Riding the Metro

Story by sethfoxen on SoFurry

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I'm back! Took a break from writing for a bit, but I'm back with a new story for everybody!

This story introduces a few new character changes, Seth is now blind, and the story has been written to reflect that.

"Here's your coffee, sir."

The thin, young, feminine red fox says, setting down a mug on a table where an older grey wolf was sitting, he slides a notepad into the pocket of his brown apron, slightly adjusting his white button up shirt so it looks impeccable. His eyes a pale, hollow blue color.

"'bout damn time!" The wolf scowls, grabbing the coffee and sipping it. "Gah! This coffee is really hot! Why didn't you warn me?!"

"Sir, coffee is hot, we don't serve cold coffee, or iced coffee, or room temperature coffee. Also, there's a warning printed on the cup." The fox points to the side of the mug, pointing out the big, bold word "HOT!" printed in bright colors, nearly impossible for anyone to miss, including the aging wolf.

The wolf growls, and waves away the fox, "Just get back to the kitchen, missy, my omelet isn't gonna make itself."

The fox walks back through the double doors to the kitchen, screaming on the inside, yet forcing a smile on the outside. He taps his claws on the metal countertop, looking through the small warming window at the short, brown haired, female rabbit working the grill.

"Katey, the old fuck at table 4 wants his omelet, and needs some better manners."

The rabbit grins, sliding the omelet onto a plate, and sprinkling a bit of cheese on it. "It's up, don't worry. 'sides, we close soon anyway."

"Yeah, but I gotta take care of this ass first. Shouldn't be too long." He slides the plate onto a tray, and walks back out the double doors.

"FINALLY!" The wolf shouts from across the small, empty restaurant as he sees the fox drawing closer with his food.

The fox snarls slightly, and roughly slides the plate onto the table, he leans over to the wolf, "Careful sir, the omelet is HOT." The fox winks, and turns back towards the door, but the wolf grabs the fox's wrist roughly.

"There isn't supposed to be CHEESE on this!" The wolf growls out, tugging the fox's arm back.

The fox yelps, and tugs his arm away, but the wolf was too strong, "Sir! Let go of me or I'll call the cops!"

"How'r ya gonna do that when I got your arm, ya little cunt?! Now you take this omelet back in there and MAKE IT RIGH-"

The wolf was cut off by the sight of a tall, heavy-set, yet muscular lion, slamming his large paw down on the table the wolf was sitting at.

"Unhand my waitress THIS MINUTE!"

The wolf lets go of the fox, who quickly steps away, the wolf's eyes fixed with the lion's. The lion grabs the wolf by the collar of his nice business suit.

"Hey! This suit was ex-GURK!" The wolf manages to squeak out before the lion lifts him from his seat.

"Don't feel so good, does it?" The lion carries the wolf by the collar to the front entrances, he slams the wolf to the wall next to a sign. "Can still read, can't ya? I know the word 'hot' was in huge bold letters, but these are a little smaller."

The lion points to the sign, which reads:

Our waitresses are dear to us

you touch one, and I'll touch you

and I promise, I'm stronger than you.


The Management

It then showed a picture of the lion. grinning while holding a first place trophy for a weightlifting competition.

The wolf sputters out "I'm a lawyer, and I know good business. I'll sue your ass!"

"A REAL lawyer would know that this sign implies a contract, which you agreed upon by entering my restaurant. You've violated that contract, and I don't need to serve you no more." The lion pushes open the door, and pulls the wolf close to his face. "Have a great day, sir." He tosses the wolf out the door, landing him on the ground.

The wolf jumps to his feet "You can't do this to me! I'm a paying customer!"

"Sorry sir, it's just good business." The lion shuts the door, and locks it, before turning back to the fox, who was rubbing his wrist softly. "Seth, you ok? He didn't hurt you, did he?"

The fox sighs, "No...just a little swollen, it'll be fine." He glances up towards the lion, and smiles, "Thanks Brandon, he was being a real prick."

The lion smiles, and gently pats Seth's back, "Take a few days off, make sure your wrist is alright. I'll give you a meal the next time you come in."

