From Warlock to Bunny

Story by Darmalus on SoFurry

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A warlock finds herself snowed into a small cabin in WInterspring with only her succubus for company. What could go wrong?

Warcraft stuff belongs to Blizzard, Characters belong to their owners.


Lolen's eyes scanned the words and diagrams on the page without reading them, the bored warlock's mind reviewing how she wound up snowed in an isolated cabin in WInterspring for nearly a week now. Lolen frowned, it should have been an easy trip; a few day's travel from Everlook in WInterspring to her destination and back again.

She looked up from the book she wasn't reading and scanned the room, more out of habit than any expectation that something had changed. It was still the same, square single-room building of plain, solid wood construction with a blazing fireplace in the corner. The firelight illuminated meager furnishings and the same three residents who had been snowed in the last few days. Lolen herself, a blond haired human of average features, currently sitting on the bed with her book. Under the bed was a pure white snow rabbit which Lolen occasionally tried to lure out with bits of food and water The final resident sat beside the fire, Lolen's succubus, Nimva.

The succubus was as attractive as any of her kind, voluptuous figure, soft pink skin, glowing blue eyes, and the distinctive horns, wings and hooves. Lolen had come up with many different justifications for summoning, and keeping, the demoness while she was trapped here. The truth was the howling storm outside unnerved her, and having someone to talk to helped. Unfortunately the sultry demoness seemed to have grown tired of the confines of this cabin as fast as she had, and had spent these days verbally trying to get under the warlock's skin. Even so, the verbal needling was better than the silence and storm before.

Nimva had been silent for while her mistress pretended to study the dry book of spells, casually lounging beside the fire she had been ordered to tend, keeping the room comfortably toasty. When Lolen looked up, the demoness knew that the unceasing howl of the icy winds had gotten to the human.

"You could get them fixed, you know. They aren't irrecoverably flawed, although they are hardly the worst of your problems." She said with the utmost casualness as she turned her attention to her nails.

"... I ... what are you talking about?" Lolen was confused by this succubus of hers. The first day she had tried tempting her with power and wealth and revenge, rather normal behavior. The next, she started asking her about her life. Lolen had expected the demoness to jump on every little injustice she had suffered, but instead... nothing. Heck, she had even offered a few token words of sympathy and small talk about recent events when she had finished her life story. Now this odd question after nearly two days of silence.

"Your breasts, of course." Nimva said, cupping one of her own for emphasis. "Yours are a bit, well, saggy and lopsided for your age. That I could get fixed, if you had the spine, but then your hips and..."

"Shut up!" Lolen's words had the force of magic behind them, and Nimva's mouth snapped shut mid-sentence. The bond between warlocks and their demons was powerful, allowing them to command them into bloody battle and protecting the warlock from their malign influence.

Lolen turned her back on the succubus and viciously flipped pages in the book, staring hard at whatever page she settled on while she seethed inwardly. They'd been getting along, and then this... this... insult! Lolen gritted her teeth and stared at the page for a while, the flash of anger dimming as Nimva's words stuck in her mind.

Lolen made a quick glance to either side, out of habit rather than any belief the succubus had snuck up on her, and opened the top of her robe to examine herself. They were definitely smaller than the succubi's, that went almost without saying. She began to measure, cupping them and squishing them together, the best she could manage without a mirror.

After a few minutes, Lolen gave a drawn-out sigh, they were lopsided! And maybe a bit saggy, certainly not as firm and perky as Nimva's. Lolen put her robe back in order and resumed blankly looking at her book. What was it Numva had said? She could get her 'fixed'? Something about other problems?

Lolen rubbed her temples with her index fingers for a moment. How was she going to get Nimva to tell her? A moment later she was resting her face in the palm of her hand, Nimva had been telling her when she had forced her to be silent. She couldn't compel her to reveal anything, but the demoness didn't seem inclined to keep this to herself.

Nimva smiled as she felt the compulsion to remain silent fade, Lolen turning around to face the still relaxed succubus.

"So, um, how..." Lolen cleared her throat and started again, putting more confidence into her voice. "So, how did you intend to... improve my bust?"

