alright," she replied, looking like she didn't believe me. "Umm...H-how many women have you slept with in your life?!" she blurted out. That was a damn nasty shock, I can tell you. I must've looked as surprised as I felt, because she immediately started stammering. "I-I m-m-mean...I-I'mâ€"" I burst out laughing, silencing her stuttering.


"And here I thought we were gonna play nice until we all hit Dare a few times," I managed to say, laughing hard.




"M-my wife and I were planning on keeping the game clean for a while, since you looked so scared that you might've run away! Yet here you are, asking such a personal question!" I held my sides then, because God it hurt to laugh that hard.


"You don't need to make fun of me..."


"He's not," replied Natalie. "He's just surprised, is all. You looked so shy when you came in, we pretty much decided, without ever saying a word, that we'd tone down our wild natures. Your asking of such a personal question is like giving us permission to act normal." She reached over and slapped my across my muzzle. I hissed in pain and held my face. My laughing stopped. "Now answer the question, Boris."


"Yes, mother," I said sarcastically. "How many women, eh?" I started counting in my head and on my fingers, and then gave up. I answered, "I have no clue. I know I'm up in the triple digits, though." That was the honest to God truth. I have no idea how many women I've been with, but I know it's a high number. Faith looked skeptical. "Your turn, Doris."


She flicked the spinner. Dare. "Aww," she complained without any force to it, before uncorking the bottle of wine and taking a big swig. That particular wine was actually made by an uncle of mine, who I'm not very close to, way out in California. He has a giant vineyard, and his wines all cater to one species of fur: Equines. The only reason I had the stuff is because he sends a case of it to my mother, once a year. My mother doesn't drink, but she doesn't have the heart to tell him. So instead, she sends it to me. Since the stuff is special-made for equines to get tipsy from, it's powerful stuff. And Natalie had just taken a mouthful. She swallowed her mouthful, tilting her head back and gulping, the way she does when she swallows my seed. I knew the show was for me, and it had the desired effect. "Your turn, Faith," said Natalie with a grin, her eyes flicking down to my crotch.


The bear flicked the spinner and wound up on Truth again. "I suppose I have to answer another question."


"Yep!" replied Natalie with a smile. "How many men have YOU been with?"


Faith chewed her lip, blushing, and mumbled something. "Could you repeat that?" I asked, raising an ear to hear her reply. She mumbled again, but this time I caught what she said. "You're a virgin?" I asked.


She fairly sucked her lip into her mouth and nodded, blushing a deep red that was visible through her facial fur. I would never have guessed she was a virgin, but suddenly her behavior made sense. Since she lived outside the Pred Zone, she probably wouldn't have been exposed to sex early on in her life. In fact, outside of the city, there were all kinds of laws regarding sexuality, like you have to be eighteen (in most places) before you are legally allowed to have sex with someone. No doubt she was raised religious, because only seriously religious furs refuse to enlighten their children on sexual matters. And she was probably frightened that Natalie and I were going to force her into sex, since forcing sex on someone is perfectly legal here in the Predator Quarter.


I reached out and laid a hand on her arm. She looked down at me, about to cry once again. "It's fine, Faith," I said in a soothing voice. "Everyone starts out virgin. Some of us just lose it sooner than others. I lost mine at age ten."


"I lost mine at eight," said Natalie helpfully. "I regret losing it before I met Ph-Boris, but I can't change it, and I doubt he wants to change his sexual history."


"Very true. I love you very much, honey, but I wouldn't give up all my sexperience for you. Besides, my sexual history is what makes me great in bed." She giggled, blushing.


Faith coughed for attention. I looked up at her as she looked down at me, embarrassed. "Umm...can I have some of that wine?" she asked tentatively.


"Sure," said Natalie with a friendly smile, passing the bottle. We had plenty more wine, but she didn't say that.


"Thanks," said the bear absently. She raised the bottle in a toast, stuffed the neck into her mouth, and tilted her head back. She held her breath for over a minute, gulping down the contents of the bottle. I made a none-too-handsome face at seeing the bear guzzle a nearly full bottle of wine. When finally she lowered the bottle, it was empty of all but a few drops. Faith licked her lips a little, stretching. "Thass good shtuff," she said, slurring her words. No doubt about it. She was drunk as a skunk, on equine-strength wine. That stuff was only supposed to taken internally a little at a time, since three good-sized glasses of the stuff could KO a horse. That bottle held at least twelve glasses. It was a miracle she was still conscious. Not to mention the stuff works quick. With how quickly the effects appeared, I wouldn't let her out of the house, and nowhere near a car.


Natalie opened her mouth to say something, but I silenced her with a look. "Let's keep playing," I suggested. Faith nodded dumbly, the alcohol soaking her senses. I reached down and flicked the spinner. I hit Dare. "Damn, and we're out of wine," I said in a sad tone of voice, completely fake. Natalie looked about to protest, but I silenced her again. "Looks like we'll hafta play it like normal Truth or Dare. Is that alright with you, Faith?"


She smiled again. "Shhhherrr," she said, long and slow.


I returned the smile. "Well then, Faith, I dare you to take off your shirt." Now Natalie could see what I had planned, and she was smiling.


"O-okay, Boorish," slurred the bear, "here goesh." She gripped her shirt and tried to bring it up over her head. Unfortunately, it seemed to get caught on her arms and she couldn't get it of.


"Here, lemme help." I stood and gripped her shirt. "Raise your arms over your head."  She did as she was told, and I slowly pulled the shirt up and off. Her generous breasts, barely contained by the big bra that held them, spilled into view. I wanted to touch them, but I didn't want to offend the bear and take a paw to the chest. I've only had that happen once, and it broke four of my ribs.


"Okay, it's my turn!" cried Natalie. My mouse is an excitable little thing. She flicked the spinner, which wound up on Dare again. "Okay, Faith. I dare you to take of your bra." My mouse's left hand had slid beneath her dress, where it was most likely fiddling with her sex. Group masturbation is Natalie's favorite activity when we're with friends.


"I'll get it, Faith," I whispered in the bear's ear. She had been trying to reach the clasp, but with her impaired senses she couldn't quite reach it. I undid the clasp easily, then pulled the cotton garment away from her chest. I will say this before continuing. I'm an oddball among furry males. I like my lovers to have small breasts. Big breasts usually don't do it for me. However, bears have always been an exception to my breast rule. Faith was definitely an exception. Her generous breasts bounced out of the bra as I tossed the garment aside. I was really getting into this game now, and I stole a quick stroke of her breasts before sitting back. "Alright Faith, it's your turn," I said in her ear.


Faith reached out to flick the spinner, missing three times before she got it. Truth again. "Do you want to lose your virginity?" asked Natalie.


The bear actually blushed in her drunken state. She nodded her head. "Yesh...Yesh I do...bein' a virgin at thirty shucksh." At the time, I couldn't imagine, and still cannot imagine, a fur of any species being a virgin passed teenage years. Hell, most furs lose their virginity before they even become teenagers.


"My turn now," I said. "Natalie, can you go get another bottle, please?" She looked at me like she wanted to protest, but thought better of it and dashed out of the room. Less than a minute later, she returned, carrying another big bottle of wine. "Do you want some more wine, Faith?" I asked as Natalie passed me the wine. Faith seemed oblivious to the fact that I had earlier said we were out.


"Don't mind if ah do," she said. I handed her the bottle and she took another big swig. She didn't drain that bottle like the last one. Rather, she drank a good quantity of it, then set it down. I took a small swallow, corked it, and slid the bottle under the couch.


"Alright, here I go." I flicked the spinner and got Dare again, just like I wanted. "Okay, Faith. I dare you to take off your panties."


"Auright," she slurred, worse than before. She was still functioning, which is what I wanted, but still drunk enough to go along with what I said. She stood up and wobbled in place. She reached out and held onto the wall.


"Here, let me help you." Since she was so impaired, I felt it a good idea that I help her before she fell down. I knelt in front of her and unzipped her jeans with my teeth. She reached down a paw, the one she wasn't balancing with, and stroked my head roughly.


"Yer a good guy, Boorish," slurred Faith. "You guysh have been sho nish to me..." I unbuttoned her jeans and slid them down her legs. She carefully stepped out of them, then kicked them behind her.


"Now for the panties." That was why I wanted to get more drink into her. She was so drunk by then that she couldn't remember the rules of the game, and I'd dared her to take off her panties, which meant she also had to remove her jeans. It was my way of speeding things up. Her panties were the white cotton panties you would expect young girls to wear, very conservative. I thought it was kind of cute. I gripped the waistband in my teeth and slowly pulled them down, thrusting my muzzle between her legs as I guided the garment to the floor. The thrust of my muzzle brushed her clit and she moaned, stroking my ears harder. When her underwear was gone, the bear shivered and sat down with a thud. I pulled away quickly, afraid the bear would crush me on her way down.