"Oh you don't have to do that." Seth protested.

"But I want to, Seth. Like that sign says, my waitresses are dear to me."

Seth smiles, and gently hugs Brandons arm. "Thanks a lot."

They both walk back to the kitchen, and prepare to close. Seth replaces all his piercings that he's not allowed to wear at work; a labret, a spiral in his left ear, as well as an industrial in the same ear, and cleans up the few tables, and wipes down the countertops, while Katie and Brandon clean up the kitchen and wash the last of the dishes. At the end of the day, about 11:30, everyone has bundled up in their thick coats, and prepared to leave. Seth waves to Brandon, who lives above the restaurant, as he walks out the building with Katie, holding onto the small bunny's arm for guidance.

Katie hugs Seth, and smiles, "See ya whenever ya get off your little break." She winks.

Seth giggles, "Two days max, I don't wanna stay home all week, I'd get bored real easy." Seth smiles. "See ya Kate, safe trip home."

"You too."

Seth smiles as Katie take off in one direction down the sidewalk. He pulls a foldout cane from his bag, and begins tapping his way down the sidewalk, he takes the stairway down to the metro. Seth swipes his metrocard, something he's used to by now. He lives on the other side of town from the little restaurant, and since it's mid-winter, it's way too cold to walk the distance. Normally he would during the warmer days. He holds his coat closed around him as he boards the packed metro. The stop before had picked up much of the late workers who work at the factory in town, so he stands holding onto a pole, as the seats were all filled.

Seth catches the eye of an older male husky behind him, wearing the basic light-blue button up shirt and blue jeans that the factory workers wear, looking Seth up and down from his seat as Seth holds onto a pole. At the next stop a large portion of the riders exit the metro, leaving several seats open, but Seth stays standing as the train starts to take off once again.

Another stop, and again, more people leave, but a few get on. Seth sways slightly at the motion of the cart, lightly nudging the person standing next to him. It was the male husky, he'd moved. The fur around his smiling muzzle and chin stark white against the off grey of the rest of his fur. Seth blushes, apologizing quickly to the husky. "Oh, so sorry."

"Don't worry about it, cutie." The husky says gruffly.

Seth blushes at the word, but stays quiet, holding onto the pole.

"So, you a waitress?" The rough, deep voice emits from the husky, noticing the fox's apron as Seth turns to him.

"Huh? Oh, yes. I work at that little place on Placent street."

"Oh, Brandon's? It's a great place, fantastic burgers." The husky grins over at Seth.

Seth smiles softly back at him, "That would be Katie, she makes the best burgers there. Been working there for years, it's all she does."

The husky grins, "I go there every Saturday, after work."

"Oh, you work at that factory?"

The husky nods, "Yup."

Seth looks over him, skeptical, "Did you work today?"

The husky chuckles, "Oh, no, not today. I just had a meeting."

Seth smirks, "I didn't think so, you smell fresh."

The husky chuckles, and nods, "Heh, yeah."

There was a moment of silence, while the train made another stop, picking up only a handful of people, before taking off again.

"So...when's your stop?" The husky asks curiously.

"Uhm...it's the next one." Seth speaks up, mentally counting the amount of stops.

"Would you...like to stop by for coffee? My stop is next as well."

Seth blushes hard, a bit nervous, he never was very good with offers like this, and was a little shy. "Oh I...I dunno, I'd rather just get to my house, it's just a block away from the metro...and it's so cold."

"Oh..." The husky said, a bit sullen. "Well, if you insist..."

The train begins to slow to make it's last stop, Seth looks over to see the husky a bit sad, and smiles, "But...you could come over to MY house."

The husky looks over, and grins, "That's just as good for me."

They both grin, and step off the train, and out of the metro. Once out in the cold, they begin to walk down the sidewalk.

"Now, my house isn't great, but I don't need much. It's just me, so it's a bit small, but it's a good pl-"

"Don't worry about the house." The husky interrupts, "My house ain't nothing special either, besides, it's not the house I'm interested in."

