Seeker's Tale Part 32

Story by Wolf Seeker on SoFurry

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#33 of Seekers Tale

Long time in coming, but worth the wait. Hope you all enjoy.

Part 32

I stand there looking at the two of them with the feeling of being clubbed over the head. Harandoom is growing darker and darker under his fur as he blushes deeply his one good eye going wide. Rosalie glances back and forth between us before hurrying over to the door with a flustered look mumbling, "I thought I hit those locks when I came in."

As she clicks the locks shut I take a moment to try and jump start my brain. I close my eyes and rub them for a moment while asking, "Am I going to be correct in assuming that I just walked in on something you two wanted kept secret?"

I open my eyes and look between Rosalie and Harandoom who are back to standing beside each other. They look at each other for a moment before Rosalie turns to me and says, "Well you may as well be the first to know, after all it is because of you that we met in the first place."

I sit down on a stool and give them my full attention, "Ok, so what's the story?"

Rosalie nods to Harandoom before turning to check on the stew. He lets out a sigh and grabs another stool and sits down on it facing me before starting his story, "Well it started the day after your fight with Aduro. You, Shadow, and Rosalie were all laid up. Jasper and Alpha Steele were working to keep things under control and were doing a rather fine job. There was just one problem."

Rosalie snickers at that and Harandoom smirks. I raise an eyebrow saying, 'I don't see what's so funny.'

Rosalie turns and looks at me wiping her hands on her apron as she replies, "Seeker, you never taught anyone around here to cook properly for a lot of people."

After a moment I realize what they are saying, "The two cooks for all these wolves were incapacitated weren't we."

Harandoom nods, "Exactly, and at that time I still wanted to find a way to help contribute and pay you back for all the kindness you have shown me. Especially after.... well how we met."

His voice trails off for a moment as we both remember that day. He coughs before continuing, "Anyway, with no one able to cook I figured it was the least I could do and I'm an early riser anyway. So I came down before everyone else woke up and started breakfast the next day."

Rosalie moves to stand next to him and picks up the story, "And that's where I found him. Despite my ribs being busted I knew someone needed to work around here and you sure weren't in any condition to Seeker, seeing as how you couldn't walk. But when I came in I found Haran here already cooking up a pile of food. Though it wasn't the best quality."

I hold up a paw and ask Harandoom, "Since when do you go by just Haran?"

He rolls his eyes and says, "Rose says my full name is too much of a mouth full."

She huffs from beside him, "And it is, plus why would you want to keep having everyone say doom when addressing you?"

He snorts softly saying, "You would have to take that up with my mother she picked it out for me."

I chuckle, "Well I think Haran suits you."

He shakes his head before continuing, "Any way, here I was in the kitchen trying my best to help out when Rose came in and started in on my cooking. At first she made comments about how I was cooking things then started criticizing what spices I was using."

A dish towel flies through the air aimed at Haran's head which he ducks snickering, "Well it's true." Rosalie snorts and goes back to tending the stew.

After tossing the rag back at her Haran continues, "She went on about my cooking for several minutes while trying to keep from hurting herself more before she actually tried some of my cooking. Now I don't pretend to be anywhere as good as the two of you are but I do know my way around a frying pan."

He grins over at Rosalie while she rolls her eyes, "I think that she liked it because as soon as she actually tried some her complaints stopped almost at once. At least until clean up."

At that she pipes up again, "As well as I should have." Rosalie turns towards me and continues, "He managed to use half the pans in your cabinet to cook one meal. I haven't seen any one that messy in years!"

Haran gives a loud sigh as I chuckle at her rant before saying, "Well I would consider only half of the pans to be pretty good. You should see this room after Rick, Jasper, and the girls get through with it. The last time they cooked it took all day for them to clean."

Haran laughs and Rosalie shakes her head trying to hide her amusement. A moment of silence spreads between us as we try and imagine the event. Eventually I clear my throat, "Well that explains how you got started talking to each other, but how did it grow from there?"

They exchange looks as I watch them with a raised eyebrow waiting. Here Rosalie took up the story, "Well since I couldn't really refuse help in the kitchen, especially since Haran is a decent cook, he helped me out in here."

"At first it was a bit tense between us considering everything that happened." Haran looked down at his hands with a look of shame before Rosalie continued, "Well after a couple days we couldn't ignore the elephant in the room any longer and so I started the talk about the attack. I told him that I knew it wasn't him that did it and how I didn't hold him responsible for it."