"Ya know, Boorish," she slurred. "I dun' believe yer gonna let me meet Phade. I think you brought me here to have sex with me. But thatsh fine with me. I dun' care anymore."


"I really will introduce you to Phade, Faith. Trust me. But we need to finish our game first. It's my turn now." Natalie didn't protest. Rather, she had a very sexual look on her face, staring at the naked bear and licking her lips. Together, Natalie and I had fucked at least ten different species of fur in the past month, but bear wasn't one of them. And she, even more than I, liked trying new things. She knew what I had planned to get the bear in bed. Faith was leaning back against the couch again, her head tilted back. I spun the dial, forgetting to gauge my strength. It twirled around several times before landing on Truth. I reached down and turned the arrow a little, pointing it to Dare. "Okay, I dare Doris to strip me naked." My mouse smiled at me before she stood up and came to me. I don't own many formal outfits. In fact, most of my clothes are the kind that are easily removed. And, more often than not, I freeball. My shirt came off without a fuss, my pants with just a little. I could feel Faith's eyes staring at my crotch. My foxhood was standing at attention, throbbing gently to the beat of my heart.


"Sho...Thatsh a penish?"


"Yes, Faith. That's my penis."


"Can I touch it?"


"Nope. Not unless you're dared to." I looked at Natalie, who flicked the spinner. It landed on Dare.


"I dare Boris to let you touch his penis," she said with a giggle. The bear looked pleased as she reached down to my crotch and lightly touched my cock.


"Oh...Itsh sho warm..."


"My turn now," I said, holding back my noises. I didn't even bother to flick the spinner. "I dare you to lick it."


"Eww...Thatsh grossh. I dun' wanna lick it..."


"It's not gross. Here, Doris will show you." I gestured to my wife, who leaned down and gave the left side of my cock a long lick. I had to bite my lip to keep from crying out. "See? It doesn't taste bad, otherwise she wouldn't do it." I could see the bear's will weakening.


"I...I shupposhe..." She leaned down and licked the right side of my cock, from base to tip. This time, I couldn't stifle my sounds and I moaned deeply. She kept right on licking at me, as if my dick were a lollipop.


Breathing hard, I said "I dare you to put my penis in your mouth and suck it." She looked up at me, surprised. The serious look I gave her seemed to decide her. She leaned down and opened her mouth, taking my cock inside her warm muzzle all the way to my knot. She then began sucking on it, hard. It was like being a kit again and using the vacuum to simulate a blowjob. It felt nice, but all that suction would start to hurt if it didn't let up. "E-enough!" I yelled. Obediently, Faith raised her head from my dick, looking me in the face. I leaned forward the few inches that separated us and kissed her. Before she even had time to react to my kissing her, I shoved my tongue passed her lips and into her mouth. I licked the roof of her mouth, tasting wine and my cock, before I drew back from the kiss.


Faith swayed dangerously, but I grabbed her arm and held her steady. I grinned evilly, then said "It's Natalie's turn now." As soon as I said that, I wished I hadn't. However, the drunken bear didn't seem to hear my slip. She simply nodded. Natalie climbed up onto the couch to be near the bear's ear.


"I dare you," whispered my mouse, "to have sex with me and my husband."Â She nipped Faith's ear gently, getting a moan from the drunk and now horny bear.


"Yesh..." said Faith, "Yesh...pleash..." She stood up and I followed her, supporting her as best I could. I led her down the hall, following Natalie, who opened the bedroom door ahead of us. I sat the bear down on my orgy-sized bed. "Ooo...Comfy..." she said softly, sliding a paw along the soft blankets. While I helped keep Faith steady, Natalie went around the room, lighting our vanilla-scented candles. It took only seconds for the smell of vanilla to fill the room once Natalie shut the door. As soon as all that was done, she sat on the bed beside the bear.


"Tell me what you want, Faith," said Natalie softly. "Tell me what you want from me, and I'll do it for you." She leaned into the bear and laid a long lick on the bear's left breast. Faith cried out and fell back on the bed. Her legs were parted slightly as she lay there panting. To this day, I still don't know whether or not she could speak right after Natalie licked her, but I suppose it doesn't really matter. She didn't answer and Natalie didn't ask again.


She began nuzzling the underside of the bear's furry belly. Before I started in on Faith, however, I quickly scrambled to the bedside table and grabbed a remote from the drawer. I clicked the on button and dropped the remote again. I crawled quickly back across the bed and slid my lower body beneath the bear. I lifted her up slightly and allowed her head and upper back to rest upon me. I smiled gently down at her as I stroked her face softly. She nestled into my chest fur as Natalie began licking around her groin, taking the experience slowly. I reached out and grasped the bear's paws with my own, then pulled her arms over her head and behind my back. As Natalie lapped closer and closer to the bear's sex, I prayed to God that I could make her a woman like she asked me to after she sobered up.


I may be a nympho, but I'm not heartless. It is my belief that virgins should be both sober and willing before you have sex with them. She'd told me she wanted it, but that was just drunken rambling. If she still wanted it after she sobered up, then I'd give it to her. But until that time, I would refrain from royally boning her. It wasn't even just my beliefs that stayed my hips. It was also my observations of her that stopped me. I'd found her to be a fragile personality, easily broken. Unlike a human whose will has been broken (they basically become slaves when that happens), broken furs often commit suicide. And Faith was too nice for me to do that to. So I stayed back and stroked her head, her paws clasped behind my back, while Natalie started lapping gently at her lower lips.


I seem to attract quiet bed partners. In the past six months (I don't count the time I was in jail or the hospital), all my partners had been quiet in sex, rather than screaming with every thrust. It's been my experience that screamers are those who are hyper-sensitive to sexual stimulation, so cannot hold back their noises. Faith, it seemed, was another quiet one. She grunted, groaned, and moaned with every lap of my mate's tongue, but she did it quietly. She actually tried to pull her hands away from me to cover her mouth, but I held her wrists firmly and she didn't get away. If she'd really been trying, she could've gotten her wrists away easily, so I would bet money she hadn't actually wanted to let go. Judging from the look on her face, I was the only thing keeping her from grabbing Natalie's face and ramming it into her crotch. My mouse slid her small, soft fingers just along the inside of Faith's sex, gently massaging the bear's pussy as she maneuvered her long, whippy tail to her own sex. She slowly slid it inside herself, closing her eyes and biting her lip as the appendage went deeper. Faith watched in fascination as Natalie began wagging her tail inside herself, even as she leaned down to lap at the bear's clit. A light little lick from my mouse and Faith struggled, trying to relieve the pressure that was building up in her body.


Based on her reactions to Natalie's attentions, I could guess how much sexual contact she'd had in her life. Zero. Religious furs are prudes, but they still allow their kits to have Sex Ed classes in school. If they caught their baby masturbating, there'd be scolding and such, but that's all. Religious zealot furs don't allow sexual education. They punish masturbation with bodily harm and hateful Bible quotes. They have their children home-schooled to keep them from learning about sex. There wasn't a doubt in my mind that Faith's parents had been the latter, since virgins find masturbation to be a fair substitute for actual sex. And I'd wager a every cent I had she'd never even touched herself. Her body was almost frighteningly sensitive, as if bringing her to orgasm would destroy her. God, I wanted to see that. Natalie looked up at me from Faith's crotch, her face damp from the bear's juices, which were leaking out in a small but steady flow. I could see a question in her eyes, asking me if there was something I wanted. I nodded back, a smile forming on my face that wasn't happiness. It wasn't sensual. It was purely sexual. Only a sexual predator can infect a smile with sex. She returned a look that was almost, but not quite, the same as mine. With the two of us in perfect agreement, Natalie slid out from between Faith's legs.


"What're ya doin'?" asked Faith in a thick voice, barely able to speak from the pleasure that filled her body.


I gave her my sex smile and she shivered, her paws clenching, pricking my back with her claws. "We're trading places," I replied, leaning down and kissing the bridge of her nose. I slid out from beneath her, but supported her for a moment while Natalie slid beneath her. The bear looked up into my mate's eyes and smiled. Natalie returned the smile with her sex smile, then leaned down and kissed the bear's lips. Faith closed her eyes and pressed into the kiss, while I slid around the bed to rest between her shapely legs.


To this day, Faith Nix is the only bear I've ever met that had legs that would be shapely by fox standards. Unlike most bears, whose legs were like tree stumps, hers were well formed and graceful. There wasn't an excess of fat on them, but they weren't twigs either. Her legs, though longer than most bear legs, were shorter than most other furry legs, but that's the way bears are. They have long arms, not legs. In the world of combat sports, kick boxing has fox champions, but normal boxing has bears. And by God, there was a bear that went undefeated in every fight he ever had within the ring. His name was Jimmy Lightpaw, but they called him Lollipop Lightpaw, since every opponent of his wound up sucking on his gloves. He was kicked out after accidentally killing one of his opponents. No one could've predicted that horse would actually be able to swallow Lollipop's gloved fist. He choked to death and Lollipop was kicked out. One of the saddest days of my life.


