The History Of Zato; End of a Dream, Beginning of a Nightmare

Story by Zato on SoFurry

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#16 of The History Of Zato

((Zato, Sin Dragons, Characters in this story © Zato

Legal Hubbub, If you are under 18+ Leave and do not read this, if not because of the dark scenes and occasional death, because you are not old enough to read things about sex in any form thereof. So shoo! Marked as Other (Adult) For safety.))

Ruby stood in the armory of the castle guards and overlooked a table covered in decorated daggers, bags full of custom made arrow heads, bottles full of poison, darts, and blow guns. All of the weapons she had mastered when Zato taught her back at Ragnas castle, even though she had not always been the best pupil. She had given him such a hard time at first, always fighting him, always striking him with her claws, cutting him numerous times over his chest and stomach, but the worst...the worst held itself clearly in her mind every time she looked to one dagger. That was the one clutched in her hand. It was a simple dagger, nothing special, not a single enchantment, no special blade. Just a simple, everyday dagger. However, the story of why she kept it, was not.

"Ruby you silly little thing, do not be scared of charging your opponents even with a dagger. You must remember you have speed and can quickly manuveour yourself before even I can react, yet you do not use them. You are too afraid too! Now come! Charge me!"

She looked to Zato and shot him a glare. How did he expect her to charge him!? He was using a pike and it was pointed right at her! She could not get close with the length of the weapon, even if he had told her so many times that each weapon had its draw backs. She couldn't utilize any weakness with this normal dagger! Why couldn't she use a bow or something! This was pissing her off!

"Ruby! Calm down and concentrate! Now, come at me!"

Her glare darkened and she looked to her brother before she rushed him, charging straight at him and the point of the weapon, the dagger held in reverse in her hand. And she seen it, he pulled the weapon back to thrust. She had to time it! The minute he gave the weapon a thrust, she jumped the side and ducked before lunging at him. However, she did not expect him to follow up by swinging the back end of the weapon and clubbing the wooden pole into her gut, knocking the air out of her and dropping her to the ground like a sack, before placing the point of the spike to her throat.

"You've tried that so many times in the past Ruby! Don't play games with me! You know I, and any soldier, will follow up from a missed thrust! Its one of the advantages of a pike or any pole-arm! It doubles as a staff if used properly!"

He let out a long sigh and shook his head before extending his claw down and waiting for her to accept it, like normal. However, she never did, she lunged up and jumped onto his shoulders before swinging the blade down and stabbing it into his wing base, knowing the weakness and his reaction, but too lost in anger.

In a flash, she found his claws on her sides and she was promptly slammed onto the ground, back arcing off from the pain before she seen his arm cock back and a punch swung a her head, eyes shut tight before the impact. Though, the impact never came. After several seconds of waiting, she slowly popped an eyes open and seen Zatos shaking fist in front of her face. To be able to stop, it showed every ounce of his love for her and she knew it and seen it.

Multiple times had she seen him beat some of the soldiers for touching or hurting his wings, and time to time he apologized saying he lost control of himself when they were touched before going limp. To be able to stop himself from doing the same to her...he truly did love her, even after all she had done to him.

"Brother! Your wing!"

Ruby looked to Pink as she ran up to them, so lost in thought that she failed to realize they were watching, before looking to her brother as he rose and stood. Only to have her pluck the dagger out and watch as his arm shake with how hard he had balled up his fist, blood dripping from his hand and wing base now.

"I'm fine girls. I'll have a healer look at it later, no worries."

He lowered himself down onto a knee and lifted Ruby into his arms, cradling her. Normally she would fight it, but she just laid there, looking deep into his eyes and she could feel the pain and sorrow of what he was about to do. From them, she knew the words that were coming before his maw even opened.

"I am sorry I almost struck you Ruby, please, forgive me. Tomorrow, we shall continue. I will tell you the weakness tomorrow and let you practice it then."

She knew it! Every word as she had thought, he had said!

"No brother...tomorrow I will pay complete attention on my training and I will not fail again, I will become as good as Pink and Veon, I promise."

They both smiled to each before bumping their noses, a kiss they had come up with without offending some of the others in the castle.

"Can we go play now?"

"Sure, get out of here."

Ruby giggled, as well as Veon and Pink, as she was set down and Zato gave a little bow before making his way to castle, and the other two bolting off to the lake. Though, before she followed, she grabbed the dagger and has kept it since that day.