Seth giggles, and smiles a bit, "Well, I'll show you around anyway."

They turn the corner to a row of apartments, Seth unlocks his door, and opens it too a small house, into the living room, he smiles.

"Not much...but it works." Seth says, as he shows around the house, separate kitchen and living room, a bathroom, then a bedroom. "But the coffee is in the the kitchen, so we'll go there."

Seth leads to the kitchen, it's small, with an even smaller carpeted area off the side of it with only a small table with three chairs around it. The husky takes a seat as Seth feels around the counter, starting a pot of coffee.

"It's not too bad, cozy. I like it." The husky smiles. "Ya know, I never caught your name."

Seth smiles as he sets a coffee mug in front of the husky, holding his own, "I'm Seth, Seth Foxen."

The husky grins, and sips the coffee, "My name is David. David Wesmen."

Seth smiles, and takes a drink of his coffee, "It's nice to meet you Dave, you seem like a nice man."

David chuckles, "I guess you could say that. Though, I mostly keep to myself. I haven't been over to someone's house like this in quite some time."

Seth giggles, and smiles over at him, leaning back in his seat across from him at the table, "Well, if you don't mind me asking, how old are you?"

David smiles, "Forty-five. Not too old, right? How about you?"

Seth smirks, and looks up over his coffee, "Twenty-two. Not too young, right?"

They both laugh, and smile. Seth swirls his finger in a circle on the table slightly, and looks up at him, "So...wanna...see what's on tv?"

The husky smiles, "I'd love to."

Seth shows him to the living room, a small couch adjacent to a very small tv sitting atop a table.

"Huh...not much, right??" The husky grins.

"Oh, well, I'm blind, so I mostly just listen to it, it's mostly there for guests." The fox says, slightly embarassed.

They sit on the couch, and flip through the channels, a soap opera, children's shows, this late at night? Even a cheesey "manly" comedy show.

Seth sighs, "Not much on..."

The husky nudges his paw under Seth's to grab the remote, and flips the tv to a radio channel, playing some soft classic rock songs. "We don't need to actually watch tv, silly."

Seth giggles, then blushes deeply once he notices his paw on top of the husky's. He pulls his paw away, and scoots uncomfortably. "Uhm..."

The husky smiles, "Don't worry, I don't bite."

Seth looks over the husky, then slowly moves his paw to cover David's. "It's just...I haven't had anybody over to my house in a long time...Not that I haven't been looking, it's just that I'm really shy, and I never make the first move, and I'm just tired of-"

The fox was rambling, so David grabs him by his shoulders, and pulls his back down to lay across his lap, "Oh hush you, I know what you need."

Seth squeaks, and blushes, a bit uncomfortable, "W-what's that?"

The husky smiles, gently rubbing the foxes arm, "You need someone who can take a bit of lead. Someone kind, and gentle, but can make a few decisions for ya."

Seth blushes, but smiles slowly, "I'm just...so shy..."

"Shh..." David gently caresses Seth's cheek, smiling ever so sincerely down at him, "I know you're shy. I came to you. That's what you need. Someone to come to you."

Seth looks up at him, and smiles, "You came to me...you're right, that is what I've always needed."

David smiles, and pulls Seth up in his lap, holding Seth's side against his shoulder, hugging him softly as he nuzzles his neck, "I ain't saying I'm the best, but I ain't the worst either. It's...been quite a few years since I've had anyone."

Seth sighs, and presses into David's shoulder, "It's been too long for me... All I do is work, pay bills, and try to stay in shape. By the time I get home at the end of the day, I gotta get up in a few hours, just to go back to work, and start it all over again. I don't have time for other people."

David looks at him, quizzically, "If you don't have much time, why'dya invite me over?"

Seth holds his wrist in his other paw, rubbing it gently, "Boss gave me a few days off, had a little scuff with a customer at work. Nothing too bad, he just hurt my wrist a bit."

David gently holds up Seth's arm, looking over it, "Don't let them do that to you. Some people are assholes." He guides Seth's paw up to his mouth, kissing the top of it gently, "You're too beautiful to have someone do that to you."

