Darrel the Counselor: 5A

Story by Aqualover on SoFurry

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#5 of Darrel the Counselor

Wednesday morning, Darrel was lying on his bed as the sun just barely illuminated the room. Gene, his coworker and lover, was next to him and groggily waking up like he was. Last night was pretty fun, Gene had gotten used to having Kane, the subby wolf boi, involved in sex. Right now though, Darrel was just wondering where the wolf had gotten off to. He was in between the cheetah and vixen as they slept but-


Came the excited squeal of Kane, his white wolf fur filling Darrel's view as the cub straddled the naked counselor. Kane's bare rear rubbed over the hardening sheath, egging on the hidden meat the wolf had come to be addicted to.

"Kay, hunny please don't surprise me like that"

Darrel said, grabbing the wolf's hips and grinding his sheath back against the bottom, his cock starting to come out.

"Ok, but can you fill me up please? I really want your milk inside me"

Kane asked the cheetah, his hips continuing to dry hump the slowly hardening cheetah cock. Darrel laughed at the request

"Sure thing sweety, just slide on top of me and I'll give you a good ride"

Kane smiled and lifted his ass, Darrel squeezed it possessively before lowering it down and sinking his meat into the wolfboi.

Kane squealed, his high pitch, girly shout of joy making Gene flip onto her side and take in the sight of the wolf, getting mounted by Darrel.

"Hey *Yawn*... You could have asked if I wanted a good morning fuck"

Gene growled to Darrel lustily, the Cheetah just humped up into Kane's ass, the wolf's hard dick going up by the motion.

"Hmm I got an idea, *Grunt* Our bitch is a big girl, maybe you could mount her hun"

Darrel purred to Gene, the vixen stared at Kane and his adequate equipment, a sub or no, he was still a male. Kane was too busy enjoying the barbed cock up his tail to notice the conversation.

"Ok, flip her over and we can have a family fuck"

Gene laughed and crawled over as Darrel grabbed Kane by the legs and carefully spun him around, Kane yelped in surprise as Darrel wrapped his arms around his chest and made the wolf lean back into Darrel's body, still impaled by the cheetah.

"Ok, Dear, ride our girl and make her scream"

Darrel said, Gene grinned and climbed onto Kane, the wolf boy was stunned in glee as his new ‘mommy' climbed ontop of him.

"Are you going to feed me milk too mommy?"

Kane asked in such an innocent tone, Darrel almost blew his load right there.

"No Kay, hunny, I'm going to be milking you now"

Gene laughed, Kane gasped and smiled widely as the fox lowered herself onto the hard wolf cock. Gene cooed as Darrel started pumping into Kane again, his hips jerking Kane's hips and in effect, fucking both of them at the same time. Kane moaned from having Gene's tight pussy around his cock, and Gene moaned from how the boy's meat felt inside her.

The family screwing continued for only a few minutes but the three of them groaned and ground against each other for what seemed longer to them. Darrel pounded Kane's rear and gripped his hips as he began to cum, Kane following suit and Gene going off after Kane started to suckle her tits.

After a moment of intense afterglow, Gene got off Kane who lifted himself off Darrel, the Cheetah sat upright as he watched his Cum drip out of the wolf and the boy's seed slowly dripping out of the vixen. Everyone was panting and smiling in sated lust...Then, Gene looked at the time and the three hastily got to their clothes, rushing to make their destinations.

Kane had called ahead to his mother yesterday and said he would be staying at a friend's home, she wasn't suspicious at all. Gene took a shower with her two lovely male friends then got her clothes and went home to change into something else, Darrel had everything he needed in his bedroom, so after the shower he simply put his clothes on and left for the school.

About ten minutes later, Gene arrived in the school parking lot, it was almost empty except for one other car. Gene went over to check the car, the rear right door was slightly open but the light was off. Then Gene noticed a person, on her back on the backseat. Gene saw it was Seal, who was completely nude with her clothes lying next to her head. Seal was a young black furred kitten that helps file things in the office, she was a good friend of Gene. Seal had one leg on the floor of the car and the other bent a little, she had a dildo in her right hand and was pumping herself steadily. Seal had her eyes closed and her lower lip bit in pleasure, she didn't even seem to notice as Gene opened the car door slowly and bent over the cat. She did however open her eyes wide as Gene's hand came down and stopped her from masturbating, the cat's emerald eyes opened extremely wide but Gene just grinned at her.

"Couldn't wait till after school to spill your cream hmm?"

Gene said, her hand taking out the dildo from between Seal's legs -causing her to groan- and holding it up for her to see. The cat stared at the toy, covered in her own translucent mess

"I-I, I'm sorry, Gene Please don't tell anyone!"

Seal begged, she hadn't moved an inch, her body was frozen, except for her quivering slit of course.

"Calm down kitty, I won't tell that you've been naughty..."

Gene said with a smile, she brought down the dildo to Seal's chest and let the toy's head go down the center of the cat, between her breasts and down to her belly, Seal squirmed and looked at Gene confused.

