Roommates Aside 2: Just a Little Favor

Story by pyrostinger on SoFurry

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#11 of Roommates

Author's note: Woohoo, another installment of Roommates! Sort of! Well, it's not quite the promised chapter, but, chapter ten is being worked on. Just... at the end of chapter nine, I just had no idea how to get to my next plot point. There was a bridge, of sorts, to be made, which is chapter Ten. This, of course, is not that bridge. It was an idea that I had floating around when a friend of mine pitched it: Morticunata herself. I took the idea and ran with it. That said, a special thanks goes out to her for planting the idea in my head.

Also, I'm still running a mailing list! You want on, you gotta send an e-mail to [[email protected]](%5C), with the title of "I Want On!" Any other titles will probably be lost in the vast amount of space that Gmail gives you, and it is vast. Very.

LEGAL STUFF: This story contains sexual situations and adult language. If you don't like these things, go away. You probably shouldn't have gotten this far in the first place. Additionally, you must be 18, or, in some areas, 21 to read this story. So, if you're not, go away. If you don't choose to listen... well, you'll be breaking the law, technically, but there won't be many that'll care terribly, unless it's your parents. Also, Morticunata and Morti are (c) to her, and Dillan is a joint copywrite between myself and her. Baxter, however, is kinda mine.


Roommates Aside 2: Just a Little Favor


"I don't get it," said Baxter, flexing in front of the mirror. Muscles and sinews jumped out under the badger's fur, blowing up like balloons. He tapped a bicep. "I got all these guns," he continued, making another muscle with a grunt, "and barely enough pussy to show for it." He growled at himself in the mirror. "I mean, hell, I've even resorted to males, and still nothin'. I don't get it. I mean, I work in the friggan gym, for cryin' out loud. Everyfur that comes here knows I how I got 'em, too. No freakin' performance enhancers here, oh, no. This is allllll natural, baby." He kissed the other bicep, then abruptly dropped the posing, looking at me. "And you, a friggan gangly squirrel skinny-ass towel boy--"

"That's not the only thing I do," I said, most of my attention on the school newspaper. There was a very interesting article on the political leanings of the students in the student council. Some of my headfur fell into my eyes, so I cleared it up.

"Yeah, but still! You get more play with that one female than I do in a week! Hell, I think that panther I ran into earlier got more play than I did, and he had no idea that that vixen liked him!" He came right up to me. "What's your secret, man? You're not even mated to anybody... c'mon, you gotta have some sorta secret words, or even some kinda funky cologne or, or--" He stopped, sniffing at me, then dropped his voice, "--or maybe some kinda secret pheromone or somethin' heredit... heradet..."

"Hereditary." My ears perked at the slight noise of someone coming down the hallway. I knew those steps...

"Hereditary, yeah, that makes the females flock to ya... c'mon, you gotta have something goin' here that I don't have. What is it?"

"Maybe it's your approach," I said, looking at the doorway every once in a while. Here she comes...

"Bullshit. I show 'em my guns, anything else they need to see is revealed in the bed." Bax, as he liked to be called, gave me a look. "So, what, you got some friggan long-ass dick under them pants or somethin'?"

"It's big enough." I saw, just over the newspaper I was no longer reading, her peek her head from behind the door frame. She grinned cutely. Of course, most of what she did was meant to be cute, and usually was. You had to look deeper to find the raging hormones in her.

She stepped in the break room, taking it in with a glance. Those eyes. Those expressive green eyes. That's where you could see it. One minute, they're playful-playful, the next they're playful-seductive. The change itself can happen in a flash, especially if you know how to press the right buttons. She stopped, waiting. Bax, feeling the tension in the air, finally looked behind him, saw the look in her face and the same one in mine, and backpedaled in a hurry. And not a moment too soon.

We both moved, paper tossed aside, her bag thrown against the lockers, both making for the wall. Reaching it with a jump, we both kicked off toward each other. Colliding with a communal grunt, we held on tight to the other, each trying to manipulate the other in the slow rotation until, finally--

I grunted, her body landing heavily on me, Bax only just out of the way, muttering curses we ignored. Morticunata pressed her nose against mine, grinning breathlessly.


I blew some of my head fur out of my eyes. "Yeah, but I'm still the winner overall."

"Only by one, silly Dilly with the squirrelly tail," she shot back. "And I WILL have my pouncing title back!"

I chuckled. "No, you won't. It's mine."

"Oh, yes, I most certainly will!" she countered.

"Oh, no, you most certainly won't!"

"Oh, yes, I will!"

"Oh, no, you won't!"

"Oh, yes I will!"

"Oh, no, you won't!"


"Oh, will you two get a friggan room already?" cut in Bax, glaring at us.

