A Single Act (Gift for TripleL)

Story by starforge on SoFurry

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#1 of Gift works for others!

In a time of crippling drought, when trials and tribulations are great and insurmountable, a single act of faith summons a Goddess back to earth to save the realm of mortals.

A long-time-coming gift for TripleL, a good friend here on Sofurry, featuring his Suicune Goddess of Rain, Life, and Musings, Siva. It's a great change of pace to put down something of the gentler sort, and I thank him for allowing me to write for such a fantastic character. =3

As always, feel free to leave any comments or thoughts below! They're always read, and greatly enjoyed.

Siva is TripleL's.

This work of writing is, as always, mine. =3

A ripple coursed through the fields of dusty wheat, a steady breeze rushing over the land. The rush of the morning air gave way to wisps of dried soil, dirt flung into the air as topsoil lost its battle against the wind. The wheat itself nearly toppled beneath each rhythmic gust, each of the stalks meager and thirsty. Papa said this harvest might be even worse than last years, if the rains didn't come. As if anything could be worse than a dead field, with nary a bushel to sell, the farm only standing because there was no one willing to claim it.

But the rains would come. He would make certain of it this year.

He sat upon the tallest hill in the plains, under a lone tree, its leaves beginning to curl as another harsh midday blasted it with sunlight. At his side, his pack and book lay discarded, pages open to the verses of Her Word, the contents of the great sack he'd mustered arranged in a circle near the tree's scraggly roots. It was said that She could see such offerings and acknowledgement from anywhere, at any time...and it was said that the Goddess of Rains would not leave a loyal follower without hope after such an act of kindness. By the time the sun had begun to set, She would give an answer, in any manner She saw fit.

His family couldn't afford the precious fruits or wines that it was written She adored, but he had made do. His meager library of books and tomes had bought a golden medallion, praises to Her etched within its weathered surface from days gone by. Farm work down the dirt road he called home had earned him more treasures still; a rose preserved by alchemy, a single feather from a great hawk in the mountains, a necklace of shells from the sea so far away. To him, they were exotic objects, each something to be cherished in lands dominated by naught but crops and the occasional barn. And though they would be mere trinkets to Her, he prayed she would know of his sacrifices, and accept the most meager of offerings.

The young man's curly hair cast a shadow upon his face, and he winced as the slowly-drooping sun burned in his eyes. His belly whined and caved ever inwards, and his throat burned for his emptied flask. No one had offered to Her in years. Some said She had grown tired of the prayers of those who did not need, or the greed of those who could not understand the flow of understanding and caring she had sought to introduce to the realm of mortals, and had left man to wither like the crop they had sewed. Some said She never existed at all, a mere story told to children when the droughts arrived or when merchants claimed their homes and lands, to calm them even as their fields died and their families crumbled under the strain. Even his gray-haired Papa had called him a fool as he'd set off for that hill. He'd mocked him openly, saying he'd die of thirst before She would ever arrive, leaving his mother to watch in wordless fear from the kitchen, and his grandmother quivering in her chair, her gift of her library, and in turn the Word of the Goddess, to her grandson seeming to cause nothing but pain for the struggling, penniless farmers.

But he watched, and he waited. She was real, as real as the burning sun above his head and the dying earth beneath his feet. She was kindest of all the Great Ones, and she _would_come to those who were loyal, who remembered, even if he was the last on earth who did so. But the sun continued to dip towards the horizon, and minutes passed like hours before those dry, longing eyes.

She had to come. She just had to. Unless Papa was right. Unless she really didn't exist, and her Word and all that had been made in her honor was nothing more than a sham, a construct of wishful thinking to reassure naïve little people. People like him.

Still he watched, and he waited, even as his throat grew sore and his treasures were coated with dust. He stared wordlessly while the blazing sun met the dusty earth on the horizon, a swallow stuck in his throat as he began to tremble. The last minute dawned, then the last few seconds. The sun began to set, and for a moment, the landscape was silent, with naught but the howl of a distant wind, and a choking sob that tore past the weathered pace of the boy who had journeyed so far, waited so long.

