Selective Memory II
#2 of Selective Memory
A knock came from my front door just as I closed the velvet lined lid on the case my client's sword was resting in. I moved with careful slowness as I ensured the latches were closed and the entire box was presentable, earning another, more forceful knock at the door. At first, my mind went straight to worrying about danger; I was being hunted by my former guild after all.
'Does no one practice patience anymore?' I thought to myself as I lifted the case and headed to the door, swinging it open with a small force of magic to see a powerfully built tiger with his hand raised, about to knock a third time.
"I am Davian, personal aide to General Galavar." The tiger spoke in a gruff voice as if he was talking to a commoner. "I am here to collect his sword."
"I'm afraid that is quite impossible." I said confidently, noticing an equine across the road dressed in expensive, yet practical clothes. The horse was built like a warrior and even from this distance I could see him watching our exchange; some non-magical feeling in my gut told me that the general was here to collect his weapon personally. "I will hand the weapon over only to General Galavar himself. Once he sees fit to visit my humble shop himself, _then_he may have it back."
"You will hand over the general's blade at once, peasant." The tiger growled. Suddenly I found myself less interested in his impressive musculature and more than a little annoyed at his attitude. "I will not hesitate to take it from you by force. My general requires his blade immediately and is far too busy."
"One would think he would make time to collect his own sword." I shrugged before moving to close the door.
Before I got it even halfway closed, the tiger shot forward, barrelling past the entrance which forced me to stumble back onto the floor in surprise. I hadn't expected such sudden aggression, but now he was bringing his hostility into my home, and I was not one to allow such trespasses. He reached out to grab me with one large hand, claws extended.
An invisible kinetic blast shot him backwards, not nearly as strong as I had intended it to be, indicating that he was wearing one or more charms that weakened or nullified magic around him. Two more quick blasts pushed him back out the door and out into the middle of the quiet street. His nose was bleeding as well as his ears, a sight I took great pleasure in considering his actions. His charms, while saving him from the brunt of the damage, were largely useless, the products of some half-wit enchanter who mass produced artifacts to make quick profits; no match for a mage of my skill.
"You may walk over to your general and inform him that such aggression will not be tolerated." I said softly, looking over to the horse that stood at the same spot he had been when the tiger first arrived. "I do not deal through third parties."
The tiger was still growling as he stood, but I was certain I had made my point.
"Then I shall collect my blade, thank you." The horse called out and stepped forward as expected. I turned to him and raised an eyebrow, crossing my arms over my chest.
"You had your aide attack me in my own shop and home." I said sternly. "Why should I honour our deal now? If you think I care about the gold I was promised, you are sorely mistaken. Besides, that blade would catch a handsome price in the Under Markets, I think."
"Sadly, in this city, honourable individuals are few and far between." The horse said as he gave me a polite bow and placed a hand on the shoulder of his aide, checking his nose and ears to inspect the damage I had done. "You were willing to fight off someone who tried to forcibly remove one of your client's belongings even though it would have been easier and safer to just let it get stolen. Given your reputation of skill among my colleagues, I would like to hire you full time."
My ears perked up and my glare softened, but only slightly. Was this cretin serious? He had his aide attack me, and now he wants to give me a job? In spite of my skeptisism and suspicions, I couldn't deny that the offer was at least somewhat intriguing. "What does that entail?"
"You would move to my estate, supply me with your services when required," The horse began while his aide, through listening to their whispers I learned was named Davian, began wiping off the blood with a handkerchief. "You could likely become part of my personal guard and advisor to all things dealing with magic."
I instantly wanted to say 'yes'; the position offered would be an incredible deterrent to any would-be bounty hunter from my nation looking to collect me and take me back to the Guild. It would be very difficult to kidnap someone under the direct employ of a general in one of the strongest nations on the continent. The only consideration that caused me to hesitate was the fact that, while General Galavar seemed to trust me, I wasn't able to say the same about him.
I definitely did not appreciate having my loyalties tested in my own home. I didn't appreciate having my loyalties tested at all considering I was perfectly happy making do with being a master enchanter and mage in a back street shop that doubled as my home.
Still... Living in a noble's estate... A large house, most likely a garden to relax in, a sizeable room that I could imagine having plenty of fun in, a steady stream of income and kitchen staff to keep me fed. Even without the protections the position would afford me, that sounded like a dream come true.
Evidently I had been pondering the decision for more than a few moments as I snapped out of my daze to find the tiger and horse staring at me expectantly. Davian looked far more friendly now that his boss had deemed me worth inviting into their home. I cleared my throat as I raised a hand to indicate points I wanted to make perfectly clear.
