My Roommate's A Stripper?! Ch. 27

Story by Darkhom on SoFurry

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#27 of My Roommate's A Stripper?!

Happy Holidays everyone! No matter what you celebrate, here is my gift to you all! The next chapter of "My Roommate's A Stripper!?" Hope you all enjoy the holiday hijinks of what will be the last chapter of this year. Enjoy, and I hope everyone has a Happy New Year! ^^

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Chapter 27 "New Traditions"

As December rolled in so did the end of the semester, and with it a myriad of final exams. All spare time for Aiden and Marcus was being spent either studying for or preparing exams. Both men were spending their lunch studying in their office, an annoying silence in the room, broken only by the sound of turning pages and tired sighs.

"God dammit, why do there have to be so many different format styles?" Marcus broke the silence with a groan. "I'm never going to use most of these anyway. So glad there's only one more semester of this."

"Hard to believe this is our last semester as students coming up." Aiden agreed, glad to take a break from studying. "I suppose we'll have more time to teach more classes starting next year."

"I was thinking more time off." Marcus said with a laugh. "Less time I have to spend studying and doing homework means more time I can spend playing games and spending with Terra."

"Hm, probably best if I use my free time for writing." Aiden admitted with a chuckle. "Haven't worked on it as much as I'd like lately. Plus, me and any kind of relationship seems to be problematic these days."

"And here I thought things were going well with you and Jacob."

Aiden was about to respond, though he still felt on the fence about Jacob, when his phone rang. "What does she want?" He answered it to speaker, placing his cellphone on the desk. "Hello Max. You home already?"

"Yep, my last class was a while ago. I hope I'm not bothering you, but I'm feeling festive and was just wondering where you hid your Christmas decorations."

"Top hall closet. Shouldn't be too hard to find."

"Yeah, I looked in there, but all I found was a small tree. Where's the rest?"

"There isn't any." Aiden said, flipping through his notes once more. "That little tree has served Marcus and I for years."

"You still have that old thing?" Marcus said with a laugh. "I guess I'll have to start a few new traditions this year."

While Marcus and Aiden shared a chuckle, Max was oddly quiet, as if deep in thought. "Wait, what do you mean this is all you have? How can you only have one decoration?"

"It's all we've ever needed." Aiden explained. "It's not like we ever did anything really crazy for Christmas."

"Well that is about to change." Max declared. "I am going out right now to get some more and really make this place festive. See you tonight."

"Oh Max, wait." Marcus called out, trying to catch her before she hung up. "Terra's throwing a Christmas party Monday night, and she really wants you to come. Can you make it?"

"Monday? Yeah, I'd love to. Wouldn't miss it. I'll even bring dessert. Actually; Aiden, could you stop by Cheryl's bakery on the way home? They make these Christmas log cakes that are just the best. It'll be great for the party."


"I'll pay you back. I'd get it myself but I won't be on that side of town. Please?"

Aiden could practically feel her eyes begging him through the phone, tearing down his meager resistance. "Yeah, alright. I'll stop on my way home."

"Thanks Aiden, you're the best! See you tonight." And with that she hung up, off to see how many decorations she could buy in a single afternoon.

"You were saying something about relationship issues?" Marcus chuckled, smirking at Aiden. "You practically sound married."

"Oh shut up." Aiden countered with a roll of his eyes. "Don't you have a test to study for?"

While Marcus laughed, Aiden returned to his notes. Really, the request wasn't much of an inconvenience for him anyway. And it might not hurt to see Cheryl again. Besides, he was more worried about what he might come home to. Aiden liked Christmas, but not enough to spend a month living in Santa's workshop.

Goodwin Bakery was only a few minutes out of the way home for Aiden, so he wasn't too upset as he drove through the dark city streets. The bakery itself proved to be more crowded than the fox had anticipated however. A short line of customers had already formed at the register, everyone ordering cakes, pastries, and other baked goods for their own holiday festivities. Nothing he could do but wait and watch while Cheryl and her mother ran about helping customers.

"Hi Aiden." The young torgi greeted him when he finally made it to the counter. "Can't talk today. It's kinda busy, so-"

"So it's a good thing I'm here to buy." Aiden interrupted with a smile. "Max asked me to pick up some Christmas log cake for a party. I hope you have some left."

"I know just the one. Mom, we need a strawberry yule log. Anything else today, hun?"

"That will be everything, thanks." Aiden was already pulling out his wallet to pay. "I'm glad to see you're so busy, though I suppose it doesn't leave you any time to talk, huh?"

"Not really." Cheryl said with a chuckle, ringing up his cake before tucking it into a bag. "You really want to chat? I'm off Sunday. We can talk all you want then."

