Panthers on the Rooftop
#3 of Nothing In Between
Sitting by the beach, Stream looks at the reflection of the moon that danced softly on the surface of the glimmering sea. The night was typically calm and cooling, and the gentle breeze of the sea was blowing softly and swiftly through Stream's hair. He could in fact, feel himself lost in the caress of the wind. He then gave one last gaze at the moon before getting up and headed for his car.
Stream was a black panther with sleek, silver headfur. He enjoyed sports as much as video games too. He now lives alone after having completed his studies quite about a year ago. Excelling in writing stories, he now does part time in writing for the local magazine to earn a living. He would go out every weekend to workout in the Nareth Gym nearby, and thus having the athletic body of his.
On his way home, the constant blipping of blue and red lights of a police patrol car from behind him caught his attention. The officer signaled for Stream to stop by the side of the road from his vehicle. Without much hesitation, Stream immediately slowed down and stopped. Peering from his window, he saw a familiar arctic wolf stepping out of the vehicle. He gave a little grin at the sight of the wolf.
"Heya, Sam. Out on a patrol tonight?" Stream said as he winded down his window.
"Oh? Stream? What are you doing at such an hour down here?" the wolf replied. He gave one look on his watch and turned his attention back onto Stream.
"Kinda late for a stroll, don't you think?" he asked again.
"Oh well, I needed some time alone, I guess." Stream replied.
"But you always have been alone since finishing your studies." Sam replied with a little tone of annoyance.
"What about you? Night shift?" Stream said, trying to change the subject.
"Yeah, there were reports about some hooligans terrorizing this little spot with their fancy little car every night till it got onto the neighbourhood's nerves. You better start heading home now because I'm not the only one here tonight. If the others on patrol rides up on your tail, you're gonna have a hard time explaining to them rubbernecks." Sam stated.
"Sure thing. You just stay safe tonight. God knows what kind of trouble you might get into again every time you do your job." Stream replied with a grin.
"Hey... That's what I am built for, isn't it?" Sam said as he tapped the badge on his chest with pride. Indeed, he too, was a well-built arctic wolf who has served the community as a police officer for the past ten years. He had known Stream for years since first meeting the feline in the station. He was in fact the one who clarified for Stream's mistaken arrest for illegal racing made by another cop. Stream was ever grateful of the wolf since. A disciplined wolf he is, he takes his jobs seriously, unlike many others in the police force who tend to stay out of trouble's way. He was once caught in a shoot out with a gang who was robbing the D'Sparkle jewelry store.
"Oh hey, Sam?" Stream called out. "If it helps, I did see some daredevils in their vehicle speeding down along the Monarch's Beach."
"I'm sure that will come pretty useful. Thanks Stream." The wolf replied.
Stream watched as Sam got into his own vehicle and drove off. He gave a sigh and he too, whirred up his engine and headed home. The entire journey wasn't too long of a drive. Stream got home safely without anymore confrontations from the local police. He got up to his apartment quietly without trying to wake the other tenants up, and most importantly, the landlord. The landlord was a cranky old lizard who's slightly smaller than Stream in size, staying on the floor just below Stream.
Just as Stream was about to reach for his keys in his pocket, he noticed the door to the rooftop was open. He pondered for a moment as who could be at the rooftop at this hour before reluctantly walking up to the stairs leading to the door. He could see the moonlight sifting through the slits of the door, revealing the dusty condition of the air in the stairway. Stream brushed the air a little with his paw before carefully pushing the metal door further open.
Upon opening the door, he saw a figure under the moonlight sitting by the edge of the rooftop with its back facing Stream. The figure was clad in a white singlet and jeans, and was humming a little melancholic tune, which can be clearly heard in the silent night. Usually, Stream would just walk up to the figure and get to know whoever that is, but he was just way too tired this time and decided to just leave for his bed instead. He marched down and went into his room, doing all these ever so quietly. He then took off his shoes, headed for his bedroom and slumped right into bed.
The alarm in Stream's room started to blare exactly at 7 am with no end to get his attention. Stream gave a little growl and cursed.
"Damn... Forgot about the alarm..."
He had not intended to get up that early in the morning, and so he simply slammed onto the alarm, killing it instantly. Just as he was about to drift back to sleep, there was a knock on his door this time.
