Daisy Finale

Story by Bortobobby on SoFurry

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#4 of Farmer Hank Milks Himself A Good Time

Daisy breathed deep. She sighed contently, her ass stuffed with her hands. She strolled along the city, crushing cars and entire buildings beneath her feet. She moaned, wiggling her fingers within her passage. The slippery walls burned and seethed around her intruding flesh. She glanced around, her ears lightly slapping her head. She couldn't see anything fun to use. Everything was just too small now.

For now she settled on driving her hands in and out of her ass, massaging the tissue therein. Her short tail flipped around behind her, in sheer joy. A smile was plastered over her face, as she felt a warm glow underneath her skin. She really did love her ass... Much more than her currently soaked pussy. She couldn't put her finger on it; she just did. Something about it... The perfect globes... the absolute stretchiness of it. She could put as much of whatever she wanted in there... And it felt even better the more she did.

She remembered how good the past vehicles had felt. She became a little more excited, and sped up her ministrations. She balled her hands into fists, and pushed as far into herself as she could. The warm walls of her ass encased her arms, coating them in a clear film. She felt her muscles tense around her arms, trying to pull them deeper. She wished she could go deeper... much deeper. Her ass was pulling so tightly...! It felt so good! She just had to find a way to fill it. She had to find a way to fill her emptiness. Her void...

She continued to roughly fuck her ass with her appendages, looking around for something, anything, to fill herself with. She whimpered. Her arms felt so good, she could only imagine filling herself with something much bigger! But to her dismay, there wasn't anything around she could use. She had simply grown too big.

She moaned, feeling another orgasm approach. The soft tissue of her ass masked the powerful muscles she concealed inside. The muscles strained strongly, pulling and tugging on her arms. Quickly her senses were being overloaded with pleasure. It felt so good... So good!

Suddenly, her orgasm crashed upon her. Her ass contracted, spasms causing the muscles to nearly crush her arms. Daisy bellowed, humping into the air. Juice squirts from her swollen pussy, raining down, along with gallons of her milk. She thrusts her arms upward with each contraction of her ass, eventually losing her balance. She fell to the ground, with a tremendous crash as she landed.

There Daisy lay, on her back, gently pulling her arms out of her rump. She closed her eyes, panting. Milk trickled from her breasts, pooling around her sides. Her pussy gently dripped its sweet essence, creating a puddle around her well used ass.

She lay there, tears forming in her eyes. She had never cried before. She couldn't explain it. She felt a longing... a deep desire, which she simply couldn't achieve. It sounded silly to her, in her head, but she just wanted to fill her ass. She wanted to fill it as far as she could. She wanted to see how far she could go. See her own limits, if she had any. And her insignificant arms simply couldn't get the job done.

She wallowed in thought, scooping up a handful of her milk, raising it to her mouth. As she gulped her smooth liquid from her hand, she had a sudden idea.

She bolted upright, sending debris flying. She sat on her rump, her ass covering more than a few blocks of the city. She spread her legs in front of her, forming one corner of a diamond. She scooted her rump forward a bit, bending her knees, spreading her cheeks and revealing her still tight pucker.

She sat there in her position for a brief moment, wondering if this could possibly allow her to achieve her goal...

With both hands, she dug into the ground between her legs. She ripped up a handful of the planet's crust, along with the street and cars combined. The bundle of debris in her hands was a sizeable quantity.

In one fluid motion, she sent the handful of junk careening towards, and into her ass.

Her eyes bulged in her head. She gasped deeply before screaming out in ecstasy. Her ass was stretched wider than when her arms were lodged within. Again, she scooped up a handful of random junk, and shoved it deep within herself.

The feeling was intense. She could feel the walls of her ass straining. They contracted around the mass of material, pulling it deeper... and deeper. In no time at all, everything Daisy had deposited into herself was sucked up and into her body. And she was growing...

Daisy squealed with glee. Her newfound dream was possible!

Again, she scooped up as much junk as she could, stuffing it into her anal canal. Her walls gripped at her hands as she inserted them. They pulled and tugged at her, hungry for more. She added more debris to her ass, shoveling away. Her ass contracted and undulated, sucking everything up. She looked like a child stuffing her face with chocolate cake... almost.

She panted and moaned, her pleasure escalating quickly. She whipped her arms around her, grabbing as wide a variety of stuff as she could. She grabbed trees, dirt, cars, and entire buildings... It didn't matter. All of it went straight into her behind.