A great flash of light, brighter even that the fiery orange orb itself, rippled over the horizon. He cried out and shut his eyes against the blinding light, and there was a great rushing of wind, swirling and rushing like a great twister. As he clung fearfully to the gnarled, dried roots of the tree, the winds began to die down, as did the brilliant light. A deep, distant rumble sounded from the skies, and he opened his eyes

The once-empty, clear-blue skies had grown dark, mighty clouds filling every last inch with rolling, swelling thunderheads, their wisps wetting the very air within his quivering lungs. A flash of lightning erupted lanced forth from the clouds, a great crack in the distance accompanying the winds that still rushed across the dried fields. His meager offering miraculously lay where he had left it, and beyond the dusty hill he had perched upon, rising out of the landscape, a gargantuan form towered up towards the skies,

He stared up, up, _up_at Her. At his side the pages of her Word fluttered in the wind, pages baring the verses that were realized in the towering goddess before him, each one leaping to his lips as his gaze rose up towards her mighty stature.

"She stands upon the land, the earth soft beneath her tread...Only Her clouds lie above Her antlers, and the earth trembles beneath the weight of the mighty Suicune..."

The earth rocked on a delay, a gasp of breath drawn from his lungs as the tree he clung to quaked and quivered. His eyes traces up soft toes slipped into great rings of gold, another around each ankle. Flesh the color of the great sea coated feminine curves that dominated the skyline, the thighs that blossomed from her mighty calves soft and shapely, her rump capped by a pair of ribbonlike tails rippling in the breeze. Her whole figure loomed thick and supple, the splash of white upon her belly rising up the curved surface and past the round, plump pair of breasts that jiggled and rocked subtly with every shift of that gargantuan frame, along with the sway of the purple shrouds that covered only her great bust and what lay between those mighty thighs.

Around Her waist, neck, and ears, titanic jewelry jingled and chimed upon the wind, each jewel-laden necklace and earing ringing deep and thunderous, but never harsh. And up above a strong set of shoulders, beneath great locks of braided violet and a towering, merged set of antlers that could have held the greatest of jewels snugly within them, She gazed down upon him, with a smile as wide as a river and eyes that gleamed radiant scarlet.

The young man's watering, wide eyes darted back down, falling to his knees in a bow, Her shadow falling upon him and his meager offering beneath that gnarled tree. A deep, thunderous booming rolled, a bubbly, melodic overtone to each thunderous word filling his ears as he shivered and trembled.

"That's exactly right...tell me, what else does my Word say about me?"

The young man flinched as the sound of that voice rolled over him, heavy but soft, deep but gentle, surprised that the towering idol of beauty and power could ever have made Herself sound so tender, so mild. With a swallow wet by the thunderheads swirling above Her head, he addressed the Goddess, his little voice cracking as it was lost up to her.

"Th-that...th-that though your gait is strong, a-and your sole is wide, the land and its people are not harmed by your passage...th-that you are one of kindess and gentility, not of anger or vengeance..." His eyes managed to pull themselves up, gazing past dark locks of curly hair and up to the mighty woman whose smile took the place of the sun. "A-and that you could hear me, from anywhere, and would answer..."

That great smile swelled into a full grin, and her ringed, soft digits rose to her chest, the jingle of her bracelets harmonizing with the giggle that jiggled her chest and thundered through the air. With a thunderous ripple, her sole lifted from the fields beneath her weight, their stalks unharmed by her towering frame. What was more, they were as golden as the day before the drought, brilliant and shining and free of dust. Her great foot ascended, the stride of a goddess twice as tall as the largest barn closing halfway with the hill, emitting a titanic THOOM as it impacted upon the land.

"You really did read it..." She beamed with a delight that was palpable, a warmth on the air like the light of the sun amid the swirl of rainclouds. THOOM! Another titanic step, and She crouched before his trembling frame, bringing that fair, smooth visage down before him, just overhead. With exhales as gentle as the morning breeze She spoke, lowering Her voice to what must have been a whisper for a Goddess, still booming with otherworldly power, her scarlet eyes drinking in that dropped little jaw, those awestruck eyes, those dark, dusty curls and that tattered tunic about a skinny frame.

"I did hear you, little one...you wanted rain, yes? To save you family, your fellows?" When he gave a shaky, trembling nod she grinned, chuckling, her braided locks of deep purple rocking and swaying, her necklaces swinging from her great cleavage to _thump_against the hillside, "Such a noble goal...I haven't heard from your people in decades..."

