Zero - The Story of the silent Hero – Chapter 25 - Time to say Goodbye

Story by Shingomera on SoFurry

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#25 of Legends

Last one. FINALLY !

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Zero - The Story of the silent Hero - Chapter 25 - Time to say Goodbye

Mila woke up really early. It was still dark outside but it was late enough to stay up and that she did. She carefully moved herself away from Emil who was still sleeping with a really big smile on his face.

She tried her best to make not much noises, what was really hard for her because her slit was hurting her really much but she managed it to move into the bathroom without waking him.

20 Minutes later she came out of the bathroom and went to the kitchen. There she checked the freezer and came up with the thing that something was missing. Sausages and milk was there but no Butter.

„Well... Seems like that I have to buy some. How late is it?..... AH 7 AM. Nice. I better go before he wakes up. " She said to herself and began to move.

She took her jacket and her jeans on to leave but the jeans was a little problem for her. She had always worn a jeans that was going close to her Body but now her slit was burning and her jeans was intense that feeling.

„SHIT!!!! NNNNHHHHH..... I cannot put that jeans on..... AAAAHHHH..... I hope that he has nothing against that!" Mila said while she placed her jeans aside and took one of his jeans.

She carefully moved herself into it and just like magic, the jeans was big and long enough to fit her. OK... The legs were too long but that was the lowest problem at all.

Once she was ready, she left the house and moved towards the City.

_ I only hope that I will not get lost._ She thought to herself. I better try to record the way I´m walking.

She was already walking for 10 minutes when she came up with another thought.

Maybe I should buy some Hair color. He said that he had liked my Red....... HOLY...... I GOT LOST AGAIN!!!!

She had left the way and had ran into the woods because she had been too deep into her fantasy world but she wasn´t lost. Only a few seconds later, she heard a familiar Voice in her Head.

Seems like that you are a hopeless Case. HIHIHI.

„Yeah... Put more salt into my wound Laila. I deserved that. "

Sorry. If you wish I lead you.

„Yes. Please lead me to town. "

Then follow me.

„Where are you? "

* NINE *

Laila appeared behind a tree and Mila moved to her. Together they walked back to the right path and then they walked towards the City. While they walked they talked over different things. Most time over their Boys.

„I bet that your Mate would do everything for you. " Mila said.

No. Not everything.

„Not? What would he do not? "

He wouldn´t mate with another female. Laila said with a devilish smile.

„OH YOU!!! That I didn´t meant. "

I Know.... He is such a sweat and kind Soul. He only needs to look at me and he knows what I´m thinking without using his telepathic. He.... He is.... It´s like with you and Emil.

„I understand..... Tell me please.... Is he a good Lover? "

Laila blushed deeply on that question and Mila understood that she had asked a wrong question.

„I´m sorry. You don´t need to answer if you don´t want to. "

.... He is...... The......... The..... I never had such good feelings when he does me. NNNNNHHHHHHHHH......

Laila made a pain filled face and she had to stop. Mila also stopped and looked at her.

„Are you in Heat?" Mila asked and Laila nodded a yes.

„Do you want to go back to him so that he can take care of it? "

Laila nodded a no and said quickly to Mila.

First I have to bring you to town and back. Then I...... MMMMMHHHHH.... I have promised Emil to look over you and that...... I...... NNNNNHHHHH....

„Then let us go quick so that we can be back as early as possible. "

Said, done. Within 10 minutes they reached the town and Mila moved into it to buy the things she needed but there was something she and Laila hadn´t known and noticed. Someone had followed them.

Mila needed about 40 minutes to get all she wanted and now she was on her way back to Laila.

„I hope that I have not forgotten something. Let´s see. Butter? Checked! Hair color? Checked! .......... "

She checked all and she found out that she had all. Now she had reached the town exit but Laila was nowhere to be seen.

„HHMMMM.... Strange. She said that she wanted to wait here and I´m more then sure that I´m on the right exit. HHHHHMMMM...... LAILAAAA!!!! "

She called her but first she didn´t got a respond but after she called for a second time she got one.


..... I´m here!!!

„Where? "

Behind the bush to your right but please don´t come here.

Too late. Mila had walked over to the Bush and moved it aside.


Was it sounding in Mila´s Head but it had been to late again. Mila saw why Laila had said her not to come and she couldn´t do other than do a blushing smile.

