Tribe Chapter 5

Story by Auroraweaver on SoFurry

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#6 of Tribe

Hello again, hope you enjoy it, all feedback is more than welcome. Thanks for reading!

The ancient wolf huddled down over his mug of steaming tea, his frail paw extended and lifted it gently to his muzzle. He had been great once. He had been vast. In all his years he had never seen a wolf that was taller than his own self; he had once possessed arms that would make a bear weep in envy and a chest like a whisky barrel. But those days were long gone, now he wore a bear's pelt around his shoulders not as a symbol of his prowess as a hunter, but to conceal his withered body. The fire in the corner of the wooden long house roared but seemed to do little to warm him.

"So... Long time no see." The creature, who sat opposite him, was a peculiar sight in the city known by the wolves as 'the great den'. He wore a crimson coat of finely tailored cotton. The coat was passed its prime much like the golden furred individual that wore it, but again like it's owner, it was clean and immaculately presented.

"I didn't think you were a soldier anymore." Said the old wolf, pointing at his coat.

"Officer. Not soldier." Said the dog with disdain, straightening himself up. "I'm not." He continued. "Fuckers forced me to retire after the Doy miên campaign, said I'd sullied my reputation and the reputation of the regiment."

"...Why are you here Victor?" Said the wolf, in an utterly unwelcoming tone.

"Business." The dog responded.

"And exactly what business does such an upstanding old 'soldier' like you have in the Den, with us...savages?" The wolf ended the sentence with an unhealthy cough.

"Something mutually beneficial I assure you." Victor raised his tea to his lips and sipped at the hot beverage. "I see you wolves still can't brew worth a shit."

"Do not make me ask you your business again." Said the wolf.

"Where is this hostility coming from Sarko? I remember you being all manner of friendly to us dogs when you were taking our coin to slaughter your own kin."

The wolf stared the dog square in the eyes. If he had been 30 years younger he might have ripped the abomination's throat out there and then, but instead he just sat in silence.

"Look," Said the dog, changing tact entirely. "Since leaving the service, I have become... a broker, of sorts, If someone wants something that isn't readily available in my end of the civilised world I... retrieve it for them."

"You're a fucking smuggler."

"...and you're a fucking mercenary." The temperature in the room dropped even further. "...You have access to something I'm looking to acquire."

"Which is?"

"Female wolves." Said the dog.

"Not good enough for your own kind, now you're looking for-"

"They're not for me. There are certain wealthy members of my society that find the idea of bedding one of you heathens extremely exciting. Perverts, the lot of them, but as I said...wealthy."

"A smuggler and a pimp, how proud you must be."

"You spent too much time around us dogs, Pack-master. You're beginning to develop our smug arrogance. It's unbecoming of you."

"What's in it for me?" Said Sarko.

"Money." Said the dog



"I want guns." The old wolf said, sucking down another mouthful of the liquid.

"What does a wolf want with guns? I thought you lot abhorred weaponry."

"I'm an old pack-master, that is not something that many can say. I have 40 alpha pairs that answer to me, each one would gladly see me die so they might ascend to my position. Three dozen muskets in the hands of my more loyal descendants should make sure that doesn't happen too soon."

"36 muskets for a couple of mangy wolf bitches? Have you gone senile?" The dog took a tobacco tin from his pocket and prepared his pipe. "Besides they'd hang me if they knew I was selling firearms to fucking wolves. You lot are becoming more and more bothersome to the civilized realms you exist in the peripheries of, they certainly don't want you armed."

"So what exactly did you bring to pay for these bitches?"

"Tobacco, salt, coin...muskets... but three dozen is absurd. I'll do you 15 for 3 healthy, good looking females, young too. I'll even throw in some shot and powder." The dog lit his pipe and huffed in deeply. "Do not use them on any beast wearing clothes. You wouldn't want to see poor old Victor hanged 'from the neck till dead', would you?"

"Your lot don't come out this far, how would I-"

"They will do. They've been prospecting the hills for months. Next few years, they'll start ripping the copper out of every nook and cranny they can find it in. You poor bastards are about to get civilised. Or cut down by infantry if you make a fuss. Your choice really." The dog relit his pipe and tugged on it again. "Marty!" He shouted at the door, a few seconds later a floppy eared, heavily jowled young dog peered round the corner. "Bring in a carbine to show our esteemed Pack-master here, and a bottle of something strong, I'm thirsty as hell." The young dog disappeared again. "Do we have a deal?"

Before the old wolf could say anything a huge figure filled the open doorway, she had to stoop down to get even her head through the entrance. She marched across the long house towards where Victor and the old wolf were seated.

"Fuck me," Said Victor, looking up at the huge female through a wisp of pipe smoke. "Who's this monster?"

"She's my daughter." Said Sarko.