"I'm glad to see you reconsider, mistress." The succubus said as she stood up to her full height and ran her hands down her sides from breasts to hips. "Did you think we succubi start looking this alluring? We spend more that your brief mortal flicker perfecting our art of appearance." Nimva cocked her hips and placed a hand on her chin, studding the human before her, "Mmmm, yes. A little flesh shaping magic will do wonders for you, if you let me."

Lolen cocked an eyebrow at her demoness, so far she'd sensed nothing but the truth from her through their binding. "What do you mean by letting you?" A warlock has to be suspicious of any request made by their minions.

Nimva laughed, "I'm not asking you to release me, silly girl. I would need you to willingly submit to my magic, however. This isn't some brute tearing of flesh, this is art!"

Lolen considered a moment, her mind briefly considering her body with the succubi's curves. Well, maybe not quite so extreme, but now that the possibility had been brought up, the idea refused to be banished.

"Okay. If I agreed to this, what would I need to do? How long will it last?" Lolen kept waiting for the other shoe to drop, the catch that made it all unacceptable and let her dismiss the whole thing.

"Simply disrobe, and don't resist. The magic is delicate, but the changes are real and permanent. I'm sure you've nothing to be ashamed of under there." Nimva said encouragingly.

Lolen was feeling distinctly off balance, her instincts said not to go along, but she couldn't see any downside to agreeing. Swallowing her unease, Lolen undid her belt and pulled off her robes and under shirt, she'd dressed lightly given how warm the fire kept the cabin. Stripped naked, she turned and faced the demoness.

Nimva snickered, "Oh, I guess I was wrong." Lolen's cheeks burned, "Now, no need to get angry, I'm here to fix all that." The demoness stepped forward, several inches taller than the blond haired human. "As we discussed, let's start with the breasts." She reached out and cupped the pale mounds, lightly stroking the skin with her red, manicured nails.

A sharp intake of breath from Lolen as her breasts were suddenly touched, sensitive nipples reminding her how long it had been since she'd been touched that way by anyone but herself. "Y-yes. Just make them even, and firmer. Perkier. Nothing else."

"Well, to do that, I'll need to you to relax. Don't drop your defenses, just pull them back a bit. I can touch you, but you're still keeping me out."

Lolen closed her eyes and took a deep breath, in through her nose and slowly out through her mouth. She gripped that mental wall, the one she'd been forced to erect before she'd been allowed to dabble in the dark arts. It was strong, hard and stiff with habit, keeping everyone out. Mustering her mental strength, she pulled it back, slowly exposing more of herself. The task was harder than she ever imagined it had been, feeling like she was moving a castle wall by herself, leaving her feeling unsettled.

When it was done, she felt distinctly uneven, she also felt Nimva. It wasn't just the warmth of skin-to-skin contact anymore, her very touch tingled! Her nipples stiffened under those palms, and it became clear to the warlock just why it was so easy for succubi to seduce both men and women. Still, she could keep her out, she had only pulled back slightly.

"Wonderful. Now, let's get started. Just sit down, let me do all the work."

Nimva wasted no time, magic flowing from her palms into Lolen's now unshielded breasts, softening them, making them ready for reshaping. Long fingers stoked along the increasingly sensitive flesh, causing the human to squirm at the unexpectedly intense erotic sensation.

"Mmmmnng!" Lolen bit her lower lip to stifle her moan as her breasts began to fill out and firm up. Her legs pressed together as her mind focused on the slight increase in weight on her chest, small but her burning nerves felt every iota of new mass.

"And with a final twist," Nimva chimed in as she gripped Lolen's nipples between thumb and index fingers and twisted, making Lolen give a shuddering gasp, "For the first time in your life, you have an even, attractive pair of breast and nipples; a bit small for my tastes, but fine work if I may say so myself."

Nimva looked at her mistress levelly, smiling as the woman caught her breath, having been brought to the edge of orgasm but denied the climax by the demoness. Gathering her wits, Lolen craned her head to look at her cleavage.

"Oh, here, let me help you with that." Nimva raised her hands, and with a burst of fel-green energy, pulled a full-length mirror into the room against the wall. The reflective surface was framed by an elaborate carving all around the edge of men and women, both demonic and mortal, in various carnal acts.