I rubbed Faith's thighs gently as I leaned into her. I brought my nose near her sex and took a deep breath, taking in her exotic scent. Okay, so it wasn't as exotic as, say, an elephant, but it was still very new to me. I had my first bear at eleven and my second at fifteen. Both times had been one-night stands with very little foreplay. Why didn't I just haul a bear into an alley and have my way with him/her, you ask? Because, in case you didn't know, bears are fucking strong. I tried it only once; that's where I broke those four ribs.


I didn't sample the fluids that were flowing freely from her sex. If I had, I would've felt the urge to mount her. If I did that, there would be no stopping me until I had tied with her and filled her with my seed. And I doubt she would like the idea of me doing it while she was drunk. With one hand I rubbed a thigh, while my other hand fiddled under the bed, searching for the case of goodies we keep under the bed. My questing fingers barely managed to connect with the handle, but I managed to maneuver myself into a position that would allow me to continue stroking Faith's leg while I pulled the case out. Out it came with the sound of smooth plastic sliding along short, stiff carpet. I diddled with the locking mechanism for a moment and it came open. I gazed down at the treasures inside with a smile.


Natalie is like me when it comes to sex. She likes it often and she likes variety. We bring multiple furs to our bed, we have sex in front of each other, we watch porn and masturbate, and we use sex toys. This particular case wasn't the only case of toys we had, but I could tell each of the cases apart by the special stickers on each of them. This particular case had a donkey sticker on the top, and inside was a variety of things. After our first time with anal, I told Natalie how I thought it would be gross seeing my cum leaking from her ass. So she went out and bought condoms for our anal days, along with other things. Things like beads, anal vibrators, lube, a spreader (to use when she wanted a bigger male there), and a biter bar, for when we started tying during anal. When I actually knotted her ass the first time, it'd been a total accident, and she'd screamed when it happened. Screamed and cried for a long time, until my knot shrank and I pulled out. When I did, there was blood along the back of my knot. I'd carried her to the bathroom and cleaned us both, while she continued to cry. We didn't have sex for four days after. I abstained completely, since I felt bad for hurting her. When we started up again, she asked me to tie her ass again, but this time she wanted me to wear a better condom and use a lot of lube. It was much better now.


I pulled out a wrapped condom from the box marked ‘Phade'. Since every species of fur has a different average penis size, they made each kind of condom species-specific. Mine are custom (I buy them online for a little more than generic condoms; they're more expensive but they're extremely durable), so they fit over my cock like a second skin. They're thin enough for me to feel every ripple and shiver within a femme, but strong enough that I've yet to break one, even after multiple uses (no, I do not recycle condoms). My favorite thing about my condoms is that I also got to custom design the individual packets; I designed them to be easily opened with one hand. Which is exactly what I did. I tore the packet open with my teeth and pulled the condom out. I slid it over my erection, covering it in a super-thin layer of rubber. I slipped the thicker mouth of the contraceptive over my knot. It stretched over it, then snapped back to normal behind it, making a snug fit. I then dug out the liter bottle of lube (imported and elephant strength) and the biter bar and set them on the bed.


I climbed up between Faith's legs and wrapped the limbs behind myself. She broke from Natalie to look at me. I smiled and she nodded, closing her eyes again. It was her way of telling me to go ahead. I tossed the bar to Natalie, who caught it easily. She looked down at it, then up at me with a disgusted look on her face. A look that said she was disgusted with what I was planning. A look that said she objected wholeheartedly, so I'd better not look while she put the bar in Faith's mouth. I half-smiled at my teasing mouse, then grabbed the bottle of lube. My condoms may be pre-lubed, but I prefer to use a lot during first penetration. It keeps the pain level down. I poured a liberal amount of the lubricant onto my covered length, then I used a hand to spread it all over. The gel was cool rather than cold, which kept me from going flaccid because of temperature. Once I had applied it to every inch of my cock, I squeezed out a handful and smeared it on the bear's tailhole.


Her eyes shot open but it was too late. I was in position and pressing into her before she even had time to protest. Her mouth opened and I looked away as Natalie shoved the bar into her mouth. Faith's cries were muffled as I pushed the pointed tip of my foxhood against her anus.


"Wa!" cried Faith in fear, gargling spit as she tried to protest. "Dah do dish!" I smiled up her a body, then leaned forward, hugging her middle. Her legs came around, trying to push me away, but it was in vain. I thrust my hips hard, penetrating her virgin asshole easily. I've found that the larger the fur, the looser the rear passage. And since bears are pretty big, she was fairly loose. As soon as I hilted within her, I stopped to allow her to adjust to something going in. Her legs had stopped moving when I did, and she lay there staring at me, shivering at the feeling of being penetrated for the first time. Anal sex has never struck me as an acceptable ‘first time', but I wanted inside her without taking her maidenhead. Sure, I could've fucked her face, but anal stimulates us both, rather than just me. It took only a few moments for her body to relax, and she smiled, still holding on to Natalie. My mouse reached down and removed the bar from Faith's mouth. The bear licked her lips and coughed.


"You could warn a girl before ya' do shomethin' like that," she complained without any real conviction. There was a big smile on her face as she relaxed. I returned the smile with one of my own.


"If I warned you, you probably wouldn't have let me," I replied. "And even if you did, you probably would've tightened too much for me to get in. My way was better." With that, I reversed my thrust, pulling almost all the way out of her. A disappointed look graced her face, until I thrust back in, angling my hips to rub against the sides of her. She gasped, and her legs came up again, wrapping around me and holding me still.


"It feelsh good," she whispered, "but ish not enough fer me." She sniffled a little. I motioned to Natalie. She smiled in triumph, then leaned down to Faith's ear.


"It's alright, Faith," she whispered. The bear tilted her head back to look at my mouse. "I'll help you. Just scootch back and I'll do the rest, okay?" Faith nodded and began sliding her body back on the bed. I was forced to go along with the ride, since her legs were still tightly wrapped around me. Natalie, meanwhile, slid out from behind the bear. Once Faith came to a stop, her head on a mound of pillows, Natalie climbed onto her chest and nestled in between the bear's breasts.


I started up my thrusting again, being gentle as I did so, rubbing her thighs lightly. I didn't touch her pouting lips, since Natalie was sliding down the bear's body, on a collision course with Faith's pussy. As soon as she came near enough, she lapped at the bear's protruding pink switch, which made Faith writhe in pleasure.


Natalie looked back at Faith and coughed for attention. Faith looked down at my mouse. "Ya know, Faith," said Natalie in her sexy voice, "I got to taste you, but you didn't get to taste me. Wanna try?" Faith nodded her head rapidly and Natalie pulled her tail out of herself. Her whippy tail, which is almost as long as her body, was soaked in her juices. She extended it to Faith, who leaned forward and took as much of Natalie's tail into her mouth as possible, sucking on it like a candy cane. Natalie went back to licking Faith's cunt, while her feet massaged the bear's breasts.


It took only a few more minutes of thrusting, licking, and massaging for Faith to tighten up on the edge of orgasm. I leaned forward and bit Natalie on her shoulder, then gave a final, brutal thrust into the bear's ass, my knot slipping passed her guarding star to lodge within her. It ballooned almost instantly, locking me within her. I thrust a few more times and there it was. Orgasm. I came hard, yipping loudly and filling the condom to overflowing. Faith's ass tightened to the point of being almost painful and she shook, her cunt squirting out cloudy white fluids from within, which landed on my chest, matting my fur. I slumped over onto Natalie. She giggled as she turned over, licking the juices off my chest and belly. Faith simply laid there panting, her legs having gone limp.


It took only a few minutes for my knot to deflate enough to pull out. The moment it did, I did, stripping off the condom. I tied off the end and tossed it into the bedside garbage can. I reached back into the open case and pulled out a different sealed packet. This one held a moist towelette, which, once I opened the packet, was used to clean off the blobs of congealing cum on my cock. As soon as little Phade was as clean as I could get him, the towelette went the way of the condom.


I pulled Natalie off of Faith and into my arms. "Was it good for you?" I asked her with a lecherous grin. She giggled.


"Yeah," she said breathely, "but I didn't get to cum..."


"Aww...My poor mouse. Want me to help you?" She snuggled into my chest with a sigh.


"Mmm...No thanks, foxy. I don't need one now. I just wanna go to sleep." I looked over at the clock and was surprised. It was after midnight. Christmas Eve. When I brought Faith home, it had been six in the evening, the middle of the night during winter. Only now did I realize that I too was exhausted. I walked across the bed on my knees and set Natalie down to one side of Faith, and I laid down on the other side. I looked up at Faith as she looked at me, half conscious.


