Silver – The right Paw of the Devil – Chapter 6 - Mating time

Story by Shingomera on SoFurry

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#6 of Legends

Next Chapter. Last Story from this Line

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Silver - The right Paw of the Devil - Chapter 6 - Mating time

Outside of the castle

Silver was sitting against a Wall of the castle looking into the distance. The sun was already going down, filling the Air with a wonderful red and orange color. He had almost liked to watch the sun go down, especially once he had seen Alissa standing in such a light.

„Hey! Are you already sleeping?" Alissa asks from the side, letting him nearly jump up in surprise.

„HÄH..... OH no. No... I was just thinking of..... Of many things. "

„You thought of me standing in that light like I did a while ago right? "

„How did you...... Yeah I did. You really looked so beautiful that Day. "

„Really? Then what about now?" Alissa asks and moved herself so that she was standing right in front of the sun.

The colors began to dance around her and he could only thought one thing.

„OH MY GODNESS.... I´m the happiest Male in the world because the beauties Female is my Mate and no one can change that. "

„HAHA.... Thanks for telling me. " Alissa said laughing

„HÄH??? CRAP.... Did I said that loud?" Silver asks

„Yep. You did. "

„HMMMM..... Then there is only one thing left to do. "


He kissed her and everyone around them began to smile and whisper but they both didn´t cared right now. She returned the kiss and did even more. She pressed her tongue on his lips and he opened for her. Once open their Tongues began to wrestle inside their mouths while they both began to hold each other really close. After 5 minutes of kissing they finally broke to gain some Air.

„HAH..... HAH..... That was..... Was..... I don´t know. " Silver said and Alissa answered.

„Me too. "

She then moved her Head close to his Ear and whispered into it.

„If you wish it then we could lose our Virginities right here and now. "

Hearing this his Head became blood red and out of his Ears was Steam coming out.

„Are you crazy? " He nearly screamed out. „Not in public. "

Now her Head became blood red because everyone was now silent and got also a red Head. She wanted to answer him but before she could do he grabbed her front paws and moved her onto his back. A second later he started to run like hell. It took him only two seconds to leave the town and while he ran he said to her.

„I´m sorry for that. I didn´t wanted to denounce. And to tell you this. I really, really want to give my Virginity to you but I want to do you while we are under us. "

„I know and I´m sorry myself. I don´t know what has come over me to ask you. " She answered.

„You maybe don´t know but I do and over that we need to talk before we do it. "

„HMMMM??? Why should we talk over what? "

„Hold on thigh. I´m stopping hard!!!! "

She did as she was told because she knew what he wanted to do. He stopped himself really hard and right in front of their cave. She slowly moved down from his back once they had stopped and while she did it she suddenly felt really strange between her hind legs. The feeling was a bit new to her but also she knew it.

„Yep. You are in it. " Silver said strait into her face.

„I´m in what? NNNNHHHHH..... It hurts. " She answered.

„You are in heat. "

Her Eyes flew open once he had said that.

„WHAT? That can´t be. It´s far too late for it. " She said loud.

„But still it´s true and remember what Zero had told us before he left. He said that something special would happen in the next few Days and that Arceus is always watching us."

„HMMMMM.... True but do you really think that he meant this and nothing different? "

„That´s the only thing that would made sense. So now tell me. Do you really want to have Sex with me today and become a mother in winter? "

She began to thought about it but didn´t needed long to choose. Once she had chosen, she walked past his face and stopped right in front of him. She then moved her tail aside and gave him a really needy look. More he didn´t needed to know. She wanted him.

He moved close to her back and began to lick over her slit. With each lick he did she moaned lowly and her Body shacked a bit. Her scent was telling him that she was really close to her highest peak of receiving and his Brain told him to mount her now. And so he did. He did a last lick and then he moved his front up on her back but before he was on top of her she moved away saying.

„Not so fast little Boy. You will have to work for it. "

She then turned around herself and moved a paw to his Head. He immediately knew what was going on and he played his role in their mating dance.

She lowly hit his Head and then he gave her one back. Next she ran away into the cave and he followed her really close. Inside they circled each other a few times and then she stopped letting him lick her again. Now her scent had become nearly insane and his Brain told him again that she was nearly ready. He again tried to mount her and this time she let him but once his Penis hit her back she moved away again. He dropped down from her and their play began again.

They both played this Game for around 10 minutes until her Heat made it nearly impossible for her to move on. That was the reason why she stopped and spread her back legs as far as she could, shortly followed by moving her tail aside. Only a second later he was on her slit again and this time he did only one lick. His Brain immediately told him that she was more than ready and that he should take her now no matter what. He then made himself ready to mount her again but before he jumped up her back he managed to say.

„How...... do you...... want it? "

And she answered.

