The Adventures of Ricky Ratt - 07 - Sidewinder

Story by Oblong Pomegranate on SoFurry

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#7 of Ricky Ratt

So here you go, I promised you more smut and you shall get it! Along with a nice extended show scene as well. What more could you ask for?

Ricky meets up with an old friend in another band, but it's not JUST to sing a few songs with them...

I did my best to roll out of bed and get a nice shower fairly promptly in the late afternoon. I knew it was gonna take me long enough to rummage around in my closet for something decent to wear afterwards, so that kind of kicked me into gear. Most of my good clothes were still on the bus, and they needed a good washing anyway by this point. And since they were sitting at the record company's lot waiting for me to pick them up, there was little I could do but hunt through my current closet. But, eventually, I picked out a nice pair of black jeans, a studded belt, and a black Metallica T-shirt to thrown on. I even added in a pair of black sweat bands around my wrists to further highlight my greyish fur. I was far from gay enough to accessorize any more though, so I just tossed a simple recycled bike chain around my neck and called it a day.

I played the three songs I was supposed to know for the show on a loop as I brushed my fur, teeth, and got myself ready. Sometimes I sang, albeit an octave lower to save my voice, and sometimes I just listened to the words and tried to remember in which order they went. I knew the songs pretty well of course, but now I was starting to kind of hate them as I'd listened to them a hundred times by this point. That's the best way to put on a performance though. You need to know your material so well that you hate playing it. That means it comes out reflexively, and can focus more on the performance than what you're performing.

Once I was all prettied up, and after making sure to have at least a packet or two of lube on me, I headed out of the house and towards my Lotus. I cranked her up and took off, heading off towards the doctor's office at first. I had forgotten my appointment yesterday, so I quickly called to schedule one for today. A simple physical screening and check-up really, along with some blood work to go along with my STD screening and basic vitals. They probably wouldn't come back all that great as I was still recovering from the tour, but... eh, better to get the bad news now and work hard to get everything back in line before the next tour hit. Such is the life of an active musician.

After peeling off the little bandage on my inner elbow covering where they'd poked me with the needle, I hopped back into my car and headed towards the record company. I didn't have a ton of space in the Lotus, but I managed to get access to our tour bus and pick up what I needed. I slammed the trunk of my car shut once everything was inside and hopped back in. I took a quick look at the time as my stomach gave me a firm grumble the moment my ass hit the seat. I had eaten a little snack before I left home for breakfast, but now I was starting to get really hungry. So, I made my way to my favorite sandwich place and splurged a little bit, getting a rather mammoth roast beef. I chowed it down quickly, and signed an autograph or two at the same time. I wasn't quite as inconspicuous as I usually was since I was all dressed up for an on-stage performance and everything, but one or two small autographs didn't bother me too much. And thankfully the husky brothers and their friends were nice enough and let me leave soon after I told them where I was going tonight. I popped back into my car and looked at the time once again, figuring it was perfect to start heading over towards the Hemlock.

I parked a few streets down and headed in, trying to keep my head low and blend in with the crowd. That lasted for all of about 5 minutes as I was barely able to take a seat at the bar and order a drink before the mob started to form around me. I kind of figured that'd be the case to be honest, so came prepared with a marker to sign whatever needed to be signed, and did my best to remain interested in whatever people wanted to chat about. It actually wasn't too bad tonight as there were a good few 'Welcome Backs' as well as a few stories from the regulars and the bartenders about what had happened since I was away. It kept most of the gawking and star-struck fans away at least, or limited their interaction. I still had to say hi to a few of them here and there, and answer some silly questions. But, when asked what I was doing here, I did my best to keep my secret safe. I said I was just here to relax and take in the bands... which was more or less true. I had performed with Renegades of White Noise before though, so my true intentions probably weren't the best held secret around. I could see a few of the people who asked starting to connect the dots in their head as they headed off, suddenly turning back to get one last look at me as if to confirm their suspicions.

I did like to get up on stage with The Renegades though. They had a rather awesome lead vocalist who I was a big fan of. If I was a panda, and a chick, I would kill for her voice. She wasn't incredibly large for a bear, looking more filled out than anything. Compared to a vixen or something sure, she was a big and tough lady though. But she had this high tingling voice that just made me melt when she sang. But add in a bit of that rough and tough bear gristle most of her species tended to have to their tones, and it was just an awesome mix. For a chick fronted band they couldn't do any better on vocals in my opinion. And, at the same time, she managed to rock the bass guitar as well which was a rather impressive feat. She was big, scary, and probably a lesbian... but nevertheless it was a pleasure to hear her sing.