"That wash good...But I'm sho tired..." She yawned.


"It's fine, Faith. You can stay the night..."


"Too bad Phade didn't come tonight...I wanna meet him..." She stretched and closed her eyes.


I nuzzled into her side and promised myself I'd tell her the truth in the morning. Before I went to sleep, I groped around the bedside table one-handed. I found what I was hunting for and pushed a single button. I dropped the remote and closed my eyes, pulling back into my sleeping position. I was out in seconds.




I forgot to set the alarm before I fell asleep so, like any exhausted mammal, I slept late. In my defense, Natalie did too. I woke with a start, feeling as if something was wrong. The very first thing I noticed was that our door was shut. Natalie and I never shut our bedroom door unless we were doing our stargazing.

During the second week of our marriage, Natalie convinced me to put white Christmas lights in the ceiling, where each light would be on a star. It looks really nice when you turn them on. However, last night we hadn't stargazed. That's when I remembered Faith. I looked to my side and saw an empty space between myself and Natalie. Natalie herself was fast asleep still, cuddled against the empty space. I reached over and shook her awake.


"I dun' wanna get up..." she muttered, shifting a little. Normally I would've smiled, but the feeling of wrongness still hung heavily in the air, a forbidding feeling that kept me from feeling happy.


I crawled over to her, grabbed hold of her, and, without any foreplay or warning, bit her hard on her ear. She shot awake with a shout. I released her ear but continued to hold on to her.


"Ouch!" she cried. "Phade! What're you doing?!"


"I tried to wake you up by shaking you," I replied, "but when that didn't work, I tried the quickest way I could think of."


"Why did you need me awake?" she asked, a light dusting of anger in her voice.


"Faith's gone."


"That usually happens after a one-night stand, Phade. You know that."


"But if you'll recall, she wanted to get an interview with me. Why would she leave when she doesn't have it?"


That stopped her. She wiggled in my arms and I let her go. She sat up.


"We'd better find her," she said, climbing off the bed and going to our dresser.


"My thoughts exactly," I replied, following.


Call me an alarmist if you will, but I had a bad feeling about all this. And Natalie agreed with me. You could argue that we hadn't even opened our bedroom door. How did we know she was gone? Call it fox's intuition. We were dressed and ready to go in mere minutes. The first thing we did was search our apartment. That took all of two minutes. There was no sign of her, save her panties and bra, which I found shoved under the couch. I pulled them out and held them for a moment, frowning.


"Why would she leave?" asked Natalie, coming up beside me.


"She was raised extremely religious, if her reactions last night were any indication," I replied. "To them, sex outside of marriage is a serious sin, and having sex with someone of the same gender is even worse. She probably woke up between us and freaked."

"She didn't seem to have any problem last night."


"She was also sauced to the gills last night. And that's another sin, drinking fermented wine. I'd bet my balls she ran to a church, to confess and pray."


"Then she's alright."


"Maybe. But remember, she drank a lot of wine last night. She was so hammered, she probably had a wicked hangover today. Being in a rush wouldn't help, and in a condition like that, she'd be an easy target for some back-alley sex fiend."


"So we need to find her."






"I...don't know." I let out a sigh through my nose. Natalie giggled. I looked down at her. "What?" I asked.


"I know how we can find her," she said smugly.




"You can track her scent." She pointed at the pair of panties in my hand. I smiled. My mouse is the brains of our operation. She says I'm the brawn and the pretty that helps it run smooth. I'm not sure how I feel about being called pretty. I dropped the bra.


"Alright, let's go!"Â We jumped into our winter gear and headed outside.




"I need to refresh the scent," I said.


"Here," said Natalie, handing me Faith's panties. I put them to my nose and sniffed deeply. Natalie, for the sixth time since we left home, burst into a fit of giggles.


"What?" I asked, panties still to my nose.


"Hehe, you look like a pervert when you do that," replied my mouse, holding her sides and laughing louder. I gave her a look and sniffed the panties one more time before handing them back.


"This way," I said, taking off down the street at a trot. Natalie brought up the rear, her tail erect and waving heavily as she moved. The heavy came from the long woolen sock that covered it, since mice have so little fur on their tails. She was so deathly afraid of getting frostbite on her tail that I bought that sock special for her. They have outdoor heating in the Prey Quarter, which keeps the streets free of ice and snow, and keeps the temperature at about sixty above, so she'd never needed a tail sock before.


We twisted and turned down streets as I moved, following Faith's scent trail with my eyes closed. To tell you the truth, it's easier to track scents with your eyes closed. It heightens a fur's sense of smell, and allows them to see without their eyes. I was dodging furs without even looking, seeing them in colors that no one can place, since they don't exist on our standard color wheel. Every fur has their own color, and Faith was no exception. I can't tell you what color it is, since I don't know the name of it. I can't tell you what shares that color, because I've never seen anything that held that color. The only name I can give to the color is Faith, the way my mouse's smell is Natalie, and my own is Phade.


Anyway, we wound through the streets until the scent trail suddenly stopped. I myself skidded to a stop, only to slip and fall on a patch of ice. My eyes flew open and there was Natalie, standing over me, laughing so hard her tail sock slipped off. I gave her a dirty look and climbed painfully to my feet.


"Why'd you stop?" asked Natalie, picking up her tail sock and slipping it on again. Her sense of smell is nowhere near as good as my own, so while her nose is sharper than a human's, it isn't nearly as strong as a fox's. Meaning she couldn't see the colors I could. If Faith had come this way only moments before, she could've tracked her. But the scent I had followed was hours old, and she couldn't smell it.


"Faith stopped here, I think," I replied. "There's a lot of scent right here, which means she stopped."

"Oh god. Did she get on the bus?" she asked. Not ten feet from where we stood was a bus stop bench, with the numbers ‘203' on a sign beside it. If she'd gotten on that bus at this particular stop (it was right before ‘The Tunnel'), she'd be having serious issues really soon.


I closed my eyes again and took a deep breath. Her scent came easily to my nose, since she must've stood here for a few minutes at least. The scent trail made a ninety degree turn from the direction she had been going. I turned the same ninety degrees and opened my eyes.


"She's in there," I said with perfect certainty.


Natalie and I were standing in front of the New Catholic Church of the Soul. The building itself is fairly large, about the size of my apartment complex, and is designed to hold more than a thousand furs. It is painted pure white, which would've made it look like a modest church, except for all the stained glass windows on it. Every five feet on the sides had a stained glass window depicting some event in the Bible. There was a massive wooden cross atop the building, with a carved image of Christ nailed to it. I used to attend church in this place, until the old pastors had been replaced. The older men were nice guys, very kind and forgiving. They laughed and joked with the people, attended all kinds of dinner parties, and quite simply were loved by the people. The folks over in Vatican City decided our pastors weren't ‘fire-and-brimstone' enough, and relieved them of their duties. They kicked three old men out of the church and replaced them with three younger, more intense preachers. I don't know about other Catholic furs, but I like having pastors who make me want to go to church. Who have my total confidence in them, as I have their confidence. Father Bob Williams, the nicest old goat (literally) you could find, spent more time at my place than Natalie had, and she's my wife. He ate my food, drank my water, and we watched football on Sundays (after church, of course). And those bastards in Rome kicked him out of the church, which at the time was simply called ‘The Church of Our Lord'. Apparently the old name wasn't catchy enough, so they changed it. From what I hear from my friends who still attend, attendance is extremely low. Father Bob died not two weeks after he lost his job. According to the doctor he went to, the only thing that kept Father Bob going was his job. And without it, his body gave out. When his will was read, I found out he bequeathed to me his cross and Bible, his most prized possessions. The will donated his home and all its contents to some local charity or other. Even in death he was a good man. I never forgave the church for that.


"Wow," said Natalie. She'd never seen the place before. "That place looks scary. Is she really in there?"


I nodded. "Yeah...She's in there. Come on." I led the way into the building.




After being away for two years, I found the church to have changed a lot. Once upon a time, the church had been a very modest thing, both inside and out. The outside had been red, and had looked like an old-fashioned schoolhouse, complete with a bell. There had been a cross above the door, but it wasn't the one that sat atop the building. The old cross had been made of dead pinewood, hand carved by one of the old men in his youth, and he brought it to every church he taught in. The Old Fathers (as locals call them) thought the schoolhouse theme was a stroke of genius, since the Bible shouldn't scare you. They wanted the church to be a place of learning, and for it to look the part. Every Sunday and Wednesday, when it was almost time for church, one of the Old Fathers would go and ring the bell, which was easily heard from anywhere in the city, and people would flood in, predator and prey alike. In the old days, the building was much smaller and filled quickly. If you didn't get there before the bell tolled, you would find yourself in a church with standing room only. The inside had felt like a home, a place where everyone could gather and be at peace. And after church, there was always a potluck lunch or dinner in the field at the back, and everyone would eat and talk and share in the Holy Spirit. There had even been a chilled storage shed attached to the back of the church, where people with food items to donate to charity could drop them off in there. It was never locked and no one ever stole from it. Right inside the door was a sign that said ‘God be with you, my child'. That would rob most people of their desire to steal.