"Arrgghh! Who could it be at this hour?!" he grumbled as he rubs his face hard with his paws. Tossing the pillow aside, he got up and yelled.
He slowly slumped to the bathroom and washed his face with the cold tap water. He took a little time to brush his teeth and got his headfur combed and tidied before sauntering reluctantly to the door and opened it.
"Good morning, Stream." said the familiar looking wolf.
"Sam?! You shoulda known better than to look up for me at this hour..." Stream grumbled again. He left the door open before turning and headed for couch.
Sam walked into the apartment, closed the door and looked at the room around him.
"Quite a little messy room you have here." He commented.
"Hey! I'm a guy! And what's up with you? Don't you need a rest after yesterday's watch?" Stream asked.
"I haven't quite know what sleep was since serving the community." The wolf replied.
"Yeah... You're one big insomniac."
"Yes, but that isn't the point of me being here today." Sam replied calmly as he reached for a photo in his file. He then handed the photo over to Stream.
"Have you seen this girl yesterday?" he asked Stream.
Stream reached for the photo and gave a little whistle when he looked at them. It was a pretty little pantheress whose fur is dark grey in colour.
"Oh wow, Sam. Are you gonna introduce this hot babe to me?" Stream said with a grin. He got up and went for the fridge in the kitchen, grabbing a packet of strawberry milk. He then hailed across the kitchen.
"Anything for you?" he asked Sam.
"Yes, coffee please." Alex replied with a little yawn. Alex then continued, "Apparently this little babe here was suspected of being involved with a series of underground activities. It was rumoured that she was linked with the Kyshu gang that was responsible for the illegal racing that has been going on at the street that I've stopped you yesterday." Sam explained.
"The what?!"
"Kai-shoo. K-Y-S-H-U. Heard about them?" Sam asked.
"Kinda. Some gang who is infamous and notorious for their illegal racings. So what's with this babe and the gang?" Stream asked as he walked out of the kitchen with the packet of strawberry milk together with the photos in his paw and a mug of coffee on the other. He then offered the coffee to Sam.
Sam took one quick sip of the coffee before continuing.
"We have caught two buggers who were racing down the beach yesterday, thanks to you. Apparently, it's a face off between two representatives of two different gangs. One was from the infamous Kyshu and the other was from another gang known as Zibola."
Stream nodded.
"From the arrest we've made, we manage to extract some little clues from them. One of the clues includes that photo that you're holding, Stream. We managed to make the roo from Kyshu spill the beans and ransacked the car he was driving. He also confessed that this girl was nearby, as a scout for the race from somewhere atop, but apparently had not notified them of our presence, landing both the racers into trouble." Sam continued.
"Hmm... Sounds like a damsel in distress." Stream said.
Sam just gave a sigh at Stream's reply and continued,
"Indeed... She would be in much trouble if the police were to get their paws on her and make her cough out every single information that they might need. But then again, she'll be causing even more trouble than receiving because I'm afraid that after what she did yesterday, the trench between the Kyshu and Zibola might get deeper as because she was from the Kyshu. I believe that the Zibola might start blaming the Kyshu for her blunder during the race and might eventually trigger of a gang war in this little town." Sam said with a sigh. "You may keep that copy of the photos because I've got them scanned into the station's computer already. I would still need your help in searching for this pantheress. But don't go around flashing that photo if you don't wanna be accused of stealing evidences from the station."
Sam then finished the cup of coffee and thanked Stream before preparing to leave. Just as he was leaving the door, he turned back at Stream.
"Oh, by the way, these things are all P&C. Keep it to yourself about what I've said. I only need you to inform me if you've seen this pantheress roaming anywhere around. I think she could probably be on the run from Kyshu and Zibola. And... You forgot to add some sugar into the coffee."
Stream gave a chuckle and nodded, mimicking a zipped mouth with his paw before bidding Sam goodbye. He was about to shut the door when Sam left until a cranky voice came yelling.
It was the landlord this time and he was marching up the stairs with his bright green scales.
"Who was that guy just a moment ago?" he questioned Stream with an annoying tone.
"What?! Are you blind? He's a cop..." Stream snapped back and sneered.
"You'd best not be getting any copster into my apartment, Stream. If I ever see anymore copster here- "
"Oooh... Right... Gotcha!" Stream said with a sneer and quickly slammed the door shut. He then rolled his eyes over what the landlord had just mentioned. Apparently the landlord had been dodging some taxes and wouldn't want to get himself tangled with the law.