"Shame...I know a couple of dogs who'd give me their stately homes for a night with her. Dunno how I'd get her into the city...maybe dress her up like a horse."

"Hello father." She said, stooping to kiss his forehead reverentially. "I heard you were meeting with one of these... creatures." She stared down at victor as if he was something she had scraped off her feet.

"Charmed." Victor said, standing up and extending a paw. He had to look up to make eye contact as she was a clear foot taller than he was.

"Don't touch me. Dog." She said, using the last word very much as an insult.

Victor shrugged and sat back down, just as Marty reappeared with a short musket in one paw and a bottle of whisky in the other. The young dog glanced at the female with a look of fear in his eyes, placed the gun and the bottle on the table and beat a hasty retreat for the exit.

Victor picked the gun up in both paws and offered it to the old wolf. "You still remember how to use one of these?"

"My father has never used one of your cowardly little toys in his life, you wretched creature. Father what is the meaning of all this?" Despite her height she was a lithe wolf, lacking the musculature and the almost exaggerated sexual characteristics of a Den Mother.

"This is Victor. He and I are organising some trade. Speaking of which, my dear, I need you to go to our Bitch Den and bring back three good looking females. Ones that aren't related to anyone we mind pissing off."

The daughter looked at her father in shock, then at the dog, quick as a flash she pieced together what was happening. "Are you fucking serious?"

"Just do it Carrie." His daughter looked between the two males, snorted viciously and stormed out of the long house.

"Nice tits... for a big lass." Victor smiled, rising from his seat. "I'll have Marty bring the others in."

"Victor." The wolf started.


"When this, 'civilisation' happens... Your friends would, presumably, find it easier if the wolf in charge was... accommodating."

"Presumably. I didn't think you lot had 'a wolf' that was in charge."

"We don't, at the moment. But with a bit of help, one might rise up..."

"Sarko San...king of the fucking wolves, huh!?" Victor laughed. "Power grabs are not really my business anymore, course I could probably point a couple of interested parties your way."

Sarko nodded in gratitude.

"You sure you don't want me to show you how the carbines work?"

"No... I remember."

The cart rumbled out of the city in the dead of night, the great sprawling shanty town of the wolves was alive with activity, many of the packs had left for the breeding season, leaving only unattached wolves, the lowest echelons of the society to their revelry. Without any pack to call their own they were mostly malnourished, scraggly looking creatures that eked out a living one way or another. But still the females were in season and the males desperate, the cart rolled past a half dozen skinny drunken wolves fucking eagerly in the street and several others where it seemed the females being fucked were anything less than eager. Fully aware of how attractive the young females in the back of the cart would appear, victor rode in the back with a loaded musket whilst Marty drove the horse drawn cart out beyond the city.

A few hours later they commotion of the city far behind them, Victor finally called out for the younger dog to stop. He hopped down off the back, took a book of matches from his pocket and lit an oil lamp. He held it aloft to inspect his purchase, taking great care not to swing it too close to the small kegs of gunpowder he had left.

"Hello there..." He said to himself, inspecting the females up and down.

"Sir, we aren't too far from the boat, shouldn't we just-"

"Calm down, this won't take a minute." He looked them over, they were just what he had asked for. "Don't be worried girls, you are going on the adventure of a lifetime. You're going to see things no wolf has ever seen before... and my, aren't you pretty?"

He held out a paw to the smallest of the females, "Give me your hand, don't be shy." She looked to her compatriots then nervously took his paw in hers, he helped her down off of the back of the cart and inspected her even more thoroughly, his free paw cupped at her breast, he stroked a thumb over her nipple and smiled.

Picking up his musket again he walked to the front of the cart and passed the weapon up to his associate.

"Here, take it, watch the other two, I'll be back in a minute." He turned and began to guide the young wolf away from the cart towards the tree line at the edge of the dirt track.

"Sir I-"

"Oh, for fuck sake! What Marty? What is it?"

"Won't Mr Chase be annoyed if they're... Pregnant?"

"I'm not gonna fuck her pussy Marty, now shut your mout,h get down off there and watch em!" Victor grabbed the female by the elbow and led her off into the trees. Placing the lantern on the ground he turned his attention to his companion. Her soft gray fur burned orange in the dim light.

"Are we gonna...fuck?" she asked nervously.

"Yeah," He said, unbuttoning his trousers.

"Are you a wolf? You look kinda funny."

Victor couldn't help but smile, he reached into his pants and pulled his cock out, it hung heavy and unsheathed in front of him. "Turn around darling." He placed a paw around his cock and began to jerk himself off quickly, the old dog's cock filled with blood as rapidly as any 20 year old's. The wolfess turned away from him. A moment later she felt his paw gently force her shoulders forward until she was leaning against the trunk of a tree.