When the New Fathers (which is what most locals call the new guys [and never with a nice tone]) came to town, they closed the church for a month. During that time, they tore the place down and built the new one. They made it huge. The old gathering field at the back was gone, covered up by the concrete foundation. The donation shed, gone. The schoolhouse theme, gone. They destroyed the Old Fathers' cross. I don't know about you, but I think that was wrong. Of all the things they did to the old church, that last thing was the worst. There was no pomp and ceremony for the destruction of the old cross. They simply tossed it in the burn pile they'd started, which they had filled with ‘books of questionable material', as they called it. In truth, the books they burned weren't pornography, which is what they made it sound like. They were books that the Old Fathers were going to donate to the children's library, before they were canned. Over a thousand children's books, donated by furs from all over the city, went up in smoke to the sound of crying kits. And then there was the differences in preaching styles. The Old Fathers were kind, soft-spoken. When they talked of God and Heaven, they did so nicely, making God sound like an average guy who understood our problems and wanted us to be happy. When they spoke, they rarely touched on Hell. They spoke of it as the place that only irredeemably bad furs were sent to, but they also said that redemption is possible for any fur who truly believed. The New Fathers spoke of God as a being greater than ourselves who would rain fire from the skies if we didn't follow the tenets laid down by the church. They spoke of Hell as if we were all going to it unless we begged for forgiveness every single night.  One New Father actually pointed at me and said thusly:


NF: You, boy, are a sinner in the eyes of God! Repent, or ye shall be cast into the fiery pit of Hell!


At the time, I was seventeen and had spent close to three years listening to the Old Fathers (and I mean three years since I moved BACK to town; my family used to attend church any time there was a service). The new guys upset me very much with their talk. So I did the one thing I'm locally famous for. I talked back. And this particular time, I used Bible quotes. Zealots don't like having their material thrown back at them.


Me: Let he who is not guilty of sin cast the first stone, Father.


NF: I cast stones upon thee for I have not sinned!


Me: It is the nature of furs to sin. The only being who never sinned is God Himself. To say that you have never sinned is to say you are equal to God. And that is a sin.


The Old Fathers would preach one at a time, letting each give part of the message. The New Fathers said the same things at the same time, in one voice. When I quoted at the one, the three of them gathered around me. One of them grabbed me and hauled me onto the stage. That's right. It wasn't an altar, it was a stage. Two of them held me down while the third, the one I quoted at, continued to rant.


NF: This child dares question the will of God! O Lord, please forgive this child! Do not rain death upon this lowly sinner! For he shall repent! Repent and be forgiven, child!


Me: I ask forgiveness every night. I don't need a crazy asshole to tell me I'm a sinner and I need forgiveness!


And that's where I got thrown bodily out of the church. I still hold a grudge.


The interior of the place always made me feel cold. No matter what time of year it was, the New Fathers always had the AC on, making it cold in the place. Cold and unforgiving. There were statues everywhere of serious saints, looking down at you as if they disapprove of your very existence. The walls, unlike the outside, were an icy blue, making the room feel even colder. Upon the gigantic stage at the end of the aisle, there stood a massive cross. This one also had a wooden carving of Jesus on it, but this one looked sinister. His carved eyes look out upon the crowd and his face shows anger. Needless to say, I hate the place.


Church had just ended, which was good. The crowds were thinning out and beginning to file out of the building. There weren't nearly as many furs as had once attended, and the furs that did were hardcore zealots, the kind who picket at military funerals and blame all the world's problems on gays. The fuckwits that nobody but others exactly like them want to be around. I closed my eyes again and followed Faith's scent. It was a bit harder, what with all the bodies around me, their scents blocking Faith's, but I managed.


Natalie and I made our way through the crowd, with her hanging on to my tail, until we were at the far end of the building and out of the crowd. From there, I made a beeline straight to the confessions booth. And that's where Faith's scent trail ended. I motioned for Natalie to both let go of my tail and to keep quiet. We crept up to the booth, as quiet as (no pun intended...or is it?) a mouse, and pressed our ears to the door. From this position, I could hear every word being spoken by the occupants. It took absolutely no time at all to differentiate the voices of both Faith and one of the New Fathers. And judging by how fresh the scent trail had been, she'd only been in there a minute, and he'd just arrived.


Faith: Bless me Father, for I have sinned. It has been two weeks since my last confession.


NF: Speak, my child.


God, his oily voice still sticks in my mind.


F: Last night, I slept with a man. I let him have his way with me, though he wasn't my husband.


She stopped for a moment, as if waiting for the New Father to say something. There was no reply, but I heard a strange sound coming from within.


F: I also made love to his wife, at the same time as he and I made love.


There was a grunt from the priest.


F: I drank fermented wine first, though. So I was drunk when I let them have their way with me.


Her voice broke and I could hear her crying softly. That strange noise grew louder. Then the priest spoke, his voice heavy.


NF: Please explain what you let them do to you, my child.


The noise became clearer as Faith began listing the things Natalie and I had done to her. Fap, fap, fap, fap, fap, fap, fap. Then it dawned on me. I looked down at Natalie as she looked up at me. She knew that sound, having heard it often enough from me. She pulled the digital camera out of her pocket (she always kept it in her jacket pocket, just in case she saw something she wanted to remember, like the time I racked myself when I slipped while climbing a tree) and turned it on. I nodded at her and she nodded at me. Natalie moved to the other confessional door and waited. I counted down with my fingers, then, the instant I had a complete fist, we flung our doors open at the same time. Natalie took her picture while I grabbed the stunned Faith and hauled her out of the booth.


"What the--!" cried Faith as I pulled her out.


The New Father stumbled out of his booth, pants and boxers around his ankles, trying to grab Natalie's camera, while she continued to snap pictures of him. As soon as he came into full view, the weasel seemed to realize he was naked from the waist down. He leapt back into the booth and slammed the door. Natalie grabbed the biggest thing she could find that was near at hand, which was an empty holy water vessel (it was big and stone, and I'm still surprised she moved it without my help), and moved it in front of the door, trapping the New Father within.


"C'mon Faith," I said in a commanding voice, pulling her along behind me. She didn't protest, too shocked was she by what had happened. We were out the door and on the bus stop bench (which is enclosed with plastic to keep snow and rain out) before she managed to speak.


"B-Boris!" she cried, staring at me. "D-Doris! What're you doing here?!"


Natalie smiled, showing her buck teeth. "We followed you. You didn't say goodbye, or even leave a note." She said the last sentence in a falling voice, sounding depressed by the end of it.


"We thought you might need some help," I said. "We were very worried when you up and disappeared on us. If you wanted to go to church, you could've just said so."


"I-I needed to talk to a priest," said the bear. "About what we did last night." Her face fell. "Oh lord, I'm going to Hell, aren't I. I drank fermented wine, I had sex outside of marriage with a man and his wife! I'm a damned soul now..." She bowed her head and started crying again.


I reached out and grabbed her chin, then pulled her eyes up to mine. "You're not a damned soul, Faith. And if you don't believe me, I have a priest you can talk to. One who doesn't paw off during confessional." When I said that, she blushed. Her tears subsided, but she looked up at me guardedly.


"Why should I trust you?" she asked angrily. "You lied to me about letting me see Phade Aarons! You lied twice! Why should I believe you a third time?!"


I lost my temper then. Out of nowhere, I lunged forward and bit down on the nape of her neck. Before she could even react, she went limp. While holding her in my jaws, I looked up at Natalie, who was biting her fist to keep from laughing. I released her neck gently and she sagged against the bench.


"W-what did you do to me?" she asked, frightened.


"I bit your switch," I replied with a grin. "If you bite a certain spot on most furs, they go completely limp. It takes a few minutes for them to get full motion back." I rubbed her back gently. "If I wanted to, I could have my way with you right now. You wouldn't be able to struggle and the law wouldn't stop me. Now, I'll tell you the truth, alright? I know Phade Aarons. Quite well, in fact. I wanted you to meet him last night, but you got drunk. I figured you'd want to sleep it off before you interviewed him. I didn't initiate the events. You did. You told us yourself that you wanted it, so we gave it to you. I could've taken your virginity when you were drunk like that, and you wouldn't have cared. But I cared. I'm sure you're saving yourself for someone and I respect that. If I was untrustworthy, I would've taken your virginity without a thought." She looked up at me with wide eyes, but said nothing. "If you feel you need to beg for forgiveness, then by all means do so. But before you do, I would like you to meet this priest of mine, Father Gables. He'll set you right and give you an honest confession. How does that sound?"