Stream then reached for the photos on the table as he sat on the couch and finished his strawberry milk. He took another glance at the photo and stared at the pantheress in it.
"Hmm... It's such a pity that she's involved with the Kyshu or I would have got her as my girlfriend." Stream said to himself and smiled sheepishly.
Stream was sitting on his writing table, thinking of an idea on what to write this time for the magazine next week. He stared at the evening sun glowing at the horizon and looked at the mess on his desk and sighed before deciding to clear them, as his mind was too blank at the moment of coming up with something to write.
Just as he was clearing the mess, something on the desk caught his eyes. It was the photo of the pantheress that he left on the desk the some time ago.
"So this is where you've been hiding. I was wondering where I've placed you..." Stream thought to himself as he picked up the photos and left them on the top of the little rack he had on his desk meant for his stationeries. Just as he was about to clear everything, someone came knocking impatiently on the door.
"Now who could that be?" Stream wondered as he went for the door.
As he opened the door, a fox and a snow leopard pounced at him.
"Surprise, surprise!" they both shouted. It was Wilfred and David, both who were Stream's friends.
"What the- ? Whoa.. Hold on, hold on! What's going on?" Stream asked them.
Wilfred and David looked at each other before laughing out loudly. David grabbed Stream by the head with his arm before rustling Stream's headfur with his other paw. Stream struggled beneath David's grasp.
"Oh, what-? David, cut that out!" he growled.
Wilfred proceeded and gave a nudge on Stream's arm before continuing,
"It's your birthday, silly!"
"Oh? Wait... what? It's my birthday already?" Stream said suddenly as he abruptly stopped struggling, looking confused.
"Damn, you're one worked up little panther. Come on! Get your tail up. We're bringing you to grab something to eat. It's our treat this time. Amanda and Claire are both waiting for us in the car with the cake." David said.
"Oh? Erm.. Sure. Give me a minute while I get dressed." Stream said.
The three of them went into Stream's room. Both Wilfred and David sat on the bed while they waited for Stream to get his clothes in the drawer. Suddenly, Wilfred spotted something on the table.
"Hey... What's that?" Wilfred got up and walked towards the table. David got up too and went for the table as well.
"Huh? What?" Stream asked as he couldn't pretty see well with his clothes over his head as he got dressed.
"Woah... Stream. Got yourself a babe?" David sneered at Stream.
"What babe?"
"This babe." Wilfred said with a smirk as he showed Stream the photo that Stream had left on the table.
"Whoah! Wow! Gimme that! That's not for you guys to see!" Stream said suddenly as he realized his carelessness had caused him some trouble. Stream then rushed for the photos, in an unsuccessful bid to get it back as David was blocking him while Wilfred studied the photos.
"Chill out birthday boy. It's not unusual to have crushes." David said and both he and Wilfred laughed out loudly.
"She's one pretty face if you ask me. What's her name, Stream?" Wilfred asked.
"Hell, I don't know! How would I know who she is anyway?" Stream said.
"Ahh, but why would you have her photo in the first place?" David asked this time.
"Look, guys. Just take it as I'm admiring her and let's drop it here?" Stream pleaded.
"Aww... Okay. For the birthday boy." And both David and Wilfred grinned. Secretly, Wilfred had slipped the photo into his pocket without Stream realizing it. Then the three of them went down to the car.
"What caught you all up?" Amanda asked them when they were in the car.
"Yeah, we're getting pretty bored in here you know?" Claire added.
"Well, both of you missed what happened just a moment ago." David said as he sneered at Stream.
Stream then secretly gave a nudge onto David's ribs.
"Argâ€"Ow...?" David looked at Stream with a twitched face. Then, he meekly sounded out, "Cramps.. Heh.."
"That's better." Stream then said.
Down at the Nineteen café, everyone was hanging around with their friends, chatting, drinking and some couples were seen sitting in the silent corner, embracing each other's presence while totally oblivious to the busy surroundings.
"Okay, Amanda and I will get us some seats while you guys go and get us something to eat, okay?" Wilfred asked them.
"Sounds like a plan. Let's get going then." David said with a wink in his eye. He then pulled Stream and Claire over to the counter.
Amanda and Wilfred then quickly got to the car and secretly brought the cake out. They then scanned around for some empty seats while holding onto the cake. Finally, they spotted one empty table somewhere in the middle of the café.