Tears were now streaming down her cheeks and onto the table. She missed him so much, he did so much for them, always put them first. So many times he put his own head on the line. She couldn't do it anymore and fell onto her knees, holding her head in her claws, the dagger long forgotten.

"Ruby! Ruby...?"

Pink turned the corner and seen her sister crying, but she could tell right away that she wasn't hurt. So, out of respect and old words of Zatos that still ran through her mind, let her cry her tears out without disturbing her.

" hurts...without him....y-you...truly don't know someone's hold on you...until they are gone...."

Pink watched as her sister stood and charged her to lock her in a hug, clung to her with her head pushed tight into her chest..

"I know Ruby...but he is back..."

Ruby pulled her head back and looked into her eyes with a smile, however, with Pinks expression. She knew what the news was, and she was not going to hear it. She promptly turned and began to attach her weapons while letting her armor out, using Pinks idea and also making the helmet cover her head.

"I'll be ready in five minutes....go get Veon.....she is in the room talking with Godaris."

Pink gave a nod and snapped the armor back on before bolting off once again, just as her sister began to cry again. Something in her mind and heart was telling her that their mate was gone, and soon someone was going to sink a blade into him...though one of them would surely sink it into them again. They would have to finish the job, since the others did not know.


"Godaris....have the messengers returned yet?"

Veon was strapping her armor on behind the cover of a curtain, she did not like using the lazy way her mate had invented, strapping it on felt so much more rewarding. Knowing that you securely fastened each piece, lined them up, positioned them on top of each other. It was rewarding and just as time consuming, which was a good thing right now.

"Of course, only one failed to, and he went to the orcs. The plan will come into motion when we give the signal, and of course, arrive at the humans castle."

Silence filled the room now until the sound of someone running in armor called Godaris to look at the door, as well as Veon to poke her head around and look to it, just before Pink burst in, gasping for air with her helmet slowly sinking in under her scales.

-No more running in full armor! Why did I even do it in the first place?!-

She thought as she took a few more breaths before letting her message come forth.

"Zato leads a massive army! They attack at dusk! We must prepare! Scouts have already reported they are camped by the entrance of Troll Forest!"

"Pink, calm down."

Pink shot Godaris a deadly glare, how could he say such a thing. There was no way she could just calm down right now, unless a god was to smack her and tell her too. Even then she would fight back!

"Sister, calm down. We already planned ahead. We will win this fight, no matter the armies size."


"Remember the messengers? The second set of messengers?"

"Yes, I thought we lost them as well?"

"No dear sister, they were successful. The Elves, Trolls, and Dwarves have joined our side. They attack when we blow the Horn Of Ancients, which Angelus is already in possession of and ready to use. Though, we must tell her that she will be needing to use it far earlier then we had planned."

"Veon, I love you even more now!"

Pink could not help but let out a happy squeal before bolting off to prepare the troops, glad to know one more problem was taken care off. The method used to win over the others was of no worry right now, only the fight that would still be held outside the walls, though it would be short lived. Orcs and Wyverns only made up about 15% of the forces, oh, how many scouts were lost...


An orc in thick leather from head to toe, somewhat resembling a ninja, ran pass red tent after tent, past group of wyverns and fellow orcs, elves, and those short creatures that drank tankard after tankard, looking for the general. The information he had gathered was needed for their sooner-then-planned war.

Thankfully, his search was soon over as he approached the lake they had set the camp by, generals orders. He did not even pause as he neared the general and would probably regret it, cause he just kept getting closer and closer to their leader.

"What is it green skin..."

"Sir Zato! The dragons prepare their forces! They have already spotted us! We hav--Agh!"

The orc held onto his head after a small rock had pegged him between the eyes, clearly thrown by their leader.

"I know that stones for brain! By the gods, everyone heard the order to let the last scout go AND when I went to the Hills Of Nora! WE WANTED THEM TO KNOW!"

His last words left him in a roar that sent the orc running and the others in the camp to cover their ears, his roars had become extremely high pitched. The Wolf tribes of the north had probably heard the roar. Of course, it just increased the intimidating factor of his roars, cause like his voice it sounded as if two were coming from him. His normal, deep, echoing roar and the high pitched overtone.