"Already have!" we chorused at him. Bax rolled his eyes with a growl, muttering something panthers as he left. Morti giggled again while I just smirked. We were alone.

Of course, there was some truth to that statement. We have gotten a room... sometimes hers, mostly mine. My roommate transferred out a week into the semester, and nobody else has moved in yet. Hence, I have no one else to worry about. I just hope I get some notice, because I know that my alone status won't be for long, and I would prefer for him not to burst in on me and her gettin' it on. I wouldn't mind it, but I'd prefer for it not to happen. It was interesting enough when her roommate came in on us when we were in her room, once. Kiyara didn't say anything and walked out, but it's a wonder how she didn't hear anything. Morti's passionate yowls could definitely be heard down the hall.

But I digress. We were still alone. My break permitting, something could happen. Of course, my break didn't permit. "C'mon, you gotta get off me, Morticunata, my break's over in a few," patting her side after she stopped giggling. I made it a point to say her full name, for no reason other than everybody else called her "Morti."

"Yeah, I start around the same time, too." She made a face, swinging herself off me. She got her bag and moseyed on over to the female's changing room while I adjusted my uniform in the mirror Bax had been occupying. I didn't have long to wait, and we went to punch in together, talking more or less about nothing. It was cool, though. Morti and I were like that.

I first met her at orientation last year. Well, to be completely accurate, she met my tail first, the rest of me shortly after. It sorta set the tone for our relationship, as she grabbed my tail, ogling over it as I stared at her for a bit, deciding whether I should laugh or start yelling at her. She looked at me. She looked so cute like that; her face conveying astonishment at the possibility that another might be angry at her playing with their tail, her eyes full of mischief, knowing exactly what she was doing and daring me to say something about it. I laughed, she smiled, and we became fast friends.

The second, physical part of our relationship came about because of alcohol. We were at a party, and there was a keg. Morti, Kiyara and I were hanging out, the two of them watching me experiment with beer. The first cup I had was disgusting. I wondered why so many guzzled the stuff like water. Maybe, I thought naively, that it would be better if you drank more or something. About ten or so beers later (I lost count around six, I think) I was having the time of my life. The beer was still kinda nasty, but I found I cared less the more I drank.

The rest of the night was the obligatory blur. The only parts I really remember is parts of me dancing like a damn fool, then me emptying my stomach into a toilet. When I next became conscious, I had a pounding headache, and I felt terrible all over. My first hangover. What fun. On the plus side, my aching head was resting on something warm, which seemed to alleviate the pain somewhat. It was nice... Still, the headache wouldn't give up, and I groaned out accordingly. My eyes started to open at this point, and the first thing I saw was ceiling, an unfamiliar one at that. The second thing I saw was red, followed by black and green and pink and white. There more white around the top of my hazy vision. A voice that seemed familiar said, "You aren't a very pretty drunk, Dilly."

It wasn't loud, but nevertheless the words ran around in my head like cubs injected with sugar who were banging pots and pans. I cringed a bit, groaning. "Sorry," whispered the voice. "Too loud for ya?"

"Yeah..." I mumbled, opening my eyes again. The world seemed clearer, and I could make out a face from the blurs. "...Morti?"

She tilted her head a bit, smirking. "That's the first time I heard you call me that."

"S'easier, right now..." I blinked sluggishly. "Where'm I?"

"My dorm. Specifically, you're in my lap. Kiyara went to go get something for your hangover." Her manner changed, slightly. "You got very drunk last night, Dillan."

My eyelids closed slowly, and opened as such. "That's... the first time you called me Dillan."

"I thought it was appropriate," she said, shrugging easily.


"Anyway..." I could see by now that her eyes had narrowed some. "You said a lot of stuff last night, one of which caught my interest in particular."

"Which one wazzat?"

"The part where you said you'd like to do me."

Pause. "I said that?"

"Uh-huh. Almost acted on it, too."

"Then... what stopped me?"



She smiled. "I didn't want ta yiff ya when you're drunk, silly!"

A longer pause. Then: "Oh."

We did end up yiffing, the next night. It was just us; Kiyara had an early start. One thing led to another and bam. It was... fun. That probably doesn't seem like the right word, but it was. The next morning, we ended up missing a class because we had more fun just cuddling.

When I told her my reaction later on, she laughed. "I'm not surprised, though," she said after subsiding. "I'm a very fun furson."

Probably the oddest part was that our relationship only changed very slightly. She became a bit more apt to do lewd things, especially if she wanted me at that moment. I never did get around to asking if we were mates, but the thought was dispelled when she continued talking about her sex life and asking me about mine... which is how I found out about Sem. Morti gushed about him on a few occasions, especially "Kiki's" crush on him, and urging her to go after him the night before the party. I also heard about his deflowering after that same party, which made me smirk. Morti wanted that, I think. She also just wanted a piece of him, too.