While Wilfred and Amanda got seated, Wilfred saw a familiar face walking by. He stared at the figure that had walked by for a while before slipping out the photo in his pocket. He then gave a sneer. It was the pantheress in the photo that had just sauntered by quietly.
"What are you looking at, hun?" Amanda asked.
"It's a photo of Stream's girlfriend." Wilfred replied with a chuckle as he showed her the photo he had took from Stream.
"Hmm... She looks pretty. Where did you get that from?" Amanda asked again, this time looking a little stern.
"Don't tell him I got this photo from his desk, will you? I'm trying to help him out." Wilfred asked Amanda.
"I won't say anything, so long as it's not you who's fond of that pantheress in that photo." She replied with a tad bit of jealousy in her tone and gave Wilfred a kiss. Wilfred gave a smile and hugged her tightly. He then secretly kept an eye on the pantheress at where she sat. The pantheress had got a seat at the far end of the café, in the quiet corner, without any noticeable crowd nearby.
Stream, David and Claire came back with a tray of drinks and some chips and fries. David laid the drinks down on the table while Claire got the fries. Stream then went back to the counter to return the tray. Quickly and quietly, Wilfred and the rest brought out the cake and lighted it.
Stream was rather surprised when he saw the lighted cake on the table when he got back. He never expected his friends got to the extend of getting him a cake to celebrate..
"Aww.. Guys, you didn't have to... Damn I'm so glad you're all my friends." Stream said to them and gave all of them a hug.
"Alrighty, birthday panther. Get settled down now." Claire said.
"... Happpppppyyyyy Birthdaaaaay, tooo yooouuuuu..." they sang in unison, while some furs from the other table looked at them curiously and looked away with a little smile.
"Thanks guys, that was beautiful, and Amanda?"
"Yeah, Stream?"
"Always the college's top vocalist." Stream commented.
"Aww, thanks Stream." Amanda said as she blushed.
"Okay, let's get the cake cut." David said as he took out the knife in the box.
"Oh, I'll be away for a minute. Gotta hit the loo." Wilfred suddenly sounded out.
"Be back quick or I'm having your portion." David said with a grin.
"Then I'll be having you as my portion," Wilfred replied with a light growl.
Quietly, while all of them weren't looking, Wilfred sneaked to the table where the pantheress in the photo was. He walked up to her side and cleared his throat. The pantheress looked at him briefly and asked.
"Do I know you?"
"Uhm.. uh.. No, but I know Stream." Wilfred said hastily and articulately.
"Hmm... Who is Stream?" she asked again, while sipping from her straw without looking at Wilfred.
"Huh? You don't know Stream?" Wilfred exclaimed, surprised.
The pantheress only shook her head in return.
"Oh, then, well... er... My friend, Stream, is celebrating his birthday today. So... "
"Wait, let me guess. You want me to spend the night with him? Go get a whore." She replied coldly.
"Heck no! No, no, no! You got me wrong! I was just wondering if you'll be able to meet him, or he wouldn't be as crazy as to keep a photo of you." Wilfred explained immediately while flashing out the photo of the pantheress. She quickly snatched the photo from Wilfred and look closely at it.
"Where did you get this?" she asked worriedly.
"Oh, I guess he admires you, or he wouldn't have a photo of you on his writing table." Wilfred replied.
The pantheress thought for a moment before continuing, "Okay, I'll meet him. Are you sure you got this from your friend? And is there anything else on his desk?"
"Huh? Okay. Yeah, I got it from his desk... but er... I don't know for sure if he has other photos of you with him."
"Fine. Bring me to him." She said as she hastily got up. Wilfred was all too confused to even utter a word. "Oh, by the way, my name is Nicole. Now, bring me to your friend, Stream." She continued.
"Yeah, sure. We're right at under the palm tree over there." Wilfred said as he pointed at the tree in the middle of the café. Wilfred and Nicole then walked up towards Stream and the others. David was quietly watching them from the table, withholding his laughter and surprise when he saw both Wilfred and Nicole walking towards here. Wilfred saw David glancing at him, motioned for David to look aside as not to bring any attention towards them. David simply nodded and took a sip of his drink to simmer his near-unbearable laughter but he nearly choke while doing so. Stream looked at David with curiosity.
