Tiger Story Chapter 1

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#1 of Tiger Story

Part 1 of a story I am working on detailing a bunny making poor decisions. This chapter is more of an introduction / teaser than any full scene, but the next chapter, which I am already working on, will contain the real action with a darker, more kinky story.

As the school bus came to a stop with the screech of its air brakes the rabbit with dark black fur sitting in the back quickly jumped out of his seat and rushed towards the front of the bus. Keeping his head down and gripping his backpack tightly, he tried to ignore the various voices of the other occupants of the bus and instead focus on his destination. It was still near impossible to block out the various jeers and insults thrown his way though, despite the fact that the driver never seemed to notice them calling him a fag or more likely just did not care. Making it to the front of the bus with little more than the normal verbal assault the door slid open with a creaking sound, barely letting him get out before they slammed shut behind him and the driver started pulling away. Not giving the others any time to lean out the windows to continue their verbal assault this time he immediately started dashing in the opposite direction of the bus and out of even his extended earshot.

Once he was a safe distance away he changed direction to start heading towards his apartment building, not letting his speed decrease until he could see the door to his apartment. Slowing back down to a brisk walk he noted he didn't see his parents' car in the parking lot, but that was pretty routine also lately. Digging into the pocket of his jeans he pulled out his key ahead of time so that as soon as he got to the door he slipped the key into the lock and opened the door quickly.

"Mom? Dad? Anyone home?" he called out as he stepped inside and closed the door behind him, the sound of the door shutting and the lock sliding into place the only sounds in response. The silence verifying that he was truly alone in the apartment again he stepped into the kitchen and made a beeline to the refrigerator. Opening the door he eyed the contents of the mostly sparse fridge and finally settled on pulling out a white container filled with the other night's take-out Chinese dinner and a can of soda before kicking the door shut.

Not bothering with reheating the food or grabbing any utensils he carried both items with him down the hallway and stopped in front of his bedroom door to read the note taped to it.


Picked up shift and we will not be home until late.

You are still grounded until you get your grades up. That means no leaving the house, no having friends over, and no TV or computer tonight.

Make sure to make yourself something for dinner.

Do not eat in your room, we do not want ants.

Finish your homework before bed!



Pushing his door open with his shoulder he drops the food and soda on his desk between some of the empty containers of food before leaning back to tear the note off the door and show his opinion of the words written by crumpling it up and tossing it into his already overflowing garbage can. Finally letting his backpack slide off of his shoulders he deposited the simple bag on his unmade bed and with practiced ease, unzipped it fully to pull out his laptop, ignoring the textbooks and notebooks as he took the prized piece of electronics and sat it on his desk. He knew the note from his mom said he wasn't supposed to be on the computer while he was still grounded, but his parents had only taken away the cords to his desktop and didn't know about the laptop. He was very keen that they continued not knowing about it too as it was the sole thing he looked forward to when he got home anymore.

Plugging it in and hitting the power button, he looked at the loading screen for a moment before grabbing the newer box of leftovers on the desk and promptly liberated a fork from one of the empty boxes.

Stuffing some cold Chinese food into his short muzzle, he watched the computer start up and immediately open his instant messenger program. As the fork hangs out of the side of his muzzle he browses through the list of people that he talked to on a regular basis until he got down to the name "Tiger_Daddy", which he promptly clicked on to start a conversation.

Looking_Glass_Rabbit: My jail keepers are out again, so got house to self.

Tiger_Daddy: You naked?

Looking_Glass_Rabbit: Not yet, just getting in from school.

Tiger_Daddy: Bad. You are to strip and turn on your camera cub.

Looking down at his modest t-shirt and jeans, he smirked at himself, liking how much this tiger enjoyed the view of his body. He didn't know the other's age or if he was even a tiger, but he did know he definitely had a dominate personality, straight to the point, had some very elaborate and dark fetishes, and that the view of the rabbit's young body had the tiger very horny. As the rabbit stripped down to his bare fur he admired how slim he was with just a hint of muscle in certain spots, primarily around his legs due to the typical rabbit genetics, with short black fur coating his body except for the tips of his ears and some highlights in his longer head fur. Making sure that the camera was angled appropriately to show him from the neck down he clicked the button on the messenger window to turn on the video.