"But, how about the next time you feel like you need to let off some stress you come to me, I'll make you cream enough to fill a saucer...Okay?"

Gene asked the cat, she held the dildo over Seal's opening, teasing her as the cat opened her mouth in amazement, a blush coming to her face.

"I- um, you, you sure....?"

Seal stammered, Gene laughed and grinned, her other hand coming up and playing with Seal's right breast. The cat was young but was developing nicely.

"Of course I'm sure, I always thought you were cute"

Gene answered, giggling. She had always suspected that the kitten had a crush on her, but she hadn't noticed till recently. The cat nodded with a light blush and a smile.

"Ok, We'll meet up later to have some fun...Uh woops, I almost forgot about this"

Gene grinned as she looked down, she had kept the dildo floating above the feline's cunny for so long it was leaking juices desperately, Seal herself was only mildly squirming and smiling at Gene.

"I think we can do better then toys..."

Gene said and dropped it next to Seal's left leg, after which the vixen bent down and got close to the pussy's pussy. (haha...double meaning ...yeah sorry J) Seal gasped as Gene breathed her hot breath onto her lower lips.

"Now don't get my suit wet, k sweety"

She said with a wink, Seal just blushed. Gene had her left hand on Seal's right breast, fondling the tit softly, while her right hand grabbed Seal's left butt cheek -this producing a squeak of surprise from the kitten- then extended her vulpine tongue out and brushed the cat's lips.


Seal moaned as Gene began to lap at the kitty, her rough tongue teased the clit every now and then before the vixen finally stuck it deep into Seal, Seal's hips moved towards Gene's mouth desperately as she felt the cat's soft inner walls against her tongue, it was delicious.

"I-I'm gonna!"

She yelped, Gene barely had time to pull her tongue out -this making Seal gasp in more pleasure- and open her mouth to engulf Seal's groin. The cat watched as Gene covered her entire pussy, the fox's tongue pressing against the slit.

Another cry and a spasm of her leg's and Seal was coming, and her pussy was jetting out female fluids and cum so hard that it became obvious why Gene covered Seal's slit with her mouth as she did. Another trickle of fluid after the initial gush, which was quickly lapped up by Gene, and Seal was finished. The cat slumped in the backseat of her own car as Gene straightened up and checked her suit after swallowing the large mess the kitty had given her.

"Hmm, no stains...Good. Well kitty, you were really tasty, let's rub ego's together sometime, mine is beginning to get wet"

Gene winked and Seal panted and blushed and nodded with a wide smile.

Darrel was strolling down hallway B-3, on the second floor of the school. Everyone should be lining up outside and waiting to be let in if they weren't apart of the staff. Darrel was told to check in a room or two and see if a missing janitor's cart full of cleaning supplies was left lying around, lazy clean up crew...

However, Darrel's sharp feline eyes caught something through one of the small rectangular glass windows for a classroom's door. The cheetah walked up and peered inside to see the lights were on, and there was a what looked like a student inside -the glass for the classroom doors being fog-like, a idea no one in the school took credit for.

So Darrel opened the door and was greeted with a familiar yet still slightly shocking sight. A young raccoon boy, a student no doubt since he had his uniform and all, was kneeling in front of the history teacher Ted Digor. Ted was a lion in full form, bright young yellow fur with a fluffy orangy main and standard yellowish eyes. However what really made this scene stand out was the pride cat's previous lustful grin and the fact his pants were down and cock already hard, obviously poise to have a boy's mouth over it...

Ted lost his grin, which turned into a look of fear as the door opened. His eyes going wider as he saw the Counselor of the school, imagining how he could easily be sent to prison by Darrel's report on this. The cheetah noticed the look, the same one he almost got from Gene, thankfully that worked out all right.

"D-Darrel, I can...Explain this it-"

The Lion said attempting to excuse his situation, with Darrel cutting him off with a quick

"Save it for a second Ted"

The Lion shut his trap at that. Darrel walked up to the ‘coon boy and helped him off his knees, the boy seemed frightened, at the very least nervous. Darrel frowned, this was not a situation like Kane, this was quite different.

"Son, you don't want to do anything with Mr. Digor, right?"

The boy shook his head, seeming to be on the brink of crying

"You don't have to, now I'll deal...-"

A glare at the Lion which made him twitch

"-With mr. Digor, you can just head outside as quick as you can, since your not supposed to be inside yet...And close the door on your way out alright?"

The cheetah put a hand on the boy's shoulders to ease him, his quivering stopped a bit, the ‘coon smiled a little at his rescuer and did as he was told, closing the door then running quietly through the side hallway, down the stairs, and eventually back outside.

Ted watched the boy close the door as he left, then his attention was back on Darrel, his fear of being imprisoned still there, nearly making him wet himself in the worst way for a grown man. The cheetah spun to look at the Lion, a smirk on his face.

"So, you took a kid who probably hasn't even thought about sex into the school, into your classroom, before they were even supposed to let anyone in at this early hour, then tried to get him to unwillingly suck you...that right?"