"What's wrong, David?"
"Hiya, Stream! Look who's here?" Wilfred suddenly said while he patted Stream on the back.
Stream turned and was rather shocked when he saw Nicole. He was literally speechless when he saw Nicole.
"Nicole, this is my bud, Stream. Stream? Here's that pantheress you're fond of." Wilfred introduced them to each other with a chuckle.
Stream was blushing badly but he immediately got up and pulled Wilfred along with him to a corner. "Excuse us for a moment?" he said to the others while dragging a confused Wilfred.
When both of them were alone, he caught hold of Wilfred by the shirt.
"Do you have any idea who that is?! She's from the Kyshu!" Stream said to Wilfred.
"Whoah! Chill out dude! I didn't - "
"No, no, no... We can't loose our cool here... Okay, what did you say to her? How did you find her? Is she suspicious of anything? Gaaaaahhhhhh~" Stream asked Wilfred, obviously loosing his cool while cutting Wilfred short of words. Stream was all anxious and worried.
"Well, I saw the photo of her in your room back then. While you guys were at the counter, I saw her walking by. Dude, I thought you liked her?" Wilfred asked.
"Yeah, but I can't possibly- "
"Uhm.. Is everything alright?" a voice suddenly sounded out. Nicole was already there, asking them from a distance. Wilfred and Stream both froze at the sight of her.
"NO, No... Stream was just curious on how I met about you. That's all." Wilfred explained anxiously while giving a look of assurance at Stream. "Right?"
"Yeah...I er.. I was just wondering how he met you, that's all." Stream continued with a little stutter.
"Well, then, let's go back to the table." Nicole said with a smile and walked away.
Wilfred gave Stream a meek look while Stream only managed a slap on his forehead and mumbled.
At the table, Nicole only sat quietly, occasionally replying with answers and gave a smile or two before sipping her drink when questions were thrown at her, while the others chattered happily. She would then throw some glances at Stream, which really made Stream break out in cold sweats.
When they were finally over with the party, David drove them all back to Stream's apartment. Stream and Nicole got out of the car while the rest of them remained inside.
"Okay, here you go Stream." David said.
"Hey, wait! What about Nicole?" Stream asked.
"She's stopping here as well, Stream. Don't you know that?" Wilfred said while grinning.
"Oh? Do you live here as well, Nicole?" Stream asked Nicole in surprise.
Nicole only looked at him but never replied a definite answer and headed towards the door of the apartment.
"Well, Stream. Good night and have fun!" David said and they all bid Stream goodbye. David then drove down the lane and made a turn back into town. Stream then turn to Nicole and looked at her. He starts to blush again when Nicole suddenly looked at him.
"So uh... Which floor are you on? I don't recall seeing you around." Stream said while both of them walked up the stairs.
"Can you follow me to the top?" she suddenly asked Stream. He looked at her with a rather confused look, but only nodded and agreed.
When they were both at the rooftop, Nicole took a seat at the edge of the rooftop while Stream stood behind her. Nicole then started to hum a tune, a tune that pricked Stream's memories. Very suddenly, Stream remembered something. She was the figure who was sitting here the other night! Stream seemed a little puzzled but he said nothing. Nicole continued her little tune before she stopped and kept silent for quite awhile. Stream, feeling awkward, walked up to her and tried to start a conversation to kill the silence.
"Uhm.. Nicole? Were you here a few days ago?" Stream asked with a calm tone.
Nicole turned to him and nodded. Her eyes were glimmering under the moon and her face shows of one sad expression. Stream couldn't help but asked further.
"What's wrong? Do you feel sick or anything?" he asked anxiously.
"I've overheard your conversation with that friend of yours, Wilfred. Yes, I was from the Kyshu, but not anymore. They're now trying to hunt me out for neglecting my job the other night and caused them some serious trouble with the local police." She explained. Nicole then took a deep breath and looked up at the luminous sky. "I can't possibly go home anymore. They already have those hounds all over my neighbourhood to keep an eye at my place should I ever go home." Nicole poured out.
Stream looked at her sullen and quiet face. All air of vainness has left her expression. He can't help but let pity welled up in him for her. He hesitated for a moment before speaking out.
"Hey, uhm... Though it's not really a good idea but how about you hold up in my place for the moment. At least till things cool down for a bit." He offered.