„Pound me..... Like a..... Doggy bitch...... Hard..... And Fast. "

Once said he moved up on her back and began his search once he was close enough. With the first 5 trust he didn´t found anything and he wanted to dismount her again but then his tip hit her hot and silky slit. On that second he hit it his instinct took place and he rocked into her like a real dog. While his Penis moved into her he erected fully and took her Virginity like it were paper. She yelped hard once his dick moved through it but it didn´t helped much because he didn´t stopped. Once in his instinct took out his Brain and he began to hump her.

He moved out an inch only to ram himself back into her. Again she yelped but a bit lower. With each hump he did she yelped lower and he humped her faster. Then after his 6 hump she moaned lowly and he began to unleash his full normal speed. His Penis was moving in and out of her and every time he moved in his Balls hit her back hard until his Knot formed. He managed a few times to move his Knot in and out again but at a point he couldn´t move it in her again.

That was the point when his instinct began to command him to move his knot in again and he began to hump her like a jackhammer. She on the other side was only standing there with rolling Eyes and an open mouth. Moaning and panting nonstop until his knot had become too big. At this point she only wanted one thing too. His Knot inside of her. She tried as hard as she could to push back against his fast humpings but at one point she couldn´t anymore. Her front legs gave in and she half collapsed to the ground. Now she was lost and defenseless. All she wanted now was to enjoy his treatment and he didn´t disappointed her.

On the moment she collapsed, he felt that he had a bit more place for his knot and his instinct took pulled the last Button. He began to use his Agility on her and his humpings became so fast that it looked like as his penis was standing in place. In reality he was so close to cum that he didn´t cared anymore if he tied her or not. Then suddenly.

* PLOB *

His knot went in and inside of her it reached its full size. From all of a sudden, the time seemed to stand around them. They both had finally become one and they loved it. It were only seconds in reality but for them it was like an eternity. Then their Orgasm moved them back. They both moved their Heads in their back while their Eyes and mouth´s went wide open. At the same moment he shot his first wave of his cum, shortly followed by her first shot.

There. He had fired his second shot and she was again shortly behind him. The feelings of their very first relieves was too much for them both. Overtaken by pure pleasure and love they both began to howl into the Air, telling everyone that they had mated for the very first time. Once done howling, he moved down from her with his front only to collapse next to her. While he felt he shot his third wave. This and his weight on her end let her back go down also. They were done for. They had spent all of their energy on this act so it was no wonder that they both didn´t said a word in the end. All they both wanted now was to sleep in peace and harmony.

The next morning

Silver woke up early like always but today he had a serious problem. His Penis had retreated over the night but it was burning like fire. He tried to move a bit but then the pain became too strong and he decided to wait a bit. He then looked over her Body and said to himself.

DAMMIT! I´m such a lucky Boy to have such a Lady as my mate. If someone would had told me that this would happen a few months ago I would surely had said to him that he would be crazy and that I would never have such a mate but now here I am.

He softly moved a paw over her side while he thought on.

May Arceus be my witness. I swear that I will never let her get hurt. I Swear that I will give all to protect her and my..... No, our children even if it´s cost my life in return. This I swear by my blood.

He quickly did a cut into one of his paws and drank his own Blood to seal it. Meanwhile Alissa woke up and....


„Good morning my Queen. Slept well?" Silver asks playfully.

„W......What? YYAAAAWWWWNNNNN... Who is my Queen?" She was very dazed and needed a few moments to understand but Silver only laughed over this answer.

„HAHAHAHAHA...... That was a good answer. "

„Hey wait a sec...... MMMMMMMHHHHHH..... I´m not a Queeeeeeeeee...... "

She had tried to move but her complete Body was hurting her.

„Easy my dear. There is no need to hurry. We have all the time we need. " Silver said and placed a paw on her Body.

His touch brought some more pain but she also felt more comfortable. A few minutes passed without a word were they both only enjoyed themselves. Then Silver asks.

„Are you hungry? "

And she answered.

„You can count on that. I´m feeling empty."

„Alright. You wait here and I get us something. "

He then slowly moved up and managed to stay but once he tried to make a step he lowly yelped because he had totally forgotten the cut in his paw and now he had paid for it. Alissa, who had heard his yelp, turned her Head slowly and saw that Blood was running out of his paw.

„Ohhh.... Was that my fault? If yes then Sorry. " She asks and he answered.

„No, No. It wasn´t your fault. I did this. Not you. "

„Then I´m happy but can you walk with that? "

„It will go. "

He said and moved on but only on three paws. Seeing him going let her Heart sank and she said.

„Wait! Here... Wrap this around your paw. "

She moved her Tail to her mouth and cut a piece from it. Then she moved the piece to him.

„Why have you done this? It´s just a little cut. Nothing more. " He asks.

