Survivng Solitude Part 8

Story by Enur47 on SoFurry

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I was mortified with what I abruptly came to find. Not only was I weak from my grand entrance, something I planned would've been smoother, but also furious in the fact that they infiltrated my room and ruined it. Like wild bears in a kitchen. Outraged, I walked up and grasped Chase's neck. My good friend betrayed me like this!? I expected a warmer welcome from them, but it seems my day got more sh*tier than what had already happened. With anger fueling my strength, I snapped his neck. A soft whine was the last of him. Daniel cowered on the other side of the bed, aghast. Picking up a large shard of glass off the floor, I walked over to him, grinning wickedly. He tried to crawl away, but I was quick to strike before he struck down his paralyzing fear. His chest and shoulders sifted through the Nile River. In the end, all that was left was being alone. I'll be alone like before, surviving in solitude.

* * *

I awoke from the nightmare sweating my mattress into a marsh. The feelings, movement, emotion; everything felt so real. Pleasure, pain, sorrow, happiness, and love were mixed all in an emotional roller coaster that stopped when the sky turned a dark, pale blue. Getting up, and not bothering to put on any clothes, I walked to Nate's room. There, he slept in his baby blue comforter, on his side, the blanket's corner barely covering his fluffiness. Quietly, I crept over and shook him lightly. His eyes stirred a bit, those blue eyes glowing softly in the dim light of the hall.

"Hi there." I whispered with a smile. He smiled back and mouthed 'hi'. "Go get Daniel and meet Chase and I in Grant's room. Ok?" I ordered quietly.

"Why?" He asked getting up, I being in between his legs. He had morning side to him, even though his face said sleep time. This made my little buddy jump up a little bit.

"I'll explain in a while." With that said, we left his room, and into the others'. Walking into Chase's room, which was the smallest of our rooms, he slept on the far wall. His single bed was covered by a red blanket, which was completely off and on the floor. His tail was covering his canyon. With a step in the room, he turned to show off his length to me. Did everyone sleep naked? Once was awake, I lead the sleepy husky to Grant's room, where the other three were. Well, everyone seemed to sleep naked. Had to break the ice some day, anyways.

"What are we doing here?" Demanded Grant. Everyone was circled on his bed.

"Let me explain what happens, since this was a dream of our future," I paused for a second, "it isn't a good one either."

After I told them everything, we agreed on my omen, and went outside. Again, nobody had put on any clothes. In the living room, we sat around, and listened to "Hush, Hush, Hush" by Henry Hall on an old phonograph Grant's great grandmother kept. As we sat for a while, waiting for it to be the time we would leave to hunt, except we wouldn't go today, we sat around singing and playing "tug of war". Nate had the longest canon (to his face), but Grant was the fastest to fire (in two minutes). Daniel had the most fired (eight shots), and Chase the loudest (he practically screamed). I was in between everyone. The spent ships drifted in the ocean with celebratory aromas of magical scents.

"I haven't done that in over three years." Puffed Daniel, all of us agreeing in unison. After a while of cleaning up the debris, we still had an hour to kill, and the battle ships had reinforcements. So once again, the battle of the five powers ended in the same result, but in a larger outcome due to aid from allies.

When it was over, Daniel rested on top of Chase, who's head rested on the stomach of Grant. Then Nate had his legs wrapped around Grant's legs, and I was hugging Nate from behind. Everyone was on the floor. It was such a blissful time, with soft music playing in the background. When there was a knock at the door, everyone got up to put on a robe or towel. Grant, being the owner, answered the door with a towel over his crotch, since he didn't have enough time to wrap himself.

"Hello sir, uh. Come in." Grant said, the two men came in with perplexed looks and sniffing noses. It did look odd, a lion, ram, bull, wolf and dog in a room, practically naked and with a pungent man smell in the air.

"Yeah, we are looking for help for my friend," Said Liam the goat, gesturing to the Fox in jeans cut short to above the knee, and a plaid shirt over his shoulder, " 'm smugl'n him outa town." The fox stared lustfully at Nate, who was blushing.

"I'm Shane." He simply said that, making full contact to Nate, even walking straight to him and ignoring everyone else. Looking at Grant, who had jealousy in his eyes, I decided to take Shane away from Nate for the time being.

"Why don't I show you the bedrooms and the situation for roommates and such things." I said, leading him up the stairs. "To your left is my former room, where your friend and his wife will sleep. Across that room is Chase's room, the husky, and Chase and Daniel will be there. Nate and I will be in the one all the way down the hall and to the right. Across that will be where you and Grant will be. In between you guys and Liam, will be his son and father." He seemed content with the plan, but frowned slightly when I mentioned that Nate and I will sleep together. But it was for the good of Nate to get some sleep here with those two temptations.

That night, I slept on the floor, while Nate was on his bed.

"Aiden?" He asked.

"Yeah?" I said.

"Remember when we fooled around that one time as kids?" He asked, propping up onto an elbow.

"I saw your memory. And yes, why?"

There was a pause before he spoke, "... I wanted to do something like that again."

"What did you have in mind?" I asked, kneeling down beside his face so we were inches from one another's lips. He smiled and patted on the bed, lifting the covers. When I slipped in, he scooted over to where our lengths met. This sent shivers up and down my body. His cold hands rubbing our heated organs was such a good feeling. But the climax is always much better, as we hugged afterwards in the post-orgasmic aroma that filled the room.

"I never want to loose you." Said Nate after a moment of silence.

All I had to say was, "Cherish each moment as if it were your last."