Solomon - The Son of the Legendary Silver - Chapter 10 - Cold reality, Warm feelings

Story by Shingomera on SoFurry

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#10 of Legends

next one. Have hopefully fun

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Solomon - The Son of the Legendary Silver - Chapter 10 - Cold reality, Warm feelings

Deep in the night in Solomon's dream

Solomon was having a nightmare again but this time it had changed. The first part of it was still the same until he came to the point of where he normally only saw a white creature. This creature had now been replaced by a white Ninetails. He looked closer to see who it was now and he saw that it was Conny. Now everything changed. He saw that the in smoke filled creature had also changed into a Mightyena which had the size of 4 Arcanine standing on top of each other. This Mightyena was still laughing while it tried to grab Conny. Conny saw this and began to run away towards Solomon who was still in his Cage. First it looked like that she was running on place but then she reached the cage and moved her both paws straight into Solomon's position. It was more than clear that she waited for his help and he really wanted to help her but his Body didn´t moved. No matter how hard he tried to move he didn´t did a move. Conny was still on his cage and he could clearly see that she was pleading with her Eyes for help until the Mightyena grabbed her back. Finally his Body responded and he ran forward and tried to catch one of her paws but it was too late. The Mightyena dragged her towards him and then lifted her up until she was hanging in front of his mouth.

Solomon was now standing on the Cage door and desperately tried to open it by force but it didn´t moved. Then he heard her screaming in Pain and pure horror but only for a second. On that moment she went silent he looked over to her and saw that her Body or only her Head was hanging in between his fangs. She was death and he hadn´t helped her to avoid it. His heart began to feel empty and in his Mind was only hate left. The hate began to rise inside of him until it began to manifest by letting his Body began to melt away and replaced by an Arcanine that was standing in flames.....

Deep in the night in reality

He woke up with a scream and nearly rammed his Head into Connie's who was standing above him but he saw her early enough to move his Head to the side.

„Are you alright? You screamed my Name while you slept. Did you had a nightmare?" Conny asks worried.

„PANT..... PANT..... PANT.... Dammit.... This fucking dream is getting on my nerves.... PANT..... PANT..... PANT. " Solomon answered.

„So you had a nightmare then. What part did I played in it? Did I dominated you or.... " He cut her by saying in a dry tone.

„You died in my dream and this not for the first time. I´m having this dream since a few weeks now but it was never this realistic..... PANT..... As if...... As.... If.... " The last few words he only thought to himself and didn´t said them. As if it was going to happen within the next few Days.

Hearing him saying that she died in his dream, she didn´t said something in return because she knew this dream. She had it dreamed on her own since the same Day his one started.

The next Day

Solomon and Conny hadn´t slept much on and so it was no wonder why they were both sleepy in the morning. They all had eaten some berries that Silver had found in the night and now they were walking towards home. Solomon and Conny were both walking in front and silver was last. Zero had nowhere been seen since the morning had started. Solomon and Conny were both talking over these and that and had totally forgotten that they were still in danger but within a few minutes they be forced back to reality and this very hard.

„No. I never was there. " Solomon said to Conny.

„Really not? Then you missed something. It´s such a funny place. Or at last it was till war took place at this place. " Conny with her Eyes going down to the ground.

„Hey. Stop looking this way. It makes me sad to see you in this way." Solomon said but it didn´t worked. Then he said to cheer her up again.

„I got an idea. Why don´t we rebuilt it once we won the war? "

„I wish that we could rebuilt it but.... it´s gone. "

„As long as you think of it, it´s never gone. " Solomon said while he moved closer to her and she moved up her Head a bit.

Once her Eyes meet his she felt something deep inside of her beginning to burn. That was why she asks

„Do you really mean what you said? "

„Of course. When I say something like this I mean it and if you wish it, I will promise it. "

„SNIFF....... Thanks...... SNIFF..... That means...... " She cut hard by Silver who suddenly sprung onto their backs and screamed.

„WATCH IT!!! "

Only a spare second later, 2 Shadow Balls hit him instead of them.

„NO.... FATHER!!!" Solomon screamed once he saw that his father got hit.

„COUGHT..... COUGHT..... I´m fine...... COUGHT..... They definitely need more to kill me then this little balls. " Silver said while some smoke left his Body.

„Little Balls? HA!!! I show you what a little ball is!" A Male Voice said from somewhere and only another second later Silver was hit again.