"G-good..." she whispered, still staring at me with wide eyes.


"Alright, then let me make a few calls and we'll be on our way."Â I flipped open my phone and made those calls.




Half an hour later, we were in front of Father Gables' house. He actually lived fairly close to me, but it would've been a bitch to walk there from the church. The first call I made had gone to him, telling him I had a friend who wanted a good confession. He hadn't asked questions, since he, like me, distrusted the New Fathers' methods. He said he would be happy to hear her.


The second call had been to Sylas "Sy" Grim, friend and bus driver. He made his rounds from six in the morning to six at night. He made just over minimum wage, but had so many benefits I was jealous of him. I asked him where he was and if he would make a detour for us. He was happy to oblige, since he was already on his way to us. I had him forgo ‘The Tunnel' and instead drop us off at Father Gables' place.


Father Gables' house is modest, like everything else about him. He's a beaver, but smaller than beaver average. He told me that, in his youth, he never felt for the whole ‘rebel against your parents' thing. He used to wear conservative clothes and say his prayers at the appointed times. He isn't married, and he doesn't have lovers. Being a Catholic priest means you cannot have sex, period. The really good priests never even masturbate (masturbation being a sin). But what about swollen balls, might you ask? Priests do tend to have the most numerous occurrences of swollen testes (and the more serious medical issues that can occur from them), but most simply go to the hospital regularly and have their testicles drained by a machine. The seed collected is given to a sperm bank, so others could know the joys of a child, even if the father could not. Even though he's no longer a Catholic priest in the service of the church, people still come to him for weddings, funerals, and confession. He makes one feel comfortable with oneself.


He welcomed us into his home, calling us his children, and bade us sit down on his couch. He sat down in the rocking chair across from us, smiling gently.


"My son," said the aged beaver, "you told me over the phone that this was an urgent meeting. Can you explain why?"


I gave him an abbreviated explanation of what had happened in the church. He looked shocked, and the fires of anger lightly touched his eyes.


"How dare they," he said with a growl, clacking his front teeth together, a frightening sound. His hand shot to the cross hanging around his neck and he took a deep, calming breath. When he finished the breath, his eyes were cleared and he was smiling again. With a cough of embarrassment, he asked, "You wish to confess, my daughter?" Faith nodded. "Then I must tell you what I have learned from my studies of the Bible first. Would you like to hear?" She nodded again. I doubt she trusted herself to speak. Father Gables coughed again. "Did you know that sex isn't a sin? It really isn't. The church says sex outside of marriage is a sin, yet in the story of Creation, Adam and Eve had sex outside of marriage, and with different people. And God told them to do it! If God orders you to do something, then it must not be a sin, for God does not order his people to sin."


Faith sighed. "I grew up in a very religious family. I was taught that sex outside of marriage was an unforgivable sin, which God punished swiftly and without mercy."


Father Gables scoffed. "Without mercy?!" he cried. "God is the essence of mercy! There is no unforgivable sin, save turning your back on him. And even that can be forgiven if you return to him!" His words were full of conviction. He was a believer in the truest sense of the word, and it showed in a good way. "Please, my child. Tell me what you wish to confess, and I shall listen." Faith nodded and launched into her tale. I could see the effect Faith's confession was having on the Old Father, but I knew he would ignore it. In the eyes of the true believers, masturbation isn't a sin unless you're a priest. Did I mention I'm a true believer? I follow the

Christian Way as best I can. I am a mortal creature after all, subject to all the vices of mortals. Thing is, I'm not a zealot, so the "true followers of the Christian Way" look down their noses at me. When they do that, I give ‘em the finger.


The story took a while, since she actually confessed more than just our sexual escapades the night before. She confessed every single thing she could think of that might have been sinful, including simply taking off her clothes to change (apparently, her parents were worse than most zealots; they taught her that being naked is a sin, which is stupid, since we are born naked and we get naked to change our clothes), and other things she seemed so embarrassed about that I simply refuse to repeat, for the sake of her modesty.  When she finally finished, the house was silent for several minutes. Natalie and I watched her, both of us with faces blank of emotion, though I for sure thought her confession was bullshit. Most of what she confessed I had already done, and hadn't been condemned by God yet.


When Father Gables finally spoke, he smiled and spread his arms wide open. "My child, you speak of things which are not sins, or things which God forgives easily. God, in his infinite love, would not begrudge you a place in Heaven simply because you slept with a man and a woman. The church believes that homosexuality is a sin, but if two furs love each other, then in the eyes of God they are not sinners, even if they are homosexual. The power of love is God's greatest gift, and you should readily accept it, even if the church says it's wrong. If it feels right, do it. Please note that I didn't say ‘if it feels good', because many things that are detrimental to the soul feel good at first. Do it if it feels right to you. Did making love to the two of them feel right to you?" Faith nodded, blushing. It was invisible through her fur, but with my sense of smell, I could smell the heat on her face. Father Gables smiled. "There now, it didn't just feel good, it felt right. If something feels wrong, then it must be wrong. Do not doubt your worth in the eyes of God, my child. All beings have worth in the eyes of God, even sinners. If you ever find yourself in a situation where you will feel good, but your heart tells you it is wrong, then get away. If you cannot, ask for God's forgiveness and he will grant it, because forgiveness is all he knows for his followers. However, if you feel you need it, I will grant you absolution."


"I would like that," replied Faith, "very much."


Father Gables gestured and Faith climbed off the couch and knelt before the ex-priest. He smiled. "One moment, please. I'll be right back." He stood and went out of the room. I could hear him rattling around in his kitchen for a minute or two, then he came back with several items in his hands. He sat back down and set the items on the TV tray beside his chair. I saw that he had brought in a small bowl, a gallon jug of water, and a small metal rod with a bulb on one end. "You know how they make holy water?" he asked Faith. She shook her head. "They take a bucket of water and boil the hell out of it!" Faith and Natalie burst into giggles, and I cracked a smile. The beaver smiled as he poured some of the water into the bowl, then spoke some words over it in Latin. He then held his hands over Faith's head and spoke aloud, once again, in Latin. "Dominus noster Jesus Christus te absolvati; et ego auctoritate ipsius te absolvo ab omni vinculo excommunicationis et interdicti in quantum possum et tu indiges." He made the sign of the Cross in the air. "Deinde, ego te absolvo a peccatis tuis in nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen." He dunked the metal rod's bulb into the water, then flicked it towards Faith. She had tears in her eyes as the Holy Water hit her. Father Gables bowed his head. The absolution was complete and Faith moved back to the couch with us, her face full of holy awe. She was silent, but it was a comfortable silence.


Father Gables' face shone with pride. I knew for a fact that he rarely got to perform church services anymore, since he was no longer ‘part of the church', but he loved doing it. Thus, whenever I do something that I feel is detrimental to my own soul, I run to his house and beg forgiveness. I've also sent others his way, since he enjoys the company, and doing the business of the church. Though many people attended church when he was a priest, some of them were wary of coming to visit on a religious matter, as if it were taboo to speak with a priest after he left the church. Out of nowhere, something dinged in the kitchen.


"I apologize, my children," said Father Gables, standing and stretching, his old bones popping. "I'm sorry, but it's time for my medicine, and I have to have food with it. So if you'll excuse me..." He showed us to the door, then politely shooed us out. Before we left, however, he shook everyone's hand. "It was nice meeting you, Faith," said the Father, with a buck-toothed grin on his face. "I hope we meet again."


"It was nice meeting you too, Father Gables," replied Faith with a smile.


"Bye, Father!" Natalie and I said together. Father Gables laughed and closed the door behind us.


As we walked down the driveway, Faith turned to me. "Can we go see Phade Aarons now?" she asked.


I looked up at her and nodded. "Sure, but we should eat first. I don't know about you, but I'm starving! We ran out of the house without eating." I gave my cutest kit whine, which sounded like I was crying. She looked down at me and giggled.


"Alright," she replied, trying to keep her giggles down. "But right after we eat, you have to introduce me to Phade Aarons."








"Then let's go!"


We went.




We wound up back at the apartment and had reheated tofu-meatloaf (Natalie is prey and I'm a predator, so we eat very different things; I'm learning to eat veggies and Natalie is learning to eat meat; it's going slowly). I slathered mine with ketchup, which made the girls stare. What can I say? I don't especially enjoy the taste of tofu, and I love the color red (ask any predator and they'll tell you they like the color red). Lunch went by fast, thank God. I had meant the promise I gave Faith, and if I was going to introduce her to Phade Aarons, I needed energy. Energy, but not overstuffing. The leftovers were gone in minutes, removing the temptation to overeat. By the time we finished, I was more than ready to go, but Faith looked nervous. When I asked her what was wrong, she told me bluntly.


"I'm scared to meet Phade Aarons," she said, nearly blurting it out.


