The Blackout

Story by MinoasT on SoFurry

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#2 of Growing up in Oak City

This story is a work of fiction and in no way is intended to resemble any person, place, or thing

that is living or dead. It contains scenes of a graphic sexual nature between consenting males.

If this offends you or is just not you cup of tea, please consider yourself warned. Copyright

resides with me, the author, and distribution of this work must be approved by the author.

Please and Thanks!

The events in this story take place after the events in ‘The Interview'. Just so you know!

The stars shown brightly in the night sky above as a lone figure walked the dark streets.

No moon made it even more difficult to see his house from the street. As he passed under a dark

street light, Kyle realized that there were no lights on at any of the houses. It was strange since

the Sandersons always left the light over their garage door lit up all night. Then there was old

lady Johnson who kept her porch light on day and night.

"A blackout?" the teen bull wondered aloud as he ran a hand through his long wavy hair.

As he pulled on one horn absently, he listened to the clomp, clomp, clomp of his hoofed feet.

"And why isn't Dean here already? I thought we were meeting at midnight?"

Kyle looked down at his watch and saw that it was now twenty after midnight. He

walked a bit further down the street before turning around to pace back toward his car. A beat up

old Charger his mom used to drive, Kyle had spent every spare moment since the attack at

Treslex to clean and fix up the last human built car in existence. Or Oak City, at least. It was

then that he saw a glow to the south. He knew that there was only farm land in that direction and

eventually the river curled back that way. There was a power plant down there somewhere, but

he'd never been out there to be sure. He glanced to the west where there was usually a glow

from the downtown lights. He saw only darkness and the bright glow of stars.

"This ain't good. Ain't good at all," Kyle muttered. He jogged back to the beat up old

Charger and yanked open the door. That was when he heard the familiar slap of footsteps

coming fairly fast.

"Ky!" came Dean's voice through the dark. "Wait up, bro!"

"You're late, lamb boy," Kyle called as the dark silhoette of his best friend came into

view. "Forget to set the alarm?"

"Alarm didn't go off," huffed Dean as Kyle opened the door and cast a faint light across

the pair. "Power's out at our place. If it wasn't for my watch alarm, I probably wouldn't have

woken at all."

Kyle shook his head as he climbed into the tight space behind the wheel. A glance over

to Dean showed the short ram was already pulling his seat belt on before even closing the door.

With a smile stretch back along his muzzle, Kyle jammed the key into the ignition and gave it a


The engine roared to life as they closed their doors. He could hear the dogs barking at the

sudden noise as he put the car into gear. "Do you know what's going on? I didn't even turn

lights on before leaving."

"Don't have the foggiest, bro," Dean answered as hands clenched at the dash when Kyle

made a fast turn onto Carter Avenue. "And do you have to drive like a madman?"

"I drive better than my mom," Kyle gave his usual response. "And yes, I know that's


"Just saying," Dean smiled despite the fear in those black wool framed eyes. "So what's

the plan tonight?"

"Mom had wanted me to try and find this dude who's trying to avoid being served a

subpeona," Kyle explained. "It looks to me like the power's off all over town. There isn't even

the usual downtown glow. The dude will use that to his advantage and might as well be

invisible. How about instead we drive south and check out that glow. Whatcha think?"

"Why not go find some fun?" Dean slid a hand to Kyle's leg and up toward his crotch.

"You been keeping to yourself a lot since the incident."

Kyle smiled and let his friend lightly rub his crotch. Dean had been hitting on him for

years and he usually never gave in to more than a little bit of oral action. Anything more and he

worried that his friend would discover his secret. Strange, he knew, but it seemed to work for

them. Dean, he knew, practically worshiped the ground he walked on, but never pushed if Kyle

decided he needed space or time alone. It made him wonder for the hundredth time just what he

should tell Dean. The ram was his best friend and probably already had figured it out, but Kyle

had never spoken the words. It just seemed like something that would change their relationship,

and not for the better. For the long minutes it took to reach Route 7, he sat trying to come up

with an explanation.

"The answer that will get you a blow job," Dean prompted while leaning toward him, "is


"Sorry, bro," Kyle smiled as he headed east on Route 7 and glanced down at the horns

curling up over and down beside the head now laying on his shoulder. "It's taken me a while to

come down off the weird train. You probably know everything that happened by now

considering the way news travels through this town."

"You were attacked, fought back, and won," Dean said while working that hand down to

massage Kyle's large pair of balls. "Some are saying rape while others say murder. You going

to finally talk about it now that it's been nearly two months?"

"It was rape, or attempted rape," Kyle blurted out before he even realized he was going to

speak. "The owner was a changeling and so was his daughter. What's really got me is the fact

that the daughter was Sylvia."

Dean was silent for a moment. Kyle could feel his friend's hand kneading and rubbing

his balls without pause. Finally, Dean spoke, "The pig was only there for looks, as I recall you

telling me last fall. Are you mad that she played you or that you weren't actually porking a pig?"

