Kael and Sam conclusion part 2

Story by freakdudebob on SoFurry

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#11 of the stories of Kael the wolf pup

The pain in Sam's legs finally became dull after hours of dealing with it. With her legs destroyed, she was not going anywhere anytime soon. Her only hope was that someone would find her and save her before Kael came back.

She heard the door open and she looked up filled with hope. That hope died when she saw Kael coming back down. He licked his lips when he saw her and went over to the pile of stuff. Searching through it, he pulled out a huge vibrator. He then walked right over to her and lifted her butt up to slide the vibrator into her ass. She moaned as the vibrator forced its way into her. He then flipped a switch and it began to vibrate. He then knelt down by her pussy and began to lick it. She moaned even louder as he did this. She gave a squeak of surprise when his tongues slipped into her repeatedly. He stopped licking after a few minutes and then he whipped out his cock. He placed it at the entrance to her pussy and began to force his way in.

"Now I am going to rape you bitch!" he said as she began to moan and squirm. He forced his cock fully into her drawing a long line of squeaks and moans from Sam. He then began to pull out of her excruciatingly slowly. This drew even more moans from Sam. He then slammed his cock back into her and pulled out just as quickly. He continued this until he was going as fast as possible causing her to moan and squeal from the pain and pleasure. Her body began to betray her as she began to tense and try to hold Kael in her. He got even faster and she could tell her was just as close to coming as she was. He slammed his cock in as far as it would go and held it there as he released his load into Sam while Sam arched her back and came at the same time as he did. Kael slowly got up from her panting as hard as she was. He fell backwards and lay there for a few minutes before he got back up and walked over to Sam's head. He ripped off the duct tape and slowly pulled out the clothes. "I think I have had my revenge. Just tell me why you tortured me!" He said to her.

"Sa Sarah tol told me th that you had rap raped me and you nee needed to be pun punished!" she said in between pants.

"Sarah told you to do that to me?!? WHY?!?" He yelled at her.

"I I don't know! I did didn't want to but I had no choice. She was going to call the police if I didn't and I would never see you again!" She said with tears forming in her eyes.

"WHEN? When we woke up, you thought I had raped you!! IF YOU ARE LYING TO ME..." Kael yelled at her.

"I did overreact when we woke up together. When I went to the restroom, there was a note from her telling me what to do to you so she wouldn't call the police. While you were sleeping, she pulled me aside and gave me another list and when I asked why I had to do this, she said because you had raped me. I didn't have a choice Kael; I didn't want you to go to jail because I thought I would never see you again."

"You aren't lying are you? Don't worry we'll get even with Sarah later if you want. First though, drink this." He said as he showed her a vial full of a green liquid. She opened her mouth and he poured it in her open mouth. she began feeling drowsy and fell asleep soon afterwards.

"I can't believe this! Why would Sarah do this? She is going to pay for all of this. She'll be lucky to be alive when I'm finished with her!" Kael began to rant to himself. He waited down in the basement and untied Sam and waited for the medicine to work. After a few hours of planning, he heard Sam moan and he walked right next to her and sat down. She slowly opened her eyes and when she saw Kael, she smiled. He helped her up and half carried her to his room. When they got there, they began to plan revenge. Sarah was going to wish she were dead by the time they were finished with her. When Sarah and Elise arrived at the home, Kael hid in his room while Sam went out and told Sarah that Kael was sleeping again. Sarah smiled and went to get something to drink. Sam grabbed Elise and pretty much dragged her into Kael's room. She locked the door and Kael got up and looked at Elise. They told Elise their plans.

"Are you in or will we have to keep you somewhere you will not interfere?"

"Of course I am in! I can't believe she would force Sam to do anything let alone anything that would cause you to get angry Kael. She deserves everything you have planned and then some. When do we start?" Elise said with a wide smile on her face.

"We start in one hour. We need to get everything set up for her before then. She is going to remember this night forever!"

-- one hour laterâ€"

"Sarah! Am I done with torturing Kael yet?" Sam said when Sarah entered the room.