"My room will be my sanctuary. If anyone enters it without my permission, they are more than likely to find themselves engulfed in flame." I raised the first finger, looking the general in the eyes before raising the next. "I reserve the right to leave the building when I choose to, though that will only be when I have completed any tasks I have for the day."
I raised a third finger. "My skills do not make me some factory; I will complete tasks as quickly as I am able, but I will not put myself at risk of exhaustion or injury for something that could be completed the following day after fitful rest." I was fairly certain I could find a guard or servant within the estate to give me a bit of rejuvenation, but these two didn't need to know that.
"Finally," I raised my pinky finger. "I will always speak candidly. There is no sugar coating on my words. If you ask for my opinion or my advice, I will give it in my own honest words."
"All fair points." General Galavar nodded and smiled after a pause. "And all requests are to be granted, by my order."
"These aren't requests." I said flatly. "These are my terms for employment. I will not become someone's house slave or allow myself to be used as such." I had been used that way far too often in the past.
"In that case, we have an accord." He smiled broadly and held out his large hand, which practically engulfed my own as I reached out to shake it. "If you wish, you may come back with us now to see the estate and view your room. If you need assistance moving your belongings, I will have a work party put together to bring everything up."
"No such assistance will be necessary." I said, my tail suddenly wagging slightly at the prospect of working full time. "All I will need are my clothes and my enchanting table."
"You do not wish to bring your belongings?" Davian asked, his voice sounding far softer than it had when he first spoke to me.
"All I need are my clothes and my table, as I said." I replied as I turned to walk into my house, the two soldiers following behind. "The bedding and furniture may stay here and be of use to whomever lives here next, I'm not attached to anything."
I headed into my bedroom to begin packing my small assortment of clothes, making no attempt to conceal my racier pieces should one of my two guests follow me or attempt to sneak a glance, and once that was done, I hoisted my pack onto my back and headed for the stairs to the basement.
"I am interested to see this enchanting table of yours." Galavar said just as I began descending the stairs. "It has always interested me what the process of enchantment is like."
"Very well." I replied without turning around or pausing.
The table itself was made of a rare white wood that would have cost a king his title and more to purchase as the tree it was made from no longer existed in our world. A staff made from that material would be able to amplify any spell cast with it a hundred fold, and this amplification carried over to make enchantments that much stronger. Well, provided the enchanter had enough skill to utilize its unique properties.
The black lines that made up the runes and glyphs dotting its surface pulsed with energy that evidently caused my guests some discomfort. They refused to step any closer to it after reaching the bottom of the stairs. The blue orb that began hovering above the table pulsed in time with my heartbeat as I approached, so I reached out a hand to soothe it and lower it back down into its cradle, where it was quickly absorbed by the white wood.
"That is no ordinary enchanter's tool is it?" Galavar asked as he watched me work. Magic flowed over the table's surface as the runes and glyphs disappeared and the legs began melting like wax; the long tendrils of liquid running up the legs against all natural law until the entire object was one solid white piece of wood, complete with one comfortable carrying handle on its long side.
"Of course not. This item is one of a kind, quite literally." I said with a smile as I picked up the feather light table and turned to face them. Now that the table was disabled, they seemed to be more at ease. "I am ready. Shall we be off then?"
The general nodded and lead us back upstairs and outside, where I conjured a small bird on my hand to carry a sealed letter off into the sky.
"And what was that letter for?" Davian asked skeptically, apparently not trusting my intentions.
"A gift to people who helped me when I first arrived in this city." I said simply, intending to leave it at that as we began walking towards one of the gates that lead to the noble's district.
The city of Narhan was massive by any standards, and each district was separated by walls and gates that made it easily defensible should any attacking army make it past the monumental outer walls or to prevent plague or sickness from spreading beyond one area. Given that it was the capital, it needed to be easily controllable, and controlling a population was something this nation excelled at.
The districts were almost cities in their own rights; each policed by individual guard contingents and each boasting their own subculture that made Narhan the most diverse city in the entire nation. The market square of one district could hold shops that were remarkably different from the shops in another district; even the architecture could vary widely from place to place.
That is what drew me in to this city in the first place. On their home continent, the Rak, Nishum, and Parlo nations were constantly feuding and warring with each other, but here in Narhan, members of each faction lived and worked alongside each other without so much as a second thought. Obviously it was a nice sentiment, but I saw it more as an indication that this would be the perfect place to hide myself away, and so, here I was.
Our walk took the better part of an hour as we had to make our way through three separate districts to get to the one Galavar lived in. Its gate stood open, but was flanked by twice as many guards than there had been at all of the other gates we passed through; yet another sign that comforted me and convinced me that I had made the right decision.