Lolen gazed at her reflection, and was forced to admit, she did look better. Almost involuntarily, her hand came up and squeezed her breast, and the sensation made her shiver in delight. Firmer and more sensitive! It was too good to be true.

"It's... I mean... thank you." Lolen managed, rather stunned that it had turned out so well.

Nimva slid up behind her, breasts pressing against her back as she placed her hands on her ribs, just below her new breasts. "You're welcome, mistress." The demoness purred, adding "Please, don't stop on my account." As Lolen lowered her hand from her breast.

The succubus then slid her hands smoothly down Lolen's named sides, stopping at her hips. "We should really take care of this next. I'd be a shame to combine your fine feminine tits with these boyish hips. Plus, you face could really use some work; all of you, really"

"Uh, no. I don't think so." Lolen quickly replied, the idea of changing her body even more making her reject the offer.

"Well, that's your decision, I cannot force you. Though it was also your decision to stop your wagon directly in front of a frostsaber den, and we both know how that decision turned out." She gestured at the cabin where they had been trapped, "I'm sure the cats thought your horses were delicious. Still, if you want a man's hips, you can keep them. Just make sure no one looks lower than your chest, lest they take you for a boy." Nimva's mocking laughter filled the cabin, making Lolen's cheeks burn and fists clench.

"Be quiet!" Lolen snapped, though she did not throw the force of her magic behind the command. "Now, hand me my clothes." Her garments were soon placed in her outstretched hand, and the warlock quickly dressed. Cinching her belt, she looked at herself in the cabin's new mirror, turning this way and that to view herself. Though her breasts were no larger, their improved substance allowed them to fill her robe like she was wearing one of those fancy gnomish garments made out of silk and wire; far too expensive for her, but she had wanted one all the same, but now she had the same effect with her... enhanced assets.

Pointedly ignoring the demoness, Lolen returned to the bed, but took one look at the book of magic she had been staring at and set it aside on the table. It had been the only book on her when she had made the mistake of stopping nearly on top of a frostsaber den, no doubt her most interesting reading material was mixed in with the bones of her horses in that same den.

Lolen instead opted to stare at the window, the same solid-white view that had been there since the snow had gotten so deep it blocked the view. She could just barely make out the reflection of her face in the glass, the demonesses words lurking in the back of her mind. Did she really need that much improvement? She glanced down at her newly enhanced cleavage; she'd never considered it before, but she'd also never considered it possible before. Suddenly being both real and available caused the possibilities to weigh on her mind.

After a prolonged silence, Lolen turned back to Nimva. "What makes you think I need a... full makeover?"

"Honey, I've seen you naked and heard your life story. You have stretch marks that make you look like you got trampled by a horse and your face is so plain your head might as well be invisible, and that's just the physical." Nimva pointed to her own head for emphasis, "You need to change your approach to life, but we can work on that later. Fix the body, and the mind will follow." The demoness finished with a flourish of the hands, a true showman.

"What's wrong with my life?" Lolen huffed, feeling strangely like she was being scolded by her mom.

Nimva put the back of her hand to her forehead and struck a mock-dramatic tone. "Oh woe is me! Here I am, a shy, plain looking girl! I shall hide in the library and hope that some handsome man falls into my lap and loves me for who I truly am! In the mean time, I shall avoid all social situations and bitterly resent how men seem attracted to those who, gasp, put effort into attracting them! Oh, what a cruel world!" Nimva ended her speech by dropping her hand to her side and looking pointedly at Lolen.

Lolen's fists were clenched into tight balls of fury at being mocked like that, but the tears were because she couldn't deny it. She repeatedly squeezed her eyes shut and silently worked her lips, trying to form a response without sobbing.

A moment later, Nima's hands were on Lolen's shoulders, "Hey now, it's not that bad." She said with uncharacteristic sympathy for a succubus, "Want to know a secret?" Lolen managed a nod, "I know your story so well because I lived it." That got Lolen's attention, she looked up at the taller demoness, who reached out with her thumbs and wiped away the tears on the human's cheeks. "I said succubi don't start out looking like this, remember? Well, the truth is, we start out looking like, well, big imps. Gangly limbs and charred flesh, hard to believe, huh? I said we were lifelong masters of flesh shaping magic."