She had caught Laila in a sweat position. Standing back on back with another Ninetails and they both blushed hardly on her smile and look.

That´s not funny!!! Laila said while she looked away.

"I´m.... I´m sorry..... Well..... Seems like that this is your Mate. Right? "

The Male nodded a quick yes while Laila made a slow yes.

I´m sorry. I couldn´t...... He was suddenly there and..... And..... I couldn't resist.... I only wanted to do a little quickie but.... It turned out more....

„TTSSSCCHHHH.... I understand you. And to be honest... I would do it with him also if I would be in your Position. He looks strong and handsome. "

The Male´s face became red like an apple on her words and Laila was only able to say.

Thank you.

„Well... Seems like that your Tie will take some time but I don´t have some so.... I try my luck again. See ya and.... " Laila moved close to the Males Ear and whispered something into it.

Whatever she had said to him, it had the effect that he did a wrong move and let Laila yelp in pain.

A few moments later, Mila left the pair and went on the way back.

She walked the way back that they had come but soon she was lost in the woods again.

„FUCK NO!!! Why do I always get lost? "

She stopped on a tree and lent against it.

„Do I always have to get the help of someone to find my way?..... OH if only Emil would be here now.... "

Her knees gave in and she sank together but not for long because she suddenly felt something wet on her face.

She looked up to see what it had been and got surprised. It was her little Growlithe, Sima who was licking her face.

„HEY.... From where did you came? HHMMMM... "

" FU.... FUKANO..... KANO.... FU.... "

„OH God. I wish that I could understand you like Emil can. "

The little Growlithe jumped down from her and moved to her left leg. There she bit into her jeans and began to drag her.

„You want me to follow you?" Mila asks and the Growlithe nodded a quick yes.

„HAHA.... OK. Lead the way. "

Together they walked back to the Ranch. First Sima was in front of Mila but after 3 steps Mila was in front because Sima had to run 2 Steps to do the distance that Mila did in 1 step.

Once Mila was in front she stopped and turned to face Sima. Then, right after she had found her, she moved down and moved her right hand under the Belly of Sima to take her up.

Sima on the other side felt unsure because the last time someone had wanted to pick her up was that time when she was on the edge of being raped by that idiotic trainer but once she felt the warm hand of Mila on her Body, she became relaxed and let herself move up without a command.

Mila placed Sima on her right shoulder and said to her.

„This way is much better. You show me the way by pointing and I do the walking. OK? "

Sima did a really happy bark and then they went on.

They worked perfectly together. Sima only needed to point shortly and Mila moved into that direction.

Finally after 20 minutes, they arrived at the ranch.

Mila moved quickly into the house in hope that Emil was still sleeping but once she opened the door, she got welcomed by a sweat scent.

Emil had woken up shortly after she had left the house and he had done the same things Mila had, except for one thing. He hadn´t left the house. Instead he had taken some freeze bun out of the freezer and now he was backing them. He had also made some fresh Coffee and tea and when Mila entered the kitchen, he welcomed her with a little posy.

„Welcome home my dear. " He said with a really big smile and Mila answered.

„Did you all did that for me? I.... I mean that you send Laila and Sima to help me?"

He nodded a yes and said.

" I know that you are good in getting lost, so I send Laila to your Aid first but a few minutes after she had gone, I saw her Mate following her and I only needed to count one and one together. I already had my closes on when I discovered that my Jeans was missing and while I searched for another one I heard Sima stretching her Claws on the entrance door. She wanted to see her mother and I told her that you had moved into the woods to find her and well.... She went after you and luckily she had found you. Good job little one. "

Emil moved a hand to Sima´s Head and softly stroked it.

„Now come on. Let us fill our empty stomachs before..... Well..... " He blushed deeply just as Mila when she finished his start. " Before we 2 have some fun like Laila and her Mate had when I found them. "

„Found on action or....."

„I found them in Tie position. Back on back. "

They both said nothing on. They placed the needed things on the table and then they ate together with Sima, who became a big pile full with Special Fire Pokémon food as a thank you.

After they had finished, Emil took Sima outside of the house where the youngsters where already playing with each other.

„OK Sima. Now go and play with your friends till the sun is up high and don´t hold back with your fun. Enjoy your time. "

That he didn´t needed to say twice. Since Mila had taken her as one of her Pokémon, she had somehow managed to have better control over her Firepower and the other Pokémon had discovered that, even if Mila hadn´t had done some training with her yet. Now they played many games with her and they had a ton of fun together. She would surely come home only to eat something and then to be of again.