The rest of the band, eh... I guess I didn't have too many terrible things to say about them, but I didn't have many nice things to say either. Bland, generic, and just kind of faded into the background when the panda stepped up to the microphone... not that the Panda's lyrics and melodies were all that top notch either to be fair. That generic level of mediocrity works for some people sure, but for me... well, I figured I could do better on guitar and songwriting then the monkey and the coyote up there. They had their fans no doubt as I spotted a few Renegades T-shirts out walking around the bar and gathering by the stage, but I still couldn't help but think with a few little adjustments and a little more flair to their songs that they could become a major label band. But, if that happened, I might not get to come down to this place all that often and hear that lovely panda chick sing, or see that cute little monkey butt up on stage... To be more or less honest about things, he was the REAL reason I was here.

Sure, I loved watching the panda sing, and it was great when I had the chance to do a duet with her, but it was kind of hard to pull my eyes away from that skinny little monkey butt sometimes. Especially when his tail was constantly wagging back and forth as he played, reminding me just how dexterous and nimble it was... and just how hard it could squeeze around me when the heavy grunts and sweat was flowing from both of our bodies...

But, for now, I had to suffer through another loud, sloppy, and rather bland opening band as I waited for my chance. Thankfully the beer kept flowing, and I had a little catching up to do with some of my old friends to keep me busy. And, when the opening band finally gave up the fight and ended their last song, I gave them a bit of polite applause as I watched them start to break down their stuff. It wasn't long before both the panda and the monkey were on stage along with the rest of the band, plugging in and starting to run power and instrument cables as the drums were swapped out in the meantime.

I watched happily as that cute little monkey butt and tail swayed whenever he bent over to plug something in, sometimes thinking that he was doing it on purpose just for me as he seemed to bend over towards the audience a bit much. But, thankfully they moved things along with a stage this size, and I didn't have to sit through too much of that teasing. Before too long the whole band took the stage at once with that large panda girl coming up to the mic and introducing the band.

I had a nice buzz going at this point as the band fell quickly into their first few songs. They certainly were better than the past few bands I'd seen live, even if the Panda's voice took a song or two getting into a proper seated place. But, once it did... man was she ever good. The rest of the band wasn't bad either, having a nice bit of energy and togetherness that separated them from the rest of the unsigned acts. Though they were still a rather small label band. They were just missing that little spark and something extra special to hook a big label. A few more notes in their riffs, a little bit wider melody range in their songs, a few better rhymes and drum fills... just about every part of the band could use a little touch up. But, for a hard and true bar band I did find myself tapping my toes and singing just a little bit along with a few songs I knew.

As they continued on through their set I knew when my time was coming up. As soon as the panda announced that the next song would be "Sweet Surrender" I knew I had two songs left to get ready. So, I excused myself from my chats to get some air outside, walking around to the back alleyway and doing a few vocal warmups as I headed in the back door. Usually I liked to match my pitch with a keyboard or something, but times like this I just had to rough it and hope I was good enough to pull it off. I figured I did a good enough job talking loudly in the bar anyway to get my vocal chords at least ready to perform anyway. They were still slightly sore from the long tour of course, but they were ready to go when I needed them. And, as usual, my timing was pretty much spot as I walked through the tiny back-stage area of the club. The band had just finished their last song when the panda came up to the mic to say, "Thank you, thank you. We have a special guest we'd like to bring out for a few songs if that's okay with you."

The crowd gave a few soft cheers at that as some of them knew just who it was by now. But nevertheless the panda took a little pause and then said, "We'd like to welcome the lead singer of Heretic Nightmare, Mr. Ricky Ratt!"

I stepped out into the lights and tried to hide my nervous jitters a little bit as I gave a wave to the crowd - stagefright knowing no bounds whether it's a giant arena or a small bar. But, I was doing my best to both hide it and play with it a bit as I did love messing with the audience. I walked up to the free microphone and took it tenderly in my paw. My other paw wrapped quickly and firmly around the stand as I take a second to clear my voice, then I lift my head up and softly say, "H...hey there everyone... nice to be back..." in a weak, shy voice. I took a small break to catch my breath and let a few cheers ring out before continuing in the same nervous and quiet sounding voice, "Are you guys ready to rock?"

There's a mixture of both chuckles and cheers as my voice all has them going. But quickly the lights, the stage, the audience, and everything around me gets me to slip back into my on-stage persona as I finally drop the act and quit teasing them. I grin, ripping off the microphone from the stand and quickly snapping into a more confident, dominating pose as I yelled out with a heavy growl in my voice, "I said are you motherfuckers ready to rock?!?"

That gets a resounding cheer from the audience as I can't help but break into a wide grin myself, holding back a chuckle as I say back, "Good... you might have heard of this one...."