„COUGHT..... COUGHT.... Should I be impressed by this? Lady!" Silver shouted out.

„HAHA..... Still the same talker! " A Male Gengar said while he appeared in front of them.

„Faustos. Well.... still the same dirt cleaner of the king I see. "

„You must talk. Traitor."

„Better a traitor then a fool. "

„TSK.... And who we have here? " Faustos asks while he looked down at Solomon.

„Is he your servant or just a stranger? "

„Servant? STRANGER? TA!!! I´m just his Son. Nothing more or less. " Solomon said angrily back while he stood up.

„Your Son? HAHAHAHA.... And I thought that you never wanted to have children. "

„Time can change all but stop distracting. What do you want?" Silver said and asks.

„Well.... I´m here to take her to our king as a reward. "

„Only over my death Body!" Solomon said and made himself ready to attack.

„Hold your son on the short line or he will get hurt. I´m not here to give some lessons in fighting. "

„YOU!!!" Solomon came in rage and did a step forward but then Silver moved in.

„Hold it my Son. This is not your fight. Go and protect her. I´ll take care of him. "

„But Dad.... "

„NO. Your time of fighting is not now. Besides you cannot handle him. Only I can and believe me. I will have to give all I can. " Silver said with a look that Solomon had never seen.

His father was totally fixed on his enemy and Solomon was more than sure that he would seriously hurt him if he wanted to do something against Faustos. That was the reason why Solomon said.

„Alright Dad. I´ll leave him to you but you better come back alive. "

„Don´t worry. Now go. " Silver answered with a smile.

„Come with me Conny. " Solomon said while he began to move.

Conny didn´t said something and followed him. First they both walked but then they began to run. Faustos on the other hand said with a loud scream.

„You can run little Boy but she stays here! "

Faustos began to fly towards here but before he could reach her, he was hit hard by Silver who had transformed himself.

„Where do you think you are flying? I´m your enemy so stand your ground and fight!!!" Silver said angrily towards Faustos who was standing up from the hit.

„SPILL..... Fine. I´m on you but don´t think that they will come far. MEN!!! TAKE CARE OF THE BOY AND BRING HER TO THE KING!!" Faustos said and shouted.

Only a second later Silver could see that 6 shadows began to run into the direction where Solomon had run with her. I only hope that you can handle them my son. Please dear Lord Arceus. Look over them and please save them. If you want something in return then take my life if you have to. Silver thought to himself while he began to gather some energy in his both front paws.

„Very well. Shall we begin or do you want some time old doggy?" Faustos asks with a smirk.

„Come and dance with the devil in pale moonlight you little rat!" Silver answered and only a spear second later they were both standing together with their both front paws clinching.


Solomon and Conny had made some space between Faustos and Silver but as Faustos had promised they didn´t came far. They had both reached a little grassy area when they were suddenly attacked by some Razor Leaf who landed in front of them.

„CRAP.... THIS WAY!!" Solomon shouted while he changed the running direction but....


More Razor Leafs had blocked their escape route.

„FUCK!!! It seems like that we..... No I have to fight against them. Dammit!" Solomon said while they both stopped.

„Please. Let me help you. I can fight well. " Conny said while she moved besides him.

„No. Please stay back. I don´t want that you get hurt and I need some space to fight. "

„But.... "


Even if it was against her will she agreed and moved some steps back. There she watched the whole scenario that was going to happen.

Solomon turned around to face his enemies and only some moments later 4 Grovyle appeared in front of him. Once they stayed one of them said.

„Move aside little child and handle her out!"

„If you wanted to have her, step forward and require her!" Solomon said back and moved into defense position.

Let´s see. Solomon thought to himself while he was scanning the Area. There are 4 in front of me and no one.... No wait. One is still up in the trees. This seems to get interesting.

Without a warning each one of the four in front of him began firing a nonstop Razor Leaf attack. Solomon first countered the attack by firing single Fireballs but as he was driven back and hit by a few leafs he changed his tactic. He built up a firewall by firing a nonstop Fireball. All was looking good until something happened that he hadn´t calculated. Suddenly a Razor Leaf was fired from behind him. It came so surprisingly that he hadn´t had some time to react.

CRAP!!!! Did the one in the trees moved? .... NO. He is still there!!! FUCK!!! I haven´t recognized a sixth one..... This will going to hurt!