Lolen looked into Nimva's eyes, an earnest expression she'd never seen on her before. "Really?" she sniffled a bit as she got herself back under control. "Why didn't any of the master's tell us this?"

"When do you think was the last time any of those masters spent time just talking with a demon, instead of interrogating them for information or hurling them into battle?"

"Probably never." Lolen rubbed the last of the tears out of her eyes. "Look, I, thank you. I'm going to bed, I'll sleep on it." Lolen suddenly felt very tired, and very much wanted this day to be over, it had dredged up some unpleasant memories.

"Sweet dreams." Were Nimva's final words as Lolen pulled herself under the thin sheets and drifted off to sleep.

Lolen's was anything but sweet that night, her dreams filled with half-remembered childhood traumas and tempting succubi. She was always running, running because she was afraid, because she wasn't good enough, running because she didn't know why. The end of sleep came as a reliefe for her, finally free of the haunting half-memories.

"Good morning, sleepy head." Nimva saud sweetly, offering Lolen a cup of water. The demoness had no need to sleep, and thus had simply been waiting for her mortal mistress to awaken these last hours.

Lolen took the offered cup and took a sip, "Thank you, Nimva." The succubus watched her patiently, and Lolen knew she was waiting on an answer, and having slept on it, Lolen couldn't find a reason to say no.

"Well, I've decided to let you give me that makeover." Lolen said with a note of finality, "But nothing extreme! I want to be pretty, not a succubus." She quickly added.

Nimva smiled wide, "I'm so glad you decided! I'm promise you won't regret this one bit." She clapped her hands happily and studied her mistress for a moment, "Shall we start with the face and then work our way down?"

Lolen nodded in agreement, and was soon nude and facing the mirror with the succubus before her. The demoness stroked the warlock's face, her hands soft and leaving a tingling sensation in their wake as they reshaped her features. Strokes along her nose, chin, cheeks and eyebrows, removing imperfections and leaving her face pleasingly symmetrical. Nimva soon focuses on Lolen's lips, every touch of her fingers causing them to fill out, shaping them until they were full and sensual.

It was all Lolen could do to hold still under Nimva's touch, she'd never felt so much pleasure from being touched this way, it was easy to see how they could seduce the unwary. When Nimva stopped the warlock let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding, but found the succubus' hand over her eyes when she tried to open them.

"Not yet, mistress. I still need to color you and your hair." Lolen soon felt her hair being stroked and tugged, growing heavier as it gained length and volume. The warlock was then surprised when she felt lips gently kiss each of her eyelids and ending with a kiss on the lips. This kiss was more than a light touch like the others, demonic lips pressed against her own with burning passion. Suddenly, a long, destrous tongue slide between her lips and into her mounth, gliding along her own tongue and briefly touching the back of her throat before pulling back. Then the kiss was broken, it all all happened so quickly Lolen had no chance to react.

"All done, mistress. Take a look." Lolen's eyes fluttered open and beheld her flection, and the woman in the mirror was gorgeous! Her lips were full, sensual and rose pink; shining blue eyes with silver eye shadow and long, luxurious eyelashes; her skin was flawless and fair; her hair was long, shiny golden blond and slightly wavy. She didn't look much like plain Lolen, maybe a cousin, a beautiful realative.

"Wow. I'm... I'm beautiful." The awestruck warlock managed, still taking in her new features.

"And it's all permanent, unless you ask me to change it sometime in the future, of course." The succubus gave the warlock a few minutes to admire her new appearance. "Now, let's give you a body to match that face. Just lie face down and let me do all the work."

Lolen practically threw herself into the bed, finding herself eagerly looking forward to the next set of changes. Nimva wasted no time, her hands soon stroked the human from the nape of her neck, over her back to her rump and down her legs to her toes. As she stroked and worked her mistresses back, skin became smooth and flawless, stretch marks and old scars vanishing.

Nimva, having finished with Lolen's skin, focused on the girl's hip and buttocks. Under her touch the cheeks began to grow, firm and smooth, the perfect mix of muscle and fat, but still too narrow. Lolen could feel the tingling building up to a new level of intensity when Nimva's hands gripped the girls hips firmly and began to pull in opposite directions! It was like she had been struck by lightning, her fingers curling into the bedding under her as her lower body widened under the succubus' magic.