=Oh come now Zato, you can not let them effect you.=

Zato heard that voice again and promptly knelt down near the lake, his Zanbatou resting on the ground in front of him. He had not summoned it, nor remembered how too, but here it was. took him until the voice told him what it was to remember that it was his.

=Master, the stupidity of the orcs is aggravating. Though, as you say, I will not let that effect my mind. They still make good shields from the arrows.=

=That's a good slave, now remember, do not attack until sun up. I wish to watch the war from afar and it will take me all dusk and luna to get there.=

=As you order, master.=

He bowed his head and stood up in a flash, his weapon vanishing in a clash of blue lightning as he walked through the camp. The troops were, of course, lock eyed on him. The orcs did not like how he so recklessly killed their brethren, the wyverns did not like dragons for banishing them from the kingdom, elves and the rest for their own agendas. Yet none would attack him, Otaz forbid it. Even if they had tried, they knew it would result in their own downfall. If not from his raw skill, the blessings he had received. If not those, the demon that laid inside him with the patience of a god would overtake him and then...they would beg the gods FOR death from what he would do.

He continued to walk through the came, out of the camp and then through the fields. He had no idea where he was going, no idea why, he truly did not care. He just let his legs carry them where they wanted to go until his wings began to shiver and shake, so, he took to the air and flew west. His mind still had no idea where it was going, no idea why, no idea how. However, it was.

Soon, the answer came. Off in the distance the bright white walls of the Kingdom Gates came into view and as he approached, he descended until he did a running land, and then just kept walking until he was seventy or so yards from the wall. He could see the archers taking position, the guards outside the gate aiming their spears, even in the darkened light of the dusk.

"Beast! Return to your camp!"

He gave a tilt of his head to the dragon that yelled that and simply stood there. Something in him was telling him they would not attack unless he attacked, so, he just stood there. And then slowly, like a whisper, a name came to him. It was faint at first and he shut his eyes to concentrate, listening to the wind, and the name repeated.

"I wish to see...Pink..."

"Roya, go get the commander...she will want to know that he is asking for her."

The dragon that gave the order to Zato earlier told another, and in a flash, his subordinate was gone, gone to retrieve and inform Pink. Though, none had to wait long, since the subordinate was back in a flash with Pink, most likely having heard the news already. And all of them looked to her as she just looked to the dragon standing in the open, no soldiers. no weapons...barely any armor and he was...listening to the wind?

" should not g--"

The dragon archer was cut off as Pink hopped off the wall and clawed her way down before bolting towards him. Her feet moved fast, each step seeming to launch her farther and farther, until she slid to a stop no more then ten yards from him, tears welling up inside her eyes and threatening to break free. She was so happy to see her mate that she let her armor sink back into her scales.

"Love! I can not believe you are back!"

Due to the tears and the blurred vision it caused, she failed to realize that he had no eye color and was staring at her as a predator would a kill. No emotion, pure anger and killing rage hidden only by a thin wall of what one would honor. He would not attack because she never attacked, so, he listened to the faint little voice in his head and moved to her before lifting a claw up and gently tracing it over her cheek, the female before him emitting a soft coo as he did so.

"I know your face...your smell...yet I do not remember how I know you..."

He could see the pain in her eyes as he said that and something deep inside him felt that same pain, and that is when he began to feel a...touch in the back of his mind and soon memories began to flash in front of his eyes, one after another, event after event came back to him yet at the same time the burning pain of the spells kicked in and he fell to his knees with his head clutched, roars leaving him each time another memory returned. Of course, this scene caused the archers to take aim, yet Pink held her arm out as she dropped down next to him.

"Come on love...I know you are in there...."

=Yes Zato...come on with this burning pain for the rest of eternity...or you could always let hi-=

-NO! He will never control me! I will not give into this!-

More memories and more pain, he may be back to his old self, but Zato knew he would never be able to move or stand this pain. Why allow him control all of a sudden! More many more years to go and the pain only kept increasing. He had to hold out! Wait...that memory....the gems!


Pink back-flipped away as Zatos tail swung out before he sunk his claws into his forearm and he began to tear at his scales and flesh, searching for that cursed gem!

"Love! Stop!"

She took a step towards him but a well placed arrow stuck itself in front of her and she shot her gaze back to see Ruby standing there with a look she knew all to well, so she looked back to him and did not budge. Though, as her eyes fell back on him, she seen a blood covered emerald drop out from his arm before a much louder roar came from him, it sounded like the screams of a hundred tortured souls. Everyone nearby had to cover their ears and shut their eyes from it, it was just...too frightening to listen too.