Ted's body was frozen against the front of his desk, which he had been leaning on when darrel walked in. He nodded slowly.

"Listen here Teddy, we've been friends only a little while...I should call up the Principle, hell the cops would be appropriate really... But I'm going to make you a little deal, if you accept, I keep my mouth shut, alright?"

Ted's eyes darted around the room, what was this counselor trying to do? Get him to verbally confess? Since he had no way out, and was still with his pants around his ankles besides, his cock long soft because of stress and fear, he nodded to the cheetah.

"Ok, you need to promise, never, ever, to pull a kid in for some of that extra curricular fun you were trying to get unless he's willingly offering...And the next time you need a good suck, just come to my office when I'm not busy."

Darrel said this all slowly so it all sunk in to the lion teacher, and at the last part the cheetah moved closer to Ted and grabbed his soft dick, giving it a squeeze. Ted's mind was now confused, amazed, appalled, and partly excited, he decided to go with the last part of his brain's thought pattern, and growled lustily at the cheetah.

"Sure thing, so you offering to get on your knee's right now Darrel?"

He said to the counselor, Darrel just grinned and let go of the cat cock. Moving to the door to lock it first, a thing the lion had apparently forgot to do, then turned and slid his pants down, underwear and all.

"Nah, I'm feeling like doing something a little different"

Darrel said with a grin, the lion watched as Darrel went to the back of Ted's desk and bent over it a little, one of the spotted cats fingers curling for him to come around. Ted grinned widely, he was looking forward to this. He went around and eyed that swaying cheetah tail, and Darrel's soft yet firm rear.

"Mmm, be gentle with this pussy will ya? It's my first time"

Darrel said to Ted, lifting his tail out of the way and raising his rear to the lion, his cock already hard again by the view and wordplay.

"No problem at all babe, hope you like your kitty cock nice and fat though"

Ted said with laugh as he positioned his dick at Darrel's ass, then shoved in the head roughly. The cheetah gasped and almost cried in the bit of pain of having a cock up him, he had only recently started considering doing it with a male as a sub because of Kane, so he hadn't experimented or anything and as a result, was a very tight cheetah at the moment.

"Mmm tight pussy, my favorite, how are the barbs treating ya Darrel?"

Ted asked as he slowly pumped his cock a half inch in then out, rubbing the first few little rubbery spikes around Darrel's insides. They made him twist his face obscure pleasure as the pain went down to almost nonexistent, his butt wiggling a little as Ted grabbed the cheetah's hips.

"I'll take that as a ‘great', lets see what else you think of the rest of me"

A grin of dominant male lust plastered on the lion as he slowly worked his cock into Darrel, the cheetah groaning with every few inchs till all of the lion's dick was snugly up his tail.

"Ohh, no wonder your called ‘the king'"

Darrel moaned with a bit of a laugh, pain all but gone even though his ass was still a little tight around Ted's girth.

"Yeah? Well lets hear you moan for his majesty then bitch"

The lion tauntingly said with a slap to Darrel's ass and a quick pump in and out of the cheetah's bottom. This caused Darrel to gasp and groan with a shiver. Ted just grinned more broadly as Darrel reacted to his pump, he began a steady rhythm of thrusts into Darrel's ass. The cheetah squirming because it felt so good.

"that's right, who's the top cat around here, who's dick do you like being fucked on?"

Ted taunted as he sped up his pace on Darrel's rear

"You are, Yours, fuck your kitty harder! Breed me!"

Darrel moaned out as he pushed back onto Ted's thick cock, now beginning to pulse as he got close, his own cheetah cock starting to twitch too.

" Ohh, almost, there...Lets have you ride your king for a nice cum...How about it Pussy?"

Darrel moaned even though he couldn't understand the question, the cock had too much of an effect on his tight and till recently virgin tail hole to fully get what Ted said. Until of course the lion grabbed the spotty cheetah legs and pulled, taking Darrel off his feet as he was hoisted roughly up against Ted's chest, the lion's cock now spurting deep inside his ass with each pulse of the leonine meat.

"Cum baby, lets see that pussy juice fly!"

Ted groaned out, with half closed eyes, Darrel couldn't help but obey as the pleasure became too much, he moaned out to Ted and squirmed ontop of the lions still spurting dick, his cock jumped and sent ropes of cheetah spunk onto the back of Ted's desk, a little going far enough to land on top of the desk, the lions cum warming his insides as it spurted. Both cats moaned as their orgasms helped milk each other, till finally they ceased. Ted let Darrel down, both big cats panting from the experience. After a minute of cleaning up both felines had their pants back on, Darrel unlocked the door as he began to leave.

"Come on over later Teddy, I've got a little girl who would love to suck you with me"

Darrel said, Ted grinned at the idea, reclining in his chair with a little of that afterglow feeling still in him. Darrel then turned and left, going back to his job of finding the stray janitorial cart in the short time he had left before the kids were let inside, though now he did it with slightly sticky insides.