And, almost on cue, the coyote guitarist starts off with that all too familiar riff from "Wings of your Bloody Knife". The audience lets out a heavy yell as I fall right into my role, taking my mic and sliding across that small stage back and forth, belting out the well versed lyrics as the band does a semi-decent job of covering the song. They lead Coyote is certainly no Dennis, and the meerkat drummer is definitely no Rob, but we make it through the song okay. The panda even came up to me before the final verse on stage and bumped me with her bass during the guitar solo, saying into my ear, "Let me have the next verse." I just smirked and gave her a nod, motioning to the front of the stage as she stepped up to the microphone and belted out the words just as good as me. It gives quite a different touch to the song for sure, but to be honest I kind of like it - it's something quite different after hearing the song a million times myself. She even hit the last screaming "WINGS OF YOUR BLOODY KNIIIIIFFFFFEEEEEEE!" as everyone cheered and the rest of the band slammed down into a big, powerful ending.

"Amy Chang everybody, Amy Chang!" I shout out afterwards, motioning over towards the panda with a smile on my face as another round of heavy applause breaks out for her.

She just bows gracefully at that and smiles before saying back into her own mic, "And the always amazing Ricky Ratt!" with a little point back to me with the neck of her bass.

I do my best to bow as the rest of the band is tuning down a bit. The panda has to move her eyes down to her tuner and start to match the little dots as well, leaving me all alone on the mic. I take those few moments of down time to slowly say back to the audience, "It's good to be back here at Hemlock. Heretic's long tour is finally over. How many of you came out to see me and the rest of the crew?"

I got a few cheers and rounds of applause from the audience as the whole bar crowd seemed to be bunching towards the stage. Everyone seemed to want to catch a glimpse of the show now that I was on stage, and that made me grin wider as I looked out past the lights into the rather empty place beyond them.

Just about then the monkey runs himself over and turns on the keyboard to the side of the band, his guitar still dangling around his neck as he gives a few hits to the keys and sets the keyboard onto strings for the next song.

He tests out the level a few more times before the panda turns to the audience and says, "Well, if you liked that, how about this? You might know this one too." That was the monkey's cue to start and fake the opening string riff to "Awake and Alive" by Skillet as the coyote palm mutes his guitar along with it. Before too long the band crashes back in and we all get to headbanging - both the crowd and the band starting to get into the high energy of the track.

I stabilize myself a bit as I catch my breath, and then open up my lips to sing out the first few lines:

"I'm at war with the world and they, try and pull me into the dark.

I struggle to find my faith, as I'm slipping from your arms."

The panda then quickly backs me up with a firm:

"It's getting harder to stay awake, and my strength is fading fast,

You breathe into me at last...."

Then we both bounce into the chorus, showing off some fancy vocal work as we both take turns singing and join in together when the parts call for it. Now THIS song we needed to practice a few times, and has been a staple of our shows together for a good bit as it was nice and rockin'. And, with her voice and mine combined, it was one hell of a crowd pleaser.

I did flub one of my lines later on in the song though, forgetting just a little bit of the bridge. I knew I should've been listening a little closer last night and this morning to the wording. But, well, what could you do? It's a live show and barely anyone but the panda seemed to notice really. She gave me a little nudge with her bass neck later on during the solo. I just gave her a chuckling apology before motioning for her to get back to her mic to finish up the song. It was a pretty heavy strain on my voice to hit those high, "Wake me up" shouts towards the end of the song, but I pushed through as I knew there was only two more songs left for me to do tonight.

We ended to a heavy cheer from the audience which didn't seem to mind we just sang them a christian rock song. Both the bear and I took the applause break to get a quick shot of water after that one.

"So, you liked that one too, huh?" I said out with a little grin as I lifted my mic up first. A cheer from the audience backed up my question with a firm answer.

"Well then," the panda says as she got back to her microphone, "This seems like an easy crowd to please... maybe we should just phone in the rest of the gig..."

That got a few grumbles and yells from the crowd as an uneasy murmur shot through them all. I chuckled at that a good bit as I took another sip of water, and then slowly said, "Eh, I dunno... they seemed pretty into that last one..." I took a look out over the audience and slowly continued on with, "I guess if they're ready to give it their all then I am too... You guys ready to get a little crazy?!?"

The firm cheer from the crowd is just what I wanted to hear as I smirked and said, "Oh come on, gotta do better than that! Do you want us to play a pussy song, or something that rocks?!?"

Another heavier cheer shot out through the audience as I smiled widely, giving a soft nod as I slowly said, "Good, good... try this one on for size..."

And just as I was finishing my last words, the coyote started to strum the opening guitar riff to "Aerials" by System of a Down. I just slowly said back into the mic, "How about we have some more fun tonight? I'd say most of you should know this one too... Let me hear ya sing along!"

I get a cheer and let the band take center stage for a bit, the coyote doing a half-decent job of that simple guitar intro before the rest of the band kicks in, along with my opening vocals which I belt out.

"Life is a waterfall,

We one in the river and one again after the fall..."

I take a nice big breath as my vocals are almost overshadowed by the rest of the club singing along. But, I do my best to keep my voice steady and not try to shout over them as is the natural tendency, simply continuing with:

"Swimming through the void we hear the word,

We lose ourselves but we find it alllllllllllllllll...."