Lolen's head spun, she hadn't been ready for the mix of pleasure and pain that had so suddenly assaulted her and put up no resistance as she was rolled over and those demonic hands stroked over her full body again. Sliding up and down her arms and sides and stroking her breasts again, then then moved lower, magic causing her belly to become smooth, soft and strong.

"Ahhhh!" she moaned as the succubus' hand went between her legs, stroking over her moist nether lips.

"I'm glad you liked that, mistress. I've gotten rid of all that unwanted body hair for you." She said, holding out a hand filled with dark blonde hairs from all over her body before tossing them aside. Stroking her legs some more, the demoness continued, "We are almost done, mistress. Just one thing left." Her hand returned again to Lolen's loins, fingers resting on the wet, swollen lips. "It's not just about attracting someone with looks; it's about what you do with them afterwards. I can give you the ability to please men and women like you never thought possible, you simply have to let me inside you. Wouldn't you like that?"

Nimva's fingers danced along Lolen's overstimulated pussy, stroking her clit and dragging her nails lightly along the exposed lips, keeping the human on the edge of orgasm "Y-yes! Go i-in!"

"You need to let me in; just a little farther, like before."

Breathing heavily, Lolen shut her eyes and tried to concentrate on easing back her mental defenses a bit more, but it was so hard. She'd never felt so good before, and her mind kept wandering as she tried to ease back. Mustering her strength, she wildly threw back her defenses, giving the demoness free reign of her body, and was rewarded by the feeling of those fingers plunging into her depths, plunging her into orgasm.

"AHHHHHHH!!" Lolen screamed, her velvety inner walls clamping down hard on the succubus' fingers and pleasure coursed through her body. She thrashed on the bed as long minutes of near climax was released all at once. Limbs trembling with release, she gazed up at the horned figure who's fingers were still inside her, smiling down at the warlock.

"That was quite the show, Lolen. Thank you for letting me in, I we will both enjoy what comes next." Without letting the human reply, the demoness plunged a third finger into the girl's pussy, then a fourth, and finally began to slide her entire fist inside.

"UuuhnnnN!" Lolen moaned out as Nimva's fist slide deeper, she felt like she was being stretched slightly wider than her body could stand, and intense feeling of pressure and pleasure and being over full. Deeper and deeper, impossibly deep, she felt like the demon was about to crawl inside her as she stretch and expanded to accommodate the arm extended inside her body. It was too much, but she didn't want it to stop, her muscles tingling with magic, squeezing the pleasurable intruder.

Then Nimva's limb began to withdraw, relief flowed through her as the pressure was released, yet also a sense of emptiness. With a wet, squelching pop Nimva's fist was removed from Lolen's pussy, dripping with the girl's juices.

"With a cunt like that, you should be able to hilt a tauren, but still be tight enough for an imp!" She giggled while licking her fingers clean.

"I... ha... I said... nothing extreme." Lolen protested through her gasping breaths, the feelings from the expansion of her vagina having left her feeling weak and drained.

"I know you did, but I have much better ideas for you, my little pet." The demoness sat astride the human, placing both her hands on the the woman's breasts and began to channel the flesh shaping magic into the orbs, causing them to grow and expand.

"Ahhhhaah! Nooo! I -AH!- I commannnnd you to s-s-stoppp!" Her mind was getting hammered with waves of pleasure as the demoness worked, far more intense than what she had experienced before. A glance down at her chest, and her small breasts had already swelled to three times their previous size.

"You command NOTHING! You threw down you defenses for the promise of pleasures of the flesh, now you shall get it!" The full weight of the succubus' seductive magic pressed in on Lolen's mind, crushing what feeble defenses remained and leaving her helpless in Nimva's grip as her body was transformed further

"Up up up, sexy. Come look at yourself." Lolen found herself lifted up by the demon's thin but powerful arms so she could see herself in the mirror. She looked similar, but now her body screamed SEX to all onlookers. Her wide hips, thin waist and massive tits gave her body an exaggerated hourglass. Her face had changed subtly, becoming sultrier.

"Are we just the prettiest little whore!" The succubus gave her boob a poke, causing the warlock to moan in pleasure.

"Please, don't. Change me back." Lolen begged.