"Sure, how about lunch?" Aiden offered with a smile as he took his cake. "We can go to that cafe we used to haunt. Sound good?"

"Really?" Cheryl was a bit surprised by the genuine invitation, not having expected him to agree. "Yeah, alright. But you're paying."

"Then I'll see you Sunday." With a wave and a smile, Aiden made room for the next customer, leaving Cheryl to work so he could finally get home for the day.

It was naturally later than usual when Aiden finally got home. At this point he was looking forward to putting his paws up and relaxing with a cold drink. He had actually forgotten his conversation with Max earlier, so when he stepped inside the apartment the fox was momentarily stunned by what greeted him.

Max hadn't been kidding when she said she was buying more decorations. Streams of garland accented the front door, while more was wrapped around the stair banister. Colored lights had also been hung around the balcony door so as to be viewable from outside. Wreaths, decorative gift boxes, and other festive items were carefully placed around the apartment. The festive feel was completed with the pleasing sound of Bing Crosby singing Christmas carols on the stereo.

"Welcome home, Aiden." Max called from the table. She had a couple large stockings in front of her that she was working on, a red santa hat perched on her head. "So, what do you think?"

"I... wow." Aiden had to take a moment to take it all in. "I've never seen this place so seasonal before. This is very... wow, it's a lot. But, where's my tree?"

"Right here." Max said with a roll of her eyes, holding up the box with his novelty, twenty inch tree inside. "I wasn't sure where you wanted to put it, so I saved it for when you got home. Plus, you can put your name on your stocking." With a giddy smile she put down the tree, picking up a bottle of glue and some sparkles. "It's just like when we were kids!"

"Max, this is nice and all, but don't you think this is a bit... much? I mean, we aren't kids anymore."

The young skunk practically scoffed, crossing the room to confront the man. "Well, I didn't know I was living with a grinch. It's Christmas, Aiden. This is the time of year where everyone can relax, smile, and feel like a kid again. This is a time when you should stop thinking so much and just enjoy the little things, like decorations, and putting your name on a stocking with glue and sparkles." With a giggle she took the hat from her head and placed it on his. "So, are you going to be grumpy like some many other boring old adults, or are you going to have some fun with me and really enjoy yourself?"

Aiden blinked for a moment, before a smile crossed his muzzle. "You know, it's almost impossible to argue with you when you get like this. And I certainly don't want to be an old adult."

"Good." Max smile, lightly patting his shoulder. "Now come help me finish decorating. I've still got a few things left to put up."

Aiden could only shake his head, though he couldn't help but smile. He was finding her energy contagious, and what more, he was starting to like her decorating. It was reminding him of his childhood, now that he thought about it, and warm Christmas mornings with his family. With those nostalgic memories warming his heart, Aiden joined Max at the table, more than happy to help her start their Christmas together.

"I hope this isn't a mistake." This was Cheryl's running thought as she pulled into the cafe parking lot that Sunday afternoon. While it was true she had been the one who suggested it, she hadn't expected Aiden to so quickly agree to lunch. "Going on dates with exes is never a good idea. Only because it's you, Aiden."

She found the man just inside the cafe, perusing the menu while he waited. "Hey Aiden. Have you been waiting long?"

"Hi Cheryl. No, I just got here a few minutes ago myself." He smiled warmly as she sat across from him, taking the menu to look through for herself. "Thanks for taking time from your day off to see me, by the way."

"Oh stop. That's what friends do. Besides, you're paying, so it works out for me." They ordered food and engaged in light conversation for a bit; the usual, inconsequential banter often shared by casual friends. It wasn't until after their food arrived and they'd eaten a bit that Cheryl finally spoke her thoughts.

"You know, I'm a bit surprised. I never expected you to ask me out after what happened. Especially after what we last talked about. You're not getting any funny ideas, are you?" Aiden just stared at her blankly, and it took only a moment for Cheryl to realise that he had no idea what she was getting at. "This isn't a date, is it?"

"A date? Well, no. I just wanted to talk for a bit. What makes you think this is a date?"

"Oh, the fact that you pretty much asked me out the other day?" Cheryl said, breaking out in laughter. "I should have known better than to expect something like that from you. But seriously, you can't just ask a girl out to lunch like that and not expect her to think it's a date. You're just as hopeless as ever."

"Sorry." Aiden said, ears folded back apologetically. "I... I didn't think-"

"It's okay." Cheryl interrupted him, still chuckling a bit. "It's actually kind of a relief. I thought you wanted... well, nevermind. So, what did you want to talk about then?"

"Well, I was actually hoping we could talk about relationships some more. I've been feeling a bit conflicted, and you seem to have a clearer head about these things."