I bob my head a few times to the crashing guitar riff and drum cymbals before taking another deep breath. I knew I could beat out the crowd's noise this time as the panda joined in with me:

"Cause we are the one's that want to play,

Always wanna go but you never wanna stay-e-aye.

And we are the one's that want to chose,

Always wanna play but you never wanna loo-oo-oo-oose..."

A nice small cheer shoots up as we hit those notes together and the song gets quiet once again. I lean into the microphone slowly and sing nice and quietly, now expecting to be overshadowed by the audience by a good bit.

"Aerials.... in the sky....

When you lose small mind you free your life..."

And, right after that, verse two shoots in which me and the panda rock again. A few more choruses later and there's that last ending humming part, which we do alright on I suppose. It wasn't as clean as I would've liked it to be. I missed a few of the notes here and there, and the panda also was a little flat on a note or two. But the audience seemed to love it as they erupted into quite the loud cheer by the end of it.

I give a soft little bow to the audience as the rest of the band has to tune again, milking the applause a little bit as I say, "I think we practiced that once in person, and a few times over the phone..." I add in a soft chuckle myself before continuing with, "I say it came out pretty okay, don't ya?"

The little cheer from the audience only helps to cement my smile as I look over towards the panda and the rest of the band. I get nods all around before slowly turning back towards the audience. "Well now, I'm afraid this is going to be our last song," I say to a soft grumble from the audience. "It's bed time soon for all you hard working 9-5ers out here tonight anyway. But, I think you'll probably know this one too. So lets give it everything you've got and shake the foundation of this mother fucking club!"

With those words from my lips the drummer counts off a four count on his high-hats, and then the band bursts into one of my own written guitar riffs. But, it wasn't a Heretic Nightmare song. It was a song I co-wrote with the panda and the monkey a couple of years back. It had been a minor hit for them on the local independent radio stations around town, and whenever they got spotlighted by any major radio station this was the song they would always play. I wouldn't say it was a shining example of my possible work, but it's a riff I liked and was left over from one of our albums, so I figured I'd give it new life instead of just tossing it away.

And the band played it pretty well today, hitting it clean and quickly as I rocked my head back and forth to the beat. But, the riff wasn't my favorite part of the song. That was the vocals. Normally the monkey would back up the panda as it was written to be a duet, but today I got to sneak in and sing the parts that I'd penned down myself for a change. My voice was way more developed than the monkey's, and it had that certain lead vocalist quality that he just didn't have. So, needless to say there were plenty of bootlegs of me singing this song with them instead of the monkey, which is how they ended up recording it for their record.

But the panda was the first to hit her opening notes, stepping up to the mic and singing out:

"I've had it up to here, this is all that I can take.

One more little fuck up and I feel like I could break.

All you do is beat me down and tell me I'm to blame.

Well here's the thing you little shit you've more than done the same..."

It was far from a happy song, but then again in metal music happiness is a rarely used emotion. I figured that if we had a guy and a girl singing a duet, why not make it an angry one? There's far too many lovey-dovey songs about how much a guy and girl love each other that get ridiculously sweet towards the end. So, I figured I'd help spice up the genre a bit by throwing in something a bit... darker. I cleared my throat a bit and grinned as it was now my turn to shoot back.

"Don't you try and pull me down with all your needy whining.

I've had about enough of all the shit that you're combining.

Don't blame me for it all - I know that you're the worst offender.

Why do I have to hear your shit? You're a horrible pretender."

And so the song went on, back and forth, about how horrible each of us was and what we'd done to each other to make us so horrible. It went on for a few more verses and choruses before we finally came up with a solution. I was gonna call a hit-man on her, and she was gonna call a hit-man on me. And it just so happened to be the same hit-man. So, of course, when he showed up, he shot both of us and took our money, leaving us to bleed to death on our living room floor. There we finally looked at each other, and did the right thing through our pained grunts and gasps. We both finally said we were sorry with a nice bit of harmony in our vocals, and then, of course, we died.

The audience exploded into applause after we hit those few final notes, making the whole band take a bow or two as we milked it for just a few more seconds. "Thank you, thank you," the panda says with a heavy breathing smile, still recovering from the quite intense song. "We are The Renegades of White Noise. And that over there is the more than fabulous Ricky Ratt!"

I took a little bow on stage once again before putting the mic back onto the mic stand and saying, "Good night everyone, thanks for coming out!"

"Goodnight!" the panda echoed before taking off her bass - the rest of the band following suit and slowly starting to make their way off stage.

The moment my body made it past the side curtain I had my eye on that monkey butt. He'd left the stage before I had as he was closer to the side with the stairs, so I had to walk fairly briskly to catch him. But, when I was close enough I quickly laid a firm paw on his shoulder, and then slid it down to his wrist. He turned quickly around to see who it was, but at that point I already had him.