"What's your name Darling?"

"Ria." She said.

"You're absolutely stunning Ria. Lift your tail up." Victor spat onto his cock loudly, and smeared the thick liquid around his member.

Ria obliged him and raised her tail high. Victor moved up behind her, his paws found their way to her rump and squeezed it appreciatively for a moment. Then taking his cock in paw he pressed his tip up against her tight little tail hole.

Ria yipped and turned her head. To face him "That's not the right-"

"Shhh," Victor said stroking her ears reassuringly. "It's okay." His voice was calming, his paw descended to rest on her shoulder, then with no further warning he pressed his cock up hard into her ass. Ria yowled in dismay, as he forced his hips forward, driving his cock deeper and deeper into her impossibly tight little asshole.

"Oh fuck me, you have no idea how bad I needed this." He grabbed her tail and yanked it even further out the way, so that he could spit onto her penetrated little hole.

"It hurts!" She squeaked as he began to slide his dick slowly in and out of her. She instinctively tried to clench her ass shut. He thought about advising her against it, but it felt so good he just decided not to. He grabbed her hips and slammed his own forward grunting as he filled her rear with cock, then gasping in delight as her barely lubricated hole dragged against his prick as he slowly dragged his cock from her.

"Such a nice tight little girl you are." He murmured to himself before slamming his hips forward again, pressing her hard up against the tree he slammed his hips forward and back, diving in and out of the primitive bitch with great delight.

"Tell me you want me to cum up your ass." He pulled her torso away from the tree so he could manhandle her tits. "Say it." His voice was firm.

"I want you to cum in my ass." She yelped in between whimpers.

"Fuck,fuck, fuck..." Victor slammed his paw against the tree inches from her face and dug his claws into the bark. His hips jolted forward unevenly as he emptied himself into the youngster.

"Whoo!" He shouted "Fucking good job young'un!" he pulled his cock from her abruptly , streaking cum across her rump fur. Ria yelped again and clenched her cheeks shut. Pressing a paw up under her tail.

"Don't worry, you didn't... that's just what it feels like..." he took a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his cock off, then tossed the rag into the snow.

Crack! A gunshot filled the air all around then. Reverberating off the trees, the sharp edges of the sound rounded off by the thick snow that lay everywhere Ria startled and hid behind the tree.

"Shit!" Victor said, he reached behind the tree and grabbed the female by the elbow. "C'mon. He grabbed the lantern in his free paw and marched, girl in paw, back towards the cart. Once it was in sight he looked about anxiously, Marty was standing at the back of the truck with the carbine in one paw and his other paw on his head.

"What the fuck was that!" Victor shouted. Dragging Ria back over to the cart.

"Oh god I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! She tried to run and I..." Marty trailed off, as victor marched past him and stared out into the snow 20 yards from the cart, where the body of one of the young wolfess' lay motionless in the snow.

Victor turned back to the other dog and snatched the musket from his paw. He looked at Ria then to the other female who was cowering in the back of the cart shaking, staring out at the lifeless body,

"You...fucking useless cunt..." Victor said, barely containing his rage. "What you couldn't chase her? Or shout for me? Or do anything that wasn't shoot her in the fucking back?" Victors paws clenched around the musket.

"Sorry, I just...I just."

"You know what's lying out there?" He pointed at the body. "14,000... of my... fucking dollars!" Victor swung the butt of the carbine into Marty's face, the younger dog went down hard into the snow, not moving. Victor followed with the butt of the gun again. Slamming it down on top of Marty's head with a sickening crack, then again, and again. Soon the snow around the young dog was splattered with a hundred thousand drops of deep red. Victors paws glistened, his golden face now speckled. He sighed and slung the carbine onto the back of the cart then walked towards the horses,

"Get on." He said to Ria as he passed her hopping up onto the drivers position. Ria obliged. With a snap of a whip the cart pulled away, leaving the two bodies in the snow, as the cart trundled off into the impossibly frigid air of the night Ria tenderly looped her arm over the other shaking female and squeezed her close.

Tribe Chapter 6

Io slowly stroked a paw along Winter's arched back, his tongue hang out as he panted hard, great billowing puffs of water vapor gushed from his lips in the cold air of the storage shed. The setting could hardly be deemed romantic, with little more than...

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Tribe Chapter 4

Winter squeezed Io's paw hard as the needle bit into her leg again and again. The badger that kneeled before her worked quickly, his paws handling the needle and thread with a deft rapid confidence. "You critters sure do make a terrible mess of each...

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Tribe: Prologue

"Are you sure you want to hear it?" Said Hyron, shuffling the papers of his manuscript in his paw. "I'm sure you'll find it very dull." "Of course I won't. You wrote it." His wife reassured him with her loving smile. "It's very dry. But it's what the...

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