Seth blushes terribly hard, covering his face with his paw, "B-beautiful...David, no one's called me that in such a long time..."

David's paw holds Seth's chin, looking down into his empty eyes as he smiles, "You are beautiful. You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life."

Seth gasps quietly, his eyes tearing up, "D-David..."

The was a slight pause in silence as David gently caresses his paw down Seth's cheek, "Yes, my sweet, beautiful fox."

"...kiss me..." The fox barely spoke through a breath, yet it was the most confident thing he's ever said.

David draws close, and presses his lips to Seth's tightly as they share a passionate, firm kiss. Tongues wrestling, and blush across both their cheeks, David's paw begins to wander, first over Seth's chest, then down to his hips.

Seth breaks the kiss quickly, "D-David-"

David quickly pulls his paw away, "O-oh sorry, I didn't mean to, I was getting into it too mu-"

Seth cuts him off by gently clasping Davids muzzle shut with his paw, "Honey, I was gonna say that my bed is way more comfortable than the couch." He grins softly at the husky.

David smirks, and stands Seth up on the floor, and stands next to him, their height and size difference now more apparent as the tall, more built husky stands next to the short, thin fox. "Lead the way, beautiful."

Seth grins, and gently tugs David's arm as he leads him through a small door, which he closes behind him. David turns around to see, in the corner of the room, a full sized bed, draped with a thick red comforter, and matching sheets and pillow cases, covering several pillows. The bed nearly fills the room, only space left for a small dresser at the end of the bed.

"Oh, it's...pretty small in here."

Seth sighs, "I know, I know, but remember, it's just me here, and it works...the bed is just big cause when I had a twin I kept rolling off it..." He rubs his arm nervously.

David smiles, and wraps his arm around Seth's mid-section, "It's fine, a lovely bedroom, for a lovely fox."

Seth blushes, but smiles, "Thanks David. Well...I guess we just...get in the bed, then."

"Hold up." David smiles, and sits on the edge of the bed, finally eye level with the fox, "I'm not much for demands, but do you think I could...possibly watch you undress?" He smiles, a soft, sincere smile.

Seth blushes deeply, shuffling nervously, he slowly looks towards the older husky, "You...want to watch?"

David grins softly, "If it's not too much trouble. It's just...usually the ones who let ya watch ya gotta pay for." He chuckles softly.

Seth giggles, and smiles, "Well...why the hell not."

Seth steps back slightly, and smiles as he slowly pulls his shirt over his head, exposing his flat, male chest, and slim tummy, with a bellybutton ring. David grins softly, and leans back on the bed making himself comfortable as he watches Seth very slowly sway his hips back and forth as he unbuttons his pants, and pulls them down, revealing tight pink panties. David's paw gropes at an ever growing bulge in his pants, as Seth drops his panties to the floor, and steps out of them, showing a set of fuzzy, feminine lips between his legs, he blushes softly.

Seth listens softly, "Are you...playing with yourself?" he says through a blush.

David smiles, and slowly unzips his pants, "Would ya like ta feel it, dear?"

Seth grins, the soft blush still stuck to his face as he steps closer to him, "I'd love too."

David pulls his button free, and slides his pants and boxers down slightly, enough for his 10 inch, fleshy, red member to be exposed to the cool air, causing it to twitch slightly, "Gah...it's...it's been a long time." David says, gently guiding the small fox's paw to his member.

"Oh..." Gasps the fox, feeling over the thick meat. "A...long time?"

David nods, "I'm...quite pent up."

Seth smiles, and clears his throat a bit, "Well...maybe I could help you..." he says quietly, as he slowly falls to his knees between the husky's legs. He gently takes David's spongy length in his paw, "It's been awhile since I've been with anyone...but I think I still know how to please someone." Seth say's confidently, directing the flesh towards his lips, and giving the tip a soft kiss.

David sighs softly as he watches the fox open his mouth, and ever so slowly drag the tip of his thick member across his tongue, "God Seth..." David utters out, "I may...not get as hard I used to, but I can still put it through it's paces." He grins softly.