Emil walked back to the house and once he closed the door he felt Mila´s arms going around his Body.

„Thank You. " Mila said.

„For what?" Emil asked back.

„For being so nicely. For being there when I needing you. For..... For being my Husband and my.... First. "

" ...... ". He didn´t said a word. Instead he slowly turned inside her arms and placed his Lips on hers.

Once they broke the Kiss he said.

„I have to thank you for finally freeing me. I have also.... to thank you that.... You allow me to be your Husband and that.... You gave IT to me. "

Now she was the one who placed her Lips on his Mouth and she also started something other. From the moment on, when they kissed, her fingers began to move into his tracksuit pants, straight to his growing erection.

She had him already half hard when they were disturbed by someone knocking on the window.

Instinctively, Mila moved away from Emil who let out a low Moan of unhappiness. He had already thought of nailing her on the Wall or floor but now Zero had killed the Mode as always.

However, Emil had to open the entrance door to let Zero in but when he opened the door, no one was coming in. Instead he heard Zero talking from the outside to him.

„Please come to the stage backside with Mila. It is really important what we 2 have to tell you. "

Then Zero flew away, leaving a surprised Emil behind.

„What did he told you?" Mila asks.

„He wants us to come to the backside of the stage but he didn´t told me why. He also said that you should come with me. "

„Well..... What are we waiting for? Let´s go...... MMMMMMHHHHHH..... " Emil had grabbed her face softly, only to place another kiss.

Seconds later he broke the kiss and slammed the entrance door shut.

„We will go but only after we have finished what we had started. " Emil said and fixed Mila on the Wall.

A moment later, Emil had undressed Mila and himself and now he was pinning her on the wall and his tip was standing ready on her slit.

Another moment later it happened. He moved up her right leg a bit and placed another kiss. On the same movement he pushed all of his inches into her, letting her scream and Moan into his mouth.

Once he was all in he began to hump her and he didn´t wasted some time with on going slow. He was already so needy to empty himself into her that he began to hump her hard and fast.

In response to his hard hump she moved her both legs around his Body, giving him a perfect angle to hump her. Normally she would have dropped down to the earth on that action but Emil didn´t let her. He had place both of his hand on her ass to prevent her from dropping down.

He felt his Orgasm build quickly and he knew that he wouldn´t hold back long but he wanted to last as long as he could but Mila had other plans. She came from out of a sudden and without warning. The feelings of her Walls on his dig caught him completely off guard. He came but unluckily, he came when he pulled out of her by a mistake and now nearly all of his cum was covering her stomach. Only the half of his first shot had gone the right way.

„PANT..... PANT...... PANT..... You should warn........ PANT..... PANT..... Me before you come.... PANT " Emil managed to say.

„AAAHHHHH....... HAHHHHH.......HHHHAAAAAAHHHHH...... And let the opportunity slip away to see you getting surprised? PANT..... PANT..... No way. "

Both began to look into each other's Eyes before they broke out in a loud laugh.

10 minutes later

They both had regained enough strength and now they were standing on the backside of the stage.

„ZERO!!!!" Emil shouted and a moment later a heavy panting Mew appeared behind a bush.

„Mew....... Mew....... Mew, Mew..... Mew....... " Zero said to Emil while Mila only looked at Emil.

„He said that Nora will come a bit later because.... Well.... You see him. Think for yourself what they both did. " Emil said to Mila with a bright smile.

„I don´t need to think. It´s all visible. Tell me Zero. Are you in Love with her or are you..... " She was cut by a loud ....


.... And Zero moved his both Hands so that they build a heart form.

„AAAAHHHHHH.... Finally. Finally she has found her luck. Well.... I hope that you 2 will become proud parents sometime. If not.... well... You know that your brother can help you. "

„I don´t think that I need to help them. " Emil said from behind.

„Why not? Are their species compatible with each other? "

„Normally not but.... " Emil moved his Head down.

„But What? "

„Zero!!! Is she ready?" Emil asked Zero and Zero nodded a yes after he had looked back to the Bush.

„Mila... There is something that..... They both have to tell you. Nora please. Show yourself. "

The Bush began to rustle and only a second later, Nora showed up in her true form.