I didn't doubt for a second that these guards wouldn't be able to do much against a trained assassin or a skilled mage, but at least with more of them on guard there would be far more warning if there was someone sleuthing about looking for me.
"How long have you been in Narhan?" Davian asked as the General flashed his family emblem to the guards, who hastily moved out of our way.
"I'm sorry?" I asked, nearly having forgotten that the tiger was even present.
"You don't strike me as someone who has lived here their entire life." He said as we made our way down a wide paved road lined by trees and tall fences leading to massive homes. "Where did you come from?"
"I came from the North." I lied. Or did I? I had spent the better part of a decade lying through my teeth to protect myself, and now even I wasn't sure where I had originally come from beyond the Mage's Guild. "That will be all you need to know."
Davian's fur bristled slightly, but I didn't feel threatened. Deceit had kept me safe for so long that lying to one more fur wouldn't cause me to lose any sleep.
"You will not need to tell us." Galavar spoke without turning his head. "Your past is your own and I have no intention of forcing you to share any of it."
Finally! Someone who appreciated privacy! Well, I suppose that Doberman appreciated privacy as well, but only because he needed to bust a nut. Oh how I yearned to be filled again...
"Welcome to your new home and workplace." Galavar said as he touched his hand to the enchanted lock set into the gate of his estate.
The yard was by no means massive, but it had lush green grass that looked like it would be more comfortable than any bed, and large old trees that covered most of the ground in comforting shade. A cobblestone path wound its way around a large fountain, wide enough to accommodate a carriage as it rolled up one way and exited down the other. There was another path that split off to the left of the mansion before us, leading around behind the building to what I assumed would be stables.
I loved the openness and comfortable feeling I got from the front yard, it easily made the appearance of the three storeyed mansion seem like absolutely nothing. Never had architecture of this style impressed me; I found it was used to flaunt material wealth which annoyed me to no end. Still, I had no qualms about hiding behind its arrogant façade.
We passed through the large double doors at the top of a short flight of polished stone steps, and I was greeted with yet more finery and pomp. There was a wide marble staircase one hundred feet from the front doors, enough to accommodate a decently sized party, and it split off to the left and right to continue upwards to the second and third floors, which I could see since there was no obstruction from where we stood to the roof of the house.
"Go figure." I said quietly as I noticed a rather epic looking battle scene painted onto the roof above us. A general would obviously have something like this; a reminder of battles fought long ago and old glories earned by their predecessors as if to claim that they had some personal connection to those past events.
"Your room is on the second floor, last door on the left in the left wing of the building." Galavar said as he motioned with his hand to the staircase. "If there is anything within that you would like changed, do not hesitate to ask."
"I would like to make a change." I said straight away. "You wouldn't happen to have a basement room?"
"A basement room?" The general asked quizzically. Davian looked just as confused. "Why, may I ask, would you want a basement room?"
"You know that sensation you felt when you approached my table?" I asked, placing a hand on my hip. "These walls wouldn't dampen that sensation in the least. In fact, with marble, it may even amplify it. Anyone in the rooms to the sides or directly above and below would likely feel it, and I doubt you would want that bother."
That wasn't so much a lie as it was stretching the truth. The table I possessed did seem to give off some kind of aura, in all honesty, I just wanted as much privacy as possible, not to mention a basement room would be far more easy to defend. With a bit of effort, I would likely even be able to shift the rock beyond the walls to make my own panic room should I have felt the need.
"I see." Galavar said, folding his arms across his chest and rubbing his chin in contemplation.
"The only rooms down there are intended for the House Guards and staff." Davian mentioned, still sounding a little ticked off from my earlier dismissal of his request to learn about me. "The rooms are fairly small and you would have to live with more noise than you would on the second floor."
"With your permission, I could make my own room down there." I offered.
"I would rather you didn't." Galavar said, much to my dismay. "My family lives here and I wouldn't want the integrity of the building to fail. I believe you wouldn't intentionally damage or threaten the building's foundation, but I will not take that risk."
"The second floor it is then." I sighed and accepted the defeat. Making my own room would require a few days of work and a _lot_of energy that even my Doberman wouldn't be able to recharge sufficiently. "I will need the rest of the day to prepare the room then, perhaps part of tomorrow as well. I would rather not subject your family to the noise of my table."
"You do not wish to keep your personal space separate from your work?" Davian asked. The tiger asked too many questions that I found annoying. "We have a large room set aside for you to perform your work in."