"Really? You don't think it's embarrassing to ask for dating advice from someone so much younger than you?"

"Only four years." Aiden countered, not missing her teasing jab. "And birth age has nothing to do with maturity. I know people our age and older that still act like spoiled children."

"True." Cheryl conceded, taking another bite of her sandwich. "Alright, so what's leaving you so conflicted."

Aiden took a deep breath before explaining his situation to Cheryl. He recounted his new relationship with Jacob, their experimenting, minus many details, and finished with the somewhat recent argument the two of them had. He told the tale quickly, in his usual straightforward sense, finishing with another breath. "So, that's what happened."

"And you just called him out like that, right in public?" Cheryl asked in disbelief. "He didn't want to hold your hand, so you just jump to that? Aiden, there could have been a hundred reasons for the way he acted, and most of them wouldn't have been appropriate for talking about in public. God, you really are just as oblivious as always."

"But, I've been trying to pay more attention." Aiden tried to defend himself. "I wouldn't have ever noticed this before."

"That's great. It is important to notice little things like that. But you can't call people out on it like that, either. It's, well, rude."

"So then, what should I do?"

Cheryl grunted as she scratched her head in thought. "Not much you can do about it now. You'll just have to try and be less of an idiot in the future." She watched as Aiden slumped in his seat, ears folded back in defeat. It was hard to see him like that, especially since it was her advice bringing him down. There had to be a way to help him out. "Say, Aiden; what kind of relationship do you want with Jacob?"

"Well, we just started with some experimenting as friends, which I didn't mind. But then he confessed his feelings, and although he's not really pushing it I know he wants to date me. That's why I thought we'd give it a try."

"Yeah, but do you want to date him?" Aiden's blank stare had her slapping her palm to her forehead. "You say you've changed, but you're still just the same. Aiden, are you trying to date Jacob because you want to or because he wants to? It sounds to me like you're doing all this just for him. You're just building a relationship off of someone else's wants, not your own. Again. Just like with Layla, and just like with... with me. You need to stop worrying about what others want and focus on what you want."

"But I don't know what I want." Aiden admitted with an exasperated sigh. "Everyone wants something that involves me. I've never had to think about it before. I really am pathetic."

Even Cheryl felt bad for Aiden with that revelation. And still just a little guilty. "Hey, it's not all that bad. You know what you're doing with your career. You've got a job you like, and that book you're writing. You're not pathetic, dating is just really complicated."

"If you say so." Aiden muttered, not so convinced. "So, do you think I should date Jacob, or just stay friends?"

"I think you need to answer that question yourself." Cheryl answered. "I can't tell you what to do here. You need to take the time to figure out what you want. Do you want Jacob to be your boyfriend, or just a friend? A lover? A husband?"

"I don't know."

"And that's fine." Cheryl continued. "You don't need to answer me. You only need those answers for you. Take some time to think about what you want in a relationship, and who you want to be with. That's what I did."

"I've never been good at this self evaluation stuff." Aiden said with a chuckle. "But you're right. Doesn't sound easy though."

"It's not, but the important stuff never is. It'll be better for you in the long run though. If you want to be happy, you can't just date someone because they want to. You have to want it too."

"You're right, again." Aiden conceded. "Thanks again for all this advice. Is there anyway I can repay you for all this help?"

"I told you already, that's what friends do. Besides, you're paying for lunch, remember?" She threw him a wink, still finding some fun in teasing him. "And speaking of things friends can do, if you want to and feel up for it, I'm always open for some of that friends with benefits fun."

"I... I'll keep that in mind." Aiden said with a soft blush. It was getting even harder for him to distinguish friendship from something more. Why did relationships have to be so complicated?

Everyone was looking forward to a bit of festive fun and celebration by the time Monday evening rolled around, and few more than Max. The woman had forgotten just how stressful studying for finals could be and with those very tests looming in the next couple days she was eager for a chance to unwind with friends. And the skunk could think of no better group of friends to unwind with, except for Cheryl of course.

It was a small crowd for this party, especially compared to the previous parties they had attended. Jacob was there of course, and he, Aiden, and Marcus had congregated near the kitchen to chat within easy access of the beer. While they chatted nearby, Max joined Terra on the couch along with fellow models Renee and Emily. Max had barely started her first glass of wine and she was already feeling more relaxed.

"Can you believe the designs they're planning for next season?" Renee complained, clearly displeased. "I mean, oh my god, did you see those patterns? Almost everything had some kind of complicated embroidery on it. It all felt like the same thing over again in a different color and cut."