He then closed his Eyes and awaited the impact and then he heard it but he didn´t felt something. He opened his Eyes and only a second later he prayed that he was hallucinating. Conny was standing on his side with a shacking Body. He quickly shifted his position to see if she was hurt and once he was on the right side he saw it. 2 Leaves were be seen hanging in her side and he also saw that they had moved deep into her Body. Nearly too deep.

Blood was running down her side and she collapsed after he had shifted his position. Once down he saw that she was breathing heavily and that some blood was coming out of her mouth too. This look was the reason why the next actions took place.

His hate became insane from one moment to another and his Body began to react as well. His fur moved up in the Air and he showed all of his fangs. An invincible Aura had built around him on were the enemy attacks bounced off or burned away. He looked into the trees and he hasn´t to search long until he found the one who had shot the leaves. He fixed the position and then he screamed out loud.


In the next moment Solomon moved a bit down with his front and then the ground under him gave in a bit because Solomons power was rising without a stop and because he had made a jump in the Air. He jumped a bit too high to attack the 6 Grovyle directly. That was why he tried to move as high as he could and once he was on his highest peak he moved his Head forward so that he began to fall like a rocket. The Grovyle saw him coming and tried to move out of the way but before he could move, Solomon had surrounded him with a Wall of Flames. The Flames were so hot that the Grovyle was nearly cooked immediately.

Once Solomon was near enough to be heard he screamed.


The Grovyle tried to protect himself by moving his both arms over his Head but it was worth nothing. Solomon was so fast coming down that the Grovyle didn´t even felt an impact. Solomon had moved his both front paws in front of his face and had built some fists. Then came the impact. He had hit the Grovyle on his Head and the skull broke immediately but that wasn´t the end. The Complete Body of the Grovyle began to break and even the branch under him broke. Once landed, Solomon stood triumphing over his victim. He had done it. He had killed his first victim and he wanted more. He wanted to see more blood and he wanted to hear more bones breaking. That was why he turned in place, facing the other Grovyle who had begun to run forward all at once.

„OHO!!!..... You want to be death. Alright.... I will grant you, your wish." Solomon said with a bad smile on his face.

First it looked like that they wanted to attack straight but then 2 of them stopped and one tried to jump over Solomon but Solomon did no step. Only seconds passed until the one who had jumped was above Solomon. Solomon then quickly moved up one of his front paws and only a spear second later the Grovyle above him began to scream in whole pain. He screamed until his Body began to change its Color from green to red. Once the color had changed completely, he began to disappear and only some ash was left. Solomon had burned him from the inside out.

„What? Did you really thought that I´m this easy to be tricked? HAHA. You need to train much for! Of course if you survive me here. " Solomon said while he did some steps forwards the 4 left ones.

The 4 did some steps back but then one of them stopped and said towards Solomon.

„Why are you protecting a death Body? "

Solomon stopped and answered.

„She is not death! "

„Turn around and look for yourself. "

Solomon did as he was told and only a second later he regretted it deeply. She was still laying where she had collapsed but she wasn´t breathing anymore. Seeing her laying there brought something deep inside of him to life. He suddenly felt only emptiness and pure hate. He turned back and screamed onto the 4.


Suddenly he felt something really strange coming up. It was so strong that it swiftly overtook his mind and his Body began to change. Seeing Solomon staying there in pain brought the 4 Grovyle to start another attack but they were quickly shown that they did a wrong move. Once they had been close enough to strike they stayed in place, not doing a move.

„CRAP!" One of them said. „What is this? I cannot ...... move. "

„Me too. " The one near him said.

They desperately tried to do something but they couldn't do something. Then Solomon´s Body began to glow in bright Yellow. First the yellow was only inside of his Body seen but after a hard pulse his whole Body was filled in yellow. He screamed in pain and another pulse was seen. This time it surrounded the 4 Grovyle and some kind of explosion was heard and seen. Once the smoke of the explosion moved away by the wind, Solomon was revealed in his Golden form but there was no sign of the 4 Grovyle. He had burned them away so quickly that not even some ashes had been left. A few meters behind was Conny still lying there but she had opened her Eyes. She wasn´t death. She had only been knocked out from the pain and now she was looking at Solomon in disbelieve.