Nicole held her head down for a moment. Stream could almost hear a sniff from her before she turned to face him, with little droplets of tears in her eyes. She simply gave a smile; a warm smile and nodded. Stream can't decide to either jump for joy or to feel worried about bringing trouble upon himself. All he was able to do was to curse himself in his heart for his selfless act, but he never let his feelings show. Then, he slowly helped Nicole off the edge and led her down into his room quietly.
Upon opening the door of his room, he blushed again.
"Sorry about that. It's really messy in here, so I hope that's alright with you." Stream said as he rubbed the back of his neck with a paw, still blushing.
Nicole gave a quick chuckle and smiled at Stream.
"I couldn't ask for more when you've given me shelter from the Kyshu. Why would I even mind if the place is a little messy?" she replied as she got in.
Stream closed the door behind Nicole and led her into his room.
"You can sleep in my room if you want; just wait till I clear this mess up first. I'll spend the night at the couch." Stream said. Nicole simply nodded in agreement while she took a seat on the bed. Stream wasted no time in cleaning his room by first clearing up all the paper on his table and arranged them neatly on his rack. Then he picked up all the waste paper filled with rejected ideas on the floor and dumped them into the wastepaper basket. Nicole gave a little chuckle as she watch Stream busying himself. Stream looked at her in a confused manner.
"Why? What's wrong?" Stream asked.
"Nothing, really. But I felt like I'm some sort of motivation for guys to clean up his room, am I not?" she asked while smiling.
"Well, can't really leave a girl in a guy's mess, can I?" Stream asked in return and they both laughed.
After all those cleaning, Stream gave a puff and nodded.
"There, all done. Now I'll grab me some pillows and I'll be on the couch watching the tele if you need me." Stream said to Nicole as he took some pillow out from the closet. Nicole stood by the entrance of the room as she watched Stream packing himself with pillows. Just as Stream was about to leave the room, Nicole caught hold of his paw and pulled him back into the room.
"Please don't leave me alone. Would you stay with me for the night?" she begged.
Stream looked puzzled at confused.
"Nicole, I told you I'm going to be at the couch if you need me." Stream replied bluntly.
"But I want someone to be beside me tonight." Nicole said as she tugged Stream closer to her and hugged him tightly.
Stream only managed to give a deep breathe and hugged her in return.
"It's okay, Nicole. You're gonna be alright tonight." Stream consoled. He had no choice but to remain in the room with her for the night.
After much cuddling, Nicole then smiled and faked a yawn. Stream looked at her and smiled in return.
"Tired huh?" Stream asked with a half-sleepy look.
Nicole nodded but she then sounded out, "I'll go get myself some water in the kitchen. If you feel sleepy, then go ahead and sleep without me first. I'm a big girl now." She said teasingly as she raised her biceps a little to prove her point to Stream. Then she got up and headed for the kitchen. Stream only nodded while he himself yawned and started to drift into his slumber. Nicole switched off some of the lights, slipped out of the room and secretly spied on Stream from the outside. She waited until Stream's fully asleep and she quietly crept back to the bed. As she lay beside him, she slowly ran her paws over Stream's chest, giving him a soft hug as she caressed his body. Stream was much too tired to notice the gentle touches on his chest. Nicole smiled at Stream and this time, her paws ran lower onto Stream's navel and slowly unbuckled his jeans, doing it as deftly as she can.
With the fly and Stream's sheath out in the open, she gave a naughty grin and thought to herself,
"Well, he ain't that bad of a pack after all." And with that, she slowly proceeded closer and gave Stream's sheath a soft caress with her cheek and her warm heavy breath before licking the tip gently.
As Nicole played her part, the sleeping Stream only squirmed a bit with little knowledge that Nicole was giving him a good time.
"Uhm... ah..." he grunted while in the midst of his dreams, yet frightening enough for Nicole to stop still for a moment before Stream relaxes again. Nevertheless, Nicole was laughing out aloud in her mind.
And before long, Stream's bulge has already begun to build up with his tip slowly protruding more than it was before and along slowly, his thick shaft. Nicole wasted no time taking his whole length deep into her mouth as she savoured the sleeping panther's thick cock. But suddenly, she felt a jerk on Stream's waist and Stream slowly gave a stretch.
Feeling the uncomfortable and unknown restriction at his waist caused by Nicole, Stream groggily rubbed and opened his eyelids only to see Nicole staring at him with her maw enveloping his member.