"Come on, you and I have business to take care of..." I said casually, keeping my brisk pace up as I yanked forwards on his arm. He let out a slight grunt as he was tugged and then quickly caught up to my pace. I didn't turn around to look, but I'm sure the rest of the band was smirking behind us... knowing they had one less band member to help them break down and pack up. But, this was almost part of the ritual any time I got to sing with The Renegades. I was still pumped up with adrenaline and energy from being up on stage. My heart was pounding and sending blood flowing into all parts of my body. And, while that cute little monkey butt was in front of me, my blood was redirected to somewhere very important.

He didn't even resist really, quickening up his pace a bit as my grip on his wrist grew. It wasn't that he was trying to struggle or anything, I was just getting more needy the more I thought about what we were going to be doing in a few moments. It didn't take me long to find an open stock room of some kind - either for equipment, cleaning supplies, or food. I didn't really care as I swung open the door and tossed the monkey inside. I turned back around and made sure to lock and closing it firmly, then I slowly turned back around to the monkey with a firm smirk on my face.

He was grinning back at me now, his own form still full of excitement from the show. Although he was a little more mellow than I was as he had to play the whole thing, while I only came on for a few songs at the end. "My my, someone's feeling needy today..." he says back with a chuckle before I shut him up. I took a step or two forwards and pressed a paw up against his throat. It wasn't a hard squeeze or anything, just kind of surprising him and pushing him back against a stack of boxes a few feet further in the room. The room was rather small, but there was still enough room for both of us to stand... and even one of us to lay down more or less. And that's just what I made happen as the monkey's ass slowly slid up onto the boxes behind him. I continued to apply some pressure at his neck, making sure his back was pressed up against the cold concrete wall before I finally loosened my grip just a bit. But, I still kept my digits around his neck as I slowly said back, "Mmmm, you better believe it. Been quite a while since we had the pleasure of being in the same small room together, huh?"

He just gave a little weak nod, still slightly surprised at the force I was using, but seeming to enjoy it all the while as his body gave a little twitch at my digits giving him another little squeeze. His voice cracked just a bit as he said back, "Mmmm, almost a year... how was the tour?" He lets out a soft smile after the causal question as my free paw is already slipping down to my pants first, popping them open and letting them fall around my ankles. I pulled at my underwear strap and slid it under my balls, releasing my sheath and cock into the air open air. My shaft wasn't fully hard yet, but it was quickly getting there as it gave a few growing twitches in time with my heartbeat.

"Tour was fine... and long..." I added casually before finally sliding my paw from around the monkey's neck and down his rather slender body. "Shirt off," I commanded again as I took a hold of the rather flexible monkey's legs and pulled him towards me on the box a bit more. That made his back slip down the wall and land on the box with a gentle thud, leaving his ass dangling slightly off the edge. That was perfect for what I wanted to do as I slowly reached my paws to his lower back, running over that tight ass and then up to his groin. There I started to work off his own tight jeans with a few dexterous pushes of my paws at that button.

He'd already slipped his shirt off as I popped that button open, taking my gentle time to slowly wiggle down those pants from his hips. He gave a few little twinky squirms of his slender body to help me out, or maybe just to tease me, before those pants were over his knees and then his ankles. With a final yank I ripped them off, letting them crumple softly into a pile on the floor as they dropped from my paw. "Well, glad to have you back," he added as I stole a glance at his groin, seeing the outline of his stiffening cock throb back at me through his tight briefs. But, he wasn't gonna keep them for long as my paws slid down and grabbed that stretchy waistband, yanking them down and off his legs with a good bit of needy force.

"You sung great today," he added as I flung the underwear across the room, leaving the monkey rather naked and spread open. His nimble feet dangled up in the air as his toes slowly curled at the chill of being naked.

I just smirked softly at the casual talk as my eyes shot down to the monkey's groin, eying up that sheathless cock laying firmly against his belly. It wasn't a monster, but it was a decent size. A little bigger than mine for sure. And without a sheath, those balls of his looked rather nice just dangling below it. "Mmmm, thanks," I said back casually, not too interested in this casual talk at this point. He knew it too, but he couldn't help but chuckle at my response as he lifted his legs a little higher. He was eager to show off his flexibility as he brought his knees up and pushed them into his chest.

"What's a matter?" he teased with a little whip of his long and dexterous tail, gently sliding it over my own dangling balls and sheath before sliding up to tease my cock tip with it. He gently coils it around my member and gives a few soft squeezes and tugs as he says, "Monkey got your cock?"

"Mmmmph, such a fuckin' tease..." I add quickly, leaning over him and just digging my teeth gently into his shoulder as I let out a little primal growl. "And you wonder why I take you as hard and suddenly as I do..." I say back into his ear, watching it flick a little at the counter teasing.