Is that really him? She thought. He looks so strange so.... Wait a minute! He looks like these strange Warrior from my dream. This cannot be true but it is. OHHH.... How strong and.... Beautiful he looks in the Golden fur.

While she looked she recodniced that something was happening with him and then suddenly he screamed out a hard pain cry and his Body departed out a new Shockwave. These wave destroyed everything that was in its way but once it hit her nothing happened. Then a second wave came out of him and it was much more powerful. It was so powerful that even the sky changed its color.

A Few minutes back at Silvers place

Silver and Faustos had already exchanged some hard fists strikes but one of them had hit. They were both ether to fast or not hit able with normal attacks.

„Hey old one. Is that all that you can give?" Faustos asks Silver with a smirk.

„Why should I end this so fast? I´m enjoying this battle far too much. " Silver answered with a smile.

„TSK..... Still the same fool. You have better ended this a few Years earlier once you had the chance for it. "

„Maybe yes but past is past and no keep on fighting instead of talking. It´s getting far too boring on my side. "

The both then kept on fighting until suddenly all changed. They both stopped fighting each other and looked around because they both had sensed something.

„What the fuck is this strange feeling?" Faustos asks.

„I don´t know but I remember this feeling somehow. " Silver answered.

The feeling they both felt was bad and then Silver remembered what it was. OH NO!!! He is back! Fuck!!! Now I have to be quick and..... Silvers thoughts were cut because right at this moment something hit them.

„UUUUNNNNGGGGHHHHH.... What the fuck was that?" Faustos now asks while he was holding his Head with one Paw.

„A Shockwave. " Silver answered and moved a bit.

„A Shockwave? But who.... „ Now Faustos was cut because the next wave hit them.

Faustos was driven back a bit by the hit but Silver was still standing in place because he had formed some kind of a shield around him.

„UUUHHHHHH......... My Head...... " Faustos said while he was now holding his Head with both paws.

„You better run back to your camp or you will get seriously hurt out here!" Silver said or more commanded.

„WHAT? " Do you really think that.... " The third wave hit them and the sky was changing red.

„RUN YOU FOOL OR PAY WITH YOUR LIFE!!!" Silver now shouted while the whole forest began to fall into chaos.

That he didn´t needed to tell twice now. Faustos has had enough and simply moved into the earth to protect himself. Once he had gone, Silver began to run towards the source of the shockwaves.

Please ... Don´t let it be my Son. Everyone but not my Son! Silver thought to himself but was shown otherwise. Once he reached the place from where the shockwaves were coming from the deeply wished that he had stayed away. He could clearly see that his Son had lost the control over his Body and he knew that he had to do something but before he could do one more step he was teleported to a nearby tree or better said a rest of it, where Zero was flying back and forth.

„What the.... Zero? What are you doing here?" Silver asks.

„I´m stopping you from doing a wrong move. "

„Wrong move? Where is it wrong to try to help my Son?"

„That´s wrong!!! It´s not your thing to help him. "

„But who else can? I´m his father and I´m responsible for him still. "

„You are not! He is old enough to life his own life. "

„BULLSHIT! Let me go help him. " Silver screamed and made a step forward.

„You are such a blind fool. FREEZE!!!" Zero said and moved a paw to Silvers front. There he touched him and immediately Silver couldn´t go on.

„LET ME GO YOU...... MPFH.... " Zero had touched his mouth and now he couldn't speak anymore.

„Much better. Now look and learn. You are NOT the one who can help him. She is the only one who can. "

Zero pointed over to Conny and Silver saw that she was wounded but also that she was trying to move towards Solomon. Each time she was hit by a shockwave, she lost her balance and dropped down to the earth but got quickly up again. Now she was just 5 Steps away from Solomon and they both could see that she began to talk to him.

„Solomon stop it!!! AAAAHHHHHH.... " A Wave hit her but she didn´t collapsed anymore. Instead she did the next step and now she was only 4 steps away.

„Solomon please!!! AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH" Another hit and this time much harder but she stayed up and did the next step.

„Please!!! There are some Pokémon that need you alive.... AAAAAAHHHHHHHH " Hit three and this time her Wounds were widened.

„Your parents need you! Please Stop! ...... " Wave 4 hit her Body really hard. It was so hard that it left a deep cut all over Body but she didn´t struggled or even screamed in Pain anymore. Instead she did the last step and was now facing Solomon directly.

