Warm Friends Chapter 4

Story by rargh on SoFurry

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#4 of Warm Friends

Roger and Brance continue their fun night. Also, Roger sees how much more it's going to be difficult to keep their secret.

"Maybe." Brance adjusted himself so that his length wasn't pressed up against me as much. He shrank in on himself ever so slightly as he did so, as though he felt bad about it.

"It's totally okay," I said, "we did just fuck, so it's not like it's odd."

"Roger, I don't want you to have to do anything again. Not yet, at least."

"But I don't mind it. In fact, I'd like to do some more."

"That's sweet, but are you sure?" He kissed me on the neck.

"You are too," I replied lovingly. Gradually, I felt the kiss turn into a soft nibble, which moved slowly from the back of my neck to the side. It felt so good that I moaned. "Darn it, Brance, you're good at this. Have you been with someone before?"

The nibbling ceased for a moment. "Yes." The statement was halting. "Once."

I turned to him, sensing his apprehension. "What's the matter? That doesn't make me mad or anything. So what if you were with someone? I don't see them trying to steal you back." I watched intently as his eyes softened with each of my words, changing from an almost panicked expression to one of peaceful trust. Once it seemed that he was back to his old, sure self (which took a grand total of ten seconds), I leaned in and locked lips with him. This kiss was a little different than the first few. Instead of merely tying our tongues in knots, Brance started biting down on my lips. It was soft, not uncomfortable, and in fact brought a chill up from the base of my spine. I was beginning to like it when he used his teeth. Taking it as a clue, I tried to do the same to his lips, and was rewarded with a small thrust of his hips.

Directing my attention downwards, I realized that Brance had almost grown all the way again. Only about an inch was left to go before his cock was all the way out of his sheath. Tentatively, I reached down and grabbed it in my hand, marveling at how smooth it felt. He thrust a little and I saw a bit of his pre squirt out. I wonder what it tastes like. The thought was revolting. How could I want that? What the heck is wrong with me? That was just in my ass! But... maybe._Slowly, I lowered my head down. At first, Brance tried to pull me back, but he slowly gave up, letting me continue down. I kept my hand on his cock as I did so, moving up and down his length gently. Every once in a while, he would thrust into my hand and let out a little bit more pre. Carefully, kneeling by his bedside, I put my face close to the pulsing red shaft, studying it in great detail. I was still rubbing along its length as I did so, eliciting moans and thrusts from Brance's tense body. It seemed it was constantly leaking pre at this point, though there were still larger spurts from time to time. I sniffed and got a huge whiff of his musk mixed with pre. I liked it, and it sealed the deal. I poked out my tongue and carefully licked his tip, finding the taste to be mildly salty, but with a slight sweet taste, although both notes of flavor were difficult to detect. Surprisingly, it didn't taste too much like ass--not to say that I knew what ass tasted like yet. I liked it, and I decided to try spending a little time getting to know his flavors. I put my lips around his tip and was rewarded with a small spurt of pre, which I savored for a moment before swallowing. _What does his cum taste like if this is only his pre? I wondered, starting to take a little more of Brance's cock into my mouth. Suddenly, I felt a paw on my shoulder. I quickly pulled away from Brance, looking up to see a slightly forced smile on his face.

"No teeth," he said, pained admiration in his voice, "otherwise, you're doing pretty good."

Tentatively, I leaned back to his shaft, covering my teeth with my lips this time. "Oh my gosh, yes!" I heard Brance gasp. He immediately thrust into me, and I made a mental note that this was a sure way to get him going. Slowly, I tried to take more of him into my mouth. All the while, continuing to stroke his shaft, feeling the slick surface under my hand, and being rewarded with copious amounts of pre. After a few inches, though, I found it was hard to manage. Shoving any more in triggered my gag reflex. Figuring that I had gotten as far as I could, I started to bob my head back and forth; this elicited quite a reaction. Getting up to a standing position, Brance growled--a deep, powerful sound that I found commanded my attention like no other--and took my head in his paws, pushing his dick a few inches further into my mouth. He was spurting, and it seemed that in that moment, he had lost the will to control himself. I was choking on his cock.