With that mission accomplished I squatted down and reached into my discarded pants pocket, pulling out one of those single serve packets of lube. I stood back up and smirked as my paws slid down to my waistband and quickly finished off my underwear with a firm tug down. The monkey's tail was now free to rub just about everywhere it wanted to. And it does just that as it uncoils from my cock slowly slides down to my sheath, my balls, and then my taint even. That teasing attention making me hold back a small shiver as I rip open the packet with my teeth.

"Fuckin' tease... you're gonna get it..." I say with a growl, slowly starting to drip the lube down onto my cock. I grip it firmly in my paw and quickly press it against that hot monkey's hole with a firm grind of the head. Those tight cheeks draw me right towards the little puckered star in the middle as I tease him back a bit with the warm and slick tip of my cock. I finish off the rest of the packet as I squeeze it out between his cheeks, and then take a step forwards and push myself firmly into his rump with a wet slurp.

I wasn't the biggest guy in the world, and the monkey wasn't the tightest guy in the world. Of course, he was nowhere NEAR the feline I had a few nights ago, but I was still able to drive in balls deep with a single pump. The monkey gave back a firm grunt of protest as well as a sharp little squirm at the initial push, but both of us knew this was far from the first time he was taking a cock. "Awww, what's a matter monkey boy? Forget how well hung a rat could be?"

I teased him back with a wide grin, giving him just a second to catch up before I pulled out a bit and drove in hard once again. That made him stop right before he was about to say something back, instead letting out a rather firm grunt in it's place.

"I'm... out of practice..." he says back after catching his breath, gritting his teeth just a bit as I pumped forwards and back yet again. "Didn't have any... stud rats to breed this monkey butt after shows recently..." His voice still sounded a little strained, but he was getting back into the swing of things as my hips started to find a nice heavy rhythm.

"Awww, such a shame..." I added with a grin as I felt his legs slide up onto my shoulders, hooking me in to the firm but still slow thrusting. "Well then, get a better label, and maybe you guys can open for us next tour," I added with a grin. "Then you'd be NICE and broken in..." I emphasized the last few words with a few rather hard slaps of my hips, feeling the sting shoot through my thighs as I made both of us groan out a bit.

"Mmmmph, if only..." he says with a few final words as I watch his face twist a bit, still with a few painful sensations shooting through him with the occasional hard thrust I made. But, he was slowly coming around, his rump remembering it's place as my hips slapped and slammed into that tight and bony ass over and over again.

We fell silent for a little bit as I just focused on the rutting, pushing my hips harder and harder into that firm monkey butt and slapping my thick balls against his tail base. His groans had gone from pained, to strained, and now almost down to actual moans as I could feel his rump squeeze around me. He was starting to remember just how to take a cock again, and I was starting to love it more and more each thrust. He twisted his body a bit, giving me a few new spots to thrust against as my cock head did it's best to hit them all. Everywhere from his prostate, to the deep never-ending depths of his hot hole hit the tip of my cock. And, for my end of the bargain, I did my best to pound into him hard enough to make him sore the next day.

But, as he got more and more into it I started to feel that tail gently creeping up my leg. At first it was just a firm caress around my thigh, squeezing around it just as tightly as I remembered. But soon that tail tip seemed to grow a mind of it's own, sliding up to rub underneath my balls to almost tickle them. That made me let out a soft gasp and threw me off my rutting pace as my spine twitched just a bit from the pressure. I glared down at the monkey with an almost innocent look on his face as I made sure to give him a warning. But, as soon as I looked away his tail tip was back to rubbing the back of my sack. This time I was ready for it though as I added out another little grunt, but kept my pace going as I leaned into the teasing and interesting treatment.

But that tail tip didn't stop there, slowly going further down between my legs and starting to brush softly over my taint. Those tiny and soft hairs ruffled my own fur down there in my musky depths, and the treatment made me gasp and groan a bit more as another shiver shot through my body. "Mmmph, fuckin' tease..." I said back down at him, now panting softly as a layer of sweat started to form on my brow.

"Mmmmph, just wait until I make it HERE..." he adds with a smirk, finally pushing his tail tip right against my own pucker which made me groan with the tingle of sensation.

"Mmmph, you fucker..." I add in and start to hammer in harder into his rump, trying to shake his tail from my own tail base. But the monkey was good at this - just holding his tail there no matter what I did as he slowly continued to grind it against my pucker. That made me gasp out heavily as the added sensation was rather... stimulating. It made my cock jump inside of his rump and send out a firm shot of pre to help add to the lube more than once.

I was kind of on the fence about my own tail and rump usually. I knew it was sexy, and I used it to my advantage when I could. But, actually putting out? It didn't have the same draw to me as sliding into a nice ass really. Of course, that hasn't stopped me from doing it on occasion. If you're gonna be bi you've gotta go all the way, right? Just... I wasn't too proud of really enjoying it most times. And this monkey and his tail had a bit of history. I'd let it inside of me once when we were screwing before, and damn did I cum fast. Ever since then he didn't let me forget it either.