"I don't know. I thought there was a lot of variety in that collection." Emily chimed in. "I thought there was a lot of contrast in those designs, and the collection as a whole. Of course, you've always prefered solids and simple patterns over more detailed ones, so I'm not surprised you didn't like them."

"What I like has nothing to do with it." The dalmatian insisted somewhat stubbornly. "It's just an odd design choice, and I hope the summer collections will be better. What did you think, Terra?"

"I haven't even seen it." The siamese cat remarked with a sip of wine. "My agent has me modeling next year's Victoria's Secret line, and let me just say those bras are gorgeous. Very comfortable, too. I was especially pleased with the strapless ones. Honestly though, the only fashion I'm really interested in right now is wedding clothes."

"Oh yes, your wedding!" Max joined in excitedly. "Oh, wedding dresses are so pretty. Have you picked yours out yet?"

"Of course. I picked all the dresses out a while ago. Almost everything's already planned, in fact. Now we're just waiting and making sure everything goes according to plan. And making sure my sisters play nice together and not make any scenes."

"Oh come on, it can't be that bad. They're your sisters. Would they really ruin your wedding?"

"Well, Fiona wouldn't, not on her own. She's already married so she knows how crazy and important this all is. But Ariel is a party girl who doesn't know her limits. And if she gets drunk and starts acting up, it'll rile up Fiona who'll make things worse. I swear, sometimes having sisters is more trouble than it's worth."

"And yet they're both in your wedding party." Renee said with a smirk. "If you really didn't want them to cause trouble, you wouldn't have invited them at all."

"They're my sisters, Renee. I can't not invite them. I wouldn't even think of it. Besides, I'm sure everything will be fine."

"I bet it'll be a lovely wedding." Max agreed, somberly taking a sip of wine. "I can't wait to see all the pictures."

"You can take your own pictures." The woman replied with a bit of surprise. "Or did you think you weren't going to be invited?"

"Well, I..."

"You're one of my good friends, Max. Of course you're invited to our wedding." With a giggle she bumped shoulders with the skunk. "I'd be more than happy to have you at my wedding. Maybe we could even have a dance together."

"Well, I'll definitely save the date then." Max replied with a smirk. "Hopefully I'll know some new moves by then, thanks to my classes."

"Classes?" Emily perked up. "Are you taking dancing classes?"

"Something like that. I'm taking college classes for performing arts; theater specifically. I'll be taking a few different dancing classes along the way. I'm even taking a ballet class next semester. I haven't danced ballet since I was a little girl, so I'm really looking forward to it."

"Theater and dancing?" Renee quipped. "Interesting, but won't you make more money and have better job security if you stick with stripping? You must make a lot of money now; why take the risk?"

"Aiden convinced me I should." Max explained, tipping her glass towards the fox. "I've always dreamed of performing on a stage and he helped me find a way to do so. I may not make as much money, but it's important to do something you really love, too."

While Renee rolled her eyes at the notion, Terra seemed a bit moved. "I think it's a wonderful idea. Half the reason I stick with modeling is how much fun it can be. Though sometimes I wonder if it's worth keeping up with all the pressure to keep this figure, only to have the photos edited later anyway. Makes it all seem pointless, and it's not very kind on the ego."

"Oh, that's just ridiculous." Max said, patting Terra on the thigh. "Honey, you're gorgeous. Those magazine people have an impossible idea of beauty. You've already got it naturally. Right Marcus?" She called to the man, quickly getting his attention. "Tell your fiancée she's beautiful."

More beautiful with each passing day." He replied without hesitation. "And way more beautiful than those I deserve."

"Oh, you guys are too much." Terra was blushing through her fur at this point, and it had nothing to do with the wine. "Do you really think I'm that beautiful?" She asked Max somewhat timidly.

"Well, yes of course. Why wouldn't I?"

"We're all beautiful." Emily cut in. "If we weren't, we wouldn't have the jobs we do. And Terra, if you're worried about photoshopping, I know some clients who are starting to campaign that they don't use it. You should look into them."

Terra nodded, though her attention was still towards Max. It certainly wasn't the first time anyone had called her beautiful, but it felt more meaningful coming from the skunk. Almost as much as when Marcus said it. Perhaps it was just the wine getting to her.

The party continued on quite merrily, with everyone having a pleasant time chatting, drinking, and even sampling some cake. It was a feeling Maxine was more than happy to embrace to the fullest, the epitome of the season to her.

"Can I just say that I love your decorations." The skunk commented as she cut herself a slice of the cake she had brought. "I always thought your apartment had a really nice, modern feel to it, and you've got a lot of decorations that fit that look and are still festive. I just love it."