From the look of her true form, Mila was stunned or surprised or whatever. She was only standing there with wide Eyes.

It took her nearly a minute to bring out some babbled words.

„A..... Are you...... R....... Really...... N....... Nora? "

Nora nodded a yes.

„YY..... YYYYYYYYIIIIIIIII............... YIPPY!!!! JUHU!!!!! I´m having a Mew as my Partner Pokémon. OH How great is this Day??? "

Mila began to dance and wanted to dance with Nora but once she tried to take one of Nora´s Paws, Nora gave a loud....


...... And retreated.

Nora stopped her dance and asked her.

„Did I did something wrong? "

Nora nodded a No.

„Then why don´t you want to dance with me like always? "

„Mew... Mew, Mew, Mew..... Mew.... MEW!!! "

Mila moved her Head to ask Emil of what Nora had said but while she began to turn, she heard Emil shouting at Zero.


Now Zero nodded a yes.

„HOW COULD YOU??? THIS.... THIS.... " Emil ran away with tears in his Eyes and Zero followed him.

„Emil wait!!!" Mila shouted after him but he was already gone.

„OH Great. What should I do now? I´m standing here with one of my Pokémon's and my only translator has ran away. But why did he ran? Why did him...... UUUMMMMMM???? "

Nora had flew towards Mila´s right Hand and had moved it up a bit and sideways so that she could now lay herself into it.

A strange warm feeling ran through Mila´s Body as if someone had set a fireplace to burn.

„What is this? I feel so warm. "

„This..... Is my gift to you. "

Mila had heard a female Voice but she wasn´t able to locate the source.

„What? Who said this? "

„HAHAHAHAHA..... Your Hand feels cold. "

„My..... Hand....?" Mila looked down to her Hand only to face Nora.

„Did you...... " She began.

„Yes I did. " Nora directly answered while she nodded a quick yes.

„H.... How? ..... Why? "

" I only activated this ability in your Head by moving myself into your Hand to send some of my energy into you, just like Zero had done it on instinct when he was found by Emil and why ?.... Because you deserve it....... hhhhaaaannnngggggghhhhhhh......... "

Mila had grabbed Nora with both hands and now she pressed her close to her face. Kissing and hugging her nearly everywhere.

„HAHAHAHA.... I still cannot believe it..... I´m a trainer of a Mew that has giving me a really nice gift.... OH what a wonderful Day is it today?"

Mila began to dance but only for some seconds because Nora broke the grip and flew away a few feets while she said with some tears forming in her Eyes.

„This is a really bad Day!!! "

„What??? Why that now?? " Mila asked perplexed.

„I..... It´s.... " Tears began to run down Nora´s Face. " It will be the Day....... SNIFF...... On that I have to....... SNIFF...... SNIFF......... Leave your Side....... For....... For....... Foreverrrrrrrrrrr... "

Mila now looked in disbelieve at Nora when she said.

„Why are talking like that? OK. You have now mated with Zero and you will become a mother soon but why do you talk..... " Nora cut her Hard by saying.

„Please Mila..... Stop..... Please don´t make it ...... that much harder for me... "

Nora began to fly lower and lower as if something was dragging her down to the earth. Mila saw that and moved closer to her. Once close enough she took her into her Arms and whispered into her Ear.

„Tell me why you said that you leave me forever. "

„SNIFF..... SNIFF...... B...... Before...... I came to this......SNIFF...... Time...... Zero was the.... Only one Mew...... Alive..... SNIFF.... "

„A.... Another time? " Mila asked.

„SNIFF..... Zero landed her by......SNIFF..... Accident and..... SNIFF.... SNIFF....." Nora moved herself deeper into Mila´s shoulder before she talked on.

„Arceus send me...... to find him...... and..... and...... To bring him back......... SNIFF..... To let him fulfill his destiny as a Hero........SNIFF..... And me as his Wife. "

Mila moved her Hand over the little Head and stroked it softly. This ended in the result that Nora´s tears became endless and her sobbing's became screams.

„My little Nora.... " Mila started after a minute or two of silence. " When I found you, you were nearly death because you hadn´t eaten something for Days. I gave you food and you gave me your trust. Together we fought many fights and I was so happy that you gave me my first band. And now you make me happy again. "

Mila took Nora from her shoulder and moved her in front of her Eyes. Nora on the other side was still crying but she was listening to each word and those words where going deep into her.