So that's why I growled heavily at him as he sent another teasing shiver up my spine with a firm grind, almost pushing into me dry as I pushed back at the same time during my thrusts. "Mmmmph, you little fucker..." I growled out again with another glare. But I did my best not to let it hinder my own thrusting as I gave him just about everything I had to try and shake him.

He squirmed and grunted hard, but he kept the pressure up as he finally winked back up at me. "Mmmm, seems like someone likes it a bit more than usual today...." he adds with such a smug look on his face. I just glare down and hold his legs firm as I try and drive him through the wall to wash it off. But, all I get is a few heavy monkey grunts and a nice sting to my own hips which were now starting to hurt more than that rump it seemed.

It was then I realized I hadn't said anything to defend myself as that tail still poked and prodded, feeling me jump just a bit each time it pushed against me. "Mmmm, come on, I know you have some extra lube around..." he adds in, smirking wider as his tail gives off a few firm wiggles right at my own entrance. I try and move my tail to intercept his and flick it off, but his tail was stronger than my own and held firm the whole time. It even pushed my tail away and gave my rump a firm slap before going back to teasing between my cheeks.

All that extra curricular activity made it a little hard for me to keep up my pace, and soon my body finally made me slow down a bit. The monkey took that as a sign of submission as he slowly smirks and spreads his lips into a grin. "Mmmm, come on... I know you want it..."

It wasn't TOO far from the truth to be fair. I couldn't say I really WANTED it at this point, but it'd help shut the monkey up for sure. At least for now. I knew he loved doing it to people though - one of his special kinks so he called it. And, as I needed a breather anyway, I just yanked myself out of his rump and let my slick cock lay against his balls as I leaned over him a bit. "Alright, here's the deal. I'll let you tail fuck me, but you have to be a good bitch for the rest of the time we're here. No mouthing off, no snarky comments... Just enjoy it until I cum hard. And then finish yourself off..."

I could see him continue to smirk at that, and then just slowly nod his head. "I'll be a good boy, I promise." I could see him open his mouth to say something else, perhaps a smart-ass comment or something, but after hanging open for a little it closed up as he just gave me a polite smile instead.

I let out a little grumble myself as I slid away from the monkey, reaching down into my discarded pants pocket to pull out another packet of lube. Almost on cue the monkey's tail shot up in front of me, wiggling softly by my chest as it waited to be slickened up. I gave another small grunt and had some second thoughts, but a cute little whimper from the monkey made me tear open the packet with my teeth and squeeze out the contents onto that furry tail. The lube quickly matted down the hair and made it seem a little thinner, which was nice cause I wasn't exactly a size queen myself. That relaxed me a little bit as I gave that tail a small pump with my paw to spread out the lube, and then slid whatever I had left on my paw back onto my own rump. It was strange feeling my own slick paw poking around behind me, but I didn't let it stay for too long before I slid it back in front of me. I reached down and grabbed onto the monkey's shoulders firmly as I lined up my cock once again to his now nice and open hole. There I thrust back inside of him with little mercy, making him howl out just a little bit at the rough drive.

Maybe on second thought I should've been a little more gentle with him as that tail quickly found my own pucker and started to wiggle itself in. And I'm sure it could've been a little more gentle for me if I'd been nicer. Quickly the burn hit me and made me grit my teeth a bit. Along with my teeth I also clenched both my pucker around that tail, and my fists around the monkey's shoulders as I held balls deep inside of him for a moment. That tail wiggled firmly, sending little loosening vibrations up into me as it kept a rather firm and constant pressure at my tail hole. And soon enough I felt myself open around the width of that tail as it slurped up into my rump.

I let out a heavy gasp and shiver at the stinging burn, still surging up inside me a bit as I tried to relax. I was quickly reminded why I didn't like bending over as the sting persisted for a good few moments. "Just relax big guy..." he says back, certainly not trying to make me hurt. "It's in, give it a moment or two."

I swear I could almost hear him say something along the lines of 'Well who's the one out of practice now', but it might have been cut out in between my own heavy grunting breaths somewhere.

"Mmmmph," I finally said as I gave myself a pump into the monkey's butt, making sure my cock didn't go too soft from the lack of sensation. He was pretty good with his tail though, so there was little movement from it inside me as I started to pump again. "Now I remember why I don't... catch more often..." I say back through my slowly relaxing teeth, starting to get back into the fucking in front of me as I lifted the monkey's legs up nice and high. I could even feel the toes clench around my shoulders now, holding me firm like a pair of hands as I kept my thrusting up.

"Mmmm, need a counter-reminder?" the monkey adds with a smile, and then quickly gives his tail tip a few wiggles inside me. Those twitches seem to hit all the right parts as I let out a gasp, feeling a surge up inside of me that leaves me slightly breathless.

"Mmmph, better...." I add back with a smile. And, with a few more tail wiggles and rubs, I was back to moaning and feeling my own orgasm quickly starting to build up once more.

