The Labyrinth of Time - Chapter 3

Story by Grimscale on SoFurry

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She groaned low and deep, stretching against the form of the male behind her, feeling his shaft shift within her as she stretched out the sleep. Her groan vented into a cooing sigh as her hand moved back to find his hip and she began to caress him lovingly with her hand while, of course, her hips began to rock ever so subtlely against his, her vaginal muscles kneading and tugging lovingly at him. Since she was awake, it would be nice if he were as well. She grinned coyly then; even if he did not awake it would still be exquisite.

She drew her arm up, curling it around his head, twisting her torso so that she could face him, her leg lifting upward and sliding back over his hip as she opened herself to him while she rode him. His length was buried deep, the knot was no longer distended and no longer bound them as one. She could move upon him now and she did so with soft winces of pleasure, her maw parted as she watched him intently. She was doing all the work while he still slept or seemed to be asleep.

The force of her motions began to gently rock his body, she squelched her outcries of pleasure, allowing only high-pitched whispers and whimpers to escape her lips as she rode onward, experiencing a delicious climax. Her free hand snaked down between her parted legs, lightly caressing her clit, just enough to set her off on a series of mini climaxes, tiny multiples. Her maw was parted in silent blissful outcry as her juices washed over his length and loins, spilling onto her thigh and lubricating her folds, matting their fur.

It was then that she noticed he was not the feline that had mated her the night before and he had not left her at all during their slumber. Now he was a minotaur, his fur was quite intriguing. His shoulders were striped much like a tiger, the colors smearing evenly and nicely into each other from orange to brown; while his thighs were spotted like a cheetah again, the coloring smeared and blended perfectly and evenly from orange to black. He was magnificent to behold; a slumbering behemoth behind her; his physique chiselled and hard. He was her shelter and her strength. She whimpered softly as she drove her body into a trembling mass of pleasure, riding him with gentle rocking motions, climaxing steadily yet her hips would jerk against his roughly from time to time as a really deep climax erupted, seemingly from her toes!

She shivered visibly as she felt his knot swelling, crying out in soft, squelched whispers as she moved hard and fast against him, yet she maintained just enough control to keep from pummelling him into wakefulness, taking great agonizing care not to jar and jolt his form in the slightest way. He hand snapped back to clasp his firm buttock, which she could now feel flexing in her grasp as he began to respond to her naturally in his unconscious state. Her body was tensed, coiling for the spring. Her muscles were screaming in protest and a sudden cramp caused her to cry aloud only to have her snap her mouth shut to quell the outcry.

She nuzzled her hips against his, grinding and rocking against him furiously, her swollen clit rubbing deliciously against him, sending pulses of electricity coursing through her. She was amazed that he couldn't feel it's tingles coursing through her. As his knot locked them together suddenly, she knew he did indeed feel her pleasures and as he spewed suddenly and hotly into her, she cried aloud with her pleasures as his hot seed invaded and filled her every nook and cranny, leaving no surface within her spared of its heat.

She was in control and due to this she lost control, allowing herself to go beyond her limits. He was still unconscious in slumber, oblivious to their surrender yet no doubt he would know and eventually remember this somehow. She no longer guarded her outcries, allowing them to blare out freely into the labyrinth, mingling with the outcries of the countless others hidden beyond.

He gave a sudden lunge against her, driving deeply before relaxing with an audible sigh of relief while she continued to climax, her eyes closing as her breath became short and choppy gasps and gulps for air. Then she passed out, losing herself to the bliss that was him.


She awoke several hours later. Although time was not pertinent in the Labyrinth, days and nights still cycled normally. This time she awoke empty of him. He lay with his back to her, nuzzled against her. His shaft had become flaccid and retreated within the protective confines of his sheath. He lay in his natural form, that of the massive minotaur. She rolled her form into his, wrapping her arms around him and squeezing him lovingly, hoping to rouse him from his slumber so that he might mate her again. Her loins quivered at this thought and she squirmed behind him with need yet he simply sighed in his slumber for she had exhausted him early with her needs. She smiled lovingly and kissed him before rising to her feet.