"Porking a pig?" Kyle nudged his friend playfully. "That the best you can come up


"At one in the morning and on only three hours of sleep? Yep!" Dean said. "So you

going to tell me what's really bugging you or do I need to start twenty questions?"

"I'm that transparent?" Kyle noticed that there was no traffic on the highway. It

connected Oak City to the old human highway system. Trucks were usually on the road day and


"To the guy that's known you since seventh grade? Come on, Kyle. Sometimes I think I

know you better than you know yourself," Dean said while sitting back up. "You think you keep

secrets, but there's very little you can keep from me."

"You think you know me better than I do?" Kyle sped up as he glanced to the south. The

red glow had faded while the city lights had still not come back on. "Then tell me what my

biggest secret is."

"Your pussy," Dean stated.

Kyle's control of the Charger wavered for a moment. Dean's statement hit him like a

physical blow. "" was all he could muster. To try and cover, he muttered something

about almost missing the turn off.

"Do you remember the first time you woke up cumming in my mouth?" Dean slid that

hand back to Kyle's crotch as Kyle turned the car onto a narrow gravel road that headed south.

"Seventh grade spring break," Kyle smiled as he looked over at Dean. Then realization

struck and the smile turned into a shock. "While I was asleep?"

"You've always slept like a log, bro," Dean laughed. "I was playing with your balls and

was working my way down to your ass. All you did was moan something followed by ‘my

pussy' before snoring in your sleep. I found it easily enough and fingered it a bit. Then I played

with the ass before going back to sucking on your cock."

"Always the cock, isn't it?" Kyle laughed. "We had so much fun that spring break."

"Your brother kept trying to find us and failing," Dean laughed at the memories. "I think

the only reason he didn't was the fact we had each other's cock in our mouths."

"Mmmm," Kyle thought about that memory and all the other times the two of them had

played around. He seemed to enjoy those times a lot more than he any he'd had with any of his

girlfriends. "Have you ever done that sort of thing with anyone else, Dean?"

"What? Suck dick?" Dean started to stroke Kyle's erection through the denim of his

shorts. "A few of my cousins like me to give'm blow jobs after school or such. Then there's that

time in Delliton Valley with my dad and uncle."

Kyle laughed and wrapped an arm around his friend's shoulder. "Anyone else? You

make it sound like your family is interested only in sex."

"That pretty much sums it up, bro," Dean answered. Kyle felt the ram's fingers pull on

his zipper. "Did I ever tell you that my dad let it slip to me that my youngest brother may

actually be my nephew?"

"What?!" Kyle slammed on the brakes. As the car screeched to a stop, he tightened his

grip on his friend to keep him from slamming into the dash.

As Dean started to say something, a huge ball of fire lit the sky to the southeast. Then a

deep rumbling shook the car as a strong wind buffeted the Charger. After slamming it into a

park, Kyle jumped out of the car. He glanced over the Charger as Dean jumped out also.

"Damn, Kyle," Dean gasped. "What the hell is that?"

"Something exploded and big time," Kyle pointed at the huge reddish glow just over the

horizon. "Isn't that the direction of the power plant?"

"Well, now we know the reason for the blackout," Dean commented. "We aren't headed

over there, are we?"

"I was just going to take us to the river. There's a blanket and some snacks in the back,"

Kyle answered. "Originally I figured we'd find the guy, snap some pics to prove his location,

and then head out to the river to watch the sunrise."

"And do what? Suck cock?" Dean suggested over the top of the car. "And what are you

doing over there?"

"Taking off my shorts," Kyle answered as he tossed the shorts to the back seat. "Since

you already know about my extra hole, I figured you should just have free reign to do what you


"And here it's not even my birthday yet," Dean laughed. "Maybe I'll go pants-free too."

Kyle pulled off his shirt before he climbed back behind the wheel. Looking over, he

watched as Dean tossed shoes, sock, shorts, and finally underwear into the back of the Charger.

Dressed only in that collared orange t-shirt, Dean shut the passenger door and walked around the


"What are you doing?" Kyle was shocked when the ram opened his door and climbed in.

"I plan on riding my bull down to the river," Dean answered while contorting himself

onto Kyle's lap. "Thankfully your cock has a mind of it's own."

Kyle smiled as Dean reached down to adjust Kyle's erection. He felt the heat of Dean's

buttocks as his friend positioned himself onto Kyle's still semi-erect cock. It took only Dean's

black skinned hands to hold it for his cock to almost pop to full staff. As he helped Dean

squeeze legs into the tight space behind the wheel, he could feel the tight ring of Dean's ass push

down on the head of his cock.

"Are you expecting me to drive with you like this?" Kyle whispered as he felt Dean's ass

loosen enough to let his thick cock head inside.