„You brought Emil and me together. You gave me hope. You gave me the will to life so come on. Show me a smile. Stop crying and be happy. Be happy for me and also be happy that your Life is now a Life worthy to be lived. You are going to become mother soon and no matter where you are or at which time, you can always come back to me. "

At that moment, a white light appeared a few meters away from them and Nora slowly moved her Head towards it saying.

„It..... Is.... Time....... SNIFF..... "

A Few minutes earlier at Emil´s side

Emil had ran a few meters when he finally came to a stop. Closely behind him was Zero who stopped 1 meter behind him.

„B.... Brother?" Zero asked slowly.

„I.... I will not..... Let you go. " Emil answered with a sobbing Voice.

„But.... I have to go. "

„Why do you cannot stay? Why do you cannot life in this time? "

„You know why. You know why I have to leave!!!" Zero said while he flew in front of Emil´s face.

„SNIFF..... Yeah...... I do but......SNIFF.... It´s not fair. "

„Life is never fair and you know that also. You gain something and you lose something in return. "

„I..... I..... SSSSSNNNNNIIIFFFFF...... I call you back to your Ball..... Please...... SSSNNNIIIFFFF..... Stay. "

„You can call me back but what would it bring you? Will you really risk it that your Life would come even worse and / or lonely? "


„You will lose me yes but in return you are getting happy with Mila and soon..... You will become father. Doesn´t that makes it worth to...... to.... mmmmppppfffhhhhhh... "

Emil had grabbed Zero´s Body and was now pressing him onto his while his tears began to run.

„I..... I..... SNIFF..... Please..... Think of me sometimes...... SNIFF..... "

Emil released Zero and Zero flew a feet away. Then he said while he layed his right Paw on his Belly.

„You will always be here my friend...... My Family....... My Brother. "

They were both on the edge of nonstop crying when the white light appeared behind them.

„SNIFF... Seems like that it´s time for me to go. " Zero said and turned in place but before he flew to the light he said to Emil.

„Please brother. Come with me. "

Emil did it without saying something. Together they walked to the light where Mila and Nora were already waiting for them.

Zero moved to Nora´s right side while Emil slowly moved over to Mila. Once they had taken their places Zero said.

„Now that it is time, there is only one more thing to do..... Please..... Give us free. "

Emil then moved his Head to translate but before he could say something, Mila said to him.

„I have understood him. "

„H..... How?" Emil sobbed out.

„Nora..... Gave me the ability to. Just like Zero did on you. "

„SNIFF.... Th...... Then..... "

Emil moved his Hand slowly to his back and took Zero´s Ball into his Hand. Mila did the same and together they moved their Balls in front of them, pointing on Zero and Nora. At that moment and from out of nowhere, the sky became dark and some thunder was heard.

Emil´s and Mila´s Hands were shaking hard and it was clearly to be seen that they were fighting their Minds. They wanted to keep them but in the end their will won. They both turned their hands so that the downside of the Ball was hanging in the Air and with heavy sobs they both said together.

„I give you free. "

They opened their Hands and the Balls exploded on the grounds.

Now Zero and Nora were free to go everywhere they wanted and they followed their Destiny but before they left, they had something more to say. First one was Zero to speak.

„We both have to thank you for all that you did for us. Without you.... our Life would surely had gone wrong or much more different. Please.... take this last gift from Arceus and us as a really big thank you. "

Zero and Nora moved their Paws in front of them and only a second later, a white light was seen for a few seconds. When the light faded, Zero and Nora where holding both an egg in their Paws.

They both moved over to Emil and Mila and while they handed over the eggs Nora said.

„Please... Look over them as you did with us. Gave them the love you gave us and when the time comes... Help them to find their ways together with your Child that is already growing in you Mila. "

Mila and Emil moved a Hand to Mila´s Belly and Mila said before she broke out in tears.

„I swear that.... I will give my best.... In raising them.... " Then she broke out in tears and laid her Head on Emil´s shoulder.

„We both will do it. " Emil said while he was also close again to tears but till now, he had managed to hold them back.

Zero and Mila then gave them a smile that was more forced then wanted because they were also fighting their wish to stay.

After a little pulse from the white Gate, they were standing in front of, Zero and Nora slowly turned and flew also slowly into it.

Emil was still fighting his tears while he looked at them leave.