"Why would I ever want to do something like that? I'm not even done yet." The demon's long nailed finger burst into green flame, and she had soon scratched a glowing green magic circle into the floor of the cabin and then placed the helpless human in the center.

"You might be a pretty little whore, but to stand out, you'll need a touch of the exotic." Nimva's hand shot under the bed, and with a squeal pulled the white snow hare out from its hiding place under the bed. The succubi gazed into the frightened rabbit's eyes, and the creature went limp, alowing itself to be placed in the circle beside Lolen.

"What are you going to do to me?" She felt like a fool, she'd let a demon work her way into her trust, and she was in her power, and inside she feared what a 'touch of the exotic' would mean.

"And spoil the surprise? You'll know soon enough." The succubus moved immediately into her incantations, the intensity of the arcane symbol's glow increased steadily until the entire cabin was bathed in green light.

Lolen looked at the passively sitting rabbit, and realize both she and were surrounded by a corona of green flames. Moments later, both she and the bunny began to float in the air and her limbs were stretch out, is if pulled by a terrific force! The rabbit hovered in the air in front of her in a similar pose, slowly coming closer until it pressed against her breasts... and began sinking into her!

Lolen wanted to scream, but the magic held her fast, preventing even the slightest motion while the rabbit merged with her. Her initial terror aside, it didn't hurt, in fact, where the rabbit sank into here, it only felt strangely warm, and the warmth began to spread throughout her body.

She wanted to scream in fear and moan in pleasure as the bunny vanished into her and the warmth filled her up. The heat flowed through her, collecting in her hands, feet, the base of her spine and the top of her head. The heat and pressure built until each of those places exploded into snow white fur and began to change.

And with unsettling abruptness, the magic was over, and Lolen collapsed to the ground, the magic circle nothing more than a scorch mark on the wooden floor.

"Stand up, my little bunny. Stand up and get a good look at yourself."

As she stood up Lolen absently wondered if this was what it was like to be a bound demon, unable to disobey even if her thoughts were still her own. She turned to look at her reflection, and her mouth fell open in an O of surprise. Two tall, white rabbit ears crowned her head, slightly bent in an attractive way. Looking lower, she realized both her hands and feet had become like rabbit paws, each one with four large, fluffy white digits capped with a small, blunt claw tip. It took Lolen only a moment to realize that she had no thumbs, and her hands were useless for anything requiring a fine grip.

Nimva circled behind the bunny girl and gave her fluffy cotton tail a yank, alerting the girl to its existence. Peering over her shoulder, she gave the new extremity a wiggle.

"That's just adorable." Giggled the demon, a cruel edge to her voice.

"Why did you do this to me?" Lolen asked, though she suspected she wouldn't like the answer.

"Oh, my little bunny, when a warlock binds you to them you have a awfully long time to dream up ways of getting revenge. I will admit, this was a last minute bit of inspiration, and I'm not even done!" The demoness stepped forward, grabbing Lolen by her long blond locks and pulling her head back even as their breasts pressed against each other. "The best part was when you believed my bullshit sob story."

The succubus leaned in and pressed her lips to the bunny girl's, her long tongue sliding into her mouth as her resistance crumbled under the demons aura of lust. The prehensile length turned and twisted, tasting her flesh, but so much more, her unprotected mind and soul as well.

When the demoness broke the kiss and pulled back, Lolen felt conflicted. She knew she should try to resist, but she wasn't sure why she should fight something that felt so good. Nimva saw the confusion in her eyes and once again pressed their lips together.

When the third kiss came, Lolen kissed back.


Little Bunny Lolen moaned and screamed with unrestrained pleasure as the tauren hilted himself inside her, repeatedly slamming his massive sack into the bunny girl's plush rump.

"So tigggght! HnnngggGG!" Grunted the bull as he came, his seed exploding in the exotic little slut under him.

Little Bunny Lolen had become one of the many exotic attractions at Madam Goya's Brothel in the Mists. What the unique bunny girl had been exchanged for, Madam Goya would not say, she kept her business deals, especially those with demons, a well-guarded secret.

What was known, was that bunny girl had an insatiable sexual appetite, and in spite of being able to take a tauren's full length, was tight enough for even the smallest of Madam Goya's customers.