Haran looks up and joins in saying, "I told her everything I told you about my time possessed by that thing and explained what it was like for me through all that time. Eventually we began talking about other subjects and found that we have other interests than just cooking in common. Before we realized it we had been talking all day and well into the night having lost all track of time as we worked in here."

Without missing a beat Rosalie picked up the story there, "Over the next few days we began spending more time together and meeting secretly to avoid the rumor mills and from there things just kind of grew. About a week ago we had our first date just a long moonlight walk and nice dinner that Haran cooked us."

At that her voice trails off with a sheepish grin as she blushes and busies herself with adding spices to the stew. Haran grins at her as he blushes a bit as well. Once his gaze travels to me though it falters and fades as I look back at him with a bit of a stony look making sure to keep my own emotions hidden.

After a moment of heavy silence Haran clears his throat and says, "Well that's the story about us." I nod slowly before starting in a slow measured voice, "Well as you know Haran I am very protective of those under my protection." Rosalie starts to say, "Now see here Seeker.... "

I hold up my paw and give her a look that has her voice falling silent with a huff. Turning back to Haran I continue, "As I was saying, I am very protective of them and want to make sure they are safe and happy. I am especially protective of Rosalie as I have known her entire life and was very close to her parents before that. She is the closest that I have to daughter."

I hear the spoon Rosalie was stirring the stew with clatter on the stove as she drops it in surprise. I have never told her how I felt about her relation to me. Haran's eye widens a bit as he locks gazes with me. I take a deep breath and continue, "Having said that I can safely say that I have never seen her once look at anyone the way she was looking at you just a few moments ago."

Haran glances over at Rosalie, who I can see is blushing, before looking back at me as I keep speaking, "So Haran, as long as you don't hurt her in any way or give me reason to think you have, then I just want to say one thing....." I let a moment of silence settle over the kitchen while Haran and Rosalie both wait on edge.

A smile spreads over my muzzle as I hold out a paw to shake Haran's and say, "Congratulations you two, I hope everything goes well for you."

Haran's face breaks into a smile as he shakes my offered paw and responds happily, "Thanks Seeker." Just then a dish rag wraps itself around my face and ears as Rosalie starts a rant, "Like you have any say over my love life you old hound. My father was never able to control who I ran around with and you sure won't be able to."

I pull the rag off my face just as she wraps me in a firm hug saying softly in my ear, "But thank you just the same for caring so much about my happiness." I return the hug and whisper back, "I'm just glad you finally found someone you can be happy with. I always worried you wouldn't. Though I am a tad surprised you chose someone with fur."

She breaks the hug and bops me upside the head, "Why would that surprise you after I grew up around you?" She moves over and wraps her arms around Haran's side and kisses him on the cheek before saying, "Besides, the extra fur is much warmer when cuddling."

Sensing a mushy moment coming I just laugh and get up to leave the two love birds alone. As I unlock the kitchen door and leave I hear Rosalie give a girlish giggle I haven't heard from her in over sixty years. That causes my heart to lift and a smile to spread on my muzzle as I pull the door shut.

Turning away from the kitchen I just shake my head and mutter under my breath, "Rosalie and Harandoom..... Who would of thought." chuckling I make my way towards the stairs and head for the library.

I'm almost to the door of the library when I feel an impact and something small wraps around my right leg and grips it tight. I look down and see a smiling cub of around four years old looking up at me grinning from ear to ear his tail wagging so fast it's a blur.

From around the corner a female voice calls out, "Lucas come back here!" A slender brown and cream colored female wolf of about eighteen comes around the corner panting. She comes to an abrupt stop when she sees me and the cub.

She hastens over and starts apologizing, "Alpha Seeker, I'm so sorry I just turned my back for a second and he took off."

I chuckle as I bend down and pry Lucas off my leg before hoisting him up in my arms, "It's no problem Maria, Lucas hasn't caused any trouble." I look at him with a raised eyebrow, "You haven't had you?"

Lucas nods his head excitedly before wrapping his small arms tight around my neck and saying in a soft voice, "Thank you mister Seeker, mommy said you made the bad people go away and gave us a new home."

I smile and give him a gentle hug back, "Your welcome Lucas, but I didn't do it alone."

He lets go of his hug and reaches out for his older sister who takes him from my arms saying, "He has been wanting to thank you for a while now sir, and only got worse this afternoon when we found out that we have land to build a home on now. We have been trying to keep him from bothering you."

I grin and ruffle Lucas's head fur and ears, "Oh it's no trouble at all. He's a great kid." Lucas grins and buries his nose in his sister's neck at the compliment. I look at Maria, "I can expect both you in class later right?"

She nods and turns to head back to her room saying, "Yes sir, we both enjoy it. You make history more fun than I thought it could be."