Mila on the other side didn´t wanted to look at them. She was only hoping that this was a nightmare and she tried to think of something nicely but everything she thought of brought more pain into her Body because each nice moment she thought of had something to do with Nora.

Zero and Nora had now reached the Gate and they took each other's Paw hard while they flew in and while they did, Zero said.

„Please..... Don´t forget us. "

That set was enough to let Emil break out in tears while he screamed.


„I WILL NEVER FORGET YOU NORA!!! " Mila screamed also in a reflex.

Then the Gate closed and the last things that had been seen and heard from Zero and Nora was a pain filled MEW scream and 2 faces full of tears.

6 Months later

Since that Day, time had moved quickly.

Emil had given up to work for the Daycare and now Shannon was leading it together with the trainer, which Emil had won against. They had both fallen in Love and the trainer had become a good breeder in the end.

Like Nora had said, Mila was pregnant and now she was in the 6 month of carrying.

Today was a hectic Day because Michelle`s and Laila´s contractions had set in and now they were both laying in Emil´s Labor since midday.

„How long does a birth needs normally?" Mila asked Emil who was running around 2 tables with each Poke girl laying on it.

„That depends on the Poke girl. " He answered. „Normally it takes around 2 hours but it also happens that a female can go through it within 2 Days. "

„FORGET THAT...... AAAHHHHHH...... " Michelle screamed from the side. " TAKE THEM OUT OF....... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!"

Michelle was already going through her contractions since 4 Hours and hadn´t not layed one yet. Laila on the other table was already at her second egg which was already visible at her entrance.

„Can you not do something??? " Leon asked worried.

„I cannot!!! I first need a second meaning before I can go on. " Emil answered.

„TO HELL WITH....... AAAAHHHHHHHHHH....... GET THEM OUT OF MEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! " Mila screamed again but this time Emil screamed back.


Mila looked into Emil´s face in pain driven fear.

„Good!!! Now just try to stand it. I know that it is hard but please.... No pushing until.... " Right at that moment, Joy entered the Labor.

„I´m sorry folks. I´ve had some trouble on my Center as well. Nearly each trainer Pokémon is about to give birth or already has. "

„AHHH Finally... Please come over her and take a look. " Emil said and pointed over to Michelle back.

Joy quickly moved over there and did a look first. Then she moved her Hands over Michelle Body, letting Michelle start to shake in pain because her touch triggered another contraction. Once Joy had finished her check she said.

„You were right Emil. It is like you said. We need to hurry now. "

„Shit!!! OK. You do your preparations while I´m starting. " Emil answered and moved over to Mila.

„Understood. " Joy answered and began to wash her Hands.

Once Emil had reached Mila, he said to her.

„Hun. You have to do something for me. "

„What is it?" She answered.

„Please take Leon and leave this room. And don´t come back in until I told you. NO matter what happens. OK? "

Mila only nodded a yes because all over the month she had managed to read his face and now he was showing a hardly concentrated one. This face he only showed when something could go wrong easily.

Leon on the other Hand wasn´t that happy that he was forced to leave Michelle´s side but he had no other choice because when he started to protest, Mila showed his Poke ball and made clear that he hadn´t no other choice then to leave. Just like Emil had done it with Zero some Days.

When Mila had left the room with Leon, Laila laid her second and last egg. Right afterwards she collapsed on the table, breathing hard.

„Joy. Could you please look over Laila? I´m quiet busy here. "

Joy nodded a yes and looked over Laila and both of her eggs. Meanwhile Emil set himself right next to Michelle and said to her while he placed his hands on her back, letting her shudder slightly.

„Michelle. I´m afraid to tell you that.... your first birth will be..... A really painfully one for you. You see.... You are carrying 2 eggs also and they both want to come out as one. "

Michelle did a few deep breathes before she talked.

„Can you...... NNNNHHHH...... Fix it? "

„Yes I can but..... You will go through hell and I cannot do something against that... You will surely be knocked out because of the pain. "

Michelle looked at Emil as good as she could when she asked him.

" Can I..... Die ? "

" Die ??? TSK.....TSK.... TSK.... Not as long as I´m living. "

„Please...... AAAAAHHHHHHH...... SERIOUSLY!!!! "

„It could be possible yes but the chance for that is laying at 10 %. "


Emil had started. He had begun to push and drag on her Body hard and in reflex she moved with his hands.