"Thank you. I've been collecting little things I like her and there every year. Can't have a good party without the right decor. Not that I had much help setting it up." Terra threw a glance at Marcus, who could only shrug and grin in response.

"I know how that feels." Max agreed. "Aiden didn't have anything to work with. I had to go out and buy a trunk load of decorations just so we could have a proper Christmas. All that's left to get is a tree."

"We have a tree." Aiden interjected. "We have a nice, reliable tree that I've used for years."

"That thing is too small, Aiden."

"You're talking about mini faithful, right?" Marcus said with a laugh. "You're still actually using that thing?"

"Of course I am. That little tree has served me well for years. I mean, it's all we really need."

"But Aiden... It's cute but I was hoping for something bigger."

"That's what she said." Marcus quipped, earning a few chuckles and glances alike.

"Seriously," Max continued, "I was hoping we could get a real tree."


"But, why not?"

"Max, as nice as it might be I am not carrying a real tree up three flights of stairs just so you can decorate it, stare at it for a week, and then have me carry it back down three flights of stairs to throw it away."


"Besides, it's a fire hazard. I'm pretty sure it's against policy for us to have a live tree in the apartment."

"Oh, well... dammit." Max conceded with a sigh. "But I still want a full sized tree. Could we get a fake on at least?"

"Those fake ones are pretty easy to deal with." Marcus offered, nodding towards their own tree. "Light, easy to set up, and they even come pre-decorated. Certainly saves me a lot of time and work."

"I dunno..."

"Oh come on, Aiden." Max said with a huff. "I was hoping to include you in this, but if you're going to be like that, I'll just take care of it all by myself."

"So, when are you two getting married?" Renee jokingly asked, bringing a chuckle out of everyone except Max and Aiden, who simply looked confused and embarrassed.

"We're not getting married." Aiden muttered, not quite sure how else to respond to that.

"Well you're sure bickering like an old married couple."

"That's what I said!" Marcus backed her up, bringing out another round of laughter. Even Max joined in this time, finding the mirth contagious. Jacob wasn't quite as amused, though he chuckled all the same. Once the conversations resumed however, he approached the fox, pulling him somewhat aside.

"So Aiden, I was thinking that maybe after this party we go back to my place and have a party of our own. What do you think?" He reached an arm around Aiden with a smirk, lightly gripping the base of his tail teasingly. "Maybe I can give you a nice Christmas present early."

"I don't know, Jacob." Aiden replied, already offering an apologetic look. "I've got a final first thing in the morning, and then I'm proctoring one later in the afternoon. I really shouldn't stay up too late tonight."

"Well we could call it an early night." Jacob offered. "My place, a nightcap, then some fun in the bed."

"No, Jacob." Aiden reiterated more firmly. "I really should get some proper sleep. Besides, I want to make sure Max gets home alright. Last party she drank too much and had passed out long before we got home. She's being more careful tonight, but I don't want to leave her alone, just in case."


Everyone stopped what they were doing at Emily's sudden exclamation, eyes turned upward to find the faux plant hanging just above Max and Terra's heads. "You're under the mistletoe! You have to kiss!"

"Oh stop it, Emily." Terra waved the sheep off. "It's just a silly decoration."

"I don't mind." Max said with a grin, more than open to a little fun after a few drinks. "Unless you don't want to kiss me."

"I, no, I mean..." Terra was blushing again, and the persistent encouragement from Emily, and now Renee, wasn't helping. "Well, it is a tradition I suppose."

"First things first." Max said with a giggle. "Marcus, do you mind if I kiss your fiancée?"

"Hm, do I mind if my hot fiancée kisses her hot friend? Let me think about it..."

"Oh, shut up, Marcus." Terra scolded him before turning back to Max. "Honey, I'd love a kiss from you. Can't break tradition after all."

"That's the spirit." Max smirked, wrapping an arm around the feline's waist and pulling her close. "Merry Christmas, babe." Sharing a smile she pressed her lips against Terra's as a smile chorus of cheers came from the other women. It was a short kiss, but enough to get Terra blushing even more.

She couldn't help but moan softly just before Max pulled away, a grin plastered on her face. "Did... did you slip me tongue?"

"Merry Christmas." Max said again with a wink before stepping away once more. "So, who wants more wine?"

"I think you've had enough wine." Aiden said, chuckling at the ensuing pout she gave him. Her antics were helpful in proving his point to Jacob at least, though a part of him was still on the fence about that relationship. He didn't want to worry about it too much though. Like everyone else here, Aiden just wanted to enjoy himself. He'd worry about more important things when he was more sober.

It didn't take long for finals to be over and Christmas to come. It was now Christmas Eve and Max and Aiden were on their way to his parents' house, and while the fox was in pretty good spirits, Max was feeling just a bit nervous.