Seth smiles, and gently squeezes the squishy shaft in his fingers, "Don't worry dear, you're plenty hard. 'sides, I like it a little soft." He slowly closes his lips around the the tip of the red member, suckling on it softly, his tongue swirling around the tip as he smiles up at the husky.

David grins, his large paw gently resting atop Seth's head, guiding him over his member. Seth pushes down slowly, taking the husky's long flesh down his throat, causing his neck to bulge as it's filled with thick meat. Seth reaches Davids knot, and give it a soft kiss as he winks up at the husky, causing David to blush slightly. "Damn..."

Seth's lips slowly stretches around the huge baseball sized knot, pulling it in, squeezing it gently with his tongue, before pulling out slowly, and taking a breather. "Hah, wow, you're cock is...long." He giggles, his fingers slowly stroking over the length, which droops slightly at it's weight, and inability to become fully hard. "So thick too." He smiles as he wipes his lips with his paw..

David smiles, "Haven't had anybody work it like you have." He grins wide, "Yer doin' great."

Seth smiles at the compliment, and slowly begins his work again, pushing down on the meat, and bobbing on it steadily. Each bob, he kisses the husky's knot, his paw reaching up to gently fondle his loose balls.

"God yes Seth, keep it up, just like that." Now both the husk's paws rest on Seth's head, not pushing, or holding, just resting.

Seth smiles up at Dave, and swallows around his member, his bobs becoming deeper, deep throating the soft member, causing David to let out a groan.

"Seth...I'm...gonna lose it..." David groans out through gritted teeth.

Seth smiles wide, and takes David deeply down his throat once again, this time his lips pushing past his knot, he buries his nose in the husky's furred crotch, firmly tugging on his balls as he looks up at david longingly, sending him over the edge.

"Gah! Seth!" The husky grunts out as he bucks his hips, his cock throbbing in the fox's maw, beginning to pump his hot, sticky cum down Seth's throat. Seth gulps around David's cock, swallowing every drop of his load. The husky pants heavily, leaning back on his elbows as he lets out a hard sigh. "F-fuck..."

The fox pulls off the husky's member, wiping his lips with the back of his paw. "Wow David..." He glances up at the older male, smiling softly as he stands up. "You certainly...produce..."

The husky grins, and pats the fox's bottom, "You certainly put it down." He chuckles, and scoots back onto the bed, patting the large open spot beside him. "Now it's your turn."

The fox blushes, and sits up on the bed, looking over the husky, his gaze falling on his drooping member, "A-are...you going to fuck me?"

The husky sighs softly, reaching to gently rub the fox's chest. "Sadly...that might have to wait. I...take a bit of time to recover."

The fox crawls into the husky's lap, and kisses his cheek, "Then save it...you'll sleep here tonight, we'll resume in the morning." He grins, and pulls the husky down on his back.

David grins, and pulls the covers over the two, wrapping his large paws around the fox's small waist under the blankets, "Sure, Seth, whatever you want."

The two hold each other close into the night, casually sharing kisses, and softly touching each other throughout the night, until the early morning, when the soft buzzing and pop song sounds of Seth's cell phone wake him. He scrambles from his bed, and sifts through his discarded clothing to pull out his phone, he answers it.

"H-hello?" He says grogilly.

"Hey, Seth? This is Shane." He almost immediately recognized the voice on the other end as one of his other co-workers from the restaurant. "I was wondering if you were coming in this morning. Brandon said something about you taking a break? It's kinda messing up the schedule here, but I think Emily is coming in to cover your shift, she's just a little late."

"Oh, yeah, I'm taking a break for today, and tomorrow. There was an incident the other night, and-" He was cut off by the familiar sound of the lion butting in on the other line.

"Shane, leave him alone, I told you I'd handle it."

Shane lets out an audible sigh, "Fine." and hangs up.

With just Brandon left on the line, he apologizes, "So sorry to wake you, Seth. You know how Shane gets when the schedule isn't together just right."