Tiger_Daddy has accepted the video call.

Tiger_Daddy is sharing his video camera.

Tiger_Daddy: Good cub, now bend over and show me your cunt.

The rabbit smirked a bit, knowing the feline on the other side could not see, as he saw the two video screens show above the chat, one giving a clear view of what his own camera was showing off his young lithe body and the other screen showing the rather sizeable feline cock belonging to the other party. He couldn't tell truly without some sort of reference but it seemed much longer than normal, having a long sleek shaft with the last quarter of it roughly bulging out slightly then angling down to a tapered tip with the characteristic feline barbs covering it. Just the look of it on the screen along with the order in the chat window had his own sheath plumping up as he gripped his chair, turned around, and stuck his mostly flat rump out towards the camera. His tear dropped tail wriggled slightly in anticipation as he made sure it wasn't blocking the view as he reached back and pulled his rump cheeks apart to expose the pink tail star underneath. He knew exactly what the tiger wanted as he stuck a finger in his muzzle, getting it nice and wet before teasing the tight entrance with his finger letting it start to open slightly.

Peering back over his shoulder at the computer screen, he made sure the view was good but that his face wasn't visible along with making sure he could see when the tiger sent him a new message. Taking his finger away he once again got it nice and wet with some saliva before pressing it back against his tight entrance, starting to push it in slowly.

Tiger_Daddy: Enough foreplay cub, get your toy and fill that cunt of yours like it was my cock.

Not wanting to disappoint he pulled his finger away to let the hole clamp down tightly again as he walked up close to his bed, out of view of the camera, to pull open the bottom drawer on the end table. Pulling out a stack of random magazines he grabs the box underneath and sets it on his bed so he can undo the latch and open it up. Contained within is a couple condoms, some screen captures he printed of various dicks, a half used bottle of lube, and what he was looking for, a moderately sized slender dildo. It was bright pink and was definitely a beginner's toy as it was barely thicker than two of his fingers put together at its widest, only about five inches long, with a tapered tip with a smooth widening transition until its flared base.

Grabbing his toy and the bottle of lube he brings himself back over to the camera to give a good view of him drizzling a fair amount of lube onto the toy, coating the full length in a line. Using his other hand he begins to smear the lube around, keeping a loose grip to make sure the whole thing has a thick layer of lube on it before reaching back with the same paw to smear the rest of the lube around his tail star. He even goes so far to slip a finger into his hole as the amount of lube helps let it slide in without requiring too much work.

Looking back at the screen, he can see the tiger's hand gripping the base of his cock and slowly stroking it, a bead of pre growing at the tip. Taking this as a good sign he slips his finger out of his tight hole and instead starts to press the tip of the toy against his tail star, letting it slowly start to press in. Moaning loudly enough for the camera's microphone to pick it up he continues to press the slender toy in slowly, this being the biggest thing he's taken and it was even recently that he was able to get the toy to start using it.

Tiger_Daddy: Now now cub, Daddy would just shove it into your cunt, not take it so slow.

Letting out a whimper of submission as the words display on the screen he thinks about it for a moment then starts to pull the toy out enough to get a good grip on the base. Taking a few deep breaths he shoves it in nice and deep in one push with his hand, biting his lip to avoid crying out in pain as the toy fills up his hole and stretches his tight hole. His head ringing from the mix of pain and pleasure racking his body he almost doesn't hear the sound of the front door of the apartment opening.

Suddenly freezing, his ears perk at the sound before it's followed quickly by the sound of the door shutting behind who ever just walked through. Cursing under his breath he pulls the toy out of his now sore tail star and throws it and the lube into the box on his bed, shuts the screen on the laptop, shoves both under his bed in a last minute decision, and throws back on his boxer briefs right as his door opens.

Sitting down on his bed, to hopefully hide the fact that the underwear was sticking to his backend as it drips lube and the front has a slight bulge from his plump sheath, he stares at his dad. His dad gives him a puzzled look and then coughs softly before speaking up, "You okay to talk or should we wait son?" he asks in a tone the young rabbit had heard times before to mean "I'm pretending to be polite, but I will not take no for an answer".