"You doing okay?" Aiden asked as they pulled up to his childhood home. "You're not in your usual festive mood."

"Sorry." Max said with a soft smile. "I guess I'm just worried about being a bother. I'd hate to get in the way of your family Christmas."

"Didn't I already tell you that you are family?" Aiden said as he got out of the car. "You won't be getting in the way of anything. Besides, when I told my parents your situation, they pretty much insisted you join us. You're more than welcome here with us, Max."

"I know." Max replied, blushing just a bit. "And I'm very touched by all this, but... it still feels a little weird."

"Not being with your own parents, you mean?" He wasn't surprised when she nodded. "Can't help that I'm afraid. But we'll do our best to make this a merry Christmas all the same."

Max couldn't argue, or at least she decided it was best not to. Gathering their things, they made their way inside, where they were very warmly welcomed by Judy Snowtail.

"Merry Christmas!" She exclaimed as they stepped inside. "Aiden, Maxine, so good to see you. Come in, set those presents under the tree and make yourselves at home."

"Thank you for having me." Max replied, gladly accepting the woman's hug. "I hope it's not too much trouble."

"Oh no trouble at all." Judy insisted. "You're more than welcome to spend Christmas with us. Now give me your coats and go make yourself at home in the living room."

"Gladly." Aiden said as he hefted the wrapped packages. "God these are heavy. What is in these boxes, Max?"

"You're just going to have to wait until tomorrow to find out." Max replied. "You won't be getting any hints from me."

The Snowtail home was modestly sized and quite cozy, and the living room was warm and inviting. Jessica was already there, curled up in a chair with her laptop. When she saw Aiden the young girl started to rise excited, but quickly shied down, a hesitant look in her eyes. "Hi Aiden. Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas, kid." He replied, walking over to ruffle her hair. "You've been good I hope?"

She started to nod when their mother pointedly cleared her throat, causing the girl to flinch. "Aiden, could you get your father for me please? He's playing games in his study, and I could use both your help in the kitchen." Judy turned to smile at Max as Aiden left the room. "Make yourself at home, dear. Our house is yours for as long as you're here." She flashed one last, stern look at Jessica before leaving the two girls alone.

Once alone, an awkward air filled the room. Hesitantly, Jessica got up and approached Max, her fingers fidgeting nervously. "So, um, I realize that what I said to you last time really upset you, and that was wrong of me. I shouldn't have said all the things I did, and... and I'm sorry I hurt you."

"That must have hurt." Max wanted to say, but she could tell Jessica was at least trying to be sincere, even if she was only doing it to get out of trouble with her mother and brother. A forced, guilty apology was better than no apology she supposed.

"It's okay." Max sighed. "Just, try to chill out around me, alright? No more of this competing over Aiden stuff."

Jessica nodded, letting out a deep breath. "I know, it's just, I worry about him sometimes. I had to deal with seeing that wench, Layla, hurt him again and again. I just don't want to see Nii-san get hurt like that again. I guess... I guess I was just trying to scare you away, or something. I dunno... Sorry."

"Jessica, I'm not interested in Aiden like that. He's a good guy, and a great friend, and that's all I really want from him. You don't have to worry about me hurting him, or stealing him away from you, okay?"

"Okay." The young girl replied meekly. "I'll try to be better. And, again, I'm sorry."

Again Max nodded, accepting the apology for what it was. With a quiet nod of her own, Jessica returned to her chair and laptop, quietly returning to whatever she had been doing when they arrived. Preferring conversation to awkward silence, Max left her be to find the rest of the family in the kitchen, putting the last touches on their dinner for the evening.

The rest of the evening was full of pleasant conversation and food. It didn't take long for Max to feel right at home with Aiden's family, sharing a wonderful dinner with them as if she truly belonged. As the night progressed they all returned to the living room, making idle conversation over glasses of mildly strong eggnog. Max was even given the unexpected treat of Aiden playing the piano. She was surprised by how well he could play, even if they were just simple Christmas songs. It was even rather cute when Jessica sat at his side, Aiden seemingly forgiving her now that the apology was out of the way. The young girl certainly seemed to be perking up as well, since she had been quiet and brooding most of the evening.

"Well, I think it may be time to turn in for the night." Aiden's father declared with a stretch of his arms. "Don't want to stay up too late or Santa will never show up."

"Oh stop it dear." Their mother smirked while the others chuckled. "But you're right, we should all get some sleep. Max, I hope you don't mind but we've set you up in Jessica's room. I hope that fold up bed is comfortable enough."

"I'm sure it's fine, thank you."

