Luka - The Son of the Tyrant - Chapter 13 – Family Luck

Story by Shingomera on SoFurry

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#13 of Legends

Next run of uploads.

Same Rules as ever if you all might now.

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Luka - The Son of the Tyrant - Chapter 13 - Family Luck

It had been as Silver had told. Only a week after the wedding, the King of the northern territory had declared War to the whole Land and had attacked nearly at the same time but the enemy troops hadn´t calculated with the combined intelligence of Silver and his Son Solomon. They both had already made some very good preparations to stop the enemy at the frontier and it had worked perfectly. Once an enemy had done a step over the frontier he paid it hardly. Most times with a lost body part or a deep wound that needed to be healed over weeks.

Now we are in the middle of a battle that takes place 4 months after the wedding. Silver and his Son are about to attack a big castle when a scout arrived with important news for them.

„Oh come on old man. There is surely a plan inside your Head. " Solomon said to his father while they both were looking over to the fortress walls.

„Why do I always have to come up with a plan? Why don´t you make one this time and stop calling me old." Silver said back.

„Have you forgotten that the last 2 plans were from me. Now it´s up to you again. "

„TSK.... Don´t tell me that this is some kind of contest. HHHHAAA..... Very well. We should... " Silver was cut by a Voice that came from behind him.

„Excuse me, my Lord. I´m bringing news from your Wife's. "

Silver and Solomon turned their heads to look onto the scout who had just arrived.

„We hear. " Silver said once he saw the scout.

„Your wife's are giving birth to your child's right now. Please come back home. "

„WHAT? REALLY? CRAP!" Solomon nearly screamed.

„Thanks for telling us. Now go and get some food. " Silver said with a low Voice.

„Thanks my Lord. " The scout said and moved away.

„HAHA.... Nice timing. We are standing here, trying to figure out a plan and our Ladies are going to give birth. Doesn´t this sound like a joke?...... Solomon? ...... Solomon? .... Not again!!!" Silver said while he shacked his Head hardly.

Solomon had set a quick plan into action like he does since the war had started. He had ran 500 Meters back only to stop there and gathering some Energy. Then he breathed hard and thought to himself. Conny. I´m coming. Please hold out. Next he began to run as fast as he could and his paws began to burn. Only some seconds later he took off the ground and ran through the Air.

Silver was still standing where Solomon had left him and he was still trying to find out a plan when he suddenly saw Solomon running through the Air. From one moment to another he was empty in his mind and stood only there with an open mouth. Meanwhile Solomon began his landing and he did that very fast because he had seen the enemy castle commander.

The Guards on the wall had been totally surprised and they couldn´t do a move when Solomon landed right in front of the Commander. The Commander got hardly shocked once Solomon had landed and only a second later his Head dropped down to the earth from his shoulders because Solomon had made a short process. After the Head had dropped, Solomon screamed into the Air.


There was a moment of silence but the Solomon said again loud.

„ONE ..... TWO..... "

Everyone inside the Castle began to run wildly somewhere until one managed to open the castle gates. Only a second later the Castle was empty and Solomon moved out of it with a triumphing face. On the outside, Silver was still staying there with wide Eyes until Solomon was standing next to him.

„C.... Can you please... Tell me what you did in the last few seconds. I..... I´m feeling like I´m in a dream. " Silver said.

„I will but right now we 2 have other problems or did you didn´t want to run home?" Solomon asks while he moved past his father.

„HHMMMM..... OHHH Yeah right.... HEY!!! WAIT FOR ME!!! Oh this Boy!!! "

Solomon had already started running again once he had passed. Silver tried his best to follow but Solomon was to fast until he ran slower. Once Silver was by his side Solomon said.

„Get on my back old man. You are slowing me down far too much. "

„I´m not old and I can run for...... HEY!!!!! " Silver started but was cut by his Sons actions.

Solomon had moved very close and once he was close enough, he had quickly pushed his father into the Air, only to catch his Body with his. Once done, he began to increase his speed, reaching a high speed within seconds. Silver had some troubles to stay on his sons back but not for long.

45 Minutes Later

From the inside of a room were screams and pain cries heard. Alissa and Conny were both standing in the middle of the room and some Chansy´s were running around or standing behind them.

„AAAHHHHHH....... AAAHHHH...... AAAAARRRRGGGGHHHHHAAA..... Does this always....... PANT.... Hurt so much?" Conny asks Alissa and she answered.