"I've always wanted to ride your eighteen inches like this," Dean huffed as arms wrapped

around Kyle's neck and Dean settled that fuzzy head onto his shoulder. "Hit a few bumps, would


Kyle reached down and shifted into gear. Like a lion leaping toward his prey, the Charger

jerked forward. Dean moaned in pleasure as Kyle thought how much it felt like he had a giant

pillow laying against his chest and sitting on his cock. Soft, fluffy and warm, every bounce of

the road was felt by Dean bouncing up and down on his cock, albeit very slightly. Every slip of

Dean's ass on his cock sent shivers throughout his body. As he tried to watch the road, Kyle

wondered why Dean suddenly was so forward.

"C...c...cum in," Dean moaned soft and throaty.

Kyle shifted gears as he sped up. He had come to know this last human made vehicle and

was confident it could take the gravel road. As he steered with one hand, Kyle grabbed a thick

handful of Dean's curly wool and pulled down. "Not until you've got it all in ya," he growled.

"Aaaaahh," Dean cried as Kyle felt something hot and wet hit his belly. "Fuck your

bitch, cowboy. Make me yours! Oh gods! Fuck'n yeah!"

Kyle gritted his teeth together as he did his best to stay on the road and force his cock

further and further into his friend. This now was the docile, almost timid ram he knew and called

his best friend. This was the fluffy little sheep boy that had professed his love in those early

morning hours on their first day of spring break so many years ago. Always eager to please,

never bold enough to ask for more than Kyle was willing to give. He knew that his silence since

that horrible interview had been roughest on Dean. If he could open up and tell his best friend

everything and keep him as a friend, then he knew that he could sit on that witness stand and tell

the world.

"I..." Kyle moaned as he felt his balls pull up toward his body. "I'm gonna..."

"Do it!" Dean yelled into the base of his neck. "Fill me with your cum! Brand my ass!

Fucking brand me your bitch!"

Kyle couldn't hold it. His eyes clenched shut as he felt his balls explode. Vaguely aware

he was driving, Kyle gripped Dean's back and shoved the ram as far down onto his cock as

possible. Like his whole body convulsed with his cock, Kyle felt every inch of his cock swell

and burn. Instead of the pulsing action of previous climaxes, this time his balls just opened up

and shot what he was sure was a constant stream of cum.

Dean's head jerked up as the ram tried to arc back towards the dash. Kyle could see the

look of shock and intense pleasure as the ram's cock sent thick streamers of cum into the air

between them. Kyle felt several hit his neck and chin while his cock seemed to pour gallons and

gallons of cum into Dean's ass. Never had he cum for so long or so intensely.

"Gods," Dean gasped as Kyle felt his balls slow the cum to a trickle.

"Sweet merciful Cupis," says Kyle between his gasps for air. "I thought we were dead for


Dean slowly sagged laid down onto Kyle's chest. As feeling seemed to return to the rest

of his body, Kyle ran his hand up Dean's back until it reached his friends head. With a handful

of his friends curly hair, Kyle pulled Dean's lips to his own. Dean responded immediately by

parting those lips. As tongue met tongue, Kyle wrapped both arms around the ram and tightly

hugged Dean to himself. He pushed his tongue into his friend's mouth, probing and feeling

every bit from the teeth, the tongue and finally the back of the mouth. Dean for his part, started

to suck on that tongue. Suck on it like it was a cock come to pump his belly full of that delicious

bovine goodness.

"I love you, Ky," whispered Dean in a small, desperate voice. "I've loved you since the

first time I met you. I've waited and supported and watched as you try to fit in with everyone

else. But I'm done waiting and watching. Let me show you what real love can be like. You may

find you like it."

Kyle didn't say anything. He leaned his head forward until their foreheads touched. As

he ran both hands up and down Dean's back, Kyle tried to figure out how to say what he felt.

"I've hidden and denied what I am for a long time. Neither man or woman, I'm some twisted

freak of both."

"Never a freak, Ky," Dean corrected with hands holding both sides of Kyle's face.

"I'm a hermaphrodite, Dean," Kyle felt a lump rise to his throat as he concentrated his

eyes on that Dean's chest.. "And I realize now that my entire life has been a lie. Everyone knew

and that's why none of the sports wanted me. And now with the trial coming up of those

changelings, I'll have to get up on that witness stand and tell the world that I'm a hermaphrodite.

I won't be normal. I won't be just like everyone else."

"What are..." Dean's voice broke as a sob seemed to be stifled back.

"You're my oldest and best friend, Dean," Kyle said after swallowing that lump again,

"and I've known how you feel about me for a long time. I don't know how I feel about you, but

I'm willing to find out. If you're willing to put up with more weirdness than normal from me."

"You can't even begin to imagine how long I've waited to hear those words," Dean said

as tears ran down his cheeks. Dean then pushed their lips together again.

It was even longer this time before their lips parted. When they did, Dean fell forward

and tightly hugged Kyle back. "Don't say what you don't feel," Dean whispered as Kyle felt

tears soak the fur on his shoulder. "Just know that I'll always be here for you."

The Interview

The Interview by MinoasT "Charlie!" yelled Kyle as the hot water suddenly stopped flowing. Jumping back, the seventeen year old quickly shoved the shower head off his still soapy fur. "Cut the shit out! I have to get ready for an interview."...

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