Hearing my struggles, Brance opened his eyes and looked down to me. Quickly, a look of fear spread over his face and he pulled himself out immediately, leaving me to sputter and be painted in his cum. "Oh my gosh..." His ears went back and a sad expression spread over his face while his tail poked up from between his legs, tickling me at what was probably the worst time. His transformation was so fast I almost didn't know the same cocky guy was in front of me. "I am so, sooo sorry," he said, trying to turn away from me.

No you don't, I thought, grabbing his wrist. He looked away, that same sad expression on his face as I coughed up a bit of his cum, while letting him continue to paint me with the rest. After he was spent, it took another few moments clearing my throat before I could speak properly. "It's," I spluttered, "okay."

"No, it's not!" Brance said angrily, finally pulling his arm away from me and turning towards the wall. His tail slowly fell down to lay on the bed between his legs. "I really could have hurt you. In fact, I did."

"Do I look hurt to you?" I asked seriously. Getting up from my position on the floor, I put my hand on his shoulder, laying down behind him in his bed. "You surprised me is all. I'm perfectly okay."

"That's not true," he sobbed, still facing away from me.

"Yes It Is." I tried to turn him towards me, but failing in that, I carefully climbed over him to sit face to face. While doing so, I was careful to avoid brushing up against his red prick, which was still stuck outside of its sheath, the knot smaller than I thought. Once as comfortably situated as I could be, I looked reassuringly into his eyes, which I was dismayed to see a trail of tears running from. He only seemed to look sadder after a few moments of that, though, so I leaned in and hugged him as tightly as I could. There was no way I would let him feel alone, unloved, or worse--like he had hurt me.

It took a while, but Brance slowly returned the hug, still whimpering, but doing so with his snout buried in my shoulder. Now confident I hadn't lost him, I loosened my hug a little and patted him on the back. I still had his mess spread over my face and torso, and it was starting to harden and stick to his fur as well as my skin, but I didn't care. Keeping Brance safe was more important than being clean.

"Roger, I don't want to hurt you like that again," he said once he had calmed down somewhat.

"Brance, I know you didn't mean to do that. You would never hurt me on purpose. However, a little warning like 'take a breath' or 'I'm about to push even more of my cock in' would be nice." I was trying to turn it into a joke.

It was a success. Brance laughed--a huge improvement over his previous state--and agreed. "Maybe so," as he hugged me tighter for a moment, then loosened his grip. I loosened my hug too, and we fell to lay on our sides for a few minutes, just resting.

Suddenly, a knock came on the door, then it opened. This time, I didn't care. I couldn't let my thoughts wander away from Brance. I did, however, crack an eyelid to identify the intruder. It was Brance's mother, but she looked less angry now and more understanding. How the heck did that happen? "Dinner's ready," she said, then added, "but please wash up before you come to the table." She then left the room without even saying a word about how we were situated.

"D'you hear that?" I asked Brance.

"Yes, but do we have to get up now? I'm enjoying the moment."

"I think it wouldn't be a good idea to break your mother's sudden good mood," though it's really odd that she was able to see that without getting angry. I wonder what could've changed in that short of a time to make it better.

"She was in a good mood?!"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure. Go figure."

Hope briefly flashed across his face, then he arrived at a more stoic expression. "Fine," he huffed, moving away from me and looking at the carnage. His eyes widened, "this might take a while."

"Well let's not do it separately, then."

"Are you kidding? Us? Separate? Not in your wildest dreams. Let's go now, though," he sniffed the air, "dinner smells good."

I cracked a smile at that. It's going to be really difficult to get used to that. I followed him cautiously down the hall, this time forgoing clothing. I was way too much of a mess to risk putting it back on anyway. We got into the shower and Brance started the water. Surprisingly, it was immediately nice and hot. "Why the heck do you get hot water right away?" I jabbed at him.

"Because I'm cooler." The remark was shot back with barely a moment's consideration.