It was strange how good the monkey was with his tail. A mix of just normal deep rutting, back and forth thrusting, and expertly timed wiggles made me jump and moan heavily while I leaned down over his body - even lifting my tail up higher willingly to give him some more space. If I had to have something in my rump thrusting back and forth, another tail was a good start for me. And once the burn started to fade of the original penetration, I started to feel some of the other sensations of having something inside me. The nice and full feeling, the little shocking gasps when my prostate was stroked, and more or less just feeling the surge of kinkiness in my brain from what we were doing. The last part was much more mental than physical for sure, but nevertheless it was having it's own desired effect.

"F...fuck..." I said out, panting firmly as I had to slow down my thrusts just a little bit to keep myself from shooting off almost embarrassingly soon. Then again, I had been going at the monkey for a bit already, unlike the first time where we slipped in at the same time. So at least I could hide behind that if I came too soon.

The monkey just grinned a bit in return, clenching around me harder with both his feet and soon his paws now as he said, "Mmmmph, getting close, are we?"

"Y...yeah..." I panted out gently above his head, my muzzle open and breathing firmly as I just closed my eyes and tried to hold back a little longer. But, the combo treatment of a nice squeezing ass around my cock, and the constant pokes to my prostate were getting too much to bare.

"Then cum big guy... show me just how much you missed me..." the monkey said with his own heavy moans, the tail fucking keeping him nice and throbbing hard as his own cock bounced against his belly with every firm thrust I made.

I didn't need too much more convincing as I finally released my hold on my orgasm. I picked up the pace of my rutting, and with a few more heavy thrusting pumps I was over the point of no return. The monkey's tail pushed hard against my prostate one last time, and I shot out a few heavy jets of cum deep inside of him as I arched my back and groaned. My hips rocked back and forth, giving a few final finishing pumps to cement the deal, before I slowly unarched my back a bit. Gently I laid my slightly sweaty body down on the monkey's own small frame and let my panting chest make me rise and fall over it.

"Mmmmph, told ya you'd like it..." he just says softly into one of my large ears as I take a few heavy breathes on his chest. It was as close to a smart-ass remark as he'd come the whole time, but with my load taken care of I didn't really care anymore.

I just nodded weakly and said out a soft, "Shut up," to get a nice smile back from him.

He let me rest a moment before I could feel his paw trying to worm it's way between us, our sweaty and panting fur gently getting parting as he says, "Could you... slide up just a bit... but stay inside?"

I figure that I could give him at least that as I push up on the box and feel my back crack a bit as I stand up again, giving him a few little thrusts as I watch his paw come down to his cock. It grips on firmly and strokes up and down for a second, but then I feel him slowly sliding his feet down from my body and turning them inwards to sandwich his cock between them instead.

"You monkeys are weird..." I say back, smirking at the sight as I continued to give a few gentle thrusts into his rump. I might be a dick sometimes, but I'm usually not above helping someone get off. So, I keep the gentle thrusts up as he starts to slide his hand-like feet up and down his drooling cock. I could tell he wasn't going to take long thankfully by the way he moaned at the firm sensation, and by just how fast his feet were moving over his pre-soaked cock. That tail of his was starting to make my rump sore the longer it stayed inside my rump, so the sooner it could come out the better.

But, as he let out a heavy set of gasps and a groan, I felt his tail reflexively pop out of my rump and go rigid as he splattered his own chest with a few heavy strands of cum. He must have been a little pent up himself as it was quite the show, streaks of white shooting up almost to his nipples before the monkey finally goes limp. His feet slide off his spent cock and back down to dangle over the edge of the box. And, at the same time, his rump pushes out my cock from his depths as his clenching pucker gets in on the orgasmic fun as well.

"Mmmmph, someone was a bit more turned on by the tail fucking than I was, huh?" I added back to tease him. At the same time I squatted down to grasp my underwear after searching for them for a moment. I stood back up and slipped them on to soak up some of the lube, from both ends of me this time, before slipping my pants back on over them.

I let the monkey lay there gently all the while, before finally offering him a paw to help him back up onto his feet. He took it as I gave him a tug, sliding the cum and lube stained primate back onto his feet. He got his underwear and pants secured in short order as well before I finally unlocked the door to the room. "Come on, I think you owe me a drink still for letting you do your thing..." I add with a smirk as I open the door, thankfully not to a crowd of people trying to listen in.

He just smirked a bit as he followed me out, shirt sticking gently to his chest as he had nothing to wipe off his cum with. "Oh, only cause it was worth it..." he adds as we both walk back into the bar and take a seat at it, thankful that most of the crowd has cleared out by now to avoid any unusual questions. And thankfully the rest of the band only came by after we had a drink or two already, pulling the monkey away as I gave him one final wave. I chugged down the rest of my beer and figured it was time for me to be getting home as well. So, with a nice tip for the bartender, I headed back out into the chilly night air myself - more than content on how my night went for sure.