„Y.... Yes...... AH...... AAAAHHHHH........ AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH...... "

„D.... Do you really think...... PANT..... That they will make it in...... IN..... NNNNNNNAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! "

„We..... Are..... Already...... Here... COUGHT..... " A Male Voice said from the entrance.

Both Girls managed to look to the entrance and they saw their Mates standing there Panting hard. Or at last Solomon was panting. Silver was the silence itself. Once they had seen them, both females let out another hard scream of pain and both Males were immediately standing on their Mates side to help them. Only a minute later, Alissa screamed as hard and loud as she could and a second later, she had laid her egg which one of the Chansy´s immediately moved into a nest. Right after she had layed the egg, Alissa collapsed right into Silvers front paws and he moved her soft and carefully down to the ground. Next the Chansy moved the Nest to her stomach were she instantly hold it close to warm it. Silver then moved his Body to it too and then they watched Conny and Solomon in silence.

Conny was still in pure pain and she hated the fact that she was the last.

„FUCK ALL THIS...... AHHHH..... Why doesn´t it comes..... Comes..... AHHHH..... AAAHHHHHH....... AAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!! "

Finally, her egg came out of her and it was no wonder why she had some problems by laying it because it was bigger than a normal Ninetails egg. Not much bigger but it was enough. Especially for a Woman who layed an egg for the first time. Right after she had layed the egg, she collapsed as well but before she touched the ground, her Eyes shot open and she stood again because she felt the same pain again.


„What is it Hun? What is wrong?" Solomon asks with fear.

„I...... I..... I think there...... Comes another one....... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! "

She was right. She had carried 2 eggs in her Body but for her luck, she didn´t needed to take the pain much long. The first egg had spread her entrance so much that the second egg nearly slided out of her with the third contraction. Then, right after she had layed it, her Eyes went black and she dropped to the side were Solomon was standing. He caught her in midday and was still fearing. Now for her because her Body was getting cold but one of the Chansy´s could cool him down by saying.

„She is alright. She is just too much exhausted. Just lay her on her Bed and warm her with your Body. We look over the eggs until you 2 are up again. "

He did as he was told. He moved her carefully to her Bed and there he layed her so that he was facing her once he was next to her Body. Only a minute later, he had fallen asleep too because he had given all he had to first take the castle and then running back home with his father on his back.

Silver and Alissa were only smiling because they both remembered the moment when Alissa had layed her first egg and what they both did.

„They grew up so fast. In the first moment they are born and in the next one, they were parents with their child's. Are we getting old maybe?" Silver asks into the Air.

„Maybe but isn´t it nice to see them grew up and have some child's on their own?" Alissa answered.

„HA.... Yes it is nice but I think we are getting some problems ether or better said you 2 will have some soon. "

„Why? "

„You know why. Solomon and I have to go back to the frontier tomorrow and.... and.... MMMMMPPPPFFFF..... " She silenced him with a kiss.

„Silly. I know all that. There is no need to fear. I have already done some preparations. You only need to concentrate onto the War to finish it quickly so that you can see them grew up. "

„OH .... Why are you always so good to me? "

„Because I love you with every piece of my Heart and Soul. "

They both then wanted to share another kiss but one of the Chansy's interrupted them.

„I´m sorry my Lord."

„Yes. " Silver answered.

„Can we ask you for some help?"

„Of Course. "

„We are having some problems with the fireplace. Can you.... " Alissa cut her.

„Stop asking and bring the eggs over here. "

The Chansey smiled brightly and said.

„Thanks my Lady."

The other Chansey brought them the two eggs with a second Nest and placed them between Silvers and Alissa's Bodies. Then they made a curtsey and left the room. Silver and Alissa then finally shared a last kiss and then moved also to sleep while their Bodies moved as close as possible to warm the eggs.

5 Months later

The War had moved on and Silver´s Army had fought very well. They had already doubled their territory and were on a good way to free the western territory when a scout brought them a Message.

„My Lords! " The Scout shouted once he had reached the Base from Silver and his Son.

„What is it! " Silver shouted while he moved out of his tent. „Can I not have some piece in this times? "

„I...... cough .... I´m sorry my Lord.... This Message is too important then it could wait. "

„Alright, alright. Tell me the Message. "

„You 2 need to come Home immediately because your Childs are going to come out of their eggs. "

„OH FUCK!!! Their timing is really bad. I already wanted to...... NAH.... Thanks. Go and take all you need. "

„Yes my Lord. " The scout said and moved away.