Which brings us to the present. My shift was ending fairly soon, and I was doing a towel run, which is to say getting all the abandoned dirty towels sprinkled around the gym equipment and basketball courts and busing them to the laundry. I ran into Morti, or, rather, she ran into and pounced on me. "Hey, there Morticunata. What's up?" I asked after removing more headfur from my vision.

"Need a favor from ya, Dilly," she said, bouncing on me a bit.

"And what's that?"

"Can you cover the end of my shift?"

"Did something happen?"

She shook her head. "I actually forgot something."

"What'd you forget?"

Settling herself on me, she went on. "You know about Sem, right?"

I chuckled. "Kiyara finally sharing?" She beamed, nodding energetically. "So you wanna cut out from work early so you can go and bone Sem?"

"With Kiki," she corrected.

"With Kiki? What, are you two giving him the Treatment?" Morticunata's smile became instantly wider and naughtier. "You ARE?" I chuckled, shaking my head incredulously. "Jeez, and here I was thinkin' I was gonna be the only one you two ever hit with that... that is almost mean... alright, alright, so you're going to go give him the Treatment. Alright, then. My thing is how, exactly, do I benefit from this?"

"You help me out!" she said brightly.

"While that's true," I said, raising myself onto my elbows, "I'll need a bit more in return than your gratitude. I mean, I'm gonna stay here for an extra 15 minutes or so while you go off and have fun. That's not exactly fair, you know."

She shook her head, then made a face as if she was thinking. "How about..." she said slowly, shifting her weight forward, a certain glint in those luminous emerald eyes, "...I pay you right now, hm?"

I would be lying if I said this didn't pique my interest. I would also be lying if I said she hadn't piqued anything else, as well. I knew that look. "And how would you do that?" I asked, my paws floating down her sides as my eyes strayed along her body, looking for any additional signs.

Morti purred, but then removed my paws from her. "Come with me and I'll show you." Pulling me up, she went around to the front of the cart, dragging it along as I made a show of pushing it, helplessly focused on her raised tail and swaying hips. She led me into the laundry room, which was empty. The loud sound of bustling machinery was pervasive... but the room was empty. Letting go of the cart, she turned a corner, her tail beckoning me to follow. There was a chair up against one of the walls that she sat me down in, pressing her tongue knob into my neck as her tongue traversed up it.

"Can't really give you the whole show, Dilly," she whispered in my ear, giving it a nip. "Gotta save my energy for the Treatment. But... I can give you a little preview..." I went to touch her, but she pushed my paws away, licking the inside of my ear. "You know the rules, Dilly... no touchy. If I had some rope, I'd tie you up." I nodded slowly, starting to tremble as she sucked on my neck, her paws working busily at my belt. My jeans were next, and she pawed at my erection. "I don't think I've ever given you muzzle, have I?" I shook my head as she pulled my jeans down to my ankles, my cock already hard and leaking. She moved down my body, giving my tip a tentative lick, the sandpaper surface making me catch my breath. She giggled, her tongue snaking out again, lower, dragging itself up to my tip. Even though it ended just under it, the feeling kept going up my spine, making me shiver. Her nimble muscle coated my tip with saliva before it disappeared inside her mouth. I jumped, feeling a piercing, a metal knob, pressing into the underside of my cock, eliciting a gasp and further moans. It was a struggle to keep my paws off her; I went from gripping the back of the seat to clasping my paws together tightly.

Those playful green eyes looked at me as she took more of me into her muzzle, rubbing that damn knob all over my cock, bobbing up and down on it and sucking, sometimes hard, sometimes soft. I was brought right against the edge, panting, as she pulled off me, pawing me for a time. I growled slightly. Morti just made another cute face at me before pawing my tip only, her warm muzzle descending sideways, dragging her teeth softly across my member, the knob rolling around on me. My head went back; my eyes closed as I lost myself in the feeling, her mouth sliding down to suckle on my balls, the paw working overtime on my shaft, squeezing.

Again, she taunted me by stopping, taking her paw away as her muzzle went down on me, my leg starting to bounce in irritation. This time, though, she went slow, inhaling my cock while that tongue danced up and down the underside. I cried out, gritting my teeth as my head pressed against the wall. It was too new... she was too good. With a few strangled grunts, I came into her mouth, and it disappeared down her throat.

With a slurp, she pulled off me, helping me with my jeans and with helping me stand. "Thanks," she said quietly.

"N-no problem..."

Morti stuck around until my legs stopped shaking, than gave me a quick peck on the cheek before waving goodbye. I stood there, feeling slightly used. No matter; I had bought a leash that I had been meaning to try out on her for a while. Now I have more reason to.

"By the way," said Morti, peeking in. "We're even." She smiled and off she went.