A Sexy Start to the Spring Semester

Story by Jette on SoFurry

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A submission that was originally supposed to be completed a couple days ago since school is starting up for a lot of us college students. It was kinda sorta supposed to be around 700 words...but that didn't work out very well. Either way, it was a fun write! Thinking up the title, on the other hand, was horrid...

"I can't believe winter's break is over already..." Fox buttoned up his shirt and shook his head, fashionably disheveling his long, jet black hair. He stood up from his bed as he looked to Miles, his black dragon roommate, rubbing the back of his head and reaching to his side for a thin, sheathed blade. While he couldn't help but wipe the disappointment off of his face, Miles didn't look bothered at all, in fact, he almost looked a little excited.

"I can't believe you gave Mrs. Arlet her clothes back. I think I definitely could have kept her under the sheets for another week AT LEAST." Miles unfurled his wings and swiped his claws through the air. Afterward he turned toward Fox and balled his fists, looking almost like a boxer.

Fox chuckled and stepped toward his older brotheresque roommate, taking up a similar stance and throwing out a fake punch. Miles caught his wrist and threw a punch of his own, which Fox intercepted with a chuckle. "Honestly, I thought she would have used her magic to put you in a coma with the way you were courting her. You'd have one more day...max"

Miles scoffed before pulling his arms back from Fox and flexing. "I definitely could have kept her under the sheets for another week...AT MOST." He bumped Fox's chest with a fist before starting outside. "_Anyway_new semester, new chances to get some private lessons...let's just try not to ruin them for me, huh?"

Fox rubbed the back of his head as he staggered backward, sitting down on his bed as Miles opened up the door and made his way out. "Don't get eaten on your first day back!" He called just as he left the room, but instead of the opening door swinging close as it usually did, it remained open.

Fox raised an eyebrow at the sight until a set of claws gripped the door by its frame and shortly afterward, an entire werewolf made its way into the room, taking Miles's place. For a moment, he found himself frozen in shock, then the next thing he knew he found himself on his back in the middle of his bed.

"S-Sil...!?" Fox's blurred vision returned to normal at the same time as the door slammed shut. A morning that had started out slow, boring, and rather disappointing, had become rather exciting in a mere moment as he looked up to Sil, his mate and instructor for his final class. "What are you doing here...? Don't you have classes to teach almost all day long?" He couldn't help but stare over Sil's body, from her wide hips to her massive breasts all concealed in her tight-fitting, violet, velvet skirt and blouse, all matching her shimmering eyes.

Sil smiled rather warmly at the sight and the thought of Fox being so surprised to see her, but he did have a point. With a class to teach that wouldn't sit still for very long, they wouldn't have too much time together...regardless, she was prepared to make the most of every second. "I do, but I'm sure my first hour students won't mind some time off while I make sure that my favorite student has proper motivation to come to class."

Only a moment later Sil reached down for Fox's wrists, forcing them to the buttons on her shirt as she leaned forward, straddling him. She planted her lips on his and hastily unbuttoned his shirt, adversely taking her sweet time filling his mouth with her tongue. It had been far too long since she had felt the hands of her mate all over her furry body or the taste of his human essence on the very tip of her tongue. It wasn't long into her daydreams that she felt Fox snap off her bra and ferociously take up her dark brown, furry breasts in each palm. She couldn't help but throw her head backward and moan loud, growling shortly afterward before she ripped off his shirt and planted her palms at his sides.

"Better than my dreams..." Fox smirked wide as he pulled himself up with Sil's help. His legs followed her to the edge of the bed where she fell down to her knees with her tail wagging behind her. The mere sight of her skirt-covered hips only ensured that Sil was telling the truth, and they weren't going to have too much time together, still, he couldn't help but lust over her hidden curves. "Hold on..."

Sil looked up to Fox with a wide smile, her ears tilted backward, then stood straight up again. "Yes?"

"The rest of your clothes, take them off." It was the old Fox when she had first met him that was far too nervous and quiet to say anything of the sort, but the longer she knew him, the more feral he seemed to become. If it weren't for his whole humanesque compassion and ability to simply say no to his lust, she would have mistaken him for a werewolf...a big, strong werewolf.

Sil chuckled loud and darkly, gripping his thighs tight as she stood up before him. Afterward, she gripped her skirt and started to unbutton the top button, but before she could, Fox grabbed one of her wrists and looked directly into her eyes from her breasts. "Slowly." She grinned even wider than before, turning around away from Fox and slowly bending over, getting off the first button...then the second, then the small zipper beneath it.

Fox couldn't help but reach forward and smack Sil's big, furry ass after her skirt flumped around her ankles, and her panties soon after. She gasped loud, leaning forward some before returning the favor, lifting her big, soft, furry tail to smack Fox across the face. Shortly afterward, she playfully snorted, turning her tail to the other side.