"Not yet Sam. It should not be much longer though. So where is the boy anyways?" Sarah asked.

"Behind you." Sam said with a large smile on her face. Sarah spun to look but not fast enough. Kael grabbed her arms and handcuffed them behind her back. He then forced a muzzle onto her snout and tightened it. After that, it was all a matter of grabbing her feet and taking her to the basement. When they got there, they found everything they wanted waiting for them including Elise. Sarah saw Elise and tried to ask for help. Elise just smiled at her and pulled out a knife. She cut off Sarah's clothes and helped them carry her to a very special table designed for every kind of sex act. They took off the handcuffs and tied her arms to the table and did the same with her feet. Elise then set up a video camera and began recording. Sam and Kael both picked up paddles and walked to both sides of Sarah. Kael swung his paddle as hard as he could on her right breast causing her to squeal in pain. Sam then swung her paddle and they repeated this for a good ten minutes. By the time they had finished, Sarah was crying and writhing trying to get free.

"So Sarah, do you like hot sauce?" Sam asked as she showed Sarah a vibrator coated in the stuff. Reaching under the table, Sam forced the vibrator into Sarah's ass and then it began to inflate. When Sarah thought she was going to explode, it stopped and began to vibrate. Then she felt the hot sauce. It was like someone had stuck a hot coal in her ass. She struggled hopelessly to get the thing out of her but did not accomplish anything. Kael then grabbed one of her foot paws and began to bend her toes. He started with her smallest toe and bent it until she heard a crack and then her paw felt like it was on fire. She began crying even more and also became more desperate to get free. Kael did not stop with one toe though. He continued with each one until they were all broken. When he finished, Sarah was on the point of passing out so he asked Elise to get something and she did. It was a needle that had a blue liquid in it. Elise jabbed Sarah with it and gave her the dose. After a few minutes, her senses heightened and the pain exploded in her again. Elise then began to massage her aching breasts drawing out a squeal of protest from Sarah. Sam began to break Sarah's fingers one at a time just like Kael had done to her toes. If she was in pain before, she was in hell now. The pain soon overcame every other conscious thought that Sarah had so all she could think about was pain, pain, and more pain. Kael took the knife and jabbed it through Sarah's right ear causing her to squeal in pain. He took out the knife and did the same for the other ear as well. He then began to lick up the blood from the right ear while Elise licked the blood on her other ear. Sam took the knife and began to make lines all over Sarah's breasts and chest and when she finished, she too began to lick Sarah's blood. She was squealing in pain and trying to get them to stop but they ignored her completely. When they finally stopped licking her wounds, Sarah was past any thought. Her body struggled to get free but she was not in control of it.

Kael then walked over to Sarah's pussy and began to lick it as well. This drew out an unconscious moan from Sarah. The moan only got louder when Sam and Elise began to lick her breasts. Kael soon forced his tongue into her drawing out an even louder moan from Sarah. He stopped licking her but before he could mount, Elise told him not to. She didn't want Kael to have all the fun. She put on a strap-on and she mounted Sarah. While Elise was doing this, Kael and Sam took turns whipping Sarah's breasts. They turned up the power of the vibrator in her ass to full power and a little bit later, Sarah and Elise came at the same time. Kael and Sam had moved from whipping her to playing with her broken fingers causing her to cry even more. A little while later, Kael and Sam realized just how tired they were. Sam was tired because of her entire ordeal and healing and Kael was still tired from the previous day. They told Elise that they were going to bed and left. When they got to the room, they got into the same bed. Kael gave Sam a kiss on the nose and one thing led to another and they began to have sex. They fell asleep after they both came with Kael still inside of Sam. When they woke up, they got dressed and found Elise watching T.V. They asked what happened with Sarah and she said that she was asleep. They would not be bothered by her anymore. The two smiled at each other and they went to take a bath.

"Ok Sarah, since you agreed to be my slave for a month, we are going to have lots of fun. Come on. I am tired and I need to sleep."

"Yes master"

The End. You can imagine what happens between Sarah and Elise but I am NOT going to write anything about it. The series is finished I think.