"True..." I said, cocking my head. I ran my finger down his arm, feeling his already-wet fur.

Promptly, he reached back around that arm and handed me a bottle. "Shampoo," he explained, "it's all we've got. I hope it's good enough."

"It should be," I said, taking the bottle and squeezing a little out into my palm. I started to wash my hair, quickly thinking to move to my face and wash off the now-frozen rivulets and splotches of cum. As I did this, I avidly watched Brance wash. He still had his boner, but that wasn't the target of my observations. It had always been a question to me exactly how hybrids washed their fur. Did they have to use anything special? Were there any difficulties? It seemed there were no special tools involved, but Brance's method of moving from head to toe baffled me. His whole body was furred, did it really matter which way he went? Still, I realized, it doesn't really matter which way I go, does it?

By the end of the shower, Brance's swollen member had somehow shrunk back into his sheath, and I was shocked. "Why was it so fast this time?" I asked.

"When it's in you, it's still sort of stimulated," he explained.

Aside from my strange observations, the shower went quickly and without event except for the drying off part; that was funny. When Brance toweled off, I couldn't help but notice how messed up his fur had gotten. Seeing my curious eye, he explained, "It takes some time, but I usually brush it in the morning. If you want, I could teach you how to do it right."

"Sounds cool." I was serious, too.

"Don't want dinner to be cold, do we?" he took my arm in his and walked towards a small room off to the left of the foyer. This time, I obliged, no need for pants clear in my mind. Fifty percent of the household had walked in on Brance and I, and with Brance, that meant seventy-five percent of his family had already seen me naked.

I walked into the dining room to see that everyone was naked. I immediately felt a little awkward, but let Brance lead me to a chair and rather kindly seat me, scooting his own chair a little closer. As I sat, I noticed how good it smelled in that room. I looked over the spread on the table, and my eye encountered a grand total of zero dishes I recognized and four I didn't, so I couldn't attribute any part of the smell to a particular dish, but luckily, I didn't need to figure it out for myself. Brance made up a plate for me right away, explaining what the foods were as he piled them on the plate.

Apprehensively, I picked up a sort of stringy piece of meat, covered in a black breading. Brance said it was fried duck. I put it into my mouth, chewed a little, and was delighted to experience an explosion of flavor within my mouth. It was delightfully zesty with a hint of some spice I didn't recognize. After that, it was easy to eat the other food. I wouldn't have ever imagined it, but the food was better than anything I'd ever had at home.

"So, Roger, did you like it?" the question came from Brance's mother.

Shocked, I turned to her. I hadn't noticed, but none of them had spoken to me since I sat down, and neither had I to any of them. "Yes, Mrs. Haig, it was delicious." My compliment was genuine. Suddenly though, I couldn't hold back a frown as I thought how composed she seemed not only now, but when walking in on the act.

"What's wrong?" she asked, looking truly worried.

"Umm... Mrs. Haig, when you... y'know, why were you so...?"


"... Yes."

"I decided after hearing how you consoled Brance that maybe you weren't as bad as I thought."

"You were listening!?" I looked to Brance and saw a look of shock upon his face.

"Well, It was easy to hear when you started coughing, so I ran to his room, thinking something was wrong, but glancing in, thought it better not to disturb you. I could tell Brance was worried. But I sort of... stayed by the door after and overheard a bit more than I ought to have. Because you were able to put that behind you so quickly, I trust you," seeing my frown, though, she continued, "isn't that what you wanted?"

"Yes," I relented, sort of proud of myself, but still a little uncertain of her genuineness.

"By the way, if you wanted privacy, you shouldn't have done it in a hybrid household."

"Do you mean...?" I looked to Brance, who wore a sheepish grin, then to the rest of his family in turn.

"Uhh... yes," Brance's father admitted.

"Yep," Brance's little sister butted in, "I could hear you guys going at it too." The response was something I totally didn't expect from a little girl, and my mouth hung wide open while my face lit up like a cherry.