"WHA- WHAT THE FUCK?!" he almost shouted as he clambered for a blanket to cover himself.
"NICOLE? WHAT ARE Y-" and his words were cut short with Nicole quickly suppressing his voice with her paws over his maw.
"Mff.. uff.." Stream muffled wildly under Nicole's paw in a completely confuse state.
"Keep it down will ya? What, you haven't been laid before?!" Nicole hissed at Stream as she pressed the wriggling Stream down with her body on his chest.
Then there was a great bang on Stream's door. It was the slimy old landlord, and he's pretty much annoyed to be awoken in the middle of the night by Stream's shouts.
"WILL YOU FUCKING SHUT IT?! START SHOUTING AGAIN AND I'LL BE THROWING YOU OUT IN NO TIME!!" the cranky old voice echoed through the hallway before it was followed by some pawsteps and a loud slam.
Stream was still pretty much dumbfounded as Nicole watched closely at the source of the landlord's voice before turning her attention back on Stream.
"Geez.. Are you even a male to shout like that in such a situation?" she continued as she slowly lift herself off from Stream's chest and released her paw, allowing Stream to gasp and take a deep breath. Then, she brazenly poked Stream in the chest and pushed her body on and over Stream's while keeping her paw onto his chest.
"I don't care if you've been laid or not, hot rod. You'd best give me back what I want just a moment ago." And she gave a quick glance at Stream's still-erect cock and chuckled. "And it seems like I'm not the only one."
"But.. Nicole.. We just-" Stream tried to sort it out and was yet again cut short by Nicole.
"No buts Stream, we'll do it at your pace or we'll do it at mine." Nicole commanded. Stream only managed a long facepaw and still sat there, confused and all.
"Okay tough guy, you asked for it." Nicole said impatiently and she quickly jumped onto Stream's chest again, grabbed his shirt by the waistline and yanked it off from him in manners of seconds. Then she too, grabbed hers and pulled it off, leaving her bouncing breast to face the rather embarrassed Stream. Looking at Stream, she gave a small chuckle.
"Awr... Come on, Stream. Don't tell me you haven't done this before?" she commented.
As the matter of fact, Stream haven't and he's all the more confused now as to what to do. Yes, he have written and read stories about a male initiating the moves, but never a female being such a dom before. What not, to him, in real life.
While Stream's still lost in his thoughts, Nicole was already throwing her pants off and over the lamp, covering it while making the room even dimmer and heavier. Then, she heaved her chest onto Stream's face, almost suffocating him while she gave a relaxed moan. Then she led his right paw to her rump, giving it a good feel of her curves. She then planted a deep kiss onto Stream, plunging him even more into a plethora of sexual desires. Nicole held her kiss there for a moment before lifting her lips off Stream's, leaving a trail of saliva bridging between her muzzle and his before she gladly slurps it up. She then gave Stream a smile.
"Come on, Stream. You know what to do." She begged of him.
Stream gave a sigh and built up his confidence. Without uttering even a word, he briskly grabbed Nicole by the rump and lowered her till she touches his fully erect cock. Then, he slowly rubbed his shaft along Nicole's wet slit with the help of his waist, teasing her with such an enticing move.
"Mm.. Oh yes.. Stream.. That's the way..." Nicole moaned softly as her nipples start to turn hard, indicating that she's all ready to take Stream into her for the night. Stream merely gave her a sly look and slowly licked onto Nicole's breast which is hanging just above him. One of his paw came up and grabbed her by the breast, bringing it closer to his maw. Then, wasting no time, he suckled onto her breast, caressing her tip gently and lovingly with his tongue. Nicole could feel the heat burning from the tip of her tits traveling through her, sending a wave of tingling sensation all over her body.
"Ooh... Stream..." she moaned again, this time with an even sluttier voice, inviting Stream to pleasure her even more.
Stream then lets her breast off, giving it one final lick before smiling and positioning his cock under her. With much of a pre building up on his tip, he wiped them all over Nicole's slit, moisturizing her now hot clit. Nicole was already turning red down there, as blood rushed all over her body from the excitement.