„Shit!!! Joy! Are you done over there? I need a hand. " Emil shouted over.

„Sorry Emil. I´m in the middle of my work. I do as fast as I can but I need 10 more minutes!!! "

„Fuck!!!! "

„I can help!!" A Voice came barking from Laila´s side.

It had been Laila´s Mate who had talked. A really rare moment because he never talked much but now they didn´t cared and Emil answered.

„Thanks but..... I need someone to fix her Body and.... " He was cut by a harsh bark.

„And I am a power psychic Pokémon that can do many more things that you are able of to think. "

With these words said, the Ninetails moved up all of his tails and only a second later, a purple aura fixed Michelle in place plus Emil was able to see her eggs when he closed his Eyes.

„WWWWOOOOOOUUUUUUWWWWWW!!!! " Was the only thing that Emil was able to say now and he immediately moved on with his work.

Michelle on the other side was near suicide because Emil had been right. The pain she was receiving was nearly too much for this little Body of hers. She screamed nonstop and she tried her best to move away from the pain but the Ninetails power was too much. She was fixed and she had to life with it.

She was on the edge of knocked out when she suddenly felt Emil´s grip on her back upside. Pressing some nerves there and only a second later she felt a hard contraction and heard Emil shouting.

„Now press!!! "

That he didn´t needed to say twice. She pressed with every energy reserve she had left and she suddenly felt something moving deep within her. Something big and round was going straight way to her exit.

2 contractions later

She had finally made it. Her first egg was out and the second one was already on its way.

„OK Michelle. Come on... One more press... Come on Pressing!!! "

„What the hell you think I´m...... AAAAAHHHHHHHNNNNNNNGGGGGGG!!!!!"

The egg had moved and was now half way out.

„GOOD... Now one more time.... Come on..... PRESS!!! "


It had been done. The last egg was out and once she felt the pain vanish, Michelle collapsed. Luckily, Laila´s Mate guided her Body softly to the ground and once her Body touched the table, he let her go only to collapse to the ground as well because he had spent all of his energy to the 2 females. First by assisting his mate with his mental power and then on Michelle.

Now each and every one was panting hard but there was only happiness everywhere also.

Emil took the second egg and carried it carefully to the other three. Once he had placed it, Joy looked over it while Emil moved back to Michelle to do the after work.

He took a piece of a towel and cleaned her back from her blood and the rests of the amniotic sac. Normally Michelle would had done it by herself like Laila had done but she was already in dreamland because of the complicated and long birth.

Once he had finished, he moved over to the entrance and opened it to let Mila and a nerve packet called Leon in.

Immediately, Leon jumped to Michelle side and wanted to talk to her but before he opened his mouth, Emil grabbed him in his back with the child grip and tossed him up.

Leon whimpered and tried his best to move out of the grip but it was useless. He couldn´t do a single move until Emil opened the grip and dropped him behind Michelle. Next Emil said to him or better whispered.

„Be silent!!! The girls are already sleeping tight and you don´t want to wake them, do you? "

Leon gulped deep and did a fast no nod.

„Good Boy.... Now move your Body behind hers like you always do... She needs your Body heat to get back some of her strength."

Leon face began to light up in happiness until he remembered why they were here and he tried to ask Emil but he was interrupted by him. Emil simply pointed over to his left and there was joy standing with a big smile and their 2 eggs in hand.

Leon began to smile as bright like the sun. Finally, he had become father or better said he was on a good way to it but now he had another mission to do.

He moved behind Michelle and took her Body like always but before he placed her in her final position, he and Emil did a last thing for and to her.

First Emil took one of Michelle´s paws and moved a needle into it. On the end of that needle was a bottle with medicaments hanging called infusion. Leon wondered what it was and wanted to ask but again he was overtaken by Emil, who said.

„This is to stable lice her Circulation. Don´t worry. "

Then Leon moved his Head to her Ear and whispered into it because her Body had begun to move wildly of that new pain in her paw.

„Everything is fine. I´m here and I protect you. "

She stopped moving and Leon closed himself around her like always. Meanwhile, Emil, Joy and Mila had gathered around a little table and were looking onto 4 fresh layed Pokémon Eggs.

„HHHHMMMMM...... " Emil grumbled.

„What is it?" Mila asks.