Brance reached right over to close my jaw. "She might be a little... well educated... for a fifteen-year-old to you," he explained, "but we find it pretty normal to tell kids early on. After all, we're more likely to catch on given our stronger senses."

I attempted to give him a look that said that doesn't change the fact that it's weird to me!

As though he didn't understand, which wouldn't have been shocking to me, Brance brought my face closer to his. "I know it's weird for you, but if you want to be with me, you're going to have to get used to it as well as some--_other--_items." Then he brought me in for a kiss.

As his lips met mine, I couldn't return his gesture properly. Too many thoughts were going through my mind. Is that really true? Of course it is dumbass! How did I not realize this? But I did. So if I didn't care before, why do I care now? Because his family's here? Because I might get found out at school?

Understanding that I wasn't into it, he ended his kiss. "Again, we can wait. We don't have to be together permanently yet."

I looked around the table and saw disappointment plastered on everyone's face, then I looked back to Brance, and saw nothing but sadness upon his. "Oh, who am I kidding?" This time, I leaned in for the kiss, but not the whole way. I waited a second for him to close the gap, and was rewarded with the pleasant sensation of his tongue across my lips. Following suit, I licked his chops, getting a taste of the dinner we'd just shared.

"Roger, we may be more accepting of it, but we'd still appreciate it if you kept the act in the room." This was said by Brance's mother.

Brance pushed me away from him, but kept his hands on my shoulders.

"But Brance started it!" I complained.

"Fair enough," Mr. Haig agreed, "Brance...?"

"May we be excused?" Brance looked quizzically to his parents.

"Yes," they both answered, which set his tail wagging.

Brance pecked me on the cheek and pulled me to his room. It was odd, but at that time, I realized that I liked being pulled around by him. Just giving him that much control made me happy, and I figured I wouldn't mind it if he led me around for the rest of my life.

When in his room, door shut behind us, he jumped on his bed and set himself on all fours, raising his rump in the air. "Your turn," he said playfully, gleaming red cock already starting to poke out from his sheath.

I just looked at him like he'd sprouted another head.

"Lube's over there." He ignored my confusion and pointed me towards the black bottle with a tilt of his head.

I stood for a moment, then caught up to his line of thought. Oh, that's right. As I went and grabbed the lube, he repositioned himself so that his posterior was even more exposed, his tail still wagging. I carefully squeezed some of the lube into my hand, then slathered my cock--which was already growing--in it. As I approached him from behind, I asked him, "are you sure?" he nodded quickly, then I got on the bed behind him. He raised his tail to the side, exposing his hole to me. By now, I had grown to full size (about six inches compared to what must have been twelve inches he had), and I was eager to fuck him for my first time.

"Just be fast about it," he advised.

I guided my prick to his hole, wanting badly to be inside of that nice, black pucker surrounded by a field of almost orange fur. When I knew I was in position, I thrust in as hard as I could.

"Yeowch!" Crap, too far too fast, I had sunk my entire length in one shot. That was way more than Brance had made me take on his first thrust.

"Sorry," I apologized, moving to pull out.

"Woah, where do you think you're going?" Brance said jokingly, putting one of his paws on my backside and nearly losing his balance in the process. "It always hurts at first, but I want the pleasure of pleasuring you."

I smiled at his words. "Okay then, get ready to be banged silly." I pulled out most of the way then slammed back in, finding the feeling of his tight entrance better than anything I had yet felt. I soon got up a rhythm of my own, and was banging away at his behind. As I felt my climax approaching, I made my thrusts longer and slower, trying to draw out the feeling. Brance didn't want that, though.

"Harder," he begged me.

The neediness in his voice drove me to continue to completion. I went back to an even more rapid pace. The moans this drew from him egged me on, and before I knew it, I was coming inside of him, planting my dick as firmly in his ass as I could. Once my short burst was over, I lay on his back, drained.

"That... Felt... Amazing," Brance breathed.