Her brilliant gaze turned to the offering, drinking in every object with glee. A soft fingertip lowered from above, and gently, carefully, she touched each one, careful not to mash them into the earth. "I see you've found an artifact from one of my visits...such a lovely rose and feather, too..." The soft blue fingertip rested upon the final item, and her coo banished his shivers, "Oh my...such a beautiful necklace...and these shells!"

Her eyes fell back to him, as did her fingertip. He brushed along his head, smiling warmly as he began to tremble again, hushing him, "Don't worry, little one. I'm delighted with what you could offer me!" She giggled as she felt his hair, sliding on down his back, "You've worked so hard, and I'm delighted to meet you..." She raised her brow, a cheeky tinge upon her smile, "I assume you know my name already?"

The young man went still beneath her soft touch, the fear leaving him as the warm, gently fingertip stroked down his back. He nodded, and upon his lips the shakiest of smiles accompanied that timid voice, "Y-you are Siva...Goddess of Rain, Kindness, Life..."

She nodded brightly, shifting her fingertip around to his front, raised and wiggling gently for a shake, "And who is this thoughtful little reader of my Word I have the pleasure of meeting?"

He balked momentarily at the offered, massive finger of blue, snapping out of his stupor a moment later. With both arms he shook that mighty digit, stammering and blushing, "M-mark, y-your Eminence!"

Siva practically burst into thunderous giggles, shaking Her head ever so gently and carefully admonishing the tiny man, "Just Siva will do, little one." Her smile broadened upon her lush lips, and her digit shifted upwards, ignoring the man's nervous flinch as she gently pet his head, "I didn't think any of your people still recalled me, with how easily they forgot my teachings. And yet you're here, and you've offered me what you could." Her throat rippled, a wordless chuckle booming somewhere within her chest, "Tell me, Mark, how did you come to find my teachings, hmm?"

Mark, cheeks flushed nearly as scarlet as the eyes of the Goddess, couldn't help but match the grin that stretched before him, slender fingers running through his hair in the wake of her soft, gentle fingertip, "Your Word lay in my father's home since my grandmother's generation. She read it to me as a boy, and when the droughts came and didn't cease, I recalled you. About how you answered the prayers and sincere offerings with acts of kindness of your own, and how you would help those with true need." He glanced from her gaze, back to the earth, "I-I wasn't sure you'd come, to be honest. My father and mother thought me mad..."

A soft field of blue shifted beneath his chin, tilting his head back to her gaze, "And yet you came, offering what you could. It's been a long time since I have heard a proper prayer from men." She loosed another deep, bubbly giggle, locks of purple shifting as she tilted her head thoughtfully. "Perhaps your people need more than my rains...faith such as yours deserves to be recognized, don't you think?"

Before the little man could offer up an answer, Siva had risen upwards, the chime of Her ornaments ringing through the air, not a creak from Her mighty legs, that supple, towering blue flesh rippling upon her plush breasts and prosperous thighs. As the ground rocked and rumbled beneath Her shifting weight, She unfolded her hand, Her great palm presented before him as the stormy clouds swirled back into motion, "Gather your offering and come, little one. It's time I returned to your lands...and I desire company during my journey." She winked, that deep, playful giggle booming through the atmosphere, a delightful harmony to the rumble of the rains overhead.

Mark's nervous smile as the Goddess ascended burst into a full-on grin as Her great hand awaited him. In a moment he gathered his pack and Her Word from the ground, clambering up into the softened, padded flesh of Her palm, fingers encircling him. Effortlessly She lifted him from the earth, up past the gnarled tree and the hill and the browned fields, past Her rounded middle and massive, beautiful bust, until Her palm docked against the slope of Her cleavage.

With a tilt She slid him into the snug, softened pocket between Her mighty globes of flesh that rippled around the awestruck little farmhand, leaving him to stare upwards in awe as She giggled down upon him, "I trust you'll enjoy your seat upon me, little one! Now," She lifted Her hand, sending the clouds rolling back towards his homeland, raising Her foot high as She lurched into motion, a subtle surge of Her frame upwards accompanying each thunderous footfall, "Let's give me a proper return, shall we?"