"Yeah.. put it into me, Stream." She said this time and with that, she got one of her paw to her nether regions and opened it up, all warm and inviting for Stream. Stream then gave a light scoff and placed his tip into her as he supported Nicole's weight with his paws. Nicole then started to moan so much that she had to close her eyes due to the excess amount of pleasure flowing through her body. As she allowed Stream to carry her up and over his shaft, she gritted her teeth in pain from the large meat that's going deep into her.
Suddenly, without a warning, Stream gave a smile and lets Nicole off, letting her plunged deep into his thick long cock. Nicole was shocked, threw her head back and lets off a scream or rather, a moan in pain, as tears started to rolled from her brown eyes, dripping and wetting her chest a little.
Then, Stream finally broke his silence,
"Still want more?" he asked in a taunting manner.
Nicole, catching her breath, was merely able to nod in agreement. And with that as permission, Stream pushed his waist up and slammed onto Nicole, thrusting in and out of her clit as Nicole's breast bounced above him. Nicole then grabbed Stream's paw which was carrying her waist and gripped it hard, moaning loudly as she feel the thick rod drilling into her. She could already feel Stream twitching all over as she clamped her clit even tighter onto his hard cock.
Then, with one last thrust, Stream gave a loud roar and shot his warm seed deep into her, grunting and growling as he his body flinched over and over again. Nicole too, gave a roar and clamped even tighter this time, eager to have all his love juice up into her. With every shot, Stream gritted his teeth and growled with Nicole moaning louder and louder. And with the last shot of cum deep inside Nicole, Stream hugged her finally slumped back onto his bed along with her on his chest, both all exhausted and sweaty. From within, Stream's cum started to leak out of Nicole's slit, dribbling slowly along his shaft and clustered on the base of his cock which was still buried deep inside her.
"Wow.. Stream.. You are great.." Nicole expressed as she catches her breath.
"Hey.. You've yet to see.. the best of me yet.." Stream replied and chuckled.
"It'll be some other night then..." Nicole said, or rather, begged. And they both cuddled each other tightly till dawn breaks.
Morning came, with the sunlight sifting through and shining blindly onto the couple, Nicole was the first to come to. She looked at Stream, who was sleeping soundly and smiled at her new-found lover. She kissed his chest gently, trying not to wake him up and slowly got to the kitchen, with only a blanket as a cover. She conveniently made herself some coffee from the sachet available and headed to the living room to watch the morning news. Then Stream came out of the room rubbing his eyes, all a groggy.
"Hey babe.. Hope you had a good night." Nicole greeted him and offered him a seat beside her.
"I sure did. Hope I didn't hurt you that much." He said and yawned.
"Don't worry about that. You'll have plenty more chances to do that again." Nicole replied and smiled.
Stream rubbed and ruffled his headfur before landing himself beside Nicole. Then, on the screen of the television, it was Sam and he appears to be seated beside the lovely newscaster.
"What? Nicole, hon... Please turn up the volume would you?" Stream said. Nicole nodded and hit the volume up.
"... and from late last night, the Kyushu and Zibola are no longer a threat to the community. All thanks to the wonderful and brave cop here, Samael. So tell us Sam, how exactly did you apprehend these notorious gangs of deadly racers? Words are they often gave police the slip everytime when you guys are approaching. What did you do exactly to catch them red handed?"
"Haha~ Thanks for the compliment Darylyn. Yes, admittedly, the police force were always a step too late in catching these two gangs before, at least, that was until when I got information that their official informer was missing. Plus, with a tip from a good friend of mine, Stream, we managed to round them up at the usual spot where they raced, namely the Monarch Beach. Thanks again Stream, for that useful tip. The whole city owes you one."
Neither Stream nor Nicole could believe their ears. They then looked at each other in utter surprise and screamed in joy as they both jumped up and down the couch.
"Wow, geez! He was talking about me?! Can you believe that?!" Stream cried.
"And I'm finally free from the Kyshu! Oh my god Stream, you're such a saviour and a lucky charm!" Nicole joined in the celebration.
As they both fell down onto the couch, Nicole jumped onto Stream and hugged him tightly.
"So.. How about some celebration?" Stream asked her.
"We will celebrate... By carrying on where we left with some much needed TLC." Nicole said slyly. Stream gave a grin and chuckled.
"Well... you'd better stretched yourself if you don't wanna be hurt again." He teased her.
"Try me!" Nicole snapped back and laughed.
Stream then wasted no time and carried Nicole into his room, rubbing his nose lovingly at hers in a loving embrace.