"This table will not be leaving my care." I said calmly, fighting the urge to explain in great detail just why that was. Even _I_knew that I could be pompous sometimes. "I will ward my room to keep the energies contained but it will take time."
And to ensure that whoever tried to force their way in would suffer grievously. The fact that I now had a great deal of protection against assassins and bounty hunters was almost nullified by how much physical security I would need to put in place now that these two knew of what I kept and where I kept it. A worthwhile risk considering these two didn't have much, if any, knowledge of magic.
Though, I didn't doubt that perhaps Davian would attempt to glean more information about me. The tiger was a dozen years older than myself, and likely figured that there was not much to be afraid of from an eighteen year old mage, even if I had already demonstrated my power once before. A harsher lesson would likely be in his future, just as it had been for half a dozen hunters who thought my physical age indicated some lack of power.
"Davian, please escort our new comrade to his room." Galavar said with a polite bow towards me. "Meet me in my office after he is settled."
I cursed in my mind. Any time alone with this tiger would likely mean he would ask more questions than I cared to even bother listening to, but I likely would have to play nice simply because it would make living here easier and hopefully would lead to less questions in the future.
"I apologize for my earlier candidness." I began as he led me up the marble stairs that rose to the left wing. "I simply do not enjoy recalling where I am from."
That should do; perhaps it would gain me a little sympathy protection should anyone else in the house have less regard for my privacy.
"I do not enjoy working with people that I know nothing about." Davian said with a slight edge to his voice that I couldn't blame him for. "I need to know that I can trust you."
His voice softened when we reached the second floor and began walking down the lavishly decorated left wing.
"However, that may come with time." He said, looking a modicum more comfortable. "Everyone has their demons, even people as young as you."
Two people snagged; one the head of the household and a military general, the other his personal aide. I felt more secure already.
We stopped at the last room on the left, where I noted uneasily that just a few feet past it set into the end wall of the hallway was a tall glass window; an easy entrance and a short few steps from my door. I would need to ward that as well, though it would have to wait until night so as not to raise anyone's attention.
The tiger pulled out a small key and unlocked the room, another paltry illusion of security in the face of professionals, opening the door for me and stepping back to allow me entrance.
I didn't bother taking in the lavish furniture or massive four post bed shrouded by thin curtains and covered with a sickening array of cushions and pillows simply because my mind was too busy ascertaining where I should place my protective wards to maximise protection. Two large bay windows faced out to the front of the property, half covered by thick crimson curtains that allowed a great deal of sunlight to filter in, but they weren't as big a threat as the windows on the far right wall of the room that opened up onto a small balcony.
Granted the balcony still had plenty of privacy and looked to be a great place to relax, but it was far too easy of an entrance for anyone determined enough to scale the wall. Unacceptable. I wanted my basement room even more now.
"Thank you." I bowed my head in respect to Davian. "Now, if you will excuse me, I must begin my work."
"If you need anything, the string by your bed is connected to a bell in the staff room. They will send someone up right away." He nodded back to me before turning to leave the room, closing the door behind him.
"House servants will definitely be the first ones I call when someone breaks into this room." I sighed as I set my table onto the surface of a rather large writing desk, built with many drawers and shelves both large and small. It was, so far, the only object in this room that I took an instant liking to; there were so many places to hide things.
I began taking off my clothes, soon standing only in a pair of underwear that barely covered more than my genitals. It was the most comfortable state for me, and comfort was a great asset for enchanting that too many people overlooked. I moved to the centre of the room and sat down with my legs spread apart, making a triangle with my hands and placing them on the surprisingly warm decorative tiles that littered the floor.
Twenty minutes of quiet chanting and concentration later, the floor was successfully warded to prevent the unsettling aura of my enchanting table from spreading beyond it. Over the next hour, I did the same on the wall that I shared with the room next door, the wall that separated my room from the hallway, and the ceiling, which was remarkably difficult to get to while focusing enough to lock the ward in place.
Anyone who tried to enter in through the windows would feel that aura as their first warning, but I knew that the most it would do to a determined intruder was make them pause for a moment or two. I took a break and stepped out onto the balcony, happy to see that it received plenty of sunlight despite how many trees were around the property, and after an hour of sun bathing, I felt energized enough to get back to securing my new home. After all of this, I would definitely need a recharge, but I doubted I would be able to find that Doberman again.
Until I was settled, I would need to recharge the old fashioned way; rest, relaxation and food.
Unless I could nab myself a House Guard or staffer soon...
And chapter 2! Still not entirely sure if I'm moving the story along too quickly, or not quickly enough, but I'm not great at padding. Usually.
Hope you enjoyed it!