Knowing it was a losing battle in the first place he just sighs and nods his head, "Sure dad... we can talk" he says in a quiet voice, trying to hide his annoyance about being interrupted by his dad coming home early.

His dad walks up to his desk and starts to grab the chair there to sit down when he notes the state of disarray the desk is in, especially the half-filled boxes of Chinese food still sitting there.

"Didn't your mom tell you not to eat in your room?" his dad asks accusingly.

"Yeah, but..." he starts to say before his dad cuts him off almost immediately with a raised voice, "No buts! You live in this house and you will respect your mom's wishes if you ever expect to get your entertainment privileges back!"

"Yes Sir..." he says as he looks at the ground, his dad yelling at him finally scaring his member to hide back in his sheath.

"I do not like yelling at you son, but first your grades started faltering, then you became lack a daisy with your house duties, and now you are showing disrespect towards your mother. You either are going to step up at both home and school or I will have no choice to find a punishment that will get through to you," his dad says, raising his voice near the end to show how strongly he feels about this whole situation.

"Yes Sir..." he repeats quietly, not having any other words to say as he starts to get up to take care of the food boxes, hoping to get that argument out of the way as quickly as possible, but before he can even get too far his dad just glares at him.

"This conversation is not over that easily young man. I understand you are a growing young man and I understand how stressful school can be with both studies and other kids. What I do not understand is why you have let yourself throw away your excellent grade point average and then start to disobey us, your parents, who do everything in their power to keep you fed, clothed, and roof over your head. I don't expect you to tell me right now what the reason behind your actions are, but I expect them soon enough if you hope to ever regain my respect. You need to talk to me son."

The young rabbit looks down at the ground soaking in his father's words as he kicks at the ground nervously. He wanted to tell his father what was on his mind, how he figured out he was gay, how he had tried to talk to one of his best friends about his discovery, and how he was betrayed and now everyone at school hated him. This is why he started spending so much time online, talking to people that actually seemed to understand him. How he met this Tiger_Daddy fellow and started doing the fun roleplaying scenarios where he was just a mindless slut for the tiger's dark desires. Well, he wouldn't go into detail on that part, but at least why he would rather spend time talking to people who liked him for who he was instead of trying to do classwork for a school he hated with both teachers and fellow students that hated him back. Why the time online with certain people was the only thing that mattered to him anymore.

He couldn't bring this up with his father though as he already knew both his parents had generally conservative views on most topics, plus being the only child he knew he was expected to carry on the bloodline as no one else will. That is why he needed to come up with a good lie to tell his father before his parents got too much nosier and found the laptop he was hiding, or even worse the box that he had thrown under the bed just in time.

While he was staring at the ground, lost in thought about what to do he didn't even realize his father had even moved from the chair until he heard the sound of plastic being ruffled with a loud crinkling sound. Looking up he saw his dad had grabbed a garbage bag and was in the process of opening it up.

"I have to head back to work, but you are to clean your room before your mom gets home. You are to finish your school work and have it laid out on the kitchen table. We will be checking both, and based on how you perform on both of those tasks will determine how well our upcoming talk will go," his father says in the sternest one possible, obviously not leaving any room for argument.

"Right now?" he asks, realizing how uncomfortable his boxer briefs had gotten as the lube had dried up in the meantime and was now pulling painfully on the fur on his already sore butt, plus he was hoping to try and sneak a quick message back to Tiger_Daddy to explain the interruption in their play time.

This was obviously not the right response for the young rabbit to make as the fur on the back of his father's neck rises up as he turns around to glare at his son, "I am sick and tired of this attitude you are showing son! While you are still living under this roof I expect no more backtalk as you are lucky your punishments have not been more severe," his father says before turning around to head out the door to the bedroom. "And consider yourself lucky also that I have not told your mom about that box you keep under the magazines too," he finishes before storming off, the sounds of his heavy footfalls carrying all the way to the front door before it slams shut behind him. The lock in the door slides into place with a loud click, sounding to the young rabbit like the proverbial guillotine blade sliding into place to seal his sentence.