I raised an eyebrow. "Why?" I asked, scratching the base of my tail. Every fur with a long tail will tell you the same thing. Every now and again we will get an annoying itch on the upper base of our tails. When you scratch it, it feels really good. For me, if I scratch the itch too long, my tail will lift. Such reactions are thought to be a throwback to our days as feral creatures, like the belly-scratch kick.


"I...don't know why," said Faith, cracking an embarrassed smile. "I just am."


I smiled back at her. "Don't worry. He's a fairly good guy. C'mon, let's go. He lives in our complex."


She stood up fast. Too fast, apparently, because she suddenly grabbed the table with one hand and held her head with the other. Natalie giggled as she slid off her chair and onto the floor. I laughed outright while Faith shot me a withering glare. My laughter slowly tapered off and we left the apartment.


The apartment complex we live in doesn't have an inner courtyard, which makes me kind of sad. However, the landlord currently has plans to knock out the middle of the building and make a courtyard. He updates me on the progress while he pounds my tailhole (I make him use a condom), and from the sound of it, the courtyard is going to be amazing. He says he's going to leave the inner walls up, to keep rain and snow off the hallway carpeting, but four of the inner doors will have stairs or ramps leading down to the yard, and the rest will be sealed off.


The hallway was empty as we went around the loop. Most furs were at work by this time, or were in bed having a nooner. Kits were outside playing (a few blocks from the complex is a big park children can play in), or inside getting lessons on sex. My whole plan for the ‘big reveal' hinged on Faith not realizing how big our complex is. Which was apparently so, since, though we looped the hallway three times, she kept looking around, which basically told me she was wondering which door was Phade's.


Let me clarify something. The doors of our complex don't have numbers on them. Since there are only ten filled apartments in the building, there usually isn't a need for the numbers. And if you walk into someone else's apartment by accident, they are almost always happy to accommodate you. Anyway, we wound up back in from of our apartment (which has a welcome mat in front of the door; I doubt Faith noticed it when we passed it).


"Here we are!" cried Natalie, positively glowing with excitement. I turned the knob slowly, letting Faith's anticipation build. I slowly opened the door and stepped inside. I didn't wait for the other two as I left the entryway and turned a corner. I could hear both of them stomp their feet and take off their shoes. When they rounded the corner, I could see a frown on Faith's face.


"Hey!" she said loudly, looking annoyed. "This is your apartment! I thought we were going to Phade's apartment!"


Natalie went into a giggle fit as she slid passed the bear (Faith took up most of the entryway). She slid up next to me and leaned into my leg. I put my hand on her head and rubbed between her ears. "This is Phade's apartment, silly," replied Natalie, sticking out her tongue at the bear.


"WHAT?!" shouted Faith, looking enraged. "YOU LIE!"


"NO I DON'T!" shouted back Natalie. Natalie wasn't upset. Her yelling was mocking, tainted with laughter.


"THEN WHERE IS HE?!" replied Faith, shaking with anger. I stood there with a half smile on my face, a look that made it seem like I knew a secret that I wasn't going to share.


"Right here," I replied smoothly, my voice calm. She fixed me with a hard look, and by God, if looks could kill I would've been dead.


"Where?!" she asked, softer but still in a loud voice. She looked frantic now, as well as eager and nervous.


"Here, silly," replied Natalie, rubbing my belly. I groaned internally; she'd probably settled on ‘silly' as her word of the week. Of all the things Natalie does, the ‘word of the week' is the worst. She will come up with a word out of nowhere, and then use it all the time for a week. I was fine with it when she only used dirty words (you should've seen the field day she had, wandering around town saying ‘cock' every third word. It was a laugh riot.), but since she branched out the novelty had worn off.


"I'm Phade Aarons," I said with a smile.


Faith frowned. "You don't have to tease me, Boris. Now, where is he?"


"Right here!" said Natalie.




"I'm Phade Aarons!" I said loudly. I shoved my hand into my pocket and pulled out my wallet. I sifted through the different pouches before finding my ID. I pulled it out and tossed it to her. She caught it one handed, then read the information on the front, her lips moving but no sound coming out. When she finished, she looked up at me, shock and horror on her face. "Now do you believe me?" I asked. She nodded dumbly. I gave her my best smile and took her hand. I led her out of the entryway and to the couch, and she let me. I sat her down and knelt between her spread legs, nuzzling her belly fur while looking up at her face. She stared down at me while I smiled.


"Why didn't you tell who you were?" she asked softly, sounding stunned by the revelation.


I chuckled (femmes giggle, males chuckle. If you ever hear a male giggle, he's a femme in disguise), and continued to nuzzle her fur, even as I answered her. "I always make reporters pay before I let them interview me. I mean, what's in it for me? If I gave the story away for nothing, I'd have reporters everywhere looking for a scoop. So I trade my story for sex." I lapped at her chin. "So...Who do you work for?"


She sighed, relaxing into the couch. "I...I work for Furry Facets Magazine."


I stopped my attentions immediately and stared up at her in surprise. "You work for FFM?" I asked. She nodded, looking down at me. I broke into a grin. "Well then, let's get the interview going!" I stood and went into the bedroom. Once there, I grabbed our video camera and tripod. Primitive, I know, but I don't like little cameras. I carried them into the living room and set them up.


"You seem excited," said Natalie, who seemed to be stifling a giggle.


"I am," I replied, giving her a smile. "She works for Furry Facets, my favorite magazine! What facet am I under?" This I said to Faith.


Furry Facets Magazine, or FFM to avid readers, is my favorite magazine, like I said. FFM is one of the thickest magazines I've ever read, since it looks into every part of furry society in every issue. On the spine of the magazine is a large purple gemstone, which is the symbol of the magazine. They interview people from every facet of furry life, like the facets on a gem. I figured I was under the ‘Law & Order' facet, since my trial was big news.


"According to my boss," said Faith, "you and Natalie are gonna be under the ‘Famous Couples' facet."


"Really?" I was surprised. "You know, we could've skipped this whole mess if you had told me you were from FFM."


"Yeah," said Natalie, "but it wouldn't have been as fun."


I laughed, then picked my mouse up. I carried her over to my arm chair and sat down, holding her against my chest. While I held her with one hand, I used the other to dig in my pocket. It took a bit of searching, but I found what I wanted. I pulled out a small remote and clicked the on button. The red light on the camera turned on. I then clicked the record button on the remote.


"Alright, Faith," I said. "What do you want to know?"




It took a bit of time, but Natalie and I answered all of Faith's questions (to the best of our abilities, anyway). Furry Facets Magazine is known for the detailing in its articles, and Faith was very thorough. She started off hesitant, but as the interview went on, she relaxed and her questions flowed smoothly from one to the next.


During the interview, I fondled Natalie gently, letting Faith see my actions. Every now and again, Natalie would moan, and Faith would stutter because of it. It was all I could do to keep from laughing whenever she did.


But finally, the interview was over. I turned off the camera, popped the tape out, and handed it to Faith. She smiled and put it into her jacket. I watched her as she walked back to me, towering over me. I leaned my head back to look into her eyes. She smiled down at me, then leaned down and kissed me. Hard. She smacked her lips against mine and knocked me on my fluffy white ass.


I sat there, staring at her, as she kneeled down. She leaned in and breathed into one of my pointed ears. I gave a whine of need. She giggled, then whispered hotly in my ear.


"I remember asking you to take me. I wanted you to take my virginity."


"I did," I replied, unable to move.


"You took my anal virginity. But that's not the one I wanted you to take, and you know it. But thank you for not taking it. I would've hated you if you had."


"You're welcome."


"But I'm sober now, and I still want you to take it. Will you?"


"Hell yes," I whispered, nibbling her chin.


She reached around my back and picked me up. What a strange experience that was, being a full-grown fur and being picked up by another full-grown fur. She carried me into the bedroom, Natalie following close behind. Faith stopped at the foot of the bed and tossed me onto it. I bounced several times, finally coming to a stop on my stomach. I quickly rolled onto my back and looked up at her, a sly grin on my face. Now that she had me on the bed, I could see she was nervous. I could see the doubt plain on her face. I sat up and scooted to the edge of the bed, then motioned for her to kneel in front of me. She did so, slowly sinking to her knees. I took her head in my hands and guided it to my lap. I held it there, softly stroking her hair. Natalie knelt beside her and rubbed her back gently.


"It's alright," I whispered. "We don't have to do this if you don't want to."


"I-I do," said the bear, sounding nearly in tears, her newfound confidence seeming to have leaked away. "I'm scared, though..."


"There's nothing to worry about, Faith," said Natalie, hugging the bear from behind.


"B-but I heard it hurts..."


"Yeah," said Natalie regretfully. "But you know, it doesn't hurt for long; once it stops it feels really good."






"Don't worry, Faith," I whispered, kissing between her eyes. "I'm very gentle with virgins."