=Come on Zato....come on....let him take you over...give in!=

==Yes...let me control know if you do end up beating this spell you will only have to suffer with me for the rest of your life....what happens if I choose to kill that precious Pink of yours? Ruby...Veon? Your parents...==

-Enough! I will not give in...!-

==...I can feel you giving in now...your resolve is know what I speak is the, let me give you a taste of just what it means to let me take over.==

The pain in his body soon began to ebb off and he kneeled there with his arms, wings, and tail completely limp. Hard, shallow, breaths coming out of him in ragged gasps and he looked to Pink. One dull blue eye and one dull green, he couldn't hurt least if the demon took over they would know to kill him.

"P-pink...come here...."

Pinks expression changed in a flash and she bolted to her mate and locked him in her arms, though, it did not last long as he forced her away. Her concern evident as she let her tail and expression drop to worry and fear.

"Don't question....prepare....for a Demon.....forget about me.....return to the"

She listened to him but could not believe him, he knew he was already giving in because his voice was drifting to that of a beast. Two voices speaking instead of one, an echo on top of that, smoke leaving his mouth with each word. His body seeming to couldn't.

"Zato! No! Beat it! You beat it the first time!"

He shot a glare to her and spun in a flash, his tail smashing into her side and sending her into the air only to be caught a few seconds later by Ruby in her own dragon form.

"Get away now!"

Ruby did not question anything and flew off to the walls just as her mate began to shift to his feral, though, a much more intimidating form of it. It was twice the size of his normal, his wings much larger with blue membrane and a red hue to it. His tail nearly double the length of his body, talons and teeth as big as a human male. Each breath from his maw sent out a plume of smoke with a lick of fire, and blue lightning classed around him. He did not even need time to switch to this just changed in a second.

"By the gods...he gave in...."

Pink couldn't believe what she was seeing, her mate was completely gone and in her mind she knew exactly why he did it, he wanted to be killed, and from the sound of bow strings being pulled back, he was about to get that wish. Her maw opened to seize the command but that is when she saw the army that he had lead rushing towards the gates and thats what the archers were aiming at, and soon, they let their arrows loose, just as a horn sounded out. She thought they would hold that card back, but she guessed Godaris and the others wanted this war over quick, and from the looks of the elves and others, they would not dally as well.

"Ruby we must-"

"There is nothing we can do Pink. We must kill him. Archers! Aim for the beast!"

Each and every archer gave Ruby a bewildered look before they slowly re-strung their arrows and aimed at their ex-leader. He had not moved...nor looked like he was about to. He was currently examining himself with a sick grin on his maw. The sight of him doing so confused most of them, but...what would you expect from a demon taking over a new would have to get use to it.


Pink and Ruby both watched as the wave of arrows shot towards their mate...or well...ex...they did not know what to call the beast now. They watched as he slowly looked up and grinned to the wave of arrows before simply shielding himself with a wing, each and every arrow hit the membrane of it before just bouncing off and sticking into the soil. This was going to be hard.

"Send out our own forces! Forget the Anthro law right now and go!"

Ruby and Pink looked back to the plaza as Veon ordered their own forces outside, each and every able troop taking to the air and flying over the walls as did the archers. Veon, Ruby, and Pink just stayed locked eyed until Veon too took to the air and was outside with the battle against the dragon, the orcs and wyverns already retreating from the unexpected assault and their leader going...well....beast.

"Sister...I am going stay here."

Before Pink could even hope to respond, her sister had set her down and took to the air in her own feral form. She couldn't believe what was happening, and truly, she couldn't take her eyes off the spectacle if she wanted too. Her eyes just watched as dragon after dragon, elf after elf, dwarf after dwarf was either killed, swatted away, or just...crushed beneath the beast before her. Of course, they did not fall in vain, each and every troop was laying hits onto the beast, but they all went ignored. Deep gouges along his back, sides and neck. Swords, spears, daggers, every name and shape of weapon was stuck into his hide and he just kept fighting....wait!

"Ruby! Veon!"