His dad knew about the box? Did that mean he knew what was in the box and in that train of thought knew that his son was gay? He was lucky that his mom didn't know? He was lucky that his punishments weren't more severe? These questions and more ran through the young rabbit's head as he let that information soak into his mind as he began to hyperventilate and freak out. His dad's words sounded so final too, he had never heard him so angry before and the talk about more severe punishments once again came to mind.

His father had never raised a hand to him, his parents not believing in corporal punishment of any kind, but at the same time he had never been in enough trouble to really deserve any real punishment until recently. He still couldn't wrap his mind around his father hitting him or anything, at least not on purpose, but as his muddled frantic mind focused on his father talking about 'while' he lived under this roof he began to wonder if his father was meaning to kick him out. The more he thought about it, the more it went from a slight possibility in his mind to an almost certainty in just the span of a few minutes.

There was no other possibility he could think of anymore as he now knew his dad had seen the box and its contents, and just like everyone at school he was destined to be punished for finding out his sexuality. Staring at the garbage bag laying over his seat he figured his dad's definition of cleaning his room was really to get rid of that part of himself by throwing away the box. Starting to reach under the bed to grab the box and maybe save himself living on the streets he instead noticed the lights on the front of his laptop still flickering as despite closing the screen the machine had never powered itself off or gone to sleep.

Pulling it out from under the bed he sat on the bed and flicked open the screen, the message box with Tiger_Daddy still open though the video on both side had already been disconnected and there was quite a few messages waiting for him, ranging from the curious "Where did you go?" and "What happened?" to the more angry "Get back here right now cub" and "You are making me upset with your silence."

Stepping up to peer out of his bedroom door he makes sure the front door is still locked before sitting back down on his bed and setting the laptop in his lap to start typing up a message.

Looking_Glass_Rabbit: Sorry Sir, my dad got home early so had to hide everything as quickly as possible. You know I'm on thin ice with them and didn't want him to take away my way to talk to you too.

Tiger_Daddy: You wasted my time with your petty problems cub. You better be willing to make it up to me.

Looking_Glass_Rabbit: I can't Sir. He's going to kick me out unless I get rid of everything. I have to clean my room and get rid of the toy before he gets back home. I have nowhere to go and my jail keeper parents are tightening their leash.

Tiger_Daddy: Tired of your petty problems cub. You are to meet me at Knight Oak Park in two hours. If you don't show, don't bother messaging me ever again as I do not give second chances.

Tiger_Daddy has logged out.

The young rabbit stared at the screen for a few more minutes, making sure he had read the screen right as he had no idea the tiger on the other side of the screen was local. They had never brought up any mention of where they lived, at least not that he could remember, and he knew for a fact that there had never been any mention of actually meeting. This was just a chat buddy that he did erotic role-play scenarios with, mostly involving some kind of master/slave or daddy/son domination play, and recently started doing webcam shows for after being convinced to buy the toy he was using earlier on himself. This was actually a nice break as despite how much he liked talking to the tiger and loved how the domination scenes got him making a mess in his hand faster than anything else, some of the scenarios prior had started delving into darker situations that gave him mixed feelings.

The more he thought about it though, the more he realized that over the past few months this tiger was his only friend. With his parents about to kick him out he thought, did he have a reason to stick around and forget all the good times he's had online? As he dumped out the contents of his backpack onto his bed he realized he really felt he didn't have a reason. He needed to get out of here before his parents got home and if this tiger was willing to help him, he should be grateful at the offer.

In addition, the park in question was a very public space so if the tiger ended up being some kind of gross creep in person he could easily find a way out. Getting dressed in the clothes he was wearing earlier and sliding his laptop into the backpack he threw in a few changes of clothes into it also. Reaching under the bed to grab the box that was causing him so much trouble with his parents he set it on top of the bag before zipping it up and throwing it over his shoulder.

As he got ready to leave the house at least for a few hours, possibly never come back at all, he figured what was the worst that could happen?