"You are?" asked Faith, nuzzling my stomach.

"Yeah..." This time, I nipped at the tip of an ear. She sighed.


Natalie gripped the bottom of Faith's shirt and slowly lifted it up, forcing the bear to sit up for a moment while she worked the garment off. Faith herself undid her pants and slid them down her legs and off, revealing her naked body to me. She stood in front of me, in her bare fur, looking a little uncomfortable but not so uncomfortable that she would run away again. I stripped off my clothes and sat there naked, looking up at the brown bear. Natalie was the one who kicked things off, when she stepped in front of the bear, naked as a jay-bird, and nuzzled into the bear's pubic fur, nudging the bear's virgin vagina with the tip of her nose. Faith's large hands gripped my mouse's head gently, and just as gently pushed it further into her pubic fur, causing her muzzle to slide along the bear's barely used clit. Faith shook, looking like she was about to fall over. I climbed off the bed, and took one of her hands, having to pull it away from Natalie's head. Faith looked at me dreamily, seeming a tad drunk, though she'd refused my offers of wine during the interview.


Natalie took Faith's other hand and slipped to her other side, and together we guided the bear onto the bed. Faith slid up the neatly made bed, messing the blankets a little, and came to rest at the head of the bed. I slid up after her, and sat on my knees between her legs. I slowly positioned my member at her entrance, but stopped when she sat up.


"Um...C-could you..." she began.


"Could I what?" I asked, stroking her thighs gently.


"C-could you use a-a..." she continued, then whispered, "a condom?"Â She blushed furiously, chewing her bottom lip gently.

"Sure," I replied, then slid off the bed and dug under the bed again. I grabbed a case and pulled it out. It was the one with the donkey sticker. I pushed it aside, reached under and, with much groping around, grabbed another case. When I pulled it out, I could see it had a sticker depicting a cat upon its lid. Just the one I wanted. I popped it open, grabbed a condom, shoved the box back under the bed, and climbed back onto the bed.

Faith watched in fascination as I opened the wrapper, then pulled out the yellow-colored tube. I placed the ring at the head of my cock, and slowly unrolled the rubber down my length, the mouth of the condom slipping over my knot and sitting behind it. When it was set, I moved into position again and guided my length to her virginal passage once again, and once again I stopped, this time to ask permission. She nodded to me, and I returned the nod, before pushing my shaft slowly into her waiting depths. She was shivering heavily, so I stopped my pushing and motioned for Natalie to come onto the bed. My mouse stood up from where she was kneeling, a long blue vibrator in her hand, from the case I knew had a paw-print sticker on it. She smiled as she climbed onto the bed and took one of Faith's hands, holding it gently. Faith nodded in appreciation, then her eyes widened when Natalie leaned in and kissed her.


While she was distracted by Natalie's kiss, I gave a long, hard thrust. I felt an obstruction within Faith, her maidenhead, which stretched, flexed, and finally tore, granting me admission to her deepest reaches. Faith cried out in pain, but her cries were swallowed up by my mouse, whose eyes were watering as Faith squeezed her hand hard.


I held completely still, barely breathing, while Faith calmed down and adjusted to my being inside her. I could see the small stream of virgin blood as it wound its way down my cock, where it dripped onto the sheets, marking them with crimson dots.


Faith released Natalie's hand and sat up, breaking the quieting kiss. When she began to slide up into a sitting position, I followed, keeping my length embedded within her. When she came to a full sit, I was against her chest, my head being gently massaged by her large breasts. I looked up at her with a smile, while she looked down at me, her eyes still watery. I put my arms around her back and hugged her as tight as I could, which really wasn't all that tight. She, in turn, hugged me, and nearly crushed me with the force of it. I didn't complain, I didn't whine, I simply held her and was held by her.


I've taken many virgins in my day. When I turned 18, I spent the entirety of my birthday staking out the local high school. I had my way with thirteen virgins that day, and the experience taught me more about how one treats a virgin on their first time. One of the things I learned was that when a femme loses her virginity, it's often a traumatic sort of thing, and you should comfort them until they're ready to continue.


I tried to comfort Faith with a kiss, but I couldn't reach her face, and if I pulled out she would start hurting (found that out that day as well), so I couldn't give her the amount of comforting I wanted to. It took a few minutes, but she finally released her bear hug and lay back again. I took this as permission to start.


And start I did. I slowly drew my member back until just the tip was left within her. Then just as slowly, I thrust forward, parting her inner walls gently, making sure to brush my pubic fur against her clit. When I did so, her insides tightened up and she let out a ragged breath.  I too let out a ragged breath; the pleasure-giving clamp that was her vagina clamped down on the entirety of my cock, then clamped further in three places, enhancing my pleasure. Now you see why I like bears.


I let out a yip as a spurt of pre leapt from my tip to coat her inner walls. I was nowhere near long enough to reach her innermost gates, but that shot must've hit something sensitive, because she became even tighter, to the point where it was semi-painful. This caused another spurt from me, but I doubt she could've tightened up any more than she already had. I held perfectly still and waited for her to loosen up.

While I waited, I looked over at Natalie, and almost laughed. The vibrator she'd grabbed had been designed for two furs to use together, but she'd inserted one end into her cunt and the other into her ass, then turned the dial up to max. She was sitting in a chair I'd put in the corner, the perfect place for someone to sit if they liked to watch. She was fingering her clit like a madwoman, and squeezing her breasts wildly, moaning softly. I considered inviting her to join in, but the very fact that she was using that particular toy on herself meant that she only wanted to watch.

It took a minute or two, but Faith finally loosened up, and I started moving again. I went all the way within her each time, changing my entry angle with every thrust, searching for her spot. I found it after a few more thrusts, that spongy spot that makes femmes go wild when it's prodded. And prod it I did, making short thrusts against it, grinding the head and sides of my cock against it, each time causing her to tighten up, stopping my movements until she loosened again. With each tightening of her insides, I released another spurt of pre. My lust-fogged mind clouded over a looming realization: the condom had broken.


She was magnificent. There is no other word to describe it. Tight, hot, wet, soft, all at the same time. I couldn't hold off. Her body was begging for me in a very convincing manner, and my body would not allow me to stop. My thrusts grew faster, harder, and her hips rose to accept me each time. My knot slammed against her lips, trying to gain entrance. Her legs wrapped around me, pulling me closer as I continued to push harder and harder against her. My knot was swollen almost to the point of no return. I gave a heavy thrust, and forced my knot into her. Faith cried out, her legs squeezing me tightly as she came. The rippling, churning, squeezing within her was too much for me to bear, and I yipped loudly as I released my seed. I had a mental picture of millions of tiny foxes marching off to war as I panted.


I resisted the urge to rub my balls. Sometimes, when a male reaches orgasm, the feelings are too intense for his equipment. And when that happens, there occurs what I like to call jizzphyxiation. The testicles tighten up too far and cause pain. And that was what happened to me.


Faith had her head back on the pillows, panting softly, eyes unfocused. Natalie was slumped in the chair, her toy off now. And I, I lay down on Faith's belly, nuzzling her fur as I waited for my knot to deflate.




Faith was upset when we discovered the condom had broken. Not so much at me, since I'm not qualified to find defects in rubbers, but rather at the people who sold me a defective condom. She was all for calling them up and giving them a royal bitching out, but Natalie and I convinced her otherwise. It wasn't a big deal. The only thing that came of the condom breaking was that Faith had to spend extra time in the shower cleaning off my cum. The entire day she spent with us, Christmas Day, she spent with a smile on her face. Natalie and I didn't exchange gifts, because we didn't need to. We loved each other and that was enough. Also, because we hadn't had a chance to shop for each other. Don't tell anyone.


Faith returned to Belcamp with the video footage of the interview, as well as a few ‘home movies' Natalie and I pushed on her. She promised to return when she could, and to pull strings to get us a free subscription to FFM. The first issue arrived in January, and lo and behold!, there we were in the ‘Famous Couples' section. For a week straight I had friends calling me up and telling me how cool it was that I was in FFM. I had to manually deflate my ego.


Faith calls us often, and we chat (or have phone sex). Turns out her interview was both good and bad. It was good because she suddenly became a big time reporter with people lining up to be interviewed by her. It was bad because she had very little time to herself, and she had no time to visit us. Natalie was a little sad, which reached full-blown depression when, for the third month in a row, she came up childless. She had to take anti-depressants to keep herself going.


And as for me, I've decided to stop tomcatting around until after Natalie becomes pregnant. The doctor theorized that, because I'm so sexually active, my sperm count was down. No biggie, I'd just not have sex until Natalie's next heat. My balls would be pretty swollen (though not nearly as swollen as they were right after my time in jail), but I would endure. Natalie promised to play frigid with me, so that if I must suffer through chastity, we could do it together.


God I love her.