"Might as well get the other cheek too, don't you thi-"

Before she could even finish her statement, she felt Fox's hand firmly groping her other cheek, then his left hand on her left cheek. His smack had become a firm hold, and it wasn't very long afterward that he stood up, holding her rear tight and standing on the tips of his toes. Despite his meager 5 feet and 8 inches compared to her 9'8, he made it work, attempting to lean over her, but before he could give her a true show of who was "in charge," she spun around and with a swift palm, knocked him down onto the bed.

"A-Ack! Hey!" Fox smiled wide and a little nervously, rubbing the back of his head and somehow managing to forget the time. "I almost had ya."

Sil chuckled before spinning around, giving Fox a full frontal view of her furry sex, large breasts and flawless curves. "Come now, Fox..." she dropped to her knees as she spoke, reaching forward and gripping Fox by his member that was already rock hard and throbbing. "If we just did everything now...you wouldn't have much of a reason to come to class later, would you...?"

"Well..." Before Fox could manage an answer, Sil enveloped his thick cock in her long, spongy tongue. "Hnngh...!"

Sil chuckled loud over the sound of Fox's muffled moan as she pulled back. A thin line of saliva connected her mouth to the tip of Fox's member. She gave him a break for a mere moment before going down and kissing the tip of his member gently as she gripped his sides with her massive, furry hands.

Fox's fingers sank into the soft bed behind him as he gripped the covers tight. He puffed out his chest almost triumphantly and threw his head far backward, taking a deep breath through his teeth as the warmth of Sil's tongue seemed to envelope his entirety. The next thing he knew, he felt the back of Sil's head and her wars in his hands, his member slowly and surely finding its way further and further into her maw.

Sil sounded off a growl of affirmation as Fox began to take control, picking up her head and slowly lowering it, slurping every bit of Fox's member. After a while all she could taste was his precum and her nose was filled with the peculiar scent of his humanesque musk. She couldn't help but sink her claws into her mate, holding herself back for the sake of a much sweeter "later." She couldn't help but pick up the pace in anticipation, her tail wagging hard from left to right.

"D-Damn it...!" Fox shut his eyes tight before opening them up to reveal his glazed, emerald gaze. The way Sil bobbed her head and slipped her tongue all around his cock was almost goddess-like, and the way she grazed his cock with her sharp teeth sent chills down his spine. The only thing better than the way she went down on him was the way she tackled him to anything she could find before riding him like the wild wolf that she was. The thought left Fox trembling all over.

It wasn't very long into their mid-class meeting that Sil found Fox's throbbing nearly impossible to contain within the folds of her tongue. His orgasm wasn't just something she craved, but something she lusted for, something she dreamed of. It was with a powerful roar from above, a dragonesque roar from her strangely human mate, that she found her dreams granted and her tongue unable to contain the pumps of his seed that followed. She grunted loud as Fox held her head down and slowly, but surely began to remind her of everything they had been missing together.

"Nngh...!" She shut her eyes tight and gulped down Fox's seed one release at a time, panting through her nose. She squeezed him tighter and gripped his cock with her tongue alone before slowly easing up. "Mmph...Fox..."

As Sil backed off and his release drew to its end, Fox allowed her to pull her head backward as he stood up. With another dominant grunt of many, Fox gripped his cock harder than ever, finishing himself off over Sil's face and breasts. He fell back to the bed with weak, trembling knees and a hard panting, his cock harder than ever as he looked over Sil's body more. The way she held her mouth open to reveal his liquid pleasure and the way it dripped from her breasts and into her lap at a leisurely pace almost gave him an impossible sense of pride.

Sil licked her lips and swallowed down the remainder of Fox's seed in a single gulp before grinning wide and prowling forward. She started to straddle him once more and gripped his member tight, pinning him firmly to the bed as she let her breasts hang over him. She chuckled loud and smiled wider than ever. "Ready for more, are you...?"

"Heheh" Fox panted hard, looking up to Sil's illustrious figure and gripping her hips as she straddled him. "If I said yes...would you skip class and spend the day giving me private lessons?" He winked, after he spoke, feeling stronger than ever.

She returned Fox's pants with a chuckle, leaning forward and pressing the tip of Fox's member against her inner thigh. After a moment she planted a deep kiss on Fox's lips before pulling back and snatching up her shirt and bra at the same time. By the time he sat up she was backed up against the door and she had already started redressing, licking her snout clean of his seed. "Nope, but feel free to prepare yourself to give a special oral presentation in front of the whole class."

Fox's eyes widened at the boldness of Sil's statement, then his raised eyebrows slowly converged and his smile became a cocky smirk. Most of the school had a good guess that they had something special behind closed doors, but never had she made a joke like that. Truthfully...the thought excited him, and after having to wait for school to start again to see his mate...he was more than willing to do anything to make her smile. "Heheh, I already can't wait."