"I hope so," I said, breathlessly. Then, as if I could steal some of his breath away, I pulled out and flipped Brance over to stare up at me. I carefully observed that he hadn't spilled his seed yet, and collapsed on top of him, kissing him. I also moved my hand down to his member, giving the appendage between us as much attention as I could while taking in my lover's breath. For a while, we kept at it, sharing the same air, until Brance stiffened beneath me and I felt warmth spreading between us. Brance ground up onto me, seemingly relishing the feeling of release.

As his spurts slowed down, and I no longer felt a spreading puddle beneath me, I quickly got an idea. I hadn't really been focusing on the flavor the first time I tasted Brance's seed, but I still wanted to know, so I sat up on his legs, eliciting a growl of disagreement, and moved a little closer to his lower regions, finding just what I wanted, a puddle of sticky stuff on his beautiful furred belly. Sticking my tongue out, I lowered my face to the base of his belly and dragged it across his fur, licking a line in the cum puddle and finding that I actually liked--no, loved--the flavor. It was addictively salty, and had an amazing creamy texture. I proceeded to basically lap up the puddle on his body, being sure not to miss a drop. The moans this caused were like music to my ears, and drove me to complete my task.

When I was done, I rose once more to kiss him and was surprised to have the tables turned, him flipping me onto my back and licking my belly clean. The major difference with me, though, was that I couldn't keep from laughing as he did so. "Stop," I begged, "that tickles," but Brance didn't stop, and he continued until all of his jism had been removed from my body.

"That beats a shower any day," he said cheerily, right before kissing me for as long as he could (which turned out to be a while). "Wanna spoon?" he asked as we recovered from that kiss.


"Can I be in front this time?"

"Of course!"

"'K then." Brance got off from on top of me and set himself to face away from me.

I turned towards him and put my arms around his furred waist. "It's sort of like you're a big, frisky puppy," I laughed.

"Only for you," he lovingly chided me.

After that, we lay in silence, and I eventually drifted off to sleep, in which my dreams were much more pleasant than I remembered them being.

"Morning, sleepyhead!" I came to at the sound of the words.

"Just ten more minutes," I whined, trying to pull the covers over my face.

"Oh no you don't," the voice persisted, followed by a warm wetness across my forehead. Wait a sec, that voice doesn't belong in bed. I cracked an eye reluctantly only to see Brance kneeling over me, licking my face, tail wagging wildly.

"Wha-"My mind was still rather fogged from sleep.

"Do you want to be late for school, Roger, or are you going to get up before it's too late?"

"Brance, why are you-" as I looked downwards, I saw Brance's nakedness and all of last night came back to me. I softened, my fear quickly replaced by happiness as I thought of what our relationship had become.

"Why am I what?" he asked innocently.

"Never mind," I said, "I just have two important questions."

"Okay," Brance looked at me seriously.

"One. How long do we have? Two. Why are you acting like such an overexcited little puppy?"

"Well, it's about six o-clock and what do you mean overexcited? I think I'm entitled to be more than a little happy. I have a new boyfriend after all."

"That you do." I got up on my elbows and kissed him awkwardly. "I guess we have to get going then, wouldn't want to be late to being early to calc, and after last night, I reckon you'll be needing a shower."

"I already took my shower," Brance answered, "I just remembered about the lesson I promised you last night and thought I'd wake you up for it."

"What lesson?"

"Why fur-brushing, of course."

"Oh," strangely, I found myself interested. "And when does this lesson start, teacher?"

"As soon as I get you out of bed." Brance tugged on the sheets, exposing my body.

"Darn it, you oaf," I yelped, crossing my arms and trying to stay warm, "I don't have the blessing of fur, and believe me, it's cold in the morning."

"Well, I guess I'll have to warm you up, then," he dropped down onto me and rolled us off the bed, enveloping me with his furry arms. We landed on the floor with a shared "umph!"

"Sorry," he apologized, pushing himself off the ground.

"It's okay," I said, grabbing his outstretched paw so that he could pull me up. "Let's get going on that lesson so that we can get going to school."

"Good, my fur dries quickly. Would you like to put on your clothes first?"

"When do you plan on leaving?"

"Around 6:30. Why?"