„I hate it to see you in pain or only moving on three paws so please. Wrap it around your paw and move on normal. "

„HAHHHHHHH...... Alright but only because of.... the fact that I can´t say no to you anymore. " He said and wrapped the fur piece over his paw.

Her fur felt awesome fluffy and her scent on it was filling his heart with joy. He then slowly moved out of the cave and walked towards the woods. After a 10 minutes' walk he found a bush with some Berries on it and he took some of them into his mouth. Once his mouth was full he moved back to the Cave. After he had arrived he saw that she had made it to move herself and now she was sitting up right with her face towards the Cave entrance. Waiting for his return.

As quickly as he could he moved to her side and spilled out the Berries he had found. They both then ate them and once they had eaten the last one he said or better ask.

„Do you want some more or are you finished? "

„HMMM.... I want more. " She answered.

„Alright. Then I go and pick some more. "

He then moved up and wanted to go but she stopped him by holding one of his front paws.

„What? I thought that you wanted more. " He asks.

„Yep. I want more but not some food. "

„What then? ............NNNNNNNHHHHHHH...... " She had licked over his sheath.

„I´m still feeling empty but I don´t need some food anymore. I want to feel you inside of me again. "

„RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR........ Still hungry? Well..... I think that hunger can be satisfied too. "

He said and move behind her. In return she moved up her back and stood still while she moved her tail aside for him. He sniffed and licked her slit and his Brain told him that she was still on a high peak but also that it was nearly over. He licked her again and he heard her moan but also he heard her saying.

„Please.... Fuck me the whole Day of your own will. I´m yours to take. Just give me your cum and your..... BIG PENIS...... NNNNHHHHH..... "

After he had licked her a third time he moved with his face to hers and asks her.

„Do you really let me choose the position and speed? "

„Yes. Yes. Just fuck me and kill those fire inside of me. " She answered.

„Hihi... Alright but don´t say that I didn´t have ask you. " He said with a big smile.

He then moved back till his Head was on her side and then he tackled her softly. She dropped to the side and in a reflex she wanted to stay up again but he was faster. He tossed her more to the side and now she was laying on her back with him standing behind her. Again she wanted to move in reflex but again he was quicker and did another lick over her complete slit. Her Body shivered from his lick and she moaned. Then all went quick. He moved himself over her. Placed his tip on her slit by using one of his paws and then he pushed forward, burying his complete length in her. This sudden invasion of her private brought her to yelp hard but not for long. She quickly got used to his length because he waited instead of humping her wild and hard. Then he lend in close and whispered into her Ear.

„Ready for another wild ride my Queen? "

„NNNNHHHHH...... FUCK....... I´m not a........ QUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ........"

He had cut her by starting his humping. First had made a very quick and short hump to silence her. Then he moved on by retreating half out of her only to nearly jump into her again. This process he repeated until he was on a steady high pace.

She yelped and moaned nearly every time he went in and out and her Body shacked with each filling of his Penis. She was in Heaven again. She wanted only to be right here and now and she thought that this was a perfect fuck but she wasn´t even slightly prepared of what he had left in store her.

With all of a sudden he stopped while he was deep inside of her. She immediately wanted to plead for more but then she was silenced by his actions on her. He moved close to her with his Body and did a lick over one of her nipples. Next he grabbed her back with both of his paws and pulled her up a bit. He then did another lick over one of her nipples and then he moved his Head to hers while he began to hump her with his Agility ability.

Her Eyes and mouth shot open once he started his final penetration and she could swear that his Penis had even become longer then last time. Then she felt it. His Knot was hammering on her slit but something was different.

Last time they both had gone onto instinct but now they were both still in control and they loved it. They both had now only one thing in mind. Give my mate the best fuck. That was the reason why she spread her hind legs over her limits and he granted it by giving her 5 awesome hard trusts and with the 5 trust his knot went into her.

Once inside he did some more trusts until his Knot had tied them completely. Then their Orgasm hit them really hard. They came nearly at the same time.

First Wave: They both howled again. This time much louder than the last time.

Second Wave: His Legs began to shake and they both stopped howling.

Third Wave: His Legs gave in and he landed on her completely.

Fourth Wave: He panted into her Ear.

„You will always be a Queen for me. "

Fifth and last Wave: She panted back.

„Crap... I hate you for that. I´m not a Queen. "

He moved his Head in front of hers and said smiling bright before he went KO.

„Devil!!! "

The rest of the Day was quiet simple. They woke up some time later. Ate something and then they did it again. This process they repeated until midnight. On the next morning all had changed. Her Heat was over and she bit him away every time he wanted to mount or to smell her. She only allowed him to fuck her mouth or she gave him a blowjob if he needed it but he was always the one who hadn´t had something to do on her. This went on till.......

NO.NO.NO..... Not so fast. If you really want to know what comes next you have to read the next Storyline.