"Jessica can show you the way." Judy continued with a smile. "I'm sure she'd be more than happy to."

"Aw, Mom." Jessica whined. "I don't want to go to bed yet. I wanted to stay up with Aiden for a bit longer."

"Actually, I think bed is a good idea." Aiden said, ruffling his sister's hair. "There's a lot to do tomorrow, and you don't want to be too tired for it."

"Oh fine." The young girl pouted as she got to her paws. "My room's this way, Max. Might as well go now."

A round of good nights were shared and the two went deeper into the house to the vixen's room. It was a small room, adorned with the usual girly things Max would have expected to find in a teenage girl's room: posters for shows that she wasn't familiar with, plush toys on the bed, and various things of the like. In some ways it wasn't so different from her own childhood bedroom.

"So, the bathroom is just down the hall if you need it. I... sometimes snore a little bit, or so I'm told, but hopefully it won't be too bad. And, well... goodnight."

"Goodnight, Jessica." Max replied, already trying out the small bed and finding it more comfortable than she expected. They got changed quietly before curling up in their beds, and though it was a bit unusual, all in all Max was feeling mostly welcomed in this home. It was going to make for an interesting Christmas to say the least.

"Damn eggnog." Jessica muttered as she flushed the toilet, her bladder having woken her up in the middle of the night to answer nature's call. And right in the middle of a pleasant dream, too, though now she couldn't remember anything more than it being a good one.

Half awake, she made her way back to bed, eager to return to dreamland and get a few more hours of sleep. She was just starting to crawl under her sheets when a whimper made her jump. Jessica had forgotten Max was sleeping nearby, and now the skunk seemed to be whimpering in her sleep, her legs kicking and twitching under the sheets. "Great. First my dream is ruined to go pee, and now I get to go back to sleep listening to the boob queen have a good dream of her own."

Grumbling to herself, Jessica pulled her blankets up to her shoulders and did her best to ignore Max's whining. As the sounds continued, however, she began to wonder just how good that dream was. It almost sounded like she was crying, and Jessica wasn't sure if she should try to wake the woman up or just let it pass.

"No... Danny... Don't. No."

"Oh good. She talks in her sleep too." Jessica buried her face in her pillow with a groan, desperately wanting to go back to sleep. But if Max's muttering and thrashing about was any indication, her dream was only getting worse.

She was just about to bury her head completely under her pillow when Max suddenly bolted upright. She glanced around the room in a panic for a moment, her breath heavy and quick. A soft whimper escaped her lips as she pulled her legs up, hugging her knees close. Her chest heaved as she sobbed, shoulders shaking as she began to quietly cry in to her knees.

"Perfect." Jessica sighed. Still, now she was genuinely concerned. She couldn't just leave Max to cry in the dark, could she? "Max?" She quietly called out, propping herself up on her elbows. "Are you okay?"

Max looked at the vixen with wide, teary eyes. After a moment she shook her head with a loud whimper, then hid her face in her knees once more, sobbing uncontrollably.

Now Jessica was really concerned. Without a sound she got up and crossed the room, sitting beside the distraught skunk. "Max, it's okay. It was just a dream. It's over now."

Max just shook her head, crying too heavily to reply. All Jessica could do was sit by her side, a hand placed comfortingly on her back. She cried for a good ten minutes before she finally calmed down enough to speak. "I'm sorry... I woke you up."

"No, I was already awake." Jess explained. "You feeling better now? That must have been some nightmare."

"It always is." Max whimpered as she tried to wipe the last of her tears away. "I hate that damn dream."

"It sounded pretty bad." Jessica agreed quietly. "You were talking in your sleep a bit. Sounded like someone was doing something you really didn't want them to."

"Yeah." Max breathed, fighting back a sob. "Someone very important to me did the one thing I never wanted him to do, not that he could help it."

They sat quietly for a moment, then with a heavy breath Max explained nearly everything. The story just flowed from her lips, and though she didn't go into quite the level of detail as she had with Aiden, it was enough to make her sob a few more times and explain more than enough to Jessica.

"Oh my god." Jessica muttered once the story was over. "Max, I'm so sorry for your loss. I can't even imagine... and oh, the stuff I said. No wonder you were so upset. God, I was a real bitch."

"It's okay."

"No, it's not." Jessica insisted. "I mean, I know I really shouldn't have acted the way I did, but, god talk about rubbing salt in the wound. I am so, so sorry for everything I said, Max. I just, is there anything I can do to make it up to you? Anything at all?"

"Sleep with me?" Max asked rather sheepishly. "I just... don't want to sleep alone right now."