Pink looked to her sisters as they halted mid-air and looked to her just as she shifted into her own dragoness form and sped towards them. She did not fly far before a sudden deafening boom echoed throughout the land and all were lock-eyed on Zato as he clasped his claws together in a boom of thunder before striking the earth with his claws, tearing the ground asunder before his aura pulsed out and blue lightning struck the earth, most of the elf and dwarf warriors vanishing with the attack and only faint piles of ash remained, yet, no dragons were effected. Pink had no time to worry about the dead or why the attack only effected certain foes, their numbers were dropping, fast and she knew a way to end it. But she must get the remaining forces inside.

"Everyone! Pull back! Get out here, now!"

The ones who were not evading attacks quickly did so, yet the others they left behind let out their final cries of pain. Yet, Pink seemed to regret this order as she watched him bite multiple dragons out of the sky before they did get away.

"Tail and wings! Remember how they affect him! Cut them off! It can only be us three, we will not lose anymore!"

They each gave a nod to the other before bolting off in the air, expecting an attack for floating there, yet they move was for naught. No hit came, no blast of flame, no whip of the tail, nothing. They turned to look to him just standing there with a wide grin on his maw, each and every wicked fang showing with a haunting blue glow on his eyes and flames bursting forth from in-between his fangs with each breath, like earlier.

"He is waiting for us to attack...."

Pink could only shudder at that, the beast before them simply nodded to the words. She now wondered if he had listened to their earlier conversation...yet...would he truly worry about his wings and tail? Maybe he just thought it was to immobilize him instead of what really happened.


She turned, as well as her sisters, to see Kizna and her family approaching from off to the east, already closing in and she could already see something she truly not expected...each and every hatchling, or ex, was fully grown and nearly as large as Zato now! If not bigger! And from the sounds behind her, he did not like the look of Mercy Dragons so early into his existence.

"Ardia kno merda tue!"

Everyone looked to the beast now just as his body pulsed and his wounds vanished and the weapons that were once embedded deep into his hide now simply laid on the ground.


The five mercy dragons seemed to take that to heart because they each flew faster and shot past their parents and Pink with her sisters before they all rammed into Zatos chest before landing on their legs, watching as the beast was flung into the kingdom walls and completely demolished the ancient wall. Though, he was not down long, because he rose fast and blew a godly hot flame from his maw, striking and burning one of the five Mercys and left it a smoldering husk of a dragon.

"No! Winter!"

The others ignored the death of their sibling and each blasted out fire for themselves, knowing now not to be so careless, but the demon flew into the air just as the flame blasted past him. He was far too fast for that and he knew the moves they'd make before they even did, they were no fighters and had not practiced. They were based purely on instinct and not on skill, this would be fast.

The four left over quickly adjusted themselves and followed the dragon with their flames, their breath quickly running out. They just had to touch him, just enough to make him stall from the pain...but no matter what they did he was faster then their flame. So they stopped and he took that as a cue, dropping from the sky like a lead weight towards the Mercy dragons, to which they all scattered save for one who drew in a deep breath and let his flame back out. At first, to the others, it looked like he missed. However, it was clear he aimed for one of the demons wings and struck, but he could not cherish the hit, because soon after his flame struck, the demon had landed on him, pinning him beneath teeth and claw. He thought he would be dead...yet no strike ever came.

"He can't control his body! His wings and tail are his weakness'! They cause his body to go limp!"

Ruby did her best to yell to the Mercys and thankfully they did hear it because they soon drew in breaths once again and aimed for his last wing and his tail, and everyone could see in the demons eyes that there was not a thing he could do to move and he could not believe this dragon had such open weakness'!

"Oridia! Oridia! Mea nou telia vah uji!"

A grin settled on the demons maw now as he watched them all release their flame and strike his wing and tail, sending an echoing roar from his maw that could be heard clear throughout the valley and shook the foundations of the mountains. Yet, this did not come without a price. Their brother underneath the demon was open to the flames and he too was injured, yet alive, when they stopped. However, their mission was soon to be completed, so it did not matter. The demon was limp, on the verge of passing out and bleeding more then his powers could heal. Two of them moved up next to him and glared to the beast, as the third pulled her brother out and dragged him off to the side to watch the execution.

"Come on...brothers! Kill me! Kill your own blood! Remember all the times I protected you?! Cared for you?!"