She moved to the fountain in the center of the Reception Hall and waded into it. The cold water was exhilerating and woke her rapidly. The dried up matting of their united essences rinsed away with the gentle coaxing of her hands as she cleansed her soft fur. She was bathing so that she could watch him, a soft smile curling the corners of her mouth. She closed her eyes and submerged herself, drawing in a deep breath as she did so.

It was then as she submerged that she became encompassed by tendrils, wrapping and coiling around her arms, legs, waist and head. She was lifted from the water silently, only the sounds of drops smacking the pavement could be heard as she could not cry out, her muzzle had been clamped shut by countless tendrils and she had the sense of being carried aloft. She could not see her assailant as she lost sight of her minotaur lover still obliviously slumbering as her plight became dire.

She could only manage a muffled whimper through the tendril strands encompassing her muzzle as she was spirited away from her lover, carried to the edge of the Reception Hall where she was carried into a passage. Her assailant could not wait however and so she was lowered, still bound by the countless tendrils to the ground then drawn on her back gently over the grass until she was moved beneath something she could not recognize. The thing had no real features; it appeared to be the body of a beast without the neck or head. There were three eyes, one brown, one blue and one green. What appeared to be fur was actually the tendrils which bound her. The creature was rather large and stocky, its thick powerful forelegs moved to her hips while its larger hind legs siddled between hers, spreading her open as its body bowed almost in half.

As the creature's hind legs moved between hers, her own legs spread and draped over them or more accurately were guided by the tendrils of fur. She could feel the tendrils releasing and engaging as they quickly guided her legs around the legs of the creature so that her sex was presented to it freely. The creature suddenly began to hump the air, shivering and shuddering as its smaller forelegs wrapped and curled tightly around her slender waist, drawing her toward it. She could feel the heated spattering of seed washing over her crotch, soaking her folds and anus, her tail and thighs with its creamy heat.

She wasn't interested nor excited for this creature. She was horrified at the monstrosity, her eyes wide with fear. They opened even wider when she felt the probings at her anus and vaginal openings simultaneously. She jerked her hips aside only to have the creature's forelegs wrap tighter and hold her effectively in place, the tendrils wrapped tighter around her arms, legs, waist and muzzle as she became immobilized. All she could do was close her eyes tightly and growl with rage at what was about to happen.

The creature was in desperate need and wasted no time in plunging deeply into both of her tight tunnels with its double phallus. The lower of the two was longer and as the knot of the top phallus began to engorge within her, she realized why. When she became locked with the creature, both shafts reached into her and as the shaft within her sex locked within her due to the now engorged knot, she could feel the shaft within her anus withdraw slightly due to the knot.

This did not mean the creature would remain immobilized however. The shaft within her sex became a pivot, keeping them locked as one while the beast rocked slowly and steadily, making the shaft within her anus thrust and withdraw in steady rhythm, the whole time the beast was climaxing, spewing its heated essences into her body. The tendrils were not strategically positioned by any means. The creature could not see nor sense where it was grabbing her. It could only sense her body heat. It did not know if she was in heat and ready for mating. That did not matter. All that mattered was that it needed to mate.

Her muffled growl of rage and hatred went unnoticed as the creature continued to pump and hump her, its two shafts convulsing with pleasureably jerky movements of power within her, causing her pleasures to betray her as her growls turned to groans of mixed pleasure and defeat. To make matters worse, her hips, her body began to respond willingly to the creature, her legs flexing as she used them to tug at the creature, feeling pins and needles of pleasure over every millimeter of her flesh. It was then that she noticed the tendrils were knitting through her fur and burrowing into her flesh, fusing her literally with the creature just as she began to climax.

Hers eyes rolled back leaving only the whites exposed as she jolted in unison with the creature in gentle, continual climax, their endless eternity beginning. She felt the constant sensation of being dizzy and her mind began to wander, her moans and groans audible and loud now as the scent of their mating filled the air, their sounds mingling with the scents. She was now a mindless wretch, currently trapped in the memory of her past, those moments just before she arrived here to this wonderful... pleasure-filled... paradise. Was she in Heaven? Constant orgasm--it had to be Heaven! Being mated now by her minotaur lover. She clutched to him tighter, drawing him closer, deeper, loving the double penetration... She could not stop cumming!