What she told him next, Silver couldn´t hear because she whispered it into Solomons Ear but Solomons reaction was clearly seen. His Eyes had widened and he had somehow managed to stop the fifth wave from going out of his Body. Silver thought that all was ok now but he was totally surprised of Connie's next action. She had moved back a bit from Solomon only to grab his Head with both of her paws and only a split second later she kissed him on his front.

Solomon's reaction of this was speaking Bands. His Eyes became visible and he tossed her away hardly. Then he screamed into the Air very loud and an explosion took place around him. Smoke was now everywhere and Silver feared that Solomon was death. He desperately tried to move or scream onto Zero for blocking him but nothing happened. The smoke then finally began to fade away and to Silvers happiness, Solomon was revealed in his normal form. He was standing on all fours and breathed very hard but something had changed.

His Body and his fur had changed. He was now looking more muscular and at the same time more fluffy but the most visible part that had changed was his Head. On his front, were Conny had kissed him, was a red cross now standing. The cross leaded from one Eye to the other and from the base of his Head fur to the tip of his Nose but only the middle part was seen from it.

Once the smoke had gone Solomon did a step towards Conny who was already standing in front of him but once he had placed his paw back down his Eyes faded away and he collapsed to the ground. Seeing him lying there, Conny tried to help but once she placed a paw forward, she collapsed as well because of the tremendous pain that was rocking through her Body. Seeing them laying there Silver recognized that they were both not breathing anymore and he began to panic.

He now desperately tried to move but he still couldn´t do it until Zero finally broke the spell by saying.

„It is done! "

Finally free Silver jumped down the tree and ran towards his Son. Once he reached, he layed a paw on Solomons stomach first and then on his Nose only to realize that he was right. He wasn´t breathing. The same he did on Connies Body.

„AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH....... ZZZZEEEEEERRRRRRROOOOOOO....... YYYYYOOOOUUU BBBBBAAAASSSSS....... MPFH." Silver cried out loud but was cut quickly by Zero´s magic.

„You better watch your words! " Zero said while appearing in front of him via teleport. „They are not death yet but if you keep up playing the wounded animal, they will die. SO COME THE FUCK DOWN!!! "

Silver did as he was told and came down.

„Fine. Now do as I say. Put their paws together and hold yours over them. Then when I say it, move all energy that you are having left into their Bodies. Got that? "

Silver nodded yes and moved the paw of his Son and Connies together. Then he waited for Zero´s command which quickly came.

" Let´s do it !!!"

Silver then began to concentrate really hard and he could bet that he was never more focused on something. His paws began to glow silvery and Golden just like Solomon´s and Connies Bodies did only a second later. Then without warning, Zero flew in and placed his Body over their paws. Then he screamed out a loud....

„MEW!!! "

.... And a green aura began to spread around the four. Inside of the Aura, Silver suddenly felt a strange but also wonderful feeling and he managed to unleash more of his power. 3 Minutes later the Aura disappeared and Zero flew down to the ground, totally exhausted closely followed by Silver who dropped down to the side, breathing hardly.

Once Silver had some energy regained he moved his Head a bit and saw that Solomon and Conny had started to breathe again.

„PANT...... PANT..... PANT..... Will they made it?" Silver asks Zero.

„PANT..... Now..... PANT...... Yes. " Zero answered shortly.

„PANT.... That´s...... Good...... PANT...... PANT...... I´m sorry for...... COUGHT...... Saying some..... PANT.... Bad words...... COUGHT..... My..... Friend."

„There´s no...... PANT..... Need to..... PANT...... I would had...... COUGHT..... Done the same..... PANT..... If he were....... My Son..... PANT...... PANT..... G...... GOOD...... N..... Niiii.....ZZZZZZZZZZZZ " Zero had fallen asleep because of the fact that he had spent all of his powers to bring the two back.

Silver had also been knocked out and all together were now in dreamland. Silver and Zero where both dreaming of their Wife's and what would they do with them once they were back home. Solomon and Conny were sharing the same dream as well but not that kind of dream that they both had over the last weeks. It had totally changed.

To be continue

Solomon - The Son of the Legendary Silver - Chapter 11 – United in Love and want

**A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or...

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Solomon - The Son of the Legendary Silver - Chapter 9 – A disastrous encounter

**A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or...

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Solomon - The Son of the Legendary Silver – Chapter 8 – Important Message

**A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or...