The grin only grew as he watched them hesitate, it was so amusing how Mercys had so much compassion even after watching him kill one of their own and nearly killing another! Yet they stood there looking to him and in thought about all Zato had originally done for them, wonderful. Now I just have too-

His thoughts were cut short as he felt two sets of jaw lock around his throat, yet, there were not the jaws of those who were destined to kill him. It was from the hosts past...his mates? How could they do something like this! He had looked through the memories...what would possess them to do something such as this?!

"Veon! Ruby! Do not kill him! We should lock him away! For the hope he may one day return to us!"

The beast let out a long growl as he tried to fight back, but this pathetic body did not respond. Every move, every thought...everything fell on deaf ears! He could only growl and look around! What kind of body was this?!

==Now you know why I gave up so easily.==

=Shut it! It's not like you have the strength to even think of taking your body over again! You will be mine for the rest of time! And your mates will only be able to watch as time streaks by and leaves you alone!=

He could feel the jaws tighten around his throat before they suddenly let go, however, before he even thought of an action to take, his world went dark and silent.


Pink stood off to the side and let out a rather relieved sigh as her sisters moved back from the still breathing form of their mate, to which a group of dragons moved up to and began to chain him down with heavily enchanted chains and binds. Amazing how fast the magic users moved. If anything, he would be alive...yet in a world of pain. Any move he did would cause the enchantments to flare up and scorch him, tear off his scales and dig into his skin.

"Thank you sisters..."

"We will have to construct a special prison for him far away from the kingdom..."

Ruby could not help but let out a long sigh as she shifted back down to her raptor anthro and dropped onto her rear, Veon doing the same right next to her. What would have been worse to do...kill him? Or let him leave as his best....maybe the gods would smile down upon him and undo the curse for him...

"Build our cave into the prison...its far from many of the human civilizations and from the kingdom, its also hidden among the snowy caps of the mountains. One would not so easily spot it."

All three looked to Kizna as she made her way up, her head hung low and the weight of what had just happened clearly on her shoulders. One could only imagine why she would so willingly offer her homestead.

"But will have no home..."

"I will live in the's not a worry...please...just do so...."

They each just gave a weak nod and set about to do the needed tasks, first and most important was to deal with the dead, second thank their allies and third...third was to rebuild and forget...thankfully the demon had done little damage...just tallied a lot of deaths upon his name.


A few hundred years flew past before anyone even realized it. The damages of the war vanished save for a few memorials among the plains in front of the kingdom walls and a lot of sorrow still felt among the populace, however, not many ever brought the past back into their mind. Their current live were just like before, yet the teachings of Zato held strong. Most dragons walked around in an anthro form and those who could not went the ways of the Ancients, Feral with no breasts or sheaths and used their own born weapons instead of forcing themselves to use blades and shields, yet armor was still needed among all.

No wars had occurred since Ragna and the beast, yet their army practiced far more then they had in the past. Each day the sound of the warriors training rang throughout the kingdom. Metal hitting metal, jets of flames seen over the tops of the homes, dragons flying in formation and practicing their mobility in the air.

Most, if not everyone, viewed this time as a time of infinite prosperity. The kingdom had increased in size, ranging beyond the Coils, and the gems that littered the streets had become even more abundant, enough so that they could trade these priceless gems with the others of the world they all shared and get items they could not normally obtain or make, yet they knew never to rely on them. The time had become so good to the dragons that they had actually talked to and came to agreements with the Wyverns and many outlying dragon clans of the island.

Yet, no one knew that the one being in the world that could so easily destroy their happiness was no more then three days away from the kingdom, by foot, and was under heavy lock and key.


A storm hung over the mountains where the beast was held, yet two guards still stood proud at the caves entrance. No weather would stop them from doing their duty, no opponent would defeat them, no one could get into this cave unless they had the kings permission. One would think these two were insane for standing in the freezing temperature, however, they were quite comfortable here seeing that they were both stark white Ice Dragons, both females, as were custom to guards among their tribe.

"Moon....don't you think it's eerie....?"

One of the ice dragons spoke out to the other, in a slightly shaky tone, yet the other simply smiled to her. Her wing sister was always the first to be scared.

"What ever do you mean Crescent?"

Crescent lowered her spear and relaxed against the entrance of the cave, her blue armor letting her do it with relative ease, yet the armor only covered her breasts and an armored skirt around her waist and a few plates along her tail, Moon wore the same, so they could easily do as they wish in it.

"For three weeks he has made groans, moans, and roared out. And has not muttered a single word nor sound."