"Just deciding if I should put on my clothes yet."


"Yeah, I don't want to get caught with my pants down, so to speak."

"Okay then," Brance laughed, "Please hurry, though. I'd like my fur not to be a mess when I get to school."

"I will," I complied, pulling on my shirt.

Brance stepped out of the room, presumably to go back to the bathroom and wait for me. I continued to skip around while trying to put on my boxers and shorts. I checked to make sure that everything I needed for the day was in my backpack, and when I was satisfied, I made my way to the bathroom. I knocked on the door jokingly and was answered by a cloud of steam escaping from behind the door.

Brance pulled me in quickly. "Ready?" he asked.

"Uh, sure. Why are you running the shower?"

"Steam keeps my fur from settling too soon."

"Oh, that's interesting. So, are we going to start with this?"

"Sure." Brance turned off the water and handed me a brush. "You can start with my back." I went around him and tentatively started to brush his fur. "Good, keep going down for the most part. I'll tell you when you reach something that needs to go a different way." As I reached lower and lower, I moved to his legs, and was surprised to find the task overly simple. Maybe he just likes the idea of me doing it. As I was nearing his heels, he finally spoke up. "That's far enough, now try going to my sides. You're gonna want to brush it a little bit down and towards my front." I followed his directions, I thought, but he stopped me. "A bit more down than that."

As I complied, he seemed happy with my work. He stopped me at about ankle height on each of his sides. Before I could move to his front, though, he put a hand on my shoulder saying, "you're doing great, but I think we need to hurry," he politely took the brush from me and let me watch as he quickly ran it through his chest fur downwards, directing it in towards the center of his belly. I shuddered as that brush traced over his well-sculpted chest. "Oh come on, you're hornier than me." The sudden interjection into my thoughts caught me off guard. "I can smell you from a mile away."

"Sorry." I blushed brightly as I apologized.

"It's okay. Come back to my room. I'll get dressed then we can leave."

"Sounds good."

When we were in his room, I checked through my backpack one more time, just to make sure, then looked up to see Brance fully clothed. Darn, and I'm probably not going to be able to see that bod for a while now. I silently cursed our situation.

"Got everything?" he asked.


"Then let's go." He laced his arm in mine and walked me to the door, where his mother was waiting.

"Ready to go?" she asked.

"Yes," Brance and I replied in unison.

"You have everything you need, Roger?"

"Yes, Mrs. Haig. Thank you for having me, by the way."

"Oh, it's no problem... at least... now it's not. Feel free to come over again."


"The car's open, we just need to wait for Gryetta, then we'll be ready."

"O-" I began, but Brance pulled me out the door. As he pulled me to the car, a passerby--a grayish-furred lioness--looked at us in surprise, stopping in her tracks.

"Is everything alright, Brance?" she questioned.

"Yeah!" Brance said happily, holding me close. "This is just Roger. He's my friend. Rodge," he turned his gaze to me, "this is Graria Jarset." He gestured to the lioness with an outstretched paw.

"Really?" Graria snickered, "Just a friend?"

I blushed as Brance answered a little too hastily. "Yes."

"Yeah, right. Even if you weren't cuddling like a couple, I could tell that scent for miles."

I blushed even redder. "Uhh..."

"It's okay, Rodge, she doesn't care." He flashed a look to the feline. "Do you?"

"Nah, I think it's cute. Just be careful." Graria continued on her walk. I looked to Brance, seeking some explanation as to the strange encounter. None was forthcoming, though, as he pulled open the car door and ushered me in, snuggling up to me unnecessarily.

A minute later, Mrs. Haig showed up with Gryetta, having her sit in the front seat and starting up the car. Silently, we started our journey to school.

For the most part, I was happy to let Brance stay close to me, but about halfway through the ride, a gasp from his mother made me pull away from him. "What? What is it?" I asked.

All I had to do for my answer, though, was look around a bit more. I shared a gasp with Brance as we gazed out through the windows.

"Holy crap! Mom, it's snowing!" The remark from Gryetta tore us both away from our thoughts.