Smirking I reply, "Well I would hope so, having seen most of it firsthand."

Lucas waves over her shoulder calling out, "Bye bye mister Seeker." I wave back as his sister quietly corrects him about calling me alpha not mister.

I shake my head and chuckle as I open the door to the library and step in only to nearly collide head first into Rick and Luna. The two of them are completely oblivious to the fact that anyone else is in the doorway as they are engaging in a rather deep kiss that has both of them closing their eyes. For a moment I consider interrupting them but decide against it and gently close the door back smiling.

I stand there for a moment thinking about all the relationships blossoming around here which eventually leads me to thinking about my own relationship with Shadow. A smile spreads across my face and I set off to our room with a light heart and a slight skip in my step as a rather fun idea begins to grow in my mind.

In no time at all I reach the door to our bedroom which has been left slightly agar letting me hear the running water of the shower from the attached bathroom. I quietly slip inside and close the door behind me. Shadow isn't in the main room so I step to the bathroom door and listen.

From inside I hear his soft groans as the hot water hits his sore muscles. I quickly and quietly shed my clothes and toss them onto a nearby chair with other dirty laundry. As I slip into the bathroom a wall of steam envelops me clouding my vision. I move through the room feeling my way to the shower curtain.

Gently I pull it aside and can just make out the nude form of Shadow standing in the hot spray his head under the stream of water. With his back to me I step in the shower behind him and slide my arms around his sides as I push up against him pressing my chest against his back and by groin against his rear.

He jumps a bit as he jerks his head up out of the flow of water sending drops of water everywhere before he realizes who is holding him. Once he does he leans back into my embrace resting his head on my shoulder as he entwines his fingers in my own.

With a small grin he opens his eyes and says, "I was wondering when you would show up."

I nibble on his neck a bit before replying, "Got a little sidetracked."

He moans in pleasure as he exposes more of his neck to me in a submissive gesture, "Well at least you got back here soon enough."

Shadow then relaxes against me as the water soaks into my fur getting me just as warm and wet as he is. For a few long moments we both just stand there enjoying holding and being held as the water pours over us drowning out the sounds of activity from the rest of the house. It has been to long since the two of us were able to just relax and enjoy being alone together.

After being fully soaked from head to tail I reach for a bottle of shampoo and squeeze a bit on to my paw and begin to rub it into Shadows chest fur working up a rich lather. Slowly I work out from his chest making sure to clean every part of him, paying special attention to his nipples causing him to groan again.

He lets out a happy sigh before saying in a soft voice, "Keep that up and you might have a problem on your hands before long."

I let the water rinse the soap off him and down the drain before asking in a playful tone, "And what kind of problem will that be?"

Before he can answer however I run my right paw down his chest straight for his crotch where I give his ample sheath a squeeze while my left snakes around his other side and cups his heavy balls and gently rolls them around. Shadow lets out a surprised gasp at my actions before moaning long and low. I continue to slowly knead his balls and sheath until his dark red spear of male hood begins to grow from the top.

For a few moments I just stand there with Shadow leaning against me as I play with one of my favorite parts of his body. All the while his cock grows thicker and longer as it escapes its furry sleeve and greets the world. I nibble on his neck again as he lets out another low moan of pleasure before saying, "Now you really do have a problem on your hands my love, so what are you going to do about it?"

I stop nibbling on his neck and look up pretending to think it over a moment before responding, "Hmmmm.... Well now I just don't know. There are so many options that it's hard to choose."

He turns in my arms so that the spray of the shower now runs down his back and his proud and throbbing cock now points up at me. With a grin he looks me in the eyes and says, "Is that so now. Well what if I have my own ideas on what I would like to do?"

I move my paws so that my left can squeeze his ass gently while my right grabs and slowly strokes his meat before responding in a soft voice, "And just what exactly is it that you would like to do with this problem of ours?"

Without a word Shadow leans forward and presses his lips to mine in a needy passionate kiss. His right paw begins gently stroking my own sheath covered cock while his left paw snaked its way around my waist and slipped up under my tail where he rubbed a digit against my hole. I can't help but lean back against the shower wall at the sudden sensations to two of my most sensitive areas.

After a moment I regain some of my composure as we break the kiss and I look at my mate with an excited feeling asking, "So I take it that's your preferred idea?"

Shadow only grins and presses in for another kiss which I am only too happy to return. This time our kiss deepens as our lips part allowing our tongues to meet and explore each other in a way only lovers get to truly enjoy.