The graying old man burst with his wife from the weathered old farmhouse, gently guiding his aging mother in her wake as the ground rocked and quivered beneath their feet. Their towering, rust-colored barn rattled as if it were made of card, trembling just as they did beneath the heavy impacts that seemed ready to bring the entire farm down upon their heads.THOOM. THOOM. THOOM!

_ _ The old woman saw it first, raising her hand towards the horizon and crying out. The swirling mass of stormclouds swallowed the skyline, their rains opening up in a single, massive wave of deliverance. Beneath the shimmering sheets miles of dead crops burst back into virility, greens and golden hues rippling in parallel with the dark blues above. And as the three pairs of eyes widened in tandem with the fall of their jaws, the source of those tremors guided the mighty wave forward, eliciting a single word from the oldest woman's lips.


Stretching up for what must have been miles, the Goddess of Rain strode inland, a literal force of nature as She guided the very skies. Her shadow engulfed the entire province, each stride crossing entire farms and villages as her footfalls came down upon the land. With each thunderous motion, Her pristine sole would rise, the crackling of what she had displaced ringing behind. Gliding up and over the landscape, it would descend from hundreds of feet above, a blanket of soft flesh that smothered acres, the deafening bass impact rippling through the very earth, the rumbling shift of her towering weight echoing in the wake of each mighty THOOM.

But though Her toes would clench and scrunch against the earth with the strength of a deity, when that mighty foot rose back into the skies, the ground beneath it lay untouched. Not a house nor plot of farmland or forest was smashed to dust beneath the overwhelming force of Her smooth sole, the great mass of soft flesh swallowing up what lay beneath before lifting back into the air, leaving the lands as scarless as the flesh that pressed upon them.

Above the towering mass of Her toes, great purple garments fluttered in sync with ribbonlike tails, rippling in the winds. Her mountainous, fertile frame rocked and swayed with each gargantuan step, the ripple of every impact travelling up Her thighs, countered only by the massive, audible bounce of Her massive, moonlike breasts, their every jiggle visible to those awestruck souls beneath her. The jewelry adorning Her mighty frame rang forth like titanic bells, their cascading chimes heralding her as she drew ever closer. Her gait thundered in time with the jingling melody, her immense, earthshaking footfalls thundering forth the beat to which her full, beautiful frame rippled and rocked, creating a great, joyous symphony as thousands upon thousands gazed upon her and the lands she healed with the swirling of her fingers and the skies high above. Nearly in the clouds, Her braided, violet locks flowed in great, gorgeous waves, framing the smiling, soft visage that beamed down on the province like a sun of its own.

Her foot loomed high above their farm as it drew up from the neighbor's fields, a great gust of wind sweeping overhead as they all cowered instinctively, frightened of the legend that had descended upon them. It slammed harmlessly hundreds of yards past the farmhouse, the heavy THOOM knocking them to their knees. And as they had the lands in Her wake, the rains finally descended upon the farm, and around them the wheat grew golden, the smaller grasses beneath curling instantly into a green, healthy lawn as the lands drank from the divine downpour.

For a few brief moments, Siva halted, pausing as she turned Her gaze down to the dot of a farmhouse, great scarlet eyes shifting from the earth to her cleavage as her clouds halted behind. That great smile broadened as she took in the three gaping trembling stares halfway between her stride, zeroing in from on high, enrapturing them. A deepened melodic boom of a giggle erupted in the atmosphere, and the titaness gave the family a wink, Her expression flickering with just a hint of smugness.

The foot She left in the neighbor's field lifted forth with another deafening crackle, and She took another step, carrying Her deeper inland across the plains, towards the plots of towering cities and the lush stretches of forests beyond. And when that continent came to an end She plunged forth into the seas, roaming to all corners of the earth, until all of mankind had witnessed Her return. And throughout the journey, bound within Her great bosom, Mark bore witness to the Goddess' works, recording them from his perch, drinking from Her rejuvenating waters, and rejoicing when She finally returned him home, Her parting Word joining what was written:

"Though the silence may last an eternity, a single act in My name is enough to reach my ears. And when all mortals were of need, and only one came forth, I returned to the world to revive and rejuvenate. An act of care and kindness deserves likewise, and so I returned your offering to your entire world, so that others might see, and follow."