A New Life: The Beginning

Story by StevenFox on SoFurry

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#1 of A New Life, A New Love

Hey, this is my first story, so comments and advice would be helpful. If I do end up making a sequel it might take a while though. Thanx!

As the usual with all the stories, must be 18 to read this, blah blah etc.

"GAHHH!" Chris awoke in the middle of the night screaming again, like he's done for the past week. His family had been killed when they were sleeping. The murderer had left a painful reminder on his chest, two scars. One starting from the middle of his chest down to the right of his belly button. The second starting from left of the belly button and curved like a crescent moon. It was only slightly noticeable because his fur covered it.

He buried his face in his hands and wiped his eyes. Realizing it was one in the morning; he lay back down and tried to sleep. He rolled around for ten minutes before he felt dreary again. He slowly closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep again.

He was leaving for Virginia to live with his uncle, a rich fella. He didn't mind that much, but he would be leaving his friends, and his girlfriend which he loved very much. In the morning, he would leave for the airport and fly to Virginia, where his uncle would be waiting.

He stepped out of the terminal and looked at his cell phone, it was 3:00. Chris was a 6 foot 4 inch male wolf. He had all black fur and his head fur hung just below his eyebrows, but enough to cover the tops of his eyes. He was He was very athletic, but people underestimated him. He was strong with lean muscles and loved playing soccer and football. He wore a brown t-shirt that had the word QUICKSILVER displayed across the shirt surrounded by white splatter paint. He also had black jeans with a black hat.

He scanned the airport for his uncle. He found him at a coffee stand sipping mocha. His uncle was a hefty wolf, about 6 foot 2. He was glad to see him without a cigarette in his hand.

They said nothing on the way to his uncle's house. When they pulled up in the driveway and stepped out of the car his uncle looked at him and said,

"I know things have been rough, I've got something for you."

He opened one of his three garages and inside was a red Lamborghini. Chris turned his head to look at his uncle and smiled.

"That's for me?"

"Sure is, got the best insurance for it possible, so you're all set," he said smiling. He smiled back and looked at the car again rubbing the hood. He couldn't wait to drive it tomorrow. And for the first time in a long time, he slept without waking up once.

The next day he woke up a little early to take a shower. He poured shampoo in his hand and lathered his body and his head fur. But he paid special attention to his private area. He felt a little stressed about the day ahead and started to massage his privates.

His cock grew to a full 8 and half inches. He started to slowly rub his penis and he quickened the pace. He kept masturbating for 5 minutes before reaching his climax. Bracing himself on the wall, he came all over his hand and it flowed over his hand and onto the shower floor. He sighed and washed his fur and his hands leaving behind all traces of his cum.

Chris got out of the shower and dried off his fur. Once he had combed down his hair he leaned on the sink. He looked at himself in the mirror and decided on a new hair style before going to school. He grabbed a pair of scissors and cut his fur above his left eye so it was at his eyebrows. He left the hair on the right eye so it still hung down past the top of his eye. Looking in the mirror he smiled liking his new style.

With his backpack sitting in the backseat he started his car and found a hip hop channel. His uncle came to the car and bent over so he could look into the car.

"Have a good first day of school. The front office should be to the left when you first walk in through the front gates."

"Thanks Pat," Chris said calling his uncle by his nickname.

His uncle chuckled and gave him a slight punch on the shoulder. Chris laughed back and drove off to school.

When he arrived at school, school had already started; so he found a parking spot and grabbed his backpack from the back seat. He sighed and walked to the front office. Once he arrived in the front office he walked to the front desk and a lady wearing glasses looked up at him.

"Hi, I'm a new student, Chris Goodin. I need my schedule."

"Ah yes," the lady looked through a stack of papers, "here you go Chris, just go ahead and walk in the classroom, no need to knock."

"Thank you," Chris walked out of the office and looked at his schedule. He had Chemistry first, room 690. He chuckled a bit when his immaturity set in. After a minute of looking he found the room. He walked to the door and stood there and took a deep breath. He slowly opened the door and stepped inside. The teacher, a rhino, stopped writing what ever he was writing and looked at him.

"Ah, you must be the new student. Class, this is Chris, he's from California."

Chris smiled and said, "Hey,"

giving a two finger wave with his right hand. Chris scanned the class and his eyes stopped on a beautiful vixen. She had nice long hair, beautiful brown eyes, and it looked like she had B cup breasts. Their eyes met for a second then the teacher interrupted, "Chris, why don't you have a seat next to Ally," he pointed to the vixen he had met eyes with seconds before.

Chris took no time to grab the seat next to Ally, a few other females, including one male, looked at him while he walked to his seat. Once the teacher had turned back to the board, Ally grinned at Chris and passed him a note. It had her phone number! Only five minutes in this school and he had a phone number. They smiled at each other and she winked at him. Smiling he turned his head back to the board, and now, he couldn't wait till after school.

To be continued...

(plz comment and tell me what you think. Helpful comments would be nice!)