„What? OH Nothing. "

„What? "

„I was only thinking of..... You know. "


„Normally.... She must be in the same situation now.... I only hope that.... they are both fine. "

„Well.... I´m sure they are OK and that..... They are now more than proud over themselves. "

In reality, Nora had already laid her egg 4 Days ago but they were both proud of themselves and they were thinking of Emil and Mila nearly each day.

Back in present Mila asked into the round.

„How close was it and.... Are the eggs fine? "

„The eggs and the females are all fine. " Was all what joy answered but Emil didn´t said a word what brought Mila up the palm.

„Tell me... How close was it? "

„TSSCCCHHHHH!!!!! You will wake them. " Joy said but Mila didn´t listened. Instead she became even louder.

„SAY IT!!! HOW CLOMMMMMMMMHHHHHHPPPPPPFFFFFF. " Emil had shut her mouth by placing a hand on it. Then he looked at her with Eyes she had never seen. They were cold and Lifeless and she understood. It had been very close.

Emil saw that she had understood his look and released her while he said.

„It´s gotten very late. We better go to bed now. In a few hours.... a new Day will be born. "

Said, done. Emil and Mila said bye to Joy and then they walked to their Bedroom to get some rest.

3 months later

The Day had started really early for Mila and Emil because in the morning, Mila´s contractions had started and not only that. The eggs which Zero and Nora had given them had also started to glow in pulses.

Mila´s contractions had already reached the 4 minute mark and Emil was now the one who was running wildly from one point to another.

„Shit!!! What should I do? Help Mila or help the eggs? OHHHHHHH..... Where´s a doctor when you need one? "

„I ´m right in front of you and I tell you for the last time before I kick your ass GO OUTSIDE AND WAIT THERE!!! "

1 hour later

Emil had followed the instructions of the doc and waited outside, hearing the screams of his Wife who was still on it.

„Fuck!!! I need to do something or she will....... But what?" Emil said to himself but of course didn´t got an answer.

Then, from out of nowhere, Emil saw a picture flying in front of his inner Eye. He saw himself and Mila and the 2 eggs..... No.... The 2 Pokémon that are still in these eggs.

It was like that these 2 Pokémon where calling him and he instinctively got up from his chair and moved into the neighbor room in were the eggs were staying on a side table.

They were still glowing in pulses but when he reached them something happened. They began to fly right in front of him and he flew with them.

At the same time at Mila´s side

Mila heard the doctor telling her to press and that she did but at the same time she heard another Voice from deep inside of her.

„Don´t give up. Help is on its way. "

It was Nora´s Voice, even if that wasn´t passible but still it was hears.

Mila was still thinking of what the Voice said when another contraction hit her and the entrance door to this room was slammed open.

„WHAT THE..... Emil I told to....... " The doctor had started but stopped because he wasn´t sure of what he was looking at.

Emil and the 2 eggs flew into the room but Emil wasn´t himself. His look was empty and his mouth was hanging open like he was a Zombie or something like that.

Once near Mila, Emil stopped with the eggs and took one into his hand. The other one moved down to Mila´s face and instinctively, she took it in her Hand.

At that moment, the room was filled in pure white light and for some seconds nothing could be seen. Then, once the light began to fade, screams where heard in the room but it were not screams from Mila.

The light had gone completely and revealed the source of the screams.

2 little Mew´s were screaming in Emil´s and Mila´s arms plus, Mila was somehow holding her son in her other hand.

The doctor and the nurse didn´t knew what to say, just like Emil and Mila.

The rest of that night was only standard for everyone who wasn´t tired.

After the little shock, the nurse took the little Boy to a table and did some checkups while the Baby was screaming for Mila´s Warm Body.

Emil did the same with the little Mew´s and once he had done all, he took them back to Mila, who was already asleep with their Son in a little bed by her bed. He layed one Baby into Mila´s arms and nearly immediately the Mew felt asleep.

Emil set himself into a cheer next to Mila with the other Mew in his hands and his son next to his other hand. Right at this moment he thought of himself and he had to admit that he felt like happiest Man of the world. All he had ever dreamed of had become true. Except the little fact that Zero wasn´t on his side but in return, he had 3 little Babies to look after and that was more than he had ever ask for.

And what was with Zero?


He and his Mate became also a son and after his son had reached the age of 2, he began his work for his God as Zero, the silent Hero on the side of Silver, the right Paw of the devil. Later Silver the Legendary.