Tempting Tails: A Brothel Times story

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A short story from the earlier 'pay what you want' stream. I hope that people enjoy this. Two more are coming.

Tempting Tails For Reyo Starring Vicki

Cara felt a twinge of regret as the cashier took her money, but it didn't last long as the mechanized door opened up before her. The smell of sex wafted down the halls, and though it was immediately distasteful, she masked it as she had masked most things in her life. She glanced at the mouse woman manning the register, the human inclining her head in a brief nod.

"Thank you for arranging this meeting."

"No problem, honey. You go have fun now. Maybe I'll hear you screaming tonight, huh?"

The Korean woman ignored the comment, stepping through the door instead. She forced herself to breathe through her mouth rather than through her nose, but even that barely dulled the scent of so many people indulging themselves. The smells of women were one thing, as it was a softer scent and not so prevalent, but the men...

She shook her head, keeping her eyes pointed straight ahead. Her attention was occassionally caught by some of the open doors, but she resisted the temptation to look. Any of them would more than likely not be what she sought. And she had paid for someone specific, after all.

"One, two...four, five...ah. This one."

She pressed her keycard to the eighth door down the aisle. It clicked, and she pulled on the doorknob.

As soon as the door opened, she was greeted with a sight that she hadn't seen for years. Eight twisting tails covered in golden red fur waved through the air, flowing back and forth like seaweed with the waves. They came together behind a magnificent naked female, a kitsune wearing nothing but a silken shroud that she used as a blanket. The lower parts were already slightly damp, but unlike in the rest of the rooms, it didn't stink of males in here. Cara smiled, a slight blush filling her cheeks as she glanced over the kitsune's body.

Her eyes lingered for a moment between those soft thighs when she realized that the kitsune was looking back at her. Cara turned her head to meet that sharp-eyed gaze, and felt her cheeks heat up even more.

"Well, um, hello. I...My name is Cara."

"Yes, and my name is Vicki."

The kitsune slid her body along her bed, swinging her legs out and letting her tails fan out behind her. Cara was struck by the beautiful way that they fanned out behind her, looking almost like a throne. Vicki smiled back at her, and Cara felt that the kitsune was as interested in this as she was. She didn't know why, but she couldn't shake the feeling.

"I, um -"

"You don't need to explain."

"I suppose I don't."

"What would you like, dear Cara?"

"I just wanted to be with, with another of your kind."

"Honesty. A pleasant surprise." Vicki chuckled. "Take off your clothes. Let's have a night to remember."

Despite her gentle tone, Cara felt like the command was just that. A command. Nodding, she reached up to her shirt, unbuttoning it as quickly as her fingers could. She felt a little proud of herself to have them move so quickly. No sign of her nerves showed as she pulled her shirt away, nor did her fingers quiver as she unbuttoned her pants. They slid down, and only then did she pause, feeling nervous about her body in comparison to the vixen.

She hugged her arms around her chest for a moment, only lowering them when Vicki's tails reached out and gently tugged on her wrists.

"That's it. Just relax. You're here to have a good time, remember?"

Cara nodded slightly, taking a deep breath before reaching around behind her. Her bra came off easily enough - she was all too used to doing this herself - and she forced herself not to reach up to her breasts. She felt that they were sagging more than most would at her age. A few doctors had said there was nothing to worry about, but faced with that rather perfect pair on the kitsune, she couldn't help but feel self-conscious.

Vicki's tails beat her to her panties, however. They slid down quickly - though not fast enough for her to avoid feeling one of those warm, fuzzy limbs rubbing against her thighs - and she was pulled over to the bed by the waist. Gasping in shock, Cara found herself naked beside the prostitute, and surprisingly well enveloped in Vicki's arms.

"You wanted to be with a kitsune. I'll do my best to make it a night you remember."

Vicki lowered her onto the bed, Cara's face burning as she felt the kitsune's soft, cold nose pressing against her neck. A kiss followed, one, then another along the side. The strange contrast of warm lips and cool nose sent chills down her spine as Vicki continued to trail kisses down her neck and then over her shoulder.

Gradually, the kitsune reached her chest, and Cara looked down again.

"I'm sorry...I know they're not -"


Vicki kissed her left nipple, her lips caressing it, surrounding it before sucking it. It sent another twinge of pleasure through her, and Cara leaned back as the vixen nibbled on it. Those teeth felt sharp, but they never pushed hard enough to do any damage to her. At least, no real damage.

"You are lovely. More lovely than most."

Vicki pulled back, repeating the treatment on her other breast. Cara shuddered at the strange feeling of such bestial teeth working her over, slowly looking down. Soft red marks adorned the one that the kitsune had already played with, and it was hard and pointed. She felt it might have even grown slightly, but that was surely her imagination.

Her pleasure continued to grow as the sensual vixen worked her way down her body. Cara trembled, her skin breaking out in goosebumps as the mixture of kisses and licks worked their way further down her body, always moving towards an inevitable conclusion.

When Vicki's nose bumped her sex, she jumped. Almost off of the bed, in fact, and was only pulled back in place by those magnificent tails. Half supported, half restrained by them, Cara was pinned down as Vicki started licking her and tasting her in earnest. The feeling was so different from a human tongue, so much faster and deeper than she could have imagined. Her back arched off of the tails, her hips sliding as much as her bound body could manage.

She swore that her lover was enjoying this just as much. Soft moans and happy sucks filled the air with enough sound to drown out the other rooms, leaving her able to focus just on this. Cara shuddered, her eyes rapidly starting to roll back in her head. She could feel both her juices and Vicki's saliva running down her body, slipping down around her rear before dripping onto the bed below.

Just as she was about to go over the edge, however, Vicki stopped. Cara gasped, groaning in frustration as her legs tensed, but the vixen just pulled her head back.

"Why...I was so..."

"Because this will be even better."

Vicki manipulated her with her tails, the kitsune positioning her on her side. The human looked up at the prostitute as her leg was straddled, and blushed hard as she felt something wet and furry press against her sex.


"Why do this if you don't enjoy it?"

She smiled at Vicki's answer. It seemed as good a one as any. She made the first move, pushing back against the kitsune's body, starting the grinding that would take them both over the edge.

Looking up at her lover was quite a treat. The vixen's breasts bounced with each forceful grind, and her head leaned back, looking up at the ceiling. It was clear to Cara that the kitsune loved doing this just as much as she loved receiving it.

And she loved it. The human panted hard, her fingers digging into the sheets as she was rubbed and teased, her body on fire. Each soft grind, each slow rub against her pussy had her wetter and wetter. Grind, pant, moan. Grind, pant, moan. Her breasts ground against the bed, and she shuddered as her nipples were stroked by the soft fabric.

Finally, she couldn't take it anymore. With a loud cry of pleasure, Cara threw herself against the vixen, her body shaking as she climaxed. Her wet sex felt drenched in Vicki's juices, and she knew she'd added to it as she squirted from climax. She collapsed back as the tails released her, still squirming in the aftershocks of her orgasm.

Vicki lay next to her as she calmed down, the vixen showing little sign of her own orgasm except for a wetter body and her pants for breath. Cara looked at her, slowly bringing a smile to her face.


"Don't thank...me yet. Thank me...after round 7."

"There's more?"

"So much." Vicki smiled. "You ready?"

"Oh yes."

This was going to be a busy night, she thought as the vixen climbed over her. But well worth $50.