While I lose myself in his taste his fingers remove themselves from my ass only to return a short time later with a cool cream on them. Shadow has evidently thought ahead before I got here and made sure to have something prepared to make our time together more fun. I moan into the kiss as he pushes gently but firmly against my hole.

I break the kiss with a gasp as he manages to finally sink a finger into my wanting hole and begin to stretch and lube it up for the approaching main event. He wiggles his finger around inside of me hitting against my prostrate sending jolts of pleasure through my body. In an instant he has managed to get my cock to become rock hard and free itself from its tight confines to stand up proud and red against my fur leaking a stream of pre from the tip.

With a grin I turn my back towards Shadow and place my paws on the wall in front of me as i raise my tail up high so as to allow him better access to what he so clearly wants right now. Shadow wastes no time in setting to work. He quickly begins to stroke my cock with his right hand while with his left he begins working a second finger into my hole giving me a wonderful sensation of being stretched and filled without causing undo pain.

Before long I am panting with the pleasure coming from my back side at his constant teasing of ass. I look over my shoulder at him asking, "Well are you just going to stand there playing all day or do you plan to fuck me?"

With a grin he pulls out his fingers and stops stroking my dick so as to grip his own member and spread the copious amount of pre he has been leaking over it. As he begins teasing the tip of his cock against my hole he says in a barely restrained voice, "That is all I have been waiting to hear."

In one swift movement he quickly buries two thirds of his hard shaft up my ass. The feeling of being spread so quickly sends a momentary shock of pain through my body but it is replaced almost at once by the pleasure and joy of having my mate and I become one in body as well as soul.

For a moment we both just stand there getting used to the sensations our bodies are giving us. Soon though Shadow begins to pull back till just the tip of his cock remains inside of me before he pushes back in going in a bit deeper before stopping and pulling back out.

Over and over again he repeats this process, each time going deeper and deeper only to pull out again each time. Soon I begin to push back on each of his thrusts trying to get him deeper still inside of me.

The feelings of being filled and stretched by the wolf I love with all my heart only grow more and more intense with each passing second. Before long he pushes in so deep that I feel the swelling where his knot will form slide into my hole. At first it is not much thicker than the rest of him but soon it grows and become much more noticeable.

With each thrust he begins to push forward with more and more force just as I push back against him with an equally growing need. Both of us craving and needing the tie that will come almost as much as we need air to breathe.

Our panting reverberates off the walls of the shower mixing with sounds of the water and our soaked fur and flesh meeting over and over again in our passionate mating. Eventually his knot has reached the point where if he doesn't get it inside of me soon he will not be able to. So with one last thrust forward he pushes against my ass with as much force as he can. I relax my hole as much as I am able and push back against him with equal force.

Eventually with an audible pop and a sharp stretching sensation Shadows knot buries itself behind the ring of muscles making up my hole. Instantly the waves of pleasure from my prostate being pressed hard by his fully expanded flesh crash over my body causing me to clench tightly on his throbbing cock.

Shadow reaches around and grabs my own fully engorged cock and pumps it vigorously bringing me to the very edge of release. At the same time he hammers my ass with short needy thrusts signaling his rapidly approaching climax.

With one final slam into my back side he buries every last inch of his meat deep into my eager ass and unloads his seed into me. Sending pulse after pulse of his cum deep into my body marking me in the same way that I have marked him many times before.

As he releases into me he bites down on my right shoulder in a firm mating bite making sure to hold me in place as his paw pumps on my own cock sending me over the edge. I let out a howl and shudder as my own balls contract and I shoot rope after rope of my own wolf cum onto the shower wall painting it white.

For several long wonderful moments we both stand there under the warm water as we enjoy our climaxes till the pumps of cum from both of our cocks begins to slow down and eventually stop. Shadow moves his right paw to grip just behind my knot giving me the sensation of a tie that he himself is so thoroughly enjoying at this same moment.

He lets go of my shoulder and gently licks at the spots where his mating bite has punctured the skin and small amounts of my blood has seeped out. Once the bleeding stops he whispers in my ear, "I'm sorry love, I didn't mean to bite so hard."

I lean back against him and sigh happily saying, "It is quite alright, you are my mate and that is what the mating bite is for after all."

He nuzzles and licks at the bite on my neck sending a wave of tingling pleasure down my spine as I whisper, "I love you so much Shadow."

With a kiss to my cheek he replies, "And I love you to Seeker, more than anything."

He nuzzles my neck from behind as we both stand there, tied together by his still swollen knot, in our afterglow as the warm water of the shower slowly pours over us allowing us to relax and just enjoy being together as equals in all things we share together.

As true mates should always be.