"Sleep with... is this why you sleep with Aiden sometimes? Because of that nightmare?" Max nodded in reply, as Jessica now expected. "Well, alright. My bed isn't very big, but you can sleep with me tonight, if you think it will help."

Quietly they moved to Jessica's bed, which while small was still a bit bigger than the fold out bed. They had to curl up together to fit, a new experience for Jessica, but it proved to be warm and snuggly all the same.

"Comfy, Max?" Jessica felt inclined to ask, glad when the skunk nodded, even smiling a bit. "Good. And, I guess, if it helps you, I'm okay with you sleeping with Aiden like this. It's so like him to do that for you, like he did for me when I was little. He really is a good big brother."

"He reminds me of Danny when he gets like that." Max admitted quietly. "He's even said I'm like another sister to him. Heh, he's such a goof sometimes."

"Another sister, huh?" Well, I guess I can live with that." Jess muttered, pondering the idea. "I guess that would make us like sisters, too."

"I suppose, if you're okay with that."

"I could do worse as far as sisters go." Jessica offered, getting comfortable beside the skunk. "If it helps make up for the shit I have you, then I'm happy to call you sister, and... and even share my nii-san with you."

"Just go easy on me is all I ask." Max said, finally feeling the need for sleep returning. "But thank you, Jessica, and goodnight."

"Yeah, goodnight to you too, Maxi nee-san."

"Merry Christmas everyone!"

Despite the unusual night, everyone seemed well rested come Christmas morning. Neither Max nor Jessica said anything about her nightmare last night, but it was clear the two women were much friendlier now. A true Christmas miracle indeed.

They were all settled around the tree, opening gifts and generally enjoying the spirit of family and the season. Max did feel a bit left out of place here, mostly watching quietly, until Jessica handed her a wrapped box.

"Merry Christmas, Max." She offered meekly. "It's not much, but I really didn't have any ideas to go on, so I hope you like it."

"Thanks, though you didn't have to get me anything." Max said, though the look she saw from Judy in the corner of her eyes told another tale. Gingerly, she opened Jessica's gift, pulling out a large and very cozy looking lavender sweater.

"I hope it fits. It just looked like something you might like."

"Oh, Jess, I love it." Max smiled, hugging the sweater to her chest. "I love sweaters like these, and I love the color. Thank you so much. I got you a little something too, though it isn't much."

Curious, the young fox went poking under the tree to find said gift, eventually unearthing and unwrapping a modest gift card. "I really didn't know what to get you, and Aiden was no help, but I was hoping you could spend it on something nice for yourself."

"Oh I can think of a few things to spend this on." Jessica assured her, already planning a trip to the bookstore. "Thanks, Maxi nee-san."

"Nee-san?" Aiden asked, giving Max a teasing nudge. "I guess you two really did make up."

"Yes, we did. Now shush and open your gift. I was actually able to put some thought into yours. I just hope you like it."

"It's the heavy one, isn't it?" Chuckling, Aiden lugged the large gift up, unwrapping what appeared to be a small luggage box. Intrigued, he unlocked the latch, his eyes lighting up as he revealed the old typewriter within. "Max, where did you find this?"

"You can find pretty much anything online." She quipped with a grin. "It might need some cleaning, but it should be in good condition. Do you like it?"

"Max, I'm... speechless." Aiden admitted, his fingers gliding over the old keys. "This is a Smith Corona, one of the best companies to ever make this things. And it's in great condition too. I love it."

"I'm glad. Deep down, I had a feeling you would, though."

"Well, hopefully you'll like yours just as much." With a grin, Aiden handed her the gift. "Merry Christmas."

"I hope you didn't go too crazy." Unwrapping the gift revealed a folder, which seemed to be holding sheet music of all things. Curious, Max flipped through the pages, gasping as she saw lyrics she knew all too well. "Aiden, is this...?"

"It's the sheet music to all the songs from Disney's "Beauty and the Beast". I know how much you like that movie, and since you're getting into performing, I thought you might appreciate it."

"Where did you find this?"

"You can find anything on the internet." He repeated her answer with a smug grin. "Do you like it?"

"Aiden, I love it!" Max exclaimed, hugging him tight. "Oh, thank you so much! I'm going to learn how to read these and memorize every single note."

"Such wonderful gifts." Aiden's mother smiled. "Now this is what Christmas is all about: giving gifts from the heart."

"Really? And here I thought it was about arguing with my brother over dinner." Her husband said, bringing out a mix of laughter and groans from the whole family.

And it really did feel like a family to Max. She hadn't felt this kind of togetherness on a Christmas morning in years. But now, she couldn't stop smiling. As fas as she was concerned, her family had grown a little bigger, and that was the greatest gift of all.