The fox smiles, seemingly to no one but the husky, who's now sitting up in his bed. "Oh don't worry, I'll just get up anyway. See ya on Tuesday." They both hang up. The fox tosses his phone on the dresser, and turns to the husky. "Just work, don't worry about it."

The husky grins, "So, does that mean I can finish what we started last night?" He blurts out, awkwardly, looking over the fox.

Seth smirks, and gently straddles the husky's lap, giving him a peck on the lips. "Of course, dear." They kiss softly, holding each other close for a few moments.

The husky murrs at the touch of the fox, reaching down to rub the head of his soft member against the fox's soft lips between his legs, letting out a soft groan. "Mmmhh damn Seth..."

Seth lets out a soft churr, pressing down against the husky. "C'mon, gimme gimme." He moans out, wrapping his arms around the David's neck, the husky pushing the first few inches of his member into the fox. "O-oh my!" He manages to squeak out.

"Mmrrfh," grunts the husky, "Damn, you're tight." He pushes a few more inches in, before resting his knot against the fox's tight lips. He begins to bounce him in his lap, steadily at first.

"Oh...oh! Ooh Dave...ah..." Moans the fox as he bounces, "S-so thick! Oh!" He hugs close around David's neck, pushing back against him.

The husky grunts roughly, and scoots back on the bed, laying the fox on his back, and beginning to ram into him roughly. "Gah, f-f-fuck! Nngh!" He grunts out, panting heavily as he plows the small fox.

"Ah! Ah! Oh!" The fox moans out, squeaking and squealing with each thrust, his bed rocking, headboard smacking against the wall with a loud thud each time. "Oh yes baby! C'mon, fuck me!" He screams out.

"Yes! Take it!" The husky grunts out, railing into the fox as sweat begins to drip from his brow. "Hah, hah, almost! God!"

Seth moans heavily, tossing his head to the side. "Fill me up you beast!" The fox cries out, nearing his own orgasm as well.

David lets out a hard, heavy grunt, before slamming his large body against the thin fox, forcing his knot into him, as it swells up. Pumping a thick, heavy load directly into the fox's womb, his thick member causing a bulge in the fox's stomach. "Gah!! F-Fuck!" He cries out.

The fox squeals, panting roughly as his inner walls clamp down on the husky's large member, his stomach tensing as he tosses his head back. "Ahh! Y-yes!"

The two lay together, panting heavily, holding each other close as they both come down from their high, the husky tugging, and pulling his knot out of the fox with an audible pop, leaving the fox with a gaping entrance, a bit of seed seeping from his folds. "Damn Seth...damn..."

Seth purrs, and grins up at David, leaning up to give his cheek a kiss. "You're so talented, so thick..." He lays back down on his bed, his paw gently feeling over the husky's chest.

They lay for a bit, before David sits up, wiping his forehead. "Let's get a shower in, I'm feeling pretty drained, and sweaty..." The husky pants out.

"Alright dear," the fox smiles, sitting up in his bed. "I'll lead you there."

They climb out of the bed, Seth holding David's arm as he guides his own paw over the wall, using it to find his way around his small apartment, and to his bathroom. Seth starts the water, as they both climb in. "Your bathtub is pretty big, for both of us."

Seth grins, "It is pretty big, I like to take baths sometimes." Seth speaks up, beginning to lather some soap into the fur on his tummy.

The husky helps the fox with his back, lathering it up, as well as himself. "Mmh...so, did you have fun with me?" The husky asks curiously.

The fox grins, and leans into the husky, kissing his lips softly. "You're amazing, David. I definitely had fun." He giggles, as they rinse off, and step out of the shower, both grabbing towels to dry off.

As they gather up their clothes, David picks up Seth's phone from the dresser. "So...since you have one of these...you think I could get your number?" He grins.

Seth blushes, and giggles. "Like I'd let you leave without my number hun."

They exchange numbers as Seth gets dressed, the husky stands with the fox at his front door. "You'll...invite me over again sometime...right?" He gives a cheesy grin.

"Of course David, you're allowed over anytime." Says the fox, seeing off the husky, as they wave to each other, splitting ways.