Moon couldn't help but giggle at her wing sister and could only give a small nod, before her sisters tail hit the tip of her muzzle in annoyance.

"Fine fine Crescent, if it will make you feel better I'll go take a look."

She seen her sister smile to her before she strolled into the cave, leaving her spear behind as she entered it, having to obey the law Pink put in effect for those that went in. She did not mind it, so she just walked in. Ancient blue flames lit up as she made her way deeper and deeper, the soft, smoothed down sides of the cave and the smoothed floor greeting her sight as the flame illuminated them. Took workers fifty years to make this cave to perfection, and ten more for the magic users to discreetly set protection spells among the walls, she still could not believe the work they did.

" would seem I have company approaching..."

Her eyes narrowed a bit and she felt an odd feeling rush up her spine as she heard that voice, it was not the same one she had heard so many times before, was the same. She quickly shrugged it off and took a few more steps before a huge blue flame lit up from the roof of the cave, showing to the world the large dome shape the end of the cave had taken. Large golden bars shown in the light with bright rec, pink, and green runes running along each bar. The gate went from roof to floor, wall to wall, and was clearly intended for a feral. Yet, the sight she seen, made a gasp rush out of her and quickly set herself into a defensive posture.

He was in anthro! The chains that once securely held him to the ground were now bundled up on the floor and he just sat there on his knees with his hands on his thighs, wings wrapped tightly around his form, and tail lifeless behind him. His neon blue eye and neon green staring at her with an eerie grin settled on his maw.

"My my my...if it isn't Moon, I've missed your scent. You do not visit me enough."

"Silence beast! How did you change?!"

" and Zato worked out an...understanding of sorts."

A deep growl emitted from her as he just simply laughed at her, that echoing laugh they had first arrived to that sent shivers down your spine. Something was terribly wrong, everyone had said it was impossible for him to turn into any other forms! Thank the gods Pink and Ruby had ordered them to make enchantment's on that fence incase he somehow had.

"Crescent! Go get Mistress Pink! Tell her we have an emergency!"

The sound of heavy wingbeats sounded after that as she simply stood there, watching him. Yet he did not move, he just sat there, staring at her as if she was prey. When...she was...only to him. Yet, the silence did not last long as she soon heard his voice sound out.

"I wonder what you taste smell so delightful it sends a shiver down my spine thinking of it!"

"Beast! Keep your mouth shut! Or I will invoke the runes amongst your scales!"

She seen him quirk an eyebrow before he raised his head and seemingly went into deep thought, allowing her freedom to think. He had mentioned him and Zato had reached an agreement, would that not mean Zato, their old commander, was still in there somewhere? She did not know him personally, but she had read about all he did and the influence of his words were clearly felt, to what had made this great age come onto them. Yet, he had done so being a demon dragon, the first in a weird series of events the legends had never spoke of before.

"Legends are not legends, they are truth spoken amongst generations that do not believe in them. We too were once a legend, a myth."

She went wide-eyed and looked dead onto Zato, how can he read her mind?! That gate was suppose to block that all! No magic, telepathy, nothing was suppose to make it past it! Did the mages fail when they made the runes? Did they forget one? No...they were far too careful, specially amongst a demon.

"They blocked everything BUT mind reading. It's actually quite funny because I know all of yours and Crescents darkest secrets. I know what you two do out there, if not from the scent that sinks into the cave, the thoughts of how much you two enjoy the company of the other sends the signals enough. I must say though, the back side of a spear is quite an achievement to take under the tail."

She flushed brightly and sank her claws into the stone, resisting every urge to lunge at the gate. He was doing this on purpose, she knew that. Maybe he was not...

"Reading your mind? Oh...I am...not even trying...been here so long it happens by itself."

That sickening little smirk settled back on his maw and kicked a stone at the gate, a blue barrier flaring up as it approached and sent it right back at her, though it missed by a mile.

"Shield blocks me from getting out and others from getting in....oh how fun."

"Moon! Remove yourself from here immediately! Return to your post with Crescent!"

Her wings ruffled and she shot straight up as a shiver ran through her spine, she knew that voice immediately. It was her mistress, she had not even heard her enter!

"Yes mistress!"

And like that, she blew past Pink and her entourage to return to her post, just as Pink and the others settled in front of the gates.

"'s true what she said...."