Silver quickly ran to Solomon's tent and went in only to come out with him a few seconds later.

„Dammit!!! Can we make it in time this time?" Silver asks his Son.

„I´m fearing not. The distance is too high. Even for me. " Solomon answered but before Silver could say something they both heard a familiar Voice.

„For you it´s impossible but not for me! "

They both turned their Heads a bit and then saw Zero flying between them.

„Zero!!! From where did you..... " Silver started but was cut by Zero.

„No time to waste! Give me your Paws and close your Eyes. "

They both did what they were ask for and only a second later the three disappeared.

They reappeared right in front of the castle Gates were Zero collapsed.

„Zero!" Silver said and wanted to help his friend but Zero only said.

„GO! I´m fine. Just need a few seconds to recover."

Silver nodded yes and they both ran into the castle. Inside of it, they were lured by some helpers to a room which the girls had changed into a Child room. Once they opened the door they saw their eggs pulsating in pure white and their Girls were standing in front of them. The Boys quickly moved close to them and hold them close. Then, as if it was on command, all three eggs began to glow in a bright white for some seconds and then they disappeared, revealing what was inside of them.

Silver and Alissa were again granted with a Male Growlithe which they called Nightshade because his fur was nearly black with white stripes.

Solomon and Conny were granted with both. A Male and a Female. The Male, who was in the second egg, they called Boil and the female, who was in the first egg, they called Numa. Numa was a little Vulpix girl, if you can say so because she was bigger and taller then a normal Vulpix Baby and Boid was a Growlithe with nothing special on him.

All three Babies began to cry like on command until they were grabbed on their necks by their parents. Silver took his son softly and carried him towards Alissa, who had already layed herself on her side. Once close enough, Silver released his Son on her side and he instinctively began his search for her nipples to drink his first Milk. A few licks and whimpers later he found one and began hasty to drink.

Solomon and Alissa hadn´t it that easy or at last Solomon hadn´t because he hadn´t trained himself for this moment like Conny had with Alissa. He had some instincts for that moment but he was to rough or too hasty on it. That was why Numa, who he had tried to grab, began to move and cry loud in his mouth. He tried his best not to hurt her but he had to release her a bit too early on his way to Conny, who had swiftly done her work with Boid. Seeing their Son having some troubles with his child let Silver and Alissa began to laugh.

„What is so funny?" Solomon asks with a red head.

„Your look and tries are exactly the same one when your father carried you for the first time. " Alissa said while laughing.

„Did I really looked so helpless?" Silver asks.

„Yep. You did my Dear. "

„TSK.... I cannot say that I didn´t tried my best. " Both Silver and Solomon said in union.

Both females were now looking onto each other before they broke out in pure laughing while Solomon somehow managed to push his daughter to Connie's stomach where Boid was already drinking. Only a few seconds later Numa did the same and each one became silent. They were all now only looking onto the newborn ones with some bright and proud faces.

Right after they had finished drinking, the Babies began to curl themselves into a Ball to sleep and their Parents moved themselves as close as possible to warm them. Once close enough they kissed each other and only some seconds later they were all asleep. All of them? No. Silver was only half asleep because he had heart someone coming.

„Z.... Zero.... Is that you my friend?" He asks.

„Yes my friend. Congratulation to your new family members. " Zero whispered back to not wake the others.

„Thanks for bringing us here but why did you did that? "

„Please believe me when I´m telling you that it was only for you 2. I know how much it means to someone seeing his Child for the very first time and holding it in his arms or mouth. I also know that feeling too good because I´m the father of now 3 Childs. "

„3? The last time I ask you, you had only 2. "

„That was when we last met. I´ve had some nice Days with my mate after this Day and it brought me my 3 Child. And I must say that I´m really proud of him already because he looks like me. "

„I bet he does. Well. I only hope that we can see our child rise up in peace times and not in War or slavery. "

„You already know what lays ahead of you so why are you still so mad? "

„It´s because..... You told me once that the future is not written yet and that we can choose our ways. "

„That time is long gone. Your future is set tight till your end. That also goes for everyone in this room. The future is save from now and that is a really good feeling even if you don´t see it now. Well then. I have to leave you now. Until we meet again, be a nice and good father and push Solomon's ass from time to time. "

" I do. Bye. "

To be continue