Daisy moaned, feeling the tickle of tree branches been snapped within her walls. Cars were crushed without any effort. Nothing could stand up to the massive strength of her anal muscles. She tried testing herself with an enormous boulder she found underneath the ground she'd ripped up.

She snatched the giant rock from the ground. It was easily larger than her own head, but she didn't care. She pressed the cold rock against her hungry opening. It quickly began to stretch and worm itself around the massive intruder. Daisy pushed with all her might. Her ass cheeks began to spread apart, stretching incredibly far. Her hips began to widen, making room for the huge object.

Daisy fell onto her back, her body growing at an alarming rate. She covered another block of the city ever few seconds, and the rock in her hands seemed smaller and smaller.

Her ass continued to gulp down its most recent meal. Her pucker stretched until the rock finally began to enter into her body. Its cold, hard surface sent chills through Daisy. She panted heavily, her pleasure increasing. This was exactly what she was looking for. Yet, it felt familiar...

Once again, milk began to gush from her breasts. Her pussy leaked profusely, coating the boulder with her fluid, lubing it up. It quickly began to slide into Daisy now. It was smoothly disappearing. By now, Daisy's ass muscles took over, pulling on the rock. Nothing could stop them now.

Her muscles yanked with frightening strength, pulling the boulder deeper. Daisy refrained from pushing with her hands. It was useless now. She instead began to shove her fists into her sopping wet pussy.

She screamed and squealed with each thrust. Her hands were going so deep! It felt so good! Her dripping walls gripped her hands, pulling on them as well as her ass was pulling on its massive intrusion.

Her orgasm was quickly approaching. After a few minutes of constant stimulus, the rock in Daisy's ass was nearly gone. Her ass continued pulling. Further and further it went. Finally, the final tip of the rock disappeared into Daisy, leaving a strange bulge in her belly.

That's when Daisy hit her orgasm. She screamed to the heavens. Her ass contracted around the boulder, threatening to crush it. Her vaginal was rippled and undulated around her fists. Daisy's mind was flooded with pleasure signals. She began humping again, riding out her most powerful orgasm yet. She fisted herself as fast as she could, liquid gushing forth. Within her ass, the boulder began to crack.

Something was different this time. She wasn't coming down from her climax. She just kept cumming. Not that she was complaining of course.

She brought one hand out of her rippling pussy and began to roughly rub her clit. Her orgasm jumped to new heights as she did this, causing her ass to contract even tighter, cracking the boulder further. Her walls kept contracting, and her juice flowed forth. Her milk coated her body, warming her.

Something was wrong. This wasn't enough. With spasming arms, Daisy reached around her, gathering up more handfuls of random junk, and stuffed it all into her dripping cunt.

Immediately, her eyes clenched shut, and she screamed so loud, she thought she'd lose her voice. Her orgasm went sky high. Her ass contracted stronger than what she thought was possible, obliterating the boulder within to dust. Her pussy undulated around the debris, drawing it up into her body. Daisy quickly shoved one hand into her ass, and one into her pussy, and began to fist herself. Her orgasm continued, threatening to cause her to lose consciousness. There she thrashed, laying across a decimated city. The people had no idea what hit them.

After what seemed hours, Daisy finally began to come down from her climax. She found that she had grown to an incredible size. The destroyed city below her couldn't have been bigger than her palm. But she was tired. She was so tired...

She fell asleep there, drifting into darkness. A comforting warm darkness...

When Daisy awoke, she felt strange. She felt very tired, yet she was standing. Standing on all fours... What had happened to her? Her hands and feet had vanished and instead were replaced by hooves. She wanted to move, but she was so groggy... She had trouble keeping herself standing.

Though she opened her eyes, Daisy couldn't see more than a foot in front of her. She was surrounded by darkness. The air was warm and damp. And she thought she could hear soft sounds... she didn't know what was making the sounds, but whatever they were, they were alive. She wasn't alone wherever she was.

Daisy simply stood there, her eyes glazed over, nearly asleep. Her body was so hot...

She was quickly rousted from her grogginess when her dark little world was shattered by a sudden burst of light. Though it was fuzzy, it looked like there was... a person? Someone or something was standing in the light, silhouetted. She knew who it was... She was glad to see him.

She would be alright now that Hank was here. She needed a good milking.