Zato smiled now, it was not faked, not intimidating, but a genuine smile that Pink had not seen in ages. Yet, she knew she couldn't believe it. From the time this cave was being re-fitted and the time she spent with him in the kingdom, she knew the beast could act just like her mate, trying to make someone free him.

"My...Pink, you look wonderful."

He let his eyes roam over her. She had the same body type as before, yet she had put on a tad bit more muscle and now wore wings with her raptor self. The armor she wore was the same one she had taken that once belonged to him, yet changed to look more like the Ice dragoness' armor, save for a long black cape with blue trims and a Cherry blossom pattern among it.

"You still look like the demon that took my mate from me."

He did not listen to her words as he looked around to those that had come with her. His brothers and sisters were there, one clearly scared from their past encounter, and yet there were three new dragons with her...they looked so familiar. One female that looked just like her, a male that looked like him but with reverse coloring, and another male that had a mix of pink belly scales and black body scales. There was no way they were his kids...he could not have any.

"Storm...take your brothers and sisters back to the kingdom, Zato wont be a problem. Tell Ruby not to worry, as well as Veon."

"Yes mistress."

A smirk settled on his maw as he watched the Mercys leave, two looking back to him with a glare. What they wouldn't give to just kill this dragon now, he killed their sibling and he'd kill again. Even if his first attempt was pretty pathetic in terms of the others that had their population nearly in the double digits.

"Bye bye!"

He let out a laugh as Pink moved forward, the three following close behind her, and they all sat in front of the cage that housed him. She clearly held the small hope he was himself again, yet he did not act like Zato, he was...strange and his expressions were....well, weird.

"Aditi, Grave, and your father."

Zato and the three teen dragons gave the same shocked expression that Pink could not help but laugh at. She had promised them they were going to meet their father, bet a black topaz they were not expecting that their father was the demon dragon of legend.

"That can not be! Zato can not have kids! No demon dragon can!"

Well...there went the thought of Zato being Zato out the window, to which she sighed.

"Well...Zato. Three glorious kids that have been following his path with excellent results. I don't care what kind of hold you have on my mate, but he is in there somewhere, and I am sure he is proud of the news he has kids."

==Hahaha! Once again I prove your sorry demonic ass wrong!==

=Shut up idiot! How do you know she has not mated with another?!=

==Because she is Pink! The most devoted of my mates!==

"Zato...if you question it, they are your children. One hundred percent. As am I still yours. Veon and Ruby are also awaiting your return. not let the words in your book effect you anymore...come back to us...your children..."

The kids looked to their mother as she stood and turned to make her way out of the cave before she turned her sight back upon Zato, who was clearly deep in thought. She could not help but feel a tinge of hope arise deep in her as she looked upon his face. She had been here a lot in the past, specially when she was egg-heavy, and slowly watched as his face slowly returned more and more to his old self. His words having the same old tone of love in every word, care for other with how he spoke.

"Your mother died the beginning of this year. Her heart was too weighed down with grief for all these years, it finally took its toll. Your father...we have not heard from him since she died. Osia still has not returned...and Godaris misses his arena partner..."

She looked into his eyes now as she seen the faint realization of some of the things that had happened while he had been trapped in here and it caused her to move back over to the gate, their kids just standing off to the side and just watched their mother...and more so their father.

"Come on Zato! I know you are in there! Come back to us!"

Zato lowered his head back once again and cracked his neck before looking back to her, a grin settled on his maw, as if it was expected to be on him now.

"Nope, no Zato here. Only Uhidia."

She cocked an eye-ridge before turning and making her way out of the cave, calling to her children as she did. Two followed, yet the pink and black male simply looked to his father. He moved up to the fence and put his claw on it, the barrier flaring up as he did so. The outside barrier held no runes to hurt those that touched it, yet the side Zato was on sent a painful jolt through you when touched.

"Father....when my classes explain to me about runes and how they work, I will return and free you. This is not the past you overcame so much...from what mother tells will beat your might have already done it..."

He heard his mother call and he was gone in a flash, knowing better then to keep her waiting, and never seen the wicked toothy grin now settle on Zatos maw.

=Wonderful child you have there Zato.=

==Don't get too cocky beast, the runes placed here are ancient. There is no way he can cancel them and free you...== that doubt I hear in your voice?=



Story One End.

To be continued in Story 2.